I performed one of the magickal love rituals in it on a girl I saw on a dating app.

I performed one of the ‘magickal’ love rituals in it on a girl I saw on a dating app. I stalked her social media so I know her full name and other info. I sent her a DM months ago but she never responded, but that should still qualify as a slight interaction...

It still hasn’t worked yet, though it’s only been one day since I finished it.

When does it start to work, if ever?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    What did you do?

  2. 4 weeks ago

    >words of power
    Sound doesnt travel through your stalking, anon. You need to whisper it into her war while she’s sleeping at night

    • 4 weeks ago

      I want to whisper in your mom's war

  3. 4 weeks ago

    Well, I don't really think it works with strangers.

    I think it was mentioned somewhere in the book that this works best with people you actually interact with.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yes, he more or less says that; that’s why I mentioned I had a slight interaction with her where I DM’d her on the app, and she surely saw it but never replied before I did the ritual. He kind of vaguely said it would still work with people over apps, especially if you’d had any interactions with them. Just not celebrities and absurd shit like that that you’ve never met or corresponded with

      • 4 weeks ago

        DM is not an interaction

  4. 4 weeks ago

    I wpuld never attempt something like this, and Im not talking about ethics here, affecting someones free will like this, im sure it would come back to me in some way.

    Do you think you wont pay a price for this?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Does it really effect their free will? If I'm attractive or she's horny vs I'm unattractive and she's not horny but I cast a spell isn't the spell doing the same thing as her ovulating or me being more attractive?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Its all about the intent, motivation/reason behind your actions.

        If you do not intentionally attempt to affect her free will, and let her make her own choice... It will somehow come back to you.

        If you just honestly shoot your shot, say how you feel, and she likes you, in this scenario you did nothing wrong.

        But see, you consciously chose to attempt to influence her outside of her awareness. You also did not choose to change yourself to be of higher quality, but outside the comfort of your home you cast spells.

        Seems to me you are just digging a hole which will cause you suffering.

        I would personally not have the balls to do this, there are ways to get women which do not include fricking with a force that will frick me up lol

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Which ritual did you use?

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Let me guess; you didn't practice semen retention prior to the ritual? If you're going to commit any ritual, especially involving love and lust, you absolutely need to practice semen retention for weeks beforehand

    • 4 weeks ago

      OP don't get gaslit by bullshit like this:

      >When does it start to work, if ever?
      Have you considered that it just isn't accurate, that it's fake?

      Not that it's not possible, but the method itself is a fake method.

      Do you really think the powers that be would allow a simple easy to use seduction magic method to just be so open to the public?

      • 4 weeks ago

        you are the gaslighter trying to keep the power away from OP

        semen retention is the key OP

        • 4 weeks ago

          >semen retention is the key OP
          Key to being a moronic armchair magician. It's all a placebo and it's rooted in male shame and self loathing. Men who hate themselves for "not getting laid", that's why they "feel better" when they stop jerking off, it's a psychological effect, not physical (hence a placebo).

          Semen Retention and NoFap are nothing but male neutering/castration hate cults where men learn to hate themselves, their sexuality and their true nature.


          I performed one of the ‘magickal’ love rituals in it on a girl I saw on a dating app. I stalked her social media so I know her full name and other info. I sent her a DM months ago but she never responded, but that should still qualify as a slight interaction...

          It still hasn’t worked yet, though it’s only been one day since I finished it.

          When does it start to work, if ever?

          - There is no benefit to it at all.

          >telling someone not to fap is gaslighting
          something you want to tell us?

          >something you want to tell us?
          It's gaslighting because it won't end.

          Let me guess; you didn't practice semen retention prior to the ritual? If you're going to commit any ritual, especially involving love and lust, you absolutely need to practice semen retention for weeks beforehand

          >you absolutely need to practice semen retention for weeks beforehand
          Then when it fails, it will become
          >you absolutely need to practice semen retention for months, this time it will work
          On and on it goes. The only response is always "you haven't repressed your sexuality for long enough", that's the answer you guys have for every question. You guys are like a cult.

          You have to be moron if you think repressing your sexuality is going to amplify sex magic. That will more likely have an opposite effect.

          It's the logical equivalent of telling someone who is trying to use healing magic to spend some weeks prior visualizing and thinking about killing the person dying.

          • 4 weeks ago

            this homie really thinks semen doesn't have any energy

          • 4 weeks ago

            >this homie really thinks semen doesn't have any energy
            >Semen has energy bro so stop fapping
            >Average man produces 200–300 million spermatozoa per day. That's approximately 1,500 per second.
            Sounds like as part of biology we already have a great energy replenishment rate, so there's literally no need to repress yourself sexually.

            You shouldn't bust 20 nuts a day, but once a day literally won't make a difference.

          • 4 weeks ago

            i tend to agree with the taoists and say that in your 20s every day or two is fine, in your 30s every 3 or 4 days is fine, and so on.
            But I'm 36 and get my nuts drained by a nympho every day so yeah listen to what I say not what I do

          • 4 weeks ago

            >listen to what I say not what I do

          • 4 weeks ago

            Liar. Not no fa but once a day will definitely affect energy levels, and other things. As an infrequent masturbator I definitely feel more tired and just overall not great the day after jerking off. Sounds like you are just a coomer who like to whack off so doesn't like nofap.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Many esoteric teachers or masters or gurus or whatever you want to name them talk about not jerking off (like Samael Aun Weor), but of course you wouldn't know that because you're an ignorant Black person, I bet you can't even feel the energy of your hand chakras.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >esoteric teachers or masters or gurus
            >Black person
            I am now 100% sure that I should trust your judgement of who is a legit guru

          • 4 weeks ago

            >I bet you can't even feel the energy of your hand chakras
            Lol this dumb Black person got diabetic nerve shit going on.

            Thanks for letting me know you're completely ignorant and your opinions completely worthless. Keep fapping, bros.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Thanks for letting us know you're the very thing you keep attempting to project onto us.

          • 4 weeks ago

            What very thing? You're grasping at straws, you don't have an argument.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >I bet you can't even feel the energy of your hand chakras
            Lol this dumb Black person got diabetic nerve shit going on.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Lol this dumb Black person got diabetic nerve shit going on.
            I haven't laughed this hard at a EerieWeb post in years. This shit came out of nowhere, it a good thing I wasn't drinking anything my laptop would be fricked.

            Thanks for letting me know you're completely ignorant and your opinions completely worthless. Keep fapping, bros.

            >Thanks for letting me know you're completely ignorant and your opinions completely worthless
            You're describing yourself right now. Humans have literally been busting nuts for thousands of years. We are biologically designed to be able to frick like crazy (unlike all the other animals that have an "estrous cycle" - google it).

            It literally makes no sense that a create with biology that works like that, would suffer significant energy loss from having one orgasm a day.

            Humans are pretty much built to frick lol.

            One orgasm is not going to make you feel tired throughout the entire day, that's all in your head.

            What very thing? You're grasping at straws, you don't have an argument.

            >you don't have an argument
            You can't make this shit up.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Nice try, shit stain. You know shit about shit and any practitioner worth their salt should be able to see right through you.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Why do you talk like a low class ghetto rat piece of trash?

          • 4 weeks ago

            youre so fricking based holy shit
            ive given up on trying to talk to nofap morons and this is coming from someone who managed to abstain for a whole year

      • 4 weeks ago

        >telling someone not to fap is gaslighting
        something you want to tell us?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >the powers that be

    • 4 weeks ago

      go back to you contaiment general you moronic incel

  7. 4 weeks ago

    >Practicing Rituals based in Service to Self crafts and methods for personal gain and profit at the expense of others
    >Sending Curses, hexes and negative energy patterns to people with intent to harm, such as making them sick, ill or wishing them dead
    >Using deceptions, schemes and manipulation with intent to harm another
    >Practicing blood sacrifice or the killing of a living thing dedicated to ritual or cleansing
    >Practicing Black Arts for conjuring elementals and demons to work for the practitioner
    >Acquiring knowledge without tempering higher consciousness that results in Succubus activities or the stealing of others life force for use in selfish gain
    >The use of Alien Implants, inserts or etheric weapons to assault and harass another
    >Black Magic used in sexual acts to conjure forces and bind the soul of the person through rape or forced sodomy.
    >Any sexual act involving lack of consent between parties and/or a child.
    >Any actions or behavior of which the Luciferian or Satanic force is called upon, conjured or embodied.
    Any of these above may qualify a person practicing Black Magic to be called a Black Magician.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Anf what if you send "negative" energy to a chomosexual and wish them dead? Seems overly simplistic...

    • 4 weeks ago

      So? Black Magician Lives Matter.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Woohoo. I'm a black magician! Thanks homosexual!

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Have you tried instead not being a fricking weirdo and joining a social group somewhere

    you're wasting your energy on a fake profile created by someone trying to live a fake life through a fake platform

    you've invested all your hopes and dreams in an illusion and seek results for this? why?

  9. 4 weeks ago

    GoM is either weak sauce plagiarized from lame wiccans and "occultists" from old magic forums like studio arcanis, or extremely watered down and dumbed down stuff from old grimoires. It's hit or miss. And if it's hit or miss, it's not magic - it's just plain ole probabilities.

  10. 4 weeks ago


    >Yea I didn’t go in with high expectations or any real belief. Just figured I’d try it out for shits and giggles mostly kek.
    Hey I'm not saying give up, but understand that there is a lot of garbage out there created to make sales. You have to be objective and do strict testing if you want to ever find anything legit (atleast that's what I believe).

    GoM is either weak sauce plagiarized from lame wiccans and "occultists" from old magic forums like studio arcanis, or extremely watered down and dumbed down stuff from old grimoires. It's hit or miss. And if it's hit or miss, it's not magic - it's just plain ole probabilities.

    >from old magic forums like studio arcanis
    How the frick do I get a studio arcanis account, I've tried creating one over and over and it never goes through. I even tried contacting the owners through the site, no response.

    You can't read the responses in the threads unless you have an account, you can only read the OP as a guest. So I need an account to read specific threads.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I've tried creating one over and over
      The site's been plagued with problems for years. There's times when people with old accounts can't even log in. All the hip "magickians" moved over to dicksort, I guess.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >The site's been plagued with problems for years. There's times when people with old accounts can't even log in. All the hip "magickians" moved over to dicksort, I guess.
        Know anybody willing to lend an account or something lol.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    >Men will risk using black magick and tainting their karma with the worst ink before risk rejection
    the problem nowadays is that men think its some sort of novel;serie;anime;fairytale or some bullshit like that where they are the MC and HAVE to get that ONE girl; yes that one that makes you feel things; and no one else and it has to work because otherwise I wouldnt feel like it; and if it doesnt them im devastated and dont want to try again
    the truth is you must overcome rejection before you can get accepted
    yeah sexual seleciton is a b***h but here is literally nothing else to do besides that and capitalism

  12. 4 weeks ago

    Read the book more accurately, m8.
    You're supposed to do the "draw a good chick to you" thing first, then, when you are in contact with her (no, a single DM sent by you doesn't count), then move onto others.
    The idea is that you should have a very good idea of that person in your head, the more accurate the better. This requires either regular contact (in meatspace) or a huge amount of experience in magical practice to make up for inefficiencies.

    The normal time to wait for a ritual to work is 2 weeks to a month.


    >I didn’t go in with high expectations or any real belief
    Magic, any magic, requires total belief in the moment it is carried out.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >You're supposed to do the "draw a good chick to you"
      >then move onto others
      >The normal time to wait for a ritual to work is 2 weeks to a month.
      Ok, so lets get the logic straight. Keep pursuing women for an entire month and if you finally get a date then you attribute that success to the ritual "working" rather than it being the result of you pursuing women for month.

      This entire thing sounds like it's primed to work on emotional thinkers that are prone to falling for placebos.

      If you have to put in effort for the magic to "work" then there's no reason to assume that the magic is "working", because literally every other person around you gets those same positive results by doing THE SAME WORK and skipping the magic ritual part.

      This just sounds like a placebo to make you be more outgoing and more confident, and then when you finally get a woman you give the author and the book undeserved praise. There was no magic, you just tricked yourself into acting differently and being more persistent.


      I performed one of the ‘magickal’ love rituals in it on a girl I saw on a dating app. I stalked her social media so I know her full name and other info. I sent her a DM months ago but she never responded, but that should still qualify as a slight interaction...

      It still hasn’t worked yet, though it’s only been one day since I finished it.

      When does it start to work, if ever?

      Real magic works even if you don't. The only thing I'd say is that you'd likely have to do it in person to get it to work, but you wouldn't have to keep going from woman to woman until you finally get a woman and then you tell yourself "it finally worked".

      That's a placebo. That's complete nonsense, you literally have to gaslight yourself to go along with that shit.

      youre so fricking based holy shit
      ive given up on trying to talk to nofap morons and this is coming from someone who managed to abstain for a whole year

      >ive given up on trying to talk to nofap morons and this is coming from someone who managed to abstain for a whole year
      I've went a month before as an experiment. I returned back to my once a day routine after 30 days of abstinence. During the experiment I experienced no benefits, no magical energy boost, nothing, because placebos don't work on me.

      A lot of these guys just lack self awareness, and that's why their minds can play these tricks on them.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Keep pursuing women for an entire month
        I didn't say to do that. Usually, the results are obvious, like a cute chick starting to work at your job and you get assigned to train her. Stuff like that.
        >If you have to put in effort for the magic to "work" then there's no reason to assume that the magic is "working"
        Magic works according to principles you don't get at the start. As I said above, you need to be able to have a very good idea of your target for that to work. You need to follow a certain strategy (see: Use magic to draw a chick, then proceed to use magic to make her attracted) or have enough experience to get there through sheer competence at magic itself.
        Magic is a skill in and of itself. A sort of master-key. The only skill you need... but still a skill.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >I didn't say to do that
          You said to do the ritual and to then "move on to others", so that implies move on to other women in your attempts.

          >like a cute chick starting to work at your job and you get assigned to train her. Stuff like that.
          Those are called coincidences. If the cute chick secretly contacts you after work to ask you out, then I'd believe it was the magic.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Other rituals that are also in the book OP posted.
            >Those are called coincidences
            Weird how unlikely coincidences just keep piling up when you do magic, huh?

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Weird how unlikely coincidences just keep piling up when you do magic, huh?

            1. But you aren't just "doing magic". Just "doing magic" and it "working" would be you do the spell and then a random b***h within your vicinity actually approaches you and starts acting really intimate, getting close, as if she's just so attracted to you.

            A coincidence is you keep doing a ritual over and over, for multiple days, and then one day you have a normal positive interaction with a woman, which happens to every other guy that never did the ritual.

            It's only magic if it can give you results that wouldn't happen under normal circumstances.

            If your "magic" can only get you the same results in life as an average man who doesn't practice magic, then why not just assume you finally got lucky like all the other average men that struggled like you did and got lucky?

            2. A lot of you have low standards for what you interpret as "magic working", this is why every feat is some low standard LoA nonsense like "I got a new wage slave job, the spell worked".

            When AI takes over everyone's jobs there's still going to be some delusional fool saying - "I got on the welfare system, the magic worked".

            You can see "magic working" everywhere if your standards are low enough.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >i did the lbrp and felt a tingling in my bussy
            >it worked, magic works

          • 4 weeks ago

            LMAO exactly. I swear browsing EerieWeb sometimes feel like a twilight zone episode, because I actually try to mentally place myself into the mindset of someone whose mind works like this, and I really can't comprehend it, it always confuses me.

            I require a lot more to believe in something. I'd be testing and testing and testing some more, and most importantly testing in ways that screen for human error (placebo effect, mental illness, cognitive biases, hallucinations, etc).

            I honestly couldn't make myself believe as easily as these guys do, I couldn't force myself to do it.

            >A coincidence is you keep doing a ritual over and over, for multiple days

            Who the frick said anything about that?
            Frick you, you want a proof of magic, I give you proof. Do this: Find a gambling spell in some reliable tradition (they exist in every tradition, some just call em "luck").
            Prepare a dice cup, a mix of dice from different manufacturers (to avoid a defect in one line of dice changing the results), a flat surface, and a roll of quarters, and a friend/hobo you paid.

            Perform the magic. Split the roll of quarters, each getting half.
            Roll die. Let the other guy roll die. The guy that rolled higher gets a quarter from the loser. Record results if you like, or just check how many quarters each person has.
            Do enough rolls, you'll see a statistically significant result. Assuming you can into both magic and statistics.

            >I give you proof.
            >Find a gambling spell in some reliable tradition (they exist in every tradition, some just call em "luck").
            You want proof?, go find a random spell that might be bullshit, I won't tell you one that works.

            Go gamble on finding a working gambling spell (the irony, it's so meta).

            Also I don't want proof of magic, I believe it exists, I just think most of you guys posting can't do it and you are just delusional or have low standards.

            You are so desperate to believe that you can do magic that you reclassify mundane everyday things as "magic".

            >you'll see a statistically significant result
            Once again, could be coincidence. I could win 60% of the time and someone like you would call that "magic" because your standards are low, but things like that are well within the realm of probability.

            I'd much rather do a spell that revolves around "it either works or it doesn't". No room for doubt, no room for "it kinda worked".

            That's the only kind of magic I want to train for and practice. I don't play mind games with myself, I won't put myself in situations to be deluded by a placebo.

            Liar. Not no fa but once a day will definitely affect energy levels, and other things. As an infrequent masturbator I definitely feel more tired and just overall not great the day after jerking off. Sounds like you are just a coomer who like to whack off so doesn't like nofap.

            >once a day will definitely affect energy levels
            I don't mean in the morning before you go to work lol. I mean at night before you go to sleep.

            How in the frick are you gonna feel a difference in energy after going to sleep tired and getting 8 full hours of rest?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Ok, I believe you. How do I do magick that really works?

          • 4 weeks ago

            >A coincidence is you keep doing a ritual over and over, for multiple days

            Who the frick said anything about that?
            Frick you, you want a proof of magic, I give you proof. Do this: Find a gambling spell in some reliable tradition (they exist in every tradition, some just call em "luck").
            Prepare a dice cup, a mix of dice from different manufacturers (to avoid a defect in one line of dice changing the results), a flat surface, and a roll of quarters, and a friend/hobo you paid.

            Perform the magic. Split the roll of quarters, each getting half.
            Roll die. Let the other guy roll die. The guy that rolled higher gets a quarter from the loser. Record results if you like, or just check how many quarters each person has.
            Do enough rolls, you'll see a statistically significant result. Assuming you can into both magic and statistics.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >2 weeks to a month

      just stop bros, you're ngmi and only hurting yourselves

  13. 4 weeks ago


    >wouldn't work

    no I don't mean a social group of women. I mean of men. you NEED to make friends before you will ever get a GIRLFRIEND.

    stop chasing women and instead chase yourself and what you want to do. Then, find other people to enjoy doing whatever the frick that is with.

    everything will fall in to place later. consider who you are now. You're lonely and miserable. women find that absolutely repulsive. If youre not sociable with dudes at a minimum, you'll never make it with a woman

  14. 4 weeks ago

    A quick aside: I'm not even sure if all the author names under GoM are several people or just one butthole.

  15. 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago
  16. 4 weeks ago
  17. 4 weeks ago


    >Women generally hate my guts and treat me like a leper
    >They hate and despise white me
    >I’m already in my 30s and don’t want women my age
    I am a 39y old 4/10 neet chud with no job, no house, no money, no future, nothing. But I won't settle for anything less than a 7/10 with a banging body and pretty face who is half my age.
    God owes me a beautiful white wife to make up for the cards I've been dealt in this life and for all the suffering I had to endure.

  18. 4 weeks ago

    Lol. Lmao, even.
    Watered down garbage from a group of grifters who don't know the first thing about real Magick.

    • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        >**real** magic(k)

        • 4 weeks ago

          magic not magick. thats new age bull.

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