Love and Lust Spells

I got inspired by the incubi thread. What's your take on love and lust spells? Ever tried one out, or know someone who has? Every major resource on the interwebz just refers to some Wicca or new-age bullshit. Do you think it's possible to amp up your attractiveness through magic? I don't want to take it to such extremes as to make devil pacts or some shit... unless... I mean, could there be some middle ground where we tap into a bit of the supernatural without selling our souls? And what's the point in being le 999 magus if you can't manifest unlimited b***hes?

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  1. 3 weeks ago

    How do I achieve a lean twink body?

    • 3 weeks ago

      Don't know the exact protocol or diet, but I think it comes to eating foods high in estrogen and doing lot of cardio and calisthenics. Also some hair + skincare routines would definitely help

    • 3 weeks ago

      Now, about the last bit. Getting too much sexual attention can syphon your patience really quick even romantic and sexual one.

      Another thing to be careful about is that storing too much sexual energy may out you in danger, I'm talking about legit rape or sexual assault scenarios here so be careful how you approach these stuff.

      Don't know the exact protocol or diet, but I think it comes to eating foods high in estrogen and doing lot of cardio and calisthenics. Also some hair + skincare routines would definitely help

      Now, so far I haven't met a single trans person that's any sane or mentally sound but if you really want to go down these rabbit holes remember to take this one step at a time.

      And sticking exclusively to leg excersices and estrogens may help.

      Whatever you do just don't mutilate yourself. Chemically castrate yourself all you want but stop freaking butchering yourself and telling others to chop your stuff out.

      Rejection is part of the dating and love game for everyone, it's not trans exclusive. Grow the frick up and learn to take rejection until you find someone to stuff your ass like a turkey on thanksgiving.

  2. 3 weeks ago

    Okay, here's the deal; I'll give my opinionated experience about lovespells and lust inducing spells in the hopes of streering people away from the most hardcore god/goddess/angel/demon stuff -and yes, even angels have workings designed for love but again I would stay as clear away from those as I can because they can monkeypaw just as bad as daemons.

    Now, a little bit about my background and why I think my experience has weight. I was born catholic, later in my teenage years I got introduced and initiated into a latinamerican tradition -not voodoo or hoodoo- and later on grew as a magiccian and priest. I'm in my 30s now so that's a couple decades of "Seeing some shit" from my elders, my peers and acquitances inside and outside my occult circle.

    Now, lovespells don't work. Simply put, they don't work because free will it's really hard to bypass completely. Of course we can take into consideration that some spirits can in fact change and control minds and hearts but eventually the "affected" party will wake up from the trance/brainwash and their HGA/higher self/spiritual self will wreck your shit. Take even bigger precautions if any of the people involved is abussive, violent, unlovable, despicable or any sort of bad person as they'll lash out even harder on those they "Love".

    The most you're getting out of these workings is a lust inducing spell, whether the other party gets to genuinely love you it's a really rare occurrence. Lust will never equate love but sex will always be the antechamber of love.

    So, for those still considering these kind of stuff I warn you that these spells and workings can be sensed, the more spoiled and foiled the more it "reek" so people like can tell when sometime iffy was at work in a relationship. And if I can then someone that actually care about your target eventually will find out too and then shit will simply hit the fan.

    Now, I'll explain the tamer stuff on my next post.

  3. 3 weeks ago

    Among the 1st few concepts any magiccian must learn is that the mind will always rule the material, the intricalities and complications about whether or not we live in a "Shared Consciousness" or that we are God/YHWH/Godhead experiencing ourselves are completely irrelevant for now.

    Simply put people have energy and they generate vibrations on many of their layers and some vibrations can be altered to synch or move at a different plane or to change patterns through brainwave manipulation but getting too heavy on the theory will distract you from practice so let's continue.

    You can change your vibratoal energy many ways from ritual and ceremony magick to uttering phrases in front of a mirror -remember the rice experiment with only labels and spoken stimuli-.

    Now, for the sake of helping out the lonely and mentally damaged twats that lurk this shithole site reach love and satiate their lust in a more spiritual fashion i.e. stop jerking off and get a damn loving partner I'll list out what I consider and think are the best ways of reaching a better and more state more in-tune with your higher goals.
    >Sweet talking yourself
    >Mirror affirmations
    >Prayer for others -even demonolater pray to daemons so don't rule this one out
    >Praying for self acceptance and self love
    >Milk and honey bath/shower -this is older than egypt BTW
    >Rose or other flowery oil massages for yourself
    >Visualizing a seductive aura around yourself throughout any of the previously mentioned stuff
    >Dance offerings to the aether/Gods/Angels/Demons/Your own higher self
    This one isn't a lovespell per se but enjoying the physical poetry of your body helps reaching acceptance and self love.
    >Musical offerings
    >Feeling thankfulness

    At the end of the day we're all under the vices of chaos and chance but wouldn't you like to stack the odds a little in your favor just in case you meet your perfect match someday soon?

    Try some of these stuff out yourself and feel the change.

    Of course, don't abuse these.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Thanks for writing all that you did. Good advice overall.

  4. 3 weeks ago

    Almost forgot to mention, I exposed the general outlines for love and self love but after you're confortable in your skin you should focus and prioritize complementing your partner's energy.

    On the broader scale we gotta also take into consideration whether you want to attract heterosexual or homosexuals.

    In a sense, sexual energy is transmutted through venusian and martian spheres and being in a relationship where both of you are aggressive and warring then that relationship is doomed.

    Male and female, mars and venus, sky and earth. Everything has their place and pretending you can both be on top is an impossible dream.

    Rejection hurts but wasting your time on a failed relationship will hurt just as bad.

  5. 3 weeks ago

    How do I manifest a cute and funny girlfriend?

    • 3 weeks ago

      I hear the best way is to be nice, forgiving and stop jacking off

  6. 3 weeks ago

    Someone who went by "Brother Butterball" posted this in another forum years ago, Damon Brand, of the gallery of magick brand, was a member of that forum and he appropriated the ritual from that post and included it in his book Magickal Seduction.

    Here is the procedure:

    Bathe or shower and immerse your body in water, then perform this ritual near midnight.

    Light one red and one black candle.

    Red candle on left and black on right, on whatever surface/working space you use.

    Place the woman or man's photograph, or signature, or some link with person you want on your working space near the center of table.

    Speak these words slowly and deliberately:

    By the power of the words Nades, Suradis, Maniner,

    I call thee forth, spirits of lust...

    And by Sader, Prostas, Solaster,

    I bind and constrain thee and the result I demand...

    Go forth this night into the world,

    And get the woman named blank,

    And bring her to me,

    Drive her to me,

    Take her mind and body

    and give them to me...

    And I promise thee

    that the release of

    energy and life force

    from she and I having sex

    beyond mine wildest

    dreams and imagining,

    and doing anything and everything

    and whatsoever that I want,

    will please and satisfy thee...

    So be it amen!

    It helps to jerk off whilst looking at the person's photograph and imagining doing various sexual acts
    with her in the nude.

    Repeat the spell for five nights in a row
    ending on the night of the Full Moon.

    So cast it, four days before the night of the full moon. The night of the full moon will be your last night casting it.

  7. 3 weeks ago

    I did a lust/love spell once.

    It was a korean girl at my work who was quite attractive. She was interested in me and quite friendly when we first started working together, asking me to hang out after work, etc, but I was dating a girl at the time.
    However a year later she was dating a white guy (I am a white guy).
    She had since grown jealous and to hate me in the workplace, so we never spoke any more at this point.

    However after the lust/love spell she acted nice to me, and hung around me for a bit so we could talk. But there was some ackwardness because we had both been treating eachother like shit.
    However it was very obvious that it wouldn't work out because she was already in a relationship she was invested in, getting lots of romance from.
    So nothing really came from that, except she probably had an erotic dream the night I did the spell that made her change her attitude towards me. But at the end of the day, there was a reason things weren't meant to be, even though there was an initial spark of attraction she had at one point.

    I did another love spell at another point in time, and a really hot girl at the gym I had been eying for some time can up and started talking to me. But once again there was nothing really between us so it just fizzled out. It was a nice ego boost for the day, but nothing came from it.

    I would highly recomend not doing binding manipulative loves spells on people, as being in a relationship like that would just feel wrong, and they will snap out of it at some point and hate you, and you will probably hate the memory of it.
    That is if the spell even works.

    All that sorcery stuff is crap though, because it just fricks up your karma.

    Venus mantra can be very, very, effective though, to change YOU from a zero charisma person into being a person that radiates love into the world around you, which will naturally make you the center of social attention. It can take a few years though.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >I would highly recomend not doing binding manipulative loves spells on people
      Give me the most effective binding, manipliative love spell you have.

      • 3 weeks ago


  8. 3 weeks ago

    Collect your balls' sweat after working your and make a perfume with It. It's where your male feromones are.

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