Is it possible that everyone could be involved in a plot to ensure my downfall?

I think a lot of people have been conspiring against me, I don't know why, from a young age:
>bullied excessively by classmates
>didn't end until the end of high school
>people talk about me behind my back as an adult
>in school I used to be specifically placed in classes with the worst performing students (while I was a high performing one) with absolutely no rationale whatsoever
Am I cursed or is someone acting against me, to bring about my downfall?

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  1. 1 month ago

    Bow down before the Almighty Sovereign and humbly ask him for guidance. If you do this every day you might not only get an answer from God, but you might also end up realizing you are possessed by a wicked spirit when they start getting annoyed by you worshipping and seeking the Almighty Sovereign.

    • 1 month ago

      Shut the frick up you stupid abracuck

    • 1 month ago

      Stick your "almigthy" sovereign where the sun don't shine!

  2. 1 month ago

    I honestly have experienced similar gang stalking situations. I used to think gang stalking was schizo but i believe it to be true, especially when you are a god-fearing Christian.

    • 1 month ago

      I'm not a Christian but I genuinely think that people are in some kind of plot to bring me down
      I know no one who has gone through the kind of life that I have, it's insane

      • 1 month ago

        I feel the same way, do you live in an average suburban town. My town is pretty small but with a lot of history and masonic symbolism.

        • 1 month ago

          Yeah mine is basically that, it was almost completely destroyed during WW2 so I don't know of anything Masonic here
          I think I might just look weird or something, even though I don't say strange things, I dress properly, I don't spazz out or anything, I genuinely don't understand
          I was once attacked by random teenagers while I was walking back from the store
          My professors in college seem to like to put me in situations when I am humiliated, it has happened more than once
          I genuinely don't understand

          • 1 month ago

            Interesting, one time I experienced intense deja vu with an uber driver, and he was playing satanic beyonce music while hanging a purple cross and, everything played out the same like the last time that the uber driver picked me up, I mean EVERYTHING. He also had a demonic look to him. Like I said I believe in gangstalking,I suggest that you pray to Jesus Christ for protection.

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah some people I talk to have these genuine demonic looks in their eyes, I don't know what it is. It doesn't happen with everyone, but it happens with some people
            I can look at someone and feel what they are like

          • 1 month ago

            Interesting, one time I experienced intense deja vu with an uber driver, and he was playing satanic beyonce music while hanging a purple cross and, everything played out the same like the last time that the uber driver picked me up, I mean EVERYTHING. He also had a demonic look to him. Like I said I believe in gangstalking,I suggest that you pray to Jesus Christ for protection.

            Yeah some people I talk to have these genuine demonic looks in their eyes, I don't know what it is. It doesn't happen with everyone, but it happens with some people
            I can look at someone and feel what they are like

            see, it is you that is being judmental and project rejection, if you live your life constantly on the look out for rejection, you will get it.

            Because its you guys who are judging and rejecting, the world is just mirroring you

          • 1 month ago

            To the contrary, people took advantage of me more when I loved life more. I honored the virtues of love, empathy, patience, and altruism. People just interpreted it as weakness and took advantage. It's only in lucid hindsight that I can see just how consistently fricked over I got. Since becoming hardened and desensitized to life, some people still try to snake me and gossip but most just stay away from me.

          • 1 month ago

            What's your Chiron placement? Chiron in 3rd or 11th house is all about never truly fitting in anywhere and getting slandered. And since Chiron is the unhealable wound, it's a lifetime experience.

      • 1 month ago

        Bro a few days ago there was a thread "why are most people empty vessels for demonic attacks" and it talks about the same shit.

    • 1 month ago

      It could be possible anon, however do you want to create reality in such a way for yourself? That's like playing the game on god mode with no stats

      >Is it possible that everyone could be involved in a plot to ensure my downfall?
      get over yourself

      its you, you are causing this

      and with this I dont mean you OP, are doing anything "bad", but the world is a responsive environment, we are part of that environment

      when random people act towards you in such a way, it means you are projecting energy that is welcoming or even encouraging such behaviors

      not to sound very cliche, but the dream will protect itself, reality is alive and somehow you are projecting yourself with a "enemy" biase, energy whatever

      you can invert this, learn to love yourself, and you will project love outwards, and reality will respond

      your soul is send here to look out after, and to love the human you inhabit, truly you are a wonderful miracle event, honor God by honoring yourself

      and by this I mean, the feeling, you know, the feeling of you being you, do you want to be? do you feel like you love existing?

      • 1 month ago

        No, I am transgender and I hate myself

        • 1 month ago

          >I am transgender

 whats that got to do with anything?

          >and I hate myself

          thats the issue, and dude, you could be tall or short black or white male or female or whatever, the fact that you "hate yourself" has nothing to do with any of that

          we all eat shit in life, but the thing is, do you see enough good, in life and yourself, that makes you want to exist??

          you are existing for a reason, you must remember it

          until you love yourself enough to want to exist, you wont understand suffering, and if you dont understand it, of course it will fuel your rejecting of existence

      • 1 month ago

        Bless you

      • 1 month ago

        OP, this anon is right, as unfair as it seems. I had similar life experiences to you growing up, and looking back, I now understand that due to the environment I grew up in, I was giving out "treat me like shit" energy, because that was all I knew. This followed me into adulthood, with all kinds of fricky things happening, always feeling targeted by people, and it was true. They ~were~ targeting me. It is not in your head. Part of the problem is that people who are good and decent are subconsciously repelled by this downtrodden energy, even if they don't mean to be, and it attracts shitbirds and predators.

        So what can you do? In my case I had to spend 2 years in isolation from other people to work on my own issues. I had been living in hard denial of how bad it was, and had to accept a lot about my life, about myself and my own reactions/behavior. When I got mentally healthy and was ready, I tried putting myself out there again. This time I have managed to make some good friends, and even though people still talk shit about me, I realized that those same people also talk shit about everyone, and they aren't targeting me specifically to frick with me like they used to.

        I will never be fully accepted by others, and I am okay with that now.

        and you cant just love yourself falsely

        you need to think, remember your life, remember good and bad, like when we die, in all our lives, we have love worthy moments, and shameful selfish moments, both are part of it

        love yourself for when you manifested love, forgive yourself when you manifested hate and selfishness

        if you truly accept yourself, you will see the world will respond, its like "magic", because we are a big quantum computer, all of reality is connected

        you are powerful, very very powerful, all the demons ever would do millions of years of enslavement, just for the chance to be you for 5 min

        you are truly a son of God, my brother, and I love you

        rise my brother, awaken!!

        This anon speaks the truth too. Acceptance is a huge part of the process of healing, because we can't make changes if we don't see what needs doing.

        masons hate autistic people because they can't brainwash us as easy as the neurotypical ones

        Lol this is also a factor though. There is a faction of masons that rules the area I grew up in. My grandfather was a master Mason (frick that guy, he was a monster), so that's the only reason I know they exist and control most institutions there. I was targeted by once I started middle school. That school was run entirely by masonic families. One teacher (and their extended family) was even a Kali cultist who did blood sacrifices and shit. If you still live in that town, move and start over. It's not worth staying in such a corrupt place

  3. 1 month ago

    It could be possible anon, however do you want to create reality in such a way for yourself? That's like playing the game on god mode with no stats

  4. 1 month ago

    >Is it possible that everyone could be involved in a plot to ensure my downfall?
    get over yourself

  5. 1 month ago

    and you cant just love yourself falsely

    you need to think, remember your life, remember good and bad, like when we die, in all our lives, we have love worthy moments, and shameful selfish moments, both are part of it

    love yourself for when you manifested love, forgive yourself when you manifested hate and selfishness

    if you truly accept yourself, you will see the world will respond, its like "magic", because we are a big quantum computer, all of reality is connected

    you are powerful, very very powerful, all the demons ever would do millions of years of enslavement, just for the chance to be you for 5 min

    you are truly a son of God, my brother, and I love you

    rise my brother, awaken!!

  6. 1 month ago

    I will pray for all of you

    May the eternal awareness of being is manifested in you all, in its purest form

    its already in you, AWAKEN!!!!!!!!

    • 1 month ago

      Thanks anon, we're on the same page. It's going to happen. We just have some road bumps to cross first. Love you

    • 1 month ago

      Love you, homosexual

  7. 1 month ago

    masons hate autistic people because they can't brainwash us as easy as the neurotypical ones

    • 1 month ago

      Gangstalking isn't real you are mentally ill.

      • 1 month ago

        It's more like, a society designed to ruin us, not talking about gangstalking here.

      • 1 month ago


  8. 1 month ago

    Ive been noticing this too. Maybe the system considers you a threat and so it makes all the NPC's antagonize you. Just know I love you man.

  9. 1 month ago

    That is what happens when the school system sucks basically, had the same thing happen to me, they are not worth doing anything to because one day you won't have to pretend to like them or be around them anymore.

  10. 1 month ago

    Is the opposite possible as well? The entities of the universe are working together to help me succeed, tragedy avoids me and things magically go well when they shouldn't. Unfortunately for the entities I'm highly incompetent and lazy, and frick up many of their opportunities and blessings.

    • 1 month ago

      Checked for absolutely! Despite everything stupid I saw and dealt with, I also had many instances where I felt that I had been protected. Many times I should have died, but didn't. Many times I had fortunate things happen for me that logically shouldn't have. In the end I managed to escape that place, and eventually my shitty family, through pure luck and nothing to do with my own efforts to do so.

  11. 1 month ago

    >Is it possible that everyone could be involved in a plot to ensure my downfall?
    The entire universe revolves around OP!

  12. 1 month ago

    Targeted individual
    Autism spectrum
    Potential religious leader
    They identify us at birth from our genetics and astrology, try to demoralize us and keep us down from an early age

  13. 1 month ago

    I'm not plotting your downfall, Anon.

  14. 1 month ago

    This is just typical human behavior! They do it to everybody they don't like....

    • 1 month ago

      They do it because they don't like themselves*

  15. 1 month ago

    You are in an experiment. You are one of the "gifted" - see the GATE threads.

    Why they do this shit to us I don't know, on the face of it the purpose is to create maximum stress.

  16. 1 month ago

    The "gifted" are dealing with two phenomenon.

    The first is the normy humans have a biological instinct to hate us. The low IQ ones will physically attack us, the higher IQ ones will socially attack us. Both will do it as a herd. If you went through public schools you already got a lot of this.

    The second is that the people running the experiment will send their puppets to frick with you, and this is some kind of deliberate plan that is within the parameters of the experiment.

    It is important to learn to discriminate between the two.

    • 1 month ago

      This, right now they're using a bunch of Indians (the easiest people to make slaves and control) do all the dirty work for them

  17. 1 month ago

    Correct. You are too good. That is why they don't know what to do with you, but let me tell you a little secret. You know what to do with yourself. Good luck~

  18. 1 month ago

    Same, unfortunately I went to catholic schools
    One time the principal pulled me aside and said "You know I watch you at recess?" with a smirk on her face

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