I'm a gnostic. I achieved gnosis. I think it's the same thing as being saved.

I'm a gnostic. I achieved gnosis. I think it's the same thing as being saved. I used to think they were different things but not anymore. I read all ancient gnostic works, so i have knowledge which you need to achieve gnosis. Ask me anything.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Tell me about what happen after we die

    • 2 years ago

      Reincarnation until the end of time or if you're a really good person, heaven.

      Is there any importance to virginity? Is celibacy of any importance in achieving gnosis?
      Can you fall when you're saved?

      Virginity is sacred, i think celibacy, some gnostics viewed it as sinful, others as ok, orthodox think it's ok. I would say it's not a must to be saved. If you're saved you don't sin anymore, i don't think you can come back from such a state.

  2. 2 years ago

    Is there any importance to virginity? Is celibacy of any importance in achieving gnosis?
    Can you fall when you're saved?

    • 2 years ago

      "Because thee are neither cold nor hot, I spew thee from my mouth"

      If you've engaged in sexual sin, repent and turn away from it. Yes you can fall once you're saved. Stay vigilant and zealous.

      • 2 years ago

        He asked for a gnostic, not a possessed zealot.

        • 2 years ago

          He gets neither, but truth.

  3. 2 years ago

    Please stop

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        it's no longer funny to claim 10 different systems in succession

  4. 2 years ago

    What do you think of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

    • 2 years ago

      Extremely holy individual. She's the ark of the new covenant also.

  5. 2 years ago

    >I've read stuff, so I have gnosis

    • 2 years ago

      Are you more of a Sethian or a Valentinian?

      What were you before becoming a Gnostic?

      He might mean that he intuited something that the mere wording of the texts would not give away

      • 2 years ago

        Still not gnosis.
        Gnosis is no different than hindu moksha, so no, he isn't gnosed.

        • 2 years ago

          says the agnostic

        • 2 years ago

          What does Hindu Moksha look like?

          • 2 years ago

            >look and feel
            Read the gita if you need explanations for the senses

          • 2 years ago

            I thought you had a problem with reading?

          • 2 years ago

            I do, notice that it's a big if, if you NEED an explanation for the senses.
            Reading creates concepts, and concepts aren't "IT". But this doesn't mean we get to be moronic and fight concepts with concepts, it means do nothing about what you read, ignore it and get to practice.

      • 2 years ago

        Before gnosticism i was a regular christian. I'm more of a valentinian.

        • 2 years ago

          What does your faith share with thelema?
          Is baphomet an entity with any relevance?

          Is the demiurge yhwh?

  6. 2 years ago

    If you have gnosis, kill me. Use your mind to kill me. You know you can see me and I want to go, kill me before the demons of my dreams do.

    • 2 years ago

      Ignore this anon they are delusional, kill me instead please.

  7. 2 years ago

    Can you imagine no religion and no gods for 5 minutes straight.
    If yes, how does it feel?

    • 2 years ago

      He has my same nose and I'm israeli.

    • 2 years ago

      Hm. It's hard to imagine. A world without light.

      What does your faith share with thelema?
      Is baphomet an entity with any relevance?

      Is the demiurge yhwh?

      I do not think the demiurge is yhwh. Thelema, i don't know about that. Baphomet is modern and not relevant.

      • 2 years ago

        >It's hard to imagine
        It's impossible for a believer.
        The imagination of a believer will not allow
        logical thought.
        Belief is the psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true.
        The relationship between belief and knowledge is that a belief is knowledge if the belief is true, and if the believer has a justification
        (reasonable and necessarily plausible assertions/evidence/guidance)
        for believing it is true.

        >inb4: "You have to believe it, my religion is the true religion." or: "You are false, you are wrong, my opinion and my religion is the correct one, that is why you have also to rally to this belief". This is called
        plausible deniability and therefor it is impossible for a believer to
        "imagine" they are incorrect for even 5 seconds.

  8. 2 years ago

    Every time someone is born, is it always a reincarnated soul or occasionally a new one?

    • 2 years ago

      As the population grows, new souls are created. Sometimes in rare cases one soul becomes two or three new souls.

      • 2 years ago

        Ok thanks anon, for responding.
        Another question. Do you have any capabilities others don't? Can you demonstrate it in some way?

        • 2 years ago

          For some time i could speak foreign languages, that was cool. Without understanding what I'm saying. But that didn't happen for some time now.

      • 2 years ago

        Ok thanks anon, for responding.
        Another question. Do you have any capabilities others don't? Can you demonstrate it in some way?

        Overpopulation causes a new consciousness and new personality to incarnate
        with the reincarnation of the spirit-form
        only a very short time after death
        and time in the beyond unfortunately.
        n some cases as little as half an hour later. However such extremely short cases are very rare.
        In such cases the new personality
        has to cope with the previously accumulated chronicle from the Storage Banks
        in the life itself not in the beyond.

        Such individuals receive strong impulses of remembrances of the earlier personality
        and they tend to make world news when the details of these recollections are shared.
        This happens because there wasn't enough time in between incarnations in the beyond,
        and there is still a strong connection to the previous material existence.

        In our modern times with the immense overpopulation
        there has come a factor of disorder into the whole process.
        In other words, spirit-forms have to incarnate again
        before the "comprehensive consciousness block"
        has completely dissolved the old personality
        and/or completed the new personality.
        Again, overpopulation has an effect only on the duration of the time between two incarnations.
        Not that "new souls are created" which is of incorrectness.

        If a spirit form is forced to reincarnate too soon, the OCB doesn't have enough time
        to fully program the new personality.

        As a result, there are human beings born who have great problems to live through well into their new life.

        Other effects include: weakness,
        non-thoroughness, instability, etc.

        Negatively affecting interpersonal relations, the environment;
        indeed and of course the planet itself.

        From this results that so many human beings suffer from a variety of ailments,
        handicaps, problems, "softness",
        proneness to drug addiction, etc. etc.

    • 2 years ago

      Every time someone is born, what you consider the 'soul' or jiva is ripped from its (temporary) place of residence. Whether that jiva was previously incarnate as a human or floating in a state of voidness is dependent on the individual scenario.
      In general, the karma of the parents will beckon a particular soul to take residence in the newly created body, if there is no karma there will be no conception, if karma is weak the pregnancy may abort on its own. Strong karma with the absence of rna can cause new souls to be ripped from the ether, from that point on it becomes rnabandhana.
      OP is a homosexual btw

      • 2 years ago

        You are the homosexual because no one here asked about Hinduism. Lmao.
        >Someone asks gnostic a question
        Get a load of this guy

        • 2 years ago

          The issue is that his answer isn't rooted in anything and gnosticism itself sucks at explaining the actual mechanics behind reincarnation.
          >the soul splits into two or three souls because it just does
          >new souls are created because they are created

          • 2 years ago

            Well Catholics say there is no reincarnation

          • 2 years ago

            I might add, OP has claimed to have completed Sufi, Hindu and Buddhist paths yet fails to incorporate the teachings into his supposed gnosis to fill in the gaps.
            Then he retransmits half-assed book knowledge as truth.

          • 2 years ago

            How does gnosis spread in the body?

          • 2 years ago

            He said he "completed" all of those "paths"? Where was that?

          • 2 years ago

            Op here, i did complete the Sufi path, however the Hindu and Buddhist paths are still unattained by me. I'm working on the Hindu path rn.

  9. 2 years ago

    Haaaahaaaahaaahaaaha no you aren't and no you haven't. Don't corrupt anyone else with your silliness, hylic.

  10. 2 years ago

    how to see the Demiurge's machinations in day to day life? how is he fricking with us? how can we fight back?

    • 2 years ago

      The demiurge is a concept. You don't see his machinations and such. You can only think of him. God is everywhere, not the demiurge. Focus your spiritual endeavors on God realization. You fight back by achieving gnosis or becoming saved. You need to realize the truthfulness of Christianity. That is the battle.

      • 2 years ago

        I see. Thanks for the answer. I have one more if you please: what exactly is God realization? How do I get there and how will I know?

        • 2 years ago

          God realization means you realize the religion Jesus preached is true. Then you become God. That is why I say God realization. It's mentioned in the scriptures. You will know when you know it is true and have no doubts anymore. Then you achieved it.

          • 2 years ago

            I started reading the New Testament recently, finished Mathew's and Mark's. Really good stuff, much more occult meanings than I expected. I hope I ge there one day, it seems I'm close because I'm getting my prayers answered a lot lately, but I still have to overcome something.

      • 2 years ago

        If you believe in mythical gods, the battle is already lost.

  11. 2 years ago

    Are gnosticism and nonduality the same thing or is there a difference?

    • 2 years ago

      Gnosticism is nondual in essence.

      I don't consider myself enlightened and plenty of you guys are smarter than me for sure, but I do know a lot of things without explaining why I know them and I have also made predictions in public that came true. There are more things too, like feeling the general energy of a room and sensing if there's any sort of "threat" around, sort of like spidey senses, which has served me very well, leading me to avoid certain circumstances that turned out poorly for others in proximity to me. I could say more, but I'd rather cut this short to get on with it.
      I normally think people are sort of dumb for making these claims, but I know random shit I didn't know and have managed to, with practically no purposeful intent, things without attempting to that really surprised me, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Now for the question(s):
      Have you also felt the shift over the past ~5 years? Are you sensing positive or negative trends unfolding, generally speaking?
      What, in your estimation is/are humanity's biggest present ailment(s)?
      How much longer do we have until this cycle ends?
      What are some of the biggest pitfalls one must avoid on the journey to "leveling up"?
      How often do you meditate or trance?
      How often do you get deja vu?

      >Have you felt the shift
      No. Sorry about that
      >Positive or negative trends
      Negative, we are in dark times
      >How much longer do we have
      Maybe only years. If you believe in Hindu Purana type of cycles, it may be that we are close to the coming of Kalki.
      >Biggest pitfalls
      Bad behaviour. That's the biggest thing. And many in this thread show such a pitfall. I mean things like respecting authority, respecting the learned and the old, etc.
      >How often do you meditate or trance
      I meditate around four to five hours a day, close to going into trance.
      >How often do you get deja Vu

  12. 2 years ago

    Protip: achieving gnosis would prevent you from posting here

    • 2 years ago

      If the gnosis had no source that perpetuates it it would not spread in the first place

      Maybe gnosis makes one at one with the perpetuating source, so he would post to perpetuate the same energy of gnosis that begot his gnosis

    • 2 years ago

      what about when that "authorit" is EVIL an wants to KILL you? im sure with gnosis you knwo "The elite" want to KILL 95% to dial the PEOONIX 9-11 with a PH-One esotericaly speaking.

  13. 2 years ago

    i dont care, i dont believe in anything.

  14. 2 years ago

    I don't consider myself enlightened and plenty of you guys are smarter than me for sure, but I do know a lot of things without explaining why I know them and I have also made predictions in public that came true. There are more things too, like feeling the general energy of a room and sensing if there's any sort of "threat" around, sort of like spidey senses, which has served me very well, leading me to avoid certain circumstances that turned out poorly for others in proximity to me. I could say more, but I'd rather cut this short to get on with it.
    I normally think people are sort of dumb for making these claims, but I know random shit I didn't know and have managed to, with practically no purposeful intent, things without attempting to that really surprised me, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Now for the question(s):
    Have you also felt the shift over the past ~5 years? Are you sensing positive or negative trends unfolding, generally speaking?
    What, in your estimation is/are humanity's biggest present ailment(s)?
    How much longer do we have until this cycle ends?
    What are some of the biggest pitfalls one must avoid on the journey to "leveling up"?
    How often do you meditate or trance?
    How often do you get deja vu?

  15. 2 years ago

    /schizoid thread

  16. 2 years ago

    i saw HELL and was told i need the WHOLE TRUTH and what i saw was HORRABLE WAY MORE HORRABLE than what most saw, note it was NOT an NDE but saw it in minds eyes and FELT and HEARD it! i dont do much "Evil stuff" liek i smoke weed and swear and silly dumb thign slike that while others that murdered and did HORRABLE acts did NTO se esuch a HELL! note this is somehting i wrote as an "SCP" but its based on what i REALLY SAW! whats the WHOLE TRUTH?
    is it evne possible for a human to obtain 100% (not 99.99%)?!!?!!! also durrign 'revival" in church i had this "glow" activate, its like can see myself with a faint glow in the exact shape of my body with eyes closed and blidnfolded, and saw ONE out of 5 children had it as well "sin" or "not sinning" seesm to have NO effect on it, prayer to strithen or weaken has NO effect

    "the cubes of otherworld" description: up, below and in all dirrections lay cubes, housing aproxamtly 500-1000 occupants per cube, spiratualy chained on the outside in a monstrous deformed, form. infact demon, SCP, human, angel, were INDISQUNIABLE in here, felt like very angry all-powerfull beaning very angry at all here, being licked by some worse fate than invisable "super lightning" , "super sayiens, and appolyon SCPS would cry like an unborn kitten!, in here, dished to a mere HUMAN, God [REDRACTED]!

    "cotton candy machine" description: two souls, usaly of two races that hated eachother on earth, for no real good reason mostly, placed into what appears to be a head of waht apepars to be a large groutesque "Cotton candy machine" , exept blood and flesh, and unnseavered neves, mixing very painfully, with full pain the two induviduals untill the two are indisqunsable form eachother., afrter this some "rollers" condinue to mash the cotton candy of souls agaisnt the wall, casuing even more exxuciating pain.

    machine ofton will repeat this process, in which more souls will be mixed togeather, eventualy what appears to be thousonds even millions of souls are stuck to the walls of the machine, being tormented by large rollers keeping them all in an indesinquable grotesque mass of flesh. tormenting voice ofton hered saying “you are all the same here, forever you wull be forced togeather becuase you forced yourselves apart on earth”

    "singularity" description: a "persomal black hole" of sorts, punishment given to those that belived big bang instead of jesus christ body is partiualy deformed while black hole eternialy, while also quazaring, attempts to suck in the soul, only results in partial painfull descuctio, soul feels pain of being in black hole, without servring of the nerves, and a ghastly nueatron stars quazar at the same time! God [REDRACTED]!!!!!

    "the smasher": description, ofton other torments are applied like "the cube" "the ligthning" and "The fire" and even "The singularity", person is smashed into small atomic bits, feels pain of being in bits as if nerves were never severd, ofton combined with any above descriubed torment, for other possibal torments see SCP-666-H

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