Inheriting Nightmares?

For as long as I can remember, I rarely have ever had "good dreams". Either I don't remember them at all, or I have vivid and terrible nightmares.

The vast majority of the time, I don't remember my dreams. Because of this, I just deal with the nightmares when they happen.

I have a 10 month old daughter, and over the past couple of weeks, we've seen her grow cognitively by leaps and bounds. She's already walking. However, as she has grown cognitively, she has also begun to have nightmares of her own. I often have to step in to calm her down in the night, as she lays motionless, screaming a cry that I recognize as distress.

She is taken care of by family, she hasn't had any big scares or anytyhing. But now I'm seeing her deal with the same nightmares that have plagued me my whole life.

Did I anger a witch?
Have I been cursed?
Did I piss of a demon?

Is there any way to fix this? Reiki? Blessings? Counter charms? I never thought much about my shitty dreaming, until it has effected my daughter to. I don't want her cursed with the same shitty sleep that I've had all my life.

Can you inherit nightmares?

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  1. 2 years ago

    is this localized at your house? do you get nightmares staying at hotels? it might just be something hungry living at your house you need to take care of

    • 2 years ago

      I've moved several times over the course of my life. There was one particular house that caused my nightmares to become a common occurance. But we ended up moving out of there pretty quickly. Otherwise the usually no dreams + occaisional nightmares have persisted.

      My daughter has only lived in my current house. But this nightmare spree is new with her increased intelligence. It's not every night, but frequent enough that its got me asking questions now.

  2. 2 years ago

    Normally (read non-paranormally) nightmares are not inherited. What can be inherited though is some kind of bodily condition that causes your nightmares. They may be something related to your focus or mood changes during sleep, or the overgrowth of a specific side of the brain in relation to the other.

    • 2 years ago

      Any suggestions on a way to treat that? Mushroom capsules? Meditation?

      • 2 years ago

        do not under any circumstances give your 10mo. old daughter mushrooms.

        it's most likely nothing paranormal. you and your daughter might have a tendency for stress, which causes the nightmares. when you lived in that one house when they became common, were you by any chance going through puberty, or were the circumstances of you moving there particularly stressful (in school, at home or at work)?

        • 2 years ago

          I'd never give her mushrooms. I'm not even sure I'd ever give myself mushrooms. I was speaking of like Reishi or Lion's Mane capsules for myself, in case it would help.

          I definitely have a tendency for stress. It's something I've been fighting against pretty much my whole life.

          The particularly bad house was as I was entering puberty. As well, one of the main reasons we moved out so quickly was my parents realized within a few months they couldn't afford the place. So could have been picking up on their financial stress.

          • 2 years ago

            good, I was worried you might want to do something really stupid, let alone illegal.

            >I definitely have a tendency for stress.
            >I was entering puberty.
            that's it then, at least in my opinion. genetic tendency for stress would also explain your daughter's nightmares. to be clear, I know it's /x/ and I don't fully discard the possibility of it being paranormal, but my theory is far more plausible. try to put yourself in a relaxed mood before going to sleep, more so than usually. maybe take some melatonin before sleep, it sometimes helps achieve a more rewarding sleep, might as well help with the nightmares.

            I can't help with your daughter, don't have kinds, don't want to give the wrong advice.

          • 2 years ago

            I appreciate that, I'm not here for just paranormal, but when I think dream weirdness, I think about /x/ so I thought I'd check in.

            I've definitely been working on my stress, it's always been a challenge. I doubt my daughter is particularly stressed because she goes from love to love. But if it's a predisposition, then there's not a lot we can do about that other than handle it with grace and understanding.

            It's definitely disturbing to come into her room and see her lying completely still, face down, just screaming. But the good news is she calms down very quickly when I flip her over and reassure her. Alway just going right back to sleep.

          • 2 years ago

            she's 10 months old, she's stressed from just existing. you have to remember she's just a baby. I don't know about her lying face-down, though. Is that normal? I haven't encountered it with any baby really (not that I have a great amount of experience),

          • 2 years ago

            Epigenetic causes are possible. It's proven that if mom is stressed it gets passed down and modifies the child's genes. There were studies done on refugee women and their children that you can look into.

            I know from experience parasominas run in bloodlines. I personally have the pleasure of sleep paralysis and my sibling has bad dreams they can't remember and also hits/punches people in their sleep. I've seen the brusies they have accidentally on their SOs before.

            Now for the paranormal parts. Some things that have helped me tremendously over a lifetime of insomnia.

            It would do no harm to burn some sage and smudge the area.

            Find some quartz to keep around. I keep a hunk of it I found by my night stand. Go crystal hunting or to a gem show and let her pick out what she's drawn to. It can't hurt.

            Dream catchers don't hurt either, just don't forget to replace them annually, handmade is infinity better than purchased.

            Linen spray is very easy to make and can help calm the room. Water, alcohol and some oils in a spray bottle. Lavender, or cedar work good for me.

            Some herbs as it's my witchy specialty I would recommend is mugworth and passion flower. It will calm the mind and spirit before bed. You can find them in tea forms, a little honey an hour before bed and your mind will have pleasant thoughts.

            Another herb I've been testing is in the nervine class. Ghost pipe tincture may be worth looking into.

            Good luck and I hope your sweet heart can get some good rest!

            Shit I thought you wrote 10 years!

            No linen spray or herbs if she's that young!

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not OP, but he did write '10 months old'.

            I know it's off-topic but, what does it mean to be a witch exactly? Do you believe in the spiritual part of it (if there is any - I seriously don't know), or just the herbal/natural medicine side of it?

          • 2 years ago

            Seems to be normal for her, when she was younger she slept only on her back, but once she learned how to roll over, and now walk. When I lay her down in bed, she'll often roll up onto her side, and later roll onto her front and stick her butt up in the air, eventually flattening out as the night goes on. Her head's turned and she can breath just fine.

            Good point, we often do tell her it's tough being a baby. It's probably a lot tougher than I give her credit for.

            Epigenetic causes are possible. It's proven that if mom is stressed it gets passed down and modifies the child's genes. There were studies done on refugee women and their children that you can look into.

            I know from experience parasominas run in bloodlines. I personally have the pleasure of sleep paralysis and my sibling has bad dreams they can't remember and also hits/punches people in their sleep. I've seen the brusies they have accidentally on their SOs before.

            Now for the paranormal parts. Some things that have helped me tremendously over a lifetime of insomnia.

            It would do no harm to burn some sage and smudge the area.

            Find some quartz to keep around. I keep a hunk of it I found by my night stand. Go crystal hunting or to a gem show and let her pick out what she's drawn to. It can't hurt.

            Dream catchers don't hurt either, just don't forget to replace them annually, handmade is infinity better than purchased.

            Linen spray is very easy to make and can help calm the room. Water, alcohol and some oils in a spray bottle. Lavender, or cedar work good for me.

            Some herbs as it's my witchy specialty I would recommend is mugworth and passion flower. It will calm the mind and spirit before bed. You can find them in tea forms, a little honey an hour before bed and your mind will have pleasant thoughts.

            Another herb I've been testing is in the nervine class. Ghost pipe tincture may be worth looking into.

            Good luck and I hope your sweet heart can get some good rest!


            Shit I thought you wrote 10 years!

            No linen spray or herbs if she's that young!

            Thank you for the advice. I've actually been re-doing my office and we've begun to buy some crystals for decoration. I really like the idea of taking her to a gem show and letting her pick out something she's attracted to. I actually have a really good memory of a time I did that as a child.

            We do have a couple hand made dream catchers in her room. Though not hanging directly over her. I've got one hanging in my bedroom that I've had for over a decade. Maybe the sucker is just full and leaking. I thought Sunlight was supposed to clean them out.

          • 2 years ago

            Sorry bout the mix up there!

            That would be awesome and a good memory to pass on, love the idea!

            If sunlight fails on the dream catcher replace it.

            How about healing tones? I'm unfortunately not able to have children myself but recently had a very sick elderly dog. I would look up tones from youtube and you could see the dog relax, and actually get comfortable. Poor dog was old to the point of being restless but the tunes took care of her. Might be worth a try and any crystals would act as amplifiers.

  3. 2 years ago

    Epigenetic causes are possible. It's proven that if mom is stressed it gets passed down and modifies the child's genes. There were studies done on refugee women and their children that you can look into.

    I know from experience parasominas run in bloodlines. I personally have the pleasure of sleep paralysis and my sibling has bad dreams they can't remember and also hits/punches people in their sleep. I've seen the brusies they have accidentally on their SOs before.

    Now for the paranormal parts. Some things that have helped me tremendously over a lifetime of insomnia.

    It would do no harm to burn some sage and smudge the area.

    Find some quartz to keep around. I keep a hunk of it I found by my night stand. Go crystal hunting or to a gem show and let her pick out what she's drawn to. It can't hurt.

    Dream catchers don't hurt either, just don't forget to replace them annually, handmade is infinity better than purchased.

    Linen spray is very easy to make and can help calm the room. Water, alcohol and some oils in a spray bottle. Lavender, or cedar work good for me.

    Some herbs as it's my witchy specialty I would recommend is mugworth and passion flower. It will calm the mind and spirit before bed. You can find them in tea forms, a little honey an hour before bed and your mind will have pleasant thoughts.

    Another herb I've been testing is in the nervine class. Ghost pipe tincture may be worth looking into.

    Good luck and I hope your sweet heart can get some good rest!

  4. 2 years ago

    Just a theory,

    As a kid I used to be able to tell my parents things that I had no business knowing about their past.

    Lots of "how the hell did you know that"

    Could have something to do with them being genetically related. I am unsure.

  5. 2 years ago

    Dreams to the non initiated are a glimpse of the other realms as well as this realm through the perception of the second (non physical) body. If you start writing down your dream experiences, (dream journal) you will begin to attain mastery over your dreams. Consider the nightmares a gift as it may inspire you to do what I described and become lucid in the dream world. This leads to the ability of Astral travel and having co plate control over your life and even greater, limitless abilities and things, and life nd lucidity after death. Robert Monroe has good information for beginners.

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