Stories about Pine Gap

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      US military installment down under

    • 1 month ago

      Major anti-Soviet satellite communications station repurposed into a flagsip PRISM centre for the Asian hemisphere.

      • 1 month ago

        Checked. What is PRISM?

        • 1 month ago

          if I remember correctly it was some spook NSA shit from Obama times when they were figuring out how to spy on everyone

        • 1 month ago

          if I remember correctly it was some spook NSA shit from Obama times when they were figuring out how to spy on everyone

          PRISM is the project which funnels all available information into a single database. It collects everything available from your smart fridge to spy satellites.

          PRISM is the tool of a more powerful AI prediction project, but mostly people talk about how feds, police, & bad actors can use the information against the innocent.

    • 1 month ago

      mcdonalds for dead troons

  2. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      Where did you get this? More info?

    • 1 month ago

      Context motherfrickers?

  3. 1 month ago

    Peculiar stories about the place. Read some here on /x/ once upon a time. Something about some Perth soldiers and two shaggy dog military vehicles they took over to middle of Australia to check it out.

    • 1 month ago

      Why the frick would they grab soldiers from the other side of the country

  4. 1 month ago
  5. 1 month ago
  6. 1 month ago
  7. 1 month ago
  8. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      Raven Rock?

  9. 1 month ago

    I do not know what this autist dumping pics of underground installations without providing any context for in about though, Pine Gap has more than enough visible /x/ shit going on above ground.

    • 1 month ago

      I agree, but like what pussy

  10. 1 month ago

    "Kay Griggs stated the military is cloning humans. That is correct. I saw human cloning being conducted at Dulce and Pine Gap. The bodies are grown to full form in giant test tubes just like in the propaganda film, The 6th Day. When I was six years old, Gittinger showed me a massive clone army of super soldiers assembled like Stormtroopers on the floor of a three-story+ high auditorium carved beneath Pine Gap. They looked 7 ft. tall, were dressed in black Nazi-style uniforms, and lacked male genitalia. Gittinger told me to take a look at the genitalia of one of them, and it looked like a Ken doll. A fleet of UFOs with NASA stamped on their shell were stored on an underground conveyor belt system at Pine Gap."

    • 1 month ago

      "The mind control aspects of my abuse mainly occurred at laboratories in Sydney University, Holsworthy Army Base, Lucas Heights nuclear reactor, and Pine Gap. Holsworthy Army Base sits adjacent to Lucas Heights nuclear reactor, now called ANSTOW (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation). Lucas Heights nuclear reactor is a 20-story underground research facility that was connected via underground tunnel to another (7-story) underground research facility at Holsworthy Army Base. Data and material collected from these labs were delivered to Australia’s main CIA / US Military underground facility at Pine Gap. Holsworthy and Lucas heights both featured underground rooms dedicated to Luciferian ritual and the worship of their ancient deity Dagon. All top Australian military brass were Luciferians. Most Sydney University staff were Luciferians."

      "The elite JASON scientists operated out of Dulce in the USA and Pine Gap in Australia. DNA and reproductive materials collected from child victims at the CIA research facility at ANSTO in Lucas Heights were stored in liquid nitrogen flasks and transported to Pine Gap in central Australia for use in the JASON super soldier genetic engineering project."

      Fiona Barnett

      • 1 month ago

        >"The elite JASON scientists operated out of Dulce in the USA and Pine Gap in Australia. DNA and reproductive materials collected from child victims at the CIA research facility at ANSTO in Lucas Heights were stored in liquid nitrogen flasks and transported to Pine Gap in central Australia for use in the JASON super soldier genetic engineering project."

        more info? or shill bot

        • 1 month ago

          Read the links. full book, article, an recent dumbs thread archive with MANY links in it

          • 1 month ago

            Will be reading the book. Wheres the archive thread?

          • 1 month ago




          • 1 month ago

            This bullshit has no basis and sauce seems schizo

            Bring info or frick off

          • 1 month ago

            Feds nd their buzzwords are disregarded.

          • 1 month ago

            are you calling me a glowie

          • 1 month ago

            Read the book, article and archive.

            So they're set up underground and have been expanding there since the 60s. The place is secure and can ensure first nuke response without anyone fricking with them. Such phenomenally new info.

            ...what are you 12?

          • 1 month ago

            What u talking about

    • 1 month ago


      Where did you get this? More info?

      From the contractor who made and expanded the facility

      • 1 month ago

        Second link is great.

        What else do you know RE Pine Gap? When did you get on to this doc? Other references, sauce or lore?

        • 1 month ago

          basically if the Generals are to be believed, we live in a Buck Rogers universe with a multitude of factions, earth governments are irrelevant but earth has nice weather so climate change is bad and stuff and oh dont forget to pay your bill in petroleum dollars.

          Pine gap is opposite the globe to the Bermuda trianle I think? Something about the magnetic anomalies >
          likely due to Theia essentially acting as a bell / antenna or whatever so its a good place to put an listening post, also i think pine gap goes really deep as its pretty deep inside of australia so would be easy to defend. Pre-2011 EerieWeb thought diego garcia had tunnels (BIG ones not the small railways, like some people said they were made by aliens or whatever) leading to both Pine Gap and somewhere in Pakistan.

          • 1 month ago

            Which generals? Exopolitics made that point clear for decades. Get to the good stuff.

            Bermuda triangle point interesting, agree with bell analogy.
            Gimme sauce I know you got more.

            Any connections with Emu nuclear launch site?

          • 1 month ago

            Reading the article now. What else after the book, article and DUMB archive links. Surely there's a tonne more avail

    • 1 month ago
  11. 1 month ago

    It was a crisp, autumn morning at the infamous Pine Gap military base. The air was still, and the dew glistened on the grass like diamonds scattered across a velvet carpet. The base, hidden deep within the Australian Outback, was known for its top-secret experiments and its mysterious, otherworldly inhabitants. Little did the guards stationed at the entrance realize that today, their mundane routine would be shattered by the unexpected arrival of a most unusual visitor.

    As they stood at their posts, a battered old pickup truck rumbled up to the gate. The driver, a burly man with a shaggy beard and a mop of unruly hair, rolled down his window and flashed a toothy grin at the guard. "Morning, fellas," he drawled in a gravelly voice. "Think you could let ol' Kevin Nash through?"

    The guards exchanged puzzled glances. Kevin Nash? The retired pro wrestler? What could he possibly want at Pine Gap? Shrugging, one of them pressed the button to open the gate. As the truck passed through, the driver, now visible to be wearing a pair of oversized sunglasses and a cowboy hat, winked at them. "Just following my nose," he quipped, before driving off into the heart of the base.

    The guards chuckled good-naturedly, assuming the whole thing was some sort of joke. But as they turned back to their posts, they were suddenly met with a gust of wind that smelled strongly of...farts. They turned around, their eyes wide with disbelief, as they saw Kevin Nash himself, standing there, hands on his hips, a Cheshire cat grin plastered across his face. "Oh, yeah," he drawled. "That's my special move." And with that, he let loose a thunderous fart that knocked one of the guards clean off his feet and left him gasping for air.

    • 1 month ago


  12. 1 month ago

    >iykwim haha

    • 1 month ago


  13. 1 month ago

    i would HEEM every one of you poofs

    • 1 month ago

      bell st. maccas in 15

    • 1 month ago

      Nup, im 6 foot 6 and 144 kilos mate

  14. 1 month ago

    "What do all of the following people have in common: Norman Lindsay, ‘Sir’ William McMahon, Garfield Barwick, Lionel Murphy, Rosalyn Norton, Clyde Cameron and Stephanie Bartholomew (a.k.a Abigail)? From where do more Australians get their news and why? What is Michael Aquino’s interest in Australia’s Pine Gap Facility and why is discussion of the Base’s use and purpose inadmissible within Australia’s polite society and media?"

  15. 1 month ago

    Pine gap is a part of the black book projects. I worked there as a kid and was tortured by Satanists and Freemasons. They have at least one star gate there. I still get some dreams about it. Latest one I had was they wanted to use a battalion or two to Zerg rush a position and I was not happy about it.

  16. 1 month ago


  17. 1 month ago

    i'm sure it's not got a mile long antennae in the ground that is providing high-resolution monitoring for every bit of electromagnetic radiation throughout the whole of east asia.

  18. 1 month ago

  19. 1 month ago

    USAF SIGINT vet here.
    Hah. Ahahaha. Ahahahahahaha

    >Captcha: G00N

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