Forgiving The Archons?

If the act and feeling of forgiveness is seen as a higher vibration, and giving the current attention towards fighting them is considered negative loosh, is it in turn better to ascend past the cycle of despair and forgive the archons in order to dissipate them in the divine light?

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  1. 1 month ago

    How could I forgive the unforgivable

    • 1 month ago

      Because the act of doing so allows for you to move past it and transcend. For them to be known as unforgivable allows them to do more. Chinese finger trap

  2. 1 month ago

    No stupid

    • 1 month ago

      Why not?

      • 1 month ago

        They changed god have to learn

        • 1 month ago

          That's not possible.

          • 1 month ago

            You dont even know what you are saying much less what i am

          • 1 month ago

            And you think I'm not?

  3. 1 month ago

    Its inanimate like a parasite. Hurt your feelings?

    • 1 month ago

      No, and I agree with you. They hold such little power that they are like children that have a little pretend power trip. If I'm wrong, I'm willing to stand my ground on it.

  4. 1 month ago

    I agree and I've considered this idea ever since I learned about them. they're just trying to eat, same way we harvest animals for meat consumption

    • 1 month ago

      Thank you for your response. That was my thought as well, they're just another creature that faces it's own existential needs. This whole premise really does scale infinitely, but what we can do to ascend ourselves is make more of an effort to understand why.

  5. 1 month ago

    there's nothing to forgive when all participants are invited here to play their parts. various groups arise to status because of what they are able to provide.
    even my enemy offers me challenge and stage.
    if you wish to have agency over what unfolds, simply git gud

    • 1 month ago

      I'll be here for the duration, and that's forever. That doesn't necessarily mean earth, but my consciousness (yours too) prevails through everything and permeates all

      • 1 month ago

        ultimately we are all products of this consciousness and it's infinite, even 'archons', hence why hating them is a blind action
        if you don't like what they're doing, become their competitor

        • 1 month ago

          Another great take, thanks for sharing

  6. 1 month ago

    Loosh farming archons. Pathetic

    • 1 month ago

      You get hungry too anon.

  7. 1 month ago

    Forgiveness should be earned by an effort to change and right the wrongs one needs to be forgiven for.

  8. 1 month ago

    There are 3 cosmic powers: the angels, the demons, and the archons. The archons have authority over angels and demons, and all beings, because they represent the demiurge. They observe the war between light and dark and keep it at a balance.

    • 1 month ago

      This is what I've been thinking, but it's kind of screwed up, don't you think? There must be a way to manipulate the darkness so that it only gives power to the light.

      • 1 month ago

        you cant have Light without Shadows
        you cant have Shadows without Light
        no, the absence of everything isn't Darkness, it just is Nothing
        the eternal dance of the Cosmos, until Baryonic matter starts decomposing

        • 1 month ago

          Technically, what would happen if all souls would be in heaven, and earth and hell are empty (or only with the demons in hell, I don't know if they even could go to heaven)? Would the demiurge reset the whole system?

          • 1 month ago

            sv_restart 1

          • 1 month ago


          • 1 month ago

            I believe that it comes down to the desire to learn, earth and hell both serve as schools. Thinking of it this way as opposed to feeling trapped seems like the way to go. Many of us here feel like kids that just want to go outside and play at recess, but that's what after school is like

  9. 1 month ago

    They are unforgivable OP. Either you are an archon shill or in a trolling mood.

    They can only be forgiven once they have been defeated by the forces of light and higher vibrations in the underground and the last one has been sent to the central sun for reprocessing and transmutation into a better creature of benevolent beauty.

    • 1 month ago

      >They can only be forgiven once they have been defeated by the forces of light and higher vibrations in the underground and the last one has been sent to the central sun for reprocessing and transmutation into a better creature of benevolent beauty.
      That's how they think about you too, but instead they want to turn you into a lesser form of yourself as an ironic take on what happened to their own kind. Your forces of light might also have done many a thing that are not benevolent or just came from a guise of benevolence. People in the higher worlds performed plenty of mental slavery and unethical spiritual experimentation. If some dipshit can manipulate the energetic shell of a child spirit into any form they desire and indulge in it why aren't they allowed to grab one, inflict a similar wound and then ship it back to its home?

      The reality is that these groups of being knowingly and willingly escalated these matters up until the point where a third party came to shut them both down.

      When you think about it, it's the only way that makes sense. Finding out about this sort of information is naturally distressing and sends a lot of the people who find out about it into a negative state, which would surely produce loosh for the archons. All the people who want to fight it and focus their negativity on the situation are going about things the wrong way. We can fight the archons the same way bacteria on a petri dish can fight us, it's futile to focus any of our anger and negativity on whoever is harvesting us. It would be way better to forgive and not care, then you're not feeding into anything.

      >produce loosh for the archons.
      they don't care about your suffering or your happiness. If keeping you happy and content suits their agenda and makes you docile then that is enough. People aren't ruled by fear but by limiting their perception and thoughts about how things could/should be. Just think about all the moments in life where you squandered time and opportunity: how many of that was due to your own negligence or ignorance versus how much you were battling negativity? How much time did you spend being "happy" or "content" before you became aware that there was a lot more to feel? How often did you feel a sense of joy that you later found out was not the real deal? It's through the warping of awareness that these forces gain root. You can't identify or vibe with what you don't recognize.

      If I was an archon and wanted you to stay stuck I would study your psychology and then turn it against you. You'd wish for the things that keep you stuck

      • 1 month ago

        > The reality is that these groups of being knowingly and willingly escalated these matters up until the point where a third party came to shut them both down.
        Proof or GTFO. I need not waste time with Archon apologists.

        • 1 month ago

          You are free to exit the thread, but can stick around if you wish as well. You don't have to direct your attention towards those who are willing to forgive.

        • 1 month ago

          >Proof or GTFO. I need not waste time with Archon apologists.
          I'm not an apologists. My loved ones in the higher realms got fricked over by political shitheads left and right. When my folk ducked and tried to run out through the middle we got hit more out of spite than being a threat.
          I might hate my home but at least they know not to feed apologists.

      • 1 month ago

        >reptilians are themselves an enslaved race, that was twisted into psychopathy and is now employed in perverting other worlds, replicating what was done to them.
        this holds for some and less for others. There are very warmhearted and benevolent ones in the higher worlds. There are also some that employ these harsh measures to create harsh and hardened spirits. There are also ones that are just decayed and fallen, perverted like you said, into a shadow of their former self.

        This mimicks some experiences I've dealt with and felt develop in myself at some point in the past. Torrents of psychic/dream abuse poured over you and your loved ones: at some point you cave in and resort to mimicking the same sort of psychic violence. It's a race to the bottom and the real solution is to break out and escape rather than dig yourself in further.

        There's a good reason why some old groups of higher beings rather choose to torch their "cities" and places of living rather than give themselves over to such ravenous forces. It happens because restoring a spiritual being takes more time. If you maim three it keeps another doc busy patching them up. If they're lost they're lost and overloading the etheric infrastructure while sowing chaos is an effective way to keep people busy with a ratrace.

        These are very well-informed posts. You are very wise anon. The pearls can be casted in any fashion you wish to and that is awesome that you chose to do so. Have a great day.

    • 1 month ago

      Forgiving them prior to their defeat raises vibrations allowing for their total defeat

  10. 1 month ago

    When you think about it, it's the only way that makes sense. Finding out about this sort of information is naturally distressing and sends a lot of the people who find out about it into a negative state, which would surely produce loosh for the archons. All the people who want to fight it and focus their negativity on the situation are going about things the wrong way. We can fight the archons the same way bacteria on a petri dish can fight us, it's futile to focus any of our anger and negativity on whoever is harvesting us. It would be way better to forgive and not care, then you're not feeding into anything.

    • 1 month ago

      Exactly, that's precisely the philosophy I am trying to attain. I feel the more we understand this, we can flip the whole situation into our favor and win without firing a shot

      • 1 month ago

        I think you should spread this idea as much as you can, because regardless of what anyone in this thread might say, you are obviously correct. If you can convince even one anon per time you post this thread you could make an impact far bigger than you could imagine. And even if you only get one other person to understand this it's worth the effort, because you will potentially save a person from suffering and fear for the rest of their life. Thanks for posting this today, I know this is cheesy, but we need more anons like you.

        • 1 month ago

          Thank you so much anon, I appreciate your words. I do feel that this board can be rid of its despair and this would be one potential method doing so. I'm trying to help with what I can and I'll keep up the efforts.

  11. 1 month ago

    Nice post OP. Hopefully it helps others to question things. I've never understood why people say they hate the devil, demons, evil in this world. because of their actions and influence in this world, I have chosen the light. You get to see what only serving the self does to others and why that might not be the path you wish to walk.

    OP, I'm feeling lazy, where is the source for your pic?

    • 1 month ago

      I just googled "archon gnosticism" it's a very well known painting depicting the divine hierarchy

  12. 1 month ago

    No, Pulverized into Prima Materia they will become. Their bones shall be to fuel the New Pillars of Creation.

  13. 1 month ago

    I think loosh threads are a cult at this point, they're under a demon's influence but I don't really believe in the archon theory.

  14. 1 month ago

    What you damn damns you back.
    What you bless blesses you back.

    • 1 month ago

      Classic correspondence, it's true

  15. 1 month ago

    So archons form a particular type of barrier around you. You need to elevate yourself to becoming consciously aware of their location on your spirit body. They're conscious, and once you're at that level and can focus in on their location, a simple "I love you but go" tends to work. This is on the barrier archons. This is not for the parasites

    • 1 month ago

      Solid top, appreciate your input

  16. 1 month ago

    What if you are your own archon, would you forgive yourself?

  17. 1 month ago

    Interesting thread, this is a topic that I frequently ponder. What is the limit of our mercy and forgiveness? In it's purest, perfect form, mercy is unlimited. All these archons, reptilians, demons, satanic pedophiles, etc. that enslave and degrade humanity, they are following their own logic and have their own histories and reasons for why they act the way they do. One thought that occured me is that the reptilians are themselves an enslaved race, that was twisted into psychopathy and is now employed in perverting other worlds, replicating what was done to them. We are being guided towards the same fate. In ancient times we used to have a much more harmonic and respectful relationship with the world around us, but since the perversion of our minds began we have been turned into psychopaths that ravage and rape everything around us, increasingly more disconnected from the whole and taught to focus solely on feeding our ego.

    • 1 month ago

      >reptilians are themselves an enslaved race, that was twisted into psychopathy and is now employed in perverting other worlds, replicating what was done to them.
      this holds for some and less for others. There are very warmhearted and benevolent ones in the higher worlds. There are also some that employ these harsh measures to create harsh and hardened spirits. There are also ones that are just decayed and fallen, perverted like you said, into a shadow of their former self.

      This mimicks some experiences I've dealt with and felt develop in myself at some point in the past. Torrents of psychic/dream abuse poured over you and your loved ones: at some point you cave in and resort to mimicking the same sort of psychic violence. It's a race to the bottom and the real solution is to break out and escape rather than dig yourself in further.

      There's a good reason why some old groups of higher beings rather choose to torch their "cities" and places of living rather than give themselves over to such ravenous forces. It happens because restoring a spiritual being takes more time. If you maim three it keeps another doc busy patching them up. If they're lost they're lost and overloading the etheric infrastructure while sowing chaos is an effective way to keep people busy with a ratrace.

  18. 1 month ago

    karuna metta meditation

  19. 1 month ago

    lmao a thread full of archons with an internet connection
    >hurr dont forgive us.. i mean... them lol... just keep hating us i mean them and feeling hopeless its not like we i mean they feed off of it lololol

    • 1 month ago

      >sorry archon, I'm forgiving you. It's gonna be okay *hugs*

    • 1 month ago

      we hitchhike rides in willing humans to shitpost you

      • 1 month ago

        Kinda based if true

        • 1 month ago

          its our thing when we bored
          that and enjoying Cl0wnC0re, be it live or not

          • 1 month ago

            Wtf is clowncore?

          • 1 month ago

            the best kind of vibrational harmony and dissonance you'll ever hear
   guys call it music

  20. 1 month ago

    To move to a higher vibration you must learn about the mistakes of the past. You know what happens when you forgive an insane person? They kill you with a better method, try ascending from your dead body

  21. 1 month ago

    Is it possible to rape archons?

  22. 1 month ago

    The forgiveness comes when they stop doing whatever they are doing.

  23. 1 month ago

    Yeah this is the way I felt as well. Always wondered why gnostics never seen it, especially when they have taken Jesus with similar teachings into their own lore.

    Like in no gnostic writing that I am aware of does he talk about how we should hate the archons with a fiery passion.

  24. 1 month ago

    >Of the Black Brothers, o my Son, will I write these Things following. I have told thee already concerning Change, how it is the Law, because every Change is an Act of Love under will. So then He that is Adept Exempt, whether in our Holy Order or another, may not remain in the Pillar of Mercy, because it is not balanced, but is unstable. Therefore is the Choice given unto him, whether he will destroy his Temple, and give up his Life, extending it to Universal Life, or whether he will make a Fortress about that Temple, and abide therein, in the false Sphere of Daath, which is in the Abyss. And to the Adepts of our Holy Order this Choice is terrible; by Cause that they must abandon even Him whose Knowledge and Conversation they have attained. Yet, o my Son, they have much Help of our Order in this Æon, because the general Formula is Love, so that their habit itself urges them to the Bed of our LadyB A B A L O N. Know then the Black Brothers by this true Sign of their Initiation of iniquity, that that they resist Change, restrict and deny Love, fear Death. Percutiantur.

    • 1 month ago

      >So my Son, know this concerning the Black Brothers, that cry: I am I. This is Falsity and Delusion, for the Law endureth not Exception. So then these Brethren are not apart, as they vainly think being wrought by Error; but are peculiar Combinations of Nature in Her Variety. Rejoice then even in the Contemplation of these, for they are proper to Perfection, and Adornments of Beauty, like a Mole upon the Cheek of a Woman. Shall I then say that were it of thine own Nature, even thine, to compose so sinister a Complex, thou shouldst not strive therewith, destroying it by Love, but continue in that Way? I deny not this hastily, nor affirm; nay, shall I even utter a Hint of that which I may foresee? For it is in mine own Nature to think that in this Matter the Sum of Wisdom is Silence. But this I say, and that boldly, that thou shalt not look upon this Horror with Fear, or with Hate, but accept all this as thou dost all else, as a Phenomenon of Change, that is, of Love. For in a swift Stream thou mayst behold a Twig held steady for a while by the Play of the Water, and by this Analogue thou mayst understand the Nature of this Mystery of the Path of Perfection.

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