i took the parasite pill man, i need to know how to get rid of these things from my body man?

i took the parasite pill man, i need to know how to get rid of these things from my body man? I read the huge pdf about the mind controlling capabilities and so much more. I felt disgusted.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Easiest lowest entry method thatll get rid of most is start your day with 3 raw cloves of garlic and a glass of 2-3 tsp sea salt dissolved in it
    Most intestinals will be kill
    I dont hear enough people talking about the skin variant, kill them by taking baths with magnesium based bath salts
    >now you know why bathsalts were demonized

    • 2 years ago

      Raw garlic cloves on an empty stomach could trigger some serious shit.

      • 2 years ago

        This is bullshit. I’ve been eating 3 raw cloves of garlic every morning on an empty stomach for years and I’m fine.

    • 2 years ago

      Garlic is toxic as frick to the entire body and kills everything. This is why this shit is either halfway moronic or 100% moronic. You destroy your gut bacteria doing this shit. Just eat some raw red onion.

  2. 2 years ago

    I don't get the whole parasite thing. It's literally parasites in your physical body? Why not go to a doctor or something if they're literally there and not some interdimensional loosh-worms?

    • 2 years ago

      because this board is full of paranoid schizophrenics

    • 2 years ago

      Good luck finding a doctor that doesnt just download their opinions from comped studies and publications
      Many doctors also think the Jab is all fine and dandy

      • 2 years ago

        That doesn't make sense, if they are physical parasites then why can't you just take a blood test or some other physical exam where the doctor would notice the parasite? Also OP link the pdf about the mind control parasites

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          The body hides things like parasites pretty well. Or you could say that parasites are good at hiding inside the body. Unless their populations are growing out of control and you are in the middle of their birth cycle, there really isn't very many clear indicators that you have parasites (that will be taken seriously by a medical professional). Most of the symptoms of parasites will be similar to other conditions. Furthermore, getting a doctor to order labs done (especially unusual labs, like diagnostics for parasites) is actually a pain in the ass. Doctors don't like being told what to do, it usually has to be their idea or they don't like it.

          • 2 years ago

            I remember reading on twitter that humans are the only animals on the planet without innate defenses against parasites, or that our immune systems can't destroy them on their own. Is this actually true?

          • 2 years ago

            It's partially due to the mitochondria originally being a parasite that created a syvoric relationship with us til the point of being absorbed and integrated into the what is the modern day human cell. Keeping this in mind, makes sense why our bodies might not fight parasites back

          • 2 years ago

            Symbiotic not syvoric

          • 2 years ago

            >the mitochondria
            Shut up you moron

          • 2 years ago

            No, animals get worms all the fricking time, do you think any species of parasite would survive if they died in 99% of organisms

            It's partially due to the mitochondria originally being a parasite that created a syvoric relationship with us til the point of being absorbed and integrated into the what is the modern day human cell. Keeping this in mind, makes sense why our bodies might not fight parasites back

            >It's partially due to the mitochondria originally being a parasite
            oh mitochondria causes you to be vulnerable to parasites? So all eukaryotes, only bacteria and archaea are safe then.
            Fricking illiterates on /x/

          • 2 years ago

            Sorry for bad English moron. do grade 9 science again -.-

          • 2 years ago

            i never said that animals couldn't get parasites or die from them, just that humans might not have the same defenses against them as they do. i sentence you to mandatory reading comprehension

          • 2 years ago

            People on here don't read brother, /x/ is starting to make /b/ seem intelligent.

          • 2 years ago

            The body definitely has defenses in place to fight parasites. There is a problem with certain kinds, but I don't know that there are creatures with defenses able to completely kill some of these things either. For instance, Raccoon Roundworm is a great example. It lives in the digestive system of a raccoon and raccoons shit them out as eggs. Those eggs can find their way inside other animals, but they can't fully mature in anything but a raccoon's body, so they stay in this immature worm state and end up traveling throughout the body. They like to eat nervous system tissue and eventually would like to make it to the brain. If a human were to ingest the eggs or breathe them in, there are things the body can do to either kill the immature roundworms outright, but once those roundworms make it to a certain stage in their development or area in the body it can become much more difficult to kill them outright. At that point, the best that the body can do is encyst them and slowly break them down over time. It is very much a case by case basis for every body. A lot of it is determined by the composition of the body and what else the immune system is currently dealing with. I have heard that parasites are very good at hiding in people with cancer and the cancer prevents the body from identifying and dealing with the parasites.

    • 2 years ago

      1 : the tests are correct maybe 50% of the time, and there are HUNDREDS of types you can get infected by
      2 : the treatments are ineffective, most of them treat the symptoms vs herbs which can kill multiple parasites, wormwood complex for example can kill worms in all 3 stages of life, eggs, larvae, adult worm

  3. 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    here you are fren
    >basic gestalt on anti-parasitic treatments both herbal and synthetic: what? how? dosage? time?

  5. 2 years ago

    >Take the Wormpill.
    >basic gestalt on anti-parasitic treatments both herbal and synthetic: what? how? dosage? time?
    >Additional informational PDF.
    >"The Hidden Epidemic In North American Parasites"
    >Intestinal parasitic infections in homosexual men: prevalence, symptoms and factors in transmission
    >Journal of the Canadian Medical Association, vol 123 issue 20 (1980) p. 512-514

    • 2 years ago

      OP should've included the Cosmic Death Fungus PDF at the very least. Thanks for posting these. We really need an OP template for these threads and title them /cdf/ Cosmic Death Fungus General.

      Here's the previous thread


  6. 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    garlic isn't going to do jack shit for worms.

  8. 2 years ago

    There is a War between Worms and Mushrooms

  9. 2 years ago

    So I just found out that the probiotics in kombucha partially come from yeast. The yeast in the kombucha I drink (pic related) is saccharomyces boulardii.

    Should I stop drinking this stuff immediately?

    • 2 years ago

      Sort of answering my own question here, but after reading around a bit, it seems saccharomyces boulardii isn't beneficial to candida growth and may even hinder it. However, the fermentation process can produce unknown strains of yeast that might promote candida growth. Also, certain kinds of kombucha contain quite a bit of sugar, which obviously isn't good (GT's Kombucha in particular is low in sugar).

      I don't drink a ton of this stuff, maybe 4oz daily on average, but I think I might stop drinking it for the time being, while I'm on the NAC protocol. Maybe someone knowledgeable about this stuff can chime in here.

  10. 2 years ago

    i 'm not going to help but i'll say what won't help.

    1. literally anything you can buy at a grocery store. so anyone saying garlic is disinfo.

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