What's the spiritual reason they are spraying?

What's the spiritual reason they are spraying?

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  1. 1 month ago

    That’s been debunked chud

    • 1 month ago

      No it hasn't, israelite

      • 1 month ago

        >Guys what are they "spraying"
        >Is told that its water vapor contrails with evidence to back it up

        • 1 month ago

          >also denies the millions of cars exhaust does anything to our atmosphere

        • 1 month ago

          This. No matter how much you try to explain it to them their minds are wired incorrectly and everything must be a magical conspiracy.

  2. 1 month ago

    The new white sun is activating the unlocked DNA.
    They try to hinder that evolution process with mRNA injections and blocking the sunlight

    That's what i heard from shizos

    • 1 month ago

      Delaying the inevitable to buy some small amount of time really.

  3. 1 month ago

    Alright my dudes. here is a simple experiment you can make at home that explains why these trails are created. Simply open your fridge at home and blow some hot air with an air dryer inside. You will see a white cloud forming. The same principle is applied in airplanes. Their turbines are just huge hairdryers and the air surrounding the plane has a very low temperature (way below freezing point of water).

    You've Just discovered condensation, you're welcome.

    • 1 month ago

      Contrails (condensation trails) are different from pervasive chemical trails
      There are clearly two different types of trails.
      They contain at least
      Look up : weather modification it has been going on since the 40’s but most likely earlier.
      Look up Under an Ionozed Sky
      Look up: http://www.stopsprayingcalifornia.com/Aluminum_Oxide_Particles.php

      It is absolutely apparent from even mainstream sources that they are spraying chemicals in the air.

      Seriously. CHEMtrails are a real thing.

    • 1 month ago

      Condensation doesnt sit around for an entire hour. You dont get a condensation trail that sits behind you for an entire half an hour, you gaslighting fricking israeli piece of shit

    • 1 month ago

      Doesn't sound very spiritual. Alzo, I don't have a fridge.

    • 1 month ago

      Hey frickface, so when I walk down the road and breathe in and out in -15 F weather, I'll see my fricking breath puffs stay in place behind me for the next hour of my walk?

      You reddit homosexuals. God I hate Judaism so fricking bad it's unreal

  4. 1 month ago

    There’s no spiritual reason, this is simply weather modifications. The impact this will have on nature in the long run is devastating, HAARP nibbas be gone

    • 1 month ago

      >weather modifications

      >Poisonous barium is now found in the blood from chemtrail sprayplanes
      This is a published list of the claimed poisons which if true, would appear to be more related to population control than to climate control: Aluminium oxide particles, arsenic, bacilli and moulds, barium titanates, cadmium, calcium, chromium, dessicated human red blood cells, ethylene dibromide, enterobacter, cloacal, enterobacteriaceae, human white blood cells, lead, lithium salts, mercury, methyl aluminium, mould sportes, micoplasma, nano aluminium coated fibreglass, nitrogen trifluoride, nickel, polymer fibres, pseudomonas aeruginosa, pseudomonas florescens, radioactive cesium, radioactive thorium, Selenium, Seratia Marcescens, sharp titanium shards, silver, streptomyces, Strontium, submicron particles, sulphur dioxide, unidentified bacteria, Uranium, Yellow fungal myxotoxins.

      • 1 month ago

        Wait till you find out what comes out of a diesel truck

    • 1 month ago

      >weather modifications

      >Poisonous barium is now found in the blood from chemtrail sprayplanes
      This is a published list of the claimed poisons which if true, would appear to be more related to population control than to climate control: Aluminium oxide particles, arsenic, bacilli and moulds, barium titanates, cadmium, calcium, chromium, dessicated human red blood cells, ethylene dibromide, enterobacter, cloacal, enterobacteriaceae, human white blood cells, lead, lithium salts, mercury, methyl aluminium, mould sportes, micoplasma, nano aluminium coated fibreglass, nitrogen trifluoride, nickel, polymer fibres, pseudomonas aeruginosa, pseudomonas florescens, radioactive cesium, radioactive thorium, Selenium, Seratia Marcescens, sharp titanium shards, silver, streptomyces, Strontium, submicron particles, sulphur dioxide, unidentified bacteria, Uranium, Yellow fungal myxotoxins.

      it is about preparing the right conditions for their so called transhumanism to flourish. They call it smartdust, to the thing they spray.
      Weather control is just a parcel of geoengineering...

  5. 1 month ago

    Orgonite kills chemtrails. Make orgonite tower busters place them near cell phone towers and other EMF sources and watch chemtails dissapear.

    How to make orgonite

    How to make a chembuster


    Orgonite Artist Talks About Tower Busters & Gifting

    • 1 month ago

      Funny how this is supposed to makae sense when chem trails are older than cell towers

      • 1 month ago

        tech is old, logistical infrastructure to deploy tech on a global scale daily hit a functionally usable degree in 1995. try looking annual rain fall patterns in the us, prior to and after 1995, youll see a trend (this is an ancillary function of the intended transmutive alchemy employed).

      • 1 month ago

        Cell networks are developments of RF technologies which have been going through advancement for a lot longer than the existence of modern cell towers.

    • 1 month ago

      I prefer shungite to be honest. Bought quite a bit. Put it around la casa.

  6. 1 month ago

    Bro it makes a pentagram in the sky holy shit

  7. 1 month ago

    >chemtrail reports ramped in the mid 90s during Clinton administration
    >nanomachine research got it's own deliberate funding in the mid 90s during the Clinton administration
    >mRNA research was given major funding in the mid 90s under the Clinton administration
    This is why the elites didnt care and could spray "chem"trails indiscriminately.
    It's isnt a chemical. It's nanomachines.
    The stuff is already inside everyone.
    The vaxx was just a software update.

    • 1 month ago

      Damn the patriots!

  8. 1 month ago

    (Weather control. Yes dna is activated by certain wavelengths of light, they have to keep as many vessels lost in the sea so they can keep some of their charge on this world.
    They say they are gonna hit the new madrid fault line with their d.u.n.e. Deep underground neutrino emittter.

    No one is sure but the signaling for the potentiality is there.)

    You ever wonder where the gold from el dorado or the gold from all those cities that were killed by disease and the jungle swallowed went?

    • 1 month ago


  9. 1 month ago

    cuz you idiots are too stupid to stop posting shit online and wasting your time
    good for them i say. keep spraying. teach these cattle a lesson their souls will never forget.

    • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        nope but we could be diong a lot better if people in general, not just you idiots, didnt waste so much time
        "they" are completely useless on their own. its us who give them the power to rule the world.
        i bet they dont know how to wipe their own ass w/o us
        i wish more ppl were like me but better
        im a bastardized version of what we should be like

  10. 1 month ago

    They are trying to cool that part of the Earth with chemtrails that spread out, instead of dissipating, to block out the sun. Geoengineering! Gate's plan, for instance, is to ramp up this weather control to stop carbon dioxide - you know - what plants breathe!! He's also gobbled up as much prime farmland as he can so it can't be used for agriculture... "Nice" guy!! ;~P

  11. 1 month ago

    Strontium, barium and aluminium. Spiritually speaking.

  12. 1 month ago

    Anyone denying this is moronic
    >various countries admit to cloud seeding
    >some outlaw their neighbors from spraying in their air space (see mexico to the us)
    >Saudi Arabia has unprecedented floods that "totally aren't the fault of our active cloud seeding programs which we actively tout"
    and still morons think it's a myth. At this point it's hylics and shills denying it and there is no use discussing anything with those sort.

    • 1 month ago

      This person is the conspiracy version of the NPC. He just cannot do normal scientific research, everything is "trust the conspiracy experts!".

      • 1 month ago

        There are actual PR videos on the topic. Companies want to make money, after all. Just look for them instead of burying your head in the sand, you Black person.

    • 1 month ago
  13. 1 month ago

    idk, masons are creepy af, probably nothing good for us the cattle

  14. 1 month ago

    In what way does this look natural at all?

    • 1 month ago

      Later that day. Look at the schism between what looks like a gray cloud and the rest of the sky. That is the remnants of the trail. Went from a perfectly clear sky to oddly cloudy after the trails made a huge X in the sky. Never seen anything like it before or since.

      • 1 month ago


  15. 1 month ago

    as the other anon posted, its a nanomachine delivery system and them attempting to block the Light that's changing everything on a molecular level.

    This is basically the battle against God the source of the Will of creation. Or the natural patterns big and small. They cant be stopped and people in the know have vested interest in doing so because the status quo is simply that pleasurable for them.

    The obvious conclusion is that if the pattern continues, which it will and always there will no longer be a situation in which men control men. not like now.

    everything is being used to essentially delay mass awakening, but ironically are creating the exact scenario needed for such a thing. Like how the Satan analogue in lord of the rings fought against the Monad/God analogue, going against the song of creation because it thought it's own was more beautiful. Creating a flawed world, only to discover that it's rebellion was indeed always part of the song.

    Best thing to do right now is meditate in complete trust. Live in complete trust. Surrender fears, surrender paradoxes, surrender all discomfort and negative reactions, surrender all mistrust and confusion. do this in darkness for 40m to an hour a day. Listen to Theta binaurals, Your brain is at 26 hz right now.
    needs to be down to at least 14 which is alpha. You don't start experiencing anything till then.
    4-7 hz is Theta which is when you entire baptism/ cross the desert to reach the promise land/nirvana/mountain of light. The promised land is the one inside you u can only reach by getting the frick out of the way and letting it come to you with diligence.

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      But you don't need weird techniques that just imply you need to do somethingIt's done, God has your back, everything is going your way. Trust is letting go.

  16. 1 month ago

    Lil strontium douglas says "no bueno"

  17. 1 month ago
    Open Sesame

    Does anyone think it's a prologema or Archetype of the War against the Principalities prophesied as the War of Gog of Magog? Same way the vaccine is an Archetype of the Mark of the beast

  18. 1 month ago

    I must be getting too powerful again burrpppppp

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