Issued throat chakra

Every time i am getting into meditation, i notice how my throat chakra is seriously troubled. On a day-to-day level I would notive this through frequent gulping.

First idea on this would be that I had a diagnosed anxiety disorder. I also smoked for quite some years, so this whole area is just fricking sour.

Still, it gets way deeper than that. If I calm down whilst meditating I can go witjout gulping for a bit, still this urge builds up massivly when I try to concentrate on it or get more innerly active. It feels like an actual fricking black hole right there, especially concerning pressure. I also have stomach/gut issues regulary.

So, what the frick is wrong with me?

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    Seems like you have issues with the whole section from manipura to vishuddhi. You should circulate your awareness, breath and prana up and down in between these points. The actual chakra points are situated in the spine, so keep it there, ignore picrel's positioning, those are kshetram points, projections of the chakra points at the front of the body.

    Don't complicate things, take your awareness to manipura and climb up to vishuddhi passing through anahata, all in the spine. Your breath will follow your awareness and your prana will follow your breath, so really all you gotta do is maintain a tight awareness on this movement of going up and down from manipura to vishuddhi and from vishuddhi to manipura, imagine there's a channel/tube connecting them and travel up and down through it, feel the awareness, breath and prana pierce the chakra points when passing through them. Practice this regularly and it'll clean the peripheral nadis and sushumna and improve your overall health.

    Something that might also help you is to check on your vishnu granthi, the psychic knot spanning from manipura to vishuddhi, it's a natural knot formed by attachment to emotions, so if you're experiencing emotional turmoil that's also impacting your health. Gut issues are a symptom of blockage in the manipura chakra point and peripheral nadis and it's due to self-confidence issues and vishuddhi blockages are due to emotional distress stemming from secrecy or communication issues. Attend these issues by reflecting on them, you need to either address them or detach from them fully.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Thank you so much. The fun thing is that the least problem I have is communication concerning the vishuddhi blockage. I would even put myself as an above-average „outgoing person; at least from the outer. The thing is, I do not know what is there hiding from me to be articulated. It is weird. I may notice that I had a persistsnt nightmare as a child, and it was more of a pictured _feeling. Now it _actually is that the feeling I have in my throat is that feeling; I also have it prior to sleep sometimes.

      It is weird.. Gut issues might stem from me having an intrinsical strong will that has not been articulated for a long time; now I might just figure it out. Chakra/prana breathing seems to be strong.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The knots or granthi are big, natural blockages that stem from the primal need of "security". Brahma granthi which spans mooladhara and swadhisthana is a psychic knot formed by the security we derive from material possessions (a house, a phone, money...etc). Vishnu granthi which spans from manipura to vishuddhi is the knot formed by the security derived from emotional attachment (happiness, relationships like family, partners...etc). Rudra granthi which spans from ajna to sahasrara is the knot fromed by the security derived from identification with the manifest and fear of the transcendental.

        Untying the knots releases an immense flow of prana and mental energy with its consequent benefits, but it's not something everyone can afford if they plan on leading a normative societal life. That's why if you don't plan on untying the whole knot, detaching from its "security" the only option is to address the issues individually and try to balance them so they don't get out of hand. Best you can do for this is to simply observe, focus your awareness on the affected area and concentrate on it, naturally by moving your awareness there you will start experiencing the mental energy in that area, with enough observation enough gunk will come afloat which will give you clues on how to deal with and balance the issue.

        • 2 weeks ago

          How do I untie the knots?

          • 2 weeks ago

            By letting go. It might sound like an oversimplification but it really is just about focusing your awareness on each of the knots which are represented each by a lingam.

            You untie brahma granthi by letting go of the identification with the senses and the subsequent attachment to material objects and the external world. You realize you are not the body nor the sensations, brahma granthi is untied and the blockage cleared when this is fully realized. You untie vishnu granthi by letting go of the identification with the emotions and the subsequent attachment to relationships whether with humans, animals or objects, but specially with your own ego. You are not your emotions and with this is fully realized and equanimity is achieved vishnu granthi is untied and its blockage cleared.

            Lastly you untie rudra granthi by letting go of your attachment to and identification with the manifest. By realizing how the manifest is impermanent and illusory, including your body and mind, the only thing left is pure consciousness, atma, your real undivided self. When this is fully realized rudra granthi is untied, the blockage cleared and with all three knots untied and sushumna fully cleared the prana and mental energy flow freely and they're no longer contained in the illusory body and mind, now you're consciously one with the universe.

            Untying the knots isn't particularly hard in itself, in fact it's one of the first things taught in some schools of yoga. It becomes hard when you try to do it while also trying to maintain a normative societal life where you're fully submerged in all the attachment dynamics that keep the knots knotted. You can go to bed and think you really don't give a shit about your money, your possessions, your emotions...etc, but it amounts to nothing when you wake up and you're surrounded by them and pressure yourself to engage with them. This is why i said not everyone can afford to untie the knots, you need to sacrifice your current lifestyle.

          • 2 weeks ago


  2. 2 weeks ago

    Avoid processed food, they secret goitrogens which inhibit thyroid.
    Eat fresh and chew properly. Best is home grown or bought from grandma of outside city, otherwise try organic. Avoid drinking, we actually need very little liquid and most of it can be gotten from plants you'd eat due to high moisture content. Organic/wild/home grown is key.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Avoid processed food, they secrete goitrogens which inhibit thyroid.
    Eat fresh and chew properly. Best is home grown or bought from grandma outside of city, otherwise try organic. Avoid drinking, we actually need very little liquid and most of it can be gotten from plants you'd eat due to high moisture content. Organic/wild/home grown is key.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Do you suppress you speech or other communications? Do you silence yourself like a cuck or speak (for yourself) when fitting?

      He asked about a chakra and you gave a dietary advice, these two topics are not truly related. When the body dies the chakras still remain so those can't be about any diet.

      • 2 weeks ago

        No, thats part of what is weird. I am so outspoken I gave my last date kind of a mental breakdown, I just were „brutally honesta as she would have put it. I have a great „spine“ actually.

        That diet is probably because of the stomach issues.

        If it might be that authentic thing. As I habe said, I just do not know what my kind or „authentic would be. Might be it is kind of dark shit.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >I am so outspoken I gave my last date kind of a mental breakdown, I just were „brutally honesta as she would have put it.

          • 2 weeks ago

            :/. I do not even notice it.

        • 2 weeks ago

          That matches with over active throat chakra, in that case speak less only coming out with precise intent.

          Try a soft vow of silence for a few days, only communicating when social agreements or physical well being demands it. This means up to 20 words in a day outside of possible work life.
          Observer what you would wish to communicate and why, where is it truly coming from. The root cause of the current unbalance will be highlighted and your symptoms will lessen, assuming you honestly care about helping yourself and not just following the bullshit mind spews.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >these two topics are not truly related
        What a dumbass. You would feel like a dumbass too but you don't know why you're a dumbass.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Why don't you educate this dumbass by telling how it works.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Diet can affect your chakras, the same way any energy can affect your chakras in different ways.

          • 2 weeks ago

            That can work to some degree with a strong belief. No one has opened their chakras with diet.
            Google this topic and all you see is diet and color therapy, everything that works is suppressed.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    try speaking only truth.

    • 2 weeks ago

      speaking truth is not the only thing. It is also related to expressing authentically and sometimes people can speak the truth but be silenced or scorned from it. When that rejection or external denial embeds itself in your psyche, it can stifle one's self expression as well.

      • 2 weeks ago


        • 2 weeks ago

          i found that post to be cope tier bull shit but you seemed to agree, could you explain to me how you can be an authentic well not expressing truth?

      • 2 weeks ago

        if your being authentic isnt you expressing the truth your just lying, nothing fancy. if your being authentic is you expressing the truth any you encounter who you allow to silence you with sorn, are gasp not telling the truth, if you accept that, you too consume the lie.
        just speak the truth

  5. 2 weeks ago

    It is a little off-topic, but do you guys have an idea on what it is with the adrenal glands?

    In todays session i massaged whatnot of reflex points. When i landed up at my lefts food area for what are pretty sure theres, it hurt pretty decently. After going for it for a while, things got a little bit out of hand; I had a sour cough that would increase with aprupt moving/stretching and a massive fricking amount of spittle being produced.

    It somehow is a good example for how I think I communicate though. It, imho, is pretty unto „what is happening“. Thats why I would not notice when I am getting inappropriate, for me is just facts kind of.

    • 2 weeks ago

      … I also look very young ;D whom it might interest.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    It is because of muscular imbalances causing excess tension in your neck. A rough and general line of logic for the frequent PC user is that the muscles in your hips are knotted up from sitting too long, which causes uneven distribution of force throughout your back muscles, which is then compensated for by your chest, which then causes tightness and weakness in your neck.

    Realistically, it's all tightness and weakness and imbalances in all of those regions at once because if you're feeling it consciously, it's likely to have developed to a certain extent already. General remedy, from what I've gathered (because it's something that I'm dealing with myself), is to release muscle knots through conscious tension. The jaw and the hips are good points to focus on, although you'll still find these imbalances throughout the whole body.

    All the shit about diet and chakras is mostly useless when it concerns your physical state, because how will speaking the truth or breathing properly or eating better help a neck that's fricked up from tension? Good luck.

    • 2 weeks ago

      begone normie

    • 2 weeks ago

      Stretching helps when you have a muscle problem, still your problem and the whole physical body appears through your chakras.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    The chakras and nadis are a psychic bridge between the physiological and psychological, that is why the model uses vital (prana) and mental (chitta) energy to describe the processes. It all sounds mystical but that's because the model is expressed through a heavily mystical and old tradition.

    If one takes time to study the structure and the techniques rather than seeing it as some sort of mysterious magic and winging the practice it'll bring health benefits and ways of dealing with sickness that modern medicine simply just doesn't cover.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >The chakras and nadis are a psychic bridge between the physiological and psychological
      Completely wrong. You wish to try again?
      If chakras would be the bridge, then where those two come from?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Like i already said the chakras and nadis are an inbetween, this is why they manage prana shakti and chitta shakti, they have qualities of and connect both the physiological and psychological, vital and mental.

        • 2 weeks ago

          So you found a way to promote the body to equal importance. There is no body before prana, meaning there is no sandwich that the chakras bridge. One comes from another, this is how nature orders itself, think in hierarchies.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I've said chakras and nadis manage both the physical and mental, anything else outside that narrative, you're adding it.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Someone once presented Chakras to me as big groupings(roots) of nerves from your spinalcord. If we look at it like that, what could cause issues here? Diet and lifestyle would be too easy, so how about we ask about your emotional stage? Do you feel like you have a lot of unsaid words stuck in you? Maybe you know its time to speak up for yourself, but have delayed it. I’m sure if you soul search a bit, you’ll find some answers. Once you find a lead, use it as a ladder to dwelve deeper into the problem, get to the root of it.
    Emotional issues can and will manifest themselves as physical symptoms.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Can I fix my whiny b***h voice through throat chakra work?

  10. 2 weeks ago

    Since it is not acceptable for a man to cry, he accumulates a lot of tension in his throat. Many outbursts of anger are just repressed crying. You don't resolve years of repression quickly, but being aware of it is already something.
    We should not ignore sayings that are actually significant and can cause problems such as feeling a lump in the throat, feeling a weight in the chest, etc.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yea, def. I have not cried in ages, my ex even asked me wether I did on the occasion breaking up with her at least. Tbh I think I would have some breakdown if I would cry for once, i actually would like to induce it. Am not even some particulary rude boy btw, just locked I guess. I btw. don‘t think that it is necessarely b/cause „boys don‘t cry“, for me at least I have a feeling that you just „mute“ for some or anpther reason.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    stop telling lies butthole

  12. 2 weeks ago

    Give it room to breathe.
    Hang your head back in meditation and feel the tension.
    You don't need to pull your head back, just rest it between your shoulders. The weight of your cranium will pull the front neck muscles and that'll alleviate any physical tension they have.
    Push out your chest at the same time and pull your arms back to let the neck muscles pull your heart chakra open as well, if you feel the blockage sits a bit lower.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    >moron gets into basic b***h meditation
    >suddenly starts paying attention to his body
    >his body is fricked already from doing stupid shit for years

    >Ummm, guys, it's my throat chakra acting up, it's esoteric and related to meditation and it's definitely not throat cancer or other throat pathology due to me smoking

    >proceeds to ask for advice a schizo board instead of going to the doctor
    many such cases

    • 2 weeks ago

      It is probably a thing, still you do not have to be a psychic to tell that the throat-area is somehow psychosomatically relevant. Those chakras then are a handy and relevant thing to deal with it.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    do the chakra shit but also get checked for throat tumors. they'll blame the smoking but it's probably pesticides.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    its telling you to be quiet
    ever get accused of talking a lot?

  16. 2 weeks ago

    How do I cure my hypothyroidism

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