Logically speaking

To those that think this is a prison planet and that there's no escape, well okay just accept that and serve out your term, literally nothing matters and you're serving a sentence, so don't whine, also don't kys it won't pass your sentence any faster.
Same thing for those that believe in oblivion, except that if you think there's nothing post mortem, then you should just get it over with and kys. Anything else is just postponing the inevitable.

Now most views that aren't religious fall into those two categories, so I'm not going to sit here typing it all out.
The 3rd option is to be religious and it's the only logical option, allow me to explain.
In the case of above, there's literally nothing you can do about it, you're fricked no matter what you do.
The last case is that there are beings of higher planes of existence that either want to help us or hinder us (gods and devils) and that we are here for a reason and that if you play your cards right so to speak, you'll get to leave those existence.
Ergo, this is the only option in which you have any control whatsoever and the only option that gives meaning to anything you do in this life, therefore, it's the only option that makes sense to believe.
If I'm wrong about believing, it literally doesn't matter. If others are wrong about prison planet or oblivion, then they fail the reason they came here and therefore will reincarnate and have to repeat this miserable existence, or worse when they fail will be punished further for their stupidity.

Ask me anything on this topic.

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  1. 1 month ago

    If you're religious you have to fight with so many different groups just to ensure whatever it is your religion demands you to follow

    • 1 month ago

      All religions are essentially true, they are greater beings that either wish to help or hinder. Things like churches or holy books are creations of man, made for the hylics who cannot ascend. True religion is a personal connection between you and these beings, note this means a connection between a person and a devil or demon is just as valid, although in my opinion, a dangerous one.

      do you suppose the infant - if he could - would balk against the prison walls of his cradle?

      Well, I'd argue that it is verifiably so. When human children become aware of a world greater than their cradle, certainly the wish to be free of their confines. So to do those who wish there is more than the material realm wish to ascend said realm, and like parents to children, there are beings who will take us out of the crib and show us things and one day, when we are ready, we too will outgrow the crib and become like they are.
      Or at least that's how I see it.

      • 1 month ago

        I'd argue they're only religions if they are essentially true, and so I consider Christianity to not be a religion but a cult.

        • 1 month ago

          religion is a personal matter, a personal connection between you and your gods or god, that is true.
          But things like the church? Pastors and priests? Those are indeed cults. Take Christianity, the priests seek to replace the Christian god, they are the ones who take confession, the ones that want to be called "father" or "his holiness" (this especially applies to the pop).

          I think the Christian god would be different than what is proposed by the church and it's ministers. I personally think Jesus was a man who was trying to acquire enough belief in order to become a god, I don't know if he succeed though, or if it's something one could succeed in.
          When I was younger, and Christian, i prayed to him and yet none of my prayers were never answered, I never felt his presence or anything like that.
          But the gods I follow now, when I meditate and ask for them to be with me I feel their presence and when I pray I find my prayers are answered for the most part, and while it's not 100% of the time, it's enough times and the circumstances are what I would say highly unlikely to be coincidental and even then highly unlikely to be repeated over and over.
          I take it a bit further and see the unanswered prayers and unanswered for a reason and I'm supposed to figure out why it was unanswered and to grow because of it.

          • 1 month ago

            >religion is a personal matter, a personal connection between you and your gods or god, that is true.

            >But things like the church? Pastors and priests? Those are indeed cults.
            It really depends on the Christian denomination and priest or pastors. There are those who only seek to spread the message of the Bible without disturbing anyone and there are those who seek to impose it through violent means. The first group are the true Christians while the second are indeed a cult. It's a sad fact of life but institutions do have a tendency to become corrupted. It's not just churches that are affected by this. Literally any gov't institution can devolve in a similar way.

            >I personally think Jesus was a man who was trying to acquire enough belief in order to become a god, I don't know if he succeed though, or if it's something one could succeed in.
            It's not like that. Jesus was a guy who has been prophesized to come for millennia. Imagine yourself living during the time of Jesus Christ. You basically have war, unfair taxes, mass executions, death and destruction and then comes a guy telling you to not engage in such activities. Imagine how dumbfounded must've been the people at that time to witness such a man. I do believe he was special in some way. If you can't see the effect Jesus had on the world may I remind you that 82% of the world's population is part of a non Judaic Abrahamic religion that recognizes Christ as legitimate.

            >i prayed to him and yet none of my prayers were never answered, I never felt his presence or anything like that.
            A lot don't understand how prayer works. You can't just recite a prayer asking God to make you immortal and then throw yourself off a building hoping God will give you wings or something. The way it usually works, at least in my case, is when I pray for something I really want, it will comes to pass in the most unthinkable way possible. And not always immediately.

    • 1 month ago

      no you dont have to fight anyone. you are stupids

    • 1 month ago

      This. Which god is the right god? Which god is the light trap? You can't know.

      • 1 month ago

        what if you die and there is no light? what will you do then?

        • 1 month ago

          I think that's when spirit gets stuck in here, wandering, unable to move to next phase... but i could be wrong

  2. 1 month ago

    do you suppose the infant - if he could - would balk against the prison walls of his cradle?

  3. 1 month ago

    Cattle suggestion.

    • 1 month ago

      I would say it is the view of a student, for a cattle does not know there is more than itsconfines, does not see that its being is merely to be consumed. And never would the cattleman deign to reach down and teach and help the cattle with these realizations.

      • 1 month ago


        To those that think this is a prison planet and that there's no escape, well okay just accept that and serve out your term, literally nothing matters and you're serving a sentence, so don't whine, also don't kys it won't pass your sentence any faster.
        Same thing for those that believe in oblivion, except that if you think there's nothing post mortem, then you should just get it over with and kys. Anything else is just postponing the inevitable.

        Now most views that aren't religious fall into those two categories, so I'm not going to sit here typing it all out.
        The 3rd option is to be religious and it's the only logical option, allow me to explain.
        In the case of above, there's literally nothing you can do about it, you're fricked no matter what you do.
        The last case is that there are beings of higher planes of existence that either want to help us or hinder us (gods and devils) and that we are here for a reason and that if you play your cards right so to speak, you'll get to leave those existence.
        Ergo, this is the only option in which you have any control whatsoever and the only option that gives meaning to anything you do in this life, therefore, it's the only option that makes sense to believe.
        If I'm wrong about believing, it literally doesn't matter. If others are wrong about prison planet or oblivion, then they fail the reason they came here and therefore will reincarnate and have to repeat this miserable existence, or worse when they fail will be punished further for their stupidity.

        Ask me anything on this topic.

        The term isn't some punishment forced upon you by authority you acknowledged in your existence in sme society, so your logic does not apply. Sure, at some point you may manage to get out and you will learn along the way but not because of benevolence of your jailers.
        You're locked because the motive force that is harvested with your death stems from experiences, the same experiences that, should you be lucky ans smart enough to let it, may grant you wisdom and help you refine your spirit to the level that you break free. But it's not really any real intended goal, just sad necessity. Should you be free before then, it's possibky you'd acquire progress even faster and even if not - at the very least you'd do a lot of it at your own leisure and on your own rules. Though admittedly, till certain level of development that makes little of difference as apparently a lot of human sentience, intelligence etc is dependent on bodies and we we need those bodies to even be self-aware, dying and rebirthing ourselves with the spirit that incarnates as us mostly thoughtless and crude between incarnarnations till they let it grow sufficiently.

        • 1 month ago

          Well to play along with your analogy, like there are cattle and the cattlemen who are their jailors, so too are the "activists" who are essentially the same as the jailors who wish to free the cattle no? So is it not possible that there are truly benevolent beings who wish to see us set free?
          I think we are here to learn things and that instead of jailers, there are those that seek to prevent us from learning and growing but there are also those who wish to help us learn and grow. This existence makes me think of a game, like how we create games to experience stories and actively play roles, you can learn things from games and grow as a person. So to do higher forms wish to experience things and learn things, maybe we're sent here, maybe we choose to come here, I'm just trying to figure things out and it makes more sense for me to do something rather than just accept "muhh prison planet".

          • 1 month ago

            Analogy can be taken too far and not everything will have a counterpart, that's why I'd rather limit it to example I provided. I am sure not every being that's against our current role is doing what it does out of benevolence, but the fact that are bad actors/neutral parties in general outside of one's prison, doesn't mean that prison is suddenly good.
            >I think we are here to learn things and that instead of jailers, there are those that seek to prevent us from learning and growing but there are also those who wish to help us learn and grow
            They somewhat are but in boundaries of what I've said. The benefit we provide we provide as we experience and refine ourselves. The difference is that those who are responsible for the function of the farm/prison, do not encourage our growth for our benefit, just something they do for their own. We still would grow and benefit, possibly even faster, better, taking ourselves to greater heights if we'd be outside control. Continuing that analogy this time - we have guaranteed feed, but it just meh feed made to fatten us for slaughter, not a variety of things we choose for ourselves (or at least not fully) or suffer lack of everything.
            The cattle rancher isn't malevolent toward us. It is flawed and may have bad traits but it doesn't mean hostility. It is still a being much more powerful and possibly knowledgeable than us. However, like a human cattle rancher, it will take care of its stock mostly only up to the level of what assures the cattle will bring him profit.
            It's a matter of looking past overt simplifications, even this one, which are far too common on this board, be it in relation to prison planet and reincarnation. A common thing, even worse in case of belief on how either works or things related to such, like karma, do - which anons or in general writers on the topic very often butcher painfully.
            Hell, even I right now am sure I don't touch upon every nuance, but I hope I am not at least misleading.

    • 1 month ago

      I would say it is the view of a student, for a cattle does not know there is more than itsconfines, does not see that its being is merely to be consumed. And never would the cattleman deign to reach down and teach and help the cattle with these realizations.

      a further note on this topic.
      The "good" beings that wish to help us realize ourselves would never impose themselves upon us and therefore would never actually pursue us. A connection must be asked for.
      A devil or demon, seeks to turn you into cattle, they will offer things like material wealth and gain in order to bind you to the material realm as they don't want you to leave it.
      A true god or spirit would help you see there is more than the material realm and show you the path to ascend.

  4. 1 month ago

    >prison planet

  5. 1 month ago

    Then turn me into a cute little Irish ginger girl or I will whine much as I want

    • 1 month ago

      It's said, and I believe, that we are here for a reason, various reason. So the reason you're not a cute little Irish ginger girl is because you wouldn't get anything from it. Perhaps if you learn or achieve what you're meant to achieve you will not only become a CLIGG but will be an ascended form of such.

      >Logically speaking
      I prefer speaking from the heart.

      if one is truly logical then the only thing that matters is what your intuition, or your heart, says. For where the mind will falter and fail, the heart shall carry on.

      • 1 month ago

        I hate you stop talking to me you freak

        • 1 month ago

          is it the way I type?

          • 1 month ago

            Your a bully

          • 1 month ago

            I said it's a possibility, but it can't be given to you. I implore you to try, if you sit there only wishing for it then it will simply never be. I didn't mean to be mean, I'm just saying what comes to mind.

          • 1 month ago

            I don't have the money to change my looks like that

          • 1 month ago

            it's not a matter of money it's a matter of spirit.
            this is a temporary realm, even if you could buy such a thing it would be impermanent, not even in the long run. All physical beauty fades, you should aim for the spirit that you wish, not the physical attributes of what you think you wish for.

          • 1 month ago

            >Just suffer forever because I said so

          • 1 month ago

            i said it's temporary, everything of this realm is including your suffering, look forward towards what you can have instead of what you don't have now.

          • 1 month ago

            I'm not an old man on my deathbed like you
            >You have to be happy with the random looks u were given for the rest of your life because I said so and can never look how you want to because I said so
            Your a freak

          • 1 month ago

            Maybe that's what you're supposed to learn, accepting yourself.

            I am a 5'8 transgender woman with purple eyes & burgundy hair.

            Ask me anything.

            nah this thing's the freak, don't listen to it lmao

    • 1 month ago

      I am a 5'8 transgender woman with purple eyes & burgundy hair.

      Ask me anything.

      • 1 month ago

        >Purple eyes
        Not possible also I want to be a real woman not a delusional man in a dress your a clown

        Maybe that's what you're supposed to learn, accepting yourself.
        nah this thing's the freak, don't listen to it lmao

        If people were like you we would still be living in caves

        • 1 month ago

          >also I want to be a real woman
          I thought you wanted to be a little girl?

          Real women are made, never born.

          • 1 month ago

            Your a creep

          • 1 month ago

            Say it to my face, not online and see what happens.

          • 1 month ago

            But you would be scary to see in real life Mr abominable hairman

          • 1 month ago

            You would be very scared because you can't even compete with me.

          • 1 month ago

            I look more like a woman than you ever could

          • 1 month ago

            You can't make yourself look better by trying to make me look bad.
            It just makes you a cheater.
            Life is a competition, so compete with me and stop snuffing out your own dreams.

          • 1 month ago

            I don't compete with clowns

          • 1 month ago

            >You can't make yourself look better by trying to make me look bad.
            Can to

          • 1 month ago

            A Planned Parenthood in your area offers GAHT with the informed consent model, as well as support, directioning, and assistance with insurance/financial difficulties when you are ready.

          • 1 month ago

            this is a demon slave trying to enslave others

          • 1 month ago

            You could say I'm a demon in the bedroom.

            You realize you will never be able to give birth so why are you even going there

            That's exactly correct, hormonal transition is not right for everyone because it impacts your fertility.
            On the flip-side I was told that you can have your biological material cryo-stored for future IVF.

          • 1 month ago

            Like pottery and that's not what was meant by give birth you delusional man

          • 1 month ago

            it's a fed or a bot

          • 1 month ago

            We can walk away from this as friends, or you can walk away ashamed, defeated & alone.

            Make up your mind.

          • 1 month ago

            Go away old man

          • 1 month ago

            You realize you will never be able to give birth so why are you even going there

          • 1 month ago

            Your a creep

            get out of my thread trannies

            Alchemy isn't real

            I disagree, I think a lot of it was lost to humanity like magic but those stories aren't just fiction just like "mythology" isn't fiction either. It's all real and always has been,

          • 1 month ago

            Alchemy has always been an idea and not something that's anything that can actually be done the philosophers stone isn't real either

          • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          >Purple eyes
          >Not possible
          I mean, kind of possible. There's a shade of blue that looks kind of purple under most light conditions.

          • 1 month ago

            That's just blue grey

  6. 1 month ago

    >Logically speaking
    I prefer speaking from the heart.

  7. 1 month ago

    Never accept your lot in life.

    Fight or die.

    • 1 month ago

      if you read I say to treat this existence as if it matters and that your actions have an effect, why do people insist that I don't say this? It's only the first two options (which are illogical) in which there's nothing to be done but I expressly state that one shouldn't believe that and instead believe in higher powers that can help you fight.

    • 1 month ago

      I am a 5'8 transgender woman with purple eyes & burgundy hair.

      Ask me anything.


  8. 1 month ago

    This thread is a number of many made recently about this being a prison planet. Demoralization posts like yours are usually low effort but OP in this one has a lot to say. Yes, logically speaking we can’t leave the solar system because of the speed of light Yada Yada. Whatever. We have infinite minds and can break out of the meaningless material world that way. How about that? How much did the Archons pay you for writing that? Was it really worth it? Just remember that when you leave this place you will see a reflection of your soul, I hope it doesn’t make you sad.

    • 1 month ago

      I said that those who think that are being illogical
      This is literally a post saying YOU CAN DO SOMETHING and not only that BUT THERE ARE BEINGS THAT WILL ACTIVELY HELP YOU with a warning that there ARE ALSO THOSE THAT WILL TRY TO HINDER YOU

      >Purple eyes
      Not possible also I want to be a real woman not a delusional man in a dress your a clown
      If people were like you we would still be living in caves

      people like you are living in an allegory of a cave

      • 1 month ago

        Your just a copelord no one will ever get anywhere with your attitude

      • 1 month ago

        >Just wait till you die and hope you get the existence you want next time
        Your not just a clown but the whole circus

      • 1 month ago

        I don’t understand the point you’re trying to make. Alchemy and the harnessing of the 4th and 5th dimensions to ascend into something better is the how. The why is that this place is an alter and a gym to spiritually get ripped. If you live your lifr without trying to be an alchemist and just think you’re going to be okay cuz you consorted with angels and demons then I don’t know what to tell you. It leads a soul nowhere but to a bad end. Angels and demons are on the same side you know?

        • 1 month ago

          THe idea that there's only one path is unlikely, just as there are multitudes of people, gods, demons and fates, so too does it reason that there are multiple paths. Whether it be Alchemy, Nirvana, Magic or something else, there are numerous beings that can help you, even with alchemy. Do you think humans discovered alchemy alone? No, they had divine inspiration.

          I like how you ignored [...] this Because you can't do anything but say the same thing over and over

          leave this thread you will get nothing from it nor do you add anything of worth

          • 1 month ago

            Alchemy isn't real

        • 1 month ago

          nta, but what you're saying is, no gains without the effort? As licking certain angels wont get you anywhere, you have to put the spiritual work in?

          • 1 month ago

            You must improve your perspective while here. That’s the main must. Everything else is optional. The less work - and I don’t mean being a waggie or a 9-5 cuck, I mean really exploring magic, alchemy, prayer, astral projection. You can summon angels and demons and all kinds of external spirits but always ask yourself what the point of that is. It’s no small matter to do that. Another thing to consider is if you need help or not. I learned I don’t need to do ars goetia to complete the magnum opus. My will alone will get me there. For others, that might be difficult and they will need to horse trade with divine and demonic entities to acquire skills, material, and knowledge to complete their magnum opus. We are all different but in the same place.

          • 1 month ago

            > The less work - and I don’t mean being a waggie or a 9-5 cuck, I mean really exploring magic, alchemy, prayer, astral projection.

            nta, but what you're saying is, no gains without the effort? As licking certain angels wont get you anywhere, you have to put the spiritual work in?

            Incomplete sentence. Whoops. What I meant is you need to put in the work to by exploring spiritual practices in order to get to a place where you know what to do. The work is different for different people. Different strokes for different volk.

      • 1 month ago

        I guess I need to start with my personal view first and then dissect the views I disagree with last, the amount of people that seem to think that the first part is my view when in reality I'm dismissing the idea of a prison planet, I think it's dumb to think that way. I also think nihilism is just as dumb, both are dumb.
        But people like you who lack reading comprehension are dumber.
        I can't tell if you're actually moronic or just trolling
        can you not read? I'm not saying to wait, I'm saying you can actively do things... I literally typed in caps YOU CAN DO SOMETHING...

        I read it the first time around dude. You are not a fren based on the way you’re targeting others in this thread. I’m still convinced you’re an archon shill. You must be. It doesn’t matter what you believe. The post is about a subject that are related to similar posts that were made around the same time as yours. You’re pretending to be nuanced but I can see you are just an archon shill.

        • 1 month ago

          >I’m still convinced you’re an archon shill. You must be. It doesn’t matter what you believe.
          uhhh bro do people actually talk like this irl

          • 1 month ago

            Your response points to the possibility of you being a shill for the archons. Escape is possible but I don’t trust your lack of philosophy. Meme responses and character attacks are a sign of a mid wit trying to pretend to be smart. You sir are indeed the circus as another anon said. Good day.

          • 1 month ago


            >I’m still convinced you’re an archon shill. You must be. It doesn’t matter what you believe.
            uhhh bro do people actually talk like this irl

            actually he lacks reading comprehension, it's probably best that he's gone.

    • 1 month ago

      I guess I need to start with my personal view first and then dissect the views I disagree with last, the amount of people that seem to think that the first part is my view when in reality I'm dismissing the idea of a prison planet, I think it's dumb to think that way. I also think nihilism is just as dumb, both are dumb.
      But people like you who lack reading comprehension are dumber.

      Your just a copelord no one will ever get anywhere with your attitude

      I can't tell if you're actually moronic or just trolling

      >Just wait till you die and hope you get the existence you want next time
      Your not just a clown but the whole circus

      can you not read? I'm not saying to wait, I'm saying you can actively do things... I literally typed in caps YOU CAN DO SOMETHING...

      • 1 month ago

        >You can do something
        Then magically change me or shut up

  9. 1 month ago

    Why do you need control?

    • 1 month ago

      because otherwise, everything is pointless and meaningless and therefore illogical. I refuse this idea because if I'm wrong, it doesn't matter anyways, if I'm right then it means everything.

      • 1 month ago

        I like how you ignored

        >You can do something
        Then magically change me or shut up

        this Because you can't do anything but say the same thing over and over

      • 1 month ago

        If you're right about what? Your personal leap of faith and grasp at certainty? I wonder how you'll know.

        • 1 month ago

          The fact is that you know nothing, you will never know anything, as Socrates said. For instance, it's impossible to prove whether or not we live in a simulation, this could all be a massive illusion, including but not limited to astral projection, DMT machine elves and other things that seemingly transcend,
          It's impossible to know, the only thing you have is belief.
          There Fore, you can choose to believe that you have control, or you can believe that you don't have control.
          Only one of these beliefs matter in the grand scheme of things, so if you're going to choose one or the other, logically speaking, the correct one is the one where you can do something as opposed to nothing.
          It's simple logic with no emotion tied to it whatsoever, only those overcome with imagined despair give in to the idea that they lack control, they've given up, merely this and nothing more.

          Alchemy has always been an idea and not something that's anything that can actually be done the philosophers stone isn't real either

          Whther it's an idea, a story, and allegory or real. It exists and that is enough. To claim otherwise, is foolish.

          • 1 month ago

            You are a fool

          • 1 month ago

            close but not quite

          • 1 month ago

            >Dmt machine elves mentioned

          • 1 month ago

            why are you here?

          • 1 month ago

            Because I want to be

          • 1 month ago

            looks like you're the real assclown

            He wants to be a woman

            go away

          • 1 month ago

            Machine elves aren't real

          • 1 month ago

            I'm inclined to agree but I've met so many people that claim to see beings while doing DMT whether they be "machine elves" or "DMT jesters" to the point that I have to assume they're experiencing something connected to the drug. I've come to believe that certain entities have substances that are essentially the physical manifestation of their essence and that it's a way to enslave people. It's why people get addicted to it, it's the spiritual influence of higher beings entering the physical realm, in which case it's a fraction of what that being is.
            They're seeing something, perhaps "machine elves" is the wrong term but there's something there. Too many people describe similar things. It's like the hatman when they do too much of whatever sleep medication it is.

          • 1 month ago

            Things you see while on drugs doesn't mean they are real that's just an illusion of your fragile mind

          • 1 month ago

            I'm tempted to agree as I've never done any myself aside from the "socially accepted" ones of caffeine and nicotine when I was younger.
            And while I have a low opinion of drug addicts (see how they're slaves to demons) I do think that these essentially shared hallucinations are an indication of greater (or lower) hands at work.
            Regardless I see them as tools of enslavement as all druggies I've met have essentially been lower beings, the funny part is that they generally see themselves as being deep. There's occasional truths in their rambling but a broken clock is also right sometimes.

            I read it the first time around dude. You are not a fren based on the way you’re targeting others in this thread. I’m still convinced you’re an archon shill. You must be. It doesn’t matter what you believe. The post is about a subject that are related to similar posts that were made around the same time as yours. You’re pretending to be nuanced but I can see you are just an archon shill.

            I'm saying the prison planet theory is wrong,
            I'm saying people need to do what they can to leave the material realm.
            Do you disagree with this?


            >I’m still convinced you’re an archon shill. You must be. It doesn’t matter what you believe.
            uhhh bro do people actually talk like this irl

            I've known a few unfortunately.. Mother fricker can't even read a post right.

            Your response points to the possibility of you being a shill for the archons. Escape is possible but I don’t trust your lack of philosophy. Meme responses and character attacks are a sign of a mid wit trying to pretend to be smart. You sir are indeed the circus as another anon said. Good day.

            He's not me my dude.

          • 1 month ago

            How come you won't let me change my looks you bully

          • 1 month ago

            I'm not a god, I'm just a man.

            >Just suffer for like 70 years or more

            life is suffering, and you will suffer until you find meaning in that suffering. Then you will understand.

            You could say I'm a demon in the bedroom.

            That's exactly correct, hormonal transition is not right for everyone because it impacts your fertility.
            On the flip-side I was told that you can have your biological material cryo-stored for future IVF.

            you are a slave to your impulses and base desires, you have corrupted yourself and have become obsessed with the material realm. You are doomed.

          • 1 month ago

            Ah your a buhdist, pathetic

          • 1 month ago

            Not really, I think Nietzsche was right about a lot of things. Buddhists seek nirvana, or to kill their ego, I instead believe in embracing your ego.

            >arguing with chicoms

            I'll answer most people until I have to go do stuff today, I don't mind too much as my answers might help others, its not so much for those as it is for those who lurk.

            >Religious schitzo

            I guess you failed to read my OP, congratulations on your moronation.

            >you have corrupted yourself
            The demon in me drives me to kill the demon in others, and so the relationship is symbiotic.

            I don't suppose you could go to another thread? I'd like to stay on topic as my time is limited.

          • 1 month ago

            >I don't suppose you could go to another thread? I'd like to stay on topic as my time is limited.

            You are not entitled to my good behavior as long as you remain off-topic yourself.
            Nor is your time more valuable than ours.
            Control yourself not others.

            Personally I find this to be more important.
            She's been doing the little irish girl routine for a few years now, she needs a hand.

          • 1 month ago

            I said my final word on their matter and they seem to have accepted that I can't do anything for them so there's no need for you to be here anymore. They were asking me, not you, for "help" and I gave them what I could instead of telling them to alter themselves physically.
            Please leave.

          • 1 month ago

            >I said my final word
            Then finalize your word Sir Pontificus Rudimentary Pedantic esquire the 3rd.

            >Please leave.
            Make me.

          • 1 month ago


          • 1 month ago

            This whole thread is schizo.

          • 1 month ago


          • 1 month ago

            >She's been doing the little irish girl routine for a few years now, she needs a hand.
            You are not a she also talking in third person is weird and you will never be a little Irish girl

          • 1 month ago

            >arguing with chicoms

          • 1 month ago

            >you have corrupted yourself
            The demon in me drives me to kill the demon in others, and so the relationship is symbiotic.

          • 1 month ago

            >>Dmt machine elves mentioned
            They're a huge part of the problem, anon.

          • 1 month ago

            How so? What are they?

          • 1 month ago

            These little buggers manage the machine.
            They are like supercomputers but they have unique personalities for the most part.
            Some people have really terrifying experiences with them. Some are a mix. Some people even worship them. It is my belief that many people are under attack by these beings in order to cause suffering and sometimes chaos. Songs have been written about them. Like this song by Pink Floyd, Welcome to the Machine.

            The Masons know all about them I'd imagine. Now people are starting to learn about them and its not exactly a good thing either. These beings can warp reality for a person. Although you can't see them, the person you think is crazy is more than likely having a close encounter with them. Some people think they are demons. Some people think they are daemons, some people think they're gods. Whatever people think about it doesn't change the fact that people are seeing them and no one knows what to do. They merely allude to the awakened that they are in the know through symbolism distributed in mass media.

          • 1 month ago

            > you can choose to believe that you have control, or you can believe that you don't have control.
            I don't think it is a matter of either or.
            I also don't think their is a need to choose. Other than your own declaration to do so.

          • 1 month ago

            would you be so kind as to elaborate? I'd rather not draw the wrong conclusion.

          • 1 month ago

            He wants to be a woman

          • 1 month ago

            You say it is impossible to know, but then continue with a framework of certainty. Things like all you have is belief and the need to make a choice of control. You're contradicting yourself.

  10. 1 month ago

    Circus general

  11. 1 month ago

    >i've never been out irl before guys i'm sorry i won't do it again

  12. 1 month ago

    Hi OP, what are your experiences with reality bending been like? Examples: drugs, magic, religions, meditation, astral projection. What have you learned that might be useful to get out of here.

    • 1 month ago

      When I was younger I grew up Christian, I became atheist when I found only silence in my prayer, depression and nihilism followed and after a few suicide attempts I began searching for a reason to live, I began praying for anything, an earnest prayer and I was answered by a goddess name Fariah. When I pray to her I feel an immediate connection of a sensation unlike anything else, as well as 4 other gods of whom she claims kinship being Belor, Kuhr, Alithra and Eire.
      With their guidance I've found peace and happiness and purpose. At first I was skeptical but too many coincidence and answered prayers happened that now I'm convinced of their existence and that they've set me on a path, the path that I not only wanted but needed.
      They ask nothing from me, make no demands but seem willing to help.
      I've come to the conclusion that one must dedicate themselves to a greater practice, something that is not necessary for life but is necessary for living, like art or music or any number of things that the material world might call "frivolous". And when the time comes, after achieving many things, you must let go of the material, you must not fear death, only then will you be able to let go of this world and it's trappings.
      One day I will kill myself, but only when I achieve what I have set out to achieve, I think this is the way.
      If you have a nice day out of grief or any negative reasons, you're not only tying yourself to this realm but hanging a millstone around your neck so to speak, you must conquer this realm and then let it go.

      I can't prove this, I just intuitively believe it.

      • 1 month ago

        Honk honk

      • 1 month ago

        >Religious schitzo

      • 1 month ago

        > Belor, Kuhr, Alithra and Eire
        Oh my Keq. You’re a real deal archon shill and just admitted to it too. They are not Gods and Goddesses. To
        Hose are the archons trying to enslave your mind. Different strokes for different folks I guess. At least you admitted what you are.
        >Someday I will self-end.
        Don’t do that. Do not do that. Your soul will shatter and you will suffer for a long time if you do that. Best to die back accident or old age. Do not listen to the demons in your head.

        Stop being a fool.

        • 1 month ago

          Look man, I wanted to die a long time ago, I've tried several times to kill myself.
          Instead the beings you call archons have instead have convinced me to not try killing myself anymore and to instead pursue music, which as Bach said is the closest mankind will ever get to divinity. I'm convinced they kept me from dying when I tried overdosing on pain meds twice and when a friend stopped me from hanging myself. And even when I still had doubts they answered prayer after prayer and showed me an otherwise undiscovered passion for music.
          If they were archons they would have let me kill myself in the depths of my misery. Instead I've been shown a path and more importantly I've come to the conclusion that once you attain that highest of goals of a passion that you need to give it all up, to not stay attached, to not fear death. The only way to do that is to face death and embrace it.
          I won't kill myself by running away from life, I'll do it having lived to the fullest and simply saying goodbye to this mortal coil, to cling to it by wishing for a death by accident or old age is to remain rooted here. You have to let go and peacefully have a nice day.

      • 1 month ago

        lmao this homie got converted into a live loosh battery

        • 1 month ago

          but I'm no longer traumatized, I've healed, the opposite.

          • 1 month ago

            To only kys one day right?

          • 1 month ago

            are you entertained?
            we are glad you are entertained
            but don't forget the mission
            the mission is experiencing what Death is
            but don't be in a hurry, enjoy our little enclave

          • 1 month ago

            I'm starting to think the whole archons thing is just a cult like TNG, you all practically seem like bots at this point, everything is the archons to you guys. I have to go soon but I think I'll make a thread tomorrow after I formulate my thoughts on the archons.

          • 1 month ago

            you're cute
            just for that we won't syphon you for loosh in the next 24 earth hours

      • 1 month ago

        >One day I will kill myself, but only when I achieve what I have set out to achieve, I think this is the way.
        If you have a nice day out of grief or any negative reasons, you're not only tying yourself to this realm but hanging a millstone around your neck so to speak, you must conquer this realm and then let it go
        >Dont kys no not like that but actually do kys just don't do it like that
        Your a clown

        • 1 month ago

          Well just think about it for a moment.
          If you die of natural causes, or an accident, or I guess murder, the point is that if it's out of your control you didn't actually choose to die. And so you still chose life in a sense, you chose mortality and thus you've clung to the mortal realm.
          The only way to not cling to mortality is to instead choose to end it but it has to be completely grief free, you can't just end it because of what happened in the mortal realm, you have to end it because you want to move on from here, not because you can't handle it.

          I really feel like it's the ultimate test, if you do it because you give up then you failed the test, if you don't do it then you still fail. You have to do it the right way.

          To only kys one day right?

          to let go of the mortal realm and a moral life so I can move on to another realm and another existence.

          This whole thread is schizo.


          This world is schizo, if you're calling my schizo for not liking the world that only makes me right by two negatives.

          • 1 month ago

            You will never escape the wheel but you will just keep doing it over and over you don't even know if there is another realm or anything outside of this one all you know this could be the only one and the only one you will ever know also if your suffering why bother holding on to a severed rope?

          • 1 month ago

            no one knows anything, you only have belief and belief can set your free or imprison you.
            I've found meaning in the suffering, I do not see it as a severed rope, you're just seeing it from the wrong end.

            >I said my final word
            Then finalize your word Sir Pontificus Rudimentary Pedantic esquire the 3rd.

            >Please leave.
            Make me.


          • 1 month ago

            >I've found meaning in the suffering
            Okay copelord

          • 1 month ago

            Teeth don't grow back.

          • 1 month ago

            >Troon threatens violence at the truth
            You are just a disturbed violent man

          • 1 month ago

            don't respond to it, just hide their posts, they already know the truth as their anger clearly shows I hit a nerve.

            you're cute
            just for that we won't syphon you for loosh in the next 24 earth hours

            see schizo cultist

          • 1 month ago

            ....what's a cultist? we got humans worshipping us? why? its dumb.
            i am just hitchhiking a ride to answer you via this nifty device you humans invented
            cool reality you got here, keep doing the good work
            (I want to win the humanbowl and see you reach what you call Kardashev tier3, without outside influence like in the last 1467 Earth years)

          • 1 month ago

            love the roleplay
            is there anyway you can actually prove you're an archon?

          • 1 month ago

            whatever I say could be considered a Live Action RolePlay, anon
            isn't the objective of this site? All posts made are a work of fiction, only a fool would believe otherwise
            anyway, I'll just tip you in something: invest in FN Herstal.

          • 1 month ago

            >invest in war right before war
            I don't bother with imaginary money anyways
            gimme something concrete
            and wrong this site is actually a place of truths, not the truth mind you but many people will give their personal truth because of anonymity. It's beautiful in a way.
            I mean yea, plenty of people like you just come on here to troll but you do get a lot of truth here too.

          • 1 month ago

            You think you’re so intelligent yet none of what you say makes any sense. Check into a psych ward and get help.

          • 1 month ago

            it requires abstract thinking, we're you a GATE kid?

            >I've found meaning in the suffering
            Okay copelord

            meaning is there if you have the eyes to see, the ears to hear and the mouth to accept

          • 1 month ago

            Your just saying random things at this point in time without actually saying anything at all it sounds like you haven't found any meaning at all but have deluded yourself into thinking you have

          • 1 month ago

            I think your intuition is trying to tell you that there is truth here, which is why you're still engaging, deep down you want to understand because you know there's something here but you're not grasping it.
            I asked if you were a GATE kid, although maybe you're a zoomer as they stopped it awhile back, but GATE was a program for "gifted" kids in which experiments were done although apparently the program was inconclusive. Regardless many GATE kids were ones that could think in ways that others didn't understand and come to conclusions that were right.
            Perhaps work on your intuition and you'll better understand what I'm saying. Listen to yourself, not to what you've been taught.

          • 1 month ago

            It's actually you who is just grasping for meaning in anything at this point you feel like there is something you have to do but plan to an hero after it's done meaning there is no meaning to it at all your just biding your time until you fall apart again it's apparent as your trying to find meaning in something but you have no clue what your even trying to find your just trying to post things which you think make you look smart

          • 1 month ago

            you have to succeed at this life, to acquire that which all desire and then you have to step away from it all. This life is a paradox, you can only solve a paradox with another paradox.
            I have to go soon so please make any other statements or inquiries in the next few minutes.

          • 1 month ago

            What's the point in getting what you desire to only throw it all away right after? Why even bother trying to get anything at all why not just sleep under a tree until you fade from existence at that point? Why bother with the paradox or the Next one to keep doing it over and over? Why not just deny the paradox entirely?

          • 1 month ago

            Last post for me I gotta go OP here

            Because to solve the paradox is to escape it. This is a material world a mortal realm, nothing is permanent, everything is temporary and will fade away.
            And yet we have desires, we wish to accomplish things, to gain things, to see things, etcetera. This is antithetical to the notion that it's impermanent, and yet it is also the whole point of this existence, is to attain things.
            Some think you must abstain from everything, to want nothing, and yet this defeats the purpose as it it will leave you hollow and incomplete.
            Therefore you must succeed at this life, pick a worth goal and attain it, and then when you have it all you must realize that it will never last and must give it up. You can't give up what you don't have so you must first attain it.

            It's a paradox, if you go at it straight on, it'll never make sense. For example.
            There are no universal truths.
            It is, in and of itself, a universal truth and yet it is stating that no universal truths exist, it is both correct and false at the same time, both validating and invalidating at the same time. Which is of course, utterly fascinating and absolutely maddening.

            This life is a test, one most don't even realize they're taking and one almost all fail.

          • 1 month ago

            Frick the test then I will take a scathing 0% grade and flunk out of life school and be a hedonistic little b***h because that is the stupidest idea to ever exist why even bother to just feel fulfilled for like a second? Why even get anything and what if your just a little shit who doesn't want anything? Might as well just throw the test away and literally just not care

          • 1 month ago

            Gah I couldn't just leave and not check, last response for real unless this is still up when I get back.
            It's win or lose not percents and winning will better than any amount of hedonism, nothing will compare to not having to replay life until you get it right and win.
            We all want things anon and we all care, to not would be to live in denial, which is even worse than just failing.
            I know it's hard and you're confused and angry, and j can't convince you of anything as that has to come from within but I'd implore you to really ask yourself what it is you want and strive for it. You sound young so you've got time I imagine. Just know that nothing in this existence lasts and that's why we want to leave this existence, we want something more permanent and meaningful but we're here for a reason and while I can't claim certainty, I believe we're here to learn acceptance of ourselves and of life in general.
            Good luck out there.
            Sorry if I came off a pit preachy I just spoke my heart

          • 1 month ago

            Even if you win or whatever that even means in like this dumb way if you can actually even win at life or whatever ¯_(ツ)_/¯ like there's basically no like thing that's like totally is so that you won't like just do this over and over again or whatever so like basically maybe there's literally no difference to like winning or losing at life or whatever maybe it's just like literally doesnt like even make like any difference or whatever

    • 1 month ago

      When I was younger I grew up Christian, I became atheist when I found only silence in my prayer, depression and nihilism followed and after a few suicide attempts I began searching for a reason to live, I began praying for anything, an earnest prayer and I was answered by a goddess name Fariah. When I pray to her I feel an immediate connection of a sensation unlike anything else, as well as 4 other gods of whom she claims kinship being Belor, Kuhr, Alithra and Eire.
      With their guidance I've found peace and happiness and purpose. At first I was skeptical but too many coincidence and answered prayers happened that now I'm convinced of their existence and that they've set me on a path, the path that I not only wanted but needed.
      They ask nothing from me, make no demands but seem willing to help.
      I've come to the conclusion that one must dedicate themselves to a greater practice, something that is not necessary for life but is necessary for living, like art or music or any number of things that the material world might call "frivolous". And when the time comes, after achieving many things, you must let go of the material, you must not fear death, only then will you be able to let go of this world and it's trappings.
      One day I will kill myself, but only when I achieve what I have set out to achieve, I think this is the way.
      If you have a nice day out of grief or any negative reasons, you're not only tying yourself to this realm but hanging a millstone around your neck so to speak, you must conquer this realm and then let it go.

      I can't prove this, I just intuitively believe it.

      And as far as reality bending goes, I find that simply observing coincidence and realizing it's not coincidence is enough.
      The world is paradoxical at its core, for instance the more answers you find in the areas of science, the more question arise, almost like a hydra. You have things like the double slit experiment that suggests that a photon not only knows when it's observed but will act differently as to whether or not it is. The more you try to understand the material realm, the more you realize it cannot be understood, you come to realize that this is a place of madness and that it will call you mad if you deny it.
      Most people don't realize they're essentially playing a game, they're just here.

      On a side note, I've been studying magic more and more, I created a wand and intend to delve into it completely. I'll update eventually.

  13. 1 month ago

    Ye OP I arrived to the same conclusion myself.

  14. 1 month ago

    >Just suffer for like 70 years or more

  15. 1 month ago

    >literal 60 iq people in this thread
    x/ has become a bigger shithole than i previously imagined

    • 1 month ago

      refute it

  16. 1 month ago

    it's only a prison if you consider it such
    are you not entertained?

  17. 1 month ago


  18. 1 month ago

    How do you have faith in a god who can't even control his own creations there is no hope in chaos

    • 1 month ago

      because faith requires free will, otherwise it's not faith.

      • 1 month ago

        What exactly is faith?

        • 1 month ago

          lack of knowledge but choosing to believe in regardless

          • 1 month ago

            >Implying belief isn't just a type of cope

  19. 1 month ago

    Logically speaking, please stop talking like that.

  20. 1 month ago

    The escape is choosing to become metal and never eating ever again.

    It's called biotransferance. The act of becoming metal from carbon. This is done through a belief in a higher power, that will uplift those that choose to become sinless.

    I choose to become metal. I am sha-kha. But I will not eat another living being ever again.

    • 1 month ago

      Plants are living beings to

      • 1 month ago

        Plants are food anon. Eat your "damned" vegetables...

        • 1 month ago

          Plants have feelings to you monster

  21. 1 month ago

    Yaldabaoth doesn't even know you exist, he has been sleeping ever since the 8th day

  22. 1 month ago

    OP, you use the water well. See you in the White Lodge, when the time comes

  23. 1 month ago

    Except the sentence isn't fair and we've been wrongfully imprisoned. Dumb homosexual

  24. 1 month ago

    >well okay just accept that and serve out your term
    That term is eternal and you weren't tried for crimes. You're just being harvested.

    • 1 month ago

      Not him but I kinda wrote a bit on this:

      The term isn't some punishment forced upon you by authority you acknowledged in your existence in sme society, so your logic does not apply. Sure, at some point you may manage to get out and you will learn along the way but not because of benevolence of your jailers.
      You're locked because the motive force that is harvested with your death stems from experiences, the same experiences that, should you be lucky ans smart enough to let it, may grant you wisdom and help you refine your spirit to the level that you break free. But it's not really any real intended goal, just sad necessity. Should you be free before then, it's possibky you'd acquire progress even faster and even if not - at the very least you'd do a lot of it at your own leisure and on your own rules. Though admittedly, till certain level of development that makes little of difference as apparently a lot of human sentience, intelligence etc is dependent on bodies and we we need those bodies to even be self-aware, dying and rebirthing ourselves with the spirit that incarnates as us mostly thoughtless and crude between incarnarnations till they let it grow sufficiently.

      To reiterate, I am pretty confident that even in boundaries of our predicement, there's some place for growth. Likely because it's also a necessary "side effect" of generating forces we're being harvested for (or rather, it's the other way around, but it's those forces that interest our farmer). The growth may be stunted, pushed in particular directions etc however.

  25. 1 month ago

    >Prison Planet
    How do you know such thing exists?

  26. 1 month ago

    There is actually another solution you haven't mentioned when it comes to "escaping reality".

    I recommend reading on Schopenhauer's idea of suffering. Basically if you have a nice day you will change nothing. People and the reality you tried to escape from will still exist. The cycle of suffering continues. That's why we have to endure suffering if we want any sort of ascension.

    But there is a way of breaking the cycle: Get a bunch of people hooked on the idea of escaping reality, kill every single human that doesn't agree with you and then commit mass suicide. The cycle can't continue this way. You have achieved a true jailbreak. If you want to escape the prison you have to blow up the prison otherwise you will get caught and get taken back.

    The problem with this plan is what's to say that a worse reality won't await those who try to jailbreak. Most don't want to find out. We have broken free but at what cost? Nothing short of eternal damnation will away those who try.

    • 1 month ago

      This prison planet shit is a cult

      • 1 month ago

        Quite the opposite. You could argue it's just a modern, edgy spin on the most common beliefs across many main religions.
        Be they considering a prison the world man was cast to from garden of Eden like christians do or wishing to come back or go elsewhere - or consider it a location where a struggle of breaking out of cycle of reincarnation like buddhists hope to, or even simply leave this world of shadows and exist in the world of ideal forms Plato theoretized - either way, the idea that this is an imperfect world we're kept on against our drives and there's something better out there is hardly cultish.

        • 1 month ago


          I just hope there’s more to existence than being who we are now. It’s so limited.

        • 1 month ago

          >the idea that this is an imperfect world we're kept on against our drives and there's something better out there is hardly cultish.
          What a lot of these religions fail to take into account is the possibility of a worse world out there. That's why jailbreakers aren't to be taken seriously.

          For example, is achieving something like Gnosis even worth it? All they tell me is that it will be better trust me bro. What's to say it will be better.

          • 1 month ago

            >What a lot of these religions fail to take into account is the possibility of a worse world out there. That's why jailbreakers aren't to be taken seriously.
            There's likely both, though most of the religions concentrate on the better one and the only chance to get to that one is leave this one.
            >For example, is achieving something like Gnosis even worth it?
            Sure, and that without even considering other worlds. Even if you'll be deadset on this world, gnosis would provide valuable experience and perspective.

    • 1 month ago

      >The problem with this plan is what's to say that a worse reality won't await those who try to jailbreak.
      Exactly. If we are in a low security prison right now maybe they will get taken to a high security prison

  27. 1 month ago

    Schizos: the thread

    • 1 month ago

      I'm a pretty princess

  28. 1 month ago

    Hell is eternal. Don’t let the TPTB convince you that there’s no repercussions for your actions. Free yourself and realize Hell is for the enemy, of which there are many.

  29. 1 month ago

    The first step to escaping is realizing your aretrapped. IF reality is a prison (it is), the guards go to great lengths to hide it. Why do you think that is?

    • 1 month ago

      This. I was on the process of escaping. I was making strong convictions in my mind, "I'm not coming back here, I'm going to stop giving this place my all, and become leech", and then the wardens offered bait... "this woman.. it could be yours..." and the limbo started. My strong conviction was shaken, which led to terrible rollercoaster of emotions, and probably dealing with beings described in this post


      These little buggers manage the machine.
      They are like supercomputers but they have unique personalities for the most part.
      Some people have really terrifying experiences with them. Some are a mix. Some people even worship them. It is my belief that many people are under attack by these beings in order to cause suffering and sometimes chaos. Songs have been written about them. Like this song by Pink Floyd, Welcome to the Machine.

      The Masons know all about them I'd imagine. Now people are starting to learn about them and its not exactly a good thing either. These beings can warp reality for a person. Although you can't see them, the person you think is crazy is more than likely having a close encounter with them. Some people think they are demons. Some people think they are daemons, some people think they're gods. Whatever people think about it doesn't change the fact that people are seeing them and no one knows what to do. They merely allude to the awakened that they are in the know through symbolism distributed in mass media.

      Magic is real. Once they notice you can do it, they'll start gaslighting you more and more. It's one thing to be able to shitpost and create good topics, sometimes that alone can get wrong kind of attention, but doing magic will make Nazgûls come to you almost instantly.

      • 1 month ago

        how does one do magic?

        • 1 month ago

          You have to be in certain mind states for it to work. It works through you unconscious.

  30. 1 month ago
    Joseph of Egypt the Nazarene

    Frick you Da'at you STU{ID c**t!

  31. 1 month ago

    We live in a chaos-based system, this is evident from the literal graveyard of planets that surrounds us. The story for Adam and Eve getting kicked out of the garden was an analogy for us getting kicked out of a system which primarily adhered to order (and thus could be primarily influenced/manipulated by us up to the point where one could use literal harry potter style magic if they wished), and then thrust and forced to strive in a primarily chaos-based system. If you start to REALLY delve into the phenomenology of the modern-day human condition, you would realize that their is A LOT about what we do that in actuality makes absolutely ZERO SENSE and we've just never been fricked to change it for... "reasons", I guess.

    The serpent persuading Eve to eat of the tree was another analogy for Eve becoming infected with with a literal worm (like a computer virus), and that this virus/parasite then infected Adam as a result of him eating from the same apple. God wasn't about to let Eve ruin all the good work he had done making that garden, and so he damned her, right along with her cuck of a boyfriend, casting them out into the chaos-based system where they would be privy to countless nonsensical accords and chaotic thoughtforms.

    • 1 month ago

      So… What do? Can we ever go back or are we infected no matter what salvation is promised to us?

      • 1 month ago

        Pin point, isolate, and resolve the corrupt lines of code within your mind through which the virus perpetuates. Then, erect countermeasures prevent future proliferation. Or to put it in more laymen, techy terms: install an anti-virus, run a full-system scan, and quarantine identified malignancies.

        • 1 month ago

          Addendum to this: Be prepared to do this only if you are REALLY prepared to commit to it. Because if you're a dude (which I'm guessing that you are), be prepared to become celibate for 94% of women... which, from most people's perspective, is pretty much all of them. And if you're a woman, well... be prepared to be disgusted by your own sex on a very deeply visceral way, lol..

          • 1 month ago

            I have to ask, but if I'm a dude, who are the remaining 6% of the women? How do I know them?

          • 1 month ago

            I am going to type some words here in a second that, after you're done reading them, will trigger a whole clowncar full of beclowned thoughtforms that will try with all their might to discredit and subsequently beclown with vigorous intent. And I need you to keep in mind that it is not ME that wrote this moronic ass line of code into the matrix and neither am I perpetuating falsehoods. I did not start this special education annex of a fire, so don't shoot the messenger:

            Ask the female if they are attracted to short men; like, SHORTER-THAN-THEM short men.

            Yes? You found a literal unicorn? No? Thank them for their time, then eaxh go your merry ways.

          • 1 month ago

            >You found a literal unicorn.*

          • 1 month ago


          • 1 month ago

            attracted or willing to date? attracted implies that's like their thing, in which case if you're taller than her she won't be into you

          • 1 month ago

            you can do both, dude. you can be attracted to taller AND shorter. men do it all the time.

          • 1 month ago

            Men are not attracted to taller women any more than women are attracted to shorter men.
            Short men ACCEPT that they will date a lot of tall women, like tall women ACCEPT that they will date short men.
            It isnt the same as "attracted to".

          • 1 month ago

            Snu snu for a 5'7 king, please.

          • 1 month ago

            >Men are not attracted to taller women any more than women are attracted to shorter men.

            just lmao

          • 1 month ago

            >And if you're a woman, well... be prepared to be disgusted by your own sex on a very deeply visceral way, lol..
            Why though? What's wrong with men who have "anti-viruses" installed?

          • 1 month ago

            I don't think the men are the problem but the women. I say problem very loosely. For a woman it is probably way harder to undergo this transformation than it is for a man, since they are the original proxy through which the corruption has spread. They have to come to terms with the fact that it is the woman who got tricked by the snake and in turn tricked her boyfriend. Men also need to understand that getting tricked when you know better is not a valid excuse. It's sad but it seems like men have a somewhat easier time installing an anti virus than women have.
            This is probably why there seem to be way more men with anti viruses installed than women.

          • 1 month ago

            what do you mean?

    • 1 month ago

      Anon... The story of Adam and Eve is about consciousness making the jump in complexity from plants to animals. Animals gained knowledge, but also came suffering.

      • 1 month ago

        I remember when I used to believe that. O, sweet summer child. But after a lifetime of observing women's behavior and their outright disregard for the plight of young, short men, I am now otherwise breached a new layer into a new awakening.

        Don't worry... with time you will reach my level too... if you don't die first, that is.

        • 1 month ago

          >But after a lifetime of observing women's behavior and their outright disregard for the plight of young, short men, I am now otherwise breached a new layer into a new awakening.
          Your awakening sounds like a simmering anger towards women.

          • 1 month ago

            Nta but it sucks being attracted to beings who almost seem incapable of love, there are very few that could be considered actual partner material. I guess the same could be said about men to a degree, I don't want to be friends with most guys but I'd say more men are worth something as opposed to women.
            Maybe 20% men and 5-10% women, and I think 10% is very generous. Women have life on easy mode and so they don't have to be decent or interesting.

  32. 1 month ago

    Stupid analogy, lots of great accomplishments happened in prison.

    In fact; just serving guarantees you have not understood the reason you are here...

  33. 1 month ago

    >Option 1: Dogma
    >Option 2: Dogma
    >Option 3: Dogma
    Option 4: SEEK truth from "within", and make THE CHOICE to orient yourself POSITIVELY.

    • 1 month ago

      >Option 4: SEEK truth from "within", and make THE CHOICE to orient yourself POSITIVELY.

      That's the thing. Just because we are hounded 24/7 by evil doesn't mean that we ourselves should become evil. We have a choice. And we make it in our hearts. I for one would rather suffer than to stoop so low as a person.
      I guess I'm the bad guy for not selling my soul and being a child sacrificing weird crazy moron. I'll take being a happy crazy moron over being a sadistic crazy moron whose entire life revolves around humiliating and degrading others.

      • 1 month ago

        You get it anon! 🙂 It is the most important choice we will make in our entire life times! I hope you believe me when I say the whole point of our time on this earth(3rd density school) is to become aware of the choice that need to be made. Once the choice is made and you have polarized effectively you get to graduate to 4th density positive(breaking the cycle of 3rd density reincarnation).

  34. 1 month ago

    so if #1 prison planet is correct then believing in religion would trap you, therefore that argument is gone

    none of this can be proven for certain

    • 1 month ago

      what is certain

    • 1 month ago

      Because the only thing you can truly know for certain is that you know nothing, that means that by default the only thing that matters is what you believe.
      Again we see a paradox, a riddle, which to me hints at greater signs of the universe at large. We live in a material world in which knowledge is apparently power and yet all that knowledge can never be proven, it could all be an illusion and so knowledge has just as much basis as belief, the irony of this makes me conclude that belief, not knowledge is what's important.

      What I mean to say is that things become what you believe, if you believe it's a prison planet and that archons will feed off you, you imprison yourself and give those archons the power necessary over you to feed on you.
      If you believe in beings that will help you grow and leave the material realm, so shall it be
      For if belief matters not, then there's no point in even knowing as it will change nothing if the knowledge is true.

      • 1 month ago

        Interesting, I can agree with this line of thought.

  35. 1 month ago

    >allow me to explain
    God isn't real, and even if it was, no preacher or scripture on earth could tell what it belives or wants.
    You are moronic.
    End of story.

    • 1 month ago

      >God isn't real
      If only life was that simple...

  36. 1 month ago
  37. 1 month ago

    >no listen you just need to stay in the metaphysical gulag until Demiurge Stalin totally pardons you, why the frick do you want to escape tovarisch be a good goy and keep existing for us

  38. 1 month ago

    If this is a prison planet why when you do an astral travel out there there are entities eager to pounce on you like hungry? or as if waiting to attach your soul to come to your world.

    This place may suck but I genuinely believe that there are worse places and that some entities are like crazy to come here.

    Unless this place is a prison of another place but it could go even lower.

    • 1 month ago

      I experience the same during AP.
      On a mushroom trip I was shown this reality as being more of a play pen than a prison. But evil can still emanate into that pen because of the complexity of the cosmos and recently a lot went in. Human potential seems to be powerful, dangerous and frail. I think certain humans are some of the few entities able to and allowed to become jesters after death, which is why the cosmic jesters sect has a group dedicated to this planet.

  39. 1 month ago

    Absolute slave mentality. If we were completely powerless there wouldn't be a need to trap us here in the first place.
    >If I'm wrong about believing, it literally doesn't matter
    That's where you're wrong. You'll just play right into their lies and act smug until you pop back into this hole.

  40. 1 month ago

    Op being a worthless fricking homosexual once again. Stop parroting buddhist nonsense and research actual occult sources. Yes this is a prison planet but that doesnt mean (you) can't escape it. Astral projection is the way to go in this case if you want to escape the farm. Useless slide threads like this are only meant to demoralize anon and gatekeep him from the truth. Its why there is such a big censorship program in place to keep the cattle ignorant, fat, and happy. Remember that you can become much greater than you are now. With enough practise.

    • 1 month ago

      >Astral projection is the way to go in this case if you want to escape the farm.
      Astral projection is fake dummy

  41. 1 month ago

    All that shit just to say 'better safe than sorry'.
    How about GFY?

  42. 1 month ago

    >To those that think this is a prison planet and that there's no escape, well okay just accept that and serve out your term, literally nothing matters and you're serving a sentence, so don't whine, also don't kys it won't pass your sentence any faster.
    Usually those who believe in this also believe that there is an escape, in which case, how is it really any different from Buddhism, Jainism, or something like Marcionism?

  43. 1 month ago

    >well okay just accept that and serve out your term, literally nothing matters and you're serving a sentence, so don't whine
    Why? Why this cuck attitude? You're going to be staying here multiple times with this attitude? You literally make a thread with a jester photo, shouldn't you fricking be exposing those bastards like your life depended on it?

    • 1 month ago

      OP is an archon shill. A true shill to the chain holders of this vile place. OP gets a little less of his loosh stolen from him by the Archons for writing long winded shitposts aimed at human pacification.

    • 1 month ago

      I'm saying that it's not a prison planet and if you read the thread I state that belief is what determines things, so if you truly believe your in a prison and are hons are feeding off you, that means you have imprisoned yourself and given archons the power to feed off you.
      The last paragraph is my belief, the other two are false in my opinion. In which you can leave this plane of existence with the help of greater beings.
      I use jester images because I like the archetype, I think through the jester you can realize the divine ironies of this world and realize there's far more to it and to strive for it.
      Prison planet is one such theory, it only is so if you allow it to be so. Your belief is what imprisons you, not the archons who are essentially subservient, requiring you to believe they have power and are your "jailers" when in reality they're low level beings.

      • 1 month ago

        So why is it when I try to do magic, it feels like I can "punished" for doing it? Is it all conveniently my unconscious mind's doing? Everyone in the world who's been subjected to religions just coincidentally suffers from same problem. It's all just coincidence right, malevolent spirits trying to control humanity or anything like that? All those rituals elite do to control their ranks is just to mind control, and not to reward some entities who give them power?

        • 1 month ago

          In the same way that there are entities who can uplift, there are entities that can chain you down. I've little doubt in my mind that those who appear olin power consort with demons and are given earthly, material desires in exchange for servitude, sacrifice or their souls. Note, these people fear death because they know the time they spending power here will have to be paid for.

          As for magic, I've been studying and attempting magic for awhile now and j don't feel like I've been punished. I mostly try to affect outcomes, or change stuff like the weather or curse/bless people whom I think deserve it. Personally I also pray to a goddess named Fariah and ask for her protection, so that could be it.
          When my prayers go unanswered or worse I get punished, I think it's for a reason, sometimes I think I pray for the wrong things or curse people who don't necessarily deserve it and so I don't get what I want or j get backlash.
          But I'm still studying.

          • 1 month ago

            >Personally I also pray to a goddess named Fariah and ask for her protection, so that could be it.
            can I get some page detailed more info on her? I'm looking to get help from some entity if that's possible, I feel like I'm kinda stuck

          • 1 month ago

            I don't have a page or any proof outside of anecdotal evidence
            She answered my prayer to find happiness and drew me out of a suicidal pit of despair and my life has improved significantly since then. But j can't offer anything like a book on her, someone told me about her when I was in the military and I took a chance.

            If you want to try, face east and sit down in a meditative position with hands clasped in your lap, fingers interlaced, and thumbs above touching thumbprints. Then the next part I can't really explain all to well, envision a force emanating from where your heart is, form it into tendrils and reach out towards the east. Once done, in your mind ask for Fariah to be with you and to hear your call or prayer. At this point I feel a force connect with me and a surge of I guess energy in my heart. It's a sensation unlike most things, the closest feeling is when I experience love , whether it be for a family member, friend, animal or significant other but stronger, it will suffuse you with energy.
            Sometimes I just call for her so I can recharge so to speak, I feel better and revitalized, other times j ask for something and do so as a prayer.

            Again, I have no real proof other than that my life improved dramatically, I went from trying to kill myself to having a purpose and a passion for music. If you don't try I get it, I could just be lying or a complete schizo, but I do think she'd help you if you're honest about what you want.

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