I'm I the only person who thinks all this nonsense about aliens is just a way to distract us about our true orgins from long lost civilizations l...

I'm I the only person who thinks all this nonsense about aliens is just a way to distract us about our true orgins from long lost civilizations like Mu, or Atlantis?

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  1. 1 month ago

    If those civilizations existed who would benefit from covering it up?

    • 1 month ago

      The new world order, governments in general who want to control the narrative of our history to fool mankind into accepting what the state wants.

    • 1 month ago

      The people/beings who caused those civilizations to fall.

      • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago


        Digits confirm.

      • 1 month ago

        >be ancient master of the earth
        >build inductive vertical shunts connected to large bodies of water all over the earthin all buildings to harness sol-terran crcuits as glorious direct current to power all the needs of my houses.
        >sun novas just alittle
        >every building in the entirety of my masterful civilization burn in sustained electrical fires for days or weeks as excess valance electrons exceed the heat threshold of my inductive shunts
        >this benefits me directly, somehow, demonstration pending

      • 4 weeks ago

        and they are still with us

    • 1 month ago

      the people who have spent at least 6000 years engineering methods of controlling other people at their core level

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      >If those civilizations existed who would benefit from covering it up?

    • 1 month ago


      I'm I the only person who thinks all this nonsense about aliens is just a way to distract us about our true orgins from long lost civilizations like Mu, or Atlantis?

      Atlantea and Lemerija are higher planes. Following some escalation of the most moronic sort (think witch wars but on turbohomosexualry mode) there were invasions on both regions until a series of events made them be banished from their home planes.
      There is a slow release of spirits and a very hard to breach wall in the spiritual realms erected by some higher guard entities. When I visited the Lemerijan planes during a spiritual awakening it felt fresh and like morning dew, but vacated and empty like all the original dwellers were gone. Another time I wad in a lower darker space where I saw some nonhuman beings. They were spiteful and nasty, like a shadow of what they once were. As if the road above was open to them but they had not the eyes to see them.

      There's a lot to benefit from secrecy. Being touched by the beings from my home plane lead to more direction and authenticity and life force. If you spend time with falsehoods and inner contractions then you lose energy. It also makes you more impervious to deception and elevates your spiritual development. Understanding that old conflict reveals a wealth of knowledge regarding the nature of spiritual conflicts, health and ways of life. Its not important to know where it was physically. Its about knowing your own role, loss, trauma and higher life.

      I remember both places fondly. I also hate my "home" so to say, because of that moronic conflict. I also can't fault their extreme prejudice and harshness because what they were up against sought to devour and corrupt their memory. Imagine spending ages to terraform a world only to have it be threatened and undone by some bs. Of course at large you can easily uplift three more in the queue but shits still sour. Lotta work down the drain for muhdick tier aggression.

      • 1 month ago

        The Quakes - Home Again

        • 1 month ago

          That place will never be returned to though. Some things are better off dead and gone. I still remember the breath of relief that echoed through an entire collective when those dark shits started falling one by one or had their irony repaid to them by those they thought below them.

          I still feel the shame and the utter disgust. From the higher planes at the offences conducted against and in retaliation. So much effort poured into covering up matters and so little in actual building and care. If you ever leave this incarnation test every spirit that comes to you and accept nothing but the highest. That vermin would gladly snare you while appearing as benevolent. No one needs to lead or guide you. Your inner survived it and all you need are your true brothers and sisters at your side.

          • 1 month ago

            >In the days of the Ram when I was a little boy, life was destitute and very arduous. At that particular point in time Atlatia had already lost its technology, for its scientific centers in the north had been destroyed long ago. In their experiments with traveling on light, the Atlatians had pierced the cloud cover that completely surrounded your planet, much as it surrounds Venus today. When they pierced the stratosphere, great waters fell and a freeze occurred, which put most of Lemuria and the northern parts of Atlatia under great oceans; thus the people from Lemuria and the north of Atlatia fled to the southern regions of Atlatia.

            >Once technology was lost in the north of Atlatia, life gradually became primitive in the south. During the hundred years before all of Atlatia was submerged, the southernmost region was a primitive Atlatia that had degenerated into the rule of tyrants. The tyrants governed the people not through a republic but through irrefutable law. In the government of irrefutable law, the Lemurians were considered the dung of the earth, less than a dog in the street.

            >Contemplate for a moment being spat upon, urinated upon, and allowed to wash it away only with your tears. Contemplate knowing that the dogs in the streets have greater nourishment than you who hunger for anything to kill the agony in your belly.

            >In the streets of Onai, it was common to see the brutalization of children and the beating and rape of women. It was common to see Atlatians pass a starving Lemurian on the road and hold their noses with kerchiefs of fine linen dipped in jasmine and rose water, for we were considered stinking, wretched things. We were the no-things, the soulless, mindless wastes of intellect because we were without the scientific understanding of such things as gases and light. Because we did not possess an intellectual bent, as it were, we were turned into slaves to work the fields.

            --The White Book, Ramtha

          • 1 month ago

            >The tyrants governed the people not through a republic but through irrefutable law. In the government of irrefutable law
            >the Lemurians were considered the dung of the earth, less than a dog in the street.
            This sentiment and hatred existed long before the tyrannical rule rose (around that time I also broke off) and it was just made use of to make it easier to blow off steam. Atlanteans and Lemerijans were not so different, but the technocracy detested spiritual meddling.
            >Contemplate for a moment being spat upon, urinated upon, and allowed to wash it away only with your tears
            >or we were considered stinking, wretched things.
            Ahem. This was the end-result of a bunch of astral abuse, predominantly the selling out of, snaring, binding and being abusive to spiritual beings. Much of that was also like some spirits were lured, trapped and then driven mad and flung at "foes" and "enemies" after-which the ravaging, pained spirit was usually combated and disposed.

            Even when very young I felt apprehensive about the narrative of Lemerijans being victims, even as a kid I felt an immediate sneer and distrust. Even folk who ended up defending their way of life ended up in the maw of the beings that they sold their people out to, so negativity abounds. In pursuit of power some used any measure, even if that depleted the natural reserves of spiritual energy of their environment. In consequence the collective unconscious of that place turned very hostile, which was also a precursor to the rebellion / dumpsterfire that followed. Ironically some of the nasty tyrannical folk were from Lemerija, either exiled or moved over to make use of the outrage. It would also not surprise me if some agents sparked the cultural seed of thought that would eventually lead to conflict.

            Atlantea and Lemerija were the same people. It was a kind of colony of thought where nomads of the stars could build anew while banding together. What resulted was a patchwork or archipelago of realms.

    • 1 month ago

      >not a single actual answer
      fpbp lmao that's all it takes! just SCRATCH the surface. You're not meant to actually think, anon, these are the very npcs they themselves call skeptics.

      • 1 month ago

        Because you would have to re-write history, what is taught in schools, as well as keep a established narrative where everyone has to agree on the same thing? Just look at that butthole Zahi Hawass in Egypt, he is actively holding back humanity knowing that the mainstream narrative is not what we are lead to believe. Hell he was such a butthole he got fired, then must of sucked a few miles of dick to just get his job back for whatever reason

        • 1 month ago

          >re-write history, what is taught in schools
          this happens sometimes, anon
          >established narrative where everyone has to agree on the same thing
          people can't agree on a damn thing, let alone a common narrative of world history, that's already probably one of the most disputed areas!

          Now that dickhead we're on the same page about, but at least his motive is entirely clear. It really is just money.

          • 1 month ago

            You would have to re-write the orgins of humanity anon, thats not something you just do all willy nilly. Its not a " ok yea we found some new information about this place, we will have to change a few lines in this textbook", its a entire upheaval of all we think we know about our past. Im talking way back btw, places like Gobekli tepe

    • 1 month ago

      How would the One World Goverment profit from giant pyramids and skyscrapers that generate free ether/electricity?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Taking away people's history give you the ability to write it yourself and mold it as you see fit to best service you.

      • 4 weeks ago

        thank you anon

    • 4 weeks ago

      there is something quite interesting in how reality is mostly perceived by humans in 3rd Density
      we humans evolved to learn and create/choose our experiences largely by stories. the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves and about others plays a huge part on defining our belief systems, which in turn reflect our perceived reality. this also plays a part in how we experience memory
      if people can proclaim some authority and control what stories we are allowed to tell ourselves (narrative) then, by definition, they can impose a form of 'mass control' on what people might choose to experience.
      granted, the word 'control' is used loosely and may only target a specific (but large) subgroup of people.
      In the end everyone has their own right to choose what stories they want to believe in regardless of a 'global narrative'.. hence this thread.

      anyway, in short
      by denying the existence of Mu and Atlantis they deny a huge part of humanities great story
      where that story would lead humanity is anyone's guess

  2. 1 month ago

    the problem is that not everything can be a psyop of a psyop of a psyop and something must be correct.

    There's way more evidence for UFOs, NHI, etc, than there is for Atlantis. It makes more sense to hide UFO and NHI tech, than to hide Atlantis.

    hiding Atlantis does nothing for the top brass

    hiding UFO tech keeps the elites at the top, as they possess limitless power and energy

    • 1 month ago

      What if UFO anti-gravity came from the knowledge originating from Mu? I think there is more evidence of lost pre-historic civilizations that were superior to us than there is for aliens. We have sights like Easter Island, Tongo Tepu, Tiwanaku and other pre-historic civilizations.

    • 1 month ago

      Your thoughts are too material. The agenda would be rooted in trying to hide spiritual truths about mankind's ability and history to keep us controlled and less connected to the divine. When people don't know what to believe, they look up to the government for help.

    • 1 month ago

      Aliens were interesting untill normies ruined it.

      Hiding UFO tech is so that average dumb normie's head doesn't explode. People can't handle the truth. Most people are literally brain dead. Imagine telling those people everything they know is a lie? Imagine telling them Jesus isn't actually the messiah and all those books are make believe. Imagine telling them there are beings out there who are lightyears ahead of us? You get the point.

      • 1 month ago

        >Aliens were interesting untill normies ruined it.

        That may be true. You go to reddit and it's a bunch of homosexuals talking about UFOs as if the aliens themselves are gay. Maybe that's why they have been probing people.

        • 1 month ago

          Whatever you do, don't tell the Tall Whites. They have strict taboos against any form of non-procreative sexuality, enforcing the death penalty in ancient times before space travel and torture or exile today. Even masturbation is literally taking your life into your own hand among the Tall Whites. Or so the whistleblowers such as Charles Hall say.

          • 1 month ago

            This doesn't surprise me. I think any advanced space faring civilization would have strict conservative standards compared to us.

          • 1 month ago

            They're also strict vegans, their priests (they apparently have a religion reminiscent of Sufism blended with Daoism to use Earth religions for comparison) going so far as to only eat fruit or lab-produced greens to avoid harming plant life, not unlike Jains. The Tall Whites developed this ethos after having wiped out every lifeform on their homeworld during their ancient history. Going back to conservative social/sexual standards, they respected the Mormon settlers in what's now Nevada more than the Paiutes and Apaches for their disdain towards intermarriage and belief in clean living, although they were more often allied with the Apaches on account of their warrior culture that reflected their own. Again, these accounts can be taken with a grain of salt, yet I believe that the stories Charles Hall, Linda Moulton Howe, and others tell about the Tall Whites are often too detailed and specific not to be true.

      • 1 month ago

        >People can't handle the truth. Most people are literally brain dead. Imagine telling those people everything they know is a lie? Imagine telling them Jesus isn't actually the messiah and all those books are make believe.
        This is quite possibly the dumbest take someone can have on the issue.

        >Aliens were interesting untill normies ruined it.

        That may be true. You go to reddit and it's a bunch of homosexuals talking about UFOs as if the aliens themselves are gay. Maybe that's why they have been probing people.

        >You go to reddit and
        Go back and stay.

      • 1 month ago

        >Hiding UFO tech is so that average dumb normie's head doesn't explode. People can't handle the truth.
        ive seen the ufos Black person. bought gen 3 night vision to watch them easier. the truth is we are slaves and got lied too. off yourself. it is only hidden because of greed. me and any random anon could run this realm better than the slaves masters in charge. we'd start with free water for everyone on a 70% water realm, you disagree? you get offed with the other greedy slave masters and I get another anon that wants to start FREE. frick off culture man npc nwo bot. just frick off and have a nice day. You also don't know shit if Jesus was real or not, you put faith like any believer in Christ. you just believe he isn't. off yourself and find out kid.

    • 1 month ago

      >There's way more evidence for UFOs
      > evidence for unidentified . . .
      >There's way more evidence none human intelligence
      demonstration pending

    • 1 month ago

      The Soviets found Atlantis.

      Several erudite Russian writers and scholars turned their attention to the subject of Atlantis, notably Professor Nicolai Zhirov, whose book Atlantis (1964) dealt with the historical and geological material available with special attention to its Atlantic location. A Soviet deep-sea expedition that took place early in 1974 was carried out by the Academician Petrovsky, a Soviet research ship engaged in photographing the sea floor in the region of the Horseshoe Archipelago. This U-shaped group of underwater mountains some 300 miles (483 kilometres) west of Gibraltar is in the same area as the strange island encountered by the crew of the Jesmond.

      The Soviet scientists took a considerable amount of photographs during this expedition which, when printed, showed massive stone walls, stone staircases, and other very obvious signs of a once thriving city. In fact, Professor Andrei Aksyonov, a leading scientist and deputy director of the Soviet Academy of Science’s Institute of Oceanography, upon examining them later, commented: ‘In my opinion these structures once stood on the surface.

      Needless to say, the Russians maintained their usual cloak of secrecy, glasnost not having appeared on the scene. More’s the pity, however, as there is doubtless much information hidden away in some Soviet archives that has not been released. The late Egerton Sykes, an archaeologist and Atlantologist of distinction, maintained that the Russian secrecy was due to the fact that the pictures had been taken off the Azores, between Santa Maria and Sao Jorge, a strategically important location which was strictly out of bounds for them at the time, and that the Petrovsky was nothing more than a spy ship!

      Those interested in fuller details of the Russian finds are recommended to Berlitz’ book, and to Atlantis: Myth or Reality.

      See also the work of aforementioned Dr. N Zhirov.


  3. 1 month ago


    Can you give me a summary?

    • 1 month ago

      Gay flat earth shit

  4. 1 month ago

    no shit as soon as society realizes what it can do without parasitic unnatural freaks in control of their means of living

    • 1 month ago

      cool it with the antisemitism

  5. 1 month ago

    You had the Italian guy Renato Vesco, who worked for the Italian space program and ministry of air defense, expose the flying disc-shaped craft with built-in nuclear power, turbo engines, etc.

  6. 1 month ago

    I don't think that's terribly likely. If anything I think they cover up our ancient lost civs because they're the source of the UFOS and "aliens". If they went underground then just think of what they can do by now

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah, I think many people nowadays like to think of aliens from space instead of what's in our oceans or heck, our history as a species here on our earth. A group of Canadian researchers discovered a bunch of under water pyramids just off the coast of Cuba back in the 2000s and the entire story was buried and no follow-up since.

      • 1 month ago

        I remember that. In 2010 another one found stone structures in the Persian gulf. No follow up on that either

  7. 1 month ago

    Aliens are just demons masquerading as such as not to blow their cover.

    There certainly were some advanced civilization of old. But what would that matter? They failed. We are here to fight for our salvation and redeemed the crimes committed by them!

    • 1 month ago

      We don't know why they failed but it would be nice if archeologists took this more seriously. Our houses are made of cheap dry wall and wood, the houses of old, some were made of granite and several ton limestones. We've degenerated.

    • 1 month ago


  8. 1 month ago

    The ancient civilizations are the civilizations that existed before the flood. The fallen angels descended on earth and fell in love with women, they married them and had children with them. They taught their wives and children forbidden knowledge from heaven like magic and witchcraft, astrology and sciences and the arts of war and making weapons and the arts of make up and seduction to make women lust after them. They created advanced civilizations together with their children ruled the world known as the gods by the humans, their children were wicked and oppressive and used to eat humans. Humans learned all the forbidden knowledge and started doing great evil against each other on earth and everyone was miserable and suffering and sick and twisted and corrupted. Humans were dying out and crying to heaven until heaven heard them so God killed the children of the fallen, then imprisoned the fallen in an underground prison called Dudael and then flooded the whole world to kill every human and animal except for Noah, because everyone was diseased and corrupted. And put an end to the ancient civilizations.

    He cursed the children of the fallen to be evil spirts who haunt mankind, today they are the demons that are worshipped by people as pagan gods through statues and idols and by offering them food and altars and sacrifices. And they are still teaching witchcraft and magic to those who worship them and they lead them astray through shameful acts and fornication and put evil and wicked in their hearts. And those who worship the false gods are cursed by God and they will never have peace and will be thrown into the consuming fire along with them in the last day of earth.

    • 1 month ago

      Where do the Garden of Eden and the Tower of Babel fit into this timeline?

    • 1 month ago

      Pagan gods are humans. Godlike power is granted to those who can wield it. Clearly if everyone was plagued there was a way the plague happened. Im so high man, but yea bro what are you gonna do about it cuz I’m not gonna just throw away my belief about the ancient weapons which would destroy actual demons. Pagan Gods are not demons. Christ was considered a demon driving out other demons. If you actually read the myths about Hermes you will find that he is clearly in human form. If I’m wrong then still what are you gonna do bro

  9. 1 month ago

    Nah. Every time we have periods of economic instability the global media goes crazy for aliens. Same shit, different decade. It's too consistent to be anything but intentional

  10. 1 month ago

    atlantis was a civilization where humans and aliens both lived together

    • 1 month ago

      atlantis IS a civilization where humans and aliens both LIVE together
      the best tree of life

  11. 1 month ago

    Has it never occurred to you that the Aliens may just be the race that sunk into the ocean...?

  12. 1 month ago

    Both subjects are intimately related.

  13. 1 month ago


  14. 1 month ago

    >muh mu
    >muh atlantis
    Focus on the detail so you don't look at the greater picture, that's how they deceive morons.

    I'll give you a quel rundown:
    12.5k years ago, existed an earth spanning civilisation with similar culture, religion, technology and probably similar languages.
    This civilisation disappeared overnight and only very elusive traces of them remain, such as glyphs, murals, ancient legends and details connecting civilisation that never had any contact with each other in thousands of years.

    What killed everyone and destroyed everything is a cyclical event that wipes the entire solar system, and is solar in nature.
    This solar event causes both direct destruction, and great geological catastrophes of a magnitude able to flatten cities and sink them forever under a new sea.

    The next cycle happens within our lifetimes if you can make it to around half this century.
    Guess why nasa discontinued the public view of earth electromagnetic field strength in 2020? That's the alarm bell that warns you when the event approaches

  15. 1 month ago

    Dear Sirs, a very important classified video will be leaked before Full Alien Disclosure Occurs in the Months April 2024 Official Global Arrival Date please review attached Transcripts
    I'm Formerly employee in DEEPSTATE Government Best Regards Goodluck.

    Aliens UFO DID 911 TRUTH
    When 9/11 happened, news in Australia initially reported that the US was attacked by aliens. There used to be videos of metal orbs flying right through the buildings coming from above instead of directly towards., RESEARCH THE FLAT EARTH.

  16. 1 month ago

    The "elites" desperately want to pretend they're really on the top, yes, but in reality, they're spiritually inferior, unfit to rule, and will be removed.

  17. 1 month ago

    Il bump. The true age and orgins of humanity is my favorite /x/ related topic. Out of place artifact's (OOPAS) give me a semi

  18. 1 month ago

    Why did Spirit show the Soviets so much, one may begin to wonder...

  19. 1 month ago

    To this day, Atlantis is taught as factual history in Eastern Europe. FYI.

    • 1 month ago

      How so, its always just been a myth

      • 1 month ago

        It's not a myth. Atlantis is entirely real, and exists in physical density. The evidence is everywhere.

        See above:


        The Soviets found Atlantis.

        Several erudite Russian writers and scholars turned their attention to the subject of Atlantis, notably Professor Nicolai Zhirov, whose book Atlantis (1964) dealt with the historical and geological material available with special attention to its Atlantic location. A Soviet deep-sea expedition that took place early in 1974 was carried out by the Academician Petrovsky, a Soviet research ship engaged in photographing the sea floor in the region of the Horseshoe Archipelago. This U-shaped group of underwater mountains some 300 miles (483 kilometres) west of Gibraltar is in the same area as the strange island encountered by the crew of the Jesmond.

        The Soviet scientists took a considerable amount of photographs during this expedition which, when printed, showed massive stone walls, stone staircases, and other very obvious signs of a once thriving city. In fact, Professor Andrei Aksyonov, a leading scientist and deputy director of the Soviet Academy of Science’s Institute of Oceanography, upon examining them later, commented: ‘In my opinion these structures once stood on the surface.

        Needless to say, the Russians maintained their usual cloak of secrecy, glasnost not having appeared on the scene. More’s the pity, however, as there is doubtless much information hidden away in some Soviet archives that has not been released. The late Egerton Sykes, an archaeologist and Atlantologist of distinction, maintained that the Russian secrecy was due to the fact that the pictures had been taken off the Azores, between Santa Maria and Sao Jorge, a strategically important location which was strictly out of bounds for them at the time, and that the Petrovsky was nothing more than a spy ship!

        Those interested in fuller details of the Russian finds are recommended to Berlitz’ book, and to Atlantis: Myth or Reality.

        See also the work of aforementioned Dr. N Zhirov.


        • 1 month ago

          What, in your opinion, is the single greatest piece of proof that Atlantis was actually a real place?

          • 1 month ago

            the otherworldly amounts of anger in the spirit of Atlantis

          • 1 month ago

            Goina have to elaborate on that anon, I dont follow

          • 4 weeks ago

            we come into the world with a veil of forgetting and for some reason if you meditate and focus on it some people will feel strong upheaval. It's not ordinary and suggests there is something lingering in the collective unconscious.
            Some people are delusional and lose themselves in channeling. But simply following the threads of emotion yields feelings that ought be validated. After all how are emotions embedded into the spirit? And if you are a gentle spirit slow to amger and something makes you terribly angry, chances are it's something valid and real.

            And from that well springs more answers than any being or channeled or book can tell you.

          • 4 weeks ago

            It's hard to find better evidence accessible to the public than the book already linked by Dr Zhirov.


            Check the view count. This was one of the great secrets of the Soviets. Those secrets are now being revealed.

            The stories of Atlantis and Lemuria are also widely corroborated in the histories of North and South American tribes. There's a fantastic book - now very, very scarce - called The Ancient Atlantic
            by L. Taylor Hansen that goes into extensive detail, and her first hand experiences.

            Try and grab the last copies before they get snatched up.

            The work is summarized, briefly, in The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom, by Mark Amaru Pinkham. This is much more widely available, and Necessary Reading for Serious Occultists.

  20. 1 month ago

    >thinks all this nonsense about aliens is just a way to distract us about our true orgins
    I don’t think humans originate from earth.

  21. 1 month ago
    Sonic the hedgehog

    Imo , all conspiracy theories were implanted into the minds of the public through schizos as an experiment. It tests people's intelligence or even leads to generation of new ideas to use. This is how the government makes sure you never find anything out for real.


    >Who in their right mind would believe in the rambling of crazy people , right ?

  22. 1 month ago

    youre just being used by a being who hopes you will carry their own weight for you and identify with it. It will lead nowhere but to oblivion.

  23. 1 month ago

    Reminder that Christian and israeli doctrine states that Atlantis, Lemuria, and even the Dinosaurs are all just myths, left to deceive the faithful.

    Their influence and control varies. Not all people in the world grow up under the same oppressive structures.

  24. 1 month ago

    What? You don't actually believe the world is 5949 years old? Well, in that case, you're a heretic, and more than welcome in our camp.

  25. 4 weeks ago

    One more book recommendation:

    The Ancient Wisdom of Atlantis, by the excellent Murry Hope - another associate of Dr. Musès.

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