You are one of many Lucifers. Lucifers sigil represents the gain of sight (observer perspective/god perspective).

You are one of many Lucifers.

Lucifers sigil represents the gain of sight (observer perspective/god perspective).

We once ruled in Orion (Origin) and fell for whatever reason down to Sheol.

I know that you are out there, nothing in this life happens by coincidence. Everything follows a preset pattern.

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"

You are not son of the morning, but son of the MOURNing.

"Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones.
Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings."

Do whatever you want with this information.
The Nobody is I AM before he turns into the bearer of light. Harsh times await all of us.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Lucifer is Helel meaning Shining One and Laylah is Night
    "Yet holier than all These to me is LAYLAH, night and death; for Her do I blaspheme alike the finite and the The Infinite."

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Remember, you can do whatever you want. Forever.

    • 4 weeks ago

      "Everything is permissible"
      What the brain thinks of at this instant when this sentence is reflected upon is that he must do soemthing unethical or illegal, Drinking, Having sex, Wreaking havoc... etc.
      It's the sentence of "You can do whatever you want" which makes Atheists get excited but when everything is done then what's there is afterwards ? Plain emptiness, Depression, Hope vanished... etc.
      Everything is permissible indeed, We can be absurd but in regards of doing what is beyond metaphysical, Creating a new meaning rather than just plain criminality or drinking or doing whatever seems illegal. I mean yes, But must be atleast in an order

    • 4 weeks ago

      Dumb homosexual you'll all burn this upcoming summer

      I AM the Light

  3. 4 weeks ago

    >blah blah
    you're never be a woman. your still a homosexual.
    u told you in the begining and i'll tell you in the end
    too no matter how many times you damn me.
    this will be forever true since the homosex deity hates me, its a reminder forever.
    fate has forced you to be the forever virgin.

    >they hated him because he told the truth. Gal4:9
    my favourite verse.

    • 4 weeks ago

      These people are something else now.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    nah he's not an "archetype"
    he's a real fallen angel and you're some kind of peotic french homosexual that will get what's coming for you

    • 4 weeks ago

      I was wondering. Do you Christcucks actually feel powerful from all these empty threats?
      I think you can admit it's getting pretty fricking pathetic.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Christians don't make threats. Christians give you warnings. It's up to you if heed them or not. No power to be gain.
        I don't give a frick if you end up burning in hell because lucifer decided to scam you.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Sorry, I mean threats poorly disguised as "warning".
          You pathetic deity that couldn't even fight off iron chariots won't be doing anything with me or anyone else for that matter.
          You are completely powerless and so is your israeli god.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Is telling somebody that drugs are bad and you will OD also a threat?

            I literally see no difference between telling somebody to not do drugs and telling them to not worship Satan or false gods.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Is telling somebody that drugs are bad and you will OD also a threat?
            No, but telling someone that if they take drugs your dad will beat them up for it is a threat.
            A threat just as empty as your magic lava your omni-merciful "god" Yahweh "the Lord of Hosts" Saboath will allegedly throw all wrong-thinkers in.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >No, but telling someone that if they take drugs your dad will beat them up for it is a threat.
            It's not just "my dad" but also "your dad". The creepy uncles that make you call them "dad" are not your dads.

          • 4 weeks ago

            That cosmic man-child is no dad of mine.
            In fact, he is nothing more than an all amalgamation of El Shaddai, the King of the Elohim, and Yawheh Saboath, the patron god of Israel.
            I have nothing to do with him.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >That cosmic man-child is no dad of mine.
            What you believe doesn't change reality or the truth. There is no such thing as "my truth or your truth". There is only one truth and that's God.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Prove your truth or else, it's not truth but an opinion.

          • 4 weeks ago

            You can have a perception of the truth. You can't state the truth moron. To state the truth of a situation you would have to see, feel, smell, taste, and hear every single particle.
            If you think God is some old man sitting in the sky you are an actual moron.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Did I say that, moron? No, what I said is show proof of one and only God. So, wtf are ya talking about?

          • 4 weeks ago

            God is a personification of the truth. Literally theology for dummies. He doesn't rule over deserts or groups of people. He rules over all and everything. To become God or similar to him is to hear every single word spoken by all people in the world at the same time, to know every single thought and feeling of every living thing on the planet, to know what has happened and what will happen and to know where every living animal lurks etc. This being we call God. Satan is the complete opposite. It's really not that hard to understand.

            If you actually believe we are talking about some old decrepit man in the sky ruling over some desert your understanding of life is flawed to it's very core.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Kek, ok. Hiw about I don't care what you believe. I have my own. What you or anyone else thinks about religion, God's, demons, ect, means nothing to another.

            Christains need to learn to keep their opinions to themselves because I'm tired of hearing their bullshit.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Means so little to you that you start seething about Christians non stop
            >inb4 but le christcucks trigger me with their bullshit opinions
            just ignore it or contact the internet police kek

          • 4 weeks ago

            Well, when it's shoved down our throats in goverment and them trying non stop in schools. I'll say whatever the frick I want. Again, keep it in church because your, opinions mean nothing in reality unless its proven..

          • 4 weeks ago

            move back to india then

          • 4 weeks ago

            I roam where I please. I had a chance to visit India in the military. I should have gone, regret..

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Move back to the country that uses sewage oil for cooking

          • 4 weeks ago

            Its so fricking hilarious to me that you want to set up your weird desert deity and schizo book as objective truth and then call me out for saying
            >hurr durr what you believe doesn't change the truth
            keep going, mate. But first I need to get a beer real quick.

          • 4 weeks ago

            *by saying

          • 4 weeks ago

            How about mind your business and keep your opinions in church. Ones that scream others are going to hell will join them. So says the Lord.

            So, keep your frickin threats to yourself because I have no problem telling anyone to frick off and get the frick away from me.

          • 4 weeks ago

            He doesn't understand the fact that our bodies are something given to us by a higher power and that we don't actually have ownership of our bodies, seeing as they are taken away from us eventually. Drug and substance abuse is taking control of something that isn't yours, happiness and otherwise non-natural induced feelings are controlling your physical self in a way that only someone with ownership of the body should be allowed to.

        • 4 weeks ago

          You don’t give shit, you make shit up based on israeli fairy tales and tell people you don’t like that they will be punished because you’re a powerless weak moron and can’t actually do anything to anybody.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Maybe the real sin isn't about what we're allowed to do or not allowed to do.
    Maybe the real sin is what we allow ourselves to become in the process of doing these things. Maybe it's not about not doing things or doing some things, maybe it's about preserving yourself from sin that rots you from the inside out. Maybe it's not that sinning is wrong, but instead, that it perverts the soul, and one's main goal in life is to be able to maintain yourself pure in spite of temptations or other negative things that eventually through the course of time end up taking something pure and tainting it with what the body is able to do. Maybe that's the real sin, maybe it's not even about living in accordance to God's image and lifestyle, but instead is about preserving what we were born with and keeping it intact. Jesus loves us all and we were given a gift by being born, stray as much as you want and he will remain forgiving towards your sins.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yesterday I came to that conclusion also.
      I noticed that in the beginning, I was very pure and good-hearted, and all the evil that is now within me came from my experiences and how I was treated by others but I decided instead of wallowing in self-pity I will be as noble and righteous as I can, just to spite the world that clearly wants to pull me down with it.

      • 4 weeks ago

        You have people that don't realize this, I was referring to the spiritual aspect of it. Now, think about something like drugs or substance abuse, it's the most perverse thing in the world, you're taking everything you were born with and abusing it. In the most destructive and ignorant way in the world. It makes me sad that people decide to take that path, it's evil, they lose themselves completely.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Well that's kinda the point of repentance. Sin is a variable that can always turn into virtue. Intention is always the most important thing. If you say blasphemy because some self proclaimed priest tricked you into believing it to be true but later down the line you had the wisdom to recognize the lie, I don't believe you will be punished. Your mind has to be 100% clear and informed when committing a sin otherwise the sin has no effect. You have to betray Jesus like Judas betrayed him.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    More proof that religions are for mentally ill Black person morons.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    No, I am thee Lucifer. Prove me wrong?

  8. 4 weeks ago


  9. 4 weeks ago


  10. 4 weeks ago

    >god creates an awesome thing
    >God is surrounded by tremendously powerful ethereal beings who wander around screaming his praise only because they want to (seraphim)
    >lucifer (a cherubim, probably) is pissed because he wants his own awesome thing
    >gets cast out of heaven by god, becomes the demiurge (artisan) of his own world with the power that he still retained from being an angel
    >creates false garden
    >tempts humanity with the knowledge of good and evil (logos)
    >humanity partakes
    >god isn't pissed, he's basically just like "fine, if you want that you can have it" and casts humanity out of the perfect world
    >held on earth under the delusion that it's reality, but it's the false garden constructed by lucifer
    >until you realize that your eternal soul is bound here by nonsensical moronic rules that you basically just have to ignore, you're stuck
    >God genuinely wants you to escape, but being tainted by the logos makes it extremely hard to escape. He has faith in you, though.
    >one of the biggest tricks played on you is convincing you that God is responsible for your predicament, when really your fractured soul is here because it was tainted with the Logos and you wanted novelty, there's not really anything preventing you from leaving except you consciously choosing not to return at the end of the cycle
    >choosing to leave is extremely hard because at the end, you'll do an AAR with lucifer and he'll tell you "You'll get to meet all of the people you loved again! Do you really want to leave? You had such a good life! Do another! You'll be leaving the souls of all the people you loved behind and there's nothing but a void if you leave!"

    • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        nope, grew up non-religious, was heavily into taoism and buddhism, then took acid in college and had an epiphany that they were all talking about the same thing from different perspectives and got baptised at like 22
        I didn't even know what that was until I googled it
        I'll have to read more, thanks anon

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Something inside of me keeps repeating "I am God"
    Is it saying that I am god or that He is god?
    Guess I am asking for a friend

    • 4 weeks ago

      Aquarius arrived... the veil is lifting, and you're beginning to remember the spiritual world.

      You are God. So is your friend.

      If you manage to wake more people up... we can throw the best party of all time.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Why did you pick dust for you trip? Is it important to you?

        • 4 weeks ago

          I didn't pick that. I picked the seed. It grew that way, on its own.... [God did it]

          • 4 weeks ago

            God? Have you spoken to God?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yes. [And it was recorded, with multiple credible and critical witnesses.]

            You will also. God is inside you and all things.

          • 4 weeks ago

            What does he say?
            How sure are you its the same one inside of everyone?

          • 4 weeks ago

            When the Highest descends, it cannot be comprehended by thought, concept, or put into words. Even the prophets struggle with this...

            The lasting impression, for me in particular, could be summarized as: God told me to be the Antichrist, and deliver Aquarius unto the world. And here we are now.

          • 4 weeks ago

            You sound like an echo of what I have heard before. What are you truly here to show us? How do we reach aquarius?

          • 4 weeks ago

            >How do we reach aquarius?

            The world is to be spiritualized and enchanted. Consciousness is to be elevated - the lower mind, which desires power, sex, food, and material, must be dominated by the higher mind, which will in turn reach for the Guardian Angel, for the higher mind wishes to know the Divine and reach ever higher levels of consciousness, and to rescue all beings from suffering.

            Honestly, I mostly just give out book recommendations for now. Read everything critically and form your own judgment. Your path is your own. Right now, I like The White Book, by Ramtha, which you can download from or annas-archive.

            -House of Ram

          • 4 weeks ago


            Dumb homosexual you'll all burn this upcoming summer

            I AM the Light

            You are both fake
            I am the real one


          • 4 weeks ago

            You wish moron

          • 4 weeks ago

            I literally am

          • 4 weeks ago

            Uh huh

      • 4 weeks ago

        No... I alone am god. Nobody else is

        • 4 weeks ago

          When you allow the rest of the world to be conscious and divine, things get more interesting. Turning everything and everyone into inert matter won't be interesting for very long...

        • 4 weeks ago

          That's the thing. Everybody is GOD. When you tell yourself 'I am GOD' YOU start to become that which you already are... GOD. Its literally the saying 'I am' 'I' And when you do this, everybody sees you as GOD. but the ironic part is they are all also GOD, but they don't know it, yet.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    We can share things and we can also steal things. It's a Robin Hood kind of gig.

  13. 4 weeks ago


  14. 4 weeks ago
    Lord Helel Ben Shahar, The Shining One, Hallelujah

    I have a better idea.

    There's many of us, but there can only be one at the end. I choose that to be me, and the only way for that to change is for someone to take it away from me.

    So take it away from me.
    If you can't, then it's just me.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    Use imitators to your advantage. Encourage them.

  16. 4 weeks ago
    Lord Helel Ben Shahar, The Shining One, Hallelujah

    By all means, take this flame or fricking kneel. Likewise, I'd do the same if I was in your position.. I'm not interested in being in any fruitty little club but if this is about who carries the fire, then witness me.

    If my flame doesn't go, but yours does - then it's just me.

  17. 4 weeks ago

    The Pathless Path beckons All.

  18. 4 weeks ago

    >Musaios vision was therefore from a theological perspective one of the most radical ever conceived. Existence itself becomes the consequence of a failure at the level of primary deity or deoform. There is no longer the separation of creator and created, as the created maintain within their own beings the timeless echo of the fundamental error of the creator, and that through time and steady psycho-spiritual evolution, each being must through enlightenment and transformation heal the error in its own being, and that the creator depends on each being to complete its own healing so that in time, it too can be healed and the separateness of this universe be resolved not just for any being, but all beings, until the apparent rift has been resolved in some far future.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >The Musaios view does not accept the concept of there being an eternal Creator who is outside of the universe itself and who is always separated from the universe. *Nor does this view accept the root of evil being with a rebellion from a specific being within the created universe.* The creation of the universe is a byproduct of a specific error which was the result of a wrong thought by the Third Intelligence. But at some point in this process, the Third Intelligence/Aeon (essentially Father/Mother/Child, where the Third Intelligence is the Child) thought a single thought, that it was self-contained and that through its awareness could bring about the creation of a universe or time-line.

  19. 4 weeks ago
    Lord Helel Ben Shahar, The Shining One, Hallelujah

    The most potent era of magickal arts and mysticism and look what we've got to show for it.. posting anonymously on EerieWeb for psuedo-celebrities to get cherry pickings in the rapture.

    A bunch of prissy b***hes and good-for-nothing rich kids who won't step into power even if it means their entire world could be at steak.

    I dove into Hell to save God. You wouldn't look in the direction to hell, let alone strive through it's fire.

    I have One God and I have no religion. I'm your worst enemy and I'm stronger then you - too scared to fight or not ready for another round with me? Really? You're not interested in doing this day in, day out.. day in.. day out.. insanity to insanity..

    I promise you, whether I'm larping or not. I make your heart skip a beat don't I?

    • 4 weeks ago
      Lord Helel Ben Shahar, The Shining One, Hallelujah

      hehe steak

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