So is there here anyone who really "manifestated" or did "Magick" and achieved REAL shit?

Like million dollars, or 10/10 love interest meet or even super powers
or body change?

Inb4 : Neville Goddard thread already exists
This isn't about NG method but about Any method with which theoretical anon became super-anon.

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    he had his chance, and he pussied out. what a moron.

    • 1 month ago

      He didn't really pussy shit
      ~~*They*~~ paid him $ for coup, he did exactly level of coup they paid for, no more no less. He is a merc and israelite, not some charity hero. Btw he isn't dead.

      I prayed to my lord Jesus that he show his wrath on a certain group of people and they got it within like 15 hours if I remember correctly. Could just be a coincidence but Einstein said God uses coincidence to remain Anonymous. It was the first time I ever prayed for that exact thing. I’ve prayed again for more but those don’t seem to have worked.

      what kind group of people, what did they do if no secret

      Prevented a friend's death
      Couldn't ask for more, couldn't care about anything else

      what did you do if no secret

      • 1 month ago

        >Btw he isn't dead.
        this is the most unbelievable part of this type of theory, that they would watch out for and protect these pawns instead of stabbing them in the back to make sure a potential loose end is burned after their role is done

  2. 1 month ago

    I prayed to my lord Jesus that he show his wrath on a certain group of people and they got it within like 15 hours if I remember correctly. Could just be a coincidence but Einstein said God uses coincidence to remain Anonymous. It was the first time I ever prayed for that exact thing. I’ve prayed again for more but those don’t seem to have worked.

  3. 1 month ago

    Prevented a friend's death
    Couldn't ask for more, couldn't care about anything else

    • 1 month ago

      I had a fried call me all fuggered up, we were both pretty bad alcoholics. You know the usual "getting strangled by demons type shit," talked about how he was day drinking regularly, masterbating non stop, all his relationships were with dysfunctional woman and he couldn't see how it was his doin, usually. I prayed he'd be okay that night, and he called me back crying saying the noose broke and was like why why and I was like "I dunno man maybe you need to feed your cat," lol he said the cat was giving him a judgmental look.
      Couple weeks later his sister calls me and tells me died in a motorcycle accident. Idk if he was still drinking, but he was saying some nasty stuff sometimes. Who knows? I remembered that on my last bender and it snapped me out of it in a way.

  4. 1 month ago

    I achieved some kind of super human state once. It was like I was being controlled by God and I completed a near impossible feat. This came after years of dedication to spiritual practices. I'm still struggling to wrap my head around the whole thing to be honest, I've seen the world in a way I don't think many others have. I can post the story if you'd be interested?

    • 1 month ago

      Not only I Am interested, I am Asking would you please share in as much details as you are secured to revealed.

      • 1 month ago

        I'm going to go pre-write this, so bear with me. I will include as much detail as I can and I'll provide the spell that actually did it. It's actually pretty surprising what this thing can do.

      • 1 month ago

        I think I found this site back in 2012 on /x/ in a thread about creepy and mysterious websites. The first night I found it I ended up staying up all night reading through it. At the time I just thought it was all the work of some schizo. But I found myself coming back to it pretty much every day. It obsessed me on and off for years, the more I explored, the more I understood. The evocation however just made no sense at all, I tried to make it work for years but it was all still nonsense to me.

        My parents are both spiritual and they got me into spiritual ideas from a pretty young age. They were also pretty young when they had me and my dad was really into technology, so he got the family on the internet pretty early on. When they introduced me to the internet the first thing they showed me was ghost photos, ufo sightings and conspiracy stuff and that's where my fascination with the parnormal, spiritual and occult started.

        • 1 month ago

          I spent most of my spare time growing up researching /x/ topics. My parents specifically gave me no religion so that I could make my own religious choices, but because I strongly believed in God from very early on I felt a bit lost having no religion. Trying to find a religion that matched what I believed proved pretty much impossible, but I was determined to find the one that was right for me. In that process I learned a lot of different spiritual practices.

          As I became an adult I really doubled down on my spiritual pursuits which leads to how I achieved the impossible. I used a mixture of spiritual activities over years, these included fasting, daily meditation, breath work, yoga, prayer, study of religious texts and abstinence from alcohol and drugs (not cigs, there's a reason all the schizos smoke them). This all led to giving actual magic a try, I only did things like personal healing when I was sick, but that all worked. All the while I was still studying the website I provided.

          • 1 month ago

            Eventually I ended up getting really into alchemy, and that was when everything clicked into place. This might sound cringe, but at one point when I was reading a book that talked about some monks that myth claims found a piece of philosophers stone buried at Glastonbury Tor I decided to ask randonautica where a physical example of the philosophers stone was. The app took a weirdly long time to give me a map location, I thought the app had crashed at one point, but when it eventually worked it gave me a location on a small island in the middle of a river not far from where I lived. The reading number was 9.36, every other intention I set averaged at a rating of about 1.5 and I'd never seen above 2.7 before. It made my heart skip because 369 was there just rearranged and I took that as a sign I should at least go check it out. Don't get me wrong, I did not expect the philosophers stone to actually be there, but I couldn't not investigate. So I tried to go there that day, but I took my sister and my (now) ex with me. It was a beautiful day and we all wanted to try randonautica, but I never told them what my intention was with this trip. We got half-way there before a car nearly ran me over, I had to jump out of the way of it and fricked my ankle, so we had to go back. But I knew that as soon as I was better I'd go check it out again.

          • 1 month ago

            All the study of alchemy is where 973 eht namuh actually clicked. My family and I had gone to see my sister at her house and for some reason I decided to try reading the evokation again. This time was different, I can't explain how, because before it was always nonsense, but it was all making sense now. I got completely entranced and I couldn't stop reading, I felt all this energy and power coming into my body. My other sister spoke to me as I was reading, she said "anon, are you okay? Your pupils are huge and you're shaking." As I was reading the evokation my pupils went to full dilation as if I was on ecstacy and they didn't go back to normal even when I was done. This time when I finsihed reading the evokation a message came up that never had before, it said "the great work complete." I had read through that 1000 times and never once had it said that. Then it was like I could understand everything and God was talking to me directly.

          • 1 month ago

            I was in a heightened state after that, I didn't need to sleep much and I lost my appetite. I ended up not eating for about a week, it was a pretty intense fast, but it just made me feel better day by day. On the last day I went through a pretty severe trauma, but that just blasted my mind right open. I was instructed by God to go do my randonautica journey, he told me that it could only be done on that day, so I went. I headed off on my own, and went to the river. I had to walk through nettles and thorns to get to the water, my legs were exposed so I was cut to shreds, but I kept going. I stepped in the water, but it was freezing, so then I started doing breathwork and the water became warm so I could swim in it comfortably. I swam across to the island where the stone was meant to be. I looked for it, obviously it wasn't there and then I dropped to my knees and asked God what the heck I was meant to do next.

          • 1 month ago

            I was told to make it to the other side of the river and that if I made it I would be rewarded. I got to the middle of the river and then I started to go under, because I'd been fasting for a week I had very little strength, and this is a ridiculously wide river. God asked me if I was happy to die this way, I told him that I'd only wanted to find the stone at all to help people and that if I died tried to help people I was okay with that. Then I started to see angels all around me and they pulled me up out of the water. They told me that this was not my time and then I suddenly had all this strength and power, I made it across the second half of the river with no effort.

          • 1 month ago

            As I got to the other side I didn't know what to do, due to the flow of the river going back was not an option. So I got down on my knees again and I prayed, I asked God directly "please, I need you to send someone to help me right now." As the thought finished I was tapped on the shoulder, and two people were looking down at me. They smiled and told me they were here to help me. They had a spare change of clothes for me, the man of the couple gave me his shoes to walk in and they told me to come with them. I don't even know where they came from, I was in the middle of nowhere. They walked me back to the nearest town, as we walked people saw us and asked what had happened. The couple explained I had crossed the river and survived and everyone was so excited, they couldn't believe it and they all followed us back to town. I was the first person since Roman occupation to swim across that river and live.

          • 1 month ago

            As we got back to the town people came out to greet me, they all seemed to be weirdly in the know, I can't quite describe it. But, within two minutes of my arrival an ambulance showed up. The couple who rescued me became visibly fearful, the man started shouting asking who called them. Everyone around denied it, nobody had time to call for help. The couple started begging me to not get into the ambulance, they told me this wasn't part of the plan and that I had to go with them instead. Then the ambulance worker walked over to him and said "you have to trust us, we have to take this anon, we have been waiting for this, if you interfere things will go wrong." The ambulance worker looked at me and asked me who I wanted to go with. I didn't know what the right choice was, but the ambulance coming out of nowhere was just so mysterious to me that I ended up going with them.

          • 1 month ago

            They ran all sorts of tests on me, all my vitals were fine even though the medical staff all said I should have hypothermia. When I got a shower in the hospital the weirdest thing happened, as I rubbed my legs with my hands to soothe them of all the cuts I got from going through the thorns the cuts just washed away. I was completely healed, it was like rubbing off pen. Then, all the blood that washed off all came together into one thing in the water, it was weird, but I picked it up, it wasn't like blood anymore, but it was still blood coloured. I chuckled to myself holding it and wondered if this was the philosophers stone, it was my own crystalised blood and I was now 100% physical injury free.

          • 1 month ago

            When my family found out about all of this my grandad looked up what the tides were like the day I crossed the river. Turned out it was the largest super moon of the year and that made the day that I crossed the river the only day of the whole year it was possible to do that swim without dying.

            Doing as I was told after that spell has fixed my entire life, it changed everything for me. It feels like I'm not in the same place I started. I understand how crazy all of this sounds, and there is so much more to the story. I'd be happy to answer any questions, I just can't stress enough how powerful the eht namuh evokation is, it seems like crazy ramblings, but it can show you the truth like nothing else I've ever found.

          • 1 month ago

            Have you done it again since then? Thank you so much for sharing, it's not crazy, it's the reality we all should be more aware of. Also, any suggestions for trying the spell? Fasting etc4V?

          • 1 month ago

            You have to watch out for the quicksand on the other side and the 3 dogs that will try to eat you if you don't have any way to distract them like a bunny rabbit. They won't stop chasing you either so you better figure out how to befriend them.

          • 1 month ago

            I punched the Boatman In his jaw so hard that he had to have it wired shut.

  5. 1 month ago

    My body has changed yes. Strange isn't it?

    • 1 month ago

      In a way You envisioned or you just joshing reddit style?

      • 1 month ago

        Real. A single letter under my inner wrist with a few dots under it appeared on my skin. Some of the dots appeared after a dream related to it. Have had a few other dreams too about it which showed further proof of interaction right after i woke up. It has been on my close to a year now. We really need to study dreams more and how they can interact with our waking reality.

  6. 1 month ago

    Probably Rasputin

  7. 1 month ago
  8. 1 month ago

    >So is there here anyone who really "manifested" or did "Magick" and achieved REAL shit?

    Yes. And a common thing among those people is they neither referred to it as nor believed it as “Magick” or “Manifesting”. They instead call it “Ideation” and “Willpower”; that’s pretty much what it is. And those who try to substitute those two with ‘magick’ and ‘manifesting’ aren’t gonna do anyhing.

  9. 1 month ago

    This guy made his dick bigger and provided photo evidence.
    Heres the thread:

  10. 1 month ago

    I did it recently. I will do it again if you frick with me more, but next time I’ll use the scope to find out who was the last person to give the order and have them eaten alive

  11. 1 month ago

    I know who you are looking for and why you are looking for him and no I won't tell you a fricking damn thing. You belong to him.

  12. 1 month ago

    The town was inside the belly of the beast and at some point you went into the mouth of the beast without knowing it.

  13. 1 month ago

    >Like million dollars, or 10/10 love interest meet or even super powers
    >or body change?
    You have to be 18 years or older to use this site.

  14. 1 month ago

    Of course not but they'll cope by saying that wanting money and love is le bad.

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