What happens when you commit suicide?

What happens when you commit suicide?

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  1. 1 month ago

    you become kaptian kitten komando of kitten force 5's super secret fuzzy brigade 420th division, or you die

    • 1 month ago

      You know become a wandering hungry ghost spirit

  2. 1 month ago

    Since you didn't want your life it gives vampires the permission to consume your ghost when you die.

    • 1 month ago

      I am a vampire. Can confirm i can consume ghosts. Kek. Though i rarely ever do it.

      I would advise against suicide OP. If that's why you're asking. Not 'cause of that last Anon's statements. But because usually when one does that act.

      They're severely disoriented, and also vulnerable. Which makes them easy pickings for stronger beings that aren't that badly fricked up.

      The only way one can commit suicide and not have bad shit happen to them is if they do the inner work first. Gain spiritual power, and then suicide in a specific fashion that gets the job done but at minimal amount of disorientation as possible. So they aren't immediately on the back foot wherever they end up. Kek.

      What generally happens? Whatever evil spirits that latched onto you finally get an opening to really sink their teeth in as it were. Nom nom.

      Hence why you should do the inner work and gain spiritual might before chucking yourself out so abruptly. Least then you stand a chance when you enter the fray eh?

      • 1 month ago

        >The only way one can commit suicide and not have bad shit happen to them is if they do the inner work first. Gain spiritual power, and then suicide in a specific fashion that gets the job done but at minimal amount of disorientation as possible. So they aren't immediately on the back foot wherever they end up. Kek.
        Ha, the vamp here actually spitting facts.
        Out of curiosity what's your idea of a "specific fashion"? Monks generally check out through meditation, but that's high level shit.

        • 1 month ago

          Make sure the method's not abrupt. Slow and steady wins the race. Gives the brain time to properly do it's work in jettisoning you with minimal jolt/shock to the soul/spirit. As to a clearer consciousness transfer. Thus allowing you to remain alert despite dying, more or less. Once the dying part itself is over anyway.

          There's plenty of ways to go about it. And depending on one's will, discipline, and power. Each will be different in success rate. Based on those factors and more.

          Monks offing themselves via meditation is them sending the kill signal consciously through their body. Causing the jettison mechanism to kick in prematurely. Usually it takes physical damage to occur beyond what it can handle to cause it to do this. Severe, and i mean SEVERE emotional trauma can have similar effects. Hence why elite circles utilize that to do some of their occult rites to "members" of their orders. This results in either soul displacement outright or high level possessions which are nigh impossible to kick from the host.(Often because the original soul checked out and abandoned the meat suit due to said trauma, leaving only remnants the new spirit can use to mimic them.)

          As to the topic at hand though. As i said there's plenty of ways to do it, and it really depends on what one is able to endure. This is WHY i said to do the inner work. Because if you do not know thyself, you will not have a clue what methods will suit you should you decide to check out overtly like this.

          As to what's waiting for ya, again that varies. Depends on your circumstances, and what you are. Ect. Not all incarnated here are human, not all humans are of the same development/ability. Thus, this can change what's waiting to attack you. And so you have to prepare for everything and anything, hence the advice of what to do prior to the act.

          I have done this myself in the past, too. But it's dangerous.

          I hope i satisfied your inquiry, good sir. I must slumber now, morning comes. Kek.

          • 1 month ago

            >Severe, and i mean SEVERE emotional trauma can have similar effects. Hence why elite circles utilize that to do some of their occult rites to "members" of their orders.
            I knew it. After reading the Monarch manual on illuminati trauma based mind control program the framework behind it is ironically the same as spiritual meditation/healing but the polar opposite in degrees. Voluntary dissociation vs involuntary dissociation. Serene bliss vs cruel torture. Holy of holies and the unholy of the unholies ultimately both come full circle to the same place; dissociation from the physical and rise back into spirit.

          • 1 month ago

            Pretty much, it's sad but that's how evils here work. They corrupt what's there for they can not create. Only corrupt and destroy through that corruption.

            Truly a philosophically spineless, brainlet take. You can oppose something because you don’t want someone hurting themselves out of ignorance.

            No he's right. If you OWN your life. You have the RITE to take it yourself. If not, you aren't allowed. Simple as. Just as if i own property, i have the rite to destroy it. Or to abandon it, or to do anything i like to it. Because it's MINE.

            It's no different than if i told you i'm going to cut your dick off because i think it's "better for you" and you're "ignorant" to defy me in my oh so superior wisdom to your ignorant pee brain. Would you consent to that eagerly like you expect him to? No, you would fight me the moment i brought out the knife to get to snip snipping you. Same goes if i said the best course for you is to suck my wiener. Or to eat shit, or to do any number of things you wouldn't wanna do yourself. You cannot argue with this without insulting the other Anon because you KNOW he's right deep down and cannot logically argue against him due to him being right in being sound of logic/reason.

            If you haven't the right to your own life, you have no right to your body or any other material asset you hold. Thusly, i can take it from you or abuse it freely. Just because i claim i "know better" than you.

            Reasoning like that, is why the world's so fricked right now. The elites believe this and worse things due to what they are and/or aligned with. And so this world keeps being so horrible people would actually consider suicide just to ESCAPE it's torments which such evils impose because they believe they "know better" than you "filthy cattle shaped like humans." Kek.

            Anyway, that's my two cents. You can take it or leave it but i suggest you take it. Otherwise don't be angry when someone comes along and takes all you claim to own. For you invoked it upon muttering this statement you had.

          • 1 month ago

            >If you haven't the right to your own life, you have no right to your body or any other material asset you hold.
            It's actually even more pervasive than that, it means that you have no right to choose at all about any experience you ever have, that your very eternal existence is meant only to serve. This is obviously fricking false, it's one of those ideas that's so repulsive that it will speak against most people's self preservation instincts.

          • 1 month ago

            Agreed, though i didn't include the full scope of the concept mentioned for brevity.

            This is just another aspect of the overall system in place now, the corrupted system that establishes humanity as slaves to the evils here which have corrupted it all.

            They have no more authority over you as a rock does the fricking sun. But they like to gaslight you into thinking they own you. It serves their ends to keep that delusion going. As belief in this context is useful.

            Bump for interest. I've been feeling really shitty for a while and have started feeling suicidal. A lot of the posts itt are helping me reconsider.

            Yes you should reconsider. Unless you are prepared for the process of death, you will be in danger. Think of it like this: You're purposely handicapping yourself, and walking into unknown territory behind enemy lines with no awareness of your capability nor the enemy. Would you go in? Or reevaluate your standing and at least prepare the best you can? Death is like this in general, but suicide often results in more severe handicaps which may lift soon enough but in the meantime you must contend with all those dangers still whether you're ready or not. Hence why i warned against it if you don't know what you're doing.

            You get sent to the hell realm, and it takes way more cleansing of your spiritual baggage before you go elsewhere. Hell is like a crucible, in the sense that its there to burn away impurities. It's inaccurate to think of it as eternal or as punishment. God is actually universal love, and hell actually exists to prepare your soul to rejoin pure love. There's nothing to fear.

            Wrong. But i can understand your attempt to try and mitigate those killing themselves. Even if it may be for differing reason from mine.

            I seek to mitigate needless suicides because of the dangers involved. It has risks, more so than the best case scenario for dying.

            It's not the only form of dying that carries higher risks. Being violently murdered also carries similar risk, as too many others. Basically you die badly in a bad state there's real risk to one's soul from predators lurking within this realm and elsewhere if they are unprepared and inexperienced.

            It seems the naive think that the afterlife is somehow fundamentally different than the material. When in reality, the material is an echo of the immaterial. Fundamentals here are reflected there and vice versa. There's ecosystems there as here, and evolutionary law applies to both. Kek.

          • 1 month ago

            If what you were saying about the afterlife were true there wouldn't be so many haunted places, much less haunted by souls who have been confused for literally decades about the notion of their own death. Not to mention the pets who literally visit their owners after their passing, for a long time in many cases.

            I understand you MIGHT be trying to help, but you clearly don't have enough experience with the other side, you have no idea how many spirits just wander around on the street.

          • 1 month ago

            I am right, i got more experience with death than i do life. And a lot more than most. If i were wrong nothing i do would work, but it does. Thus it works, thus it's correct.

            And yes such situations do happen, doesn't negate what i said. It's like saying there can't be tigers preying on deer because you see deer everywhere. Kek. Or spiders can't be real because bugs still exist.

            Also know i can see the spiritual too, i am not blind like most. So i know what you mean about the numerous entities lurking out there in the wild. I also see the hostile ones too which wish to not be seen by you.

            I have literally interacted with and helped more ghosts of humans cross over than 99% of people have SEEN. Let alone the amount of spiritual entities i have seen.

            I have seen things you don't even have proper terms for, nor this language does to my knowledge.

            You also forget that not all haunted places are haunted by human souls, too.

            And i am aware animals have souls, too. And may stick around with their owners post death. We have one like that at our place, family cat. Still hanging around. As too my mother's family dog from her childhood. Kek. Which i saw and told her about before she showed me photos of him.

            Realize i have a LOT of experience with this shit, i know what i am talking about. And it's not 'cause i read it in a book or soaked in some dogma. It's real, actual experience.

            And i am telling you that suicide is dangerous for a myriad of reasons if you don't take the needed preparations seriously. Hell death itself is dangerous like that. To think otherwise is naive.

            Bear in mind also that human souls are on the higher end of the ecosystem as to raw power here. Not apex level but definitely not bottom feeder level. They're infant gods, after all.

            The goal i have is to inform you all there's risks, dangers. And to prepare accordingly. Or avoid taking the risks altogether.

            Listen to this old as frick soul or not, choice is yours son.

  3. 1 month ago

    >What happens when you commit suicide?

    The Near Death Experience consensus (which is really the only one that matters) seems to be that you go to Hell.

    Suicide actually seems to be about the only thing that will consistently send you to Hell.

    • 1 month ago

      I was forgiven, but its sometime you cannot erase

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      The nde consensus where you ignore all near death experiences that have nothing to do with hell.

    • 1 month ago

      The nde consensus where you ignore all near death experiences that have nothing to do with hell.

      People that commit suicide usually do so because they feel bad. Ever done drugs?

    • 1 month ago

      they go to hell because of the mind state they are in when they cross over. the monks know that you have to die at peace

  4. 1 month ago

    you regret it, I did

    • 1 month ago

      Can you tell more on what happened

      • 1 month ago

        I drank till intoxication then busted my phone and opened my head against a solid object

        I just woke up in the hospital, I arrived dead, there is no record of who took me, I dont care to know, I am just grateful and glad to have a second chance

        I did it out of an apparent disillusion with the world and the few possibilities I saw, I pushed myself into a corner, but it was all fake

        I could have solved it a million ways, well, I am now, thank God

        • 1 month ago

          Jesus Christ that's brutal

        • 1 month ago

          Was the solution that obvious?

  5. 1 month ago

    Get reincarnated with worse stats.

    • 1 month ago

      Depending on how bad they are I feel like I could probably get to a point where I'm better than I am now if that happens. That is, unless I reincarnate in a state worse than the one I'm in right now.

    • 1 month ago

      Reincarnation is stupid

  6. 1 month ago

    you have no idea how strong and immediate is the regret

    "I could have just not cared, not pay, flee the country" 1000 possible solutions to your life will come to mind in a milisecond, but it will be too late

    I am telling you, you dont want to see yourself in that state

    • 1 month ago

      Can I be honest anon? There are a million things worse than death and some of those get you in that position

      For those that go through it though, pat urself on the pack for still making it and going through the hell

      • 1 month ago

        You don't get it. Regret is a biological response to suicide. Your brain floods you with all the reasons that you want to live. It doesn't matter how prepared you think you are.

        • 1 month ago

          >It doesn't matter how prepared you think you are.
          Hold on, let me rephrase that so that /x/ can understand: It matters not how prepared you think you are.

    • 1 month ago

      >could have just not cared, not pay, flee the country
      Yes and then when the panic wears off and you're thinking rationally once again, you'll realise that all your problems that made you want to have a nice day are as real as ever, and inescapable.

    • 1 month ago

      This is exactly why I haven't attempted suicide.

  7. 1 month ago

    you get judged and god to hell.
    and end up in the land of suisudes where your forced to do it over and over and over for enturnityuntill you admit its wrong.
    then you incarnate again itn can take millions of years. and the next incartoion would be worse than the one you have currently.

    such as life.
    depression is life its also love.
    i feel you though understand fully.

    • 1 month ago

      You archon b***hes and your billion year cycles

  8. 1 month ago

    depends on the method

    • 1 month ago

      shotgun blast directly to brainstem

  9. 1 month ago

    you get a new seed

  10. 1 month ago
  11. 1 month ago

    Nobody knows. But you won’t be here. You’ll be dead and gone. Just do it

    • 1 month ago

      >Just do it
      soon, i have to work up the balls first tho

      • 1 month ago

        Do you really need to massage your balls before doing it?

        • 1 month ago

          yes actually
          who wouldn't have one last good fap before they did it?

  12. 1 month ago

    Good question. I wish someone could document it.

  13. 1 month ago

    It’s probably considered a form of exploit or griefing by GM’s, so I can’t imagine anything good comes from it. Look at the systems in place in MMO’s when you intentionally or accidentally kill your PC/Avatar. It’s probably something similar.

  14. 1 month ago

    No one knows and even if someone did know, if it wasn't too bad then more people would do it so that knowledge would best be withheld.

    Many young people throw in the towel waaaay too early due to the angst of growing up.

    I think there must be some nuance. Like does does a mortally wounded soldier on the battlefield that quickens the inevitable go to hell because they dodged a couple hours of suffering?

    How about the 9/11 jumpers? Would they have been better off burning to death?

    Old people that OD on their pills at 85 so they don't waste away shitting themselves in dementia?

    In some historical wars suicide was the noble way out to deny the enemy taking them as slaves and raping and torturing them.

    The captured secret agent that pops a cyanide pill to protect his oaths of secrecy?

    If you are having existential pangs from being alive during this tumultuous time, it's probably best to stick around even if it's only to bear witness to the collapse of western civilization so that your spirit learns something or perhaps you can help someone or an animal.

    • 1 month ago

      Good point also to add up your point

      Suicide happens as a replacement for your original death, Suicide is like defying God's own will and choosing go die at that second, You die before your death. That's why many people's suicide does not succeed and is delayed until his natural death. If your suicide succeeds then that was originally the time you were going to die at therefore you inevitably went early before the actual death

      • 1 month ago

        Interesting. This seems to be the case with opiate addicts where many of them OD numerous times and someone finds them in the nick of time and gets them help.

    • 1 month ago

      anyone who tells you "WHAT WILL HAPPEN" is lying to you.
      the closest thing you have is the fact that there's either the chance that nothing happens and you'll be on something akin to sleep state forever or you have infinite possibilities as to what can happen.
      me personally, i can't say for sure. but only thing i believe is i wouldn't be punished for suicide. if anything i would be on a real comfortable place for a long period of time before coming here again or going elsewhere

      very lucid post. you're welcome

  15. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      MAID Canada stay winning.

      Commie-cuck Americ**ts stay losing.

  16. 1 month ago

    When the mind is in a state of panic, Distress and extreme fear... It tends to create some form of a hope or a place that comes in that second between death and life, Suicide itself is hope for a better life and the emotions that follows your decision are hope driven.

    Picture it like this, When you finally commit the act of suicide, Satan laughs at you as you die.

  17. 1 month ago

    The better question is what would happen if you suicide by simply refusing to eat? Suiciding because of gf breaking up or some shit like that is pathetic. But if someone really lost the will to live and managed to simply refuse living untill he died, why would he be punished? Honestly this should be the logical conclusion for people who believe this world is suffering, and even christians who keep crying how bad the world is. It is interesting that it is fraught upon even if the main point of their religions is that this life is suffering.

    • 1 month ago

      >Lost the will to live

      No one can ever lose the will to live, We humans are driven by the will therefore even suicide is a will to live it's a parallel between defying the existance of universe and being pissed off at what you got and protesting with the act of suicide in order for a better hope.

      There is more to suicide than its platonic meaning

    • 1 month ago

      Easier to dehydrate it can take 3 weeks to starve

    • 1 month ago

      >The better question is what would happen if you suicide by simply refusing to eat?

      Suicide by voluntary stopping eating and drinking (VSED) is more difficult that it seems. For a normal person a few days is BS. Even a tiny bit of food or moisture will prolong it. Anorexics and starving people in Ethiopia linger around for quite awhile. Usually requires palliative care and helper meds. Stranding oneself in the wilderness in harsh conditions would hasten the process considerably however.

      The Catholic Church seems to frown about this, even for an 85 year old woman with a rectal prolapse that wanted to die with dignity as mentioned in this article:

      IDK, I like elements of the Catholic Church, especially in this age of globohomosexual but their stance on this seems brutal and unmerciful.

    • 1 month ago

      someone said fast until death is a noble way to die because you don't end up with regret in your psyche at the last moment like it happens with most methods

    • 1 month ago

      It's a thing in Jainism. They don't classify fasting to death as suicide because it's not emotional and it doesn't use weapons/violence

  18. 1 month ago

    Nobody knows and anyone who says they know is full of shit. I'd say every religion that advocates against suicide came up with that rule out of the same compassion of an atheist who doesn't want people to commit suicide, but being religions they get to use their religionizing to make suicide scary! You'll go to hell, you'll get reincarnated, etc, these are just deterrents with no evidence to back them up.

    • 1 month ago

      [So this is actually in a few religious history books in regards to the early christian church before it was subverted.
      I digress to say that the early christian church eventually made suicide illegal because many of the early followers were literally throwing themselves off cliffs to be with God but probably the more subversive reason was to (dis)courage human sacrifice as it has always been an element that followed humanity through the ages.]

      • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        The whole Tiktok ban is the government trying to bump out the chinese from the data harvesting operation
        Not to mention propaganda and greater control over narratives on the platform especially because it's so big

  19. 1 month ago

    Don't believe the desperate christian homosexuals. As a spirit, you'll be either lauched back to your original self in the astral realm, or be stopped at the "light in the tunnel" part that you'll have to get out of or go into it so you will be reincarnated. It's your choice at this stage.

  20. 1 month ago

    You get to be happy

  21. 1 month ago


  22. 1 month ago

    Good thing I tried to neck myself but God s physics saved me and now I am being gangstalked by academics because a narcissist tried to control me. Now I am all alone fighting to survive the again mental torture that I have forgone before my suicide attempt with no way of even trying it again. Do not let others control your life and learn to say no when tried to get manipulated or threatened. Better to die from old age and have kids than non of the two mentioned.

  23. 1 month ago
  24. 1 month ago

    The point of existing is to bring love and beauty into this world. Make the world beautiful, even if it's just picking up trash and planting trees or flowers in random places. Be human.

  25. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      These are the demons putting these ideas in your head and it leads to destruction.

    • 1 month ago

      >I WANT A MAN
      Thats rather gay

      • 1 month ago
        anomaly homebody somebody sirius draco



  26. 1 month ago

    What happens when you log off a video game?
    Fearmongers are there to keep you playing so the population don't drop too low.
    If you really don't feel like playing anymore feel free to log off anytime.

    • 1 month ago

      This post made me feel better. Thank you anon.
      But if you're wrong and we go to hell I'm beating your fricking ass there

      • 1 month ago

        We manifest what we truly believe.
        If you truly believe you'll go to a horrible place for suiciding, then well, nobody can help you there, and you have only yourself to blame for the temporary self inflicted pain.
        Be mindful of your thoughts and beliefs.

    • 1 month ago

      I want to log off

    • 1 month ago

      you first satan

  27. 1 month ago

    You as a conscious entity go to a time line where you fricked up and survived. Now even worse off than you were before.

  28. 1 month ago

    You become a hungry ghost

  29. 1 month ago

    The topic of suicide is the ultimate litmus test on freedom vs slavery, bar none.
    If your life is truly yours, then are you free to do as you wish, live or die, as you choose.
    If for ANY reason, whether it be societal, political, religious, or spiritual, you are coerced through fear into living, then you are been treated as nothing but a slave.
    This is the ultimate reason why suicide is such a taboo topic; it cuts right through any and all bullshit of this clown world in a single stroke. When somebody asks, "am I free to die", and the answer is a resounding "no", all other pretense of freedom goes right out the window, and you can know without a shred of doubt the source of that answer is one bent on enslaving you to its will.

    • 1 month ago

      Truly a philosophically spineless, brainlet take. You can oppose something because you don’t want someone hurting themselves out of ignorance.

      • 1 month ago

        >"out of ignorance"
        >You don't know what's good for you!
        >But I know what's good for you!
        Like fricking clockwork.
        Slaver in sheep's clothing, plain and simple.

  30. 1 month ago

    Is there any way to make sure that I reincarnate as basically the same person? Not literally the same person, but with all the same features.

  31. 1 month ago

    the death of god

  32. 1 month ago

    There’s going to be a massive rise in suicides in the coming years, calling it.
    I’ll gladly contribute to that statistic. 🙂

    • 1 month ago

      >There’s going to be a massive rise in suicides in the coming years, calling it.
      That's a pretty obvious conclusion, considering that they've been rising for years.

  33. 1 month ago

    Your soul becomes a hero by breaking free from the shackles of your fascist meat body. people forget that they are contained within a bag of meat that has it’s own defenses, it’s own volition can override your own supposed free will.. in fact, your own body is a fascist by definition.. for example, let’s say you lost most of the skin on your face, arms and hands in a chemical fire, the body will create a temporary layer of skin that is similar to plastic, this ‘plastic skin’ will break if moved, and the pain caused by the breakage is enough to make you lose consciousness, trust me.. so all you can do is remain immobilized, the body is forcing you to obey it, so that the healing process can commence.. if you disobey and think you are the master of the body, the body will punish you until you fall into subservience. Having a human body means being a FASCIST, a TYRANT, OP. Is normal that your soul, your spirit wants to become a LIBERATOR, A REVOLUTIONARY!!!!

  34. 1 month ago

    Angels to the gritty

  35. 1 month ago

    >when you commit
    usually it's followed by a push

  36. 1 month ago

    Say with your mouth "Lord Jesus Christ save me!"

    • 1 month ago

      Indeed! Recall how he died.

  37. 1 month ago

    not my problem

  38. 1 month ago

    u kys urself

  39. 1 month ago


    wish i could believe you but without evidence i just can't

  40. 1 month ago

    you feel your body die, you feel grief about everything you are losing along with your life. everyone you will miss, every chance you never get to take, everything you ever loved, realizing it is all gone forever. when it's too late to turn back. there is blackness, then there is light. then you learn the lessons that your soul will carry to the next life. you will probably feel very silly and very bad for the people you hurt by leaving that way. sometimes it's the only way out of terminal suffering but for most people, there are other things to try first.

  41. 1 month ago

    Bump for interest. I've been feeling really shitty for a while and have started feeling suicidal. A lot of the posts itt are helping me reconsider.

  42. 1 month ago

    You get sent to the hell realm, and it takes way more cleansing of your spiritual baggage before you go elsewhere. Hell is like a crucible, in the sense that its there to burn away impurities. It's inaccurate to think of it as eternal or as punishment. God is actually universal love, and hell actually exists to prepare your soul to rejoin pure love. There's nothing to fear.

  43. 1 month ago

    Find good treatment thats not alcohol or drugs. You don't have to raw dogging life
    Alcohol and drugs will just make the symptoms worse

  44. 1 month ago

    you die homosexual

  45. 1 month ago

    You can't. So it doesn't matter.

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