How did this nobody thing started?

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  1. 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      It really kicked of 2011-2012 and then again 2016 on. Its the most powerful lore by far and obviously quite astounding

      • 4 weeks ago

        Is there some special recipe of the lore that makes it a compelling case study? Who are the parties that would be interested in such things?

        • 4 weeks ago

          The lore is captivating due the precipice of it being that the nobody is you. It places the cards in your favor, and what is met before you is similar to what this anon

          it's a bunch of morons being controlled by narcissists who think they're in a special club when in reality it's just activism for brainwashing projects and gangstalking. they try to make as many people who are borderline schitzo or are narcissistic themselves and use them as a means to normalize the stalking and harassment of randos. It's a cover op for brainwashing. it's just narcissists and pseudo-intellectuals trying to feel smart because the feds allow them to harm others... and they think they are super intelligent because of narcissistic personality traits but it really is just a bunch of slaves trying to torture other people because they want to make more slaves or abuse others.

          the slaves build their own cage and work under the direct will of sociopathic federal agents. Many of them do it for free because they're just that stupid.

          Hey you guys aren't smart about it, you're just allowed to operate. the federal government knows every single person involved and likely saves monitoring data on all of them too.

          says. You see the true rot in most people, they tear at your very essence and want what you have. They'll compete to reach your inner glory, something you never had to try for to begin with. You were abused, lied to, shown distractions all to keep yourself from persisting in what is supposed to your path alone. You failed to love yourself, and the negative reality and it's consequences has been presented to you as a potential casuality, yet you persist because you know the truth now. The Great Work is far from finished, you've just become conscious.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >The lore is captivating due the precipice of it being that the nobody is you.
            Wait, is that it? Am I supposed to read about the nobody and think "hold on, they're talking about me!", and participate in a thread where all those anons think they're talking about them?
            But that can't be because there's only 1 nobody? So it's full of delusional people that all are wrong thinking the thread is about them?
            Whoa, I guess now everything makes sense. I mean, it doesn't, but I had no idea what it was really about.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I think its similar to many "crazy types" claiming they are jesus. Like its rarely ever two witness or anything which is weird. You know like jesus is thought of as #1. Even though satanists deny it the fact they hate him so much and simultaneously seemingly even want to be him draws extreme ire and hubris. Thing is though, jesus wanted people to be like him walk in his footsteps and even said you can do even better miracles. Its just weird that even the devils focus on jesus. Same with the nobody. Some of these guys are legit going through spiritual turmoil and getting possessed. Others are silent warriors who pop up time to time and still others besides but most of these people are fake as frick sad cases total morons loudmouths narcissistic. You could say a lot its fascinating

      • 4 weeks ago

        LHC first ran in 2008 then a issue happened and ran again in 2009 till 2013 and ran again in 2015 till 2018

  2. 4 weeks ago

    it's a bunch of morons being controlled by narcissists who think they're in a special club when in reality it's just activism for brainwashing projects and gangstalking. they try to make as many people who are borderline schitzo or are narcissistic themselves and use them as a means to normalize the stalking and harassment of randos. It's a cover op for brainwashing. it's just narcissists and pseudo-intellectuals trying to feel smart because the feds allow them to harm others... and they think they are super intelligent because of narcissistic personality traits but it really is just a bunch of slaves trying to torture other people because they want to make more slaves or abuse others.

    the slaves build their own cage and work under the direct will of sociopathic federal agents. Many of them do it for free because they're just that stupid.

    Hey you guys aren't smart about it, you're just allowed to operate. the federal government knows every single person involved and likely saves monitoring data on all of them too.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Many of them do it for free
      Jannies would be proud.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >muh narcisism

      • 4 weeks ago

        that is what it is. that describes perfectly the behaviors exhibited by these people. it's less so a medical term and more so a direct and completely accurate description of the behaviors that the group models and the stalking that takes place along with gaslighting tactics. it is narcissism.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Thinking about manipulative buttholes always piss me off until I remind myself to stop thinking about them. Kind of difficult when I'm surrounded by these frickers though.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    I'll tell you, but I'ma need about three fiddy

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Ask the guy named boot

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Glowie boomers started a predictive programming thread on some forum in 2010 about some powerful spiritual individual who was apparently crafty enough to put the Illuminati in a chokehold but the unspoken motive was, imo, just to get internet schizos to self identify and volunteer to be the Antichrist/MK ultra puppet for a broader behavioral modification thru social media campaign.

    This went on for about 9 years getting thousands of posts and then EerieWeb caught wind of it and it took off here because the chosen one meme scratches the part of the brain that makes antisocial NEETS with a few screws loose purr like a kitten.

    In recent years it’s been a kind of psychic warfare battleground for meme magicians, /x/ general, gangstalking lolcow social club, esoteric shitposting, information warfare weapons swap meet, and crybaby edgelord containment chamber.

  6. 4 weeks ago
  7. 4 weeks ago

    It's a schizophrenic support group. When one of them sparks off in psychosis they assume the role of the Nobody and start ranting megalomaniacal garbage until they collapse. Realizing they're not actually the all-powerful Nobody helps them reintegrate their identities as they come down from the power trip.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Some or many of those crazy types end up dying or in prison and stuff. I remember one guy used to always post selfies with long cutlery knives

  8. 4 weeks ago

    >NSA cover for a psychic program managed by one guy ("The Nobody")

    >Posts are often hidden messages detailing his activities and developments regarding the program

    >They use this along with a lot of other places where no one except those in the know would ever take it seriously. A lot of tripgays are feds.

    >"The Nobody" was a good fit as a coverstory here for an actual person who manages a global telepathic network, so this thread doubles as a small hub for talking about what he's doing.

    >And it's real. The idea is /x/ is a great pick for saying crazy stuff.

    >It's pretty serious. It redefines religion and human nature in general with a universal truth we can all stand behind. And everybody gets free psychic abilities with a perfect set of rules. Talking to animals, etc.

    >The goal is to unite humanity. The working understanding is that it's how advanced alien species operate, and it hasn't stopped making sense.

    >Yes, everybody is behind this.

    >/ng/ is just one of many places to talk about it. It upsets a lot of things if it's too loud. But it is real.

    >The government doesn't manage it, that's most people's first mistake. It's literally just some guy.

    >The American and most major governments utilize practices that ultimately have the goal of understanding what we would call psychic abilities. Some guy figured it out and is using it to construct a global network based on the essence of consciousness, permitting everybody from gas station attendants to heads of states to communicate telepathically. It's thought that it's basically a connection to what we would call God.

    >It redefines many aspects of human culture but is quietly and widely being accepted as the path forward as a species.

    >This thread paralleled with what the guy is doing so it got picked up and now certain people are flags for changing activity in the thread. It's just a cover. Frick the spammer.

    >It's a guy teaching psychic abilities telepathically. It's as cool as you think.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    I only bring truth unlike the cowards who try to hide It on the discords

    It all started on GLP 2009

    Here skip to about 18:30


    You're welcome -Lucifer

  10. 4 weeks ago
    Nobody From Nowhere

    Long story short.

    I got involved in a couple of cults for fun. They didn't like that I wasn't a super serious larper. I investigated gold base where the Scientologist make their sausage. I would publish my findings online. Got a shot at the big time in 2013-2014 with fedgov contracts. Wandered around a few tests started asking the wrong questions. Published some redacted files around 2016-2017 that got me in a bit of a mess. its been gangsterklerlandia since 2018 on. Mulling a congressional run but rather not go mainstream and leave it to the paid shills. I hope your doing ok and if you have questions ask them here.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This is just one of the hundreds of larpbodies who really think they're the guy

  11. 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      Handwrites a short collection of poetry so fricking cryptic that repeated interpretive reads make it increasingly more terrifying in its implication than any horror movies that the readers will ever watch. Sits on it for a few years before dumping it online in the hope that it hits home in the social media
      datamining/tunneling network as a metaphorical account of both lived experience and fever dream hallucinations, remembered
      and recorded upon waking
      >can I see this or was it written by Il Separatio?

      • 4 weeks ago

        It’s probably in his file and being used to train LLMs and cyber special forces, and control politicians

  12. 4 weeks ago

    the nobody was born in the beginning of 2009
    at CERN the LHC first ran in september 2008 but only for 9 days because an issue occurred and ran again in november 2009 till 2013
    in 2009 when the LHC was turned back on it was a month away from the norwegian spiral anomaly
    the LHC ran in 2015 till 2018 then again the LHC ran in 2022 till 2025-2026 and in 2025 saturn's ring will disappear from view briefly the last time this happened was in 2009
    the LHC will run again in 2029 the year the singularity could happen

  13. 4 weeks ago
  14. 4 weeks ago
  15. 4 weeks ago
  16. 4 weeks ago

    If we’re wanting to achieve a post-scarcity society and life extension then there’s a question of what kind of art and entertainment will we generate. The Nobody as an infinite game with life altering philosophical import gives me hope that we’re actually getting there

  17. 4 weeks ago

    the same way every moronic trend on /x/ gets started.
    Some dumb namegay attention prostitutes get interested in topic ( usually it's vampires or something just as gay) and they start LARPing and don't stop.

    • 4 weeks ago

      But no one actually larps as the nobody

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's a forced meme, which makes it even more lame.

  18. 4 weeks ago

    muh lobster

  19. 4 weeks ago

    wos has gigant fat tatas

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