what if the fermi paradox is true

..and that humans "intelligent" life is just an almost impossibly rare freak chain of events, and the universe is indeed void of intelligent life outside of us? Maybe or consciousness is just a blip that returns back to nothing, maybe death really is forever?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Wait for results of k2-18b to come in
    once space algae is confirmed that changes all the math of the drake equation

  2. 4 weeks ago

    What if the flat earth theory is true, and there is no "universe" ...

    • 4 weeks ago

      I hate you people so much.
      You keep distracting everyone from the truth.
      Earth is a 4 dimensional hyperplane that is flat with respect to that 4th dimension. Meaning that from any given point in the universe it is zero cost to reach earth.
      All these Psyops attempting to distract from the fact that aliens when they discovery FTL instantly find themselves at earth because it's a local minimum.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The midwit and the no-wit


      It is true.

      Earth is the cradle of all life in the Universe.

      Intelligent life does not exist anywhere in the Universe except on Earth. Nor has it ever.

      Millions of years from now humanity will have spread across the galaxies and become so diversified that our distant descendants will bare little resemblance to the humans of today.

      This is the reality.

      Accept it.

      If any species is capable of doing this, it's far more likely that we're one of the many they seeded instead of an initial seeder.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    then the universe is destined to be colonized by us

  4. 4 weeks ago

    It is true.

    Earth is the cradle of all life in the Universe.

    Intelligent life does not exist anywhere in the Universe except on Earth. Nor has it ever.

    Millions of years from now humanity will have spread across the galaxies and become so diversified that our distant descendants will bare little resemblance to the humans of today.

    This is the reality.

    Accept it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Lol the only intelligent life form posts a lust provoking meme on an anime internet board, sure thing.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >an intelligent species invents complex languages, produces artworks that resonate with people's feelings and create devices to communicate with one another over long distances, sharing ideas about complex problems
        so what's the issue?

        • 4 weeks ago

          >herm when you inspect the finer details its aktually quite stunning
          despite being made up of carbon recycled across the universe you're still a massive fricking homosexual

    • 4 weeks ago

      Black person.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    How long would is last? A trillion years? A billion years?
    Realize that if there was an eternity of not existing, followed by one of not existing, then all those years would be like a few seconds when compared.
    And instant.
    After the instant, there's nothing.
    And yet, here we are, in the ompossible finite time between two eternities of nothing.
    Because there's always an eternity of something, of something intelligent realizing it somewhere.

  6. 4 weeks ago


    Assuming that traveling between solar systems is as difficult and slow as we think it is, there is no "paradox". The speed of light sucks and nothing you can do about it outside of sci-fi.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    How fast can we go with current technology?
    How far away is the nearest possible habitable planet that we know about?
    How long would it take to get there we the best technology we have?

  8. 4 weeks ago

    If you remove the impossible (the hypothesis that there is no life in the universe, proven wrong by the fact that we are life in the universe), then the unlikely is true and that is that Ayy Lmao is out there and we just haven't found him yet. This is either because we are too primitive on a galactic scale or because someone (either Ayy Lmao himself or authorities on Earth) doesn't want us to see him.
    Judging by how many planets we discovered in recent years that are "similar to Earth", it's just a matter of time until we find one with life on it.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    There are actually a fair number of intelligent races in the galaxy, the problem is they are almost all incredibly primitive. The reason for this is because most aliens are psychic and communicate and share complex ideas telepathically, humans doing this with language is a major anomaly resulting in the development and writing and the like which in turn allows for long term retention of information and technological civilization. Human brains are also much more grounded to the material than most aliens which causes us to evaluate the world in a more logic oriented manner.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >they are almost all incredibly primitive
      we discover a lot of shit that was previously unknown and we couldn't even find ourselves in the galaxy. it's not that they are so primitive, but we are. we may only speculate about them.

      • 4 weeks ago

        This is true, calling them primitive is a bit of a misnomer, as they typically possess many insights into the universe unknown to humans, they just lack the capacity to turn that knowledge into technological industrial civilization. If you ever astral travel and communicate with aliens they will often times be confounded by human civilization.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    There is no universe as they say, religions are by an entity of dead memory like shreded skin of a snake that has sentience and technology is by its doppleganger and it always means something else like a shadow and does not gives exact information like reflection.

    There is only Time and its self (soul), image (consciousness), reflection (life) and shadow (matter).

    Universe is Entity of Matter - air, heat, water and earth as its timeless sentience that is space and it operates from future.

    Matter gets used by Time (intelligence that has different - I's that renders life) and entity of memory is parallel dimension of entity of matter.

    Time is experiencing reality through its prime dopplegager that is realm of body and it further has different dopplegangers probably that went rougue like how people get nightmares.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    the fermi paradox asks a question. it doesn't provide an answer.

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