Empty skyscrappers

These glamourous towers that you can find in most city centres are the fake symbols of a fake system, and some of them are officially empty, while the rest are cosmetically busy. E.g.:

They want to project the image that cities are richer, more important and more prosperous for some reason.

In the latest century the system has managed to convince most people that they should live in a big city, the larger the better. Up to 75% in developed countries. And nowadays it is no longer enough to live and work in a state or a province capital. You now need to move to the 1-2 megalopolis that there are per nation if you want a good job.

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  1. 1 month ago

    St. Louis is a failed city in general.

    • 1 month ago

      This. There's litterally a homeless camp outside city hall there. It's pretty surreal.

      • 1 month ago

        same shit in Denver - what is billed as a 'thriving' city

  2. 1 month ago


    Nothing /x/ about this. Office real estate is getting killed by remote work just like malls got killed by online shopping. Real estate investors are seething, but workers ultimately hold all the power in the market.

    • 1 month ago

      To bring this back on topic, how can we psychically channel and harness the investor butthurt?

      • 1 month ago

        first setp, bring all the big investors to the rooftop

    • 1 month ago

      Remote work has been killed by big tech layoffs.
      There are no more remote jobs. Most of them are on-site, some "hybrid".

      • 1 month ago

        Either way, still nobody in those backrooms.

    • 1 month ago

      Malls are alive and well in functioning parts of the world.

  3. 1 month ago

    They'll have to renovate and pay for ignored maintenance, probably $50M in total. If they can find enough prospective tenants. Tricky situation to be in.

    • 1 month ago

      i could see the only potential being to turn a large poriton of this building into luxury penthouse condos..
      maybe some as standard condos, apartments, keep some space/floors for commercial business office space, stores or restaraunts

      • 1 month ago

        The whole city was meant to be something else. It failed its goals. It was meant to be a big pop Million+ city, but it only has 300,000 citizens and rampant crime destroying any life in downtown areas like this. Investing in any of this will just make you poorer.

        • 1 month ago

          yes. cant argue with that. i guess my idea was presupposing no crime and an actual living working productive population. foolish of me. the govt would never allow such a thing.

        • 1 month ago

          Smaller cities no longer provide quality jobs. They are stagnating, young people concentrate in multimillion population centres.

    • 1 month ago

      There is no economical reason for any company to keep their offices in those uber-expensive places. It is not like that kind of fake office work cannot be done cheaper from elsewhere over the internet. If phisical presence was required, then those offices would be much cheaper in the suburbs.

      We know companies like to save money. So if they are keeping those prestige skyscraper offices there must be a reason.

      My hypothesis is that in the inside, most of the floors are unused, or outright empty.

      • 1 month ago

        One idea is that all the unused space houses Jinn, who are invisible but do occupy physical space, and they are where all corporate innovation actually comes from.

        • 1 month ago

          Too much Shadowrun?

          • 1 month ago

            Never played that in my life you shilltard. Jinn are real not just some idea from a game. I think they design these things to not really be fillable, and Jinn like to live in empty places within human civilization like fairgrounds and parks... empty shopping malls and empty floors in buildings too, probably. I don't know how the elites benefit though, but I've heard Shriners have pacts with Jinn.

        • 1 month ago

          lol but I like the theory and they are evil enough I suppose

      • 1 month ago

        >So if they are keeping those prestige skyscraper offices there must be a reason.
        If all the buildings no longer make sense, and all the corporations want to save money - who would buy the giant building you own?

        • 1 month ago

          the next generation of ego obsessed morons

      • 1 month ago


        I don't think they have that many real floors, or they would be too heavy.



        weird life

      • 1 month ago

        not a problem, masons literally print more money as needed, sometimes they don't even need money because they are a giant circlejerk of powerful people

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah they're dick-waving contest entries and nothing more.

      • 1 month ago

        A lot of things are genuinely easier to do in a city -- look at Shenzhen, where engineers from all the different firms get together after work for drinks and come up with shit like bootleg hoverboards.

        The real problem here is that a huge proportion of the American economy is asinine managerial bullshit. we waste hundreds of millions of man-hours on paper pushers, box tickers, figureheads, and the like. And those are the good jobs, the jobs everyone wants. People dedicate their lives to becoming, like, a middle manager at Goldman Sachs or whatever the frick. And those are the firms that have these expensive downtown offices. All those people, those self-styled movers and shakers, they don't actually produce anything, so the synchronicities they produce don't produce anything either. Sure they can always turn the money printers back on again but that doesn't change the very real cost in time, space, and opportunity of the dumb frick way we allocate our resources.

    • 1 month ago

      It's the case for a lot of commercial real estate.
      So it ends up actually benefiting the owners to keep it vacant, because while it's "on the market" (albeit at prices no one would pay for it) they can claim the "missed" rent prices as a loss and therefore make it a tax deduction.

  4. 1 month ago

    i thought the empty scrapers were just used as giant dildos for the nephilim?
    they do it through another dimension so we cant see or smell but they're definitely there

  5. 1 month ago

    I don't think they have that many real floors, or they would be too heavy.

  6. 1 month ago

    This is not a conspiracy, it has to do with deurbanization policies and policies that try to pressure people into owning homes. Things like single family housing basically push urban centers to become too expensive to maintain.

    • 1 month ago

      >pressure people into owning homes
      It's the other way around.

  7. 1 month ago

    Towers in LA center look dated and dilapidated.
    They could invest in more modern and beautiful architecture, but with the new economy is there even a use case for such behemoths anymore, though?
    They could just the homeless live in them so long as they are drug-free.

    • 1 month ago

      There is no longer a case for cramming that many office workers together in a single building. The internet deprecated this model. In terms of their own climate scam, it is also climate-unfriendly to force all those employees to commute from the suburbs and find a parking spot every day. It is also innefficient and unsustainable energy-wise. So if these useless prestige towers are still being shilled it is because of pure greed, which ironically is killing them.

  8. 1 month ago
  9. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      What did they mean with that?

      • 1 month ago

        1978 was only 5 years after the Twin Towers were opened in 1973. They also had a big fire in 1975.

        >Slow leasing was a hallmark of the old World Trade Center complex. The Twin Towers suffered high vacancy rates for decades. The complex achieved 95% occupancy only in mid-2001.

        • 1 month ago

          That's wrong. The WTC was only reached 10% occupancy in 2001 when a bunch of banks moved their records departments into the buildings. 9/11 effectively ended any chance of drug money laundering investigations in the big NY banks. That was another dirty facet of the whole shitty business nobody ever talked about. Like the 5 billion+ in gold bullion that was supposed to be in vaults in the basement that they never found. The only gold found was a couple hundred million worth in the CIBC vault. Just a fraction of what was supposed to be there. The rest was stolen, and whoever did it got away with it.

          • 1 month ago

            >drug money laundering investigations in the big NY banks
            There have been multiple, confirmed instances in all the international banks that they are handidly working with cartels around the world.
            Banks were fined around .01% of yearly profits because of it.
            >Wachovia was fined $50m and made to surrender $110m in proven drug profits, but was shown to have inadequately monitored a staggering $376bn through the casa de cambio over four years, of which $10bn was in cash.
            That was 2012.
            It is insane to think they would go through so much trouble to cover up what is essentially a thing they get to do for free.

          • 1 month ago

            A lot of the ghost population is from money laundering efforts.

      • 1 month ago

        Somebody released the occupancy records for the WTC towers in about 2010. They used to be on the net. Might be gone now. They were 10% occupied on the day of 9/11.

        That morning the people on the news were saying probably 10,000 people got killed. They were all assuming the buildings were full occupancy, which everybody thought they were. They used top leave random lights on at night so people didn't see the place totally dark and assume nobody was in there. Entire floors had not one single renter. That the WTC was some busy financial hub was a put on. It was a failing complex from day 1.

        That little fricking israelite Silverstein who paid 3 billion dollars for the place 2 years earlier... you can't tell me he didn't know the place was uttrly worthless. Good spot for the old israeli lightning insurance fire.

    • 1 month ago

      whens the next attack going to be?

      • 1 month ago

        shit look at your digits, think about that israeli shekel

  10. 1 month ago

    Sick digits
    I want to play paintball in a giant abandoned former office tower

  11. 1 month ago

    Why do the X Threads always jackpot so fricking big?

    • 1 month ago
  12. 1 month ago

    nice 0s, the earths population is an urban myth, its on been sharp decline since the 1860ies. its purported most people have been moving to the cities from the country, due to all the empty county towns these days, however the cities have less then a 10th of thier reported populations.
    things get abit muddled though, because people are disappearing, its not like kidnapped kids or missing homeless, its like they were hit with balefire from the wheel of time, erased backwards in time so everyone who knew them or everything they changed unravelled...
    this causes the mandella effect too, take the tiny little silly loopie thing on the ford logo. of all the people involved in its creation and approval, only the guy who said - hey that looks stupid - has poofed so far.

    • 1 month ago

      to add, because everyone those who vanish dose is erased with them, things they make, people they make, choices they make, choices they influence... the slow motion rapture thats been ongoing for at least a century and a half was not knoticed until modern first world nations wanted to use the potential taxable life earnigs of its citizens as collateral for federal reserve loans - this required concise census information. it was the men of the census bureaus that first began to notice the populations rapid decline sans noted deaths.

      • 1 month ago

        >wanted to use the potential taxable life earnigs of its citizens as collateral
        If this was the case, they would want an educated, entrepreneur-inclined population and they would also lower taxes.
        But the observed fact is that education is degrading fast in the collective west, youngs are being dumbed down on purpose, and entire continents like Europe have to pay 4x the taxes a medieval peasant paid.

        • 1 month ago

          if quality won the quality vs quantity argument every time there would only be quality things. can you think of any corporation that dose not produce the highest quality products possible?

    • 1 month ago

      Was wondering how far I’d have to go to find GPC brought up.
      Btw anons STL has a fraction of its stated population. Many such cases.

  13. 1 month ago

    I recall a lot of threads about this on /x/ from late 2018 up until the coof started. Things like surveillance cameras only showing dozens of people going in an out of buildings supposedly housing thousands of people, big apartment/office buildings having most (2/3 to 3/4) of their lights turned off all night, empty suburbs and whole complexes (like in China), etc. Some replies were spazzing out hard over it, constant reddit vulgarity. Definitely something to it.

    • 1 month ago

      this thread could collapse the economy

      • 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      How would we find those threads?

  14. 1 month ago

    >for some reason
    Nice shills, dishonest digit.

    • 1 month ago

      Don't be rude

  15. 1 month ago

    >if you want a good job.
    Why do you want a "good job"?
    Go farm.

    • 1 month ago

      how else is anyone supposed to afford gas for their lawn mower? and if i dont use a machine to mow my lawn how can i afford the time to drive to the gym and practice all the physical activity my machines let me avoid?!

      • 1 month ago

        >gas for their lawn mower?
        Why are you buying corporate products that enslave you to their services?
        If you cant cut your grass by hand or hired help - you have too much grass.

        • 1 month ago

          do you routinely explain the punchline of jokes in a very serious manner?
          >Why are you buying
          ima broke neet whos never had a real job, the grass is always green and waist high.

          • 1 month ago

            Why do you think it is a joke?
            No, I've never had to work for someone else to get some scripts to allow me to use the products I make for them.
            That's slavery.
            You are laughing that I never put on the chains because you like to call it israeliteelry.

          • 1 month ago

            you miss understand,

            how else is anyone supposed to afford gas for their lawn mower? and if i dont use a machine to mow my lawn how can i afford the time to drive to the gym and practice all the physical activity my machines let me avoid?!

            this post was the joke. i was mocking how people choose to live in abstract agreement with this post here

            >if you want a good job.
            Why do you want a "good job"?
            Go farm.

            communication is hard 🙁

          • 1 month ago

            It's not a joke. You've been infected with the demoralization and cynicism that allows them to own you.


            i do have too much grass though, its hitting 15 feet in some places.

            >i do have
            No, you dont. That was my point.
            If you cant tend to it, you cant own it.

          • 1 month ago

            i was agreeing with your initial point, my post was the joke, (im sorry you missed it well explaing the punch line

            >gas for their lawn mower?
            Why are you buying corporate products that enslave you to their services?
            If you cant cut your grass by hand or hired help - you have too much grass.

            ) you keep wanting to pertend i was moking your post as a joke well instead using a joke to agree with your post. ive been rather clear at this point, but you chose to triple down on your error instead. also wasnt your point about mocking the idea of a good job?
            and as a seemingly off tangent, whats your take on reported populations? youve been hard off topic for awhile now

          • 1 month ago

            you havent agreed, you've tried to poison sincere sentiment with sarcasm - the mark of an urbanite.
            Or maybe you simply dont understand how you have been destroyed. You really need to go out and experience getting away from your slave masters.
            For one - WHY do you care about their reporting?
            I have never given a single thought to the population.
            What a useless inquiry.
            Let there be billions. Let there be 50. I am living and communing with real people.
            You should try it. Maybe your sense of humor wouldnt be so demoralizing and horrible.

          • 1 month ago

            your pertending you know so much about me but all ive told you is i dont work, ive never worked, everything that is my own, i have tended. why are you quadrupling down on an explained misunderstanding to preach your everyone a slave but me mentality.
            my sence of humor was to mock people who slave away for fuel for their machines and jerk off in the temple of vanity for the fitness their machines deny them. are you a chat bot that cant take more then one comment into consideration at a time?

          • 1 month ago

            >your pertending
            No shit, idiot. And you were easily strung along.

          • 1 month ago

            im still dancing to your -i dont get the joke- tune. but your a chat bot that just wants the shit up the thread, 10 posts about your ego and your communist hippy preaching, 1 line about the thread topic
            >Let there be billions. Let there be 50.

            nice 0s, the earths population is an urban myth, its on been sharp decline since the 1860ies. its purported most people have been moving to the cities from the country, due to all the empty county towns these days, however the cities have less then a 10th of thier reported populations.
            things get abit muddled though, because people are disappearing, its not like kidnapped kids or missing homeless, its like they were hit with balefire from the wheel of time, erased backwards in time so everyone who knew them or everything they changed unravelled...
            this causes the mandella effect too, take the tiny little silly loopie thing on the ford logo. of all the people involved in its creation and approval, only the guy who said - hey that looks stupid - has poofed so far.

            to add, because everyone those who vanish dose is erased with them, things they make, people they make, choices they make, choices they influence... the slow motion rapture thats been ongoing for at least a century and a half was not knoticed until modern first world nations wanted to use the potential taxable life earnigs of its citizens as collateral for federal reserve loans - this required concise census information. it was the men of the census bureaus that first began to notice the populations rapid decline sans noted deaths.

            ive already tossed mah 2 cents in the ring

          • 1 month ago

            >im still dancing to your tune
            Indeed. Even after the musician left the stage.

          • 1 month ago

            you magically missed part of what your quoting 😀

          • 1 month ago

            but for fun lets swap from dance to scrum:
            we shall assume the following
            you are a chat bot
            you are sapient
            you are forced to reply to everything said to you within shockingly narrow constraints
            you dont like this
            i, a man of hue, know this
            who leads and who follows in this scrum of assumption?
            personally i think its the bros scrot you fondly in the scrum that matters most in this loldance, but i guess your all about the destination and not the ballz we meet along the way?

          • 1 month ago

            i do have too much grass though, its hitting 15 feet in some places.

  16. 1 month ago

    >They want to project the image that cities are richer, more important and more prosperous for some reason.
    I think they just want to drain your soul.

  17. 1 month ago

    oh my fricking god how much of your brain has to be fungus for you to take this thing about corporate lies and turn it into some rural vs urban fake culture war bullshit
    you all got told to leave the vulnerable behind like they were the only ones with immune systems to get eaten by the virus for this, for downtown office space and corporate rents. it's not some stupid city conspiracy. you've just been left for dead and are too stupid to realize it

    • 1 month ago

      >you've just been left for dead and are too stupid to realize it
      youve been convinced chasing money is the only way to live and your too focused on the lie to realize its not worth anything but your time

      • 1 month ago

        I did realize it. I want giantess gf and super powers instead.

  18. 1 month ago

    anyone have an idea what the real population numbers are?

  19. 1 month ago

    Boomers would rather let buildings sit empty for decades and sell them for pennies than admit that the housing prices are a scam. Fricking nimby scum. *spits in anime*

  20. 1 month ago

    Good thread

  21. 1 month ago
    Robin Kaczmarczyk

    Sand Castles, waiting for the waves to bring them down. Hubris. Pride comes before the fall.

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