Town square burning at the stake should make a comeback

punishment again?

Any arguments for or against?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Against - you will never define what will be considered witchcraft. Could be the unwillingness to cut off your penis if random psychologists decided you were a troony but using black magic to avoid the temptation.

    • 2 years ago

      I remember reading that only the worst crimes were tried as witchcraft.

      • 2 years ago

        Witchcraft trials almost destroyed the herbalist culture of europe. Apparently treating stomach ache with chamomille was consudidered fricking Satan.

        • 2 years ago

          Basically false. Herbalists continued to exist in Europe well into the modern era, and the majority of herblore was not only conserved by the Church but expanded by it. One of the most beneficial services provided by a local monastery was their herbarium and its attendant infirmary, where in times of need the sick and injured of a local parish could be treated.

          • 2 years ago

            It was being preserved by cunning men and wise women just fine but the church didn't like the competition. Lying in service to your agenda is as easy as breathing to you, 'all things to all men for the sake of the gospel' isn't meant to be Christian taquiya dude.

        • 2 years ago

          Producing and distributing abortifactants was the main issue, alongside spiritual forest woo.

        • 2 years ago

          I highly doubt that. Herbs were the only source of medicine besides the amputation of limbs which was even riskier

        • 2 years ago

          It was a genocide against the Atlantean aryan race, everyone with rh- blood

        • 2 years ago

          look at that, people who have no idea what witchcraft trials did and were for on /x/ , they believe in moronic historical revisionism too ofc.

          • 2 years ago

            No one has cited a single primary source, no one in this thread know what they're talking about.

          • 2 years ago

            Hes right though. A single older woman with a couple cats who was an apothecary for the village who healed the sick, SHES A FRICKING WITCH I TELL YOU.

          • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        In England, the Witchcraft Act of 1735 took a skeptical view of magic and malefica, condemning it all as hucksterism. Divination and the selling of charms was made illegal. Prior, the hysteria was more exclusively centered on alleged acts of malefica, but the verisimilitude of the crimes is suspect, especially when 4 out of 5 women were tried for witchcraft in Essex in a short period.

        The fact of the matter is that the witch hunts were a form of mass hysteria, much like the Satanic Panic of our era, that had more to do with the sickness of the populace than any clandestine acts performed by an individual. Seeking a scapegoat is a strong marker that one's house isn't in order, so to speak.

        • 2 years ago

          >The fact of the matter is that the witch hunts were a form of mass hysteria, much like the Satanic Panic of our era, that had more to do with the sickness of the populace than any clandestine acts performed by an individual.
          "Satanic Panic" was mostly a cover up following the exposure of widespread child sex trafficking rings. There were definitely some over zealous prosecutors and unqualified psychologists getting innocent people arrested, but the "moral panic" was mostly a media narrative. Then, as now, there was a huge problem of the authorities turning a blind eye to organized ritual abuse.

          • 2 years ago

            Exactly, going after D&D is the same as going after teenage thots into fortune telling in that both are a distraction from the real issues.

          • 2 years ago

            >"Satanic Panic" was mostly a cover up following the exposure of widespread child sex trafficking rings. There were definitely some over zealous prosecutors and unqualified psychologists getting innocent people arrested, but the "moral panic" was mostly a media narrative. Then, as now, there was a huge problem of the authorities turning a blind eye to organized ritual abuse.
   now the media is telling the truth. They lie about everything else but suddenly the Epstein stuff is true 'cause of the staged 'proof'..ugh huh....

            Demons are very real, as is possession.

            >Demons are very real, as is possession.
            I've never met a demon. I've dealt with robots who lie but I've never met a demon, unless you label reptilians demons?

          • 2 years ago

            Not reptilians, evil spiritual entities.

          • 2 years ago

            >Not reptilians, evil spiritual entities.
            I've never personally met any evil spiritual entities. I've read stuff an seen videos but I've never personally experienced evil spiritual entities

            As a vampire, yes most definitely I will.
            *Turns from bat into human form*
            Any witches, out there you can COUNT on me.

            >As a vampire, yes most definitely I will.
            >*Turns from bat into human form*
            >Any witches, out there you can COUNT on me.
            Most people in this world are the vampire.

          • 2 years ago

            I have, and I guess until you experience it yourself you'll always be skeptical on the subject.

          • 2 years ago

            >I have, and I guess until you experience it yourself you'll always be skeptical on the subject.

            What was your experience? I've seen evil does against myself. Police breaking my ribs and making up charges and shoving me in jail. If you want to call something evil, I'd call that evil. I honestly have never experienced anything other than clown characters or a violation of my free will or harm done to me, including my own father

            "Belief nothing you hear and only 1/2 what you see" Benjamin Franklin

      • 2 years ago

        tiktok attention scammers and these new age frickers tend to not follow even that law you are referring to and we see evil doing its best work with witches and woke culture by simply canceling itself out of existense and that has to have a reason for it to happen in the first place. It might be consequense of backfiring magicks that witches like to talk about so often or purely accident if the these occultos doesent believe in any other sort of god beings instead of their own priviledged embress c**t theories that we keep hearing non stop along with their whining about their rights to burn down society slowly because they sure as hell wont be creating anything in it or participating to make it stronger cos like i said they simply tend to cancel themselfs before they can even manifest their first crypto billionaire lifestyle mansion which is fricking social media themes from top to the bottom enricling the mayhemzz without never reaching them and it has every ingredient for insecure and vengefull ladies to emerge during these purgefull days of canceling and mob torches litting night skies like in the 1400.

  2. 2 years ago

    No but abortion should.

    • 2 years ago

      What about child rape and killing?
      is that worse than abortion?

      • 2 years ago

        abortion is child killing

  3. 2 years ago

    You'll just shove the witches and wizards back into their own brain.
    How the fack you supposed to scan them all?

    • 2 years ago

      Evil is born of deeds done. We don't hunt peoples minds, only their actions.

  4. 2 years ago

    Burning the local crimimal that committed crimes heinous enough to be deemed witchcraft was a purification ritual for the town.

    On a minor scale you have shameful family sin, but on a larger scale you have sins that taint the entire town and must be dealt with.

    Burning that evil in front of the whole town. It's ashes immolated into dust, removed the evil stigma from the townsfolk and allowed everything to return to normal.

    Some people are against taking a life though, so I have a good suggestion.

    Let God take it: Chain a witch to a mountaintop to a lightning rod during a thunderstorm.

    This way our hands are clean and God can choose whether to kill it or not.

    • 2 years ago

      You could use your lightning logic to justify chaining anyone to a lightning rod though, if you really think it means it’s god doing the killing and not you.

      “Hey, let’s try the lightning trick on this guy up for not taking the vax / being racist / hating the antichrist / whatever else makes us dislike him. If he dies, then I guess it was god’s will all along, not our fault lmao”

      • 2 years ago

        Are you defending witches?

        • 2 years ago

          As a vampire, yes most definitely I will.
          *Turns from bat into human form*
          Any witches, out there you can COUNT on me.

      • 2 years ago

        That's what they actually did in England
        >we think this woman is a witch
        >but we don't know
        >so we will cuff her and throw her in the river
        >if she drowns she was not a witch
        >if she doesn't drown, then she's a witch, so we will fish her out of the river then burn/hang her
        This literally happened for decades.

  5. 2 years ago

    This whole world is witchcraft based on the number, symbol, word rituals I see in staged events.

    I personally think this world should be burned down to the ground. 'Slash and burn agriculture'

    • 2 years ago

      This guy gets it.

      • 2 years ago

        >This guy gets it.
        And they call me moron

      • 2 years ago

        I can see what they're doing. STarbucks has closing and open hours based on astrology and longitude/latitude and name of street and city. You wouldn't believe the LEVEL they are going to...All the shit last year was all rituals..BLM, MeToo!, Antifa, obviously rigged elections, masks/corona hoax, monuments damage, Capitol staged blah blah...

        Here where I live depending on the name of the business it has certain hours etc. Even doors right or left are locked on certain days, rituals with bathrooms etc. All the words means something even simple words like SIDE-WALK OR ROAD blah blah blah..THIS WORLD IS 1 BIG RITUAL

        I think the Bible God knew his stuff which is why certain foods are forbidden to eat etc etc.

      • 2 years ago

        But, there is another possibility. Somebody wants to program somebody's mind and convinces them words, numbers and symbols have power. It's a way to program their subconscious....use them as tools to future cast, as in scripting..

        I think ultimately it's all bullshit, but what do I know? I don't give power to words, numbers and symbols 'cause I think it's hogwash

        • 2 years ago

          It's not bullshit and yes, there are people doing exactly that.

          I can see what they're doing. STarbucks has closing and open hours based on astrology and longitude/latitude and name of street and city. You wouldn't believe the LEVEL they are going to...All the shit last year was all rituals..BLM, MeToo!, Antifa, obviously rigged elections, masks/corona hoax, monuments damage, Capitol staged blah blah...

          Here where I live depending on the name of the business it has certain hours etc. Even doors right or left are locked on certain days, rituals with bathrooms etc. All the words means something even simple words like SIDE-WALK OR ROAD blah blah blah..THIS WORLD IS 1 BIG RITUAL

          I think the Bible God knew his stuff which is why certain foods are forbidden to eat etc etc.

          Successful companies, and I mean really successful all implement occult ideals and practices into their success. They do wait on certain days, depending on how the stars read to either release something, make a change, etc.

          • 2 years ago


            But, there is another possibility. Somebody wants to program somebody's mind and convinces them words, numbers and symbols have power. It's a way to program their subconscious....use them as tools to future cast, as in scripting..

            I think ultimately it's all bullshit, but what do I know? I don't give power to words, numbers and symbols 'cause I think it's hogwash (You)
            >It's not bullshit and yes, there are people doing exactly that.
  's pretty much everything around you..these rituals...

            I can see what they're doing. STarbucks has closing and open hours based on astrology and longitude/latitude and name of street and city. You wouldn't believe the LEVEL they are going to...All the shit last year was all rituals..BLM, MeToo!, Antifa, obviously rigged elections, masks/corona hoax, monuments damage, Capitol staged blah blah...

            Here where I live depending on the name of the business it has certain hours etc. Even doors right or left are locked on certain days, rituals with bathrooms etc. All the words means something even simple words like SIDE-WALK OR ROAD blah blah blah..THIS WORLD IS 1 BIG RITUAL

            I think the Bible God knew his stuff which is why certain foods are forbidden to eat etc etc. (You)
            >Successful companies, and I mean really successful all implement occult ideals and practices into their success. They do wait on certain days, depending on how the stars read to either release something, make a change, etc.
            That's the appearance unless it wants a certain somebody giving powers to words, numbers and symbols, thus programming their mind indirectly 😀

  6. 2 years ago

    Christian zealots get the rope first. You people are the most hateful homosexuals the world has ever seen. We could heal the sick and you homosexuals still wouldnt be happy because your idol didn't come down and do it himself.

    >.t christian gnostic israeli mystic, lets see how many christcucks this triggers, fricking idol worshipers.

    • 2 years ago

      >Christian zealots get the rope first. You people are the most hateful homosexuals the world has ever seen. We could heal the sick and you homosexuals still wouldnt be happy because your idol didn't come down and do it himself.

      But the big difference is, Christians are not using sorcery to violate the free will and harming others. I personally think witches who have harmed me with their witchcraft should be burned at the stake.

      • 2 years ago

        >Christians are not using sorcery to violate the free will and harming others.

        • 2 years ago

          What is so funny about what I said? Aren't witches using magick to violate the free will and harm others?

          • 2 years ago

            Witches today are mostly transmitting pornograhpic images into mens minds through onlyfans

          • 2 years ago

            Witchcraft cannot exist without the christian hegemony controlling the masses. It violates free with and harms others while saying its for the greater good. Without the broken and twisted system of control, witchcraft has nothing to invert. They create these monsters and phantasms, they create the witch, by denying that it is a part of themselves.

          • 2 years ago

            >Witchcraft cannot exist without the christian hegemony controlling the masses. It violates free with and harms others while saying its for the greater good. Without the broken and twisted system of control, witchcraft has nothing to invert. They create these monsters and phantasms, they create the witch, by denying that it is a part of themselves.

            What a bunch of bullshit. God has rules for a reason 'cause you end up with lowest-common-denominator, which is what we now have.

            Maybe God has the 'bigger picture' and knows things need to be separated for good reason.

            Look at this world since God has been taken out of the has turned to shit!

        • 2 years ago

          I believe when we are talking witches we are speaking of Ted Bundy's, and Charles Manson's, Kim Kardashian's

          • 2 years ago

            Assuming Ted Bundy, Charles Manson really existed and really did that shit.

            Kim Kardashian represents the b***h who manipulates

            Witches today are mostly transmitting pornograhpic images into mens minds through onlyfans

            >Witches today are mostly transmitting pornograhpic images into mens minds through onlyfans

            Even if witches exist and legitimately have power, your response is utter bullshit!

          • 2 years ago

            According to The Witches Hammer, the witch hunters bible,
            A witch is anyone possesed by demon or attempts to recieve demonic favours.
            A witch is also anyone that sends images of evil or debauched nature to corrupt an individual.
            There are many other traits that substitute witchcraft but Ill leave it there.

            The Witches Hammer was a legal book written, and sanctioned by the papal bull to be an instrument in the identification, trial, and punishment of witches.

          • 2 years ago

            >According to The Witches Hammer, the witch hunters bible,
            >A witch is anyone possesed by demon or attempts to recieve demonic favours.
            >A witch is also anyone that sends images of evil or debauched nature to corrupt an individual.
            >There are many other traits that substitute witchcraft but Ill leave it there.
            >The Witches Hammer was a legal book written, and sanctioned by the papal bull to be an instrument in the identification, trial, and punishment of witches.

            Thank you. I believe my friend and I are victims of witchcraft. I say BURN THEM!

          • 2 years ago

            >A witch is also anyone that sends images of evil or debauched nature to corrupt an individual
            Like the cover of this book, everyone involved should’ve been burned alive

        • 2 years ago

          I know as soon as I read that, I need to get off this site of smoothbrains

      • 2 years ago

        What is so funny about what I said? Aren't witches using magick to violate the free will and harm others?

        Guy who made the post, not replied. Magic depends on intention and its user. Christians are praying daily to destroy those who don't believe like them, frick your demiurge Yahweh homosexual god, most of which you don't even understand because of most of your kind hates anything to do with Hebrew and israelites. Your prayer is a form of magic. I am not even a pagan, but a monadist and you homosexuals pervert everything you touch. You make it all about muh religion instead of praising the father for just being. Instead of realizing the Father expresses himself as all forms and religons, you guys completely perverted our faith and now use it to witch hunt those who you disagree with.

        Witches today are mostly transmitting pornograhpic images into mens minds through onlyfans


        • 2 years ago

          >Guy who made the post, not replied. Magic depends on intention and its user. Christians are praying daily to destroy those who don't believe like them, frick your demiurge Yahweh homosexual god, most of which you don't even understand because of most of your kind hates anything to do with Hebrew and israelites. Your prayer is a form of magic. I am not even a pagan, but a monadist and you homosexuals pervert everything you touch. You make it all about muh religion instead of praising the father for just being. Instead of realizing the Father expresses himself as all forms and religons, you guys completely perverted our faith and now use it to witch hunt those who you disagree with.

          I'm not Christian you idiot! Maybe before 'firing like a machine gun' you get your facts straight idiot!

          I doubt True Christians are praying everyday to destroy those that don't believe like them (roll eyes). Why would they hate israelites when the Bible is a israeli Book? (roll eyes)

          For the rest, I think you need meds!

          How would you know?

          • 2 years ago

            Opinion discarded.

            Because the magic (intent) of porn is to cause ejaculation in men to weaken them spiritually. Its very simple.

          • 2 years ago

            >Opinion discarded.

            >Guy who made the post, not replied. Magic depends on intention and its user. Christians are praying daily to destroy those who don't believe like them, frick your demiurge Yahweh homosexual god, most of which you don't even understand because of most of your kind hates anything to do with Hebrew and israelites. Your prayer is a form of magic. I am not even a pagan, but a monadist and you homosexuals pervert everything you touch. You make it all about muh religion instead of praising the father for just being. Instead of realizing the Father expresses himself as all forms and religons, you guys completely perverted our faith and now use it to witch hunt those who you disagree with.

            I'm not Christian you idiot! Maybe before 'firing like a machine gun' you get your facts straight idiot!

            I doubt True Christians are praying everyday to destroy those that don't believe like them (roll eyes). Why would they hate israelites when the Bible is a israeli Book? (roll eyes)

            For the rest, I think you need meds!

            How would you know? (You)
            >Because the magic (intent) of porn is to cause ejaculation in men to weaken them spiritually. Its very simple.

            Opinion discarded (See..I can play the same game idiot!)

          • 2 years ago

            Nice trips. Still you don't belong on this board hylic. You aren't worth talking to. I sense you are an over emotional woman. Tell me if I am right so I can practice plz! K thx!

            >Because the magic (intent) of porn is to cause ejaculation in men to weaken them spiritually. Its very simple.

            Sexual energy sustains us.
            People don't realize they are losing vital spectrum organ functioning, thus moroning their vessels and making them mentally subservient and weak.

            Correct. I still fail myself. Taken many a year off my life. The vital mana is the sexual energy.

            Spotted the "love is love" LGBTP hypocrite freak.

            LGBT-whatever is fornication. Why must they base their entire personality around their sexual desires? Because they are perverts. What's worse is that they seek to subvert and corrupt children. It's happening now. That's true "witchcraft" perverting young souls with lust.

            the magic (intent) of porn is to cause ejaculation in men to weaken them spiritually. Its very simple.
            >Sexual energy sustains us.
            >People don't realize they are losing vital spectrum organ functioning, thus moroning their vessels and making them mentally subservient and weak.

            I honestly think somebody has an agenda to create a robot population, which includes vegan/breatharian, being happy with nothing, off-grid, celibate blah blah. I believe it's a b***h with the love agenda..a vampire b***h.

            I think fapping and cumming does absolutely nothing. I call bullshit on vibrations, meditating and all the other hogwash

            I think most of you are just scripted by 1 butthole who has a story agenda. I don't think you have any magickal abilities

            You are very blind. Semen for example contains the best DNA and nutrients a man can produce. It takes massive amounts of energy to produce and should not be wasted. Hilarious how you bring in the whole vegan/breatharian matter when thats the tools used by the masters. Forget it. The people posting here are complete novices and shouldn't even be on a paranormal board.

          • 2 years ago

            >Nice trips. Still you don't belong on this board hylic. You aren't worth talking to. I sense you are an over emotional woman. Tell me if I am right so I can practice plz! K thx!
            You couldn't script a 'pot to piss in'. If you insult ('hylic') it means you have panicked and showing your powerlessness. Thanks for showing!! 😀

            >You are very blind. Semen for example contains the best DNA and nutrients a man can produce. It takes massive amounts of energy to produce and should not be wasted. Hilarious how you bring in the whole vegan/breatharian matter when thats the tools used by the masters. Forget it. The people posting here are complete novices and shouldn't even be on a paranormal board.

            Wow, you convinced me! For the rest, blah blah blah

          • 2 years ago

            Ok, emotional woman. You got me. Gosh I can't argue against your (non existing) logic. You sound like a real life succubus, ironic.

            >Correct. I still fail myself. Taken many a year off my life. The vital mana is the sexual energy.

            Daily prayer seems to help bring my mind back to center. Conscious watchfulness of my mind and temperance of emotion and cooling of passions is an ongoing excercise.

            I believe there is a threshold to be reached to bring us back into the balance we had as innocent children.

            It's really hard man. We all want a loving partner but society is driving out love in favor of lust.

            >Guy who made the post, not replied. Magic depends on intention and its user. Christians are praying daily to destroy those who don't believe like them, frick your demiurge Yahweh homosexual god, most of which you don't even understand because of most of your kind hates anything to do with Hebrew and israelites. Your prayer is a form of magic. I am not even a pagan, but a monadist and you homosexuals pervert everything you touch. You make it all about muh religion instead of praising the father for just being. Instead of realizing the Father expresses himself as all forms and religons, you guys completely perverted our faith and now use it to witch hunt those who you disagree with.

            I'm not Christian you idiot! Maybe before 'firing like a machine gun' you get your facts straight idiot!

            I doubt True Christians are praying everyday to destroy those that don't believe like them (roll eyes). Why would they hate israelites when the Bible is a israeli Book? (roll eyes)

            For the rest, I think you need meds!

            How would you know?

            Sorry bud, I grew up around you guys. You are the most hateful bunch I have ever encountered. Sorry your church spoon feeds you half truths though. Still really sad you guys continue to preach instead of practice your beliefs. I have a good christian friend who stands up to organized religion and churches. He sticks up for the poor, for the homeless, just like your supposed messiah while you all make excuses about it. You don't have 1/10th of the drive or will he does. Get fricked, spiritual Black person.

          • 2 years ago

            >Ok, emotional woman. You got me. Gosh I can't argue against your (non existing) logic. You sound like a real life succubus, ironic.

            Insults means you have no argument. Insults are a sign of powerlessness

            >Sorry bud, I grew up around you guys. You are the most hateful bunch I have ever encountered. Sorry your church spoon feeds you half truths though. Still really sad you guys continue to preach instead of practice your beliefs. I have a good christian friend who stands up to organized religion and churches. He sticks up for the poor, for the homeless, just like your supposed messiah while you all make excuses about it. You don't have 1/10th of the drive or will he does. Get fricked, spiritual Black person.

            Boy, you just don't listen. I was raised Catholic but now I don't label myself have issues, get mental help!

          • 2 years ago

            >Correct. I still fail myself. Taken many a year off my life. The vital mana is the sexual energy.

            Daily prayer seems to help bring my mind back to center. Conscious watchfulness of my mind and temperance of emotion and cooling of passions is an ongoing excercise.

            I believe there is a threshold to be reached to bring us back into the balance we had as innocent children.

          • 2 years ago

            >Because the magic (intent) of porn is to cause ejaculation in men to weaken them spiritually. Its very simple.

            Sexual energy sustains us.
            People don't realize they are losing vital spectrum organ functioning, thus moroning their vessels and making them mentally subservient and weak.

          • 2 years ago

            the magic (intent) of porn is to cause ejaculation in men to weaken them spiritually. Its very simple.
            >Sexual energy sustains us.
            >People don't realize they are losing vital spectrum organ functioning, thus moroning their vessels and making them mentally subservient and weak.

            I honestly think somebody has an agenda to create a robot population, which includes vegan/breatharian, being happy with nothing, off-grid, celibate blah blah. I believe it's a b***h with the love agenda..a vampire b***h.

            I think fapping and cumming does absolutely nothing. I call bullshit on vibrations, meditating and all the other hogwash

            I think most of you are just scripted by 1 butthole who has a story agenda. I don't think you have any magickal abilities

        • 2 years ago

          you’ve never spoken to a christian a day in ur life Black person

          • 2 years ago

            >you’ve never spoken to a christian a day in ur life Black person
            I think he's referring to the supposed Christian fakers you find on godlikeproductions, who glee with delight at the idea of homos burning and the rest.

            I honestly have met True Christians and they were some of the kindest I disagree with that poster

      • 2 years ago

        >Christians are not using sorcery to violate the free will and harming others.
        No, they're using societal cover to violate little boys. No spells needed, the sheep just let em do it!

    • 2 years ago

      Spotted the "love is love" LGBTP hypocrite freak.

  7. 2 years ago

    No. Normies would be too easily manipulated into burning free-thinkers at the stake.

    • 2 years ago

      >No. Normies would be too easily manipulated into burning free-thinkers at the stake.

      'Free Thinkers'. What were the witches doing that caused them to be burned at the stake?

  8. 2 years ago

    god you people are moronic

    • 2 years ago

      >god you people are moronic
      He has a valid question if witches truly have power

      Yes. I am only here to gain the skills I need to become a modern witchfinder. Better be good, e-girls, I'm coming for you.

      >I'm coming for you.
      Which kind of proves you need to be burned at the stake..thanks for showing!

      • 2 years ago

        'Coming for you' as in persecuting you coom-brain moron

  9. 2 years ago

    Yes. I am only here to gain the skills I need to become a modern witchfinder. Better be good, e-girls, I'm coming for you.

  10. 2 years ago

    Weekly hangings and burnings really gets the crowd involved. It's an entertaining spectacle and helps dissuade wouldbe crimimals to go the extra mile without stealing.

    • 2 years ago

      What were the witches doing that got them burned at the stake?

      • 2 years ago

        Nothing you can prove for the most part. Old world courts were a fricking joke, not much has changed as far as britbong law goes. If someone was disliked or their poppies were growing to tall for the rest of the village, people conspired and levied hearsay the moment a cow died or someone got sick. Y'know, things that happened pretty much every day. The Salem trials show more signs of female mass psychosis and the gossipy and libelous nature of young women. Not to mention confessions acquired under torture are extremely unreliable and inadmissible today. But some larping christcuck is going to forget the golden rule and respond with the vitriol and small mindedness that marks their Profane lot.

        • 2 years ago

          The simple fact is that nobody is innocent.
          We all do bad things sometimes.
          Trick or Treat.
          Time to slice and dice!

        • 2 years ago

          >Nothing you can prove for the most part. Old world courts were a fricking joke, not much has changed as far as britbong law goes. If someone was disliked or their poppies were growing to tall for the rest of the village, people conspired and levied hearsay the moment a cow died or someone got sick. Y'know, things that happened pretty much every day. The Salem trials show more signs of female mass psychosis and the gossipy and libelous nature of young women. Not to mention confessions acquired under torture are extremely unreliable and inadmissible today. But some larping christcuck is going to forget the golden rule and respond with the vitriol and small mindedness that marks their Profane lot.

          How would you know unless you lived back then? People back then were smart enough to know tomatoes acidified the blood, so they only used them for decoration. I'm guessing they were witches doing nasty shit

          Midwifes, usually killing the unborn baby. Sometimes kill crops.

          >Midwifes, usually killing the unborn baby. Sometimes kill crops.
          We can't know what really happened. I'm guessing the witches were doing some evil shit

          The simple fact is that nobody is innocent.
          We all do bad things sometimes.
          Trick or Treat.
          Time to slice and dice!

          >The simple fact is that nobody is innocent.
          >We all do bad things sometimes.
          >Trick or Treat.
          >Time to slice and dice!
          Speak for yourself.

          'Coming for you' as in persecuting you coom-brain moron

          >'Coming for you' as in persecuting you coom-brain moron
          I know fully what you mean't (roll eyes)

      • 2 years ago

        Midwifes, usually killing the unborn baby. Sometimes kill crops.

  11. 2 years ago

    >Should witchcraft be a offence worthy
    >of capital punishment again?

    A step in that direction:
    Neighbors could be sent to ‘stalking clinics’ to assess if they’re dangerous

  12. 2 years ago

    Considering you can do legitimate harm to someone using magick, I think there is a case for it. However I feel you would have to prove that they were performing rituals with the intention for harming others, which is definitely doable.
    That being said, it'll never happen.

    • 2 years ago

      I think the definition of Witchcraft need amendments.

      • 2 years ago

        What definition of Witchcraft are you referring to?

        • 2 years ago

          Well, for instance, the legal definition I don't think even exists on the books anymore.
          The last convicted witch to be burnt in Salem was just exonerated by a group of 8th graders and their teachers who started a petition to the court.
          The Hexenhammer makes a good legal arguments to witchcraft. I believe we can link certain sins to witchcraft.

          • 2 years ago

            Scott's Discoverie of Witchcraft had more influence on the laws of the time. The Malleus Maleficarum has an incredibly sketchy history related to its creation and adoption.

          • 2 years ago

            Yes, very differnt book. Scotts is opinion essays while the Hammer is a legal book for inquisitors.

          • 2 years ago

            It is no such thing and its authority was forged. Also it was only used in the prottiesphere.

        • 2 years ago

          The individual in OP's picture is most definately qualified as a witch for his crime. His crime goes beyond repentance or forgiveness. A crime the individual cannot repent from. Capital sins

          • 2 years ago

            I have zero context for that picture.

          • 2 years ago

            He abducted an 8 year old from her school, drove her to a wooded area, raped and bludgeoned her skull in with a hammer.

          • 2 years ago

            It was the woman who kidnapped the girl from the school, took her to him, and delivered the killing blow. All likelihood she got off watching. Don't be fricking tricked into making her seen innocent.

  13. 2 years ago

    Bring back burning at the stake and for lesser crimes, the ducking stool. Also bring back the shivaree or charivari, where the whole town would get together and bang pots and pans to shame a wife-beater or a cuckold.

  14. 2 years ago

    No, anyone can falsely accuse anyone of being a witch or practicing witchcraft. These things pertain to the unseen aspects of life, and thus cannot be readily proven in any way, shape or form. Not only that, but it would be giving our corrupt governments even more reach into our personal lives. Let God deal with these things as He sees fit.

  15. 2 years ago

    women should not be involved in the performance of initiatory ritual; their power flows from chaos and fertility but they do not possess the divine yod of creation

    • 2 years ago

      Neither does Man possess the womb or cradle that protects and bares him.

      • 2 years ago

        >execution for witchcraft? No. For pedophiles? Yes

        What is the difference?
        Witches get power from demons.
        Crimes against children are demonic crimes.
        Jesus says that if a person harms a child he will be drowned and sunk into the sea.

        If a evil crime be committed, its obvious the perpetrator is possessed by a devil and has left its mark upon its soul. The individual is to blame for inviting in the demon, damning his/her soul. The person has no purpose left on Earth now that the soul is damned, and must be sent ahead of schedule to the inky depths before its corruption spreads. They must burn, for they are not human or ripe for repentance. They must burn at the stake for witchcraft and aligning to a pact with devils. They must burn because if they don't, the devil may return and cause continued torment.

        • 2 years ago

          Evil stems from humanities fallen nature. Not every evil deed is rooted in demonic possession. That's a slippery slope you're walking here and exactly why these things should stay in the past.

          • 2 years ago

            Slippery slope indeed.
            The idea of demons very easily misconstrued. The spirits of the body can often overcome the soul and take on demonic faces of debased levels akin to wild beasts.

            These people are possessed by evil.

          • 2 years ago

            Demons are very real, as is possession.

          • 2 years ago

            >Evil stems from humanities fallen nature. Not every evil deed is rooted in demonic possession. That's a slippery slope you're walking here and exactly why these things should stay in the past.
            There is no proof evil exists. All the evil you see is on the television or on the internet or in the newspaper. It could be total fabricated crap

  16. 2 years ago

    Public execution for witchcraft? No. For pedophiles? Yes, absolutely. They all deserve the rope and it should be for everyone to see

  17. 2 years ago

    Men's sperm feeds mee mmmm im empowering because you know. when i frick all of the guys im not the one losing but you because its vital energy ! :Dd that means im winning. Uvu

    Anyway i Lmaoed to the whole spectrum of themes these new age witches bring to the table. Its always something about dick sucking or boyfriend manifesting in these threads emerging.

    no more leg spreading ! You are better than that

    A real man can take you out and im not mean taking out like "down. but seriously take your insecure ass to a lunch to sort this whole semen fever out. I can be that guy because i can seriously keep going if its really all about that babe.. just dont be grazy and charge me with any magickal child support hexes for "stealing my seed or
    Or whatever. You dont wanna be that lady in their 30s only to be remembered for seed stealing skill and using many men's balls elixir to get money with some demonic std entities in your vessel too

    I can do the dishes tonight. Goodnight

  18. 2 years ago

    >Most people in this world are the vampire.
    I can't agree more, but by that logic if vampires are considered being most people, and they are considered to be evil, that means most people are considered evil. And that is clearly not the case, neither for humans nor for us vampires. So why not join us. You are welcome.

    • 2 years ago

      >I can't agree more, but by that logic if vampires are considered being most people, and they are considered to be evil, that means most people are considered evil. And that is clearly not the case, neither for humans nor for us vampires. So why not join us. You are welcome.

      It's metaphorical as far as I'm concerned. Grandpa from the Muensters in the basement (base of the mind). Loch Ness Monster. Monster drink.

      Barry Manilow song "I've been alive forever and I wrote the very first songs" ("I Write the Songs")

      Personally, I wouldn't wanna live forever. I couldn't imagine the horror. I know Johnny Depp has a band called The Vampires, is that why Robert Downey Jr was supporting him?

      So do the vampires come out when we are at PAR AS IN RAP-TUR(E)?

      • 2 years ago

        Is Jesus a vampire as per the book The Blood Gospels. "Eat my body and drink my blood". Eternal life.

        Is that why somebody is trying to get me to flip the mirror so you get rightside up and upside down triangle combined, to open the door?

        • 2 years ago

          Really? Do you not understand what a metaphor and allegory is?

          • 2 years ago

            Sure I do. But in this holographic world anything can be literal also 🙂

            There was this movie with Shelly Long and Goldie Hawn called Death BEcomes Me or something like that. They needed some elixir to make themselves youthful. It's possible that movie was a documentary..who knows?

          • 2 years ago

            In the Bible Jesus is referenced as a lamb. Do you think Jesus was actually a lamb? Or perhaps, it is a metaphor?

          • 2 years ago

            >In the Bible Jesus is referenced as a lamb. Do you think Jesus was actually a lamb? Or perhaps, it is a metaphor?
            Yep..sacrificial lamb..These thingies are into sacrifice and I'm guessing He was the fee-male, meaning he paid the debts as in VEN-DEBT-A..get it?

  19. 2 years ago

    First and Eighth Amendments, fricker.

    Also, heretics were burned. Witches were hanged.

    • 2 years ago

      Amend what?

      • 2 years ago

        Are you joking?

        Witches were considered heretics because they employed the devil's power. Hence witches too were burned at the stake so that they wouldn't be able to resurrect later on.

        For heresy, yes. They were usually garroted first though, if they even were burned.

        • 2 years ago

          No I wasn't, amend what to what exactly?

    • 2 years ago

      Witches were considered heretics because they employed the devil's power. Hence witches too were burned at the stake so that they wouldn't be able to resurrect later on.

      • 2 years ago

        >Witches were considered heretics because they employed the devil's power. Hence witches too were burned at the stake so that they wouldn't be able to resurrect later on.
        I think God has rules for a reason. Look at this 'world' and see why the rules are necessary. It makes sense what you say

        Are you joking?
        For heresy, yes. They were usually garroted first though, if they even were burned.

        >For heresy, yes. They were usually garroted first though, if they even were burned
        Were people really being hysterical back then or were they actually causing lots of harm...They must have had a reason for what they did..unfortunately, we are probably taught false history so there is no telling...

  20. 2 years ago

    Yes but we live in a world currently where those in charge are the evil ones and those who should be in the crowd are more likely to be burning than those who commit all the crimes.
    Like I go on reddit and see people mocking antivaxxers and saying THEY should be burning...

  21. 2 years ago

    Witches are prostitutes

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