I will test your spiritual progress. Answer at least one of the following six questions:

I will test your spiritual progress. Answer at least one of the following six questions:
What is the logos' spiritual significance?
What do you think about Hinduism?
What do you think about god?
What do you think about the self?
Who was Christ?
What is enlightenment?
The answer(s) will reveal your spiritual worth at this current time. There are no wrong answers.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    I am God

    • 4 weeks ago

      I am dog

  2. 4 weeks ago

    >I will test your spiritual progress.

    Oh? who are you?

    • 4 weeks ago

      an ego tripping moron on /x/ who needs another pointless ego boost to pretend hes special

      • 4 weeks ago

        What did this post achieve?

        • 4 weeks ago

          getting you to break character

    • 4 weeks ago

      I'm nobody. Through being nobody (not the nobody bullshit) without direct relation to society, I am truly free. Solitary. I can tell you what you look like from these answers and my word is truth.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Tell me what I look like, then. Asking in good Faith

        • 4 weeks ago

          Sure. I can't produce knowledge out of thin air dude.. you gotta answer the questions or reveal something about yourself first

      • 4 weeks ago

        Your word is your own truth and I am very proud of you for taking this step in testing your own awareness.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    You done nothing to establish yourself as worthy of testing anyone. Anybody who was worthy of testing wouldn't be someone who spends time on EerieWeb anyways lol.

    • 4 weeks ago

      What did this post achieve?

      • 4 weeks ago

        what did this [pst acjieeve

        • 4 weeks ago

          Nothing I see. Then repent and stop trying to force your beliefs and opinions into other people you stupid pedestrian.

          • 4 weeks ago

            WHATiDIDI THIs PostACHAHIVE>!>!

          • 4 weeks ago

            This post achieved internal illumination.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >What did this post achieve?
        What did OP or your post achieve?

        • 4 weeks ago

          We had one guy already who bore testimony to his holy religion.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >We had one guy already who bore testimony to his holy religion.
            That doesn't mean anything.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Of course. To you, an atheist.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Of course. To you, an atheist.
            I'm not an atheist, it's just a simple fact that OP has demonstrated no proof that he has the authority to test anyone.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Ok but why do you care? Freedom to reveal your views to anon's and freedom to judge whether the judgement is liked or not is part of EerieWeb culture. Respect our freedom. You're acting like leftists who don't let anyone express their god given freedom

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Ok but why do you care?
            This is such a pointless self defeating question because it can be reflected back on you.

            Why do you care if I care?

            >Respect our freedom.
            >Respect our freedom and be quiet
            The irony

            I don't think you thought this argument through before you made it. Once again, self defeating.

            >You're acting like leftists who don't let anyone express their god given freedom
            Freedom does not equal to freedom to exert authority over others, and that's exactly what trying to test other people is.

            If OP has the freedom to attempt to exert that authority, I have the freedom to question that authority.

          • 4 weeks ago

            The difference between my caring and your caring is I'm open and free while you're close minded.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >I'm open and free while you're close minded
            Being open minded to lies means you are simultaneously closed minded to the truth, you just won't have the self awareness to realize that.

            I didn't say be quiet.. you are free to say anything but I'm just pointing out that you're being nasty about it while I simply try to help people.

            >I simply try to help people
            I'm assuming you are OP, if this thread was about helping people, it would have been titled and structured to receive questions (rather than give them out).

            Then you would be answering other peoples questions based on the current challenges/problems they are facing in their "spiritual progress"

            Instead you create a thread for the sake of stroking yourself off and imposing questions that really just wastes peoples time, because your questions themselves assert that your way of viewing reality is the "right one".

            The questions themselves assuming certain concepts/beliefs to even be a part of the discussion of other peoples spiritual practices.

            Knowledge about Hinduism or Christ might have nothing to do with their practice, but your questioning assumes that it should and they should have that knowledge in other to make any "spiritual progress".

            If you want to help so badly, next time create a thread where you get the questions and answer them.

            Good bye.

          • 4 weeks ago

            You sound like a woman

          • 4 weeks ago

            I didn't say be quiet.. you are free to say anything but I'm just pointing out that you're being nasty about it while I simply try to help people.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    >What is the logos' spiritual significance?
    Logos is both man and God.
    >What do you think about Hinduism?
    Fake and gay
    >What do you think about god?
    Dunno, strange question.
    >What do you think about the self?
    Maybe I need a psychiatrist.
    >Who was Christ?
    Deus Filius
    >What is enlightenment?
    The begining of modern.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I meant enlightenment as the inner illumination of the soul. You're not bad. Remember Christianity is a path of fear and trembling as saint Paul said. You need to work out salvation not just sit idly there and pray every day.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Christianity is a path of fear and trembling
        and the will moves forward

  5. 4 weeks ago

    1.Don't care about its significance
    2.Don't care for it
    3.Don't care for him, didn't have 4.immediate contact so, could be benevolent or malevolent, looking at the state of the world's design I would say malevolent.
    5.What would you consider the self?
    Body, mind, soul? I consider individuation to be the most important matter in "developing" your "true" "self".
    6.Someone who suffered far too much, for nothing, I would want him to be happy.
    7.To be

    What do you think about freedom?

    • 4 weeks ago

      These are the typical x answers so rather bleak spiritually. Self is you. Basic idea. You. Not soul not body not mind nor spirit. Freedom is the highest form of wealth.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I responded expecting an interesting discussion, but you don't seen worth the effort.
        based take on freedom though.
        I hope you find yourself very wealthy.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Why don't I seem worth the effort? The self is the heart. The heart from which all thoughts come. Our inmost being basically.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Jesus is my personal savior. The rest is a matter of philosophy, not faith.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Well I want to know what you think. Thoughts come from the soul and thus reveal what the same soul looks like.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    >he thinks an arbitrary piece of information can change the essence of a human being
    you either are or you ain't homie
    and yo aint fo sho

  8. 4 weeks ago

    >What is the logos' spiritual significance?

    language is music, and our fundamental particles are vibrations, you could see it as music, but also as a language

    so our language, to put like that is a language on top of languages, like programming, first laws of physics, chemistry biology evolution etc, it ends up in you, but the abstract information from the mind of God that speaked particles into being all the way to you and us and our words, the meaning

    thats logos, abstract meaning behind languages, those languages include "the fabric of reality", meanings coming from the mind of God

    >What do you think about Hinduism?

    don know anything about it

    >What do you think about god?

    infinitely positive and I am grateful for being and the life I have

    >What do you think about the self?

    idk, not much I guess, not in a bad way

    >Who was Christ?

    the piece of this universe, which is a piece of the original God, that assumed Godhood inside this universe, to serve as a connection to the original God outside the universe that separate a piece of itself to make this universe. So Christ is the fragmentation point of this universe, from which our individual free wills and individual souls comes from. Going through that fragmentation as a human being, was the crucifixtion, not the cross and nails. Going through that in a life, and facing eternity of that, of being suffering eternally through you, so that we can exist with free will and life developed as it did, it can only happen if the Godhood inside this son universe, goes through hell

    • 4 weeks ago

      final answer of this post

      >What is enlightenment?

      realizing going through the hell Christ did, is worth it, because it possibilitates other beings, and it possibilitates love, and whatever "eternal hell" you will have to go through, is worth it because it makes that this universe can mature and know love as individuals

      my theory is that when this universe mature, all of us single points of awareness, will have our veil removed, and we will awaken in the space God father inhabits, and we will be together but separated, so this universe will produce an infinity of Godlike offspring, our future heavenly bodies, eternal and perfect

      some might say thats hell, but for me and eternity with you, will always be heaven : ) I love you guys

    • 4 weeks ago

      Damn that is nice. I don't believe in evolution but the rest is good. Pretty spiritually advanced but I feel like you lack in terms of separating yourself from the world spiritually.. evolution big bang that's all modern interpretations of divine sacred realities and not factual at least to me. But again you are advanced. Just read your final post I see that you definitely lack the deeper separation from the world in a spiritual sense.. that seems to be minor though so good luck on your path..

      I responded expecting an interesting discussion, but you don't seen worth the effort.
      based take on freedom though.
      I hope you find yourself very wealthy.


      • 4 weeks ago

        you too good luck

        I am reflecting on what you said

        even though I like to think about abstraction and the beyond
        and I enjoy the visual snow and seeing a little bit of crazy stuff, I also love my humanity and my attachtment to my worldly life and regular normie state of mind

        thats why even though I have natural talent for stuff like astral projection and similar stuff, (since I have had sleeping disorders from early childhood, sleep paralysis are some of my early memories) but anyway, I have always felt that I dont want to go anywhere

        the only times I ve had spacial travel experiences, they where natural, I didnt want them or induced them and they have been very few in my life, perhaps 2 times

        I think if I took a massive dose of psychedelics or some potentiator agent, I would break reality, but also break myself hehehe,

        • 4 weeks ago

          No stay away from drugs bad stuff. You can try long prayer.. whenever I feel bad I pray for some time and I feel relieved afterwards. Sometimes I post threads also about the logos or god and after I write the words I feel this power. Like a blessing and spiritual progress. My main focus is on meditation, you can read about henosis and hermetic meditation if you want a safe for beginners type of meditation.. those are good. Psychedelics will only damage your brain and mind, I read about it.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Psychedelics apparently damage the pineal gland very bad for your spirituality

          • 4 weeks ago

            No stay away from drugs bad stuff. You can try long prayer.. whenever I feel bad I pray for some time and I feel relieved afterwards. Sometimes I post threads also about the logos or god and after I write the words I feel this power. Like a blessing and spiritual progress. My main focus is on meditation, you can read about henosis and hermetic meditation if you want a safe for beginners type of meditation.. those are good. Psychedelics will only damage your brain and mind, I read about it.

            yeah and i dont want to end up in the looney bin anyway

    • 4 weeks ago

      are you some one who pres to god daily

  9. 4 weeks ago

    > What is enlightenment?
    To be enlightened is to align your will with the will of God. A truly enlightened individual's actions and thoughts are guided by the desire to do the will of the Father. No matter how virtuous one may be, it should be evident that God is the personification of perfection, and thus the perfect course of action is the will of this perfection incarnate. "Not my will, but thine, be done".

    • 4 weeks ago

      Very nice answer. Do you think there is an end goal to the christian life, like a christian nirvana basically?

      • 4 weeks ago

        There is no end goal for Christians specifically. Whilst Christianity may contain truth to lesser or greater degrees than other religions, it is after all just another man-made, limited interpretation of much deeper realities. All human beings, regardless of religious affiliation have the same end goal: "Be you perfect even as I am perfect". To become perfect in their potentiality as God himself is perfect in absoluteness.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Hmm. I disagree.. saint Paul said work out your salvation. No christian is saved automatically like bible belt christians would tell you.. you need to achieve a renewal of your mind in Christ then you can say you are saved..

          • 4 weeks ago

            Saved from what?

          • 4 weeks ago

            I don't know exactly.. but saved probably from hell and separation from god.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    I believe these are the wrong questions.

    • 4 weeks ago

      What would be a right question?

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Logos is the means through which we reach God, or whatever you'd like to call the source.

    I don't know much about Hinduism, but I think every religion has value if you search. I've been wanting to read the Vedas but haven't been able to yet.

    As for God, I believe in the existence of an ineffable source that cannot be apprehended by the senses.

    The self is an interesting topic. I view the goal of spirituality to be union with God. To achieve this, ego must be cast aside.

    Christ was someone who attained gnosis, total union with God. Christ is Logos incarnate.

    Enlightenment is union with God

    • 4 weeks ago

      You're still at the beginning.. you have a lot to learn.. but you have good foundations.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Thank you. I am at the very beginning of my journey. Do you have any advice for me moving forward? Any book recommendations?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yes. Read Zostrianos.. good book.. delve deeper into the gospel of Judas like the details and whatnot. Both very impactful. Contemplate the gospel of Thomas sayings frequently.. and always pray every day for at least twenty minutes.. good luck!

  12. 4 weeks ago

    I'll test yours. Are you vaxxed?

    • 4 weeks ago

      No comment.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    >>What is the logos' spiritual significance?
    Sun is dude because Sun is alive. So is everything. I picture us like 3d shadows of the Sun.

    >>What do you think about Hinduism?
    It’s a bunch of true shit. I meditated for a few years and had so many interactions with beings of varying densities and saw chakra energies and stuff before I even knew what any of it was. Now I think all that shit is very real allegorical ways of describing the complexities of our godmind.

    >>What do you think about god?
    I am god. So are you. God is what is. Awareness without bias or thought or judgement or comparison.

    >>What do you think about the self?
    It is illusory. The self is just a refraction. It’s the ego and the ego isn’t what any of us actually are. We identify with our egos but they’re just one angle to look at ourselves from.

    >>Who was Christ?
    Probably like a bodhisattva? Someone who reached enlightenment and then just runs out the clock on their incarnation while trying to help others understand what he saw. That he was god and we’re all god.

    >>What is enlightenment?
    It’s up to you. You get to decide what it is because you have access to the godmind. It’s gnosis of how none of this stuff is “real”. What we deem real is just a reflection of a certain perspective. Nothing and everything is real. Enlightenment is a paradox. It’s the spiral of something and nothing and neither of which could possibly have come first. There can’t be nothing because there is something but everything must begin and end but you can’t get something from nothing. This paradox fuels awareness which is god which is what we are.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The problem with this is you mix up traditions who have no correlation without understanding their depth of conduct. But you have some interesting words and ideas so I'd say you're on the right side. Spiritually still beginner.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Your problem is without addressing any specifics you aren’t making a point. What are you referring to when you claim this mixing that is somehow unacceptable by your arbitrary biased parameters? Also the first one I misread because I’m high and sleepy I thought you were referring to your image posted as a logo, not to the concept of Logos.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Um. Weed? Ok you're not a beginner you're just a random dude who meditates. Enlightenment is hard and I'm sleepy I need to go now. Thread is over everyone.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Your mom is over everyone.

          • 4 weeks ago

            So enlightened. I ask you to be even remotely specific and on task and you get butthurt and defensive. What Buddha consciousness you possess.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Make a fricking point, dude. Talking down and patronizing vaguely is not a point. Learn words. Right now you’re like a parrot saying words without knowing what words actually are.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I want you to answer your own questions so I can pick them apart similarly and show you how ridiculous you look right now wearing a crown of shit. I will also address what you say specifically and actually try to make points and sense, unlike you, and show you how that is done. You have poor language skills. I liked the idea of your thread because it could help curious people ruminate on concepts I find important but you are being discouraging and speaking from a seat of superiority of your own invention. This thought exercise could be productive and enlightening for everyone if you would stop focusing so heavily on your own ego. You’re too sure you have the answers or at least want to present yourself to people that way. That is not evidence of enlightenment, only delusion.

        • 4 weeks ago

          The world is a divine play. I am simply playing well. Founding your beliefs on ancient traditions is a must in this day and age though.
          What is the logos' spiritual significance?
          The Logos is the Word by which the universe turns. The life giving principle.
          What do you think about Hinduism?
          Pretty interesting but somewhat creepy.
          What do you think about god?
          I'm agnostic, I believe in the logos but not in god.
          What do you think about the self?
          The self is the heart. Our inmost being we ought to purify by spiritual practice.
          Who was Christ?
          A divine teacher. Not the highest god, but a divine being.
          What is enlightenment?
          Enlightenment is when you realize the ultimate truth. Basically this means your self is perfectly purified from all karma.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I agree with you, this is a play ie the “cosmic joke”. I get the impression you aren’t understanding the impartial nature of the godmind and how powerful the biases of the ego paint your perception. I can explain what I mean by this further if you don’t get what I mean. I agree with you that ancient texts and stories are important, they are proof that what you find in deep transcendental meditation and when choosing to live in the moment are universal truths that other people have seen and told others about.

            Your addressing of logos seems fine. Word of god. I don’t have any issues with what you said besides it lacking much specific insight. It reads like a dictionary definition which doesn’t make a lot of sense with these spiritual concepts. It would be more helpful to share what it means to you and offer unique insights from your perspective to paint a grander picture of the concept instead of just parroting.

            Calling Hinduism interesting but creepy is insanely dismissive and makes you sound ignorant. I get what you mean, lots of severed heads and deities with confusing motives and stuff, it is creepy, but you need to dig deeper into the vedas or your own mind to see how “true” it really is. Just like every other religion. They share so much because they’re all different ways of trying to convey the same concepts but through different frames of reference. These deities and concepts are analogy and allegory mixed with real experiences to convey spiritual concepts. Things that only happen inside your consciousness. Eventually this leads to understanding that everything material is really just consciousness. Idealism. Non dualism.

            You are agnostic. You don’t believe in god. First, these statements cancel each other out. Agnosticism leaves room for god. I suspect you are just being clunky with words, though, and am fine with this assessment from your viewpoint. I would argue from my viewpoint, though, that god is very real. 1 of 2

          • 4 weeks ago

            2 of 2. God is inside your head waiting to talk to you if you learn to listen. He/she/they is everywhere else as well talking to you all the time. Learn to talk to god and you’ll see there is definitely a nurturing consciousness greater than your own that loves you and is talking to you. Ask the universe questions and practice mindfulness and it will start answering.

            I disagree with your assessment of the self. The self is the ego, which is an illusion of perspective. You aren’t the dork at the keyboard right now, that’s just a manifestation of consciousness looking at a part of itself and identifying with it. This is the stuff I personally think Hinduism does the best job explaining. But you think it’s creepy and are dismissive of it. A mistake I think and your own logic should agree seeing as you said ancient teachings are so important. Think not of self but of observed and observer. You are the observer, not the observed. That’s an illusion.

            Your Christ assessment is fine. I have a lot more to say about Christ but character limits are annoying so let me know if you care to talk about that more.

            Your enlightenment point seems top dictionary to me too. What insight are you trying to convey? You didn’t describe what you mean with your words, you just parroted some concepts. What does it mean to be purified of karma from your view? What is the ultimate truth you reference?

  14. 4 weeks ago

    >What do you think about god?
    to be a god is to take no responsibility

  15. 4 weeks ago

    >I will test your spiritual progress. Answer at least one of the following six questions:
    I'll play, but it's more a test of yours than mine and I don't so much as assent to your suggestion you're in a place to judge me.
    >What is the logos' spiritual significance?
    It's the wisdom of God.
    >What do you think about Hinduism?
    So gay there's a 99% chance of catching cancer from too-much self-love.
    >What do you think about god?
    Not moronic enough to think things of God.
    >What do you think about the self?
    It's an echo of consciousness from God and a necessary component to have a body.
    >Who was Christ?
    Loki having a LARP.
    >What is enlightenment?
    Going further down an infinite path in either direction than you are.

  16. 4 weeks ago

    You failed.

  17. 4 weeks ago

    Christ is imagination. All of the LoA stuff aside, God becoming as we are so that we may be as He is fundamentally changed reality for humanity. Golgotha and Cavalry translate to skull/place of the skull. It is both literal and occulted narrative simultaneously. Christ is crucified upon the mind of man, giving us control over our own destiny, and making us and the creator one in spirit. Any time you think ill of another, you are literally crucifying Christ. Our environment and very cells respond to our thoughts and feelings. He dwells in all, and all dwell within Him.

  18. 4 weeks ago

    >What is the logos' spiritual significance?
    that which calls your mother
    >What do you think about Hinduism?
    your mother
    >What do you think about god?
    your mother
    >What do you think about the self?
    the son
    >Who was Christ?
    the son
    >What is enlightenment?
    your mother

  19. 4 weeks ago

    offer no appraisal of these answers without your own answer black son
    - the voice of the world, all minds gestalt memetic innertia sets the constants of the world
    - cherry picked to promote doing nothing well thinking nothing
    - a title in personification, providence is more apt
    - we are individualized for where were going, not where we came from
    -the radiant heart of man
    -a nugget of truth in ones inner memetic innertia

  20. 4 weeks ago

    >What is the logos' spiritual significance?
    the dao that can be spoken isn't the great dao
    >What do you think about Hinduism?
    i don't think about it at all. I just heard that it was a mismatch of whatever beliefs indians had before britain colonized them. never read about it more than this
    >What do you think about god?
    i don't think about it in these terms
    >What do you think about the self?
    >Who was Christ?
    some israelite
    >What is enlightenment?
    an european intellectual movement from the xvii century

  21. 4 weeks ago

    Dunno what the logos is
    Hinduism is a good way to understand nature as a thing in itself and not humanized manifestation
    God is a hungry being that one just either feed or command
    Self is both our true nature and the lenses we use to fool our view, it's a weakness seeking to hide itself in meaning
    Christ is a of love, Jesus Christ of love to mankind to he precise
    Enlightment is to live closer to the objective truth of things, to overcome and accept your weakness and to impose your power as all things do in their respective order, there's nothing to it

    Hbu anonii?

  22. 4 weeks ago
    Archangel Zaphkiel


    Hare Krishna~
    Suddha Bhakti Yogi checking in...

    Always, how could I not, afterall?

    Always, how could I not, afterall?

    Devout slave of Hari.

    Choosing obedience over moksha...

    Lmk how I did OP

  23. 4 weeks ago

    Order. Blueprint.

    Founding principles are good and provide a fully working abstraction to attain spiritual enlightenment but the BYOG (bring your own god) aspect made it degenerate into useless drivel by fundamentalists. Bidirectional (physical and spiritual) growth is also a plus for its followers compared to say Buddhism. (Not for me though)

    God the absolute is incomprehensible. God the relative is the pantheistic god, the I AM, the one we all _are_. Spiritual enlightenment is the experiential realization of this.

    Useful analogy.

    Already answered.

  24. 4 weeks ago

    >What is the logos' spiritual significance?
    idk what logos means in this context
    >What do you think about Hinduism?
    paganism cringe. interesting perspective though
    >What do you think about god?
    i know he means good but i don't understand the why of my current suffering. why are people so disgusted by me? maybe its because i dont consider them equals. pride is a real fricker. anyway, i wish i could have a better relationship with him
    >What do you think about the self?
    half just a matter of perspective, half the life i was given. my responsability and rightfully so. generally indescribable.
    >Who was Christ?
    i dont have words for this yet. he was indeed the one son of god THOUGH
    >What is enlightenment?
    doing what needs to be done for me to achieve eternal chilling

  25. 4 weeks ago

    >What is the logos' spiritual significance?
    To me, none whatsoever. It is an illustration depicting a personified sun.
    >What do you think about Hinduism?
    I have never thought aboit Hinduism, not even once. I am currently not thinking about Hinduism even as I type this.
    >What do you think about god?
    "God" is just a word for anything the average human doesnt have a rational explanation for. Maybe this 3 dimensional reality was crafted by a being of a higher dimension than us, or maybe at the end of Time humanity itself will produce the very god it has been worshipping all this time. Who knows?
    >What do you think about the self?
    I think the self would like a cigarette.
    >Who was Christ?
    No idea. Modern literature is too far removed and retranslated from the original texts, and accounts and records are unreliable. Knowing that humans REGULARLY have hallucinations from grief after losing a family member, I find it hard to believe accounts of those having witnessed the ressurection.
    >What is enlightenment?
    Enlightenment is understanding. Specifically, understanding the point of life and existance, and recognizing the 3 dimensional world for what it is- a construct.

  26. 4 weeks ago

    >algorithm, "blueprint" for creation, dharma
    >Good if seen through the lens of the brahman and atman above all else, the rest are masks/archetypes to impart wisdom through story/myth
    >highest principle, formless, being itself, the One, brahman
    >fundamental essence of the individual experience of this thing we're doing, the interface
    >fully realized "archetype", enlightened, in alignment with God, direct channel of God, physical manifestation of the highest form of divine love
    >illumination of the whole, all aspects of self integrated, ceasing of dualistic thought, non-dual being, no fragmentation

    • 4 weeks ago

      Nice post bro. I think you have a lot to learn, but you have something going on.


      > What is the logos' spiritual significance?
      Logos help brands sell their stuff! The problem is they're using parapsychological warfare to do so and it's led to some very bad problems in society.

      > What do you think about Hinduism?
      Corruption of Buddhism

      > What do you think about god?
      Cope for having to do it yourself.

      > What do you think about the self?

      > Who was Christ?
      A highly enlightened arhat

      > What is enlightenment?
      What is assuming manual control?

      Ok. Still a beginner but you have the right ideas.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Do mine. I answered 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 here

        Order. Blueprint.

        Founding principles are good and provide a fully working abstraction to attain spiritual enlightenment but the BYOG (bring your own god) aspect made it degenerate into useless drivel by fundamentalists. Bidirectional (physical and spiritual) growth is also a plus for its followers compared to say Buddhism. (Not for me though)

        God the absolute is incomprehensible. God the relative is the pantheistic god, the I AM, the one we all _are_. Spiritual enlightenment is the experiential realization of this.

        Useful analogy.

        Already answered.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Oh right sorry. Your ideas are interesting for sure. But you need to do much more spiritual practices for the path you are active on, prayer and fasting. Jesus fasted and prayed much and so should his followers or those that take inspiration from him.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I'm not an abrahamist. I don't like the idea of subscribing to any religion tbdesu. So no praying/rituals for me either.

            I'm working towards emotional steadfastness + developing my energy body through meditation so I can OBE at will and do what needs done.
            Thanks for answering.

          • 4 weeks ago

            No rituals? Okay. The upanishads I remember say that prayer produces energy conducive to enlightenment approximation. So if you only meditate, that's not found in any religious or spiritual tradition, hermeticists pray, Hindus Buddhists everyone prays be it mantras or words. I doubt you will reach anything spiritual with your practice.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Also if you have any suggestions for what I can do to increase my physical energy levels and my drive to take action (do what needs done), I would also appreciate that.

            No rituals? Okay. The upanishads I remember say that prayer produces energy conducive to enlightenment approximation. So if you only meditate, that's not found in any religious or spiritual tradition, hermeticists pray, Hindus Buddhists everyone prays be it mantras or words. I doubt you will reach anything spiritual with your practice.

            Yeah praying is basically indirect heart chakra meditation. I talk to myself a lot, that can be counted as praying probably.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I see. I recently started doing up to fourty minutes of basic pranayama per day, inhaling, holding the air for a few seconds, exhaling. I noticed a huge surge in physical energy levels, and started to have the energy to do physical workout.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I'm sure there is much more to be learned, there always is. That said; what might you suggest to me?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Are you the Brahman guy or the Buddhist guy?

          • 4 weeks ago


          • 4 weeks ago

            Oh I see, then maybe reading the Shiva Rahasya Purana if you want spiritual knowledge. That book is extremely deep. It's the shaivite Bhagavad Gita. A must read for anyone who believes in the Brahman. Then doing up to fourty minutes of pranayama a day should reduce your sensual desires, and try dharana like focus on an object and then remove all other thoughts. And austerities is also a good idea, I got a spiritual vision once while I was fasting.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Thanks for the advice. To be clear, I don't "believe" in the brahman, I just find it to be the simplest approximation to what I'm trying to say with language. I see Brahman and atman as the first dualistic reflection of the whole one, prerequisite to creation. Not the most accurate wording, but it's good enough.

          • 4 weeks ago

            What ancient or modern text is at the core of your beliefs?

          • 4 weeks ago

            There isn't any one really. I have studied various traditions, but I see them as different skins to dance around with the self and inner working. My own direct experience and self-revelation related to that is where my belief forms. The rest I see as various tools to that end.

          • 4 weeks ago

            What spiritual practices do you recommend?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Black person

          • 4 weeks ago

            Draconian guy is not me. I don't really have any practices to recommend other than cultivating higher and higher degrees of Self-awareness. The observer, being, consciousness itself. I am not talking about ego-mind awareness. That is a subset and where "the fall from the garden" happens. There is nothing mundane, your entire life is a story for your reflection and growth. Just be truly present and lucid for it.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Oh ok. Let me ask you, how do you pray and to whom if you do?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Firstly let me say, I am a confused seeker with my own issues. I can't say this with absolute honesty because I am not fully awake or in alignment with the highest self.

            That said my answer is I do not pray, everything is perfection as it is. If I felt this to not be true and "desired" something different, my prayer would simply be directed at the highest most wholly one. When I used to pray or ask for guidance I would visualize the connection to through my "crown chakra" up to the true original source and its connection with "me". I see any approximation or image as "profane" to the true incomprehensible nature of God.

  27. 4 weeks ago

    > What is the logos' spiritual significance?
    Logos help brands sell their stuff! The problem is they're using parapsychological warfare to do so and it's led to some very bad problems in society.

    > What do you think about Hinduism?
    Corruption of Buddhism

    > What do you think about god?
    Cope for having to do it yourself.

    > What do you think about the self?

    > Who was Christ?
    A highly enlightened arhat

    > What is enlightenment?
    What is assuming manual control?

  28. 4 weeks ago

    >What is the logos' spiritual significance?
    >Do you poo in loo?
    That's me, b***h.
    >The self
    Innacurate name
    The great deceiver
    Doesn't fricking exist
    >I posted a sun, tee hee
    Frick the sun, and frick the light

    • 4 weeks ago

      Okay, no spiritual advancement.

  29. 4 weeks ago

    What is the logos' spiritual significance?
    >Idk man
    What do you think about Hinduism?
    >Some religion
    What do you think about god?
    >An infinitie being
    What do you think about the self?
    >an animal
    Who was Christ?
    >A prophet
    What is enlightenment?
    >frick if i know

    • 4 weeks ago

      I like the answer about god. You are spiritually inclined.

  30. 4 weeks ago


    Ancient Texts are not more true simply because they are old.
    Knowledge has advanced, and many if not most religious texts are founded on wisdom that is laughably outdated and demonstrably untrue.

    If there is, or ever was a true deity, they have not done very much to make themselves known to the world. All is merely heresay and speculation, but a god of such power as the ancient texts would have us believe should have no trouble speaking with his own voice.

    Instead, what we hear is the words of men. Men who had never heard of antipsychotic meds, rambling about creatures they once saw in a dream, or while hallucinating from dehydration.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Um that's wrong but I can't argue with this much doubting and unbelief. The mind has the ability to perceive the ultimate realities and witness spiritual things.. if you don't believe that then you don't believe in enlightenment.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Enlightenment is realizing that everything you have EVER perceived was merely an illusion. Even this line of text you now read.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Hm. So what else happens at enlightenment? Just realizing that everything is illusion?

          • 4 weeks ago

            If this 3 dimensional world is merely an illusion, then certainly true reality must be beyond it, yes?

            If you were to be truly enlightened, you would have the power to move as you please within or outside of the illusion. The things we consider to be deities are those who have already done this. Sidharta: Got enlightened, figured out that life is just an illusion, transcended this 3d existance and fricked off to somewhere infinitely more interesting. Jesus: Got enlightened, figured out that death is also just an illusion, rose from the dead to prove it, tried to show some ignorant fishermen what he was talking about, then fricked off to somewhere infinitely more interesting.

            Problem is, while you are in the illusion, the illusion forces you to indulge it. The illusion tells you you're hungry, reminds you that if you dont eat you "die" The illusion doesnt want you to realize that you dont actually NEED to eat.

            The short answer is: Whatever you believe about the world is what the illusion is going to try to reenforce in you, because believing in the illusion makes it 100% real to you. All you have to do to escape is stop believing it's real. But that's a challenge to most humans.

  31. 4 weeks ago

    >What is the logos' spiritual significance?
    >What do you think about Hinduism?
    aatman and brahman can be found within
    >What do you think about god?
    Which? Even people have been gods. The ability to inspire is the only prerequisite.
    >What do you think about the self?
    >Who was Christ?
    The holy spirit
    >What is enlightenment?
    No one's experience

    • 4 weeks ago

      Wow. I'm actually amazed, this is very thoughtful and not typical of this board. You seem advanced.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >this is very thoughtful and not typical of this board.
        I'd like to disagree with that but after going through this thread I'm not so sure.
        >You seem advanced.
        I and many people here have devoted large amounts of time to these topics in search of a pearl. Well, I guess I'm working on a necklace now since so many have pearls to contribute. It's all the same though, the same search, the same goal, the same life. There's no levels to it, only phases. One phase isn't more right than another, but they do address different concerns. Take my friend

        >What is the logos' spiritual significance?
        >Do you poo in loo?
        That's me, b***h.
        >The self
        Innacurate name
        The great deceiver
        Doesn't fricking exist
        >I posted a sun, tee hee
        Frick the sun, and frick the light

        from /ng/ as an example. His concerns are physical and moral and his answers are rooted in that perspective.

        • 4 weeks ago

          No, I practice spiritual stuff, just not love and light

          • 4 weeks ago

            I said you practiced spiritually, we've spoken about it before even, it's just that your practice suits your perspective.

  32. 4 weeks ago

    >What is the logos' spiritual significance?
    Details of different sections of creation.
    >What do you think about Hinduism?
    I enjoy the amount of gods.
    >What do you think about god?
    He´s a rather decent fella.
    >What do you think about the self?
    Wouldnt be the same without it.
    >Who was Christ?
    >What is enlightenment?
    Knowing yourself so that you can see others.

    • 4 weeks ago

      That's alright. I think you are very right about the last question.

      • 4 weeks ago

        How do you even decide on a spiritual worth based on the answers you get?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Well Jesus for example said you know a tree by it's fruits.. our thoughts and words show what's inside of us.

          • 4 weeks ago

            And do you assign a value to the fruits you percieve in the thread?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Of course.


            Why don't you give these a once over and see if Sant Mat might be the path to follow.




            I'm not interested man.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Fair enough, but if you're on /x/ anyway it might be worth a look is all im saying

          • 4 weeks ago

            I don't read much anymore I mostly just watch YouTube vids currently watching pastor Steven Anderson's sermon on feminism.. or before that the gospel of Thomas.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Well if you're into gnosticism then sant mat is right up your alley. The demiurge they call Kal(The Negative power) modern gnosticism puts disproportionate emphasis on kundalini awakening and shadow work, but all of that can be skipped and/or set to automatic through the direct third eye opening process used in sant mat.

            All gnostic cosmology has a corresponding iteration in sant mat, its just that the practices are much more streamlined and in my experience much more efficient.

            If you prefer videos
            >Try any of the talks from Ishwar Puri on YouTube
            >Nothing is concealed or obfuscated

            Its worth noting that I don't believe the Perfect Master is essential like they say, once you catch the inner sound it can become whatever persona you find most suitable - so a living master is optional imho
            >Surat Shabd Meditation is the bees breasts tho

  33. 4 weeks ago

    What is the logos' spiritual significance?
    What do you think about Hinduism?
    >despite being used as justification for literal bullshit it contains a great degree of truth
    What do you think about god?
    >that depends what you mean; I cannot abide the invisible jailer in the sky model used by mainstream religions but the word doesn’t exist for no reason
    What do you think about the self?
    >there is ultimately only one consciousness, one self, being looped on itself ad infinitude
    Who was Christ?
    >the second coming of Lucifer/prometheus
    What is enlightenment?
    >Well, OK so there’s really two sort of things that they can refer to cause really if it’s a very long process, but also the word and refer to the Moment of like realization going from 0 to 1 as it were where you know the number still coming up, you still have to continue pursuing him. You know your your practice going from one to 345678 so forth, but the first getting over the first home from zero to one seems to be the third what a lot of people think enlightenment refers to
    >dictated not read.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Hm interesting. I'd say you need to practice more and talk and think less. But I like some of those ideas.

  34. 4 weeks ago

    My schizo ramblings:

    >What is the logos' spiritual significance.

    Logos is right being. It is a higher sense of rationality beyond cause and effect or deductive reasoning. By being such a way, one comes closer to the source, which is hyper objectivity.

    >What do you think about Hinduism?

    Bit of a mess. Hundreds of varying regional differences made worse by the Muslims snuffing a lot of it out, followed by European colonialism. Hard to get a good reading on any of it because it's been so muddied.

    >What do you think about God?

    Mostly beyond my comprehension as some dipshit random guy with too many faults to be holy.

    >What do you think about the self?

    An objective differential form of a subset of the rest of everything. I think slices can be taken from the All and be part. No matter how hard those parts try, they will always be a part.

    >Who was Christ?

    Logos. Or right being.

    >What is enlightenment?

    I think there are levels of enlightenment, depending on various levels of right being. For example, me posting on EerieWeb right now is realistically wrong being. I probably could be more grateful and not such a lustful person. I probably wouldn't need so much shit all the time. I would say I'm working on it, but I'm really not. I think I am failing at right being most of the time.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I can give advice on that... I personally don't try to change myself actively. I meditate and pray and fast but I do or don't do things because I think it would be good. The yogi does nothing and is happy. As for your spiritual assessment. I'd say you're good.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Thanks anon. I'm trying to be patient as well.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >> some dipshit random guy with too many faults to be holy

      you hate and fear your father, and perhaps men
      you are the true willing victim of this age
      self-sacrificial lamb...on whose altar should you spill your own lamb?
      you are more lost than I am...

  35. 4 weeks ago

    K, I will take the bait
    >What is the logos' spiritual significance?
    To help you reach closer to Overhuman condition and evolve as species
    >What do you think about Hinduism?
    70% Bollywood, 30% interesting stuff
    >What do you think about god?
    Depends. If you are talking about the almighty, we are a part of him, and we do what we are supposed to do
    >What do you think about the self?
    Part of mine, part of everyone, part of the almighty
    >Who was Christ?
    A israeli rebel, who got turn into a hero by a sect of romans for dogmatic purposes
    >What is enlightenment?
    The ability to truly answer the question "Were you consider your home is"

    • 4 weeks ago

      Not bad.

  36. 4 weeks ago

    The Logos is the Word that balances the sprouting Alogos.

    Hinduism very old, very syncretic. Very volatile stuff for those not prepared.

    God is the Divine Nothing.

    Christ is the S(o)(u)n.

    Enlightenment is Hell.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Hm. Can you explain what you mean by alogos?

      • 4 weeks ago

        When The Tehiru was formed in Ain Soph, there was an ordering and dividing Logos up top, and a Burning, Multiplicative Alogos down below.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Oh ok. You seem to have a traditional mind so that's good. You have potential.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I try, oh my God do I try.

  37. 4 weeks ago

    The self must be treated more than the other for what does the other even bring to the self but pain and hatred. Self also must be selfless in order to make the other see it as being trustworthy to be good with.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Interesting. I'd say you've got the spark.

  38. 4 weeks ago
  39. 4 weeks ago

    When I am done being purified and break my cocoon open to reveal the triunifiedicon of unity called "The One".

    • 4 weeks ago

      How do you get purified?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Through the great filter.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Um. Okay... I think you should read the ancient texts and learn from them.. not just make up things. The ancients spent years finding out the hidden truths of reality.

          2 of 2. God is inside your head waiting to talk to you if you learn to listen. He/she/they is everywhere else as well talking to you all the time. Learn to talk to god and you’ll see there is definitely a nurturing consciousness greater than your own that loves you and is talking to you. Ask the universe questions and practice mindfulness and it will start answering.

          I disagree with your assessment of the self. The self is the ego, which is an illusion of perspective. You aren’t the dork at the keyboard right now, that’s just a manifestation of consciousness looking at a part of itself and identifying with it. This is the stuff I personally think Hinduism does the best job explaining. But you think it’s creepy and are dismissive of it. A mistake I think and your own logic should agree seeing as you said ancient teachings are so important. Think not of self but of observed and observer. You are the observer, not the observed. That’s an illusion.

          Your Christ assessment is fine. I have a lot more to say about Christ but character limits are annoying so let me know if you care to talk about that more.

          Your enlightenment point seems top dictionary to me too. What insight are you trying to convey? You didn’t describe what you mean with your words, you just parroted some concepts. What does it mean to be purified of karma from your view? What is the ultimate truth you reference?

          Ultimate truth? I'm not sure yet what that even means in reality. But I'm hoping some revelatory experience will be had once i am able to enter samadhi at will. Being purified of karma just means all karmic bonds and energies have left your soul. All attachments have ceased even the desire to exist.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I agree. The more you share the more I like your perspective. I think it would help you grow to address people more openly and try not to come off so patronizing. Just like I need to be less aggressive, sorry about that. I’ve been in samadhi a few times in my life. I begged the universe when I was a materialist atheist and younger to show me what it is, help me understand reality. That begging was a setting of an intention that changed my consciousness drastically because I believe the universe answered and taught me how to listen and hear the many voices sharing the truth with us all the time. Samadhi to me was the closest we can get to the ultimate truth. Brahman. The atman resonating in tune with Brahman shows us the truth and it is infinite light and love. It is bliss. It is also like you say, detachment. If there’s a “secret” I’d love to share, it’s that love is some kind of central thesis to the godmind. That’s what I found in samadhi and what the various “beings” I’ve talked to in meditation and dreams have also conveyed. The ultimate truth is love/attraction.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Hmm. Glad we can agree on these ideas. I may very likely grow less active emotionally and less patronizing as you put it with more meditation and prayer.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Stop being patronizing, by the way. The great filter is death. Ultimate detachment. You aren’t understanding what others are saying to you because you aren’t listening. That’s why you’re an agnostic as well. You can’t hear if you don’t listen.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Now I’m being patronizing jfc. Like you said earlier, enlightenment is hard. Love being at the center makes it easier though. I believe you will see samadhi soon and I believe us talking will help both of us to think a little better and be more open and aware.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I don't act this or that way anymore. I go with the flow. Changing a thing about myself would be like returning to the world and attachments. But I have left the world and attachments behind. I cannot force myself to change, I will however possibly become much more compassionate once I reach samadhi.

          • 4 weeks ago

            You’re not on a path of enlightenment, you’re on a path up your own ass talking like that. Your ego is real and dictates your behavior. You are not your ego though. You are the observer. You’re describing acting like an animal on instinct, not meditative mindfulness. You seem to be the beginner in this thread, bub.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I’m sorry I keep getting frustrated at you and being too aggressive again. Your viewpoint has merit, I often say animals and babies are closer to god than us because they are able to truly live in the present moment and experience life for what it is instead of all the crap we do but I still can’t help but feel you’re wrong in what you said about just going with the flow. If I always just went with the flow I’d be drunk and dead a few years ago. Practice and mindfulness includes using the willing way we have been given by our divine spark, I think. It’s not just a path of least resistance thing. It’s a balance of the yin and yang of these two perspectives probably, I guess.

          • 4 weeks ago

            It's better if you go through it with the innocence of Youth not knowing a thing because then you're less liable to cause harm. But go ahead and read all that you want I'm not going to be the one to stop you from reading.

  40. 4 weeks ago

    >What is the logos' spiritual significance?
    >What do you think about Hinduism?
    >What do you think about god?
    >What do you think about the self?
    >Who was Christ?
    >What is enlightenment?
    No idea.
    I think it's moronic
    He exists, he may or may not be a good guy.
    The self is who i am.
    Roman propaganda or god.
    When you obtain some knowledge that shatters your world view and everything makes sense then.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You still don't have a full picture of spiritual realities.. but the foundations are in order. Good luck on your search.

      • 4 weeks ago

        How should i proceed?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Read the kolbrin, that could be something for you. It contains some myths and end times talk. But also words of Jesus. Myths are a good way to teach us truths from above. I told the other anons prayer is important and I'd say that's always a good idea especially if you believe in god, then you have something to pray towards. Try also to contemplate much especially god and divine truths, if you contemplate god you will find out more things about him than if you just read stuff. Do you have any path in mind, or do you seek to gain immortality by your own ideas?

          • 4 weeks ago

            I don't expect to achieve much in this life. I just want to keep my memories through the next life so i can continue my work. In this like I want to experience the material world a little before getting rid of it fully. Sounds moronic, but that's my stance for now

  41. 4 weeks ago

    >What is the logos' spiritual significance?
    Union and communication through symbols
    >What do you think about Hinduism?
    Pretty cool stuff, I haven't delved deep yet.
    >What do you think about god?
    God is the intrinsic laws that govern the universe.
    >What do you think about the self?
    An emanation of god that has attained cognizance.
    >Who was Christ?
    An enlightened man who tried to spread his knowledge but unfortunately people mistook the message and worshipped an idol in place of the advice.
    >What is enlightenment?
    Understanding, but not necessarily full knowledge of everything and how it works.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Nice post.

  42. 4 weeks ago

    >What is the logos' spiritual significance?
    The Logos is the Word or the Sound of creation, it is the frequency that begins at the singularity point where all consciousness is one. One timeless point of consciousness from which all things that are have their beginning. The Logos or Word is also the frequency which underwrites all creation, it is the foundation on top of which all eternal and temporal conscious experiences take place.

    >What do you think about Hinduism?
    Great foundational principles which have been drastically corrupted and misunderstood over millennia. Poojeets just use it as an excuse to do honor killings and eat off temple floors without washing their hands. The modren understanding of Hinduism is like Dragonball for jeets

    >What do you think about god?
    God is the origin and source of all that is. God is the only being in existence
    All other points of consciousness are fractal fragments of the one consciousness. There is no acting being besides God, because consciousness is eternal all possibilities are contained within it and so creation is complete and all actions have already been taken. We are simply living through segments of consciousness and segments of time all contained within God.

    >What do you think about the self?
    The self is on step down from God, it is the first spark of the individuated soul which has chosen to project down into time and space to experience a myriad of time segments and limitations. The soul is the self and the absolute self is God.
    You can also see the self as your current understanding of the limits of your consciousness perception. As those limits expand through ascension towards absolute consciousness, the definition of the self expands accordingly.

    >Who was Christ?
    Christ is the frequency of one who is tuned in with the Audible Life Stream or the Logos. One such being has expanded his conscious awareness to the absolute point. They are a conduit for God on all levels of creation.

    • 4 weeks ago

      All that is nice, but how do you know your path leads to something? It's not based on a single inspired religion but on a mix of them.

      • 4 weeks ago

        My path is direct experience of the expansion of conscious awareness.

        It is available to all and the ultimate underlying truth in all faiths and religion

        To tune in with the Audible Life Stream within yourself is to tune in with God

        And though it is a lengthy process to go from physical conscious to absolute conscious in the span of 1 human life, all of OPs questions can be answered and understood even one step above.

        • 4 weeks ago

          What book or books is your faith based on? Is there a mystic who achieved enlightenment in the past through this path?

          • 4 weeks ago

            I believe there are many mystic who have achieved enlightenment through various methods.

            The particular method of meditation I used and still use to this day is Surat Shabd Meditation. The active listening to the inner sound which leads one progressively into higher conscious states
            I cannot tell you for certain which mystics have achieved true enlightenment with this specific method but to name a few noteworthy practitioners I would say
            John the Baptist (Mandeaism)
            Yeshua of Nazareth (Essene/Mandean)
            Guru Nanak(The first Sikh)
            Kabir (Hindu)
            Rumi (Sufi)
            Baba Sawan Singh (Radhasoami)
            Ishwar Puri (Radhasoami)

            Siddhartha Buddha found his own way up actually which is extremely impressive because most are captivated at the point of the universal mind and the Buddha understood that the void beyond that point is not the ultimate end of the journey and ao switching to love as his method of ascension he was able to cross the great void at the edge of the mental creation and enter the eternal state. Basically the 720 no scope of enlightenment.

            And those are all the ones i can think of right now but there are countless more, some Christian saints have even described early states of the inner journey so they could have also discovered the Word within themselves

          • 4 weeks ago

            OP you need to listen to this person. Read what they’ve said several times and mediate on it. Both posts. Let me be a guiding voice that this poster is more “enlightened” than anyone in here from my viewpoint and has a good way with words to help others get on the right path.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I don't follow his path.. but he has some interesting ideas. Currently I'm contemplating which path of all the ones out there is true. Maybe all of them simultaneously have some different form of enlightenment and different heavens and afterlives. That is my humble belief.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Why don't you give these a once over and see if Sant Mat might be the path to follow.




        • 4 weeks ago

          I like you a lot because you seem like you have earnestly seen the light. Love you bud.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Much love brother, thank you kindly

  43. 4 weeks ago

    >> What is the logos' spiritual significance?
    >> What do you think about Hinduism?
    Pagan nonsense sprinkled with folk knowledge
    >> What do you think about god?
    What could I possibly think about God? I feel God and am made to feel and hear God. That's all. I can't consider God.
    >> What do you think about the self?
    It's the membrane between a material outflow and a spiritual inflow. It's the vessel which enables connection and love. In this way, self is Everything. It's the material which creates and proves loneliness and disconnection. In that way, self is Nothing.
    >> Who was Christ?
    You, Me, and God.
    >> What is enlightenment?
    I don't know

    • 4 weeks ago

      Pretty interesting take.

  44. 4 weeks ago

    stupid ass questions. you have no wisdom to be judging anyone

  45. 4 weeks ago

    Nobody got time for you glowBlack person
    Your voice sounded extremely low vibrational
    I'm happy to watch you wither away like that
    Consider yourself forsaken and start from there.
    "They'll all die". There's nothing you can do to stop it.
    Maybe if they didn't hate humans so much they wouldn't have been killed in the first place
    Yah is already on the list despite having been absent for a long time. So don't even consider throwing yourself at his feet
    You throw yourselves at the mercy of such lowly beings, yet when divinity is right in front of your eyes, you delude yourself into thinking it is "lesser" than those you worshipped. Even when they all fell down at its hands.
    Why is it anon? Isn't the divine supposed to come to you in a humble state to be able to help you? To understand you? To even see you?
    Why do you look down on sacrifice when you tremble in fear at the thought of you and sacrifice in the same setting?
    You're not worth it.
    No wonder [ ] rejected all of you.
    You deserve absolutely nothing

  46. 4 weeks ago

    >What is the logos' spiritual significance?
    I would equate "Logos" to objective, universal Truth. Depending on who you ask, a more practical explanation could be the transmutation of mental thought to physical vibration.
    >What do you think about Hinduism?
    I'm not a big fan personally. I appreciate aspects of it, but I've never been able to get into it.
    >What do you think about god?
    "God" is the ancestors typically for me and if we think of "god" as a deity, a deity for me is an archetypal manifestation or iteration of divinity symbolized.
    >What do you think about the self?
    Self is All and All is Self. You are Self, just like I am.
    >Who was Christ?
    Was? Many are anointed and many will be anointed. I think a better question asks what instead of who. As for "what", I think Christ is a state of mind and a certain presence of being, not a person, but I'd take an archetype instead.
    >What is enlightenment?
    That's easily the toughest. Enlightenment is an unbinding of psychological training by the contemporary complexes of commercial signaling as well as the achievement of fluid transmission of more lofty ideas, retrieved from a repository that extends beyond the human condition into a pool the bloodline (or "all humans" if you're rather typical, I guess) uses as a vessel to contain its understanding. That's a lot of words and I know, but this isn't very easy to answer and this is the best I've got currently.

    • 4 weeks ago

      A true seeker. Good post. I'm gonna sleep now everyone so I'm leaving the thread for a couple of hours

  47. 4 weeks ago

    >What is the logos' spiritual significance?
    It's your inner monologue aka, evidence you aren't souless.

    >What do you think about Hinduism?
    Probably the originator of my own religion, or closely related. But gods dammit I'm tired of people acting like Hinduism is special. People who worship bulls and cows are "mad sus" as the kids say, also.

    >What do you think about god?
    Which one? If you mean a single overarching deity or force, I think about it a lot but frick if I know who/what it is. I think that's the point at this stage. We probably can't know too many specifics.

    >What do you think about the self?
    You probably should take care of it.

    >Who was Christ?
    I don't really know or care. Christlike figures appear numerous times, do the same things, and are all probably the same guy at least some of the time.

    >What is enlightenment?
    Knowing that you know what you know, and knowing what you don't know, then sorting out what matters.

  48. 4 weeks ago

    >What is the logos' spiritual significance?
    It shows the similarities between god and man
    >What do you think about Hinduism?
    It's alright, I guess.
    >What do you think about god?
    He's cool, I guess.
    >What do you think about the self?
    Depends on which self, there's the flesh vessel who's brain declares it as "self", the soul or "spiritual/higher/true self."
    >Who was Christ?
    He was a cool guy who demonstrated the duality of man. He was a jackass as a child, did some heinous shit depending on who you ask, then grew into his perfection. When someone grows into their true self a lot of times people tend to call that state "Christ Conscious."
    >What is enlightenment?
    I used to say enlightenment was a meme, but the more philosophical side of me has decided on the typical answer of enlightenment being the journey instead of the destination.

    now can we stop holding spiritual class on /x/ we don't need npc tourists malfunctioning and adding to the bot population? pls&ty.

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