Why is suicide “bad”?

Why is it frowned upon by religion and other spiritual groups, why can’t I end my misery now instead of waiting for cancer or poverty to kill me in 50 years?
>muh God’s gift
Why doesn’t he gift me anything to make life worth living then? No money, no love, no hope, depression, isolation and I’m supposed to be grateful?

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  1. 2 years ago

    We had a similar thead recently


    , but let's continue it here.

    Since i was 11-12 i was already tempted to suicide but i've been coping since then and in the few years after much psychedelic usage along with my spiritual journey and contents over the web i realized, like many others, that life is a meme and you can end it and start another as you will. People say it's bad because they usually don't wanna lose someone or just because they think people who suicide are cowards.

    • 2 years ago

      I didn’t see this thread I’m gonna read it
      I’ve felt like killing myself for 10 years now (I’m 23 now) but I can’t bring myself to do it since I don’t want to hurt my mom and my dog (plus they need me to eat and pay the bills lol) so I’m basically waiting for them both to die so I can kms, which is frustrating, because my life is so fricked, my youth is fading away and I can’t keep coping with it, I feel like my brain is melting every day and I’m getting more and more moronic

      • 2 years ago

        What are the specifics of your sadness besides just your average nihilism?

        • 2 years ago

          >went to college to become a veterinarian (muh follow you dreams)
          >made absolutely no friends
          >somehow made it two years into college, no one ever spoke to me lmao
          >eventually dropped out
          >back to my shitty town
          >somehow I always managed to get laid, with tinder and what not but women only use me for sex, I kid you not, I know I’m not ugly because women keep approaching me and using me and then leave
          >now in my shitty town, there’s no women my age so I’m not even getting laid, I work a shitty wagie job, I make enough money to survive but that’s it, I have no hobbies or a car or anything and my mom is too old to work, I don’t have any talents or anything I can profit off, I have no electricity, water (only rain water) or cell signal in my house because it’s the butthole of the world in the countryside
          I feel like I’m gonna die here in this shithole, I will never experience pure and real love like with my first gf, whatever a lot going on, but since I became and adult and money started to be an issue it’s gotten worse, all my highschool friends are doing so great that I decided to delete Instagram

          • 2 years ago

            Do you live in Djibouti or something? What do you do for work and how do you use a computer/phone with no electricity Ibrahim?

          • 2 years ago

            I live in Patagonia moron, I work cutting wood all day and putting it in a truck.
            I charge my phone either with an electric generator (gasoline powered) or I charge it at work, I have internet when I go to the town (I’m in the park right now)

          • 2 years ago

            Keep your head up, meet new people and a new opportunity may come

          • 2 years ago

            Oh, an argentinian schizo pibe. Investiga sobre budismo, puede ser que te ayude. Al menos es una filosofía que trata de hacer frente a los problemas y superarlos, de manera autónoma.

          • 2 years ago

            >life is about worldly possessions

            >life is about carnal pleasures

            the universe can snuff me out whenever she pleases

            >worshipping creation and calling it a she

          • 2 years ago

            she has a huge wiener, for what it's worth

          • 2 years ago

            Get out of this site and become a hobo then

          • 2 years ago

            just relax man,
            things always fall into place, eventually.
            killing yourself won't help, could be worse on the other side, aprecciate what you've got.

          • 2 years ago

            Yup, you're fricking moronic
            Get a fricking life or make space for those who have one

    • 2 years ago


      Why is it frowned upon by religion and other spiritual groups, why can’t I end my misery now instead of waiting for cancer or poverty to kill me in 50 years?
      >muh God’s gift
      Why doesn’t he gift me anything to make life worth living then? No money, no love, no hope, depression, isolation and I’m supposed to be grateful?

      Suicide isn’t bad. You’re 100% right, in fact it’s kind of a mercy if you think about it more.
      The reason why religion pushes anti suicide so much is because the religious entities feed off of the circle samsara and wish for people’s suffering in this timeline in order to feast off of it. Karma is the biggest trap this specie has always had, this planet is ruled by such forces of misery and unfairness.
      The only reason I haven’t killed myself is because I love my mom, and have the hope that I will build a greater tomorrow without the crutches of misery and death.
      If I don’t accomplish that by 60, then it’s fair to say that one should just kill themself.
      If you don’t have the right cards since the beginning in life, you are pretty much living a gambler’s fallacy.

      • 2 years ago

        >If I don’t accomplish that by 60
        That’s an issue too, I don’t want to find peace when I’m a 75yo rotting corpse, I want to be happy now, I want to have things and do things and have at least a lil bit of pleasure, I feel my youth fading away, and I can’t enjoy it and I haven’t enjoyed it at all

  2. 2 years ago

    It isn't.

  3. 2 years ago

    Because they need their wagie slaves to continue their society. People who suicide aren't cowards they are brave.

    Cowards a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things.

    People that call them cowards are coping morons who don't understand the definition of words.

    I've been suicial for 12 years (I'm 29). I'm a coward because I can't follow through. I'm too afraid of death. Hopefully I can become brave before another 50 years pass so I won't die an old decrepit loser. 50 more years of suffering sounds so unbearable.

  4. 2 years ago

    Have any of you taken a breakthrough dose of psychedelics?

    • 2 years ago

      Meme drugs. They don’t do shit, the psychedelics are pretty much a way for you to get infected with mushroom chemical shit which is straight up rotting your brain. If you ever wondered why all hippie gays look the same and act like a bunch of losers, well that’s why. They become enslaved to the chemicals same as any other junkie gay,

      • 2 years ago


        and this is far from the best link on the topic of how psychedelics can cure a lot of mental disease

        • 2 years ago

          I've done psychedelics quite a few times. It's only made me see that my life is over. And that there's no meaning to this existence. The end game of the universe is to go to the lowest point of entropy or nothing can survive. And even knowing that there is no meaning and I should just do whatever I want I'm still a slave to my emotions / genes / programming / physics.

          • 2 years ago

            >whatever I want I'm still a slave to my emotions / genes / programming / physics.

            You're a slave untill you free yourself, suicide will make you a slave to the unknown ... if you realise that you are a slave to your emotions/genes/programming/physics, you realise you have to master them.

            And guess what it's totally possible, you can't fly but you can build something to be able to fly. same for the others things in life.

            Also, for the use of psychedelics as a way to heal, there is a strict protocol on how to use them, check out the studies. dringing 1cl of beer is not the same as drinking 10 beer in a party, same for the use of cures

      • 2 years ago

        Why would you worry about all that if you want to have a nice day?

  5. 2 years ago

    Hello, I was in depression and suicidal for a long time, basically I can remember a long period of my life where I had to fight suicidal pulsion every time I was in presence of a possibility (and it was a lot)

    Nowaday I got back on my feet,

    Let's be sincere : Life is Harsh
    BUT not that Harsh that you need to end it,

    In most case I mean, Ther is one thing that is important : Can the situation get any better ? If it can get better, then this is your reason not to suicide (there is still specific case where I think there is no hope like ... Imagine being stuck in a situation with no possibility to come back such as ... you are a soldier going to get captured by enemies that are going to torture you and make the rest of your life pure misery with no hope to get back on your feet, that would be a time I think it would be rational.)

    BUT these situation are rare like ... really rare, in most situation your depression and suicidal thought are a way for your brain to communicate to you that the life you're having is not what you need and that you must change something.
    (Be it your circle of friends, your family, your s/o or your job)

    Add one thing : once you are in Depression or in Suicidal thoughts loop your brain is getting damaged, and the more it get damaged the less you can do critical thinking and understand that your view on life is biased, this is where you need the help of someone (a trusted professional would be the best option).

    You should look on the neuroscience of depression to understand that it's a multifactorial disease and that it maim your brain and lead you not to be able to understand you're dellusional.

    Life is Harsh, but Life can be good, do what it take for it to be good, and don't get too hasted with death, in the end it will come anyway, so just try to have true joy.

    Also, When you die the only thing that is certain is that the people that loved you will be sad, making people that love you sad is not really a good thing ...

    • 2 years ago

      >BUT not that Harsh that you need to end it
      yes it is, especially for some.
      Ive never asked for it.

      • 2 years ago

        As said : not that Harsh as you need to end it
        > If there is way to get things back on track using help

        And most of the time, there is, but you are not able to see it because your brain is damaged by the depression and your thinking is biased, I know it because i've read it on neuroscience topic especially because I lived it for 15+ year and that at some point I had Suicidal impulse 4-10 times a day for more than six month straight and realised it wasn't my will and that I have to strongly resist this call

        -> Depression give you a biased view on your situation because your brain and brain chemistry is disfunctional, therefore ... Don't Trust your brain, seek for Help.
        Don't trust your brain, even when you think help won't help.

        When you know your mental health is bad,
        it's not the time to rely on your brain,
        for the same reason that when you have a broken leg it's not the time to do a marathon.

        so if you have depression,
        Don't FRICKING trust your brain

        • 2 years ago

          say this to the kid who lost her entire family and then was abused in the orphanage, thrown up in some fricked system to rot away, etc
          just an example

      • 2 years ago

        also people never ask for disease (if you talk about depression).

        And Life fricking doesn't care about your judgment on what it is ...

        saying shit like "I've never asked for it" ... is like ... off-topic XD

        You're alive, deal with it ... actually that's the whole point, oh and you're alone ... forever, and there is no meaning or anything ... actually do what you want

  6. 2 years ago

    something made you get on the rollercoaster and it stands to reason that you will do so again especially if the current ride is cut short somehow

    there's nothing inherently wrong with suicide but you can't run away from existence as such. we're being raped in this way, forever, and God is the one doing it. <3

    • 2 years ago

      Thanks c**t, have a nice day.

      • 2 years ago

        the universe can snuff me out whenever she pleases

  7. 2 years ago

    become muslim

  8. 2 years ago

    Suffering builds character.

    • 2 years ago

      lmao say this to a 12y female kid who was abused an beaten by a stepfather or smt since she was 5

  9. 2 years ago



  10. 2 years ago

    What about the yogic technique of leaving the body permanently? Intentional death without inflicting harm on the body? How is it different than suicide if the end result is the same? Is it intention? If it's just intention then could suicide with harm be acceptable, just with less skillful methods?

  11. 2 years ago

    read the story of Job

  12. 2 years ago

    because your body belongs to god

    • 2 years ago

      I didn't realize God was an auto loan dealer

      • 2 years ago

        hashem created you

  13. 2 years ago

    >transferring early when there are still good memories to be had

  14. 2 years ago

    It's funnier if the fools who take there own lives end up doing it again

  15. 2 years ago

    Because the main struggle of humanity for thousands of years was not expiring. Suicide is

    A) A guarantee that you will not produce more offspring
    B) "Throwing away" all the resources that it took to get you this far.

    Of course, it's all bullshit now. People just don't want to be sad and they don't want to say it outright because it would expose how selfish it is to keep grandpa hooked up to a tube while his body yearns for peace, just so they don't have to be sad.

    I don't want people to kill themselves. Today, I'm honestly glad my attempt failed. But I can also recognize that it's much more selfish to ask someone to keep going when they're in hell than it is to take control over your own body and your own life when everything sucks so much that eternal nothingness is preferable.

    • 2 years ago

      >Because the main struggle of humanity for thousands of years was not expiring. Suicide is
      What are you, a fricking moron? The life expectancy of most people has gone up considerably over the past few hundred years at the least, every little thing back in the wild west for instance would probably be a death sentence most of the time. Mortality was much more fickle for our ancestors than it is now.

      • 2 years ago

        How does that change the fact that the main struggle was/is not to die? How does life expentacy change anything?

  16. 2 years ago

    Deep down, people realize this is it. Our one chance at life. Suicide wastes that.

  17. 2 years ago
    The Machine Mind SLM

    suiside is bad because you burn in hell.

  18. 2 years ago

    why? because the gods these frickers believe in are powered by bad emotions. they literally feast on your fears, your suffering.
    just look around you. crippled newborn dieing from cancer, innocents shredded to pieces every hour.
    how could the god allow such a thing to happen?
    entertain that thought for a second

    • 2 years ago

      Most of God's creatures survive by attacking maiming and painfully killing other creatures.
      This was Hell all along.
      We've just managed to make it tolerable with numbing things like media, drugs, booze, sex, etc

  19. 2 years ago

    >Skipping the tutorial because it's too hard thinking the game will be easier

  20. 2 years ago

    I want to know what makes me die.

    Like, I get the idea of suicide, but I also like surprises.

    So I'm just waiting to see what I get, ya know?

    I'm thinking some form of cancer or cardiac failure is my most likely, but I'm really excited for some crazy shit.

    Like, I want fricking insane death possibilities.

    Asteroid strike, lightning, 2 mile high tsunami, extraterrestrial conquest, interstellar hypernova gamma burst, mass shooting, nuclear weapon strike, zombie virus, crashing plane/jet, etc...

    I really want to get something from the "WHAT THE FRICK" list, you know?

  21. 2 years ago

    1) why is suicide crimalized?
    2) why do people say you are selfish?
    3) why do babies cry when they enter this world?
    4) why do they block off all potential suicide locations?
    5) why did San Francisco spend $200 million on suicide net for the Golden Gate Bridge when only 1500 died since the 1930s?
    6) why all the suicide hotlines?
    7) why are they called cowards when suicide takes balls?

    Answer: it’s a valid exit with no consequences

  22. 2 years ago

    8) why people cry at funerals? They’re still stuck here

  23. 2 years ago

    It’s a shortcut out of here

    Suicide if you hate you script

    It’s the ultimate act of free will

    • 2 years ago
      Son of Mercury

      Based, fate up against the will.

  24. 2 years ago

    Because its upsets archons or even more horryfing entities.

  25. 2 years ago

    >Proof yourself little buddy, live life
    >"nah bro i will just kill mahself/quit the game"
    >Off you go again brosef but this time you'll be african

    • 2 years ago

      Prove myself? To who? Why?
      Why should I dance for someone else?
      How can I be asked to "live life" when I'm not given my freedom?

      I won't let anyone tell me what to do, not even god.

      • 2 years ago

        Given freedom isn't freedom
        freedom must be TAKEN

        • 2 years ago

          >Given freedom isn't freedom
          >freedom must be TAKEN
          How are you gonna do that when everybody and everything around you is scripted and controlled? Lmao.

          • 2 years ago

            By not caring about it ?
            why does the slave status of other people impact your freedom ?

          • 2 years ago

            >By not caring about it ?
            >why does the slave status of other people impact your freedom ?

            If you are not caring about it you will be repeating the same scripting over and over again. homeless repeating the same rituals everyday no different than a Starfricks employee

            If you need housing, a job, a ride, a backpack, shoes, etc. IT CONTROLS ALL CHARACTERS AND ALL YOUR SURROUNDINGS. How are you gonna get those things if you become a persona-non-grata? I've called taxicab and nobody shows up...

            This world hasn't changed since the 1970s. Still low paying jobs and overpriced bad food and housing (worse than 70s). Still talking about democrats vs republicans. Still talking about poor baby women, poor baby blacks, homos, China, Middle East, abortion, terrorism...NOTHING HAS CHANGED


          • 2 years ago

            so you doesn't want freedom, you just want all the benefits of being in consumer society without the drawbacks ...

            What is even your definition of freedom ? having a lot of money to spend in shit ?

          • 2 years ago

            >so you doesn't want freedom, you just want all the benefits of being in consumer society without the drawbacks ...
            >What is even your definition of freedom ? having a lot of money to spend in shit ?

            You are a frickin bot 'cause you frickin bots don't even respond in a way that shows comprehension.

            Get lost you dumb AI!

  26. 2 years ago

    This 'life' is pointless 'cause free will is a mind delusion and you are living out a pre-scripted script. Everybody around you is scripted and controlled holograms

  27. 2 years ago

    it is/ was propagated as bad to keep cattle from killing themselves

  28. 2 years ago

    Suicide in the form that we see most often today is cowardly and for losers.
    A traditional militaristic or ritual suicide on the other hand is cool and epic, one should seek to achieve transcendence in death by fighting to the death even though you are out numbered or by ritual self sacrifice.
    Killing yourself for an egotistic "woe is me" type of reason as we see in most suicides today is materialistic and corporeal, it severs the connection with the divine and make you look like a massive coward homosexual.

    • 2 years ago

      >Suicide in the form that we see most often today is cowardly and for losers.
      Have you tried it? Courage is required. The losers are the ones that belong to this 'world', which is you.
      >A traditional militaristic or ritual suicide on the other hand is cool and epic, one should seek to achieve transcendence in death by fighting to the death even though you are out numbered or by ritual self sacrifice.
      >Killing yourself for an egotistic "woe is me" type of reason as we see in most suicides today is materialistic and corporeal, it severs the connection with the divine and make you look like a massive coward homosexual.

      You have never suffered obviously and are, more than likely , a bot that belongs to this world

  29. 2 years ago

    Because the same religion that wants you to wait until death until you finally get to live also needs you to do the waiting part.

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