How do I unlock spiritual thinking?

I must preface this by saying that when I use the term "irrational" I don't do so in a mocking way, I mean by "irrational" literally those things which cannot be sensed by means of human senses.

Throughout my life I have never had any experiences whatsoever, which I could call "spiritual". I was raised Christian but as I matured I soon found belief in that religion and indeed most others impossible.

Is there anyone else for whom "spiritual" and otherwise irrational thinking is nearly impossible to achieve. I have struggled to no avail to accept as truth most if not all of the posts on this board. I have nevertheless always been greatly intrigued by spirituality and have sought in recent years to discover the truth surrounding it. I do believe that there is more to this world and reality than what meets the eye, but what that is exactly, I cannot tell. In truth, I wish I were able to think as do those who are "spiritual" and "religious", but when my brain attempts to entertain that which is irrational, the rational side of my brain immediately takes over and dismisses such thinking, blocking it out as nonsensical and illogical. Is there a way, by which one can overcome these mental blockades, and unlock spiritual-thinking? Or is all spirituality and irrationality ultimately self-delusion.

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  1. 11 months ago
  2. 11 months ago

    the kingdom of heaven is within you. you can see it now by unlocking your minds eye and its natural abilities.

    • 11 months ago

      >you can see it now by unlocking your minds eye and its natural abilities

      What is this supposed to mean, and whereby am I to "unlock my mind's eye"?

      • 11 months ago

        u get a key and place the key inside the lock which is inside your brain

        u just need to get into ur brain first, so u may want to get a shotgun or some other brain opening apparatus

        (jk pls don't kys)

      • 11 months ago

        Center your awareness behind your eyes. Focus on your breathing to control stray thought and whatever song your Ego is playing through and whatever else may be in there. Empty mind is pure mind. Then roam your body with your pure awareness without intention or purpose, go examine shit, your organs, your bones, your pp, whatever. The more you do this, the better you get and the more shit you notice. You are the observer of all things, now observe the source of your life.

        I already pointed it.
        The quickest, but not the safest, is to literally turn your eyes backwards.
        Pay attention to your body.
        That's it.

        • 11 months ago

          What the frick I do this when I’m going to sleep naturally and almost always have an insane vivid dream usually relating to what I was thinking about before I fell asleep I was thinking it was something like hypnagogic hallucinations

  3. 11 months ago

    Center your awareness behind your eyes. Focus on your breathing to control stray thought and whatever song your Ego is playing through and whatever else may be in there. Empty mind is pure mind. Then roam your body with your pure awareness without intention or purpose, go examine shit, your organs, your bones, your pp, whatever. The more you do this, the better you get and the more shit you notice. You are the observer of all things, now observe the source of your life.

  4. 11 months ago

    If you look hard enough and ask the right questions the answers will find you.

  5. 11 months ago

    Curiosity is the first step. If you really want to find God spend more time alone and in nature. It's the most spiritual thing you can do.

  6. 11 months ago

    i used to be like this. completely against the "new age spiritual woo woo hippy dippy bullshit". in some ways, i am still skeptical.

    for me, it all happened naturally. after experimenting with psychedelics (which i dont exactly reccommend) i began to realize my spiritual side, but it wasnt cut and dry. didnt REALIZE it was spirituality at the time.

    because of certain.... well call it "epiphanies" ir realizations, i began self work. shadow work, and ego work. though at the time, i had NO CLUE, what i was doing, why i was doing it, etc. just felt like the right thing to do. like, back then i didnt even realize there was a name for these things (shadow/ego work). i sorta pieced it together from movies, books, ideas, etc.

    years passed, and i kept it up. then other ideas came to me, and i experimented with them. these days, i would call it, "raising my vibrations".

    more time passed. then approx 1.5 years ago, i accidentally came across the Law of One. this was a huge moment for me. it basically confirmed many of my hunches. i validated me, and let me know i was actually following a well worn path. since then, ive read LOTS more, and i plan on continuing.

    to put it into perspectice, this all began for me, around early 2000s. like approx around 2003. the point of my story is, follow your gut.

    • 11 months ago

      for me, its that fake language some people begin to use, trying to set themselves apart. like, bro, just talk how you normally talk. or how most people cant put these concepts into their own words. they go for rote memorization, and regurgitate what theyve read. THEN, for me the cherry ontop, is the fake toxic positivity some ppl put out there.

      it wasnt until i found some ppl, that talked about it normally, wouldnt try to be fake positive, and werent so holier than thou about it. that helped me change my mind. (lots and lots of scouring diff boards, articles, books, etc).

    • 11 months ago

      as a JOKE, i hope it doesnt take you 20 years, as well. but fer real, i wanted to share that post, so ppl know its not always a quick, like, overnight process. for some, it may be, and i would be lying if i said i wasnt jealous. for me, it was LOTS of wandering in the dark. following hunches. i shoulda dipped my toes in the water, and tried reading stuff. looking back, it was knocking at my door all along, but i ignored it all, cause of my old personality. (ever since teens ppl kept telling me, i should read certain books, cause they thought i would like it. it was VERY introductory, but it would have set me on the correct path. the books reccod were Urantia and Celestine Prophecy. before ppl shit all over it, im not saying it contains profound truths. im saying, its a gateway book, that is a cool place to begin. to see if ure interested. now, ftr, to this day, i still havent read them.

  7. 11 months ago

    It's not irrational, direct mystical experience could maybe be called that because of its subjective nature. However the procedural generation of reality as we understand it is very logical and can be understood by math that plays with infinity (fractals). The logos.

  8. 11 months ago

    > See pic

  9. 11 months ago

    Spiritual does not mean irrational as opposite to reason, but rather as independent to it, I fumbled many spiritual experiences when I was on that mindset because very quickly I'd try to explain or dissipate whatever extraordinary thing happened through "logical" explanation when it really didn't need it for it to be a real thing that happened to me.
    I still am very much a rational person, and you'll see that many people that historically engaged with spirituality were as well, and most of those engaging with it on the west had to come to terms with it in more or less similar circumstances as you do; in a godless, materialistic and profane environment.
    Just the fact that you know intuitively that there has to be something proves that you're capable of engaging with it.
    Manly P Hall and Carl Jung I think are good names for you to look into, both were highly educated, smart, rational and honest people that you won't be able to just shove aside smugly as easily as you may the regular pastor.
    I wish you good luck in the journey, I'm looking forward to your schizo post of awakening.

  10. 11 months ago

    How do I unlock thinking?

  11. 11 months ago

    We can try to get you to understand the toolkit that is available to you.

    If you’re familiar with the workings of left brain/right brain, this will be easier. Either way:

    Left brain is the hemisphere of “coherence,” that is, analytical; logic, rationale, order, organization, labels, science, math, limitation, restriction, scrutiny, doubt, and assumption.

    This portion of the mind developed the ego, whose sole task is the survival of the body, through adaptation of beliefs. Thus, anything that challenges those beliefs (which are deemed as vital/essential by the ego) must illicit a response of defense/attack.

    Because we don’t need to worry about being shanked by every human on the street, it’s largely unnecessary in that regard. So the ego adapts, latching onto the identity of which is necessary to “survive” in the social world. This creates the false self.

    When one silences this portion of the mind, by not engaging in judgement, criticism, by not living to appeal to others, by not attaching to the assumptions/stories created by the mind, and by recognizing they are not their ego, not just a body, and not just a mind, the “gate” opens.

    You must let go of logic and reasoning and embrace right brain function, which is the hemisphere of “incoherence,” imagination; illogical, irrational, chaos, disorganization, dreams, visualization, freedom, the arts, creativity, expression, and intuition.

    And then in balancing both, you function as a whole, rather than as one trapped/ruled by their ego. Soon one recognizes that by freeing up focus on egoic desires, and the dense mental space that occupies, space is made for something else, which fills it.

    And then the ego gets repurposed to fulfill the desires of a wholly, unified being.

    Question your ego and find the root of its beliefs. Then adopt new, constructive beliefs to replace the destructive ones.

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