So I found aa place that sells Ayahuasca.

So I found aa place that sells Ayahuasca.
I plan on drinking it alone in my room while listening to Aphex Twin and The Flashbulb on shuffle

Is this a bad idea?
Can I go to work the next day?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 month ago

    This isn't the drugs board.

    • 1 month ago

      >/x/ - Paranormal 4plebs page
      >Searching for posts that contain ‘"machine elves"’. Returning only first 1000 of 4162 results found.
      lmao bro tryna be a janny and shit

      • 1 month ago

        the jannies on here are so shit, i made a post the other day about my mind not feeling fully attached to my body and i feel distant constantly almost like an outer body experience and someone just commented and my post 404'd

    • 1 month ago

      B has too much fricking porn on it and became a wanking board for degenerates. /X/ drugs are exclusively hallucinogenic drugs. Not that big of a deal, homosexual. I suggest you continue lurking in your gay /nobody/ threads instead

      • 1 month ago

        >/X/ drugs are exclusively hallucinogenic drugs
        Disassociates and meth psychosis disagree

        • 1 month ago

          this. the voices and shadow people seen and heard by meth heads are very real just like how the dmt heads say the shit seen is always there but the drug peels the curtain back.

          • 1 month ago

            It's true. Just different ways to pass through the veil, meth is actually the easiest to maintain your sense of self but it makes a lot of loosh and summons a lot of darkness. Ideally you get there through meditation and stay there, but psychedelics are alright because the drug spirits act as tourist guides on the trip but even they take your loosh.

      • 1 month ago

        >/x/ - Paranormal 4plebs page
        >Searching for posts that contain ‘"machine elves"’. Returning only first 1000 of 4162 results found.
        lmao bro tryna be a janny and shit

        Frick yourself hippy drug addict scum.

        Recreational drug use is nothing but another form of slavery. You can label them as "this" or "that" all you want but in reality-

        Drugs are drugs and it matters not-
        >When you do them,
        >Where you do them,
        >With whom you do them,
        >Why you do them,
        >What you do,
        >How you do them.

        Because drugs are drugs.

        • 1 month ago

          This isn't the drugs board.

        • 1 month ago

          So I assume if you ever need surgery you're going to opt out of anesthesia?

        • 1 month ago

          Apply the same logic to caffeine and whatever other substances you casually ingest. Drugs are drugs, no matter what, degenerate scum.

    • 1 month ago


  2. 1 month ago

    should go for a nice drive

  3. 1 month ago

    Yeah bad idea

    • 1 month ago

      >I plan on drinking Ayahuasca alone in my room while listening to Aphex Twin and The Flashbulb on shuffle


      >Is this a bad idea?

      Ayahausca is a more potent and longer form of N-DMT. If you haven't tried psychedelics let alone smoked DMT before, do not try this alone or best yet stay away from it until your ready. Be in a positive mood and learn to let your thoughts pass instead of letting them become your identity.

      Aren't you supposed to do a whole ritual or something? Too many times i've seen normies try these drugs and lose their mind. Make sure you do it together with people, not all alone like a dumbass.

      OP, that legit sounds dumb as frick. It's supposed to be a spiritual experience, not a solo psychedelic mental rave. If you're going to do that, then do LSD.

      Do not try it alone, never try a substance alone until you're familiar enough with it and confident you can handle the experience. I would not recommend taking ayahuasca the day before having to do anything else at all. You'll need time to process what you've been through and it's not exactly meant to be a short experience. Do ayahuasca, but only when the time is right and with a trip sitter you trust. I don't think every psychedelic requires a trip sitter, but first time ayahuasca definitely does.

      Do not do this. You might get psychosis and if you are alone, there is no one to help you if you are struck by heart attack or stroke.

      Furthermore, Ayahuasca is spiritually dangerous. It will open the door for demonic entities that are normally restrained and held back by Holy Spirit, giving them opportunity to try to steal your soul or deceive you.

  4. 1 month ago

    Ayahausca is a more potent and longer form of N-DMT. If you haven't tried psychedelics let alone smoked DMT before, do not try this alone or best yet stay away from it until your ready. Be in a positive mood and learn to let your thoughts pass instead of letting them become your identity.

    • 1 month ago

      Everyone tells me that Ayahuasca is much closer to shrooms or mescaline than vaporized DMT

      I've only tried vaporized DMT and am doubtful I will get much out of Ayahuasca when I have plenty of mushroom patches I can visit

  5. 1 month ago

    Aren't you supposed to do a whole ritual or something? Too many times i've seen normies try these drugs and lose their mind. Make sure you do it together with people, not all alone like a dumbass.

    • 1 month ago

      Thing is, I'm not a very social person, I always preferred using drugs alone, weed, lsd, cocaine(I tried a couple times) were all way more enjoyable alone while listening to music/browsing the internet, hell, even alcohol is better when I'm alone.
      I also fricking hate self-proclaimed "shamans" and hippies who go to these rituals

      • 1 month ago

        doing LSD alone in the home sucks. Being outside with a really close friend is way better.

        • 1 month ago

          >a really close friend

          • 1 month ago

            Everything's better if you got to be a social butterfly who has friends but some of us didn't.

            thats depressing. I'm not even a social butterfly though. Hopefully you'll find some good friends to have those experiences. The fondest memories i have are the acid trips where I was with someone I really trusted and we could sit and enjoy and connect.

          • 1 month ago

            you might be surprised how many people don't actually know anyone else here.

          • 1 month ago

            yea, it usually surprises me. I try to have some compassion about it since they might have gotten dealt shit hands. But a lot of the time they are just abrasive shitlords.

            doing acid with a friend is like having sex with them. you are gay

            super gay, i have sex with sooooo many men.

          • 1 month ago

            yeah, that's what he said, homosexual.

          • 1 month ago

            found a shitlord with no friends

          • 1 month ago

            doing acid with a friend is like having sex with them. you are gay

        • 1 month ago

          Everything's better if you got to be a social butterfly who has friends but some of us didn't.

        • 1 month ago

          Psychedelics are individual experiences if the guy says he prefers being alone then you cannot enforce your own experience on him

        • 1 month ago

          >be me
          >first time lsd, best friends and gf there
          >we always climbed up one floor to get in cause teens to friend, idk why, teenager stuff
          >waiting for it to hit
          >climbing downstairs, look down, ground stretches away from me
          >Its on.jpg
          >Frick around for a bit and climb back up
          >best friend and i realise we aren't feeling all that much pain
          >start hitting our own legs hard
          >everyone climbs downstairs again
          >few minutes pass and best friend is just staring down the road into a dark park at the end of the street
          >walk up to him
          >"Do you see the horseman?"
          >he focuses for a second, then starts terminator walking toward the park
          >now the group is going for a walk
          >running and yelling in the middle of the night
          >find other park with a hill
          >fixing around on top of hill, roll down it, throw up
          >look back up to see silhouettes of friends dancing on the hilltop against the moonlight clouds
          >friend comes down and gives me his beany to clean vomit off my face cause zero fricks given
          >end up back at friends house smoking weed
          >everyone goes to sleep but me and gf
          >talk her into going for another walk
          >Frick in a cricket pitch, a lot like a baseball cage only straight thin runs, like chicken wire corridor, kinda secluded by retaining wall as the backing.
          >next morning best friend heads off for cancer treatment
          >we both complain about how sore our legs are
          He died a few years later, but this will always be a great memory of a shared experience.

          • 1 month ago

            >we always climbed up one floor to get in cause teens, idk why, teenager stuff*****

  6. 1 month ago

    My go to used to be dxm and morning glory seeds, but you always gotta be careful.

    The problem with all substances is everyone reacts differently. Some people have positive life altering experiences, and some end up like the member of Pink Floyd that never came back. I remember reading somewhere a guy on an ayahuasca retreat lost his shit and attacked his trip sitter before permanent psychosis, although thats anecdotal and could be a glowop.

    I'm not even trying to be anti-drug, it's just I think it's a gamble. I was straight edge before having an existential crisis and was suicidal in my 20s that pushed me to look for answers and take risks that included substances. I had the best and worst times. These days I'm still pretty miserable, but I have stability that I value too much to go to work robotripping or some shit.

    Basically you're playing Russian roulette with your psychological wellbeing in my opinion.

  7. 1 month ago

    dont believe something is ayahuasca/dmt, because it probably isnt. do an extraction yourself. it is not hard to do, and you can purchase the materials legally.

    • 1 month ago

      Yea I'm a bit skeptical but apparently its a reputable place (I live in SA btw)

  8. 1 month ago

    OP, that legit sounds dumb as frick. It's supposed to be a spiritual experience, not a solo psychedelic mental rave. If you're going to do that, then do LSD.

  9. 1 month ago

    Frick that, whenever i take anything like dmt , lsd or mushrooms im alone. I usually meditate in-between bouts of madness. I always rent a nice airbnb cabin somewhere in the woods too.

    • 1 month ago

      Those drugs are all fine to take alone, ayahuasca can make you shit yourself, and cleaning that up alone while tripping on such a strong drug is not going to be a good time. It's the one drug it probably benefits to have someone you trust at least close by.

  10. 1 month ago

    Do not try it alone, never try a substance alone until you're familiar enough with it and confident you can handle the experience. I would not recommend taking ayahuasca the day before having to do anything else at all. You'll need time to process what you've been through and it's not exactly meant to be a short experience. Do ayahuasca, but only when the time is right and with a trip sitter you trust. I don't think every psychedelic requires a trip sitter, but first time ayahuasca definitely does.

    • 1 month ago

      frick off reddit fretter we don't bend to fear over here

      • 1 month ago

        Some people can't handle their shit, ayahuasca is too big of an experience to do alone for the first time. I'm not saying never do it alone, just not the first time.

        • 1 month ago

          >noooo you cant noooo your penis needs to go in a chastity belt noooo you have to let jamal frick your wife you cant frick your own wife
          be gone demon

          • 1 month ago

            Yikes thats some heavy projection right there mang, might wanna look into that

        • 1 month ago

          boo hoo he might get scared. Big whup.

  11. 1 month ago

    Great taste. Windowlicker on Ayahuasca must be an experience, but I'm not sure I'd recommend it dude. That said, real recognizes real. That's a new age compliment I think. Bask in it. And yes, you can go to work, but you might get fired nerd lol. But yeah, don't actually do it. Winners Don't Do Drugs.

  12. 1 month ago



    God, why APHEX TWIN OF ALL THINGS u cant be this moronic to do that to an enlightening consciousness for peaceful mind OP thats 2nd death suicidal stupidity youll break your whole shit

  13. 1 month ago

    it's not a good idea to go to work next day. it is mentally taxing and you may need to rest.

    someone said people react differently to substances and I agree. Also, el remedio (the remedy), as some people call it in Colombia depends on the taita (traditional doctor) that prepares it.

    Try asking it for guidance or help, its not a mere trippy beverage.

    I've tried it thrice in different moments of my life, in a rite, not alone, made from different taitas and not for fun (it tastes awful, even taitas joke about wanting a second round).

    if you ask me, I wouldn't try it alone and without the watch of the taita that prepared it, because you don't even have the warranty if what you are drinking is safei ir not, and if you can't handle it, the taita helps with the "trip", if you like, but you gringos are weird like that, so...

  14. 1 month ago

    Do not do this. You might get psychosis and if you are alone, there is no one to help you if you are struck by heart attack or stroke.

    Furthermore, Ayahuasca is spiritually dangerous. It will open the door for demonic entities that are normally restrained and held back by Holy Spirit, giving them opportunity to try to steal your soul or deceive you.

    • 1 month ago

      Your faith must be incredibly weak if you're so afraid that you willingly choose ignorance.

    • 1 month ago

      Why would the Holy Spirit stop protecting you? Assuming you are only trying to heal your soul or ascend spiritually.

  15. 1 month ago

    Don't be a pussy

  16. 1 month ago

    Just remember to wear a diaper for when you inevitably shit-piss yourself.

    Also, to film yourself and post it on the internet.

  17. 1 month ago
    Robin Kaczmarczyk

    You'll probably miss the point, but go on... Still, working the next day is probably not going to be possible. Grandma Aya might also decide to break you, and that will be really nasty if you don't have someone on the other end to bring you back.

  18. 1 month ago

    Hey, not sure where else this would go. I have some mushrooms I thought I dried completely, but about a week later they are limp and clearly werent entirely dry. I dont see anything wrong with them otherwise, can I finish drying?

    • 1 month ago
      Robin Kaczmarczyk

      Frick off tourist.

    • 1 month ago

      I don't know about drugs but I know about food
      I wouldnt, anon. Moisture breeds shit you don't want, and if they are mostly dry then the mycelium would still be alive but now strong enough to fight off being invaded by the microorganisms that want to decay the mushroom

      For culinary mushrooms, you want them dried to cracker crisp to be safe. And then you store them in something airtight, ideally with a dessicated.

      I got toxic mold on some oysters I dried improperly once. Be careful

  19. 1 month ago

    I would recommend you do that but go into nature or a very serene place and have a sitter from what ive read. Thinking of trying it myself for some years

  20. 1 month ago

    Stop trying to gorilla market associations between yours and Richards work, BEN!

  21. 1 month ago

    If you are going to listen to aphex twin, listen to ventolin or gwarek2 on repeat for the entire trip

  22. 1 month ago

    Def wouldn't do that on a weekday. Would be a Friday afternoon kinda deal and hope to recover by Sunday after laying in bed all weekend. Even afterward. Plan on potential psychosis for a couple weeks as well, even mild.

  23. 1 month ago

    Herbs of the Gods sells the ingrediants to make aya (chacruna and caapi). You can brew it at home. The thing is, the way a normal ceremony works is you drink a 2oz cup every hour until you've consumed 5 cups (10oz)....people do it differently, but the actual trip itself only lasts an hour, which is why you keep drinking more....but it gets hard to keep drinking after 2/3 cups (you'll want to go to sleep).
    I've seen some psychonauts on the DMT nexus say they drink the whole 10oz in one go, but I wouldn't recommend that.
    Keep a bucket handy for purging, and it's best to do La Dieta (very very strict diet) for 3 days beforehand. It's not something to approach lightly, although I guess you can learn that the hard way if you wish...

  24. 1 month ago


  25. 1 month ago

    Do it pussy. You got something better to do?

  26. 1 month ago

    The type of bad trip that this is a setup for is phenomenal. I’m honestly impressed. Read what you’re in for first. Listen to “ayahuasca bad trip reports” on YouTube if you’re too ADD to get to erowid.

    And by all means, most importantly, when you don’t listen to this entire threads advice, please come back and post all the details of the night you died one million times before a writhing banshee or whatever.

  27. 1 month ago

    If you have experience with lsd and mushrooms you will probably be fine. Do it when you dont have work the next day though

  28. 1 month ago

    Only lazy morons need drugs to be enlightened

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