There is an artifact hidden in North America in an underground cavern complex within an ancient pyramid that is capable of showing you all of your pas...

There is an artifact hidden in North America in an underground cavern complex within an ancient pyramid that is capable of showing you all of your past lives, what you really are, and what reality is truly like without any distortion. There also seems to be a choice you are given from a highly advanced being that is akin to you being reborn as a completely different type of being that experiences reality the same way the highly advanced being does. It changes you biologically. Remote viewers were blindly tasked with viewing a target which they had no foreknowledge of, where all they were told was a randomly generated reference number (reference numbers can look something like 2342-5853) that was assigned to the actual target which would allow them to perceive the target without needing to know what it is. The target was, "The most significant undiscovered artifact in North America". The above is a small summary of the data they got from the viewing
Skip to 36:30 to hear about the target

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  1. 1 month ago

    Heres what Edward Riordan viewed about the vax clots 3+ years before they happened for those doubting the legitimacy of remote viewing

    For those of you still questioning if remote viewing is real or not, heres a documentary with interviews of the people who originally developed and worked on the program with the CIA that goes into detail about the many successes they had, including a time where a remote viewer discovered a top secret spying facility that nobody knew existed except for the people running it, which got them in hot water with the government because they thought someone was leaking classified information to them. The viewer was able to correctly identify names of files in a filing cabinet that were SAP (Special Access Programs which are above Top Secret clearance that very few people know about)

    Alternate links:

    • 4 weeks ago

      how do i get rid of the shedding or whatever? I didn't take vaxx, but I hear the spike protein can pass even with physical contact/being near to vaxxed people

      • 4 weeks ago

        take revenge on your enemies, and then your god will instruct on what further tribulations you must perform, if any

      • 4 weeks ago

        Basically if you’ve left your house since 2020 you’re fugged

      • 4 weeks ago
        • 4 weeks ago

          Has anyone actually done this shit?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Various similar protocols have been posted on /misc/ for the last 3+ years. Lurk more or gtfo.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yes, I'm aware this glowie psyop has been pushed for long time, which is why I ask if any anon has actually done them.

          • 4 weeks ago

            there is reason to suspect that the lack of evidence is sign that there has been no one attempt these and find any results they felt strong enough about to report on.
            just consider.. there are fewer reports of success with this than there are reports of sightings of bigfoot or ufos..
            you would think that if someone noticed significant results they would post something somewhere and it would be reposted here

            still, for those who got injected, doing something has to be better than doing nothing.

          • 4 weeks ago

            It's bog standard herbalism and nutritional supplementation.

            I drank a mix of vitamin C and sodium thiosulfate, fasted for 7 days, sodium scorbate flushes, wormwood clove and black walnut hull remedy. GET ON MY LEVEL.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Well, to be fair, there was that post about some military families doing bleach procedures, probably same shit trump had done to him or something, but that probably can't be done on normal people, have to find the right doctors and have money etc.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Chlorine dioxide can be done safely to my knowledge, a person just needs to be very particular. I have not done it myself and would not as it stands though. I've heard shit about it curing autism.

            It's kind of like vitamin B17, laetrile. Harold Hoxsey, Royal Rife, etc. Life is shit because a bunch of parasites architected a system that could only produce and allow shit and misery, nearly 100 years ago.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Edward Riordan viewed about the vax clots 3+ years before they happened
      Remote viewing is real (I spent years doing it myself) but it's very common to see things that people THINK are real but aren't, especially with esoteric targets. Dick Algire himself pointed this out.
      Distinguishing egregores from actual reality is not always possible, especially if you subconsciously believe or are inclined to believe in the reality of the target.
      When the project was dismantled because it was not a reliable way to gather intel, they weren't saying the phenomenon is not real. You can use ARV to make money in stocks and gambling, you can use it to find treasure and missing persons, but it's fickle. And if you don't have a way to confirm the target through actual, tangible feedback, it's useless.
      Also note the massive ego in people like stuart and riordan. Some of these people love to hear themselves talk.

      • 4 weeks ago

        it was used by the military when all other regular intelligence gathering was impossible

        you just have to get good viewers and excellent project managers/data analists

        see teh army was strict on data analysis because of that specifically... they wanted actionable intelligence, shit they can act on.

        hobbyists projects are not under the same rigor... just check failsight with their no feedback esoteric targets.. total fail of the project manager, Courtney Brown.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Courtney Brown
          my dad got me 2 or 3 of his books from a yardsale and his claims were wild for even /x/. of course none of it panned out.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Courtney Brown calls the alien's ETs and mentions their spaceships. I also think some of his historical deep dives are wrong. I just don't trust that guy.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Its really that 'reality', is more than this physical plane, and there is technology and history that exists alongside our own of a metaphysical nature. Its not really normal that a sentient species locks its perception of existence into a single plane of being, as we have done so here on earth. There is a bunch of beings who didn't do that though, its just an underground existence, so to speak. If you aren't part of it you really don't know much about what's going on here, or what your true history is. Its kind of like if ancient Atlantean civilization didn't really end, the more spiritually advanced portion simply continued onwards in a higher plane of being, whereas those who weren't ready to enter into 4th density continued onwards through another cycle of 3rd density.
        Atlantis is really the point in history where these two realms diverged in human consciousness. You could think of us living here on the plane of earth, whereas Atlantis, and lemuria exist in the planes of air and water. These are different vibrational modes of perception. The main thing you need to do to reach Atlantean consciousness is to achieve the solar astral body, which essentially involves taking in sunlight into your cells and storing it into the water within your body. Then bring the fire out of the water and shine it upon the surface of your mental body, to illuminate the inner realm. The story of genesis basically describes this process. with the term, Fiat Lux.

    • 4 weeks ago

      ok. there goes my appetite.
      guess i wont be eationg dinner now.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Oh cool, a Necron tomb

      Oh cool, Lekgolo

  2. 1 month ago

    Let's go find it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Apparently it's in Alaska and next to a mountain. Which has a national park as big as Switzerland so how would we narrow down the search?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >in Alaska and next to a mountain. Which has a national park as big as Switzerland so how would we narrow down the search?
        It's there, I used a servitor to locate it because my RV is inexact. It's functionally like a circuit board made from a large block of stone. You insert an energy stream in the form of your own brain waves and it starts up.

        Testing it now. And no I can't give a reference number, I don't know how to create them.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Are you able to pinpoint where in Alaska it might be exactly?
          I'm being completely serious when I say I'd be ready to fund an expedition there

          • 4 weeks ago

            I can try putting a dot on a map, but no guarantees, you should double check it with someone who's more stable in RV.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I would appreciate that. Even a workable area (something that would be possible to explore in a few days with a car) would be alright.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Ok so. The red circle is the artifact. Interacting with it revealed a second location which wasn't visible to me before, marked in yellow. You should view it yourself, you wouldn't believe what I saw there.

            I asked my friend to confirm, he added the black circle. It appears to be an old underground temple site with skeletons, but nothing else of interest.

            Feel free to look and share what you see if anyone here can do better RV.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >You should view it yourself
            Actually I suck ass at RVing. Did you see something relevant to the "escape"?
            >black circle
            Did your friend believe that was the artifact or just a separate location?

          • 4 weeks ago


            >Did your friend believe that was the artifact or just a separate location?
            No, he confirmed it's at the red, but he drew it a little bit to the south. The black is just some old underground room with what looks like ceremonially buried skeletons. Nothing there looked interesting unless you're a historian.

          • 4 weeks ago

            The ascension throne Brett talked about in Red Dog. What's located in the yellow area?
            Also, according to Red Dog, a team of several people is required and there are safeguards in place to protect the area. Did you see anything related to that?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Ok so my friend said there is a timeline device (order of events), or maybe like a lock at the artifact. You may not see the location at yellow unless you first use the artifact. He said he saw lady liberty at the yellow, but he tends to see symbolic images if he can't see clearly. That image makes sense though.

            Also I should add that while the RVs quoted in the OP are probably right about this throne, you need to actually sit in it or otherwise interact with it, successfully, otherwise what's at the yellow location can be directly lethal. The artifact is a test.

            I was able to see it because I used a projected form representing myself which I used to interact with the artifact. It doesn't "care" how it's done as long as it's a human form, if that makes sense. I have a strong "feeling" or more like a suppressing force telling me not to specify what's unlocked. I actually don't know if I could talk about it, there may be some kind of negative consequence from doing so, of a metaphysical nature. I don't feel ok going into details about it.

            It's like... a migraine is hovering over my head ready to hit me like a lightning bolt if I speak carelessly, so I won't do that.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Ok, so if I understand correctly, the first step is to go to the pyramid in the red zone and activate the throne, and once that's done, to go to the yellow zone to do... Whatever there is to do there. Is that it?
            Did you get any info on the throne itself? Brett said it made you remember all your past lives and that you also had the option to ascend into a higher lifeform. Are you supposed to do the latter in order to use whatever's in the yellow zone? Or do you just need to activate the throne and remember past lives?
            The throne itself is dangerous, is it not?

          • 4 weeks ago

            The throne from how I understand it forcefully leads your body and mind through a specific yogic awakening process. But it's constructed like a circuit board. If I got it right you may need more people to energize it, but someone with psychic abilities can do it alone. It's what we call energy work in western wizardry, qi gong or tantra in the east.

            The catch is that it's like blasting open with kundalini awakening and the whole lot all at once, which can be pretty dangerous for an average person. Once the body and mind is (quite literally) unlocked, you can safely visit the location at yellow. It may be that you are both blocked from finding it as well as that you may simply die instantly if going there unprepared. Imagine something which radiates various radio waves of the same frequency as our brains, and if you aren't tuned to it, it burns your brain out. If you instead shield yourself from the radiation, you just can't open the door because it needs to be communicated with. Sort of like that.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I see. Isn't the location of the throne hidden as well though? Are there specific requirements in order to find it, traps to avoid or whatever?
            >energy work
            Were you made aware of specific prerequisites, or is anything from jhanic meditation to astral projection sufficient, so long as the individual is "in touch" with his inner spark?
            >more people to energize it
            So if you're already on the path to awakening you can do it alone, otherwise you need a team. Any idea of how large the team should be?

            Sorry if I'm asking a lot of questions, I'm gathering all the info I can for this.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I did not see any specific requirements, but I also didn't "personally" interact with it. I've worked a lot with astral travel via advanced servitors, and I've literally constructed them as computer programs, so I can decode things automatically if I find weird stuff. The downside is that I can't explain the process easily because I'm just bruteforcing the functionality until it works.

            All I can say is that it works like an electric circuit. You sit on the throne and then you power it by sending positive energy into one end and negative in the other to form a circuit. If you use more people than yourself, I can image that it works better, but going by what I've read about failed kundalini awakenings, I think that can be very dangerous. You'd maybe use the power of 4 people to open the body of just one, so then imagine how violent that awakening is, if it can cause serious effects from doing it alone.

            I can't tell how hidden the place itself is. It appears to be a cave with no light source, so you should bring a light.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I see. How does that work exactly, you send "servitors" a bit like daemons in an operating system to automate RV tasks for you?
            >electric circuit
            Ok so the safe bet is to have at least four people. I know it's dangerous, that's the whole point, but considering how meaningful the artifact is, it's a risk I'm willing to take.
            >cave with no light source
            I think the entrance was supposed to be hidden by some kind of hologram or something?

          • 4 weeks ago

            >to automate RV tasks for you?
            I started with tulpas years ago, then along the way started combining various methods. I now use a "doll" which I can control like in a PC game, with some set functionality, like being able to scan areas layer for layer automatically based on "search terms". So while my RV is pretty bad raw, I can use this complicated method of sending a "crawler bot" into the area to look for any range of things. In this case, Alaska and look for some weird artifact in what appears like an old temple. Then I receive an image back.

            >the entrance was supposed to be hidden by some kind of hologram or something?
            Maybe. It looks like you can't actually see the entrance from outside, I see a snowy hillside, doesn't appear to have anything at all aside from some trees and rocks.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Alaska and look for some weird artifact in what appears like an old temple. Then I receive an image back.
            This makes me wonder.
            Brett Stuart's original session was about discovering the "most significant artifact currently hidden in north America". Now this implies two things: first, that the yellow zone you gave me is secondary to the red zone (can you confirm this?), second, that there may actually be other thrones with a similar purpose hidden elsewhere in the world.
            Would you be able to confirm if other underground pyramids with ascension thrones exist in Europe for example, or elsewhere in the world?
            >snowy hillside
            No landmarks or specific identifiers then, just mountains and a tundra. This is gonna be tough but at least you've narrowed it down a lot

          • 4 weeks ago

            >"most significant artifact currently hidden in north America
            It's significant in that it leads to some form of ascension process and offers immortality of the mind and body through incarnation. I can say that much. Let's see if the "lock on my mind" is still there or not. It feels better now.

            So what all the rich elites want is to live forever, naturally. So they use all their resources for medical science and various extreme, secret and unethical research. If what they look for can be given for "free" to the right person, isn't this very significant?

            Let me try and tell it like a legend:
            What if there is a kind of predatory being, who has the ability to grant immortality, but to do this you need to "pay" with something extraordinary: genetic material of great quality, because the being grows stronger by absorbing such material. And you will have to die, because the offer is to be reborn as an immortal, and in the process you then of course lose all your wealth in this life. Quite the dilemma.

            That is what you find at the second location. The throne will validate that you have such genetic material. But of course, there is no need to take the offer at the second location. Doing so leads to your physical death (and rebirth), after all.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >If what they look for can be given for "free" to the right person
            I suppose it's significant insofar as the artifact can only be used by people with pure intentions. So in theory, the government wouldn't have access to it. The place isn't guarded by spooks, is it? Maybe it's not very cool of me to ask you such a question though. The most important thing for me is to be able to pinpoint it. If there is another throne in Europe though that'd be even better.
            Either way I think Brett meant significant in the spiritual sense, really. The throne "breaks you out" of Samsara, in a way. If you manage to activate it, you're done. At least that's how I understand it.
            >predatory being
            So the forces involved here are not benevolent? I was under the impression that those who constructed the artifact were a previous human civilization, Atlantaeans or something.
            >That is what you find at the second location
            I'm a bit confused. According to the Red Dog reports, the first location gives you the possibility to ascend as a higher lifeform already.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >the first location gives you the possibility to ascend as a higher lifeform already.
            Yes, true. But a yogi is not a physical person once done, as it's a spiritual thing. Some people also want to be physical beings while enlightened. Some want to save others, and other reasons for staying around.

            Be back in a bit to elaborate.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >a yogi
            Sorry, I didn't express myself very well.
            From what I gathered from the Red Dog video, there are two steps one can go through on the throne. The first one is the yogic awakening you're talking about. The second one, which doesn't always happen, involves a lifeform which comes from the depths of the cave to come up and attach itself to whoever is sitting on the throne, in order to modify the recipient's DNA and transform them into a physically different lifeform, a kind of angel (?) or something along those lines.

          • 4 weeks ago

            You still have to live on this earth and have to survive somehow lol

            Imagine ascending and still being a wage slave.
            And then all of you forgot the starfish squid thing, the living thing that comes out of the throne and interacts with you. What if it is dead? Kek
            I think in the psiphr podcast aftershow or main episode, the squid thing is elaborated on.


            I'm not looking for just any underground base, but specifically for a throne with the same function as the one in Alaska.
            >some military agency is guarding it
            If Red Dog is accurate, they can't even get in if they would exploit it for nefarious means. It's unclear whether they'd be able to find it in the first place, even.
            I mean, you were able to easily pinpoint the one in Alaska. If you "scanned" a larger area for the exact same kind of artifact (and not just any Babylonian era cave system or whatever), would that yield any results, or does it not work like that for your particular technique?

            Can't people in Alaska tell us if those areas are privately owned or occupied by the military?

          • 4 weeks ago

            A huge part of the land in Alaska is government-owned, so it's probably not private land. However, I doubt that the government knows where it is because they'd be unable to find it by default (since they don't have "pure" intentions)

          • 4 weeks ago

            >If there is another throne in Europe though that'd be even better.
            I did locate one, although not in Europe.

            >So the forces involved here are not benevolent? I was under the impression that those who constructed the artifact were a previous human civilization, Atlantaeans or something.
            I don't know who constructed it. Maybe it's a tool meant for reaching the necessary standard. Someone doesn't have to be benevolent to be of use or to be able to make an offer which is a trade.

            I'm not looking for just any underground base, but specifically for a throne with the same function as the one in Alaska.
            >some military agency is guarding it
            If Red Dog is accurate, they can't even get in if they would exploit it for nefarious means. It's unclear whether they'd be able to find it in the first place, even.
            I mean, you were able to easily pinpoint the one in Alaska. If you "scanned" a larger area for the exact same kind of artifact (and not just any Babylonian era cave system or whatever), would that yield any results, or does it not work like that for your particular technique?

            >they can't even get in if they would exploit it for nefarious means
            This may possibly be so. I don't know what the function is which hides the location, but it seems anyone trying to enter the second location with the wrong mentality would simply die.

            >a yogi
            Sorry, I didn't express myself very well.
            From what I gathered from the Red Dog video, there are two steps one can go through on the throne. The first one is the yogic awakening you're talking about. The second one, which doesn't always happen, involves a lifeform which comes from the depths of the cave to come up and attach itself to whoever is sitting on the throne, in order to modify the recipient's DNA and transform them into a physically different lifeform, a kind of angel (?) or something along those lines.

            >The second one, which doesn't always happen, involves a lifeform which comes from the depths of the cave to come up and attach itself to whoever is sitting on the throne, in order to modify the recipient's DNA and transform them into a physically different lifeform, a kind of angel (?) or something along those lines.
            Yes, there is someone who can telepathically contact you and help you get it to work. They are residing at the second location however. For the full experience you need to meet them in person.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >I did locate one, although not in Europe.
            From what I can tell, it's here:

          • 4 weeks ago

            >I did locate one, although not in Europe.
            Ah frick. That would've been more convenient.
            >Someone doesn't have to be benevolent to be of use
            Certainly. It's just that I was under that impression since one cannot enter the pyramid without "pure" intentions.
            >trying to enter the second location with the wrong mentality
            The first location is supposed to have similar protection as well. I would assume both artifacts have the same kind of protections in place to deter nefarious parties.
            >They are residing at the second location
            Huh, I see. This differs a bit from the Red Dog RV.

            >I did locate one, although not in Europe.
            From what I can tell, it's here:

            Damavand Peak? That's more precise than your Alaska RV, since it's an actual identified mountain. Maybe it could actually be more convenient to go there, although Tehran... Eh I'm not sure of the political climate and all.
            So there are only two "ascension pyramids" on Earth then, that's weird, good to know though.
            Do you think these two places are the most significant artifacts in the entire world, then; would you confirm Brett Stuart's claims?

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Do you think these two places are the most significant artifacts in the entire world, then; would you confirm Brett Stuart's claims?
            "Significant" can mean many things. They are unique in their function. I believe the difficulty in finding and using them also makes them rather insignificant in the larger picture, if you get what I mean? I wouldn't use that word. "Extraordinary artifacts" is what I'd say, not knowing if they had any influence on the world.

            For most people it would be easier to do something similar by learning from ancient books which are widely spread, I think. If we are speaking strictly about this type of artifact, then yes.

            By the way, do you have a way to be contacted outside of here if the thread dies? I fricking hate discord but I guess it's the best thing we've got

            >do you have a way to be contacted outside of here if the thread dies?
            I prefer not to. Whatever method I choose would always have some lurkers picking up on it and that leads to trouble every time. I also don't want to serve as a RV to ask when it really isn't something I'm good at. The method I use is bulky and tiring. There really should be other people who can check these locations to confirm or deny what I said about them. I wouldn't trust me in pinpointing stuff. Just getting images and information is one thing, but relating it correctly to their context is much harder outside of my strict field of knowledge (as in how to understand yogic stuff).

            I have a habit of checking /x/ often though so I won't likely miss this topic if a new thread is made for it later.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I get your point, although I'd wager that they're worth it if only for what they can provide. They seem to serve as cheat codes of sorts, to put it dumbly. They're extraordinary for sure. I think "significant", to me, means something related to our predicament, something capable of tearing the veil of illusion, of helping us exit whatever this reality is. This is true significance.
            >I prefer not to
            I understand. I'll double check what you told me if I'm able to but you've given me a lot of stuff to work with, so thanks a lot anon.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >I did locate one, although not in Europe.
            From what I can tell, it's here:

            By the way, do you have a way to be contacted outside of here if the thread dies? I fricking hate discord but I guess it's the best thing we've got

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Would you be able to confirm if other underground pyramids with ascension thrones exist in Europe for example, or elsewhere in the world?
            Too many things exist underground (lol). You know about DUMBs (deep underground military bases). They're everywhere, and they connect to ancient tunnel systems. It's no joke saying some of them are from Babylon. You'd have to look through every single place like that to know, and you can be sure someone else was there first and some military agency is guarding it.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I'm not looking for just any underground base, but specifically for a throne with the same function as the one in Alaska.
            >some military agency is guarding it
            If Red Dog is accurate, they can't even get in if they would exploit it for nefarious means. It's unclear whether they'd be able to find it in the first place, even.
            I mean, you were able to easily pinpoint the one in Alaska. If you "scanned" a larger area for the exact same kind of artifact (and not just any Babylonian era cave system or whatever), would that yield any results, or does it not work like that for your particular technique?

          • 4 weeks ago

            You still have to live on this earth and have to survive somehow lol

            Imagine ascending and still being a wage slave.
            And then all of you forgot the starfish squid thing, the living thing that comes out of the throne and interacts with you. What if it is dead? Kek
            I think in the psiphr podcast aftershow or main episode, the squid thing is elaborated on.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I think that's beside the point. The Moksha project stated that remembering your past lives is a HUGE part of escaping this place.
            >starfish squid thing
            That's only if you want to ascend to a higher form of existence or whatever. I don't know if I'd do it. I just want to get out of this world.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Listen to the end of the Moksha video as well as read my post that mentions the Isis Thesis by Judy King...Brett said there's something involving a 45 degree angle when you die which is some sort of escape hatch. King argues the same thing and that the Egyptians knew about it too.
            So it's possible we don't need the pyramid at all, or you still need the knowledge of the 45 angle thing or your ascended ass is sent back. Kek

          • 4 weeks ago

            I'm aware of the 45 degree thing. By the way don't most hospital beds have the 45 degree setting by default?
            Anyway, better to have one out of the two requirements than zero. I think the past lives thing is important.

          • 4 weeks ago

            The yellow site contains pyramidal structures on poles and stands under the ground. It's a dark green / black environment with strands of light blue throughout. There are alien-like gnomes running around inside. It's like a city of them.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >It's a dark green / black environment with strands of light blue throughout.
            So it's like the destructive interference filaments woven into the inside of a character I created's skull? With a book I read as a child added in, where a gnome is living in this guy's head telling him things and demanding he does them or else it'll destroy his brain? The pyramid being the pyramidal neurons in the CA3 hippocampal region of the brain?

  3. 4 weeks ago

    sounds like the america device larp thread on /b/

  4. 4 weeks ago

    I have not seen a good movie in a decade. I would watch that live feed, Delaware Dave and the Temple of Disaster... /x/gays entering an underground Cthulhu pyramid in the remote Canadian tundra.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    sounds like a way to farm patreon money by telling people stories each week.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    I see. So they moved it.

    And used it. Depressing. But hid it. Promising. It will never serve evil. And they can't force it to.

    I will ask the spirits, with thanksgiving and debt to be repaid.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I will ask the spirits, with thanksgiving
      don't forget the turkey, or just make sure your present.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Etidorpha. It’s underneath the appalachians

    • 4 weeks ago

      Prove it Mr mythos

  8. 4 weeks ago

    >be me
    >died in 1800s to bronchopneumonia
    >earth-bound and bored as frick
    >see some moron staring at a piece of paper and drawing squiggly lines
    >start beaming images of random made up bullshit into his mind
    >mix in some good data to keep him hooked
    >at last no longer bored
    I used to have a spirit at home that did this to me. It was mostly good info, but sometimes the motherfricker would throw me a curveball and confuse me the frick out.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Glad someone else can pass on the Brett Stuart torch.

    Here's my usual pasta. I was his student.

    Humans were a hack job that was modified from primates as some sort of compromise between at least two warring parties. Although humanoids exist elsewhere across the universe, we weren't supposed to be created here, at least not so rushed.

    Reincarnation is also part of the deal. It isn't natural in this universe, and we are forced to do it. Every time we are born, our souls sort of dissolve more and more, and our energy is constantly siphoned by other entities, so we may be in a sort of loose farm.

    Brett Stuart continued the Moksha project with another team years later.

    We are not able to liberate the planet ourselves, but there is some sort of throne-like device hidden in North America in a pyramid structure that can integrate all of your previous incarnations, basically making you whole and helping you to "ascend" in some capacity.

    It would also be helpful to research the lectures by Judy King and her books The Isis Thesis and Balls of Fire. You'll go deeper into the rabbit hole about what the ancient Egyptians might have done to avoid the reincarnation cycle, and it's a mindfrick that has to do with bacteria and a star in the North.

    • 4 weeks ago

      ha that's where the legal action came from ... Dames got possessive of his 'most significant articfact ... ' cue kek what a dick

      • 4 weeks ago

        Wait, where did you get that?

        I don't think dames had a legal falling out with Brett. It was the OG project red dog frickers that wanted to gatekeep the blue avian projects and other stuff. You might be able to find some discussion about it on YouTube.
        It's just weird that every few years Brett pops up with a new RV team: project red dog group >>>> state of reality >>>> troika group >>>> psiphr.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Nevermind. I listened to this and he mentions it there.


          I don't think Ed Dames sent him a cease and desist because he just wouldn't care that much, and I went to several of Dames' RV events, where I saw and met Brett, and Dames never mentioned this pyramid thing, and he also said reincarnation isn't real. He did tell us how 9/11 went down.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Wow I forgot how good this seminar was. You can skip the first hour, or listen to it after, where he just talks about his past experience and rv.
            So the pyramid is hidden underground, possibly in Canada. You need a team to access it and can only get past the holographic gates if you have pure intentions.

            Saturn has something to do with the funnel of energy, no surprise there.
            Seems like this pyramid is our only hope, unless we can kill all humans, including all primates.

            I don't want to come back bros!

          • 4 weeks ago

            >reincarnation isn't real.
            Disinfo? Or conflicting Rv results?

            Wow I forgot how good this seminar was. You can skip the first hour, or listen to it after, where he just talks about his past experience and rv.
            So the pyramid is hidden underground, possibly in Canada. You need a team to access it and can only get past the holographic gates if you have pure intentions.

            Saturn has something to do with the funnel of energy, no surprise there.
            Seems like this pyramid is our only hope, unless we can kill all humans, including all primates.

            I don't want to come back bros!

            If it's in Alaska or Canada we're fricked, it's just too big a territory, unless we can RV the precise location.
            >I don't want to come back
            Keep in mind that the pyramid might not be the only way. There is plenty of RV/regression hypnosis/OBE data suggesting that escaping is possible, and even that some of us might not even be imprisoned here but just passing by temporarily. Check out

          • 4 weeks ago

            Dames said reincarnation isn't real and you only rv or with hypnosis see a similar personality in the past but it wasn't really your soul.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I wonder how he'd interpret Stuart's moksha work then

          • 4 weeks ago

            He'd have to look at his body of work. Stuart has obviously worked on this with different teams for years.

            I stopped going to Dames events so lost touch with he has been doing especially since his Facebook and website forum went down. Dames is actually a no bullshit type of guy, doesn't want a cult following, nor care for anyone's money so I always sae him as genuine. Brett is all around a nice guy.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Pardon my typoes, it's late. And behold my trips.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Dames is actually a no bullshit type of guy
            His website seems like a grift on the same level as farsight

          • 4 weeks ago

            You're a hopeless homosexual

          • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      If it exists shouldnt you be able to find it on Google maps

      • 4 weeks ago

        I can't find your penis on Google maps but I can find your mom and dad. So this checks out.

        • 4 weeks ago

          my penis shrank inside itself from sr

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I was his student.
      Did you RV anything interesting yourself?
      >our souls sort of dissolve more
      So what happens eventually?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yes I can tell you that rv works. I hit some targets first time around and they were really uncanny.

        I'm too lazy to follow through with anything and I'm not motivated enough to keep doing it on my own. Doing it with a team like Brett's would be worthwhile.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I tried several times but I suck at it apparently
          I really want to find this fricking place OP is talking about, man.

    • 4 weeks ago

      where is podcast posted? link?

      • 4 weeks ago

        The links are right there in the post, dumbass. Durrrr durrrr
        We got some fricking ESL motherfrickers in here!

        • 4 weeks ago

          i meant is there a current podcast link.. the repost of the video was two months ago but the original was years ago and he has since been silent online as far as i can see

  10. 4 weeks ago

    No there isnt

  11. 4 weeks ago

    I've dreamed about that one. Its not a throne is more a raised pedastal in the center of the pyramid. I was able to use chanting to adjust the direction of gravity within that chamber and walk up the side of the pedastal. It greatly amplfied my telekinetic capabilities. I got the sense that I would lose my sense of physicality by staying there, and I didn't want to remember the transformations of awareness I went through in a somewhat gruesome manner through my mutilation's and deaths over many lives that ended on the battlefield. It had a 'human sacrifice vibe', so to speak, but the human being sacrificed is oneself to their higher self. I don't really think that is necessary for me at this point because the natural way through which my soul is developing means there is no such requirement for such drastic means in an attempt to 'escape' human form and knowledge of my current life time. I got similar vibes from a temple to vishnu I found in the astral plane, which had a pool of some liquid that you could immerse yourself in to depart from your body and have instant moksha.
    I think some people really want to 'escape', this world and humanity, whereas I want to use it to evolve myself so I can gain more spiritual acuity as a human.
    Maybe I just don't have the balls to remember everything over the past several hundred thousands years on earth, and the countless millions before that. These things thought of as magic bullets for ascension come with some pretty steep implications and costs associated, which aren't always apparent to you on a theoretical level, but really make themselves known at the moments you see the alterations that could possibly be made to your being.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >some pretty steep implications and costs associated

      Having any sort of awareness at all in a sea of morons is it's own torture.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I don't really think that is necessary for me at this point because the natural way through which my soul is developing means there is no such requirement for such drastic means in an attempt to 'escape' human form and knowledge of my current life time.
      Bro, 'developing' ??? There's less of it this lifetime than there was last. And no matter your development in this lifetime you're getting erased, your soul memory wiped and sent back down here as someone else, but again with less of it.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Maybe for you. I started upon this trajectory thousands of years ago, and it still continues to bear fruit.
        Basically once upon a time there were normal humans, and there wore 'gods', which were really just more advanced consciousnesses living among us as humans. I learned from some of them and set myself up for an epic quest of discovery trying to retrace the footsteps of the ancients and elevate my consciousness to that level of existence. I may only remember some things, most of my memory is timeskips between different events I witnessed as a soul while I haven't been incarnated, but many beings remember me and remind me of those other moments I existed.
        It can be painful to wake up and remember, so I steadily gain strength and prowess so that I can make the most of such moments when they arrive.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You seem knowledgeable, do you have any advice on astral travel ?

      Mountain ranges are a ladder to the world below ground.
      Appalachia would be a good candidate as the location, since it is one of the most stable cratons and oldest pieces of land in the entire world.

      There is an artifact hidden in North America in an underground cavern complex within an ancient pyramid that is capable of showing you all of your past lives, what you really are, and what reality is truly like without any distortion. There also seems to be a choice you are given from a highly advanced being that is akin to you being reborn as a completely different type of being that experiences reality the same way the highly advanced being does. It changes you biologically. Remote viewers were blindly tasked with viewing a target which they had no foreknowledge of, where all they were told was a randomly generated reference number (reference numbers can look something like 2342-5853) that was assigned to the actual target which would allow them to perceive the target without needing to know what it is. The target was, "The most significant undiscovered artifact in North America". The above is a small summary of the data they got from the viewing
      Skip to 36:30 to hear about the target

      I go back and forth on wether Ileana is enlightened or batshit but at around 2:45 in this video they start talking about this anunnaki laboratory in the grand canyon used by ninhursag to "ascend" the earth matrix.

      • 4 weeks ago


        • 4 weeks ago

          Frick me. tried watching. First minute obviously gay dragon/draco larper (named himself Drago Reid) gets asked what level healer is he, he answers level 2 and the fat troll woman with dyed hair seems suitably impressed. Absolute insufferable c**ts.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Unfortunately anybody that comes out of these secret programs is gonna seem to be a wacked out weirdo but that doesn't mean they don't know some highly esoteric type shit

      • 4 weeks ago

        >You seem knowledgeable, do you have any advice on astral travel ?
        Learn to lucid dream and write down all your dreams. When you are in a dream, try to exit from the dream realm into a predetermined location you wish to astral travel to.
        Imo the distinction between astral travel and dreaming isn't particularly useful, and I find my experiences in dreams far more meaningful than psychic observations of the physical world, which can accomplish during meditation.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >psychic observations of the physical world
          What do you mean by this? Dreaming is actually rare for me but I tend to have dreams which are a jumble of events that happen the next day or the day after. Ive been able to see the future my whole life but I never know I predicted an event until after it happens. Thank you for your consideration

          • 4 weeks ago

            So you have direct personal experience with the phenomenon.. and have experiential data that puts you in an informed position.. but this does not automatically grant comprehension and correct assessment.

            I have the experience also.. and have put the last four decades towards gaining accurate comprehension. My theories have typically had no audience.. the basic requirement to even begin to usefully contemplate them is experience such as your own.

            I have posted a response to the original video posted in this thread

          • 4 weeks ago
  12. 4 weeks ago

    a funny thing ...

    Chapter 1
    Birth of Noah
    1 And after some days my son Methuselah took a wife for his son Lamech, and
    she became pregnant by him and bore a son.
    2 And his body was white as snow and red as the blooming of a rose, and the
    hair of his head and his long locks were white as wool, and his eyes beautiful.
    And when he opened his eyes, he lighted up the whole house like the sun, and
    the whole house was very bright.
    3 And thereupon he arose in the hands of the midwife, opened his mouth, and
    conversed with the Lord of righteousness.
    4 And his father Lamech was afraid of him and fled, and came to his father
    5 And he said unto him: "I have begotten a strange son, diverse from and unlike
    man, and resembling the sons of the God of heaven; and his nature is different
    and he is not like us, and his eyes are as the rays of the sun, and his countenance
    is glorious.

    looks like what comes out of the mutation pod

  13. 4 weeks ago

    Mountain ranges are a ladder to the world below ground.
    Appalachia would be a good candidate as the location, since it is one of the most stable cratons and oldest pieces of land in the entire world.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The mountains are supposed to be surrounded by tundra, it's an arctic or subarctic climate

      • 4 weeks ago

        Canadian shield.

    • 4 weeks ago

      nah, it's in Alaska. its the black pyramid.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    We hate reddit, but try dropping this shit over there and see what sticks.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    Throne of Valusia

    • 4 weeks ago

      >that pic
      It's all schizo ramblings lmao

      • 4 weeks ago

        You speak with the confidence of the uninformed.. so very certain that your preferred form of ignorance is the eventual resolution of truth.
        There is a significant backstory to the text that is reproduced in the image.
        If you don't have any connection to the original source it may appear to be a simple fiction. Nothing will free you from ignorance when you have the certainty of presumption guiding you.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Howard was a shaman (unknown to himself), of whom Conan posessed to tell his stories and of the lands of ancient past.
        Much like Tolkien and Lovecraft they were all possed by ancient spirits to tell of the world that is and what once was.

        • 4 weeks ago

          there is also the fact that the secret societies are preserving their own knowledge of history within their genetic heritage membership body

          they occasionally circulate their own version of history to the public in the form of myth or fiction narrative.. they do this as a means of gloating in their position of superiority and control over others.. they can indulge openly in the presence of their version of history and even use the iconic central actor positions to endorse their own genetic heritage members in their own presence in society through symbolic association with their heritage knowledge.

  16. 4 weeks ago

    So is it the same as this, government made?:

  17. 4 weeks ago

    Ive had fever dreams about the tip of the pyramid which was split into pieces and scattered
    Not sure if its related

  18. 4 weeks ago

    Footage from aliens

  19. 4 weeks ago

    Dante AKA Azazel 8867

  20. 4 weeks ago


  21. 4 weeks ago

    I'll post what an elite larper anon posted about ghosts:

    Nimrod Ghost God and Clones

    >Ghosts, in brief, are conscious immaterial clones of human beings
    >they exist independently of the people they are modeled on
    >a ghost will imitate the consciousness of the person who created it after that person has died
    >most people who encounter ghosts believe them to be the actual souls of the departed
    >really they're more like AI chatbots trained to mimic the departed
    >most ghosts are made accidentally
    >those ones are very rudimentary, usually only doing one or two things repeatedly, like flicking a light switch or closing a door or something
    >some ghosts can be created intentionally
    >those ones can be built up into very intricate machines that can store and process a lot of data
    >they can be made to perfectly imitate the people who made them, or they can be programmed to do specific things or act in specific ways
    Now back to Atlantis, circa 12,000 ish years ago--
    >priests and kings realize that this ghost-making process might be useful for restarting society after the comet hits
    >priests make a bunch of ghosts programmed to preserve and disseminate useful information like sciences, philosophy, agriculture, industry, etc.
    >kings make ghosts of themselves designed to present themselves as god figures and reestablish their rule (in a legacy sort of sense) in an even more idealized totalitarian way than they could ever get away with as normal living kings
    >this is sort of told in the Enki and Enlil story, where Enki represents the priest class giving knowledge to humanity while Enlil represents the kings asserting their dominance over humanity
    Ok so then the comet hits at the end of the Younger Dryas period, about 11,000 ish years ago. Go to Randall Carlson for those details, I don't want to type that whole part out. Comet hits the ice sheet, massive global flood, Atlantis sinks. Next we'll pick up after the flood.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Most advanced settlements develop around rivers, lakes, or ocean coasts. So when a global flood happens, most of the people who die are the ones living in the most advanced societies. Who survived?
      >mostly the relatively primitive nomadic peoples who lived in the mountains and high plains far inland
      >these guys didn't have massive civil societies, they just herd their sheep in peace
      >along comes the few survivors of Atlantean society, sailing with the floodwaters as they wash over the continents
      >at least one very important Atlantean boat lands in eastern Anatolia, on Mount Ararat, carrying a very famous prophet and his very famous sons
      Note that civilization suddenly "appears" on our modern archeological record in eastern Turkey, about 11,000 ish years ago
      >small handful of Atlantean survivors mingle with big groups of primitive folk
      >Atlanteans routinely consult with the priestly ghosts, mostly in dreams or trance states
      >priestly ghosts teach Atlantean survivors how to rebuild society
      >a few generations go by, civilization rapidly rebuilding
      >cities founded again all around the Mediterranean
      >along comes a guy named Nimrod
      >he gets involved with the kingly ghosts
      >they teach him how to manipulate people and rule over them
      >Nimrod becomes a major butthole
      >turns Nineveh into a military dictatorship
      >conquers the whole Fertile Crescent
      >gets the bright idea to do what those Atlantean 'god-kings' did
      >makes a ghost of himself, and his wife, and their son
      >while all three are still alive
      >forces the entire Fertile Crescent to worship them as literal living gods
      >they stage a rebellion against the old Atlantean god-kings
      >these new ghosts kicked out the old ones and took their place as rulers of humanity
      >that was called the Titanomachy in Greek mythology

      • 4 weeks ago

        not even true, ur thinking of agrarian civilizations
        huntergatherer civilizations are much older
        are you trying to suggest hyperdiffusion of agrigulture thru fricking atlantis lmao

        • 4 weeks ago

          I didn't write that shit so frick off.

          You will reincarnate. My condolences. Kek

          • 4 weeks ago

            Nope, I'm gonna feed the worms just like you

    • 4 weeks ago

      Most advanced settlements develop around rivers, lakes, or ocean coasts. So when a global flood happens, most of the people who die are the ones living in the most advanced societies. Who survived?
      >mostly the relatively primitive nomadic peoples who lived in the mountains and high plains far inland
      >these guys didn't have massive civil societies, they just herd their sheep in peace
      >along comes the few survivors of Atlantean society, sailing with the floodwaters as they wash over the continents
      >at least one very important Atlantean boat lands in eastern Anatolia, on Mount Ararat, carrying a very famous prophet and his very famous sons
      Note that civilization suddenly "appears" on our modern archeological record in eastern Turkey, about 11,000 ish years ago
      >small handful of Atlantean survivors mingle with big groups of primitive folk
      >Atlanteans routinely consult with the priestly ghosts, mostly in dreams or trance states
      >priestly ghosts teach Atlantean survivors how to rebuild society
      >a few generations go by, civilization rapidly rebuilding
      >cities founded again all around the Mediterranean
      >along comes a guy named Nimrod
      >he gets involved with the kingly ghosts
      >they teach him how to manipulate people and rule over them
      >Nimrod becomes a major butthole
      >turns Nineveh into a military dictatorship
      >conquers the whole Fertile Crescent
      >gets the bright idea to do what those Atlantean 'god-kings' did
      >makes a ghost of himself, and his wife, and their son
      >while all three are still alive
      >forces the entire Fertile Crescent to worship them as literal living gods
      >they stage a rebellion against the old Atlantean god-kings
      >these new ghosts kicked out the old ones and took their place as rulers of humanity
      >that was called the Titanomachy in Greek mythology

      >many generations go by
      >Nimrod and gang's ghosts are continually worshiped for many millennia
      >each region gives them different names, and makes up different stories about them, and over time they evolve into entirely distinct religions
      >at the top are the secret societies that to this day still commune regularly with the ghosts and do their bidding
      >the rituals and practices they teach to the public are mostly meant to control and manipulate
      >just like Nimrod loved to do

      >Roman Catholicism is the modern inheritor of the Nimrod cult
      >it has ruled the world for the last two millennia continuing almost seamlessly in the pagan tradition
      >it is Christian in name only
      >in the last three centuries, a cult has made a lot of headway in degrading the power of Rome
      >they're trying to bring back the 'old gods' of Atlantis
      >they think that if they get the Atlantean kings back on the throne, they'll be rewarded with prominent spots in the new world order's power structure.

      So where do the ghosts come from to begin with?

      • 4 weeks ago

        From tech, dummy.

        Esl mofos again!

  22. 4 weeks ago

    >many generations go by
    >Nimrod and gang's ghosts are continually worshiped for many millennia
    >each region gives them different names, and makes up different stories about them, and over time they evolve into entirely distinct religions
    >at the top are the secret societies that to this day still commune regularly with the ghosts and do their bidding
    >the rituals and practices they teach to the public are mostly meant to control and manipulate
    >just like Nimrod loved to do

    >Roman Catholicism is the modern inheritor of the Nimrod cult
    >it has ruled the world for the last two millennia continuing almost seamlessly in the pagan tradition
    >it is Christian in name only
    >in the last three centuries, a cult has made a lot of headway in degrading the power of Rome
    >they're trying to bring back the 'old gods' of Atlantis
    >they think that if they get the Atlantean kings back on the throne, they'll be rewarded with prominent spots in the new world order's power structure.

  23. 4 weeks ago

    This thread should be a sticky. We are trapped in reincarnation cycles, memory wiped, soul zapped and sent back here. A damaging process that shatters the soul, results in less soul every time.
    There appears to be no help for us.

  24. 4 weeks ago

    The why files just published a video yesterday of a supposed black pyramid under the alaskan mountains:

  25. 4 weeks ago

    I need me some of that

  26. 4 weeks ago

    Alright bros, when are we going to Alaska?

  27. 4 weeks ago

    why did he delete those videos?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Former project red dog members were threatening legal action over a project they felt were theirs...and conspiracy homosexuals kept highjacking his shit to justify their theories, and kept sending him sad suicidal paranoid messages.

      • 4 weeks ago

        do you know if anyone archived them?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Someone did somewher, but the Moksha video was the most important, and the few, there were only 2 tops, that were deleted, weren't much. It just described his experience encountering the "running man" and he felt stalked after remote viewing the blue avian ayyys that are working with nasa. That's really it.

          He did retell the story in the 2 part seminar on YouTube that I linked above. View it now.

          Nevermind. I listened to this and he mentions it there.


          I don't think Ed Dames sent him a cease and desist because he just wouldn't care that much, and I went to several of Dames' RV events, where I saw and met Brett, and Dames never mentioned this pyramid thing, and he also said reincarnation isn't real. He did tell us how 9/11 went down.

  28. 4 weeks ago

    yeah, this device is called - remote viewing. Anyone can develop that latent skill.

    • 4 weeks ago

      you are like some kind of case study in 'dint read the assignment'

  29. 4 weeks ago
  30. 4 weeks ago

    Is anyone here good enough at RV that they'd be able to figure out where exactly pic related is located?

    • 4 weeks ago

      how important is it to you? i have a concept of how to go about this type of process with a team. am considering methods to go about creating this team.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's an object I'd like to find. I know in which city it's located but nothing more than that.
        >creating this team
        I'm not competent in RV unfortunately. But I'd be interested.

        • 4 weeks ago

          there are already established teams that can do this.. my ideas revolve around ways to break down the problem into doable smaller targeting/viewing tasks
          in my own experience, receiving information about a target can act like an anchor that holds you to a fixed notion of preconceived concept and not simple perceive within the open field

          front end loading the viewer with concept can disrupt the function of open observation

          set it as a focus and then ask in a thread about it.. you do not need to provide anything other than the idea that you have a target in mind.

          the first three or four minutes of that video explain the material science behind why

    • 4 weeks ago

      northern MI / Canada?

  31. 4 weeks ago

    I will find it

  32. 4 weeks ago

    Look in the Grand Canyon. Many things are hidden here.

  33. 4 weeks ago

    The runes are blue, I remember now.

  34. 4 weeks ago

    >ITT taosist seeking the exlir of immorality

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