Dream people

Tell me stories of the people you've met in your dreams.
Deceased family members, loved ones, people you were sure are real, I want to hear about 'em.

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  1. 1 month ago

    One time I dreamt of my two dead cats from childhood. They played with me and it felt so real. I said goodbye and that was it, the dream ended.

    Another time I met a demon or a dead witch. Something that had always tried to oppress me. I cowered and couldn’t fight back. She had human blood and gore covering her face, yellow eyes, bones for israeliteelry.The dream eventually ended. That’s probably the most /x/ dream that I can think of.

    I’ve very rarely encountered men or women who I can distinctly remember who weee not people I knew in real life. I tend to have dreams of red headed women, I rarely remember their faces.

    • 1 month ago

      I'm glad you got to see your kitties, anon.

      I ate dinner with Anthony bourdain he seemed depressed and like his mind was occupied on other things
      Watched a movie and joined the mafia with Joey Diaz he’s a blast
      Hung out with Matt and Shane from mssp I was really out of it so it was kinda lame but they where cool dudes

      Bourdain's sadness echoing through time seems not outside the range of possibility.

      I was running into a hospital to warn of its impending collapse, when i was distracted by a strange bathroom in which i gained lucidity. thrilled, i first admired the detail and vivid realness of it, and of my reflection, before sitting down to attempt meditating. (my first attempt in a lucid dream) immediately im sliding across the floor, through the door into blackness as if pulled by an invisible force. Im unconcerned until the floor gives way and i can perceive myself falling, slowly, controlled. panic, now, i attempt the usual ways of willing myself to move, float, teleport, nothings working im just falling steadily. finally my feet touch floor, and im left standing in pure blackness, nothing. suddenly, the faintest possible light, my eyes strain, and i can see a figure standing alone in the center of a large room. It moves towards me, agonizingly slowly, i can see its face is like a white paper bag, its what's emitting the faint light. closer now i can see theres writing all over its face/head. glyphs i couldnt understand. before it touched me, an abrupt transition, im in an elevator, heading up. IM NO LONGER LUCID like a fricking finger snap. the rest of the dream picks up the original plot. thats never happened to me, every time i get lucid im lucid until i wake up.

      Did you break some dream rule by accident maybe?

  2. 1 month ago

    I ate dinner with Anthony bourdain he seemed depressed and like his mind was occupied on other things
    Watched a movie and joined the mafia with Joey Diaz he’s a blast
    Hung out with Matt and Shane from mssp I was really out of it so it was kinda lame but they where cool dudes

    • 1 month ago

      My best friend died seven years ago. For half a decade after I'd have dreams where he showed up alive, and I'd try to figure out how he'd faked his death. Then I'd wake up and remember that yeah, he's actually dead.

      He would never speak in my dreams, just give me a sad, wistful look.

      Lost my dad last thanksgiving. Just had the same sort of dream two nights ago: there was a mix up at the hospital and he came home after the intervening months alive and on his feet. Total bullshit of course. I held his hand while he died, and later closed the casket myself.

      In the dream he was sad that we'd thrown out his stuff. I had to explain that it wasn't my idea. In reality no one has thrown out his stuff yet.

      Apparently my subconscious mind is in deep denial about the deaths of loved ones.

      In these dreams it really, truly feels like I'm in their company. It's much more real than dream characters in random dreams.

      >Anthony bourdain
      This is how my best friend and dad always seem in dreams: sad and preoccupied.

      The other night I had a very vivid dream where I met a beautiful woman who told me she was born in 2001. Something told me I should marry her. I am a gay man and live in the US. She was in the country I am originally from. Maybe I should go back, marry someone like her, move the frick out to China and start over from scratch.

      You should.

  3. 1 month ago

    I also use to constantly dream about working for achievement hunter but they would never let me in any of there vids
    That one was weird cause I must of had like 20+ diffrent dreams all connected in one narrative

  4. 1 month ago

    I was running into a hospital to warn of its impending collapse, when i was distracted by a strange bathroom in which i gained lucidity. thrilled, i first admired the detail and vivid realness of it, and of my reflection, before sitting down to attempt meditating. (my first attempt in a lucid dream) immediately im sliding across the floor, through the door into blackness as if pulled by an invisible force. Im unconcerned until the floor gives way and i can perceive myself falling, slowly, controlled. panic, now, i attempt the usual ways of willing myself to move, float, teleport, nothings working im just falling steadily. finally my feet touch floor, and im left standing in pure blackness, nothing. suddenly, the faintest possible light, my eyes strain, and i can see a figure standing alone in the center of a large room. It moves towards me, agonizingly slowly, i can see its face is like a white paper bag, its what's emitting the faint light. closer now i can see theres writing all over its face/head. glyphs i couldnt understand. before it touched me, an abrupt transition, im in an elevator, heading up. IM NO LONGER LUCID like a fricking finger snap. the rest of the dream picks up the original plot. thats never happened to me, every time i get lucid im lucid until i wake up.

  5. 1 month ago

    Sometimes I meet people in dreams to whom I feel intimately connected in a way I never experience in the waking world.
    It's not a desire to be their lover, and it's not the same as what you feel for a parent or sibling. It's something different.
    >be me, lucid dreaming
    >hear a voice but see no one
    >decide to call voice "Virgil" for some reason
    >Virgil is my companion for the whole dream
    >Virgil warns me of dangers, comforts me, gives advice
    >Feel a strange sense of comfort and "completeness" feeling him nearby even when he isn't speaking
    >Dream progresses like any other except for this feeling and Virgil's company
    >Realize dream is ending
    >Don't even feel normal "dream ending" sad feeling because Virgil is there
    >Wake up
    >No Virgil
    World feels a little more empty today even with my real family in it.

    • 1 month ago

      You were psychically connected to Virgil, and now are separated, and it is more impactful than waking reality

  6. 1 month ago

    I was running from a volcano trying to warn people to leave immediately. The volcano was real - St Helens!

  7. 1 month ago

    I think every dream person I've met corresponded to an actual living person (but sometimes a spirit person instead of a human person).

  8. 1 month ago

    For months I was talking to my entity in my dreams and he would show me stuff. Generally he started off by impersonating people I knew except he had an eye patch. This was spaced out over a few months and was pleasant enough. Couldn't remember most of the stuff we talked about except one of the last times we talked. He taught me how to read in my dreams, usually whenever I'd try to read in dreams the text would appear as in decipherable letters and would be moving as well as you stared at the page or screen they were on. He wrote some letters in the dirt and it glowed green and I had the word he wrote appear in my mind, Slayer. And since then I've been able to read in my dreams. Sounds like a weird larp but that's it.

    Now what tripped me was while browsing /x/ a few months from that I got caught up reading a norse mythology thread and read some stuff about Odin. And how as Wotan he would disguise himself as a wanderer and he was also known for teaching mortals the knowledge of runes. Extra weird was these dreams (at least as far back as I had been paying attention) always occured on a Wenesday which of course is his day. (I was born on a Wenesday too, it's even my middle name from my mothers home language). Now I haven't seen him in awhile but I also had a recent dream where someone told me several gods have been recently imprisoned, Odin among them.

    I've met other stuff too but nothing else I can put a name to. Could just be spirits or something but who knows. I still struggle with deciding how much weight to put into these sorts of dreams. But I feel like there is more to them each time

    • 1 month ago

      >Now I haven't seen him in awhile but I also had a recent dream where someone told me several gods have been recently imprisoned, Odin among them.
      How do we bust them out?

      • 1 month ago

        I unironically have an idea. So either the night before or after I was told that I was exploring stuff in my dreams with the sort of vague goal of finding my father. No idea where that notion came from but I ended up in a basement. I see an old couple the male wears a crown of gold and pearls but is dressed like a dad otherwise. The woman is an old fat crone, not much otherwise to describe her. As to avoid them I sneak off to a side room and close the door. Now this room was all white and had a heavy "air" about. Visually it was hazy but not like an actual fog more like you had something in your eyes. And there was a low chanting sound playing in my mind but not quiet human. Kind of reminded me of some of the tracks from the first Sinister movie. On the wall of the room was a large stone gate with engraving on it, a giant tree sorta like the tree of life but it didn't match up 1 to 1. There was a pillar in the room as well with a golden engraving on it. It was a rectangle comprised of several smaller triangles with a larger gap of lines in the center that made a V. I'll try to draw it in paint. Anyways while I was compelled to touch it I had bad vibes about it so I just put my hands together and closed my eyes till I woke up.

        Could be unrelated but the whole looking for my father part does make me think it could be related. Had a weird synchronicity that day watching a youtube video too, It was just something I was listening to while I was working and wasn't even paying attention to it at that point. I was thinking about that dream and the guy in the video said "Open the gate". That shit unnerved me. Typing out any spiritual experience does make me feel schizo af, shit just sounds crazy when you try to explain it.

        • 1 month ago

          >Typing out any spiritual experience does make me feel schizo af, shit just sounds crazy when you try to explain it.
          We're all schitzo here.

    • 1 month ago

      holy shit you also had to learn to read in dreams?
      I still haven't really "learned" how to read, but I've become able to decipher words through the missing letters.
      I've been trying to improve my dream reading by thinking of words just after waking up.
      By lying in bed with my eyes closed, I'm sort of between awake and asleep and can visualize anything perfectly, but I have my waking world thinking ability. So I imagine a book full of words.
      Even doing this, the words are words I've never seen before and I have trouble understanding them.

  9. 1 month ago

    There's a girl with short, blond, perhaps slightly curly hair that I meet occasionally. It's extremely rare that I meet a lucid and independently conscious entity in that configuration of consciousness; all friends and family members are unconscious to their nature in the dream. I meet her maybe once a year at most. She knows it's a shared configuration of consciousness and that I'm also lucid. She also seems to know me, and seems very intelligent - almost playfully lucid; she's in more control of the configuration than I am. I don't recognize her from any specific past experience, though I do feel a form of pleasant recognition. Perhaps not unlike the feeling of one suffering from amnesia seeing a friend.

    I hope I see her again. She seems interesting.

  10. 1 month ago

    I always see Asher Polster in my dreams.

  11. 1 month ago

    I had a heart to heart conversation with a black shrouded man on a ferris wheel

  12. 1 month ago

    This one is recent, I've dreamt of this woman twice. IDK if it's some weird message of my subconscious or if it's an external entity trying to take place.
    So, for context I moved to this house with my bf on february. We're renting, our Landlord is an old lady that seems to be in a good economic position.
    First dream: I'm alone at home just chillin' and hear a ring at the door. I open up and there's this woman with a suplicant face, of seemingly african descent, greeting me. She tells me she used to work as a maid for the owner of the house and she badly needs to keep the job for her kids sake. I explain that I understand her circumstances but my bf and I are not that well either and since I haven't got a job, I have the time to take care of the house myself. Upon insisting a few times without results she goes away and I feel pretty sad for her, then wake up.
    Second dream: I'm doing the dishes while my bf does some gardening on the back, and the door rings. We're not expecting anyone so we go together to see who it is. It's the same woman as before, who without any further notice just enters the house and tries to grab the courtains of the windows next to the door to 'take them to the washer on her cousins' but I stop her in her tracks and with my most patient but firm voice say that it's disrespectful to enter somebodys home that way and that she worked for [landlord], not for the house and since we live here now her contract was no longer active. My bf is there to back me up (I'm pretty spineless without him), so she hasn't any option other than stutter an apology and leave.
    Since the second time the woman showed her true colors and was quite rude, I'm left thinking I might kicked out some kind of parasite or bad thing that was trying to feed on our energy or emotions. Or maybe I'm just kinda classist/racist? I felt bad that I couldn't help her the first time since I don't have the means, but the second time I *knew* it was all a show to have access inside.

    • 1 month ago

      >Since the second time the woman showed her true colors and was quite rude, I'm left thinking I might kicked out some kind of parasite or bad thing that was trying to feed on our energy or emotions.
      I'd bet it's this. There are thousands od stories from around the world of creatures like this gaining access to your home by appearing in unassuming or pitiful forms.

  13. 1 month ago

    The other night I had a very vivid dream where I met a beautiful woman who told me she was born in 2001. Something told me I should marry her. I am a gay man and live in the US. She was in the country I am originally from. Maybe I should go back, marry someone like her, move the frick out to China and start over from scratch.

    • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        Just in case someone has done it, tell me what it is like to emigrate to large Chinese cities like Shanghai or maybe Shenzhen.

        • 1 month ago

          Why tf would you want to live on china?

  14. 1 month ago
    Keeping it really real


    • 1 month ago

      My very favorite password idea is, ' iloveyou ' so cute, but Google won't let me use it because it's " a weak password ".
      No one has any fun online anymore 🙁

    • 1 month ago
      Shill watch

      >I hope you don't expect me to just let this slide commander......

      Pool parties are the greatest and only way to truly have fun. I saw it in a music video.

      Amen and Awomen (Gender Equality)

      Spread the love , my friend.

  15. 1 month ago

    I just had the first nightmare in a long time, and it actually had a consistent person/antagonist character unlike most of my dreams.
    Evil wizard/magician named Sinbad lol. He gave off an incredibly powerful aura. I was learning to use psychic abilities or something, and he came to intimidate me. I usually fight in dreams but the energy coming off of him was so intense it made everything around him visually wavy and blindingly blurry. He started chasing me, I was going down a hallway toward the door I came in, but the motherfricker looped the hallway so that I couldn't get to it or get away. I eventually webt into a side door, like a close or something, that led into this cramped mangled hallway/shaft that was something like singularity in interstellar. Last thing I remember was that he was gaining on me, dunno if I got away or woke up or switched dreams, but the motherfu ker FOLLOWED ME into my next dream and showed up. I was part of some family, and the family members started dying one by one. I kept finding their bodies, like I would walk into a room and the family member I would be dead, and motherfricking Sinbad (no relation) would be lurking somewhere near by to taunt, like I would see his head hovering outside the window laughing for a second before dissipating. Happened until the whole fanily was dead. I guess I called the cops or something, because a detective was supposed to come, finally showed up at the end and knock on the door. I opened it and who do I see? Motherfricking Sinbad in a detective outfit.
    Real btw, just coincidentally paranormal I'll give you that. Btw he did not look like Sinbad the comedian, nor the animated pirate. He was thin, with dark hair and stubble.

  16. 1 month ago

    Once I had a dream where I was in line to the afterlife. I met my uncle there, but I didn't say much to him. I also met an old childhood friend who was excited to see me. He said he got permission to wait for me and was waiting for "a long time". The problem is I know he's still alive, and we definitely are not friends anymore.

    Another person I encountered was some anthropomorphic cat person. Not a furry, more like a large house cat standing on two legs. He stood tall enough to be at my waist level. His fur was gray.
    Just before meeting him, I was being attacked by a floating severed human head. Looked like a woman's head. He appeared to tell me I would be okay, and that the head could only hurt me if I knew it's name. His advice filled me with confidence to fight the head, and I stuck my hand into it's mouth, immediately waking up.
    I hope to meet him again, he reminded me of a cat I lost when I was much younger.

  17. 1 month ago

    >Deceased family members
    Usually my father, almost never in a positive light, usually involves a horrific accident or act of some kind. Recent one was a car crash on a rural road, lots of gore and stuff (He never died in a car crash, just to clarify). Tends to happen every other week. Had some nasty dreams about other family members either dying or being used as an instrument by negative entities. In the dream it's horrifying, but at the moment of lucidity (whether awake or not) it just becomes annoying. Could be a subconscious thing, or maybe I need to call a priest.
    Changes depending on the circumstances. One time I had a great lucid dream, but ended up kind of floating out of it, "awoke" to a weird puppet thing on a chair infront of me, kinda looked like a polygonal gnome or something. Dunno if this was a false awakening or if it was sleep paralysis. Another time I was with my partner in bed, "awoke" in the middle of the night to my foot in the maw of some wiry haired person who crawled on the floor. I later actually awoke, didn't sleep much after.
    It's hard to find recurring people or "characters" in my dreams, because rather than having a consistent frame of being in my dreams I just end up taking up the point of view of someone else, like watching someone else's day take place. Of course, the more wacky and zany the day, the easier it is to become lucid and grounded, but it takes a lot. Every once in a while I notice a recurring face here and there, but the details are never clear enough to really record down. It's a weird kinda feeling.

  18. 1 month ago

    I have seen deceased family members and friends, friends and family who are alive, exes and new people I have not personally met before.

    There is one guy that keeps appearing and he looks like an ex but not quite. He has appeared in 40 dreams so far.

  19. 1 month ago

    My soulmate. Like 10 different times

    • 1 month ago

      My current gf says she dreamed about someone who looked like me for years, but she was never able to see the face.

  20. 1 month ago

    I don't know if it counts but I had a dream last night I wanted to post somewhere before it fades.
    Some of it is fuzzy now, but I'll recount what I remember, possibly omitting some of the, uh, specific details that I'd rather not share.
    It started in a church of some kind, no specific deity that I can remember other than it was a deity of pureness. It wasn't Christian though, there was no Christian iconography.
    We were warned of certain dangers in the world, of lust and gluttony in particular, the standard (and often reasonable) fearmongering.
    I left the church and remember walking down a busy road in a city I don't recognize, very dingy and crowded. I saw a flight of stairs leading down into what I thought was a brothel, and my curiosity got the better of me.
    As I entered I realized it was an inversion of everything the church in this world was teaching, stylized like a rave. It reminded me a bit of that scene in Jacob's Ladder, if anyone's seen that.
    I knew I should leave but I didn't want to, something there was calling me deeper so I pushed forward until I came to a relatively empty part of the building with some neon purple symbol suspended in the air. There was a mattress with a metal frame and no sheets in the center, and an androgynous man dancing nearby.
    For some reason I started talking to him, and he got very close to me. He told me that I wouldn't like him and that I should leave, but I insisted he show me what he meant by that, and he pushed me onto the bed.
    We did the normal things you'd expect, but he backed off when he was done and chained me to it. The rest of the dream was of me being mutilated and abandoned in a cage, desperate to see him again.
    That's the extent of what I remember, aside from the feelings afterward when I woke up. It was almost a longing, it was very strange.
    Anyways I posted here because I think at least half of that applies to the topic, and I'm hoping someone could help analyze it.

    • 1 month ago

      I remembered some more details about this person, though only one thing stands out to me as absolute fact (in the sense that it definitely appeared in the dream). The other details may have been retroactively applied over vague memories as an attempt to gain understanding.
      The person I was with, the androgynous one, was wearing a red coat. I also believe they had piercings resembling horns on their forehead. Their hair was shaved, and they were wearing dark eyeshadow, but I never got a clear look at their face so I'm not sure exactly. It could've just been the lighting of the building we were in.

  21. 1 month ago

    Not a human but my dog was my best friend.

    I had to put my dog down in early April and now I have some dreams about him. He is usually outside and strangely, I can see him but then sometimes can't, it's very hard to explain.
    Then I just thought I knew that he was here all this time. I fussed him and his fur blew off in the wind like it always did.
    Then he followed me inside and I told him to sit and lie down, then I gave him treats and I didn't care if there were crumbs on the floor. I remember thinking it was proof he was here.

    I also remember asking him if he forgave me but he kept turning away a little. Could be my guilty mind. I also thanked him.

    I could just still be hysterical. I also occasionally see my mom too with him

  22. 1 month ago

    I never meet family in dreams. The more I meditate, the less human the dream people become. I notice I'm just an ear to lend out. People talk to me about their problems and I'm just there to be trusted company. I don't place any expectations.

    I think I should return to that state instead of being so attached to waking life.

  23. 1 month ago

    I remember dreaming about a ghost girl asking me for help to find a treasure that would liberate her from the house she was imprisoned in. She was a cute child, with golden yellow hair and big blue eyes. Didn't get bad vibes from her. She was wearing a pale blue dress if I remember correctly.

    Mind you, I was around 12 when I had the dream. There were other children too but they seemed real and alive, as if a bunch of us were reunited in the dream.

    Anyway we couldn't find anything even tho we searched everywhere in the house, but you can't expect much from 12 year olds. When the dream was about to be over the girl told us we were about to return to our world and wake up but she would come back in 7 years, or more like we would go back to the dream in 7 years to complete our failed mission.

    I think I wrote about the dream in a notebook and never stopped thinking about it. After 7 years the dream didn't happen so I assume someone else helped the girl or it was only a dream. I still remember everything so clear and think about it here and there...

    • 1 month ago

      Ive heard people say 7 years is a life cycle, so maybe you were supposed to do something (or you did it already?)

  24. 1 month ago

    I met a dragon girl and touched her

  25. 1 month ago

    >husband's graddad, Darwin, died 8 months ago
    >a couple of weeks after he passed, I dreamed that he visited us
    >we were in a flat gray space with no walls; think more an infinite void as opposed to a room or structure
    >strangely, there was a plain bed, bedside table, and lamp
    >Darwin was standing beside the bed, wearing the type of clothing he normally wore (hat, glasses, shorts, t-shirt
    >my husband and I were there with him, but not our young daughter
    >I don't remember most of the dialogue, but I do remember Darwin wanting to "check in on us"
    >he got misty-eyed over the fact that our daughter wasn't also there to meet him
    >I remember wanting to ask him about the afterlife, but there was some sort of block that I acknowledged even in the dreamscape - it's like asking about something like that would not be "allowed." I couldn't even form the words.
    I am an atheist, not because I'm trying to be edgy, but because I haven't experienced anything that could not be scientifically explained. I would choose to believe if I could, you know? But this dream has really fricked with me. I had a similar dream after my own granddad passed away. Logically, I can chalk it up to my brain deconstructing recent events, but a part of me wonders if the recently deceased don't make their rounds just to check up on loved ones.

    • 1 month ago

      I was an atheist until I had outrageous paranormal and spiritual experiences that I wasn't expecting or looking for. I'm scientifically trained and and a rationalist, but hard-nosed materialism just doesn't hold water in light of the things I've epxerienced.

      A few of these things were similar dream meetings with loved ones. You can't prove those are real, of course, but you *know* they are.
      And the surety of experiences is all our epistemology really rests on.

      • 1 month ago

        Would you be willing to share the paranormal/spiritual experiences that made you believe in a higher power/order?

      • 1 month ago

        What happened exactly? I was the same way, until a much bigger than expected LSD trip made me believe in something bigger than myself, anyone who has genuinely broken through should know what I am talking about, but similar dream meetings is extremely explainable by psychology.

  26. 1 month ago

    Recent Dream:
    >At public library in my area
    >It's dark
    >It's the fall so there are Halloween decorations
    >Just reading and doing research
    >Decide to step out at night
    >Gym crush and female co-worker are hiding behind fake tombstones from someone/thing
    >They look scared and apprehensive
    >Try to look for who/what they are hiding from
    >Dream ends
    I wake up with an urge to visit that library. I feel I have to make the time to go there when I am not occupied.

  27. 1 month ago

    Sometimes I fight people in my dreams.
    It often seems, when I can't 'hurt' them, it's because they don't deserve it.
    But when I _can_ hurt them, it's because they do.
    When I can't hurt people, it's like Spomgebob's bully punching him, nothing happens.
    When I can hurt people, it's often not by Cibrian conventional means. For example, crumpling someone up like a sheet of paper. No gore. But the effect is it eliminates the threat from my dream, and the perceprion is it Is power over the affected person.

  28. 1 month ago

    The not!Grandfather. My late grandfather died almost twenty years ago. But I sometimes dream that something that looks like him is visiting me. Even in the dream, I know that he's dead, and there's something very wrong with the being wearing his face.

  29. 1 month ago


  30. 1 month ago

    There's a woman.
    She refuses to give me her name.
    I frequently encounter her in dreams.
    She's not anyone I know from life.
    She travels as a screech owl.

  31. 1 month ago
  32. 1 month ago

    Does anyone else have dreams of people you’ve never met before? Good or bad?

    • 1 month ago

      Indeed. Last night I met a brown girl who was my coworker in the dream. I don't have any female coworkers now and she didn't look like any I've had in the past. I wish I could remember more, but it went something like this. She saw my astral chart (I'm not big on astrology) and told me something about having an angel of death and something ABOUT the 12th house. Then I saw the angel's name clearly, which I forgot as soon as I woke up. I questioned her but she refused to speak after that.

  33. 1 month ago

    Last Year when I was reading a lot about Kenneth Grant, he showed up in my dreams quite extensively. We usually chatted about his work or about jazz (usually, bebop played in the background - Charles Mingus or Charlie Parker, surprisingly, not Count Basie, which was among his favourites).

    One especially odd dream that I had with him was when he showed with his wife Steffi. Steffi has a face covered in strains of menstrual blood and they offered me a threesome. Despite them pushing this idea, I kept declining it, since I knew that the sex would entail consuming the kalas (menstrual blood) and since his wife looked a lot like a friend I knew. I do not know how the dream ended.

    Other figures which I read about a lot also happened to show in my dreams - e. g. Jon Nödtveidt, with whom i had several dinners with my parents (I have no idea why). Strangely enough, I read a lot (and I my a lot) the works of David Myatt (and the works about him), but he never shows up in my dreams, despite the fact that other, less significant persons in my life, frequent my dreams. I do not know why, but it could be because, in a certain sense, I think Myatt reminds me of me (despite having widely divergent politics from Myatt), but, ultimately, the reasons are unknown..

  34. 1 month ago

    I got "recruited" as a psychopomp once. Felt like I had been shuffled over to a different world or a different time and put in someone else's body to do the job. Felt very unlike a dream.
    Had to talk a young woman named Hannah into leaving her body behind, she'd been fatally wounded in a car wreck but didn't realize it was time to go. Drove her spirit around a city I didn't recognize until she suddenly wasn't in the passenger seat anymore.
    Nice girl, hope she's somewhere good.

  35. 1 month ago

    Had a dream where I was in a room and there was an operating table with a lot of blood on it. Then it turned lucid and i busted out of the room and just started tuning people up. I was in an office building just wailing on middle aged men and women. The building windows were super bright out. Then the people calmed me down and i started asking them about angels. They didnt really indulge me with my questions about who they were. Then I woke up. Probably the longest lasting lucid dream i had.

  36. 1 month ago

    I'm not sure I'd consider it paranormal but two dream entities stand out to me:

    1) The only wet dream I've ever had was of an older black woman. Not sure what it could signify but I've never had a lot of those since I jerk off early and often.

    2) Had a dream where I started dating a woman and she eventually admitted she was hiv positive. We ended up having an asexual romance and it felt bittersweet when I woke up.

    Bonus Material: I had an oddly specific dream once where it seemed like a government official was telling me something. Probably a schizo-like artifact of my psyche but it was very oddly specific.

    • 1 month ago

      >Had a dream where I started dating a woman and she eventually admitted she was hiv positive. We ended up having an asexual romance and it felt bittersweet when I woke up.
      dream aids is real and being open to relations in the face of difficulty is noble in one way but can also cause problems if that's not what you truly vibe with. Honesty up front is the best policy.
      If you ever encounter a similar situation and an initial feeling compels you to be drawn in consider also the long-term.
      >The only wet dream I've ever had was of an older black woman. Not sure what it could signify but I've never had a lot of those since I jerk off early and often.
      loving a gnarly old spirit takes more than just looks but character.

  37. 1 month ago

    >Tell me stories of the people you've met in your dreams.
    >Deceased family members, loved ones, people you were sure are real, I want to hear about 'em.
    ironically the most authentic and real people I met all showed up as spirits while I was awake.
    I used to have some dreams about other people for a long period who wererecurring dream characters larping as parents but they didn't even look closely like them.
    It's more interesting to meet authentic personalities as spirits while awake. Really potent consciousness does that and they're usually more real than the miasma's while asleep.

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