Is there any method to improve visualization ability? I believe I have some sort of aphantasia.

Is there any method to improve visualization ability?

I believe I have some sort of aphantasia. Everytime I try to visualize/imagine something in my mind I either see nothing, or barely "see" anything. And when I "see" something, it doesn't feel the same as when I'm really seeing something with my actual eyes.

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  1. 2 years ago

    The same way you improve any other ability, you fricking moron. Some shitty larp thread died for this

  2. 2 years ago

    Visualization is useless, see what already is.

  3. 2 years ago

    First, when you close your body eyes, it is pitch black, yes.
    But there is the thing, you forget the black part. You forget everything. You are not there and eventually you'll see. Do not seek control, instead ride the waves.
    Try meditating for 12 hours.

  4. 2 years ago

    >And when I "see" something, it doesn't feel the same as when I'm really seeing something with my actual eyes.
    Do not try to see what is not there, it is a thought form in the minds eye.

    • 2 years ago

      >Do not try to see what is not there, it is a thought form in the minds eye.
      >t. hylic
      When I visualize, it exists in reality. It's not just some idea in the mind.

      • 2 years ago

        No it doesn't because this world is not real

        • 2 years ago

          >proving my point

  5. 2 years ago

    You need a mantra to meditate on and chant.

  6. 2 years ago

    Find hot big booba woman that makes pee-pee hard. Stare at her picture, then close your eyes and try to imagine her. As a bonus point, after you success you will naturally manipulate your imagination to do the deed, thereby killing two birds with one stone.

  7. 2 years ago

    lots of practice with a systematic approach. Seishin Shuyo: mental training in traditional martial arts presents the training methodology of the budoka, using breath meditation and so on:
    >kihon 1: awareness
    >kihon 2: concentration
    >kihon 3: visualization
    >kihon 4: expansion
    >kihon 5: inner sanctum
    i'm not going to describe the details here. Buy the ebook, there's chapters that describe explicitly how to improve visualization ability it's like 7 dollars.

  8. 2 years ago

    Read Liber E vel Exercitiorum, practice the exercises in it every day and work your way up to more complicated objects.

  9. 2 years ago

    Try playing chess. Do a bunch of tactics puzzles. After a while, you might not actually see anything, but certain positions will look familiar to you. And that's basically what visualization is.

    At least for me, visualization is more like a memory. It's like how a smell can bring you back to a location. Your brain does the funny association from the smell, and you forget about your immediate surroundings for all the crazy shit that's going on inside your head.

    It's like hearing a song inside your head, and if it's intense enough, it can get to the point where you can't really tell if what you're hearing is from your ears or your memories.

    "Did I see an apple in my lunchbag? yes. yes I did! I swear I saw it." Turns out there was not apple, and you're just dumb or something.

    I guess the "visualization" Part really happens when you're not looking at anything and you still can remember how something looks. Just like how you can remember music.

    Just, get really familiar with the thing you want to visualize, and then try to induce those memories while you have a blindfold on or something.

    Like, get in a car, drive to the end of a road where it feels natural for there to be a stop sign, and then you might be able to actually visualize one.

  10. 2 years ago

    Go for a week without looking at a digital screen

    Also try to "be" in a place instead of seeing (you are focusing/looking at the backside of your eyelids, ofcourse you wont see anything!)

  11. 2 years ago

    how to visualize lottery numbers (next drawing)

  12. 2 years ago

    I want the vivid visualization I find in dreams. How can I get that when practicing the techniques? What I'm putting together is like outlines of figures, it's nothing vivid. What gives?

    • 2 years ago

      Roll your eyes back into their sockets

  13. 2 years ago

    It's more of a feeling than an immediate visual. Start with just being in tune with your senses, and the mind visual non-imagry will come.

    • 2 years ago

      Okay, so we're talking sticking with the back of the eye outlines until we get to the trance, which makes us produce the proper hormones for "eyeless vision"?
      That makes sense. I was sort of expecting that anyway.

  14. 2 years ago

    Stop jerking off.

  15. 2 years ago

    1-1.5 grams of schrooms. That should help out.

  16. 2 years ago

    Turn off the lights

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