Ya'll ever done DXM? If so, how does it compare to other dissos? I want to try it, considering doing 300mg. I ordered robocough pills.

CRIME Shirt $21.68

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CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    Do it very sparingly otherwise you can frick up your liver and the high isn’t as “clean” so to speak as other dissos.

    I did 2g of it one time and it is the only time I ever experienced ego death on a substance and was very profound. Most people will shit on it saying it’s a kiddie drug cause you can get it at the super market, but it is a drug you should treat with respect when you use it. 300mg probably won’t do much more than make you feel kinda drunk, but as with any substance you should experiment with smaller doses like that before you try something more major. Also be very careful about combining it with other substances since it affects your serotonin system which can lead to serotonin syndrome.

    • 1 month ago

      Yup only doing it tonight because I ran out of weed and my withdrawals are already kicking in. I'm also quitting weed for good. Been smoking for three years without a single tolerance break. I also have a stash of mostly psychedelic drugs. 1 gram of Molly, a single tab of acid and 8 grams of some potent "hillbilly" mushrooms

      • 1 month ago

        Might just quit all drugs entirely. Seems like an ample time, and if you can really quit them, then prove it to yourself you can stop any time, stop cold turkey for 6 months. Do it.

        • 1 month ago

          I have a few drugs I want to cross off the bucket list before going completely sober. Most of them are psychedelics. I have no interest in opiods and stimulants aren't very appealing to me. Adderall and coke was great before I quit it though.

  2. 1 month ago

    Its the shit. I can only do it once a month though if I want to enjoy it

  3. 1 month ago

    Use that calculator to dose because your bodyweight has a huge effect on what dosage you should take. I used to be a fatass and 300mg felt like nothing but now it's a pretty solid buzz. To really 'trip' you'll want to go for higher than that (3rd plat) but I wouldn't go into that without knowing what the lower doses feel like first. I would also highly rec taking an antihistamine like Benadryl to help with nausea or itching. I don't get super nauseous from dxm but I get fricking insatiably methhead level itchy if I don't take a benadryl with it. Have fun, some people end up hating it but if you already like dissos you'll probably be into it.

  4. 1 month ago

    The most anxious I've felt in my life. And I was taking low doses daily to make it accumulate.

    • 1 month ago

      Man this sounds bad. I'm not an anxious person at all, actually quite an extrovert in some cases. But man, everytime I did shrooms the anxiety during the comeup is the absolute worst. The only reason I can't enjoy psychedelics are the crippling anxiety I get when the effects strart kicking in.

      • 1 month ago

        you gotta work through it man, that's kinda the whole point

  5. 1 month ago

    I've done it a couple times. The first time, I had a very profound experience on 600mg. I experienced complete disassociation and met god, then became god, then became satan. For a while I was convinced I was a saxaphone. It's difficult to explain exactly how but I haven't really felt the same since the experience. I'm more confident than I was but my moods and emotions are flatter and it's takes more to make me feel anything.
    My second trip I did about 800mg, it was pleasant but I basically lost all memory of the experience as soon as I came down.
    My last few trips I experimented with lower doses, they just made me feel nauseous so probably wouldn't recommend it. I ended up flushing the rest of my pills because I was thinking about them too much and it was wasting my time.

  6. 1 month ago


    You are doing it right

    • 1 month ago

      Yup I got the HBR ones, 30mg each

  7. 1 month ago

    if you feel like you gona puke. just let it come. you will feel better after

  8. 1 month ago

    Do not recommend. You've already ordered it so you're probably gonna do it no matter what I say, but I can attest that I've almost certainly gotten brain damage from DXM. I'm not as sharp as I used to be, and I have a lot of trouble holding conversations; I can't find the right words anymore and it's really hard for me to explain things to people. I've permanently lost at least 10 IQ points I'd say.

    You won't just try it one time either.

  9. 1 month ago

    If you want a dissociative just do ketamine, you can do it legally as a treatment for depression or anxiety. Just say you're le sad and you can get a doctor's prescription and be tripping in no time.
    This is the service I did it through, you get a remote session with a doctor and then they send it to you in the mail.

    • 1 month ago

      >i transheart microdosing on a zoom meeting with my therapist!

      • 1 month ago

        that shit's super addictive and will kill you lol

  10. 1 month ago

    DXM pure is a different high than Coricidin Cough & Cold or Robotussin Extra Strength Extra Large.
    DON'T trip by yourself for your first time, and for your first time be sure there is someone who is Not tripping.
    This fricks, you, up, your first time and two.
    DXM powder is a shit trip.
    My favorite trip was the Robotussin Extra Strength King Stupid Size bottle. I drank it all, chasing it with milk. Gulp of 'tussin, drink of milk.
    It settled fine.

    You will:
    Get super strength
    Get super stupid
    Get unlimited stamina
    Not be able to read a damn thing - like when trying to read in a dream -- so using the computer is right out.

    If you intend to have sex, get a boner super early, because if you don't get it up right away, your junk will be junkbthe entire trip. But if you get it up right away, you're good to go the entire time.

    You should:
    Set up a music playlist and put on headphones, because holy frick, music is fricking amazing when robotripping. Over the ear headphones, just plan it ahead of time so you're not trying to dream-read song names - that aint gon work.

    Trip challenge:
    Try to read a giant digital clock.
    You're a seasoned tripper if you can read the clock & tell what time it is.

    It's like an 8 hour+ trip, so buckle the frick up.

    I remember my 'tussin bottle being the size of a King Size Mountain Dew and having a silver foil label which proclaimed extra strength, and it was a cough suppressant formula

    • 1 month ago

      Based info, most info here is accurate. Milk is unnecessary if you have a strong enough stomach for the syrup though. Party on.

  11. 1 month ago

    Careful not to abuse this too much. Grippy sock jail visit is a risk.

    • 1 month ago

      Man this is said a lot when posting about DXM. Does it make people outright fricking psychotic? I don't hear people complain about brain damage and moronation on other dissos like ketamine

      • 1 month ago

        If you binge, absolutely

      • 1 month ago

        >Does it make people outright fricking psychotic?

        If you don't know anything about drugs and being fricked up in general then yeah it will be a majorly heavy experience. Use wisdom, do research and always have someone experienced with you when starting learning this kind of thing.

      • 1 month ago

        > I don't hear people complain about brain damage and moronation on other dissos like ketamine
        PCP is a disso, and definitely does do that. Ketamine seems to be more in a “sweet-spot” where you can take lower doses and still be in this peacefully dissociated trippy-state and unlikely to act very nuts, or much higher doses where you’re in a K-hole and basically zonked out, passed out on a couch or wherever you are in a dissociative nod (basically, you’re not gonna move much or talk to others).

        DXM can also have these sweet spots, but it’s risky because there’s these big middle zones where you’re fricked up but still have the potential to walk around (in an obviously extremely fricked up way, by the way — it’s called “the robo-walk”, it’s different from stumbling while drunk, it’s more like you’re walking on the moon and moving your legs super weirdly with massive steps), do and say crazy shit, and/or get some delusion you can act out on. But a lower dose = like people say, can be a pleasant experience like alcohol/THC but more dissociative, but you’re still decently in control of yourself, and a much higher dose = the DXM-hole, you’re gonna be passed out on a bed ideally meeting the gods, aliens, and whatnot on a voyage in your head while your body is pretty much immobilized (you won’t want to move much or deal with other people on a high enough dose).

  12. 1 month ago

    >250mg dph
    >250ish mg dxm
    >god awful diarrhea
    >float out of body
    >see a man with an eagle face guarding the door
    >talk to neon orange koala in the attic
    >suddenly watching stegosaurses walk around in a jungle
    >pass out for an hour or so
    >get up to pee, think I pissed on the carpet but my body was at the toilet
    >float underground and move the body of my dead cat
    >suddenly on the floor of a random home rotating around a vase like in a piece of design software
    >now in outer space forming planets and colliding them together
    >back to reality
    >whole body flush
    >burning in chest, radiating down through legs
    >convinced its a heart attack, go to ER
    >completely freeze while there, hands clenched in a fist, no control over body or awareness that it's happening until a nurse asks what's wrong
    >all tests fine, lol just a panic attack
    >undiagnosable pain under left ribcage for next 8 months and regular panic attacks for about 4 months (both just stopped one day)

  13. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      People who say this, in my opinion, pushing recreational Benadryl use, even if jokingly, are even more evil, yes, outright evil, than those pushing DXM use. In fact, I wouldn’t say “evil” is even what’s behind most people pushing recreational DXM use, it’s more the possibly incredibly fun or weirdly spiritual experiences you can have on it, but which can become tragically addictive and fry your brain if overdone. Whereas DPH has NONE of that fricking shit. Frick you. Don’t tell the dumb kiddies here to abuse Benadryl. It SUCKS. The trip fricking SUCKS. There’s no spiritual value to it, and you’ll fry your fricking brain even quicker than DXM will. (In fact, even regularly taking smaller doses of Benadryl and other potent anticholinergic antihistamines for allergies and/or insomnia, is linked to a higher risk of dementia later on.) Don’t fricking recommend that shit.

      At MOST, maybe up to 200mgs is all anyone should do (and they shouldn’t even do that), assuming you built up a tolerance from using it for allergies/sleep and get up to that dose eventually, or you want to experiment in the liminal lower-dose of Benadryl that actually can act momentarily like a nice sedative, or, finally, to potentiate and synergistically act with DXM to create a trip much stronger and more unique than either would be alone. (But again, even in this case, I have greater respect for how profound DXM can be on its own, while DPH/Benadryl can ‘cloud’ the experience, making you even foggier and stupider on it.) If you react ok both to weed and DXM itself, that’s probably an even better combo (the potentiation of THC and DXM is insane, but can possibly lead to panic attacks/anxiety/a nightmare trip if either get you anxious).

      Be goddamn careful, please, frick. I am so happy I have not abused DXM for at least 3-4 years now. The beginning trips were insane and I had some crazy (positive) experiences with it.

      • 1 month ago

        Some even felt like MDMA, with extreme empathogenic effects and that (somewhat embarrassing “oh my god I love everyone and myself so much” rambling, extreme honesty, and extreme euphoria (300-450mg range with beginner’s tolerance). Other experiences were even more outright psychedelic/dissociative (going about 500mgs and up, probably just 900mgs is the most I did), including by combination with pot and even acid once. K-hole type experiences. I had experiences of floating out of my body with a blindfold/sleeping-mask on at night and listening to a “binaural beats OBE/astral-projection experience” soundtrack I looked up on a whim. I outright experienced clairvoyant or precognitive visions of things to happen later in my life and even globally. I had an outright transcendental experience that seemed like the core of Advaita Vedanta or Kashmir Shaivist metaphysics (without me having done a lot of serious research into such metaphysics yet), where I WAS one with God, and EVERYTHING and EVERYONE was revealed as being primordially one with God, a transcendent all-pervading Self, and I was gobsmacked by the sheer overwhelming combination of transcendental beauty and love making up the universe (the Lover and Beloved as complements).

        It came with a risk: tolerance requiring ever bigger doses, potentially frying your brain more; the temptation of going on binges (which could lead to the surreally hellish “sigma plateau” experience); as well as what were once incredibly, extremely euphoric trips that erased all anxiety in a way similar to alcohol or MDMA, gradually gaining a darker edge, sort of like paranoia/bad trips on weed or psychs, leading to grimy, depressing, hellish trips. Eventually, I quit it for good, I have no desire to go back to it after quite a few bad trips (always chasing for that original magic each time), but I do not regret the good trips at all.

        Tread with caution, for God’s sake, please.

    • 1 month ago

      That's DPH not DXM, fricking moron

    • 1 month ago

      >the pink pill

      I'm already somewhat into sissyfication so...

  14. 1 month ago

    I did a shitload of it when I was younger.

    It usually feels dirty somehow. One time it made me itch unctontrollably all over for like 6 hours. One time it made me trip pretty good and I had a fun time running around a football game. One time we did it on a friday night and one of my friends got lost, and he showed up on monday morning at school and was still tripping his balls off.

    It's cheap and accessible, but honestly I'd stay away from chemical shit like that if you can. It's just...there's something not great about it, and you can feel it.

  15. 1 month ago

    you will have trouble walking you realy lean and fall down. but you get a diferent point of view where you see things from god or something its wierd as frick

  16. 1 month ago

    If i take these, will i be able to see my horny sleep paralysis demon?

    • 1 month ago

      I used to guzzle Delsym.

      Shit, it might turn you into your sleep paralysis demon. One time I felt compelled to paint my face like a clown. And this woman's voice was speaking through me, and she started singing songs I didn't know. She was good at it too, and I know I'm not so it was freaking me out.

      • 1 month ago

        i dunno if its a sleep paralysis demon or a succ/inc, but i feel that shit even when i'm a awake sometimes. dunno if its worth the risk to trip out as a first timer

  17. 1 month ago

    Every subtle movement made me want to vomit. Very strongly NOT recommended. If you’re underaged just get the legal farm bill THC crap over the internet like the rest of your hooligan comrades

  18. 1 month ago

    I've used robocough a lot. Had ego death 3 times, some very horrible experiences. It really just depends. The biggest factor for a terrible experience is when you don't let it take you and you aren't in for the long ride. It lasts a while and if you feel like you don't want it anymore and it's too late that's how you frick up big time.

    However I've also had some amazing and very memorable experiences. I recommend watching a movie or binging a t.v show.

    Also yeah, don't use it regularly or you will go to the mental hospital or worse (jail) in my case I've been to both multiple times as a result of it making me do weird shit that really did seem like reasonable thing to do.

    All in all I'd rather just smoke weed.

  19. 1 month ago

    Loved dxm but I had to quit because of some truman show psychosis. I was wholeheartedly convinced that everyone around me was viewing my life as some form of reality t.v entertainment and that there was a collective agreement never to make it known to me.

    • 1 month ago

      Wow that's pretty fricked up to hear anon. How are you doing now?

      • 1 month ago

        I'm good, it gets to me sometimes if there are weird synchronicities or strokes of bad luck or rare occasions/events. But I'm more aware that the world is a huge place and there are too many people everywhere for such a thing to plausible. When you're on DXM the disassociative effects make you forget that.

  20. 1 month ago

    I like to watch porn on it.

  21. 1 month ago

    i did this just once back in like 2006 or something. i ate what i remember to be a smallish bottle of red gelcaps. i recall it being sort of like some cross between drunk and on an extremely high dose of edible THC. i basically just zoned out and listened to music. it was enjoyable while i was just sitting at my computer, however i remember going outside to smoke a cigarette and one of my parents was up unexpectedly and i had to have a brief conversation which was quite uncomfortable. the only other specific i remember was listening to some chemical brothers song and feeling like i was running through a jungle or something. more like a vibe, not a hallucination or any type of psychedelic experience. i would file it under "recreational trip". not something i ever felt the need to do again.

  22. 1 month ago

    Make a dark room that lets no light in, put a blanket and pillows there, some water too. Some music is a good idea, especially if you throw weed into the mix.
    Take it on an empty stomach then eat something quickly before your appetite is lost.
    Endure the nausea! It will pass when you start dissociating. When your dissing go to the dark room and enjoy open eye visuals. You are now comfy maxxing.
    Do the above steps but smoke weed on the peak, and you will enter peak human experience provided your doing a 3rd plat trip. (2 bottles of tussin will set you right. Calculating plats on robopills is more difficult because they hit harder)

  23. 1 month ago

    DXM is THE SHIT. Robitussin Max Cough or whatever it was called back in the day that conatined only DXM itself and Guaifenesin was the best. Guaifenesin is a skeltal muscle relaxant and combined with DXM it is one hell of a fun-as-frick trip. Did this shit for the better part of a decade or more and loved every fricking waking and sleeping moment of it.

    Anyway stay away from anything that conatains anything other other than DXM and guaifinesin. Any other drug combined with those can frick you up in a real bad way, do some research before you explore it.

  24. 1 month ago

    I tried once but it felt much more "muddy" than ketamine. On k I feel clear headed even when I spend half an hour staring at the wall but with dxm I was completely confused from the start

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