Gaia is evil

Let's define evil, first of all. Evil is that which obtains pleasure or benefit from the suffering of another. According to this definition, and by virtue of the Saturnian tendencies of entropy, Earth is a massive platform for evil.

Every single second, every living being that is alive on the surface of this planet, it is doing so at the expense of another. Every instant, millions, even billions, of feeling creatures suffer and die on the surface of the Earth, soaking her with their spilled bodily fluids, destroyed bodies and the etheric imprint of their agony. This, in turn, helps the Earth's biosphere continue thriving.
Of course, this isn't even taking into account the suffering we humans sow unto the Earth with our wars and constant mistreatment of one another, which pales in comparison to the atrocities nature has been forcing upon the dwellers of this planet for billions of years. Earth is a machine of evil. A machine of gargantuan proportions that is impelled by literal pain.

Even pleasure masks death and destruction, and love is but an illusion of evil used to pamper to the dimwits and the dumbstruck. Every time you have an orgasm (doubly if you are male) you have a nice day a little. Every time you cause an orgasm to your partner (double if he is a man), you kill them a little. When engaging in sex, due to the metabolic stress it incurs on the body, you literally waste away in order to obtain pleasure, give pleasure to your partner, and promote the creation of another body to be inspirited.
Every time you have sex, you are contributing to your old age. An old age of infirmity, weakness, pain and sorrow at the end of which you will detach from your mortal vessel, and plunge back into the jaws of Gaia.

How do we escape Saturn, and his henchwoman, Gaia?

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  1. 1 month ago

    Natural life forms become the thing they are consumed by and their life force and awareness is transferred into a new form. Humans cook our food and are therefore unconscious of this cycle of life. If you were in tune with spiritual forces and didn't eat factory farmed meat you would feel this transference of life force, and be able to clairvoyantly perceive the rebirth of the lives that you have consumed, which also take pieces of your consciousness with them.
    So basically you are just a really shitty sorcerer who blames your incompetence on everything but your own ego, rather than silencing your mind if its tyranny and slander against gods creation, so that you could perceive spiritual freedom and the pathway towards transcendent wisdom and power.

    • 1 month ago

      I have clairvoyantly seen the soul of a cow I ate. It showed me a nightmare loop in which my family were stuck in a pen naked and raped and made watch how each other died. This continued until I realized I was perceiving the energy of the cow I had for diner and I made amends with it, liberating its tormented soul from my aura.
      You speak of ego, but you are an ignorant egotist who doesn't have the tiniest actual experience with spirits.

      I hope a tiger eats you while it keeps you alive so that you taste better. And then you will happily go partake of the merry cycle of life and rebirth. Simpleton.

      • 1 month ago

        So you know what I mean about sensing the life force. Don't eat factory meat. As for feeding other life forms, they ate my soul and spirit so they didn't need my body.

    • 1 month ago

      We shut up and refine ourselves spiritually to ascend elsewhere or we embrace the idea of our existence here being cyclical and don't worry too much. Then we call OP a homosexual.

      Do you know how I know you are a white person living in a first world country (that obtains its riches by causing misery in poorer ones)?

      • 1 month ago

        Because I speak English on EerieWeb and have time to browse /x/?

      • 1 month ago

        OP is a homosexual bigger than assumed. But let me entertain you somewhat seriously for a moment.

        Wrong on half of it. I am white, but I am not the youngest and I lived through some shit average person here didn't have to - and good for them. You think that because people oppose your dramatizing, they don't understand it.
        The truth is, you're immature. You behold an aspect of reality and treat it like a crime, as if any of us would be responsible for it. If anything, THAT screams that you lived sheltered life. Get over yourself, it's not about people causing suffering but trying to do best for themselves with what they have. Rather than whining that the best you can do is not some ideal you can't achieve, ensure that it really is the best you can do or look for the way out.

        • 1 month ago

          It's not really whining if the whole thing is just a gay blood sport coliseum for pervy space aliens to live vicariously through the monkeys who don't even know who or what they are, ya dumb frick.

          • 1 month ago

            >It's not really whining if the whole thing is just a gay blood sport coliseum for pervy space aliens
            It's not. It may be made for benefit of another being but it's not cruelty for cruelty sake, just a matter of efficiency.

            >it's not about people causing suffering
            Of course not. If you actually read the OP you would know I minimized the role of humans in this. It's how the very universe is set up that I find evil. We just live here.
            I think you got carried away by being antagonized by some sort of repressed guilt you have about you yourself being evil. Which has nothing to do with what I was talking about.

            Universe is not set to be evil, but self-regularing and recycling. Your suffering is important now as it's a valuable experience but it's a small fragment of greater existence. You are expected to fade from this life and then another person, perhaps with some of your spirit, to take your place. Good things in this world are also good, but they aren't taken from nowhere, things fall apart or are broken and their constitute parts become something else.
            Once again, get over yourself.

            >or look for the way out
            And by the way, I am actually planning on killing myself. Turns out the conditioning against it placed in us by the wardens is formidable.

            People can kill themselves and those with strong moral fibre sacrifice themselves regularly. Don't put the blame for your own indecisiveness or (somewhat natural) fear on others. Also, realize that till you get over this "oh, woe is me, suffering everywhere" and learn to foster things of value despite it, to refine yourself spiritually and represent more with yourself than you do now, you'll be back and perhaps diminished at that. Sucks to be you.

        • 1 month ago

          >it's not about people causing suffering
          Of course not. If you actually read the OP you would know I minimized the role of humans in this. It's how the very universe is set up that I find evil. We just live here.
          I think you got carried away by being antagonized by some sort of repressed guilt you have about you yourself being evil. Which has nothing to do with what I was talking about.

        • 1 month ago

          >or look for the way out
          And by the way, I am actually planning on killing myself. Turns out the conditioning against it placed in us by the wardens is formidable.

          • 1 month ago

            >the conditioning against it placed in us by the wardens is formidable.
            even so, suicide is a bad idea. there is still much to learn and a lot to cherish. your memories have value. have you tapped into them yet?
            do you remember? and its okay to let go. but suicide is never the answer. it is given to them the greatest satisfaction when a man finally decides to end it all at his own hand because he cannot bear the torment of being alive to be picked apart and harassed 24/7.
            few are strong enough to endure until the end.
            that is how you give them an existential "frick you". you basically exist at this point to shit on these frickheads that have been messing with you and you're already doing your part by spreading the word around..
            thats what its about.
            don't have a nice day. shine a light on those invisible freaks.

          • 1 month ago

            My grandpa is 90. He literally prays for God to take him away every day. And he has been a self-proclaimed atheist his whole life.
            When I hear him talk about his memories (again and again, because he forgets what he has said ten minutes earlier) I can see even the happiest ones bring him untold misery, because he knows he will never be that man again, and everyone featured in those stories is now dead or in similar shape to him.
            He has gone through several heart attacks and has had several internal organs removed due to cancer. He is a shell of a man, and has suffered all sort of humiliation after a life of working in the fields from as young as he can remember to the day he had his second heart attack and could not walk there anymore.
            All that hope and bravery shit is for children. We are defeated by this world before we are even capable of speech. We just don't know it yet.

          • 1 month ago

            >My grandpa is 90. He literally prays for God to take him away every day. And he has been a self-proclaimed atheist his whole life.
            >When I hear him talk about his memories (again and again, because he forgets what he has said ten minutes earlier) I can see even the happiest ones bring him untold misery, because he knows he will never be that man again, and everyone featured in those stories is now dead or in similar shape to him.
            It sounds like his prayers are getting answered in real time. He wants to be taken away, so all that he is is departing from him to ease his transition into whatever is next.
            Human dignity is why I believe in the right to bare arms. There is no dignified way to die, but at least a gun can take people out instantly rather than through brutal mutilation and prolonged agony.

          • 1 month ago

            >It sounds like his prayers are getting answered in real time. He wants to be taken away, so all that he is is departing from him to ease his transition into whatever is next.
            I feel a tinge of resentment when I read your words, but I assume you don't mean ill will.
            His problems began much earlier. He always thought he would die quickly and relatively painlessly while working. A dignified death. When things started looking grim, he often expressed his hope for things to start moving fast. They instead started moving more slowly.

            I've taken care of a few people in hospital. I come from a healthcare family, and I know most of us will die while shitting ourselves and having strangers stick tubes into our orifices so that our own bodily wastes don't rot us from inside.
            This is what happens when you escape the death of an animal (eaten by a predator or by the elements). This is the death of a person. We truly overstay our welcome in these bodies, don't we.

          • 1 month ago

            >I assume you don't mean ill will.
            I don't really, but I do wonder at the manner different people die. When I was suicidal my fantasies were about hanging myself or jumping off of something tall. I thought about the symbolism of these acts and they indicated to me a desire to separate my head from my heart, to squeeze the life force away from my mind, or to perform an uncontrollable act of destruction where the laws of physics would do the dirty work on my behalf. I guess perhaps I desired to be separated from my body and its functions. They also mirrored the way I acted leading up that state of being, feeling isolated where I couldn't speak about my issues, and failing out of school and ruining my foreseeable future and relationships.
            For atheists they spend their whole life in denial. Some people who get Alzheimer's end up forgetting themselves bit by bit. I wonder if that is the soul departing from its earthly existence before the expiration of its body, perhaps its spending time in another place setting up its next future existence, or perhaps the soul of the being has numbed itself out to life and simply retreated into darkness.
            As a poor person with no health coverage, I think when I get too old I'm just going to go out in the wilderness and meditate under a tree or something, until I die from exposure or dehydration. It seems reasonable to go out on my own terms, but perhaps my perspective will change as I get older.
            As an avid lucid dreamer and practitioner of out of body experiments, I believe I should simply be able to dream my way out of my body and simply fail to return to it one morning, but perhaps that is optimistic.
            It seems that maybe I might die young I have a notion of heart troubles or cancer incoming, thought for right now I feel like I want to continue on living and that god/universe/nature should simply put its cause and effect aside and allow this stubborn person to try out a few more decades.

          • 1 month ago

            What I find more terryfying is that he will forget all about it when he reincarnates and act like a hopeful young man again! It's so fricking cruel. Maybe he will come to this thread and tell you to man up and live life because it is what you make of it lol

          • 1 month ago

            A new life is a new hope. Its new birth. Its not a continuation of the old, but truly a fresh start. Youth is the greatest wealth of man, yet everyone wastes it and squanders it rather than treasuring it, and they all lament its passing away, and wish they could experience it yet again.
            I've been your dad op, in my life I lived and wasted away and then my memories faded and all that was left was white light and nothingness, and I wished to go live again as myself rather than to be another being, and so I am yet again among the living today.
            From my perspective I am an advanced psychic alien that can't really handle what I really am, so I bring myself into places like these because they are cozy and comfortable. The problems here appear large, but they are petty easy to focus on with the full intensity of my feelings about life. The intensity of love, of passion, of fear, of hate, of anger, of despair, these are treasures that immortal beings can't possess. The hardest thing I have to do here is live yet another day, and that is easy for me as days pass me by all on their own. My struggles are simply facing whatever challenge presents itself to me, or acting in a new way that I haven't tried before.

          • 1 month ago

            >hope and bravery shit is for children
            Not if you're persistent.
            Just keep exposing the gays behind the curtains to other people. Defy them in everything that you do. Don't make peace with them because you know what they have done. If one person learns the truth, they will pass it on to others same as you and it forms a chain reaction.
            The more people are aware of these bastards and the more people come together about it, the better.
            They are disgusting lizards and vampires and worms. One day this will end. One day it will be over. I cannot envision this world continuing with its homosexual moronic lizard charade forever.
            Even the way that you live your life from now on after receiving this knowledge. You don't have to be a slave. You don't have to play their fricking game. You are a free man now. Unlike the ignorant who keep on feeding the ones who have enslaved them. They don't even realize they are slaves! What better slave than an ignorant one?
            There's nothing there for you in this world and guess what? It pisses them off when you tell them that. It makes them even angrier when you start living it.
            Reject this world and its foolishness. Have nothing to do with it. Clearly you were cut from a different cloth.

  2. 1 month ago

    We shut up and refine ourselves spiritually to ascend elsewhere or we embrace the idea of our existence here being cyclical and don't worry too much. Then we call OP a homosexual.

  3. 1 month ago

    gonna use "by virtue of the Saturnian tendencies of entropy" next time I need to explain something, thanks OP

  4. 1 month ago

    on its own, it is a perfectly balanced system. an enormous feat of math and engineering. but yeah the whole thing about energy dependence and having to frick people's asses to get ahead just sucks wiener.

  5. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      You are such a big boy, anon! You tell them! Big boys like you just bear the pain and never complain!

      • 1 month ago

        If you want to be a successful adult that's what you have to do. What alternative do you propose?

  6. 1 month ago

    It’s so funny how buttblasted new agers get when you bust their love and light bubble lmao
    The universe as a whole is very bad place. Deal with it

    • 1 month ago

      Or perhaps some people were victorious against the forces of darkness in their lives and would rather encourage others to seek victory, rather than complaining and admitting utter defeat.

      • 1 month ago

        In your own mind maybe. Death rules this world, and suffering is the only constant.

        • 1 month ago

          Past your bedtime I think.

    • 1 month ago

      If you dare suggest sex or love are anything but good you risk the wrath of all the women.

  7. 1 month ago

    Did baby just get back from his first African safari?

    • 1 month ago

      Feeling uncomfortable by the ugly truth, are we? By deflecting while making fun of other people you are proving the point. You derive a feeling of superiority and satisfaction from "owning" the one who is wrong. You are oh so evil.

      • 1 month ago

        At least I don't feel the need to show everyone how evil the world can be.

        • 1 month ago

          Don't you find it fascinating how an entire reality can be so exquisitely devious? It is the ultimate torture mechanism. Implacable, inescapable, self contained and eternal.
          On top of that, it gets to make you forget you are in it for just long enough for you to never become accustomed to the pain.

  8. 1 month ago

    This doesn't even go into the best part. The time between stints. As you leave your body behind for the Earth and the other inmates to consume it, you will be pulled by your desires, your craving for "love" (sex) and your bodily fears into the kamaloka, as seen by Robert Monroe.
    Here, you will spend an indeterminate amount of time until your astral body decays far enough (as Saturn's entropic grasp weighs on you, even here) or you somehow manage to overcome your lower (lover) nature.
    Then you will enter purgatory, where all the fears of your soul will manifest. Not out of spite from the creator, but as a way to purify you, to rid you of them.
    Finally, you will enter devachan, where all your soul's desires will be fulfilled. You will believe you are with the people with which you wanted to be while alive, and you will do all the things you never had the chance to. In this make believe realm, everything will be made possible for you to sublimate and, again, get rid of.

    Once this process is through, you will no longer remember who you were, what you feared or what you wanted, for you will have left it all behind. Then, you will precipitate back down through the planes into a new incarnation, ready to begin the cycle of suffering and pain once more.

    • 1 month ago

      I hope this is just really good troll, because I don't want to go through all that shit

      • 1 month ago

        >the conditioning against it placed in us by the wardens is formidable.
        even so, suicide is a bad idea. there is still much to learn and a lot to cherish. your memories have value. have you tapped into them yet?
        do you remember? and its okay to let go. but suicide is never the answer. it is given to them the greatest satisfaction when a man finally decides to end it all at his own hand because he cannot bear the torment of being alive to be picked apart and harassed 24/7.
        few are strong enough to endure until the end.
        that is how you give them an existential "frick you". you basically exist at this point to shit on these frickheads that have been messing with you and you're already doing your part by spreading the word around..
        thats what its about.
        don't have a nice day. shine a light on those invisible freaks.

        >there is still much to learn and a lot to cherish
        We are here, quite literally, forever. I will not miss out on anything. I just hope next time I don't learn about any of this. Although I must say I always had the nagging feeling something was messed up about this whole thing.

        • 1 month ago

          thank god, means I can safely ignore it

          • 1 month ago

            It makes no difference. You can find similar theories all throughout history and all over the world. You will experience something resembling what Theosophy described.
            The most unsettling of all, to me, is living in a heaven where your loved ones are figments of your imagination and you don't even know it.
            This is featured in the afterlife of many ancient civilizations, not just the Theosophical reshashing of Hinduism.

          • 1 month ago

            >The most unsettling of all, to me, is living in a heaven where your loved ones are figments of your imagination and you don't even know it.
            You may say that, but..


            This doesn't even go into the best part. The time between stints. As you leave your body behind for the Earth and the other inmates to consume it, you will be pulled by your desires, your craving for "love" (sex) and your bodily fears into the kamaloka, as seen by Robert Monroe.
            Here, you will spend an indeterminate amount of time until your astral body decays far enough (as Saturn's entropic grasp weighs on you, even here) or you somehow manage to overcome your lower (lover) nature.
            Then you will enter purgatory, where all the fears of your soul will manifest. Not out of spite from the creator, but as a way to purify you, to rid you of them.
            Finally, you will enter devachan, where all your soul's desires will be fulfilled. You will believe you are with the people with which you wanted to be while alive, and you will do all the things you never had the chance to. In this make believe realm, everything will be made possible for you to sublimate and, again, get rid of.

            Once this process is through, you will no longer remember who you were, what you feared or what you wanted, for you will have left it all behind. Then, you will precipitate back down through the planes into a new incarnation, ready to begin the cycle of suffering and pain once more.

            >Finally, you will enter devachan, where all your soul's desires will be fulfilled. You will believe you are with the people with which you wanted to be while alive, and you will do all the things you never had the chance to. In this make believe realm, everything will be made possible for you to sublimate and, again, get rid of.
            I think.. MAYBE.. with good enough LoA and manifestation, some of that stuff could be possible here on earth too? Just manifest gf and some money and you'll be good, no?

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah. Except you know it's a meaningless simulation with the sole purpose of purging those desires from you by fulfilling them. A masturbatory exercise of cosmic proportions.
            At least in devachan you don't realize it.
            This is why I could not continue indulging in LoA after the few first times. It highlights the meaninglessness of existence.

          • 1 month ago

            idk, these kind of defeatism ideologies sound like the perfect "poison" an enemy would use to poison their enemies from within, while they themselves continue to practice ultra-orthodox beliefs.. just saying

        • 1 month ago

          >We are here, quite literally, forever.
          Wrong. We may be here very long time but the benefits we provide to those farming us stem from our own experience and transformative, motive power it brings them but also us. If you'll be forever here, it'll be in big part by your own actions. Those who develop sufficiently and don't slip too hard too much, may break from the cycle of reincarnation.

        • 1 month ago

          Its not about missing out. That's just what the homosexuals say to make you miserable because while in this body, you will always struggle with desire. Look at how much fun other people are having and you aren't! Sound familiar?
          Point is if you had a point, you commit to it. Frick this world. And its foolish desires. And the pranksters behind the curtains.

    • 1 month ago

      So the karmic system is a racket to generate even more karma so that the beings trapped within its cycle continue to generate karma within the course of their lives so they are endlessly reincarnated?
      That doesn't make sense. What about the overlords? Why shouldn't they be trapped in a karmic cycle for running this racket in the first place?

      • 1 month ago

        You are putting words in my mouth. I never spoke of overlords, or karma. You should take my two posts standalone and not attach other narratives to them.

      • 1 month ago

        Its called the laws of nature anon. This is a freewill universe. If you want something better then rise above nature and build a better way of life than the one you currently exist as.

        • 1 month ago

          >If you want something better then rise above nature and build a better way of life
          I wish I could but unfortunately I live on a ZOG slave colony!

        • 1 month ago

          Sometimes life gives people shitty circumstances, you can’t force someone to raise their eyes up if they are feeling like they are under miles of mud. Only thing we can do is our own lives and set an example of how to utilize our will to keep going and choose what we produce loosh over.

  9. 1 month ago

    It's not a problem of "Gaia" as it is intended today, but a problem of the Anima Mundi, which is the subtle force that the concept of Gaia wants to make more tangible. Now, there are two approaches in front of this issue: the first is the false "it is what it is", which considers this the ordinary and right state of things and every other approach an escape from reality. However what is referred as "what it is" here, it's actually what it isn't and appears to be (a very concrete appearance however) instead, being a byproduct of what is, hence something that can't stand on its own. There's something better, and it's ridiculous that this is not understood. Acceptance of this state of thing is a psyop, or just plain cowardice.
    The second approach is the "this is not what it is" approach, which is fundamentally the correct one, but there are a few traps on its possible courses of development. Things can be changed, but not by working externally from yourself, through technology for instance, because you are still in the realm of what it appears. The Truth is, you can regenerate Nature (intended as the ancient greek Physis) only by regenerating yourself, only through inner work. The Great Work in fact is both inner and outer and the two aspects reinforce themselves mutually. The Dragon you have to fight and the Maiden to save are actually the same thing. But. You have to work for it. And then the Maiden will step on the Dragon's head 🙂

    • 1 month ago

      The great work is a pipe dream and your holy guardian angel is your handler.
      Oh, do you hear that? My upstairs neighbor is hitting his daughter again.
      >please, no more, it hurts
      Fricking great. I love my life!

      • 1 month ago

        I'm sorry for you anon. You are either in bad faith either psyopped. My guardian angel is taking a break right now, leave him alone

      • 1 month ago

        Also, as a typical counter-initiatory, counter-initiatic tactic, you are translating something pertaining to the individual spiritual path to the collective ordinary experience. Individually you will have to face the Dweller on the Threshold and yes, he looks evil, he hits hard, he can be associated to the devil in a certain way. But that doesn't have anything to do with what you want to say with your reply. Because glorifying collective evil and suffering doesn't have anything to do with the individual spiritual path

    • 1 month ago

      Also, just to be precise, another very VERY WRONG way of approaching the problem, which is a way of working externally sometimes alternative sometimes complementary to the technological one, is what the Sabbatean-Frankists do, which is doing evil because they believe that Nature's evil will be redeemed through evil itself. Which is obviously incorrect. Every approach that glorifies Nature's evil is either consciously or not consciously influenced by Sabbatean-Frankism

  10. 1 month ago

    >Let's define evil, first of all. Evil is that which obtains pleasure or benefit from the suffering of another
    'Tis is not evil. It's the primordial truth!

  11. 1 month ago


    OH WAIT...

  12. 1 month ago

    >How do we escape Saturn, and his henchwoman, Gaia?

    Well actually when you pass through our bowels and get expelled as cosmic shit, you'll technically have escaped. Meantime - enjoy!

  13. 1 month ago

    if you check the ten commandments you will see that everything bad that happens is because of sin

  14. 1 month ago

    My heart sinks when I think I might still have to live up to 30 years more, or perhaps more. I can’t fricking take this. I didn’t ask to be alive and every minute of it is anguish.

    • 1 month ago

      Well there's a solution to that. Start eating nicotine supplements. It's possible to get almost NDE experience if you accidentally do too much, but doing "go" for it, don't try to go for OD, let it be an "accident" from which you recover. Everytime it happens your heart becomes slightly weaker (not sure if temporary or permanent), and probably some change in colon too, but it's all for the better, we're not meant to live here forever, and the reward is the knowledge of being able to take small peeks behind the "veil", without actually going completely mad (since you wont be hallucinating afaik).

  15. 1 month ago

    Gaia is wounded and is going to lash out on the elites and their masters who are doing everything to keep her that way.
    Haven't seen mosquitoes for years now.

  16. 1 month ago

    Earth is hell and Satan is the god of this world.

  17. 1 month ago


  18. 1 month ago

    Why Saturn, of all planets? Who's the first guy that claimed Saturn is somehow evil, and what was the logic behind it? Genuinely curious.

  19. 1 month ago

    Her true name is "Hyle" and we are her children, like it or not....

  20. 1 month ago

    Saturn is regarded evil because all major planets are considered archons, or rebellious angels. Some esoteric traditions regards them as Olympian spirits. There are Seven major archons either countering or masquerading as christian guardian angels in this tradition.

    Case in point, Muhammed being throttled by "Gabriel" to establish cult of the space rock.

    They are either planetary consciusnesses, or former guardian angels of the solar system, in rebellion against god.

    Though only 7, every culture knows them by different names, they are the gods of antiquity.

    Saturn in every mythology from Hebrews, Phoenicians to Akkadians, was associated with leader of this particular group of gods.

    Lord of Old Age, Time, Harvestman of Souls and Death.

    Moon is considered weakest in this group. Saturn strongest (even before Jupiter).

    It also councides with christian understanding, where we are warned that our true fight is against spiritual principalities and wicked powers of the "high places".

    My theory is that original guardian angels of this particular garden "Earth" decided to claim it for themselves. And have been in opposition of God ever since.

    Though these 7 have wide variety of Earthborn "deities" as well under their command.

    • 1 month ago

      >all major planets are considered archons

      Oh ok and what asinine primitive came up with this dipshit scheme of a reality grid?

      • 1 month ago

        it's like a cool, comic-book word, for archetype

  21. 1 month ago

    the fatal flaw in your argument is the assumption that to detach from the mortal body is inherently bad, which is to live in denial of nature as if you yourself are not 100% a part of it

    • 1 month ago

      To live is to suffer. Death is the least of it. You did not understand OP.

  22. 1 month ago

    OP is dumb
    First of all let’s define dumb. Dumb is OP

  23. 1 month ago

    > every living being that is alive on the surface of this planet, it is doing so at the expense of another.
    dumb and wrong, google primary producers
    and then go the frick outside and get eaten by a mountain lion or some shit, what a stupid fricking hobbesian fantasy world you live in
    competition is in no way a fundamental biological imperative. it’s no more or less important than it counterpart, cooperation

    • 1 month ago

      Nice manmade fantasy you got there, privileged. This is not about le competition. Entropy is the basis of everything in reality. Plants and fungi can’t “produce their own food” without there being energy potential in their environment to begin with. They depend on the sun burning itself away for them and the ground being full of the remains of other mutilated organisms. Nothing escapes the Saturnian imperative.
      We eat not our children, but our ancestors.

      • 1 month ago

        nice goal post moving, from "benefiting from the suffering of others" to "relying on the potential energy released in the environment from other thing" and "entropy existing"

  24. 1 month ago

    its the world that is "evil", not the planet itself
    and its been that way for 100k or millions of years who knows

  25. 1 month ago

    >Every time you have an orgasm (doubly if you are male) you have a nice day a little. Every time you cause an orgasm to your partner (double if he is a man), you kill them a little.
    no, that's not how things work
    in fact having orgasms reduces stress and help people to live longer

    • 1 month ago

      I think they are communicating temporally with that observation. With everything we do we die a little. Maybe they're talking about the poetic 'petit mort' or whatever but yeah.

  26. 1 month ago

    >Evil is that which obtains pleasure or benefit from the suffering of another.
    It is therfor evil to fight demons and the devil.
    Checkmate Athiests!

  27. 1 month ago

    I've been reading The Seven Types of Atheism by John Gray. Mid book but has an interesting chapter on Marquis de Sade and how he hates rejects a god and creates a new one in Nature, and hates that too!

    "Sade was mistaken when he imagined he had left monotheism behind. Instead he changed one unforgivable deity for another. If he raged against the God of Christianity for creating a world abounding in evil, he railed with equal violence at the malevolent goddess of Nature that he had invented. Only someone reared in Christian monotheism, and unable to shake it off, could have adopted such a stance."

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