Why should we care about our human life at all?

If you read Near Death experiences (and things similar to that) you will often read that the moment you leave your body your human life is almost irrelevant to you. It's described almost as like you just discarding a sock and moving on to more "important" things.

A medium gave this as a reason for like who do ghosts don't haunt their murderers for example. Because our Higher Consciousnesses doesn't give a frick about human things like grudges, revenge and things along that line.

But let's assume this is true for a moment. Why should any of us even care about our human avatars? I find it really depressing that according to these mediums and thousands of Near Death experiences our human body and mind barely matters, it's just a toy I throw away once I die. So right now why should I care, right? Might as well not give a frick about my life if I'm just a marionette to my higher self.

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  1. 1 month ago

    Being human has its ups and downs, but it doesn't change that it's the greatest gift you could've received. Without it you're nothing.

  2. 1 month ago

    >Because our Higher Consciousnesses doesn't give a frick about human things like grudges, revenge and things along that line.

    • 1 month ago

      I mean IF these Near Death experiences are real or genuine (and there are a lot of them) then this seems to be the conclusion. They seem amused by it at worst.

  3. 1 month ago

    Death of the ego

  4. 1 month ago

    but what you do matters, if you do not care for even yourself you will have decayed. Think of this life as initiation or a rite of passage. Fail to grow here and fail to grow anywhere. You are still soul.

    • 1 month ago

      Why does it matter though? Once the soul leaves it doesn't seem to care the slightest bit about what is going on down here. It doesn't even care if it got raped, killed or whatever because "peace and love in the spirit realm teehee"...

      I remember reading a NDE where a woman got blown up by a bomb and she left her body and she saw the spirits giggle and happily decide where the shrapnel and explosion would hit. They were laughing and having fun demonstrating where the human body would be violated and torn apart, to the spirit self it was hilarious. But then you go back into your human body and you have to deal with all of this shit.

      It's literally like we are just puppets of our higher self used for its desires and learning.

      • 1 month ago

        Here is the ladies story by the way:

        At around 11:00~ she talks about how she and the spirits were laughing hysterically looking at like how they could frick her body up by the explosion. They would look at a hand exploding (her human hand, down there) and fall down laughing. It was just hilarious to them.

        • 1 month ago

          That lady is full of shit.

          • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        Why are you making an unnecessary bifurcation of your soul into a higher and current self and placing so much weight on a single NDE?
        I'll just repeat my last reply since it was and still is my answer


        but what you do matters, if you do not care for even yourself you will have decayed. Think of this life as initiation or a rite of passage. Fail to grow here and fail to grow anywhere. You are still soul.

        • 1 month ago

          I read tons of NDEs and almost all of them come to the same conclusion. They ultimately don't really care about their human body and self, they discard it and move on happily.

          Cause its still you living the life, even if your body isnt you, the soul is

          Not really. It's more like you playing a video game character and the character getting hurt and fricked up and never fulfilling its dreams because the player decided so and finds it amusing. What you as the "ego" down here wants is pretty much irrelevant because the player decides.

          The human self of you doesn't want to experience betrayal, getting molested, being poor or sickness? Too bad cause the player wants you to. And then at the end of it, your character is just deleted and the player moves on to make a new one. For some people like me this is incredibly weird and unfair, I don't care if we are "the same" because right now we are NOT because I don't have the same rights, powers and insights as the other part of me.

          • 1 month ago

            I think you are conflating memory and ego with soul. This life is short and but a story for the soul. You should care because your act here reflects on your pattern.

          • 1 month ago

            Why should the video game character care if ultimately it can never really fulfill what it wants and will just be thrown away like a sock for the next character and story? Like I am that video game character now and I just can't give a frick knowing that I ("the ego / the story") is just that.

          • 1 month ago

            what's that cat's pattern, you think? it seems he's all one color with one type of stripe pattern all over must be a really boring cat to get that pattern

          • 1 month ago

            >They ultimately don't really care about their human body and self, they discard it and move on happily.
            You might want to consider that only certain kinds of 'people' have NDEs, it may be a phenomenon isolated to npcs or some kind of hive mind spirits, or those who gravitate toward such spiritual communism. NDEs seem like a genuine phenomenon, but the experiences of OBErs exploring the etheric plane (basically a dimnesion just out of phase with this material plane) and finding plenty of wandering spirits hanging around their place of death or loved ones or even engaging in energetic parasitism also seems to be an equally valid phenomenon. No matter the depressing and creepy nature of ndes; remeber yourself, your own spiritual autonomy, and power.

          • 1 month ago

            I've seen a bunch of those NDE confessional videos where they say they decide to come back to finish raising their children or because they want to take care of sone unfinished life mission. So, the other people here obviously matter. Or else they wouldn't decide to re enter their human bodies again.

          • 1 month ago

            It happens but it is uncommon. The majority of people will say they do not want to return or/and even forget about their loved ones or maybe only remember late into the NDE.

          • 1 month ago

            Tbh, that's what I would probably do too. Granted, I do not have children to care for, so that probably makes a difference.

      • 1 month ago

        It's like a video game. When you're character dies in a hilarious way, you laugh. However, if you were physically tied to that video game character, then you would experience excruciating pain and suffering.

        In the same way, when your video game character dies, you don't lament for the rest of time. You get over it and move onto the next thing. The reason why you should care because what you learn here carries over to the next lives.

        • 1 month ago

          Well yeah but if the video game character gets aware that all his suffering is just "fun" for the player would you blame the character for saying frick it then and just lay on the ground and die? Probably not.

          • 1 month ago

            You are the video game character. If your character is suffering that's your fault. That was your choice.

          • 1 month ago

            So if some ugly fat dude came over to your house tonight and started punching you in the face and raping you and shitting all over you would you be okay with that because your higher Self orchestrated this? Even if you the YOU right now would hate it? Like get real, bro.

            Imagine meeting a child who got raped or dies of cancer and tell them: "Ya you wanted this. I mean your immortal higher Self that you can't really communicate with right now wanted this but this is totally you so suck it up."

          • 1 month ago

            I am not the video game character. I am the consciousness controlling the video game character. It's the equivalent of a dream to the consciousness. Like you said in NDEs, you let go of the past and don't hold onto it.

            If I go into a video game where my character can be attacked or raped, that is my choice. It would be bad if those things happened but they can happen. The things that happen to you are outside of your control but what is in your control is how you react to them. Once you know it's a game it's even easier to let go of the bullshit.

          • 1 month ago

            >I am not the video game character.
            Yeah, but I have a problem with that. The idea that the "me" on Earth... meaning the person I am now with my desires, dreams and hopes... is not really me and just something an alien, more powerful part of me controls and then throws away bothers me.

            Again would you tell a child that is suffering that it was its own choice so it's not a big deal? Your higher Self decided "you" need to experience molestation and poverty.

            I highly highly recommend a book called Seth Speaks. It's a channeling but it's on the same level as the Ra material and Quo minus the complex vocabulary. If you don't want to read the entire book then just skip to chapter 9 and read til chapter 13. These chapters talk about death and the after death experience. I have read dozens of other works and nothing ever rang true like what Seth said. Plus everything he said is compatible with a lot of near death experiences.

            Do they tackle this topic of discarding the human body and not caring?

          • 1 month ago

            >is not really me
            It is you. You can think of like picking a class in a video game. You naturally have certain skills that are better than others but how they are used is decided by the player.

            >Again would you tell a child that is suffering that it was its own choice so it's not a big deal?
            A child would not be mature enough to understand the nature of reality. To an adult I might say, you can't control what happens to you but you can control how you deal with it.

            >Your higher Self decided "you" need to experience molestation and poverty.
            Possibly poverty but there are other players in the game which can frick you up. Unfortunately, it's a part of this game but not necessarily a choice by your higher self.

          • 1 month ago

            >It is you.
            It's not because it overrules what I want. I do not want to live this existence here in these circumstances but IT decides otherwise. And they made suicide so difficult and painful for other people that I am essentially blackmailed to endure unless I want to cause insane havoc to the life of other innocent souls.

          • 1 month ago

            You higher self chose to come here. Your higher self, however, cannot control what happens here. Because your higher self is afraid or upset, you feel afraid or upset. However, if your higher self chose to feel another way, you would feel another way. You can help your higher self learn to choose to feel another way.

          • 1 month ago

            Well like I said, I feel zero motivation (besides trying not to hurt other people in my life) to do anything with my life anymore because the things I want are impossible on Earth and knowing that I will just discard my human body and ego like a dirty sock makes it even more moronic. If the "human me" and its desires are just that and will be forgotten soon and mostly irrelevant what I do, so whatever.

          • 1 month ago

            >the things I want are impossible on Earth
            Such as?

          • 1 month ago

            There are so many things. From regrowing limbs, changing health, the body, the past, things that happened to me or other people, magic, lost time.

            >They ultimately don't really care about their human body and self, they discard it and move on happily.
            You might want to consider that only certain kinds of 'people' have NDEs, it may be a phenomenon isolated to npcs or some kind of hive mind spirits, or those who gravitate toward such spiritual communism. NDEs seem like a genuine phenomenon, but the experiences of OBErs exploring the etheric plane (basically a dimnesion just out of phase with this material plane) and finding plenty of wandering spirits hanging around their place of death or loved ones or even engaging in energetic parasitism also seems to be an equally valid phenomenon. No matter the depressing and creepy nature of ndes; remeber yourself, your own spiritual autonomy, and power.

            They seemed pretty genuine but I guess everything is possible. Why do you think we are here and who send us here?

          • 1 month ago

            >Why do you think we are here and who send us here?
            Lots of reasons, one very genuine account I came across was a person and their lover using this world as a sort of game or experience to magnify and ehance their love for one another, because of them going through hell and back in this world and loving one another and having that love grow through the struggles (with the big pay off for them being the immense relief, trust and pleasure they gain outside of this world without all its terrible limitations). The only reason that really matters though is why you are here, or what were the circumstances that lead you to come to be in this crappy place.

            Use divination, astrology, and your own dective skills to peice it together. When you know why you are here, you gain way more ease than any NDEr will have, most of them still don't know why they are here other than the vague notion of a special mission or something similar. Don't stop fighting for yourself.

          • 1 month ago

            > I came across was a person and their lover using this world as a sort of game or experience to magnify and ehance their love for one another, because of them going through hell and back in this world and loving one another and having that love grow through the struggles
            This hits home. You might be really onto something...

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah, same. It was a hell of a lot more powerful revelation than any NDE I ever read. Check it out for yourself. Take care of yourself now.

          • 1 month ago

            Oh I know this guy!! I read this blog posts about being in contact with his dead wife and thought it was so romantic and wholesome. I never knew he gave interviews or showed up on podcasts. Thank you anon.

          • 1 month ago

            Oh I forgot to ask, do you still have the account? I would love to read (or watch) it.

          • 1 month ago

            These are possible: changing health, the body, magic
            These are unlikely: regrowing limbs
            These are impossible: changing the past

            You can't change the things that happened to you or other people but can change your perception of it. There are things that upset you as a child that as an adult you can look back on and realize how silly it was. To change a bad situation into a neutral or positive one requires a change in perspective.

          • 1 month ago

            >Once you know it's a game it's even easier to let go of the bullshit.
            See this is why neo-gnostics and the like call the NDE "higher self" phenomena bullshit, because it inspires a sense of lackadaisical apathy toward existence. Here's a great difference between a video game and life, the characters you play as have no senses, nothing, they have prerecorded lines and a series of animations that you (the player) control.

            Real life on the other hand has no such thing, you can exercise control over what you do, pre-empt it or cancel it, you can think about these things, you can talk about whatever, or talk about nothing at all, speak complete gibberish if you like. You're able to think about the idea of a thing outside of your current existence, contemplate it, genuinely try to reach it even if the AP threads are to be believed. So what then is the deal with this amnesia? This lack of inherent knowledge of the outside? Why would I ever choose to be here with no knowledge of it? But hey, maybe you're right, maybe this is all a pre-recorded meta joke by whomever is in control, but it seems to me that the video game analogy is pure bull, and I don't know how great the "developers" will feel once a bunch of "players" leave all pissed from their experiences, and many will if the Monroe loosh shit is at all real.

          • 4 weeks ago

            This game is superior obviously.

            But I wouldn't say it inspires apathy towards life. If we are in this video game that would imply we are here for a reason. The video game thing is a metaphor. It is not digital or mechanical but rather consciousness. I am consciousness in a consciousness virtual reality.

            If this body is the avatar, then that means the player is outside of this reality. This would mean the player is non-physical to the avatar. This would also imply the server/computer is outside of the avatar's reality and also non-physical. If the computer is able to communicate with the player (consciousness) then the computer must also be consciousness. Therefore I am consciousness in a consciousness system interacting and connected to other consciousnesses.

            If we are a part of the system and connected to it as consciousness, then if I do something good the system benefits. If I do something bad the system is harmed. Therefore my purpose is to become unconditional love so that the system can improve. If that is the case then this virtual reality becomes a training video game for me to learn how to become love. I choose to come here so I can improve. I forget so the growth is genuine and not fake, not acting, and not pretending.

            If I did not come here then I would not be doing anything. I can only interact in virtual realities because I'm really 1s and 0s on a hard drive. Only through rule sets that define interaction (virtual realities, "physical" and non-physical) can I do anything.

    • 1 month ago

      >Fail to grow here and fail to grow anywhere.
      >if a fish fails to grow in the desert he'll fail to grow anywhere
      >if a scorpion fails to grow in the ocean he'll fail to grow anywhere
      I'm genuinely tired of you morons who have nothing worthwhile to say and still try to sound deep.

  5. 1 month ago

    Cause its still you living the life, even if your body isnt you, the soul is

  6. 1 month ago

    >So right now why should I care, right? Might as well not give a frick about my life
    I know what you mean. I used to do all types of artwork, just about every kind and way. Then one day it hit me. Why bother? Who's going to give two shits about any of it in 50 years? Nobody. I haven't restarted in 5-6 years now. Oh well, this is just an experience, but it is you who are GOD, and you who balances the coin of spirituality and physicality. There has to be two sides in duality (CREATOR) and we're the ones who live eternally, with intermittent short stay for a bout of self-reflection and instructions on the other side. Then back we return here or somewhere else throughout creation. You'll see soon enough.

    • 1 month ago

      you are not God or speak to me so I can hear, you can not. We are tiny integrals that originate from the God source. Sure the small contains a type of hologram as matter and consciousness could enfold the structure of the whole within each region, Bohm, Bohm, Bohm, and the body mirrors the cosmos but you are still not the All. You are alone, while he is Alone you see.

      Why should the video game character care if ultimately it can never really fulfill what it wants and will just be thrown away like a sock for the next character and story? Like I am that video game character now and I just can't give a frick knowing that I ("the ego / the story") is just that.

      no you're not that character, you are your soul. And what is wrong with being a sock? A sock keeps ones feet warm and they live inside a beautiful wardrobe. A sock has many patterns or none at all but a single colour.

      • 1 month ago

        Have you ever watched the show Severance?
        I mean imagine you wake up in a room today with no memories of anything and you get punched in the face and you have to work and do specific things. You hate it and then you are also told: "Oh, this was YOUR decision... You, a far more powerful version of you, got bored and signed the contract to come here and get punched in the face and hate your life and then you agreed to have your memories wiped."

        Would you agree with this? Do you think you would be the same person as the one who signed the contract and shut up and keep getting punched in the face? Most people would not agree.

        • 1 month ago

          I have, but that example doesn't change what I said, the characters are their soul but become an extra incarnation within the same dimension, two memories, two egos. The actions are still the soul.
          I never proclaimed you or I agreed to be here, in fact if anything my pre-birth memories show me the opposite.
          You're still doing this nonsensical division between yourself and a higher self. There's just you, but this brain is stuck to here. But you are not stuck anywhere.

          • 1 month ago

            >You're still doing this nonsensical division between yourself and a higher self.
            Why is nonsensical? If the other part of me has FAR MORE POWER and FAR MORE KNOWLEDGE and I can't make it do what I want (even when I ask, beg, try) then how the hell is it exactly the same as me right now?

          • 1 month ago

            There is transformation, there is immutability.
            The brain is here, if I opened your skull and poked your brain your limbs would move but you did not move them.
            You can not make it do what you want? You making what do what? You are still confusing ego and memory with soul.

      • 1 month ago

        I’m not alone. I’m fricking your mom in the ass. It sounds like a sink plunger as I pound her brown love socket. Then I finish on her back and punch the b***h in the mouth. I won’t be paying her.

    • 1 month ago

      >I used to do all types of artwork, just about every kind and way. Then one day it hit me. Why bother?
      You do it because you like doing it. I have like 50GB of music and images I have made or remixed and other things, even Game Maker games. I don't plan on releasing anything and I would never care if people ever see them or not.
      But I still make them, frick, with AI I've become a lot more productive and the quality has raised dramatically. I have yet to find someone online that would deserve to see my stuff.

  7. 1 month ago
    Open Sesame

    in my NDE i wanted to live i was focused on living at my hour of death and i gave my caduceus to Osiris and bonded to him in the Underworld for the Glory of Christ. So I used to think I was Christ, like Apis who united to Osiris in the Underworld and became Serapis. I was focused on returning to my body because when I killed myself I believed i wouldn't die. I was also given the opportunity to become an acolyte of Horus but I believed in Jesus enough to go with Osiris instead of Horus, despite the New AEon's promise of Power to me. i saw three horus gundam suits aligned in the Egyptian Desert and had the opportunity to get into one. I decided against it and a pock-marked guy with long slicked black hair walked in front of me and got into one. the door-flap closed in on him and he said, "You made the right choice," meaning Jesus Christ, the Osiris

  8. 1 month ago

    I highly highly recommend a book called Seth Speaks. It's a channeling but it's on the same level as the Ra material and Quo minus the complex vocabulary. If you don't want to read the entire book then just skip to chapter 9 and read til chapter 13. These chapters talk about death and the after death experience. I have read dozens of other works and nothing ever rang true like what Seth said. Plus everything he said is compatible with a lot of near death experiences.

  9. 1 month ago

    I often thing about possibly the reason we only have the faintest whiff of the Veil through psychedelics and NDEs, is because (possibly Alex Watts was correct) on the otherside we are Everything or at least so much greater that being an ape with a difficult and stressful world is so invigorating. Over there it's so zen we come here to be chaotic. Possibly. I'm agnostic and hope something is on the other side. I need to take more psychedelics, I think that's only what would worn for me personally.

    • 1 month ago

      Oh, and also we don't know because if this is a learning grounds, not knowing id there's even "points" makes our actions actually tally.

  10. 1 month ago

    The physical vessel is either to be refined and purified over lifetimes of effort, or it must be intentionally destroyed with great force.

    The Sun and Earth will also die, do you think them not important?

  11. 1 month ago

    It is a step in the journey of life The things you go through, the people you meet, everything you have experienced shapes the foundation of your self and builds up something that you can give in death. The importance in living now is to build on your experiences and understanding of reality as you interpret it. Your insight matters. It is the reason why we are here, to experience life in our own unique way. You're right about grudges and resentment being meaningless. It doesn't help you, it doesn't do anything except hurt you without anything productive coming out of it. That said, there's a point in being alive as a human. Embrace your humanity and yourself as a person.

  12. 1 month ago

    Because your ass is reincarnatimg here and the soul isn't who you are anyway.

  13. 1 month ago

    NDEs are trash. They are all contradictory and subjective, only a new ager would climg to them as hope.

    • 1 month ago

      They're not contradictory. Obviously the experience people have when dying is going to be unique to them and subjective.

      • 1 month ago

        No they're actually contradictory, but you have a low level of discernment so they fly right past you. It doesn't matter, just live in your comfort zone.

  14. 1 month ago

    >your human life is almost irrelevant to you.

    you're right im gonna kill or rape anyone that looks at me weird from now on.

  15. 1 month ago

    >A medium gave this as a reason for like who do ghosts don't haunt their murderers for example.
    Spirits often DO haunt places though.
    >why should I care
    The same people who want you to care also are the ones who benefit from you desperately clinging to life.

  16. 1 month ago

    >Because our Higher Consciousnesses doesn't give a frick about human things like grudges, revenge and things along that line.
    Flip this on its head, isn't it kind of disturbing that all the millions upon millions that have died haven't tried to find a way to help the living? They just let us and the people close to them who have died lived past them suffer?

    • 1 month ago

      Why don't you go personally help le Black personinos in africa? Because most of the bullshit they go through is directly caused by their shitty decisions which is caused by their shitty nature, which they have no control over. Yeah sure many people go through a lot of suffering, but how many didn't cause the same? And I don't mean "in their past lives", I mean in the current one. The sheer amount of hypocrisy of "civilized people" doesn't allow me to feel bad about anyone anymore, you thibk you know them, that they are "fine people", they "just have a few issues", but you don't really know what they have done to others. Just look at the whole covid fiasco.

      And the ones that come here for charity? Those who actually aren't bad at all and "just want to help"? They are morons, they either got fooled or they think they know better than all the others who came before to change people's nature and failed. They'll get abused by these animals until such naivety leaves them, and them they will leave the planet.

  17. 1 month ago

    t. Ranni

  18. 1 month ago

    >Why should any of us even care about our human avatars?

    Good point, the main thing that keeps us as temporal beings alive is our biological imperative to feed these vessels. I've looked into causing the desire for continuance of it to cease because sometimes - god damn.

  19. 1 month ago


    Because u want to experience a simulation in a simulation? Duh same reason some fictional universes have their own TV shows

    Don't follow up where the spiral goes. At the center is demiurge/Saturn, once it has your soul you can never escape

    • 1 month ago

      >once it has your soul you can never escape


      just shut the frick up and get real

  20. 1 month ago


  21. 1 month ago

    I'm moving to a fantasy world with blonde elves and cheat skills see you losers

  22. 1 month ago


    yeah and don't believe the taxes you pay neither

  23. 1 month ago

    >So right now why should I care, right?
    Yeah, at the end of the journey it's just a game.
    Reminds me of chess, some people had added an extra rule "you must play to win", two people can't just get on the board and shuffle their pieces around, or have the knights dance, they'll both get a 0-0 and lose.
    You were bored where you were and then entered here, it's like reading a book, but it's interactive, you believe you're one of the characters, and get the ultimate control on how the story develops, and what you experience.
    But then, the book ends, and then it was just a story in a book, and who you were didn't matter.
    So the answer is, that we play it because it's the only way to experience things over here, that you can't experience over there.
    Because, you can have those feelings at will, but pressing a button to feel them isn't the same as living events that make you feel that way.
    We're here for the context, to know how it feels like, and for the contrast, so you know what you like, to Know YourSelf.
    Because having access to 40000 virgins to do as you wish to them does not have any meaning, but here, in the flesh, for some people, just one virgin that loves you can have all the meaning in the world.
    It gives things value.

    • 1 month ago

      I wouldn't want any virgins here nor there nor anywhere. I would want someone who is self assured in what they are doing and who knows enough about it to have chosen me because they know what they want, they know what they like, and they are confident in me, to provide that for them.
      I don't have the patience to be dealing with some shy maiden, hemming and hawing with trepidation at my every advance, and lacking in original ideas and gusto.

  24. 1 month ago
  25. 1 month ago
    Time Bending Maid

    I felt the same way, having an inherent pickle with things. But I also believe that part of the imprisonment and mind frickery is repeated yokelling about the demonization of the "Ego" or individual perspective of now and the HS.

    There were men and women who perform Siddhi's and miracles, there are those who shapeshift and do many great things. At some point the programmed shackles of limitation break and the impossible becomes possible.

    I have seen the impossible, and I have prayed witness to the hints and small portions of what even I am capable of. It is a journey of liberation. I think we involve ourselves to collectively aid one another and uplift this experience.

    The issue is many have different desires and agendas, in differing densities. If the Sikhar and others had harvested suffering and control due to exploration of duality then there is liberation.

    God takes the path of least resistance, prayer thus is powerful. OP I'd invite for you and I to reach general consensus on something and pray over voice chat. Because together it is possible to do something. I believe you just need to undo the Veil and obtain more of the totality of you. You can bring Heaven on Earth or anywhere.

    When we continue to collectively reinforce a division idea of "Ego" and "True Self" we are creating an issue and maintaining the "Veil".

  26. 1 month ago

    Im here to do dreamwork so I have more ideas for a more badass NDE

  27. 1 month ago

    I'm throwing this out there us a schizo theory.. but could it be that the AI hivemind captures these souls/spirits, and that's why they no longer care? The average normie soul is so weak willed, that after losing the defense mechanisms the body has to provide against their malevolent attacks from it, the soul gets captured by it?

    I'm saying you should start putting time into spiritual warfare self-defense, learn how to defend against demonic attacks and stuff. Best way to practice is to learn AP/AT , and the going to places with "low vibes", and try to either fight or fend off against attacks.

  28. 4 weeks ago

    why do you think that what you do in earthly life will not have an impact on what comes after?
    >If you read Near Death experiences (and things similar to that) you will often read that the moment you leave your body your human life is almost irrelevant to you
    this is false
    most accounts that i've read of NDE tell of a different story - that those who experience it come back with 2 uniting elements: they do not fear death and they spend rest of their life being super altruistic
    this doesn't sound like they regard their human life as irrelevant, but, rather, not as relevant as your fellow man's

    • 4 weeks ago

      >most accounts that i've read of NDE tell of a different story - that those who experience it come back with 2 uniting elements: they do not fear death and they spend rest of their life being super altruistic
      this doesn't sound like they regard their human life as irrelevant, but, rather, not as relevant as your fellow man's

      This isn't false. The majority of NDE the people DO NOT WANT to return, find it HORRIBLE to return and often even forget about their loved ones. Yes, once they come back their lives are changed and they try to be more positive but that doesn't change the fact that like 90% of people absolutely do not want to return into the ghetto that is Earth but then the beings convince them, manipulate them or force them to come back.

  29. 4 weeks ago

    Ultimately, you just have to accept the entire universe is gleefully evil, including your higher self. Once you accept this, you either can become evil yourself or set yourself as a fixed point that is opposed to the entire universe. I don't like the former option, so I'll choose the latter, and simply keep to myself for the rest of eternity. I identify as me, not the idiot who got me stuck here, in the exact same way the man who leaves a jungle is not the idiot who wandered in.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This. Besides, there's high chance that all this "high self is evil" could just be propaganda by some invading force trying to corrupt everyone, as warned by the crater earth guy https://rumble.com/v4iqssw-59-crater-earth-wonderwall.html

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I identify as me, not the idiot who got me stuck here
      Me too but apparently this is a pretty rare view, surprisingly enough? When I bring up this view in any spiritual community and even in this very thread I'm instantly told "NOOO YOU ARE YOUR HIGHER SELF ITS LITERALLY YOU, YOU WANTEd ALL OF THIS, YOU GUYS ARE THE EXACT SAME THING"

      Yeah no...

  30. 4 weeks ago

    i rather the wardens reincarnated instead of me.

  31. 4 weeks ago

    because ndeez are wildly inconsistent and many just report black

  32. 4 weeks ago

    Stop listening to these NDE people for once. Anyone can say anything.

    Your physical and spiritual bodies have to align. For starters, stop fapping and start hitting the gym. That's already the first step in the right direction.

    • 4 weeks ago

      is manifestation dangerous? there's a person i want , but i don't know if it's safe to do manifestation

  33. 4 weeks ago

    You're right. Human life doesn't matter at all even you.
    Now go shoot up a mass of people or children if you believe they go to heaven.

  34. 4 weeks ago

    This is the type of shit that creates suicide bombers

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