Pre birth memories

The dude in this video talks about a place he remembers before being forced to incarnate here.
Greek columns, a pool of water, deep serenity. I've had "visions" of a place like this for years, and I have always had the distinct impression that this life was like "dreaming in water" and that dying would be like waking up and emerging from a pool. The video really spooked me for that reason.
Have any of you had similar experiences? Do you know what I'm talking about?

Pic very related

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    I have stuff to say on this but don't feel like doing so.

    • 2 weeks ago


      • 2 weeks ago

        Too much to type out. Said it all before. I also suspect this world is not actually "real", rather it's an interface where I'm being presented with repetitive prompts and other scenarios which will cause my mind (which they cannot read) to generate an output through the dream world (the interface which they can read), essentially mining my thoughts, ideas, and memories, and slowly sinking spirit into matter. It also wants to convince me that there exists something outside myself, which once you believe this, you are hypnotized by the psychophysical (sensory reality and mind).

        So there may be a very real risk in sharing anything, depending on what this place actually wants.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I think I get what you mean. I'm interested in what you have to share but I understand why you wouldn't. I suspect we have had similar experiences.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Said it all before
          Do you have links?

          • 2 weeks ago

            The ppg & asm threads back in the day. There's a lot of things that I've gradually realized are woven together.

            Hold on a sec. I have something I originally stream of consciousness'd watching a certain NDE report, it's not very structured but I'll cobble it together into something that captures the gist of it.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Like I said, it was just stream of consciousness and thrown together. It's long and not that organized, but I think captures what I would say about it. Most of this was created during a period of what amounted to prolonged fairly intense physical pain, isolation, couldn't eat or sleep (without greater torment) so prolonged fasting, visual snow, and so on. Had a lot of odd experiences and perceptions, and pretty much just switched around between worlds, made my own "wonderland", and started to erode a lot of the doublethink and passivity I had with prior experiences. Dreams. Etc. Creating the story described, with my mind so scrambled (it was very hard to think, lot of brainfog, pain perception) but in the midst of all this internal motiona nd noise you begin to see what it motionless, eternal, and immutable. And that's an aspect of you, or a primordial basis, that seems to know a lot (if not everything about you, apst present and future), is unaffected by the state of your physical body, and if your mind can't do it you can move your "I" to its level and use it to think and act instead. Its manner of thought is different, but it works. Creating this and a few other stories pushed my mind to its limits, deconstructed reality and all types of presupposition, got really good at open eye visualization and so on. Pretty bitter about it because I got burnt out and fialed to see it through, but in retrospect a lot of elements (including the beginning and the end which I didn't describe) match the NDE and soul trap concepts pretty closely.

            Anyway, that context is important. Pic related is the symbols on my arm in the grecco-roman dome thing dream. Being number 4 was odd given that I'm far more associated with 3 in daily life, but I guess that would be the 4th element, the "I" inside the 3.

          • 2 weeks ago

            And my first memory (vague impression, not really visual) is seemingly birth itself. I was born by cessarean, I remember being suddenly very aware that everything is wrong, they're all doing it wrong. That sensation has never left me. My next memory is the corner where two walls and a ceiling meet, "so that I'll never forget where I really am". 1 as 3, 3 as 1. Hard to say. No Christian or Trinity related upbringing either, yet this structure was deeply imprinted. It's also what you would see looking down on a tetrahedron from above. Maybe also some sort of 2D hyperdimensional object projection that I'm not aware of.

            That's about it.

          • 2 weeks ago


            And my first memory (vague impression, not really visual) is seemingly birth itself. I was born by cessarean, I remember being suddenly very aware that everything is wrong, they're all doing it wrong. That sensation has never left me. My next memory is the corner where two walls and a ceiling meet, "so that I'll never forget where I really am". 1 as 3, 3 as 1. Hard to say. No Christian or Trinity related upbringing either, yet this structure was deeply imprinted. It's also what you would see looking down on a tetrahedron from above. Maybe also some sort of 2D hyperdimensional object projection that I'm not aware of.

            That's about it.

            Short summary being, I have nothing direct or substantial like some people describe being in a space and planning their lives and communicating with entities. Looking down on Earth. Most of what I experienced, other than the dreams up until ~6, are more like shadows or artifacts. Residue of some possible prior or higher knowledge.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    One of my earliest dreams was an emotional one about a place that had a deep pool of the purest water you could have seen. It had checkered white and blue tiles and it was very clean there. It was there that my young brother and myself were spawned into existence and surfaced before being placed on Earth.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    My pre birth memory is a white room closing in on me, and it was crushing me, and I wanted to exist so bad and not die when it crushed me, that I moved every single piece of me I could in every direction, all at once, and when I did that, this Universe popped up and I basically hopped in.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    dude in video is just remembering being in the womb

    • 2 weeks ago

      Watch the video.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    That's interesting. I've recalled a similar experience since forever, although mine involved more ice and water. I now believe that *that* is Hyperborea.

    • 2 weeks ago

      You saw the loopback drain.. thats what your picture is. Think of it as 'garbage collection'.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Seems like pools of water are like portals between worlds or something

      • 2 weeks ago

        Don't fall asleep in your bath

  6. 2 weeks ago

    He's referring to this place. the structure above is the unified code realm. Each container holds a universe. The pure water.. See pic .. it's dark matter/dark energy. Light gets injected in (A condensed stream of code) and then big bang you have a universe evolving.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    I remember a beach and some Japanese men. We are just kinda on the beach. I know I had fleas because I kept on itching and people around me too. Some of us did not wear shirts. Sometimes, I would wake up after hearing a loud noise from it. Nothing in the dream itself but a really painful feeling. It was not a pleasant dream. I have had it a few times.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I forgot to mention I first had this dream when I was 7. I remember another one is where me and the other men are in hall and we are just rummaging around until one guy grabs the other guys butt to mess with him and one gets angry. I also remember waking up on a beach but speaking a totally different language. It is not Japanese but I am going with other people to go fishing with baskets. The trees are really weird. This dream also used to make me feel sick too. None of us wore shirts but some of us had dried grass crowns. I don't remember the exact sounds of the languages but feelings of them if that makes sense.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    >before being forced to incarnate
    Nothing can force incarnation to happen, people who claim that are completely clueless.
    I can freely recall past lives, the more exotic forms of life are next to impossible to conceptualize, like how it feels to be a plant or an elemental.

    • 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      Your anecdotal evidence goes against hundreds of NDE/PBE reports.

      • 2 weeks ago

        People read what they want from NDE, we have thousands of these stories often contradicting each others. The experiences show to people what they need in their life at that moment, not what is the truth.
        Study what those who can access this information without dying say, listen to healthy and happy people to find no confusion in the overall narrative.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Study what those who can access this information without dying say,
          Yes. Look up regression hypnosis and PBE

          • 2 weeks ago

            So you have decided that the universe is evil, ignoring the majority of information only believing in what supports your view.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Universe is evil by logic. Stop coping

          • 2 weeks ago

            Don't respond to bait meant to derail threads

          • 2 weeks ago

            Don't respond to bait meant to derail threads

            >it hurts so much boohoo god must be evil
            It sounds logical, yet your pains can be instantly healed and made up for. A painful game nothing more, stop taking it so seriously and it's enjoyable.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    These pre birth experience hypnosis sessions are fricking spooky man. I want to experience this for myself but I wouldn't know who to ask

  10. 2 weeks ago

    I was born with pre birth memories. I’ve used this exact terminology in the past… I’ve been told I am not the only one, but it was not disclosed to me how many of us there are and how many there have been throughout history. All I was told is of a huge galactic war, how I saw “God”, and was hypnotized and put to sleep. I’m convinced many of us are here to do something yet to be revealed to us. And what I saw is very similar to the picture, I’ll watch the video later, but I saw an enormous and beautiful galactic temple. Filled with sacred geometry. Mind boggling. The sky was purple and the temples were placed on floating pieces of land. I floated/traveled to one of these temples with my non-physical form, and was greeted by comparatively small beings. They did not utter a word. They were all smiling. They simply projected with their minds what appeared to be lifelike “holograms”. They projected to me certain people I would meet in this life, and presented me the possible outcomes and struggles I would face. They then took me to another room, and I “teleported” to another temple. This time, the sky was blue. There was nothing. Absolute bliss and peace. I only saw a gazebo, a white/gray gazebo and hovering on top of this gazebo was an enormous Flower of Life. And there was someone there, in that gazebo. A very ancient personality. I do not recall if I ever interacted with him. But the people who disclosed some of this told me the Flower was God. It stunned me, because my whole life up until that point that memory puzzled me greatly. As a child, I would try to put it into words for others and they wouldn’t understand. As I got older, this fueled a thirst and quest for truth. It is still puzzling, but I am now aware I’m not the only one who’s experienced this. I just wonder what it means, and if I will ever return. Because I yearn for that day.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Beautiful post, reminds me of pic related for some reason
      I really wonder what all of this is. Why we're here, who is waiting for us on the other side.

    • 2 weeks ago

      What I can remember is, I woke up in a shore. A beautiful shore. The closest representation I’ve found is the beach scene from the movie Contact. It was majestic. The water was crystal clear and sparkled. It was a dark “night”. There was no sun. The sky was painted and filled with stars that glistened. There were palm trees, and as I woke up and stood up, one of the small beings walked up to me. He never uttered a word. My memory is quite foggy, but he took me to the temple. In there, I saw many of them. They never spoke a sentence. They communicated with mere thoughts. I didn’t speak either. I saw a table of sorts, with projections of the future. It wasn’t set in stone. It was influenced by everyone. It was a very lonesome place despite all of these celestial being here, and it was extremely quiet. But everyone was in reverence. When I say lonesome, I don’t mean lonely. I mean solitude. Solitude to them is extremely important.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >beautiful shore
        >shining water
        >sky filled with stars
        >palm trees
        Holy frick anon. I know this place you're describing, or at least I think I do. It's been at the back of my mind since forever. Maybe you and I have had similar experiences, or come from the same "place".

        • 2 weeks ago

          I know I am not the only one. There’s many of us. And I believe many have been with us throughout history. It’s those who have been blessed to remember what it’s like outside of the Veil.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I wonder what is expected of us, if anything. What the meaning of all this is

          • 2 weeks ago

            I believe we’re expected to fulfill some sort of divine duty that is yet to be revealed to us. And I think we all intertwine and have shared previous lives together. This isn’t my first rodeo, I know that much. Before my own pre-birth memory, I have memory of dying in a hospital bed in Latin America. I was very angry but I was resurrected in that shore. The rest is history.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I don't like this realm, I don't want to come back here. I wouldn't mind spending eternity on the shore.
            Perhaps we're here to redeem a fallen world, but if this is true, we've got a lot of work to do.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I think we’re here to destroy this prison matrix, actually. Only way to do this without breaking some sort of galactic commitment is to infiltrate from within. But when I say destroy, I don’t mean with violence. I mean with revolution of some kind.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Yeah, that's a possibility.
            I think different people have different reasons to be here. The fact that you and I share this vision of the shore seems to imply we either come from the same place or share a common "goal" (even if we've forgotten it in part), but I'm sure this isn't the case for everyone. Some surely are prisoners, others were tricked into coming here, others yet might have completely alien goals and reasons for being here.
            This place is an illusion of some kind, a matrix for sure, but I don't think there's only one narrative.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Seems to be a multi-faceted agenda. And it’s mysterious. Possibly for our own safety. This world is fallen, and from what I gather, we are under some sort of semi-quarantine where we are cut off from communication. An exile of sorts.

          • 2 weeks ago

            What do you think of the false light, forced reincarnation, loosh harvesting thing as a whole?
            >we are under some sort of semi-quarantine
            I'm finding the various testimonies of people who report seeing their "true" body in a vat or pod of some kind in a higher realm to be quite interesting. Some describe the pods as not inherently malevolent, like we're using them to project here in order to perform a certain mission; others say they're being kept in the pods against their will.
            I'd rather be on a mission than be a helpless prisoner. But this stuff is really complex. I don't think it's possible, given our current knowledge, to extrapolate any definitive "role" for us here. We're going to have to wait to find out.

          • 2 weeks ago

            It's probably mix of everything, prisoners, tourists, guides, morons who fell for insurance pod scam, beings who just want to create, revolutionaries who want to destroy matrix and so on. In interview with alien the airl said every soul is unique this is why you will never meet person with same personality ever on this planet.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Like the previous anon said. It must be a conglomerate of different reasons. Regardless, this realm is real. No doubt in me about it.

  11. 2 weeks ago
  12. 2 weeks ago

    Yes, I do know what you are talking about. Reincarnation is real. I can remember fragments of 3 of my previous lives at this point in time. One: a white misty heaven where I chose my parents and place of reincarnation. Two: learning the Dharma from Gautama Siddhartha. Three: living in a land of snow and death as a proto-human.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    Prison planet. However in this hardcore prison you can learn to beat the shit out of those gays. Buddha did it so can you. No gods no masters no guides. You vs whole universe. Bets are on table, fight you little gay

    • 2 weeks ago

      Well I like to believe that but according to remote viewers and aliens that have spoken about this, budha krishna jesus and all of those characters had a lot of preparation and, or external help to be able to "wake up" during lifetime

  14. 2 weeks ago

    I have memories of moving through dark space and passing by stars and planets.
    I can't remember any past lives but I'm pretty sure I came from another world.
    Earth has been a boring disappointment so far.
    Worth isekai ever.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Its shit isekai for me because everything I want to do is illegal.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    >inb4 collective awakening of Galactic Manchurian candidates and they all start developing supernatural abilities and the government tries to other murder them or force them to join in their perversion and darkness

  16. 2 weeks ago

    I did several sessions of regression hypnosis, have had pre birth memories my entire life so i got put under and saw quite a bit. Even made some paintings of what i saw in my previous life. I died on top of a ziggarat…

    • 2 weeks ago

      This dude was motherfricking necron
      Inquisitor call the exterminatus

    • 2 weeks ago

      Heres some drawings i made as a teen as well of the pre birth memories i had btw

      I wonder, are all PBEs intentionally put there or is it stuff we "get away with"
      Also we mustn't exclude the possibility of implanted fake memories

      • 2 weeks ago

        yeah theyre constructed fake memories as the result of prompting lol

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yeah loke i said ive had memories since i was born of this kinda stuff. Use to ask my mom why we went to the desert so much but she just looked at me like i was confused as we live in the midwest, never been to the desert. I did six regression sessions with two different hypnotists as well as hypnotizing myself and saw the same thing every time. I was old. Had red and indigo colored robe on. I was escorted to the top of some kind of pyramid where i was met by two metal like mantis creatures as well as a very tall snake looking person wearing a head dress of feathers and beads. As soon as i died i could see above where i was. There were three large pyramid like structures. One massive one and two small ones. Ive had a few folks in the field of past life studies tell me this is my first life here and some have even stated i am a prt of the supposed “144,000” here to “experience” its all overwhelming and im not sure what to believe but i know these memories were not implanted yet i dont know why I got away with remembering them..

        • 2 weeks ago

          >i know these memories were not implanted
          I think the memories that are implanted are those where people report just floating in a void and seeing a light telling them it's time to incarnate again

          • 2 weeks ago

            I agree. Ive never had those but those seem controlled or set for those who were not only created here but continually reincarnate here over and over aka NPC’s

          • 2 weeks ago

            I remember the pool of water and getting to pick a life. But his other details I don’t remember.

            So people who only remember the void are imprisoned here and people who remember the pool of water came here voluntarily for a reason?

          • 2 weeks ago

            From what I gathered throughout my life that seems to be closer to the truth then anything else ive heard.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Do you know of any other "options"
            Besides the void and the pool, I mean.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Unfortunately i dont know of anything else except what I’ve experienced. I will say that if you look at the drawing i made as a teen notice the earth has all those jagged scribbles? That was covering the entire jagged metal spikes and spheres , that looked like chrome..and i even remember traveling even closer to it and it was just like machinery everywhere until i came to this green mound with a child on a swingset

          • 2 weeks ago

            >like jagged metal spikes and spheres
            Probably the "grid" or machine for loosh extraction or something, no?

          • 2 weeks ago

            Im not sure. When i was a kid all i can remember of it was it looked like machinery. Gears and mechanical levers n such. All chrome. Possibly the grid of somekind yes which would mean how we currently perceive this world is false IE it would mean the EerieWeb was right and space is indeed fake because when i came into view of this “planet” it was all water or greenery etc

          • 2 weeks ago

            Maybe it really is a projection then. Holodeck type shit. The matrix might have several layers.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Ever go somewhere that was made of shiny red metal?

          • 2 weeks ago

            how do you get out of spiritual baby jail

            Never seen any red metal no. But during the regression sessions i noted that i saw a giant pair of white eyes watching me be hypnotized and travel through memories.

            Im not sure other then you need to understand this is not your home. Im not religious at all but the bible quote that always stuck with me is “if this world hates you remember it hated me first, if you belonged to this world then it would love you but you dont” or something along those lines. Im not even sure where im going with this all i know really is once im done here aint no fricking way im coming back

          • 2 weeks ago

            You're a robot being projected here.

          • 2 weeks ago

            how do you get out of spiritual baby jail

  17. 2 weeks ago

    Heres some drawings i made as a teen as well of the pre birth memories i had btw

  18. 2 weeks ago

    Point A was me im guessing my “soul”

    Point B i think is either my higher self or some kind of vessel for the soul before entering a body on earth
    Point C is the body i am in now currently

    Just my interpretation

  19. 2 weeks ago

    When I was a kid I dreamed I went to "hell" as it was called and it was just a bunch of philosopher types. There were a lot of stone masonry pillars in that sense too. The sky was starry and night but everything was well lit.

    When I was younger I also used to regularly dream about being submerged in pools and whatnot. However the fluid was like a liquid gold that had a chromatic effect (like a drop of oil on water).

    • 2 weeks ago

      how young were you? did you know what philosophy was then?

      • 2 weeks ago

        I was like 12 or 13 and only getting introduced to the idea of philosophers. After that I researched some stuff because of all the toga-wearing men seemed very interested in teaching me but there were never words in the dream. It's a super, super old dream (I'm 34 now) but I do know that afterwards I started looking up Greek philosophers and found four I liked; Heraclitus, Anaxagoras, Protagoras, and Pythagoras.

        All of them had a form of story about the "stream of consciousness" that I pieced together in which metempsychosis was the primary demonstration of reincarnation. They all seemed to tell their own version of this story, whether it was via "man as the nature of all things" or "everything flows." It felt like some weird little story that was told specifically to me so I took it and later dropped my overtly Christian ways to pursue.

        I then delved into darkness during my late teens before scooping myself out bit by bit through demonolatry and early paganistic ideology before settling on hermetic alchemy which just 'fit'.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    The only image i could find that resembles what i saw while coming here is this one. I saw multiple bridge like structures coming out of this “planet” with thousands if not millions walking on then towards a giant light source. There were also pillars and guards with roman like armor and spears

  21. 2 weeks ago

    Thoughts on Robert Monroe's Focus states? What do you think the focus of the post-death or pre-birth locale is?

  22. 2 weeks ago

    Good video showing how new age shit about earth being a school is completely incoherent

    • 2 weeks ago

      >matrix agents
      still dunno how these homiez think there IS an afterlife

      • 2 weeks ago

        What are you even doing here

        • 2 weeks ago

          to see why people think theres an afterlife, but people just get really mad when you ask why they think it is the way they think it is
          like they dont even know why

          • 2 weeks ago

            Just because it makes no sense for there not to be. And materialism/physicalism is utterly moronic
            Check out Donald Hoffman and Bernardo Kastrup, also

          • 2 weeks ago

            that guy claims to have le debunked physicalism but all you come across in his works is him claiming it's "le silly" and "but ur denying consciousness" or using the strawman "but your argument's that consciousness requires secret sauce, and therefore doesnt exist, but consciousness is the one thing we know exists"
            pure garbage

          • 2 weeks ago

            These discussions are pointless, make another thread if you want to debate shit like this

  23. 2 weeks ago

    I have a vivid memory of being with my mom as a child (I think it was her? or some maternal or authority figure) in an underground area with black walls, and being told to choose "red or orange"
    I chose orange
    I told this to my mom and she asked me what the frick I was talking about and that this never happened. It wasn't a dream, I'm sure of it.

  24. 2 weeks ago

    I remember the pool of water and getting to pick a life. But his other details I don’t remember.

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