I think they'll be blessed in their next lifes. If you get someone who is sad and punish him even more, he'll keep sinking endlessly. Most people who commit suicide bear great suffering for a long time, there needs to be retribuition for that.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Why would they be given "another life" when there's no precedent for that and when they destroyed their temple the first time?

    • 2 years ago

      Because you can't cease to exist and some just die willing to reincarnate in a better context.

  2. 2 years ago

    Frick off disinfo c**t.
    Suiciders get a shitty lot in their next life. Because they're cowards.
    Stop trying to get people to kill themselves with promises of a bonus extra special reward if they do.
    You disgusting vermin. Frick you.

    • 2 years ago

      Why? Even as humans we can understand that. Why the natural order of things would punish them even more? Are we so angry on our fragments because they couldn't take anymore?
      Also be humble enough to consider that there are people living much worse lifes right now. I could give a lot of examples.

      • 2 years ago

        These are good points. Relatedly, lately I've wondered if I would ever be able kill someone who was greatly suffering with no hope of recovery at all.

    • 2 years ago

      Cowards that aren't afraid to take their own life?

    • 2 years ago

      Why would suicides get extra special torture treatment over every other heinous crime that you're forgiven for.

    • 2 years ago

      Suicide is the last resort.People who have dealt a bad hand in their current life should be given an opportunity to even it out assuming the death is not the end of their journey.It is the only humane to do so and the belief in this kind of morality is what separates us humans from beasts.

    • 2 years ago

      Why would anyone force you to live another life in an infinite reincarnation cycle?, if they decide that you have to suffer more in another life they are just arrogant pieces of shit who are they to judge suicide, this life is an eternal torture, frick them, I am more than willingly to switch places with those frickers that force us to live here frick them

    • 2 years ago

      even if their next lives wont be better. its still better to die than live a life of constant suffering. also how is it cowardly? cowards want to live their lives no matter the cost. just because people who anhero cant change their permanently stuck slave lives that doesnt mean they are weak.

    • 2 years ago

      This is a sociopath or psychopath. Stay far away.

    • 2 years ago

      This. The bonus only comes if you have a shit life and stick it out until the natural end. Even more if you do Godly works in spite of the suffering.

      • 2 years ago

        That's basically how Spirit broke it down to me. There's a lot of regret after the fact, because they find out everything they missed out on.

    • 2 years ago

      Suicide isn't cowardice, you just don't know anything about real hardship. You are a piece of trash.

  3. 2 years ago

    Are you one of those russians who convinced a bunch of south koreans they'd be naruto characters in their next life if they jumped off a skyscraper?

    • 2 years ago


      Cowards that aren't afraid to take their own life?

      Also this. Overcoming natural instincts take some colossal will.

  4. 2 years ago

    You choose your experience while here and afterwards. Punishments and rewards only make sense if you consider the judger apart from the judged. And if you believe that time is linear. If you commit suicide because you feel despair or apathy, then that is a surrender to emotion, and you failed to understand the awesome power you have. But you're still a God.

    • 2 years ago

      I totally agree with you. Even if i were to kill myself, i'm still open to live other lifes, to keep suffering and having joy sometimes. I would understand that it's hard and i would put myself on earth regardless.
      But again, i don't think it's about failing or having success on what you planned to do. I think it's just a byproduct of the sorts. Some lifes are just bound to suicide due to harsh contexts and bad sequences of events out of control. The waves might just be too high and the person just end up drowing.

  5. 2 years ago

    >Some lifes are just bound to suicide due to harsh contexts and bad sequences of events out of control. The waves might just be too high and the person just end up drowing.

    We are not in agreement. To know your awesome power is to know that you form the events and conditions of your life through your own beliefs.
    And there are no exceptions, there is not a single accident. It is to know that how you feel about anything, or any emotion you have, is rooted
    in your beliefs.

    • 2 years ago

      >is to know that you form the events and conditions of your life through your own beliefs.
      Easy to say when you aren't a kid who lost the family in some accident. Or a kid who was abused suddenly. I believe that you put yourself in whatever context you are because you wanna have that experience, but once you are here and in this kind of bad situation, you'll be willing to end the suffering as fast as possible.

      • 2 years ago

        It's all a cosmic game, isn't it? Like when you kill someone online because you know it's a game. I don't doubt people on the other side don't join in a big game where one needs to kill the other so they just spawn in different countries to kill themselves in a war.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm not mocking it btw
          And it would be an enormous experience because war is intense. I never went to war, but i know that it certainly is intense and terrifying to be there regardless of the side.

      • 2 years ago

        You are very blessed that things are not completely fricked for you.

        Read The Nature of Personal Reality - Jane Roberts, maybe you'll change your mind 🙂

        • 2 years ago

          >The Nature of Personal Reality - Jane Roberts
          We are talking in this thread and you just wanna ease it out telling us to read an entire book? Tell here what you learned and lets keep going.

          • 2 years ago

            You're funny. Well it is too much, but I'll gladly discuss.

            discord invite: 2VPnP6Jk

          • 2 years ago

            let's keep it here anon, more anons can join this conversation. being honest with you i would be kinda weirded to join in a discord server suddenly

          • 2 years ago

            let's keep it here anon, more anons can join this conversation. being honest with you i would be kinda weirded to join in a discord server suddenly

            I too am interested but have discord anxiety, do tell.

          • 2 years ago

            Read The Nature of Personal Reality - Jane Roberts, maybe you'll change your mind 🙂

            troony alert!

    • 2 years ago

      You are very blessed that things are not completely fricked for you.

  6. 2 years ago

    anti-suicide anons, let's say you suffer an accident and you are left completely paralyzed from the neck down. how do you find the will to keep living like this?

    • 2 years ago

      Explore inner reality. Consciousness is very mobile, and with some practice you can have out of body experiences regularly.

      let's keep it here anon, more anons can join this conversation. being honest with you i would be kinda weirded to join in a discord server suddenly

      So what is your question?

      • 2 years ago

        i don't really have a specific question, but you seem like an interesting guy to talk about stuff. regarding OBEs, i remember to read about a guy who was hospitalized and started having a lot of OBEs, but still, his "body" was in the hospital, he wasn't having experiences on body pov where the "global" stuff happens

        • 2 years ago

          >he wasn't having experiences on body pov where the "global" stuff happens
          What i mean by this is that OBEs in this case are just another way to entertain yourself instead of moving on. If you were to be here on purpose of actually doing things in your life, as a hospitalized person you wouldn't be able to. You would need to adapt into the ambient.

          • 2 years ago

            I suppose that's down to your interpretation of what exploring inner reality is, or what purpose is. It is entertaining, but it is much more than entertainment. I don't see it as something to be used as an escape from earthly experience.

          • 2 years ago

            Dude, it is entertaining. You can say it's for spiritual learning, to be morer aware of yourself but in the end all these branches are by nature ways of entertaining your existence.

          • 2 years ago

            That's one way to look at it, though I'm not sure what 'entertaining your existence' means. I see it as about aggressively creating, not merely consuming amusing things.

          • 2 years ago

            Even as someone who is creating, you are just creating to consume. An artist as an example, he'll keep endlessly doing more paintings or sketches to improve his skills, to attain what he have in his head, to convert ideas into the canvas, to keep seeing his creations and his progress. He'll show it to the others and have joy on it. Even as someone creating, you are still consuming something.

          • 2 years ago

            >Even as someone who is creating, you are just creating to consume.
            The basic essence of you is imbued with an impetus to create. It creates within a psychological climate which provides its own unique opportunities for value fulfillment. You do not create merely to consume, you create because it is fulfilling.

          • 2 years ago

            It is fullfiling because it entertains you.

          • 2 years ago

            Or because it is joyful. You seem to view it as only entertainment because it supports your belief that believing that you are a god is a cope for a harsh reality. You will interpret everything through that lense.

          • 2 years ago

            Unless you aren't this guy

            reincarnation isn't real. neither is an afterlife. these concepts exist as copes to deal with the harsh realities of existence.

            In which case, do you feel fulfilled after watching a movie?

          • 2 years ago

            If it is joyful, it is entertaining...

      • 2 years ago

        if you are going to live the rest of this life escaping your body, what is the problem with just killing the body then?

        • 2 years ago

          shortened baking time does the cake no good

    • 2 years ago

      funny that anti-suicide anons would call the guy a coward even in this situation. that's what i'm talking about. maybe in that situation it's a prime example to call it quits and just move on to your next life.

      • 2 years ago

        You see people like that on TV sometimes but they're always super positive about everything, I wonder how much of that is real or if going through something like that changes you.

        • 2 years ago

          >going through something like that changes you
          Yeah, i'm pretty sure it would change the person. Let's say a guy who invest all his life in piano just to lose both hands suddenly. He'll be severely depressed and if he doesn't find some way to cope with the fact that he'll never play the thing he loved the most in his life, he'll just end up killing himself.

          • 2 years ago

            I mean change them in such a way that they don't care anymore and aren't suicidal or something, like the brain chemistry changes from the sheer stress or just to give you a break.

  7. 2 years ago

    like people who jump out of a driving car in the middle of the road instead just waiting unil it brings you home, stressfull and a bit dramatic

  8. 2 years ago

    Some will shatter, some will go to LFE.

    • 2 years ago

      It's been a while since I heard that name. Guess we'll see each other there.

  9. 2 years ago

    reincarnation isn't real. neither is an afterlife. these concepts exist as copes to deal with the harsh realities of existence.

    • 2 years ago

      You first have to believe that reality is harsh to come to that conclusion. And I understand if you believe it is harsh, for indeed the belief system of civilization has told you that you are powerless. Very simple subjective proof that consciousness is independent of the physical is the dream state. Consciousness actually forms physical matter.

      Even as someone who is creating, you are just creating to consume. An artist as an example, he'll keep endlessly doing more paintings or sketches to improve his skills, to attain what he have in his head, to convert ideas into the canvas, to keep seeing his creations and his progress. He'll show it to the others and have joy on it. Even as someone creating, you are still consuming something.

      Sure, the artist does consume his own art. But 'merely consuming' I meant merely consuming the amusements of others creations. To create aggressively and consume that creation, bask in it, is a great thing.

      • 2 years ago

        I agree with you in certain parts. I think that both in the end are just ways of entertaining, aren't they? It's just the intensity that may change. Someone who was introduced to instruments as a kid may consume less random content and focus solely on their creations, their "practices" and "performances" opposed to the one who usually don't create anything and find his joy in others creations. You see, in one side or the other you'll eventually be finding joy and occupying yourself.

        • 2 years ago

          I prefer the word fun to entertainment. Fun is one aspect, but to call it only one thing, be it fun or entertainment, is limiting. It's beyond words.

          • 2 years ago

            All words are limiting things. We are communicating just a tiny fraction of things.

          • 2 years ago

            Yet we have a word for infinity!

  10. 2 years ago

    I don't know what will happen after death.
    Let alone how certain people will be treated.

    Like most things this sounds like a good thing. Why shouldnt those who suffer through life get some sort of blessing. But thats just wishful thinking, life isn't fair.
    I'm probably just a cynical butthole.

  11. 2 years ago

    I think people who get angry at suiciders are selfish. However, there is more to each and every story. Those people have obviously lost someone close to them to suicide.

    Consider this, they: some people don't have anyone who would give a frick if they killed themselves.

    • 2 years ago

      Okay anon. Considered.

      Now consider this. (my lived experience).
      Some people ARE those left behind that truly loved the suicided human, even after death.

      To come full circle with this, there are at least five stages to the grief process as described by kubler ross.
      Anger is one of those stages. It cannot be avoided forever.

      My girlfriend hanged herself.
      I'm not angry anymore.
      She had a fricked life. And her suicide was inevitable to the point that I see it as murder, in all truth.

      That said, it hurt me tremendously.
      I went through rage as a part of this process of realizing how much I love her still.

      She was a literal slave most of her life.
      Bad bad life.

      Programmed to self destruct.
      I don't know what her next life holds for her. I think seen as a whole person, her choice was a mistake.
      But at the same time, her choice possibly saved my life and woke me up spiritually.

      In some ways, it was a noble self sacrifice.
      Even if she left me with a lot of issues.

      Suicide is complex, to answer OP's question.
      Sometimes, I suppose it is permissible.

      Other times, not so much.
      It is said we choose our death date before we arrive. We choose only how it happens, in a sense.
      Seen this way, suicide may be inevitable for some people if they "outlive" their preset conditions.
      Then again, maybe it is "breach of contract."

      For my lost love, I see it as the meaning of her entire life in a sense.
      So it can be complicated.

  12. 2 years ago

    However, killing one's self signifies that they have given up on themselves. If you don't believe in you, who truly will? Also I have heard it said that anyone who suicides merely continues whatever it was that they were going through when they died. I am still not convinced that there is any experience atball after death though, so who knows.

  13. 2 years ago

    They'll get another shot at human life in a few kalpas

  14. 2 years ago

    Relatedly, I've been contemplating suffering in general. Just how much physical suffering I can endure is something that I will be exploring as I continue to age. Posted this vid to /b/ yesterday for the lulz.

    • 2 years ago
      Number 5

      Dayum you needs sum new teef.

      • 2 years ago

        Nah, I'll keep these. And feel them rot away, taking note from time to time how it changes me as a whole being.

  15. 2 years ago

    >I think they'll be blessed in their next lifes.
    If that's true then everyone should keep committing suicide until they're born into the most ideal life.

    • 2 years ago

      Or maybe they should keep living exactly the way they wish to, being true to themselves first, then to others by extension of that way of existence. Who knows. We're all here together.

  16. 2 years ago

    Who can possibly know these things? I think suicide is cowardice. Sure, it takes amazing cahones to overcome the self preservation instinct to do...but if that will is to destroy what could be made better, then one has chosen for entropy, for breaking down, for annihilation.
    It will beget more of itself in the next existence, whatever the tormented soul has in fate.
    Fighting to live despite overwhelming reasons not to and overwhelming disabilities, and inabilities to improve one's life produces such enormous spiritual treasure in the higher plane that it can't be imagined by mortal minds. The good that comes out of that struggle is...profound. Imagine a miracle, washing across the breadth of every particle and wave in existence, an echo of something titanic screaming through the fabric of the universe.
    That is the tortured death of a saint, and the entire universe feels it down to it's core.
    Keep fighting.

    • 2 years ago

      >produces such enormous spiritual treasure in the higher plane that it can't be imagined by mortal minds.
      Proof? Because a suicidal person doesn't need extra proof that life sucks, meanwhile you're saying "just keep endlessly suffering, you'll get rewarded I promise :)". Normally the type of person who says that is a manipulative c**t trying to get someone to do something.

      • 2 years ago

        You're manipulating people into killing themselves. You are a bad influence, and you disgust me.

        However, the proof you want is spiritual. It can only be witnessed by one blessed to witness it, or one who is explicitly looking for it.

        "For he who seeks, finds"

        What I said is self evident to one who isn't a soulless israelite.

  17. 2 years ago
    Number 5

    I would not say I am suicidal, but I would really like to trade-in this worn out meat suit for either a new one or better yet some other form of existence. It is like having a broke down old hoopty for my vehicle in life, sure it will get you there but it makes the journey suck donkey balls. Suicide would be like crashing the car before paying off the note so I can collect the insurance and buy a new one. I know it is cheating but frick I'm sick of driving a broke down old piece of shit. I even took pretty good care of it, but these things just are not built to last.

  18. 2 years ago

    Your incarnations are a binding contract, when you an hero it is a breach of contract, breaches of contract always have consequences.
    If you couldn't handle an incarnation on Planet Hardcore Mode you shouldn't have signed up for it, and instead went to one of those technologically advanced easy planets.

  19. 2 years ago

    You think I'd accept a "next life"? Frick not reincarnating on this world again,I'm not reincarnating ever, period.

  20. 2 years ago

    I was thinking about commiting suicide recently but my dead grandma convinced me not to. She came to me in a dream and idk I just don't feel like killing myself anymore after that. I think she'd be angry if I did specially since she told me the place we end up is called The Great Beyond.

  21. 2 years ago

    There's so many drug addicted homeless people that refuse to commit suicide even though they're a burden on society. Will they get a better lot than an hero in the next life?

    • 2 years ago

      >burden on society
      Only normalgays care about such a concept.

      • 2 years ago

        What about serial killers, child molesters, and animal abusers? Are all of them better humans than people who've committed suicide?

  22. 2 years ago

    Being suicidal is a test. Manage to live out your life naturally regardless of how painful it gets and your next life will be the reward.

  23. 2 years ago

    Why should someone be blessed for being a pussy and rejecting the gift of life?

  24. 2 years ago

    Life’s a gift but we don’t fully belong to ourselves. Your life isn’t yours to take, it’s yours to live. You’ll be punished for suicide because it’s betrayal of the highest order.

  25. 2 years ago

    Why do they criminalize suicide? 'Cause it's a valid option and stops the juicing
    Why did San Francisco build a suicide net costing $200 million if only 1500 people have died since the 1930s?
    Why do people call it selfish?
    Why do people say you are weak to suicide when it's the hardest thing to do?
    Why is it discouraged?
    Why do people cry at funerals? Maybe because you left and they're still stuck here
    Why do babies cry and people smile when a baby is born? Because they know they're back in hell

    OP, I love people like you that think 'outside the box'. It means you are not a bot!

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