Wife said we should deworm every 2 years. What have you guys been teaching her? Stop messing with her head

Wife said we should deworm every 2 years

What have you guys been teaching her? Stop messing with her head
And babe are you really on here?

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  1. 2 years ago

    yes darling, no sex for you until you take your deworming pills.

    • 2 years ago

      We just had sex last night. Youre not her

      But what are we even supposed to buy? She said every other country does it except America.

      • 2 years ago

        Stop pretending you have a wife just so you can find out if you should deworm your filthy asd

        • 2 years ago

          I'm not pretending. She even said our son should deform, since he eats lots of dirt and drinks standing water. Thats actually what brought it up. He took a drink of some water in the bolt hole of his outdoor playset

          I dont know if we should deworm, but she already sounds set on it. I just don't know if it's because it's what we are supposed to do, or if she somehow lurks /x/ without me knowing and you brainwashed her

          • 2 years ago

            Holy shit. How does it feels to be dumber than your wife (a female). God i hope this thread is bait

          • 2 years ago

            Ivermectin is on the WHO list of essential medicines and one of the safest drugs ever manufactured. A single course of it at the correct dosage shouldn't hurt the user at all. Anyone can collect a nematode parasite or two and there's nothing unreasonable about taking Ivermectin once every two years. I would if I could find a reliable source for the stuff.

          • 2 years ago

            >ivermectin shills come running
            It will never cure covid btw.

          • 2 years ago

            I don't expect it to. The COVID shit was garbage. Early on it looked like it might improve prognosis for patients when taken within hours of initial symptoms. They were trying everything.

            Right wing conservatives are always getting scammed, and right now the grift is pill mills doing a prescription-by-mail service where first you pay a shady israelite doctor for the script, then another shady distributor for the pills. What should be a very cheap drug ends up costing hundreds of dollars. They're telling them that Ivermectin can reverse an MRNA vaccination. This is insane and the people perpetrating this scam should be put in jail.

            I would never buy Ivermectin from these people. I miss the days of Indian online pharmacies who would just ship you one of a hundred different WHO essentials without a prescription. Antibiotics, corticosteroids... whatever you wanted. Some even carried chemo meds, which was probably a good last resort for a lot of Americans with no health insurance.

            But I don't have rashes or stomach problems. I haven't checked my poop, but I'd think I'd notice if there was something wiggling in the toilet

            Toddlers are fast. You let them outside while you're doing yard work, they go from playing with a ball to drinking last night's rain water off the little hole on their play table. That or it's a fistful of dirt to the mouth

            Meh. I'm just saying it can't hurt you. There are a lot of asymptomatic cases. In Bio 101 I learned that half the human race is infected with pinworms.

          • 2 years ago

            But Google says a sign of pin worms is an itchy butthole. What about toxoplasmosis? We have a cat? Is it possible to get that from him if he only poops outside?

          • 2 years ago

            I don't support the right because I love the right, I support the right because I hate the left. As long as the left are worse, I will support the right.

          • 2 years ago

            But I don't have rashes or stomach problems. I haven't checked my poop, but I'd think I'd notice if there was something wiggling in the toilet


            >She even said our son should deform, since he eats lots of dirt and drinks standing water.
            Jesus fricking christ. Why the frick do you allow him to do those things. Listen to your fricking wife.

            Toddlers are fast. You let them outside while you're doing yard work, they go from playing with a ball to drinking last night's rain water off the little hole on their play table. That or it's a fistful of dirt to the mouth

          • 2 years ago

            Take your son to a fricking doctor you incompetent moron.

          • 2 years ago

            Why? He is in no signs of distress. His poop is solid, his skin is clear. A little dirt is good for kids. I don't like standing water, but its good for them to experiment

          • 2 years ago

            >She even said our son should deform, since he eats lots of dirt and drinks standing water.
            Jesus fricking christ. Why the frick do you allow him to do those things. Listen to your fricking wife.

  2. 2 years ago

    If your wife believed anything that these morons posted then you should devoice her asap

    • 2 years ago

      Is there no legitimacy to deworming?

      • 2 years ago

        The amount of parasites that le in the human body is insane. You won't have to deworm or anything of the sort unless they are causing issues.

        • 2 years ago

          Why not deworm preventatively? And what are these parasites and how will I know if they are negatively affecting me? My butthole isn't itchy, isn't that the most common sign

          • 2 years ago

            You run the risk of killing off the good things living inside you. Your body is an ecosystem of bacteria and parasites.
            Yes that is a sign of one type of worms. Most will cause you pain and discomfort.
            Honestly if your wife has visited any part of EerieWeb then she has most likely been tricked into this or just believes one of the skizos. That's all that left on here.. I dunno why I thought it might be different on here.

          • 2 years ago

            So dewormer also kills the good stomach bacteria? But aren't parasites bad? Or are you using parasite in scientific way as anything that lives inside you.
            What kind of pain? Like back pain or stomach pain?

            Holy shit. How does it feels to be dumber than your wife (a female). God i hope this thread is bait

            My wife is insanely smart, so not that bad. She is my wife after all. I'm glad I have someone whose capable on my team. Yet, on this one it sounded a little too far fetched.
            She didn't say anything about ivermectin but I'm sure if we continue the conversation she might. That would be proof of her lurking

          • 2 years ago

            I see there are other posts now. Dewormer is there to kill things and its not like it knows what good and whats not.
            You will most likely been fine from using it. You won't really notice anything.
            Also your wife thinking that all countrys besides the one she is in are doing it kindda says she has been on the internet reading shit posts. As you can see from the ones you are now getting /x/ is full of shit posters, each of which roleplay in another shit posters post.
            At any rate there shouldn't be a major harm is doing it once to amuse your Wife.
            Also parasites don't have to do harm, some benefit from living inside you and feeding on things that would harm you. Hence ecosystem.
            But anyways, enjoy the shit posters

          • 2 years ago

            Well I don't want to take it if it's only going to hurt me, or do nothing at all. If I take it just to take it, it sounds like it's more harm than good.

            My vet is hooked on dat dewormers. He does it every month, always tells me animal owners have a higher chance of getting them.
            He say you can supposedly you can get high on some of the dewormers that are cocain based

            Are you sure your vet is not a drug addict?

          • 2 years ago

            It will most likely do nothing at all since you are unlikely to have worms.
            You would know if something was wrong.
            I recently had tummy ulcers due to my naproxen disturbing the balance in my body. It cause a bacteria, that lives inside most of us, to get past the protective lining of my stomach and in doing so it caused ulcers.
            This led to a lot of pain and discomfort and would go away and come back again. I had to take tablets to kill the bacteria.
            Trust me, if you have something you will know.
            As for the worms that make you itch, you shouldn't worry about them unless they are going around. Kids get most things due to being near other kids. Like lice.
            So unless you are eating raw or poorly cooked meat or drinking water you find in a field full of animals, then you are more than likely free from things.

          • 2 years ago

            No, he just thinks people should deworm. Especially animal owners

          • 2 years ago

            >My wife is insanely smart
            I want this. How did you two meet?

          • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          squiggly appendages typed this post

          • 2 years ago

            I just can't be bothered spell checking my shit.

    • 2 years ago

      C. Albicans spotted

    • 2 years ago

      You mean clip her vocal cords?

      We just had sex last night. Youre not her

      But what are we even supposed to buy? She said every other country does it except America.

      Buy pic related. Use the whole bottle.

    • 2 years ago

      >devoice her
      what the hell anon that sounds brutal

  3. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    My vet is hooked on dat dewormers. He does it every month, always tells me animal owners have a higher chance of getting them.
    He say you can supposedly you can get high on some of the dewormers that are cocain based

  5. 2 years ago

    Is she newage or wiccan? I say this is the kind of woman you should not have babies with. have sex couple of times, them dump her

    • 2 years ago

      We are both new age. I'm more Wiccan than she is. We already have kids

      deworm her just to fill her bunghole up with your dick worms

      I dont do anal sex

      I stumbled onto this thread, so I will help as much as I can. The protocol we tested (called the nac protocol or black fungus protocol) was as follows:

      1200 NAC
      300 MG Oregano Oil (10:1 potency soft gel)
      Black seed oil

      At night you rude the nac to 600 MG. This keeps you at 1800 MG total for the day.

      Fennel seed essential oil is part of the brushing routine. Simply add a drop or two to your toothbrush and paste. I personally use dessert essence tea tree and fennel because it mixes flavor wise perfectly with the fennel seed essential oil.

      This protocol is both anti fungus and anti parasite. It will solve the root of the problem by killing the fungus and biofilms all over the body, including the brain. This is why some of you have reported thinking more clearly. You are destroying the plaque in and on your brain.

      As far as NAC brands go, I personally have been using LifeExtension and order directly off their site. They are the cheapest, use a vegetable stearate and the regular price on the 4 pack is very reasonable. I cannot speak for other brands because we simply have not been using them.

      NAC and Oregano Oil do work synergistically. Adding black seed oil is highly recommended, as it busts up the biofilms and coaxes fungus hiding in it to surface, allowing more complete eradication.

      If you have any questions, I will answer. It may take me awhile.

      This will help tremendously then. In between brushing you should add either pink salt or fseo to your water bottle, swish and swallow randomly. The idea is to stop replication and balance pH in the mouth so that the body has time to heal.

      Another avenue to consider if you are having series issues like that is to buy a red light lamp that outputs in the near infrared spectrum (670nm) and spend at least 3 to 5 minutes daily in front of it, exposing your teeth and gum lines. This will stimulate the body to repair the teeth (look up the studies) and as a bonus it kills pathogens as well.

      This sounds like a lot. Why can't we take a simple medicine? Why does it have to be a daily thing?

      • 2 years ago

        Because of your diet. Do you know what your actually eating? Drinking? Do you have any idea how much food has been modified in the last 50 years? It isn’t even correct to call 90% of the crap they call “food” food.

        remove glycophosphate, flouride, aluminum from your body, then u can talk about not having to do this every 6 months

        • 2 years ago

          >remove glycophosphate, flouride, aluminum from your body
          what foods contain those

          • 2 years ago

            I’m not ur fricking mother. just Google: “glycophosphate in food“

            “flouride in water”

            “heavy metal toxicity”

      • 2 years ago

        >New age

        You said she was smart.

        Also it's 3 different supplements really.

        Nac, oregano oil and black seed oil.
        You can order it all online.

        • 2 years ago

          New age is significantly better than old age

  6. 2 years ago

    >the balance in my body

  7. 2 years ago

    deworm her just to fill her bunghole up with your dick worms

  8. 2 years ago

    You people are seriously fricking moronic, I used to think people were just larping all the time.

    • 2 years ago

      its a glowie psyop, they want to get sensitive people to off themselves

  9. 2 years ago

    I stumbled onto this thread, so I will help as much as I can. The protocol we tested (called the nac protocol or black fungus protocol) was as follows:

    1200 NAC
    300 MG Oregano Oil (10:1 potency soft gel)
    Black seed oil

    At night you rude the nac to 600 MG. This keeps you at 1800 MG total for the day.

    Fennel seed essential oil is part of the brushing routine. Simply add a drop or two to your toothbrush and paste. I personally use dessert essence tea tree and fennel because it mixes flavor wise perfectly with the fennel seed essential oil.

    This protocol is both anti fungus and anti parasite. It will solve the root of the problem by killing the fungus and biofilms all over the body, including the brain. This is why some of you have reported thinking more clearly. You are destroying the plaque in and on your brain.

    As far as NAC brands go, I personally have been using LifeExtension and order directly off their site. They are the cheapest, use a vegetable stearate and the regular price on the 4 pack is very reasonable. I cannot speak for other brands because we simply have not been using them.

    NAC and Oregano Oil do work synergistically. Adding black seed oil is highly recommended, as it busts up the biofilms and coaxes fungus hiding in it to surface, allowing more complete eradication.

    If you have any questions, I will answer. It may take me awhile.

    This will help tremendously then. In between brushing you should add either pink salt or fseo to your water bottle, swish and swallow randomly. The idea is to stop replication and balance pH in the mouth so that the body has time to heal.

    Another avenue to consider if you are having series issues like that is to buy a red light lamp that outputs in the near infrared spectrum (670nm) and spend at least 3 to 5 minutes daily in front of it, exposing your teeth and gum lines. This will stimulate the body to repair the teeth (look up the studies) and as a bonus it kills pathogens as well.

  10. 2 years ago

    every 3 months actually, and your resistance shows the worms control your mind

  11. 2 years ago
    Leela I had worms

    I took picrel back in November, nothing weird came out at any point so I must've been good. I did however catch whatever the frick covid is and almost died, was sick all December. Didn't eat for 9 or 10 days, just bed and pisser, literally could only breathe in-out-in-out. I think the only reason I didn't die was because I have high blood pressure and at that time I wasn't taking my med. Who knows. I am dumber know so.. Can't remember shit.

  12. 2 years ago

    >deworms their animals but not themselves

  13. 2 years ago

    yes it is me i am on here and i hate Black folk

    your wife

  14. 2 years ago

    Beware the mind-bending sentient worms.

  15. 2 years ago

    You should do it two times a year, you can get a good microbiota by taking probiotics in case you are worried about "killing" the good bacteria.

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