Does the virgin marry fall in love with individual humans?

>My ex claims she seen the virgin in an apparition in beach shore.
>I have dreams where i see her image in the skies of the firmament waging war on earth mechanical tower observatory
>A kind spainard girl i used to chat with appeared in my dreams with robes and hugged me. Felt loving
Does she love individual humans? Feels very unorthodox to think she would save herself for one man at all considering people shouldn’t be thinking of fricking her or whatever

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  1. 1 month ago

    I am not Catholic, Eastern Orthodox or Oriental Orthodox, or Church of the East but my understanding is that yeah they can. They are held to be eternally alive through the grace of God and can pray for people and do so out of love of God.

    • 1 month ago

      Doesn’t she just have eternal life ? So do these shadow forces of darkness buttholes too in a sense right? When they say its a spiritual war, they mean it in that regard?

      • 1 month ago

        They don't directly do anything to evil beings. They have the grace of God and the idea is that allows them to do things. Generally, in all the above saints have eternal life, they are saved and in heaven or in the presence of God.

        • 1 month ago

          Sounds like a better deal at the end of the day. Sounds like negative emotions are what fuel these dark beings and they want them to be as miserable as them

    • 1 month ago

      I believe this accurate but they don't love you romantically OP. The have no need for that.

      • 1 month ago

        These spirit women are following me everywhere i go. They either want to torture me for something my soul has done in the past or want me to make a first move on them

  2. 1 month ago

    If a goddess entity likes you, it might be because you are trans. They seem to have a special place in their hearts for trans people.

    • 1 month ago

      Why? God hates gays, and saddened that evil spirits who hate his creation influence them to mutilate their perfection in his image. How i see it its demons fricking with humans just to spite god

      • 1 month ago

        Mutilating yourself and being transgender are two entirely different things, which sadly have become conflated due to liberalism.
        God doesn't hate transgender people, hes the one who made them. It exists because of reasons I don't really understand, but I think the male and female body basically have a virtual replica of the opposite sex within themselves and the attraction between the two is a gateway between the physical and spiritual world.

      • 1 month ago

        >God hates gays
        Homosexuality and transsexuality are two different things.

        >evil spirits who hate his creation influence them to mutilate their perfection in his image
        In ancient times, people who cut off their penises were called "eunuchs", and God certainly does not hate eunuchs. Church Father Origen, for example, castrated himself.

        By your logic circumcision would also be "demons fricking with humans just to spite god" but that goes against the teachings of all mainstream churches.

        • 1 month ago

          The only argument i have is God wouldn’t create us with certain features that have functions just so sick fricks can castrate themselves to honor him.
          The appendix we have could be used to argue against my notion same with wisdom teethe but i think they were designed for emergency purposes. We are designed in a certain way to function

    • 1 month ago
  3. 1 month ago

    she's an incarnation of the mother goddess
    I met her on shrooms, she said my life would be full of suffering but I'll go to paradise after. most comforting thing ever.

    • 1 month ago

      Hearing shit like that makes me so mad. I would become a being of chaotic nature that makes sure people like you don’t suffer and give you your eternal paradise so as long as you live your life normally and deserve it. No demonic Gangstalking bullshit should ever happen.

      Shitting on the whole good and evil autism

    • 1 month ago

      How much would you need to eat? A woman who resembles my ex gave some. Probably looks like her for a reason. She wants me to eat them and meet her there on that side to talk to me

      • 1 month ago

        it was a small handful of nasty earthy ones from out of a dude's backpack. I sat alone in a dark room the whole time, I think that helped.

  4. 1 month ago

    If it gets you to let your guard down, the archons human slaves will do anything and lie about it later.

  5. 1 month ago

    She does take affection to individual people, but not in a sexual way, but also NOT in a motherly way. It’s something the church can not answer but it is definitely known to happen.

  6. 1 month ago

    She loves everyone just like God does as her will is perfectly aligned with His. It is not romantic or sexual, its charity, the pure love for the good of the soul of others.
    In various degrees though just like Jesus had His favorite disciple.

    • 1 month ago

      I see. Thats good i guess.

  7. 1 month ago

    Not like that no. She loves you as much as she loves anyone. The denizens of Heaven don't pick favorites. I've had dreams of random women hugging and kissing me for years, doesn't mean anything as far as I can tell.

  8. 1 month ago

    Blasphemous fool, seek help

    • 1 month ago

      What if she possessed a woman and had sex with me?

  9. 1 month ago

    >Does the virgin marry fall in love with individual humans?
    No, at least not like other people. At this point she's likely not even a human-incarnated with perspective of a human. It doesn't mean that entity that she once were cannot direct her attention or grace to individuals, but I suspect the perception of other people at that level of spiritual development, when even human disembodied spirits lose quickly a lot of typical human individuality - is quite different. It's certainly not the lustful, body-fueled love that's directed just toward you.
    >A kind spainard girl i used to chat with appeared in my dreams with robes and hugged me. Felt loving
    Aside from the usual explanations like unlikely coincidencies and mental issues, it may be various entities or merely your own perceptions putting an image you know and associate with certain things on various situations/expression of positive feelings from wherever. It's easier to symbolize such feelings by a known gesture from another person than abstract ideas and stimuli of senses one doesn't even know they have. The fact that you've seen a person you knew could be an indicator that whatever you perceive isn't "true" form of what probably doesn't even have physical form, but merely closest familiar analogue.
    >Feels very unorthodox to think she would save herself for one man at all considering people shouldn’t be thinking of fricking her or whatever
    It is not only unorthodox but quite ignorant, you think of her just as another person doing what, sitting on a cloud? Nah. The very fact you consider it seemingly seriously makes me wonder if it's not a bait or you've lost the perspective.

  10. 1 month ago

    she is the only one you will see. she is the only spirit who cares

  11. 1 month ago

    that image of the virgin kinda looks like a vegana

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