When are you gonna stop reincarnating?

You lived too many lives already don't you think is enough?

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  1. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      That's why reincarnation makes no sense. It's just kind of pointless

      • 1 month ago

        Reincarnation is moving from one dream to the next dream. you dont remember the last dream you had while you're in a current dream

        • 1 month ago

          But when you wake up you might remember both dreams. I often have dreams that continue one to the next with similar content if I wake up and go straight back to sleep. I have a problem where I constantly have extremely vivid dreams though, it's really annoying, I'd much rather have no dreams. But anyway, the idea that one is punished or rewarded via reincarnation when there's no way for that person to know what's going on just doesn't make sense. And reincarnation for no reason makes even less sense. To be fair it's one of the few paranormal things I think has some merit based on the case studies. I hope it's not real though. And it still seems like a pointless mechanism of existence if it is real

      • 1 month ago

        Who's to say you dont retain anything?

        • 1 month ago

          Exactly. You retain all the traumas from past lives. good luck healing what's been forcefully erased from your memory. Also any soul contracts that you might have signed are still in effect, not that you *have* to follow them, but still, they want you to believe that you have to.

      • 1 month ago

        But when you wake up you might remember both dreams. I often have dreams that continue one to the next with similar content if I wake up and go straight back to sleep. I have a problem where I constantly have extremely vivid dreams though, it's really annoying, I'd much rather have no dreams. But anyway, the idea that one is punished or rewarded via reincarnation when there's no way for that person to know what's going on just doesn't make sense. And reincarnation for no reason makes even less sense. To be fair it's one of the few paranormal things I think has some merit based on the case studies. I hope it's not real though. And it still seems like a pointless mechanism of existence if it is real

        >And it still seems like a pointless mechanism of existence if it is real
        You just didn't think of a point. Some were mentioned here already, like it not being something for our benefit as much as that of other beings. It may also be crude existence befitting crude manifestations of the spirit in the physical before those manifestations refine themselves to exist elsewhere.
        We grow and develop between incarnations anyway, it's just it may be directed and stunted somewhat, to make us grow in a way that lets others reap most benefit.

      • 1 month ago

        yeah cause it's like a circle

      • 1 month ago

        Yes it is pointless but i don't see how that invalidates the concept itself? It's pointless which is why we should try and break free of it

  2. 1 month ago

    We were all kings, all peasants, all cows, birds, tigers. We were all Jeffery Epstein. We have all been Epstein’d. We have all been Zeus. We have all been Prometheus. It will never end. Enjoy being Anon.

    • 1 month ago

      Damn I had an egg shaped penis was killed by the cia? My life's cray cray

    • 1 month ago

      Frick u I want to be a horse

  3. 1 month ago

    Probably in this life, it seem. I saw a Buddha I think

    • 1 month ago

      Im pretty much a buddha they say you remember your past lives before you get fully enlightened yea i have a super memory as it is right no but no past life memories as of yet. Maybe im new for all i know

      • 1 month ago

        >Im pretty much a buddha
        What you are, I'd wager, is a teenager with lack of perspective and overestimation of yourself. If you'd be "new", it'd mean you barely managed to acquire enough refinement of spirit to exist as human - that's a huge way away from level of an accomplished practitioner of various spiritual arts, yet alone buddha. Also, your memory, that of your flesh, has little to do with recall of past lives. The fact you even see things this way suggests you have little clue yet and only assume otherwise.
        Sorry to rain on your parade, but I'd rather tell you this now, maybe it'll help you avoid megalomania.

      • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        If you meet the buddha on the road kill him.

  4. 1 month ago

    i'm a virgin LET ME HAVE SEX FIRST

    • 1 month ago


  5. 1 month ago

    Yeah, I guess. I don't think this is the last time tho, but I can feel I'm close.

  6. 1 month ago

    how many lives does mahakala live

  7. 1 month ago

    Do we really reincarnate?

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      your flow of consciousness stops for nothing. It produces new stories for you to observe. When you sleep it moves, when you're awake it moves, when you die it moves

      • 1 month ago

        to worms tummies

    • 1 month ago

      I'm pretty sure reincarnation is real because I hear spirits and some of them affirm having lived before as a being unlike how they were currently.

  8. 1 month ago

    I accept myself and the current reality and will work to keep people out of undue suffering the best I can. I've seen the damage it can cause. I won't give up on anyone. But I won't let myself be destroyed either. I will act with empathy. Good luck friends. All I know is I know nothing. Don't give up on yourselves. Hug. I have to go to the real world now.

    • 1 month ago

      He just means going outside right

      • 1 month ago

        yes 😛

  9. 1 month ago

    Suppose determinism and the big crunch is going to happen (gravity wins). Enter eternal return:

    >What, if some day or night a demon were to >steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: 'This life as you now live it and have >lived it, you will have to live once more and >innumerable times more' ...

    Belief in reincarnation is for homosexuals anyway.

    • 1 month ago

      Whoa dude just like that Futurama episode

      • 1 month ago

        I don't doubt it. It is a well established fact that Einstein got many of his ideas from watching Futurama. Hawking's Brief history of time is a rip-off of another episode (I forget which)

        • 1 month ago


          Suppose determinism and the big crunch is going to happen (gravity wins). Enter eternal return:

          >What, if some day or night a demon were to >steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: 'This life as you now live it and have >lived it, you will have to live once more and >innumerable times more' ...

          Belief in reincarnation is for homosexuals anyway.

          Einstein got influenced by Poe. After rereading Eureka he got so buttblasted that a writer came to the same conclusions in jest without math that he changed his tone and said Poe was an awful person essentially.

          That's why reincarnation makes no sense. It's just kind of pointless

          this anon

          >And it still seems like a pointless mechanism of existence if it is real
          You just didn't think of a point. Some were mentioned here already, like it not being something for our benefit as much as that of other beings. It may also be crude existence befitting crude manifestations of the spirit in the physical before those manifestations refine themselves to exist elsewhere.
          We grow and develop between incarnations anyway, it's just it may be directed and stunted somewhat, to make us grow in a way that lets others reap most benefit.

          is correct. With my so far basic knowledge of Chinese Internal Alchemy I have already singed a physical material with yang chi, and sped up my own recovery process from several past injuries with the accumulation of chi and the usage of herbs. I'm at a point with meditation that after some pain from a night of sports I can spend a mere 5 minutes in full lotus pumping chi into my Lower Dantien to recover from said pains. This knowledge lets me see through the veil, and realize that the physical is just a crude way to exist. How the anon said the physical is just a crude manifestation of the spirit reminds me how breathing is a crude way to gather chi. But since we can't transcend the physical until physical death it is the best method we have. My goal is to become a healer through chi, and turn my body into yang chi at death so that my spirit/consciousness is free to roam the spirit world as I see fit.

          As for Reincarnation 'not making sense' you have to realize it's not a concept that was developed by philosophers just talking. Many people have reported remembering past lives, especially at a young age, and those past lives being real people that were documented. It's merely a phenomenon that happens, and people have overcome it through various techniques with the most common being intense meditation, or numerous good deeds. So my question to you is why would you ever want to progress physically, such as climbing the corporate ladder, when you'll just return and have to redo all of that? You should instead try to 'climb the spiritual ladder', and not become bound to the physical again after death. Or at least raise your rankings enough that you will become more likely to do so in the next life.

          • 1 month ago

            Why is there a ladder?

  10. 1 month ago

    When I reach max level.

  11. 1 month ago

    I remember how many lives I have reincarnated. NO, I won't stop, I will continue until the world lasts no more. I will out live the world. I will live to an age of 80 and you will not try to stop me.

  12. 1 month ago

    This is my last go

    • 1 month ago

      Same. And don't let any Archons say you need to come back to help others. If Jesus couldn't fix this world, who am I to try?

  13. 1 month ago

    i will stop wen the time is right

  14. 1 month ago

    I've been doing this job from the very beginning.
    I will endure till the very end, as i; and all those like me, have always done.
    There are realms of creation that shall one day need us as well.

    Until then, enjoy this dream while you may.
    Remember to stop and smell the roses. It is up to you to learn how to actually enjoy the little things.

  15. 1 month ago

    How many lives do you think we live while we live this life?
    I think we live many lives either concurrently/looping like you imply- but i think deja vu and ghosts and what not are some sort of bleed through of the whole “design” of it all. Not that there is a real design. Just some sort of crazy absurd wondrous shit.

  16. 1 month ago

    The truth is that we never took any incarnation. The world is maya,illusory. We are already free. We fail to recognize that which is why we suffer. Otherwise we are already free.

    • 1 month ago

      Wrong, I believe. Unless I've took it for something else, it's a huge failure at understanding vedic scriptures on your part.

      The very religion from which the concept of maya, the illusory nature of reality etc stems from also espouses concepts of karma and reincarnation. The world is illusory in that it's imperfect, transitory, limited in scope reflection of the "true" existence. We are free in that our spiritual element in the end still exists. However, it is said imperfect world where our energetic and even less lasting aspects of existence - that of ego, sentience, flesh - are forced into particular schemes, with our divine aspect being obfuscated and hidden from us and our whole understanding only what we acquired in this time unless we'll rebel and seek spiritual practices that'll go beyond.

      • 1 month ago

        If you think that vedic ideas talk about some kind of corruption of divinity or shit then you are the one who's mistaken. All vedic/vedantin books end with preaching that the impurities we percieve are themselves illusory. There is nothing like maya.

        Krishna himself said that the Asat doesn't have any existence,asat being the transient. And that only Sat exists. Sat being the substance that remains unchanged at all times.
        Maya is the mystic force by which our self deluded itself to create this illusory world . But in reality nothing happens. No change. Maya always is false . Only self/brahman is real.
        There is no beyond. There is no here . All this is asat. These concepts are the illusion of maya.
        Read more before preaching me.

        • 1 month ago

          Temporary does not mean nonexistent.
          Krishna says the asataḥ has no bhāvaḥ.
          Bhāvaḥ in this context means endurance, continuity.

      • 1 month ago

        The idea of reincarnation is older than Hinduism. Many cultures in the ancient world came to essentially the same conclusion. The Celts believed in metempsychosis, which is essentially the same thing. And Shamanic/Indigenous traditions have beliefs very similar to reincarnation while being much older than Hinduism. The reason Hindus get attributed as being the 'originators of reincarnation' is that they were the first to write it down. While Shamanic/Indigenous cultures usually passed down knowledge orally.

        Idk if I believe that because I can't see it. What I can see is that every spring nature does it's thing. It's a constant cycle of death and rebirth. There is no indication that we ever escape this process. I think any escape is more likely to be metaphorical. Like if you've become enlightened and renounced the world. You have left samsara and incarnation if you done this. It's the end goal for all human being but it could just be what life does. Like flowers blooming. We reach our peak and then it's all downhill from there, we die, and then life happens again and the process of becoming that enlightened being happens again. We grow, we bloom, we die, over and over again as long as life persists in its different forms. There is no tangible reason to believe we ever truly escape this process. Exiting the cycle of reincarnation I think is a metaphor for leaving the world behind and becoming enlightened. It's escaping the matrix basically, but that just means destroying your illusions and waking up from them. That doesn't mean you won't do it billions more times in billions of different lives. You could very well do it over and over again just like flowers grow and bloom over and over again. Why would things be any different for us? As above so below. We are that.

        I wasn't saying you're wrong. I'm saying I don't know and you don't know, and I'm working with what I've got. It's worth considering different perspectives and possibilities. Maybe reincarnation is just a metaphor. It's possible. Unless you actually believe you're right. If that's the case I challenge you to question your own beliefs because that's how growth happens.

        Reincarnation is a real process, and you can literally leave its confines.

        Why is there a ladder?

        Well it would depend on which belief system you want to subscribe to. I was just using it as a simple to understand metaphor. Would you rather sell your soul to get a lot of material gain, and experience a lot of sensory indulgence, or would you rather strengthen your soul by living a more simple life and 'fasting' from sensory indulgences?

        • 1 month ago

          >Well it would depend on which belief system you want to subscribe to
          I suppose
          >Would you rather sell your soul to get a lot of material gain, and experience a lot of sensory indulgence, or would you rather strengthen your soul by living a more simple life and 'fasting' from sensory indulgences?
          There sure are multitudes of ways to find an answer.

          • 1 month ago

            >There sure are multitudes of ways to find an answer.
            If you've lived through both 'styles', or known people who have live through one you'll find that the descriptions are apt. People might be happy for a few months or years by living 'fast' and indulging, but after a while they become unhappy and unsatisfied. Meanwhile the people living simple lives tend not experience this, and are usually more down to earth. Nothing corrupts a person more than fame and wealth while nothing purifies a person more than seclusion, charity work, and fasting. Ever wonder why monks live secluded in the mountains and are respected for it meanwhile celebrities are synonymous with debauchery?

        • 1 month ago

          >Reincarnation is a real process, and you can literally leave its confines.
          Saying so doesn't make it true

          • 1 month ago

            >Saying so doesn't make it true
            Are you sure about that? If evrything is true, it means we create our own reality, that means whatever is waitng for at the end can go frick itself cause this will be my last round.

          • 1 month ago

            >create our own reality
            If everyone created their own reality, there would be no reality.

    • 1 month ago

      I'm pretty sure that's more wrong than right.

  17. 1 month ago

    If reincarnation is endless then it means we are God the Creator experiencing all facets of the Self-Created World. Ok. No way to really stop it. We are mere cells in a grander design.

    If not… That makes things interesting. Are we prisoners here? Do we come into this willingly? There are more questions than answers and makes this existence all the more muddled.

    Let’s just say I’m still trying to find a game walkthrough for this place. I’m pretty sure I have had past lives. I remember a couple of them in minor detail. I have been taunted by supernatural entities as a kid (who went away when I was older) about what I “used to be”, they found it amusing I was an ignorant child, like I was getting my just desserts for trying to get too close to the sun. Perhaps we are trapped here not by our choosing. I still believe if this is a prison we can break out of it. My goal is to find a way to preserve my memories again, like my last few lives, and become like the cartoon Avatar, being able to reconnect with past existences and access their memories. That will make life less confusing and give my eternal self a way out of here eventually. I am pretty sure of it.

    Watch out warden, I know there is no fricking spoon! Cowabunga!

    • 1 month ago

      >We are mere cells in a grander design.
      That is true. But we're also more. Our spirits are result of global emanation of the God, that's why we all make God - but in the process of experience and refinement of itself, we also, through our own experience refine ourselves. Some faster, some slower, and not necessarily in the same way or direction. But I read in more than one source that the dimension of our existene also changes as we grow and refine ourselves, to the point that physical existence may not hold sway over us anymore the way it doesn't over spirits further ahead of us we consider minor deities, those who achieved ascension etc.
      As for prisoners,


      thread has some good discussions and descriptions (analogy of cattle etc).

      • 1 month ago

        This is true. The earth is a gym to uplift those worthy to leave this place.

        • 1 month ago

          To an extent but not exactly. We grow and develop but this is growth that may be suboptimal, a necessary evil from the standpoint of other beings. Here's one take, even if somewhat flawed, but one I believe.


          > the motive force that is harvested with your death stems from experiences, the same experiences that, should you be lucky ans smart enough to let it, may grant you wisdom and help you refine your spirit to the level that you break free. But it's not really any real intended goal, just sad necessity. Should you be free before then, it's possibky you'd acquire progress even faster and even if not - at the very least you'd do a lot of it at your own leisure and on your own rules. Though admittedly, till certain level of development that makes little of difference as apparently a lot of human sentience, intelligence etc is dependent on bodies and we we need those bodies to even be self-aware, dying and rebirthing ourselves with the spirit that incarnates as us mostly thoughtless and crude between incarnarnations till they let it grow sufficiently.


          >To reiterate, I am pretty confident that even in boundaries of our predicement, there's some place for growth. Likely because it's also a necessary "side effect" of generating forces we're being harvested for (or rather, it's the other way around, but it's those forces that interest our farmer). The growth may be stunted, pushed in particular directions etc however.

          • 1 month ago

            So how to do this?

          • 1 month ago

            Progress in esoteric arts, spiritual refinement and acquiring spiritual authority. Supposedly being very proficient with various means of projection on top of having decent, moral character and avoiding any potential traps that would put you back into reincarnation cycle has its value.

          • 1 month ago

            > spiritual refinement and acquiring spiritual authority
            What do you mean by this?

        • 1 month ago

          hope you don't get stuck wandering here as a ghost, would be pretty ironic if that happened to you

    • 1 month ago

      >Ok. No way to really stop it. We are mere cells in a grander design.
      >kid named cancer:

  18. 1 month ago

    When this universe can no longer support life (You) will stop reincarnating. Until then (You) will continue to pop up like flowers in a field every spring.

    • 1 month ago

      Only till a level of your spirit's refinement that will allow it to persist without reincarnation. By then, likely other beings will be further along and take your place.

      • 1 month ago

        Idk if I believe that because I can't see it. What I can see is that every spring nature does it's thing. It's a constant cycle of death and rebirth. There is no indication that we ever escape this process. I think any escape is more likely to be metaphorical. Like if you've become enlightened and renounced the world. You have left samsara and incarnation if you done this. It's the end goal for all human being but it could just be what life does. Like flowers blooming. We reach our peak and then it's all downhill from there, we die, and then life happens again and the process of becoming that enlightened being happens again. We grow, we bloom, we die, over and over again as long as life persists in its different forms. There is no tangible reason to believe we ever truly escape this process. Exiting the cycle of reincarnation I think is a metaphor for leaving the world behind and becoming enlightened. It's escaping the matrix basically, but that just means destroying your illusions and waking up from them. That doesn't mean you won't do it billions more times in billions of different lives. You could very well do it over and over again just like flowers grow and bloom over and over again. Why would things be any different for us? As above so below. We are that.

        • 1 month ago

          >What I can see is that every spring nature does it's thing
          So, you apply logic of one aspect of one layer of your curated existence in assumption that's how things everywhere, including outside of those boundaries work?
          >There is no indication that we ever escape this process
          Most religions and spiritual traditions maintain that as goal or even a status of some past masters.
          >Exiting the cycle of reincarnation I think is a metaphor for leaving the world behind
          No, the cycle is treated as an actual mechanism and aspect of our reality in most religions espousing its existence and so exiting it is as well.
          >As above so below
          But there IS above and below, and while a single sphere of existence have their effects and some counterparts on other such spheres, it doesn't mean they're interchangeable and all the same. If that'd be the case, you wouldn't have any below or above, just this.

          • 1 month ago

            I wasn't saying you're wrong. I'm saying I don't know and you don't know, and I'm working with what I've got. It's worth considering different perspectives and possibilities. Maybe reincarnation is just a metaphor. It's possible. Unless you actually believe you're right. If that's the case I challenge you to question your own beliefs because that's how growth happens.

  19. 1 month ago

    I can stop any time I want. I just come back to be entertained. The flailing clownery of the rest of you is hilarious.

  20. 1 month ago

    i'm workin' on it, i can quit anytime i want dude

  21. 1 month ago

    >You lived too many lives already don't you think is enough?
    would people not feel this in their stomach and spirit? Whyever would people not be able to live in their true will? Why do they need people to tell them or remind them of that?

  22. 1 month ago

    >When are you gonna stop reincarnating?
    Satanist here, I have it on high authority you're a homosexual and while resurrection happens reincarnation is a load of shit.
    Didn't you ever stop and wonder where all the souls were coming from when here today we live at a time where there are more humans CURRENTLY ALIVE than the number of dead that has come before us?
    Go reincarnate yourself in oncoming traffic.

  23. 1 month ago

    NDErs say that life never ends and that we live infinite lives in eternity. And NDEs are actually irrefutable proof that heaven really is awaiting us all because (1) people see things during their NDEs when they are out of their bodies that they should not be able to under the assumption that the brain creates consciousness, and (2) anyone can have an NDE and everyone is convinced by it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U00ibBGZp7o

    So any atheist or materialist or agnostic would be too if they had an NDE, so pic related is literally irrefutable proof of life after death. As one NDEr pointed out:

    >"I'm still trying to fit it in with this dream that I'm walking around in, in this world. The reality of the experience is undeniable. This world that we live in, this game that we play called life is almost a phantom in comparison to the reality of that."

    If NDEs were just hallucinations then extreme atheists and neuroscientists who had NDEs would agree that they were halluinations after having them. But the opposite happens as NDEs convince every skeptic when they have a really deep NDE themselves.

    • 1 month ago

      What if NDEs are injected memories

    • 1 month ago

      I've read at least one NDE where the person was told this was her final incarnation.

    • 1 month ago

      Not everyone has a religious/holy related NDE. Others don't even have an NDE.

  24. 1 month ago

    There is no death for the honorable.

  25. 1 month ago

    Honestly man, this place isnt half bad. I would actually deeply enjoy reincarnating. Humans are only like three realizations away from figuring their shit out anyway

  26. 1 month ago

    I want to join the Asura Realm at the end of the Iron Age. That way I achieve Moksha even if I lose.

  27. 1 month ago

    I might still have to replay as a horse fly, otherwise I'm about done. Feel sorry for whoever has to live out this life in the next cycle, good luck!

  28. 1 month ago

    Small reminder for anyone who whishes to visit this thread: reincarnation, as the West understands it, has never been seriously believed by any religion (except maybe Jainism, but it's garbage anyways). It only makes sense for the universal soul, Atman, to reincarnate. You may now visit this thread.

  29. 1 month ago

    If reincarnation bothers you, it's still bound in you.
    For a liberated one, doesn't matter if you are going back here as a gigachad billionaire, a chimpanzee, an afghan woman or a virus.

    • 1 month ago

      soo how does one become liberated

      • 1 month ago

        Knowing that this lifetime is but a fraction of your entire whole. Knowing that everything you could ever need is contained within the moment.

        • 1 month ago

          yeah but the moment is fleeting. i have limerence on someone and there's a time limit before school ends. im hesitant because i know im seeking love I didn't get in childhood. but my mind keeps saying me "you're not gonna find woman like this anymore if you let this slip" (simply because you don't get to meet women outside of school settings in modern world)

  30. 1 month ago

    When you stop dying.

  31. 1 month ago

    After this lifetime, my current incarnation is just a victory lap.

  32. 1 month ago

    Poo religions do not work in our time. Your soul will be devoured without reincarnation, heaven or anything else

  33. 1 month ago

    If I don't do it, the devil wins.
    Good jobs are best done well.

  34. 1 month ago

    Noe one ever said this life would be fair, in fact: they have always said it would be rigged against us, that is would be hard. Then again, all lessons worthwhile are learned the hard way.

  35. 1 month ago

    275,000 years later and I still know it was all worth it. And I'd do it again!

    Dumb mother frickers, it's too late.
    If you can't feel that vibe, it's too god damned late for you.

    Good luck
    Have fun

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