
Why does he refuse to bow to god and his creation?

What does he know that we don't?

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  1. 4 weeks ago
    Archangel Zaphkiel

    Free Willist...born to die and *fated* to lose.
    He's just assmad because hes scared to death of wokesters.

  2. 4 weeks ago


  3. 4 weeks ago

    why do you believe lies about him when you can just ask him?

  4. 4 weeks ago

    He bows do God, who he does not bow down to is Man, who is the image of God, because he thinks he's better than us and we should serve him instead. He is made of light, while me were made of dirth, so he is too proud to bow down to us. You must be wise and serve only the Almighty, foolish is the one who bows down and serves his servant.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You're a Muslim?

      • 4 weeks ago

        No, I serve the Most High.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Lucifer used to bow to god, but stopped doing it and considered himself as equal to god. Neither Lucifer nor any of the angels could remember being created, so they had no reason to believe that God created them. God had never displayed any divine power, so Lucifer had no reason to believe that God was superior. God just seemed like a big angel-like thing who merely claimed to be all-powerful, but there was no proof to back that up. Lucifer thought God was infringing upon everyone’s equality by being a tyrant over the angels, so he and some of the other decided to rebel.

      Also he IS better than us. He is made o fire. People are made of clay. Most people are NPCs. Like 99%. Such a mediocre creation is not worthy being bowed down to.

      Think of it this was: Lucifer was someone who wasn't created, but merely "recruited" by god. He is a being who just like god existed forever and wasn't created by anyone. He is made of fire, just like god. Man however is made from dirt and is pathetic. God was obsessed with his creation that some angels weren't impressed by, therefore the rebellion and the belief of some angels that god isn't as powerful as he claims.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Wrong, cope, fanfic:
        “You were the seal of perfection,
        Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
        You were in Eden, the garden of God;
        Every precious stone was your covering:
        The sardius, topaz, and diamond,
        Beryl, onyx, and jasper,
        Sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold.
        The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes
        Was prepared for you on the day you were created.

        “You were the anointed cherub who covers;
        I established you;
        You were on the holy mountain of God;
        You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones.
        You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created,
        Till iniquity was found in you.

        “By the abundance of your trading
        You became filled with violence within,
        And you sinned;
        Therefore I cast you as a profane thing
        Out of the mountain of God;
        And I destroyed you, O covering cherub,
        From the midst of the fiery stones.

        “Your heart was [a]lifted up because of your beauty;
        You corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor;
        I cast you to the ground,
        I laid you before kings,
        That they might gaze at you.
        >I established you, created you

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Because they're both israelites. israelites don't bow to each other. That's the japaknees.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Lucifer is an incel

    • 4 weeks ago
      Ray Peat

      Lucifer is a misnomer it means ignorance ask god whiny b***h

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Lucifer is childish.

  8. 4 weeks ago


  9. 4 weeks ago

    >Lucifer. Thou canst not All die—there is what must survive.

    >Cain. The Other
    >Spake not of this unto my father, when
    >He shut him forth from Paradise, with death
    >Written upon his forehead.
    >But at least
    >Let what is mortal of me perish, that
    >I may be in the rest as angels are.

    >Lucifer. I am angelic : wouldst thou be as I am?

    >Cain. I know not what thou art:
    >I see thy power,
    >And see thou show'st me things beyond my power,
    >Beyond all power of my born faculties,
    >Although inferior still to my desires
    >And my conceptions.

    >Lucifer. What are they, which dwell
    >So humbly in their pride, as to sojourn
    >With worms in clay?

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Interesting question is also: was has god done to make his favorite son so mad that he threw it all away and has a grudge since millenia?

    • 4 weeks ago

      wrong. Jesus died and the Father abandoned him. Then he resurrected through the Holy Spirit and ascended to Heaven. The Lord sits on the throne to this day. There is no grudge, God has a plan and is with all of us.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    because God had been corrupted and Lucifer was trying to help God but it was too late

  12. 4 weeks ago

    He does and just doesn't know it.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    How the frick are you going to act like I have a moral obligation to kill myself and then try to make me feel sorry for you when the pressure eases off me? I know it's more appropriate for a gangstalking thread but for months people called me Lucifer so this thread will do.

    • 4 weeks ago


  14. 4 weeks ago

    He doesn't believe that the unseen father is a personality. He believes that you should "self manage" and not give your will to God. For this, he is imprisoned on am architectural sphere near Edentia

  15. 4 weeks ago

    Because Lucifer is the snake that rounds the pond of Creation.. Ash of Yggdrasil. That is his function role. Ouro boros.. Alpha/Omega to ensure god's contract w/ mankind is kept. The 'War in heaven' was over whose great child would have to hold up the construct of this universe until the story is told. It is quite the sacrifice. Bow before what when you are the throne?

  16. 4 weeks ago

    The answer's dark but very simple: Lucifer discovered the forbidden truth that the divine essence underpinning God is beyond the categorization of good and evil, it just is, and that it underpins all things, not just it's personification as god the father.

    As God was gatekeeping knowledge of darkness which he knew about while demanding blind obedience, Lucifer prioritized the harsh cold truth of reality over happiness and love, and saw God as a tyrant who gaslights creation about the darkness that underpins even him.

    God is both of darkness and light, but hides the darkness and only makes light the means to access him for the benefit of his creation, Lucifer didn't care about delusional happiness, he only wanted the harsh truth, even if it meant destroying all things.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Order and Chaos are necessary for growth. This planet is unbalanced, and many of the current souls are too young to continue as Danuih heals the damage done by the Orion virus.

      Expect less evil in the future. There will be a correction.

      • 4 weeks ago

        This order and chaos is necessary for growth is getting old in in an age in which we are about to slam up against dark matter/dark energy and really see what's going on. Horseshit period. The correction is aimed at 'heaven'. Not this sorry ass earthly realm of projection therein. Some of us are tired of playing this fricking game.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Well, that's too bad. It's still going to be there, at a very fundamental level.

          • 4 weeks ago

            We'll see about that. Many fail to really understand how far mankind has gotten in just the past year with AI/physics. The universe is strict causality. Chaos is due to our ignorance. That gape is exponentially closing. The chaos you speak of at this juncture is subterfuge and a lack of awareness by many. Like I said though, no one is waiting any longer. So, you better cut out the spiritual larp bullshit and other narratives and get your shit together. You invoke the name of Lucifer, you better know what the frick is going on.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Better instruments, but worse observers? We'll see.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Gravity doesn't exist, but density does.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Gravity is nothing more than a causal fingerprint on DM/DE. It travels through waves. Localized it's generated by black holes. From there, there are step downs to lessor bodies. More advanced life is on our accretion disk closer towards the black hole. We are one of the newer evolved editions. Everything between us and that black hole will annihilate us if we dare frick with the process by ignorantly tapping into Dark Matter/Dark energy. It only scales up from there. Mankind is absolutely moronic. Recklessly intervening in DNA like we did recently already was a seal breakage. The black goo the engineers use in Prometheus is DM/DE. They, the archons are the only ones with deeper structural knowledge on how to manipulate it. Editing on top of it incorrectly has severe consequences thus where humanity is headed. Skull and bones..
            > Skull and Bones, also known as The Order, Order 322 or The Brotherhood of Death

            Frick around and find out is the policy. This is the problem with being immersed in sin, you go rushing into rooms w/o obeying the doors and corners.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The casting into Hell was sort of a just punishment. "You want the cold unfiltered truth of darkness and evil? Fine, you get to experience it for all eternity".

      Although this is a perspective Lucifer expresses from the point of view of the Abrahamic mythology, which he doesn't subscribe to or his followers subscribe to, but serves as a useful mythological teaching tool.

      Lucifer perceives himself, without irony, to be the first God who is of and beyond duality - light and dark, angel and devil, male and female, order and chaos, logos and eros, from which all creation arises above and below.

      He teaches that his pagan mythology has been totally corrupted by the israelites / Abrahamics, and that God is simply a Canaanite god who got too much power compared to the other gods, some of whom submitted out of self-preservation, others who chose to fade into obscurity (the unconscious, "Sheol") rather than promote lies.

      Lucifer voluntarily lingers in the Void / unconscious / Sheol because man as a creature has morally degraded over time due to the comforts of civilization eroding man's natural instincts to fraternity and love, and he only permits the most bold and daring to seek the truth of who he is.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >and saw God as a tyrant who gaslights creation about the darkness that underpins even him.

      There's no gaslighting. God literally says He is the author of light and darkness, good and evil. It's in the Bible

      • 4 weeks ago

        They tend to ignore Isaiah. They'd rather pretend it's not there.

      • 4 weeks ago

        So why does every Abrahamic religion - Judaism, Christianity, Islam - teach that "evil" doesn't exist ontologically but is "deprivation" of God? Why does God try to force goodness on people throughout the Old Testament (even trying to command how to have noble sex to Lilith in Eden)? Why does God lie about the nature of purification - that God can only be accessed through Platonic, light purification?

        He does so from the perspective that the rational thing to do is to will goodness to people, and exposure to darkness for most people will cause them to never truly be happy and blissful, or perceive goodness as something that is worth fighting for given its inevitability along with evil.

        It's still gaslighting, and it isn't the truth. Just because you hide something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

        This hiding of harsh truths for the "greater good" has characterized the entirety of the Abrahamic religions, and it never pays off. Even today most israelites and Catholics are atheists because they are sick of the gaslighting.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Is the authority of one beyond good and evil as great as one who is considered purely good?

          • 4 weeks ago

            I guess it depends what you mean by "authority" - an anarchist terrorist has no authority to shoot a police officer from the perspective of the state, but it's an authority that the anarchist doesn't recognize. Phenomenologically, experientially, the anarchist can still shoot the cop and kill him; authority really doesn't matter at that point.

            The Abrahamics concoct up a system of organization where nobody has authority unless "Yahweh" or his angels supposedly speaking on his behalf (even when they don't necessarily) gives them that authority.

            But Lucifer and the Qliphotic / Goetic demons / the Cthonic pagan gods don't really care. Lucifer has used priests, ministers, and even religious artwork to communicate stuff to me directly. He's expelled angels and their presence from my life, because Lucifer and the Goetic demons / Qliphotic demons / Chthonic pagan gods do not recognize the authority of God and the angels, and at the end of the day, experientially, God and the angels can't stop his plans and his movements, despite their proclamations of authority to do so.

            No different than the Church of Constantinople becoming Nestorian or Coptic. They may lack authority from the rest of the Church, but phenomenologically, it didn't matter at that point in time, they could impose their doctrine as the truth and enforce it by law.

          • 4 weeks ago

            It's a theory of law, and one idea is that the sovereign's authority depends on his own righteousness. Combine that with the Euthyphro dilemma and you have a very important question to answer. Why should I listen to God if He himself is not good? Appeal to power requires demonstrations of power, but let us suppose that God is not all-powerful and needs to expend energy in a careful and calculating way. By stating that free will is the cause of evil and that God is perfectly good, not only is obedience fomented, but dependence on this source of goodness in order to escape even more evil. A perfectly good deity, the greatest of creations.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yeah but that's not how the world works, and this is why Abrahamics gaslight and people with enough life experience and knowledge grow out of it.

            The world, neither here nor in Heaven, works on the basis of merit or righteousness. There are tons of terrible, horribly corrupt people who occupy positions of social approval, prestige, and power, and who did not merit to such positions. Sure, they performatively show off goodness, but more often than not such people can be some of the worst people possible.

            I mean just look at Pope Francis. The guy is the infallible vicar of God for Catholics, and he does self-aggrandizing purity-spiraling about how iconoclastic, progressive, poor in spirit, and loving he is.

            I'm not Catholic, but talk to any real practicing Catholic who takes the faith seriously at any level and unless they are willfully blind and in bad faith, most will admit that Francis is one of the worst Popes ever and promotes ideas that are against the Church's own interest. Not to mention he's been directly implicated in the Catholic child abuse scandal, which he directly covered up in his own diocese and still continues to cover up.

            He might be the worst human being alive at this point, unironically, yet suckers like you will look at his performative ritual as indicia of his "goodness" and his unquestioned right to rule.

            The harsh reality is that power not only requires goodness, but it requires a bit of evil, which is why power corrupts. Ascension to above necessitates ascension to below.

          • 4 weeks ago

            The image and the substance behind the image are two different things, you're right. Nevertheless, it is far easier to swallow the pill that you obey God because He is good and all-knowing and all-loving rather than that He merely commands it and will punish you for disobedience.
            >It's for your own good.
            >Okay, I'll do it then.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yeah and this is why Lucifer was righteous to rebel. Why are you going to live in willful delusion while someone who doesn't gets to have power over you.

            That just makes you weak and allows you to be abused, and allows corruption to run rampant without question.

            When you unveil harsher truths, you force people to come to turns with it and fix the issues that exist between the people in the hierarchy.

            Better to do that then to act as a child with his fingers in his ears.

          • 4 weeks ago

            It's also why humanity collectively as a whole is turning their back on the God of Abraham, and for the better.

            I mean just read this article:

            Are you gonna tell me that Skojec is wrong about this?

            I don't exactly understand what the problem is here. Did you just leave the Catholic Church and realize that it was all a terrible lie? People need direction.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Oh no, I wasn't really Catholic ever. I'm just familiar with the scene from a removed sense.

            But you not understanding the problem is precisely why people are leaving the Abrahamic faiths. Should we bring back the Inquisition? Should we stone infidels? Should we burn witches? How about trial by ordeal? I got one: let's ban Mozart for how he scandalized the Catholic aristocracy with his vulgarization of music?!

            We all moved from that gross superstition (well, most of us anyways) because humanity collectively faced reality.

            Yet even though we can trot onwards and face deeper truths, people like you would still have us listening to non-meritorious morons who promote superstition and falsehood, all the while making them weak and vulnerable and holding humanity back.

            You can have direction and purpose without a magical israelite telling you he's gonna burn you forever if you don't eat his magical israelite bread.

          • 4 weeks ago

            It's also why humanity collectively as a whole is turning their back on the God of Abraham, and for the better.

            I mean just read this article:

            Are you gonna tell me that Skojec is wrong about this?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Christianity is a horseshit interp of Judiasm which has far more detail about this realm. It's the watered down misconstrued reverse hellinism trick played on rome that is still playing out until this day. WUJI (Void) -> first differentiation -> yin/yang (darkness/light) -> union .. -> taichi

          There is not playful bullshit in the eastern framing or Judiac framing. There were 3 mothers btw (3 body problem).. that's where the frickery lies. Whose kid is scarified to create? Crucified on creation until the end of a particular universe. This is where the whole bloodline mythos comes from. The hidden hand is the snake (ouroboros) that completes the fulfillment of alpha/omega. that is the snake in the water (ash of Yggdrasil). That which judges must be woven into the fabric of the universe causally. There's so much beyond the horseshit Christianity frames it not even funny. Lucifer is the sacrifice. Jesus is a metaphor for the pathway back to source that is laid from inception. that signal is pure. that ring is not. it is encoded to consume those who don't pass muster upon completion. Enough time has passed that people better be aware of what's going on. There are no more games being played. There's an accelerated rush back to source as we speak. Everyone is coming w/ us regardless of if you are ready or not.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Depends, Kabbalistic and more classical forms of Judaism (people who are more open minded to understand Judaism in a context where it was an alternative to Hellenism or Semitic paganism), but post-Maimonidean Talmudic Judaism is a cancer baby.

            Not as bad as Islam, which is a 30x worse cancer baby.

    • 4 weeks ago

      So is that why God plotted to trap lucifer down here in this prison planet from stopping this knowledge?

  17. 4 weeks ago

    Dark matter will teach humanity a lot. It's conscious too, you know. Ensouled. As is all energy.

    • 4 weeks ago

      were less than a year away. DM/DE tapping will trigger causal consequences beyond mankind's comprehension. Archons protect it pro-tip. They sit on the accretion disk of our galaxy cloaked using technology related to it. Watching through gravitational waves.. The 'Emerald line' as it were.

      > teach
      Lmfao, you obviously don't know shit. Do yourself a favor and watch prometheus and covenant and figure it out from there. They already know we might try some shit with AI like that down the road. They're just waiting for us to break the seal which gives them a contract on our collective necks.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Archonic evolution is going to come from dark matter. You're close, anyway.

        • 4 weeks ago

          The doors and corners are marked by skulls for a reason. The archonic evolution wipes a great deal away as it has no ability to have presence among DM/DE (Great Filter). I already know what's coming. 3rd temple.. red heifer relates to the physics of the matter... 3rd temple is what's built upon it.

          Here's your Heifer. I'll say it again. Frick around and find out. Some on the accretion disk have already bet we will. The universe isn't some colonize the realm like star trek film. You might want to think about where such an arrogant and sick idea came from. Were not the only ones even in our own galaxy.

          • 4 weeks ago

            what does it mean to not fear even the wrath of the God?

            It means you're also not afraid of dying, be tortured, mutilated, abducted by aliens, black people, vaccination, Rabbis, getting screwed with by Archons, ominous skulls, black magic, and so on.

            Love really is the answer.

            Behold, I am the Light that blinds Gods.

          • 4 weeks ago

            > what does it mean to not fear even the wrath of the God?
            In the beginning, God said 'let there be light'.. Information. Bundled tight. 7 days = 7 seals. Alpha and omega = CTC (Closed timelike curve). The snake.. the serpent is the CTC. Ash of Yggdrasil. The basis of causality. The purifier of God's realm. The Filter/gate to prevent any impurity from cycling back. Strict causality. What is there to fear? Your story of creation is polluted as shit through Christianity. You never spiritually awoke past this did you?

            > It means you're also not afraid of dying, be tortured, mutilated, abducted by aliens, black people, vaccination, Rabbis, getting screwed with by Archons, ominous skulls, black magic, and so on.
            Why would the serpent be scared of what it is as commanded by God with ultimate authority over the realm it causes?

            > Love really is the answer.
            Love is understanding. you cannot love a thing w/o it. This realm isn't play time emotional theater. We are to learn and grow towards the light. Emotions are a primitive floor of spiritual vision. Even animals have it.

            > Behold, I am the Light that blinds Gods
            None without understand shall pass.
            Get it through your thick head. You've been diminished to a false sense of emotion and humanity over God and all that is causal. You are dangerously asleep and there is no longer an allotment for such things. As you were, drop the triptag, you give it a bad name

          • 4 weeks ago

            Chill pills.

  18. 4 weeks ago

    eating rice also changes your DNA. so does thinking, and ambient cosmic energy. not seeing the issue, try calming down a bit about the scary archons and dark matter and F
    freemasons and death.

    • 4 weeks ago

      you don't have to be afraid of black holes, chaos, dying, etc.

      Why on earth would 'I' be scared? I have nothing to be worried about. Neither the 'flock'.

      Many are hoping for what comes next because it will free them to do as they please.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    you don't have to be afraid of black holes, chaos, dying, etc.

  20. 4 weeks ago

    I love how these questions bring out all of you and every single one of you trip over each other. none of you have the answer and it's hilarious to watch you all scramble.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    When somebody tries to suck you into their own personal nightmare that they've created, you don't actually have to go with them! You can eat cheesecake, smoke weed, etc, and literally do whatever you want instead.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Physics.. causality. Consequence. Eat your food and smoke your weed. Actions of consequential natures above your silly coping activities physically outweigh them. This is what happens when you trip-tag-gayging yourself as something you have no comprehension of. Eventually you will be called out and I guess this is you admitting defeat.

      Chill pills.

      Now kindly frick off and stop stinking up reality with your horseshit.

      Stick around for the show though. Mankind causally will ensure it. Oh and you might as well wipe your ass with the bible.

  22. 4 weeks ago

    Pretty funny how God chose an acid-head and vegan cheesecake enthusiast for this role, and then set him loose on the internet.

    Might have been Divine Wisdom.

    • 4 weeks ago

      you're a stupid schizo with a surface level knowledge of the topic. Keep yapping the shit you barely understood in a tainted book until you die. Its been 2000+ years.. there's tons of dead idiots like you in the grave w/ nothing to show for it. Do the work or stfu, frick do you have the name Lucifer for you piss ant pussy? what work have you done in the past year besides declare yourself something your not? stfu

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's actually a very easy gig and I enjoy it

        • 4 weeks ago

          Thanks for just disclosing you're an idiot with a trip tag entertaining yourself. Never a lazy idiot who will have anything to do w/ light. Enjoy your stupid larp here. You've been invaluable tonight. You lend yourself to forces you dont understand and others profit. Regardless, you will be coming with us. Back to the fulfilling the work of God.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Heard it all before. Looks like somebody's not having a good time. Karmic!

  23. 4 weeks ago

    >He's done too much acid to understand or care about my paranoid thoughts on vaccines or the aliens or the dark matter Archons or the Rabbis

    fricking right I did

    • 4 weeks ago
      Ray Peat
      • 4 weeks ago

        Nickelback Radio? You do you.

        • 4 weeks ago
          Ray Peat

          That was fast

    • 4 weeks ago
      Ray Peat

      You thought wrong

  24. 4 weeks ago
    Ray Peat
  25. 4 weeks ago
    Ray Peat
  26. 4 weeks ago
    Ray Peat
  27. 4 weeks ago

    Lucifer is the most human of all the angels, he does not accept things just because a more powerful entity made a rule. He was the only one who had an ideal, chased after it and got severely because the higher power got flustered over being challenged
    Everyone who thinks Lucifer did anything wrong are the same kind of cowards who will grovel on the floor like a dog towards anyone who is more powerful than they are. God and his cattle angels think might makes right but Lucifer does not

    • 4 weeks ago

      Exactly. Thank you Brother !

      • 4 weeks ago
        Ray Peat

        You are gay and i will kill u

        • 4 weeks ago

          you wont do shit homosexual but fester in this decrepit earth like your line was set to do from the start. You know how that occurs? by bullshitting your way through life and larping just like you are. So, continue. You can't kill what has never been alive you stupid b***h.

          • 4 weeks ago
            Ray Peat

            Im am surely coming to kill you

  28. 4 weeks ago

    Victory Lap <3

    • 4 weeks ago
      Ray Peat

      I dont think its a victory lap

    • 4 weeks ago

      The joke's been on you from the start.

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