Guys I need help, my 6th sense is acting up randomly.

Guys I need help, my 6th sense is acting up randomly. I am sometimes able to look into the future or some how know who or what will be where, usually a short time before the actual happening. Its not a voice, its a feeling that tells me the information. Its random and doesnt really help me with the things im doing at that moment, I believe this shit is real it clearly showed.

What is it and how do i get better at this?

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  1. 1 month ago

    The veil is thinning and time folds unto itself, signifying the start of an altogether new Harvest.

    • 1 month ago

      I need help bro, this doesnt help at all.
      I want to know why Ive always been the special one, people are starting to call me superman.

      • 1 month ago

        Special one doesnt need help.

        • 1 month ago

          Than how would i kow what to do?
          I do not have some sort of person that done it all before me, last one that actually did come close, died of an heart attack.

          • 1 month ago

            Youre barking up the wrong tree special one, im just normal one.

          • 1 month ago

            I am so the others can read what i am looking for.

          • 1 month ago

            Your mother is worried about you. Address that first.

          • 1 month ago

            The mother of a person like this thats still alife, doesnt worrie eny more.

        • 1 month ago

          you are engaging in cognitive perception. simple. focus your attention and learn whatever you want.

          to some extent this is true.. but even the special ones had their path that brought them up to speed and prepared to deal with the flood of knowledge that comes from unlocking access to the universe by means of cognitive perception.
          you are your own limitation, your own guiding force. it takes time to discover that intuitively you already know enough to shape where this knowledge will guide you.
          no matter how much you know.. there is always more.

      • 1 month ago

        >I want to know why Ive always been the special one
        An outside entity is currently working to increase the number of humans with a 6th sense ability. It is not known what their end goal is, but it is working.

        • 1 month ago

          Doesnt feel wrong.

      • 1 month ago

        You are not special don't let ego-inflation bullshit make you think like that. What is superhuman on Earth is normal on other planets, this planet is full of morons.

  2. 1 month ago

    Guitar pick

  3. 1 month ago

    How many vaccine shots did you get?

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      might have answared to quick, got a couple when i was a kid. standard vacs given out for kids.

      • 1 month ago

        Right on. Only asking from the aspect of the covid vaccines possibly having elements of transhumanistic experimentation

  4. 1 month ago

    yea sure you can get better
    its like a muscle that you can train, now that you know what it feels like when it activates it should be simple.
    Do exercises for it like

    Take an object in your house like a cup and try to see the future that happens around it

    try to see something that will happen in your near future, like the upcoming week or day

    focus on certain locations you frequent, so you can see the results easily

    meditate and let the 6th sense simple tell you things for a while.

    try reading up on clairvoyance and see what other people do, it won't all work for you, like looking at someone else's workout routine won't work exactly on your body, but it can be a place to start.

    • 1 month ago

      Thanks you very much anon.

      • 1 month ago

        happy to help, there are a lot more clairvoyants out there than you'd expect, they just keep it to themselves, partly because of what you said in your OP about not being able to get "useful" information, which is what people would immediately want to ask you for.

        Anyway, my only other advice is be patient with yourself, and it really does help to accept what you sense as is, the same what you accept your other senses. Like I don't go around doubting my nose or asking the nose to find deeper meaning, that would be silly. These kind of clair senses are the same, they are just information and some is going to be useless, but some will save your life.
        The scent of grass being cut outside might be useless because its just your neighbor but the scent of smoke might save your life because its the kitchen burning. That kind of logic.

        • 1 month ago

          I believe in myself more than a normal person and i know this can be dangerous.
          I have been gangstalked for 10 years, they tried to kill me for 5 years straight, so i know very well whats real or fake.

          The things your saying are very accurate, thank you for telling me to be patient, the fact i survived all of this wants me to go faster and faster.

          I think i know where i will end up in the future, but i cant know it for sure untill it actually happends.
          Ive had alot of thaughts and pictures where and at what age this will happen.

  5. 1 month ago

    I don't tell too many people this for obvious reasons. I've only ever told my mom and dad. I know when people are going to die. The last time I'll ever see them, I'm overwhelmed by this sense that I must go over and speak to them for a moment. I'm usually not like that.
    I tend more to avoid people than engage with them. Just like a guy who knows it's going to rain because his knee starts to hurt just before a storm, it took me years to figure out I could do this. Whenever you meet somebody who can predict the weather with body aches, or his wrist swelling up, whatever it is, that guy is always an old man. It takes decades to understand what's happening. I'm still not totally sure how it works, and I still don't always recognize it at the time it's happening.

    The last time it happened was about 4 years ago. I was on a golf course and I saw a guy I knew over on another hole. He waved to me, I waved at him. I was going to just keep going but I had that overwhelming urge. I turned around and drove over to him. He was like this yellow green color. I didn't notice it until I got up close to him. His liver had just given out. I had no idea. We spoke for a few minutes, he told me he needed a liver transplant. I wished him the best of luck. I heard he died 2 or 3 days later. That's how it happens. I don't see his aura, I don't hear a voice, nothing like that, it's just a feeling.

    You'll come to understand it anon, but it'll take you time. I don't know why I can do this, or what purpose it serves. Maybe I'll know one day. Maybe you will too. I often wonder if on my last day if I'll feel like that with everybody I meet. I get the feeling I will. Except it'll be me who won't be here the next day, not them.

    • 1 month ago

      I too experience this from time to time. About a year ago i was being dropped off after visiting my mom and her best friend, i got out of the car in a rush and didnt say goodbye to my moms friend. I felt awful about it for hours, this feeling like that was my last chance to say anything. The next mornin my mother called me in tears - her best friend had died of heart failure in her sleep, family gotta autopsy done and sure enough - blood clots. But yeah ive had this ability my entire life as well as sometimes hearing peoples thoughts, seeing weird black shadows in the corner of my eyes and having very vivid and 4k resolution like visuals while meditating. Thanks for the info anon

      • 1 month ago

        Bro, holyshit you touched a point in me.
        Aside of the people dieng, all the other things are happening, and those moments you had with that friend, i got those too. Its like you feel there is something happening and you just leave.

      • 1 month ago

        This is indeed almost the same for me, it just happends and you/I react on this.
        It has happend to me alot by now so when it happends i am able to stand back a little and read what is going on.

        Have you lost enyone close to you when you was younger? Like, close anough to read/know the person was sick?

        This is for both of you guys. It relates to the question one of you guys asked and it's similar to the thing that happened to the the other one. It's the first time It ever happened to me, though as I say, it took me a long time to recognize it. I didn't recognize it at the time.

        I was 12 and in grade 7. My older brother Rich was in High School. It started on Sunday. I was never really that close to Rich. He did his thing I did mine. We lived in the same house basically. That Sunday we went for a walk in the bush. I never felt closer to Rich, like he actually mattered, until that Sunday. It was like after all this time I realized he was my brother, not just another andom frick who happened to have a bedroom down the hall from mine. I was already feeling it. On Tuesday morning I did something I never did before. I always took it for granted that when I got home Rich would be there. So I never said goodbye to him, ever. Never said hello to him either. I remember this like it was yesterday. My bus was first. His to high school came later. Rich was standing at the back door with the screen door open. I turned around and for whatever reason I said, "Bye Rich." I walked out to the front of the house and waited for the bus. That was the last time I ever saw him. He was murdered probably not a half hour after that. I don't want to get into what happened. It's a long story I just assume forget.

        One of you guys didn't say goodbye. I did. It kind of struck me as weird reading that. And all too familiar. Like I say. I had no idea at the time. I only put it all together later, after it had happened a couple more times.

        • 1 month ago

          My whole body just did a goose bump reading this.

    • 1 month ago

      This is indeed almost the same for me, it just happends and you/I react on this.
      It has happend to me alot by now so when it happends i am able to stand back a little and read what is going on.

      Have you lost enyone close to you when you was younger? Like, close anough to read/know the person was sick?

    • 1 month ago

      very relatable post
      I tend to visually see a "shadow" around someone who is near death, as well as sensing that they are going to die. It is quite creepy the first few times.

      • 1 month ago

        I don't see anything like that. For me it's just an overwhelming urge, like I cannot resist it, I have to go over and see them, even if just to say hi and shake their hand for a second or two. It might have been you who mentioned seeing shadows in the corner of their eyes. I used to see shadows at night time. Darker than the rest of the night moving around in my bedroom. They always frightened me. I slept with the blanket pulled over my head every night. Still do, even though I haven't seen them in years.

        • 1 month ago

          That was me who mentioned the death experience and the shadows. And i know what you mean..i often see them in the corners of my vision but when i meditate they tend to come right up and stand over me occasionally. I still sleep with the lights on due to this. Like you i have only kept this information to myself and my mother. Been told im a clairvoyant. Psychic. That things unlocked in me due to extreme trauma as a child. Not sure what to believe but i know i have abilities, and the last six years i have tried my best to learn about them. At this point i can control “goosebumps” on my body with just my thoughts..its a form of energy healing I believe. My meditation has only gotten better with age - future events, astral and rv , all kinds of things I’ve documented- i even saw a bridge destroyed over a river at night two years ago while deep in ap (Baltimore bridge collapse) you have any literature recommendations for someone like myself anon?

          • 1 month ago

            I am learning, the most important thing i can learn from all this is take a step back when something like this happends. stand still, dont go enywhere, stay, read your mind. Its not happening for nothing.

            Thinking off all that i could ahve prevented... frick.

          • 1 month ago

            >Its not happening for nothing.

            I think you're right.

          • 1 month ago

            >I still sleep with the lights on due to this.

            That is so funny anon. When I lived at home with my parents I never slept with the lights on. It was like, if I did, then I'd have to tell my mom and dad why, and come off as crazy... you know. As soon as I moved out on my own. I slept with the lights on. I've been doing it for like 25 years. I can't even hardly sleep in a dark room anymore. Though on the odd occasion I have to, I don't see them anymore. But I still don't take the chance, not when I don't have to.

            Me, I don't meditate or do any of that kind of stuff. I don't want to see any of that kind of shit. My mother told me she meditated once. She did it for a few minutes and all of the sudden there was like 10 people standing around her. She never did it again after that. I do not want that ever to happen to me. I'm pretty tough. I'm not afraid of much. But not afraid of things that are of this world, that are explainable. That other kind, I don't want anything to do with it.

        • 1 month ago

          The corner in the eyes thing is a different anon than me, sorry if I caused confusion to you. I have a bit of visuals along with my senses, but I think they are the same kind you have, the draw towards the dying person to let them talk. A couple times words of warning just spilled out of my mouth when I was talking to someone with this shadow of death around them. Such as one guy I told not to drive his car that night, that it would be dangerous. I couldn't stop myself from saying this and he just looked surprised mumbling that he wanted to check on something and then went to talk to his wife, he didn't go away far enough thou, and I could hear the wife suggest the minivan instead. The shadow then went away from him as he accepted her idea.

          • 1 month ago

            Thanks for clarifying

          • 1 month ago

            >The shadow then went away from him as he accepted her idea.

            That's interesting anon. I really struggled with one that happened to me about 12 years ago maybe now. There was a kid at work. Summer job guy. He was about 16. I don't remember his name. I got the urge with him one evening just as we were wrapping up for the day. I didn't have much to do with kid, we were both in different departments. That night we were the last two guys there and it happened. We talked for about 5 minutes. He was actually on his way out. I kind of stopped him, for lack of a better word. we talked about his Ipod, which he got for his birthday. he showed it to me, showed me the charger. We both left. He got run over by a car walking home. He lived until about noon the next day. I wrestled with the question for a long time. The 5 minutes I held him up would have placed him 5 minutes further down the road. Would he ever even have been hit by that car? I wondered if maybe when your ticket got punched, and it was your time go, maybe there's no getting away from it. if he doesn't get run over by that car, maybe he drowns in the bathtub. Or did I actually have something to do with it? That I just couldn't believe. I don't believe in the ticket punching theory anymore, but I did for awhile. I'm actually kind of glad to hear what happened to you. Maybe that's the reason we can do this. We can actually alter it if we take some steps to do it.

            I don't know why, but I never really seriously considered that until just now.

          • 1 month ago

            I'm glad that experiences like this haven't made you cold to the world. I do think there are times we can help, it may take more extreme measures if the upcoming death has a bigger hold on them, like insisting they get someone to drive them in the case that walking by a busy road will hurt them, or instead of telling them to carry aspirins with them to help with an upcoming heart attack, purchase a bottle for them and hand it to them.
            However, don't put blame on yourself, that's an easy way to fall into depression.

          • 1 month ago

            I don't know anon. All the other ones there was nothing I could do and/or no way I could know. How would I have ever imagined my brother was 20 minutes or a half hour away from getting murdered?

            I went to that kid's funeral. I barely knew him but I actually cried at it. I spoke to his mother. I sat down with his brothers and sisters for a moment. Having gone through that myself I was able to give them at least some advice. I told them that their mother was going to be the one who would have the hardest time with it, and for a long time. I told them to remember that, be helpful around the house and try not to cause her any trouble for awhile. I really do hope I had nothing to do with that. I almost wonder if that kid wasn't run on purpose. I was told it was some old man, his story seemed to check out, normal guy, nothing out of the ordinary. I just don't know why, or how. It bothers me.

            There were no witnesses, there is kind of a dip in the road at the spot. But I went there a few days after. I saw no skid marks. I looked up the road both ways. You can see probably a quarter mile minimum in both directions. The only thing I can think of was he had that Ipod on and never heard the guy's car, never saw him. But that doesn't explain why the driver never saw him. They never found the Ipod BTW. I even looked for it for a bit when I was there. I just don't know.

          • 1 month ago

            Well...sometimes you are not in a position to change their path.. I can't say if someone or something wanted to kill that kid or not. I believe you did your best and trying to help comfort his family was a right thing to do. Life sucks sometimes and its heart breaking seeing someone walk away from you, knowing that they are going to die, I know it is. I also know it takes a hell of a lot of effort to care again, to try again to help. The urge to go to them is strong, but I know I could ignore it if I wanted too. That is all to say you are, a strong and good person, do not forget it.

          • 1 month ago

            Mike was the kid's name. It just came to me. I just don't like things I can't figure out. I'm an INTP personality. We are the world's problem solvers. We figure things out. But this I can't figure. Instances seem to conflict with each other. I can't find the pattern, which I'm usually good at. It's late if this thread is still here tomorrow I'll tell you about the one time I was wrong, but in a way, I was still right. This one is long and confusing. It's a really strange story, and I don't know what this one means either. I thought I had it half ass figured out until this happened. Now I don't know what's going on.

          • 1 month ago

            we, INTP, are the only personality profile who are actually interested in the objective truth. many of the others are either not directly interested in objective truth or are directly opposed to the concept of it, as their own bias is towards deceiving others for their own benefit.

            i will be looking for your next post

          • 1 month ago

            >be me
            >post as god
            >be accepted as god
            you can try go ahead

          • 1 month ago

            Ahhhh so cool!!!!!!!! 😀

          • 1 month ago

            dust in the wind

          • 1 month ago

            The one who isn't white.

  6. 1 month ago

    it's just the illuminati performing mind tricks on you.

    • 1 month ago

      Saying its (just) them, has started to bore me.
      After all i have experienced, i know the so called Illuminati isnt in total controle.

  7. 1 month ago

    Start actively using it like by visualizing scenes and playing with what starts as imaginary. Always needing to know what is real is very unhealthy for training.
    Give special focus to the crown chakra, yours is relatively stuck hindering how much information can come in.

    • 1 month ago

      Interesting. The chakra stuff that is. Ive seen my crown chakra many times but almost always when meditating my third eye chakra is what appears almost immediately and this indigo blue like flame can be manipulated in shape and size while I meditate, occasionally i will see the crown chakra above it, almost like a white cloud of sorts. Will def try to concentrate on it more often, thanks for the tips anon

      • 1 month ago

        Yes work with both chakras if you want to see more. Movies are lame when one can explore other worlds and have off planet friends.
        Avoid manipulation of your chakras, rather supply them fresh energy like imagining a vast stream coming into them. Chakras know what to do (or your higher consciousness guides it) all you really need to do is give time and space to heal them.

        • 1 month ago

          Interesting- my visual mind is really good at producing images while working with my chakra in meditation so i will def try the stream idea

          One last question- you mentioned higher self anon, a year ago i had a random ap experience in sleep that ended with me in my childhood bedroom and this human shaped all white being sitting across from me just staring at me with its elbows on its knees. Ive come to wonder about this experience because I questioned wether it was my higher self. Why i dont know. Curious what you think of that. Thanks again for the responses and advice- much appreciated anon, safe travels

          • 1 month ago

            To me it feels like it shows they have always been there, wich in my case, would actually make sence.I have a strong thaught like this aswell but in sound form.

          • 1 month ago

            Higher self almost never appears like that but spirit guides do. In a meditative state start chatting with the figure, first imagine the start of the discussion and later you will notice how not all of it was imagined. Later you can talk without imagination being involved, the other ones personality and voice coming in clearly.


            Also alittle context about thinking this encounter was my higher self was due to a drawing of a repetitive memory i had for many years as a child. I drew it alot as a kid. Heres the last time i drew it when i was 16/17. The object with the letter B is exactly what i saw in the ap dream experience a year ago mentioned in the thread. Curious as to your thoughts on this

            That does match with higher self, reading intuitively. Consciousness taking the embodiment of higher self that observes the boots-on-the-ground self.

            To me it feels like it shows they have always been there, wich in my case, would actually make sence.I have a strong thaught like this aswell but in sound form.

            This is what guides do, they are extremely patient and might only give a singular experience as a hint. They love nothing more than being in contact yet respect the human experience to the max not wishing to self insert unrequested. This makes sense because we are here to be humans.

          • 1 month ago

            Thanks much for answering my questions regarding higher self. The boots on the ground comment makes alot of sense. Ive spoken with someone who like you is well versed in this stuff and they said something very similar - that its my first time in this realm - to experience “life” and while im still learning it feels closer to the truth within. Thanks for such a great conversation, rarely do i leave a EerieWeb thread with a smile let alone a peaceful feeling. Hopefully we cross paths here again, if you have a blog/site lay it on me otherwise till next time , take care

        • 1 month ago

          Also alittle context about thinking this encounter was my higher self was due to a drawing of a repetitive memory i had for many years as a child. I drew it alot as a kid. Heres the last time i drew it when i was 16/17. The object with the letter B is exactly what i saw in the ap dream experience a year ago mentioned in the thread. Curious as to your thoughts on this

  8. 1 month ago

    Holyshit bros, this brought me back to the time i saw the death of my sister comming and i left. this shit is real man holyshit.

  9. 1 month ago

    I watched a joe mcmonagle interview recently where he talked about testing psychics in project stargate about seeing into the future. Sounds similar to what you are having. Might look into it.

  10. 1 month ago

    Thanks you all for posting, I am nearly crying, please keep going if you have some more info to add, ill read it in the morning. much love<3

  11. 1 month ago

    Point A I believe was me before I came into this vessel , B possibly my higher self or just some kind of capsule for A (soul) not sure but for over ten years i had this reoccurring memory constantly, it weakened as i got older

  12. 1 month ago

    You aren't all alone, anon(s)

  13. 1 month ago

    This book will help you develop the skill further:

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