Disclosure will cause mass insanity

Holy shit he was right. This is heavy. Just seeing it makes you borderline go insane unless you have the mental strength to snap out of it.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Nobody gives a frick about aliens

    • 4 weeks ago
      Schizo Retard

      i give a frick about aliens. therefore you're wrong

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Disclosure has been "coming soon" for at least the last 20+ years that I've been interested in the subject

    • 4 weeks ago

      Trust the plan, it will happen in 1209600 seconds i promise this time lol.

      • 4 weeks ago


        • 4 weeks ago

          believe me if you want or not but been at around 15-20k ft/agl in a 40s luscombe windows are flat panels. I could see some curve if memory serves me right. going up for another flight soon season is in. Ave Christus Rex Ave Terry Rex

  3. 4 weeks ago
  4. 4 weeks ago

    >15 year officer with no underlying conditions beforehand
    So only normies will lose their mind

    • 4 weeks ago

      Very few people can handle truth, it's maddening

    • 4 weeks ago



      Oh no, the aliens were parasitic demons all along and demons are real? How will we ever use our 3000 years of already knowing this to cope?

      They walk among us

    • 4 weeks ago

      It'll probably be the same people who took the vax.
      How will they TRUST THE SCIENCE now that's science has been lying to them their entire lives?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Too bad the vaxx was actually designed to defend against alien fart particles. It was disguised to combat a generic lab grown bat mutation in hopes people would take it en masse. Controlling the conspiracy that the government designed the disease and used it for a power gain kept subgroups in check by naturally instigating a debate with those who easily took the shot and those who didn't, which further muffled the truth.

      • 4 weeks ago

        They walk among us

        • 4 weeks ago

          God damnit


          It'll probably be the same people who took the vax.
          How will they TRUST THE SCIENCE now that's science has been lying to them their entire lives?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Well if that's the case, everyone will die.
        People who took it will go insane, people who didn't will get alien farted.

        • 4 weeks ago

          The expected effective survival rate is low but not low enough for the human race to go extinct.

      • 4 weeks ago

        You are wrong buddy unfortunately. The true nature of the vaccine was not only a slow drip culling but also to track down and monitor all “souls” that have come here. Not the ones who were created here and consistently reincarnated here but the ones who came here as a form of “recon” you could say. Dont ask how i know all this either. Someday you will all know about it.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    They walk among us

    • 4 weeks ago

      they walk WHERE?

    • 4 weeks ago

      dem aliens be onto some sussy baka shit fr

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Disclosure is just the next tier distraction when they can't create another meme war somewhere. Whatever they say about disclosure is fabricated.

    • 4 weeks ago

      yes, distraction from the heartless israelites here on earth
      israelites are biological parasites btw, cancerous growths off of what was healthy
      very smart too
      whatever, if normies fall for it they deserve it

    • 4 weeks ago

      This. If it's mainstream press or press adjacent, it isn't the truth.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Disclosure just means the glow Black person israelites and reptilian glow Black person albino winged israelites signed a contract and shook on it to finally organize another meat grinder war between both our species and they'll force us into it soon as always so they can profit off it and use it as a mass sacrifice to gain more power.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    it's never going to happen and aliens probably aren't real. I'd love to be proven wrong

  8. 4 weeks ago

    How exactly will ayys being real cause people to kill themselves? I dont get it, nothing changes?
    >No way, ayys what ar—
    >oh I gotta get to work

    • 4 weeks ago

      2 reasons why it can lead to a breakdown of society.
      1. The government is the highest authority in the land, they are the all protecting and all knowing caretakers of every citizen (except in USA). If they are blindsided and there is something bigger and stronger, their legitimacy is now called into question.
      2. The aliens are actually evil, predatory in a way that is severely disturbing, our government have been deciding who gets eaten or turned into pubic hair skin gloves for the aliens.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >The government is the highest authority in the land .. their legitimacy is now called into question.
        this is a big one, and subtle. there is a lot of subliminal pairing happening to reinforce authority for the past 100 years, this will directly effect some of those patterns.

        • 4 weeks ago


          • 4 weeks ago

            what a fun definition change. back in the day you would affect a look, or tone, it was like a "put on." -- now, something has effects and something affects something else. this is new, and i use these terms a lot. fun.
            >we're all gonna die you guys.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >2. The aliens are actually evil, predatory in a way that is severely disturbing
        Evidently that is absolutely not the case in the slightest. If aliens exist they're at best neutral. The whole abduction shit happens exclusively in the united states which leads me to believe it's the US government doing it and not aliens.

        • 4 weeks ago

          my islamic understanding is that a prophet created a barrier that they (aliens/gog and magog) could not pass. once they inevitably break this barrier, which is prophesized, they will kill most people on earth indiscriminately before they start dying to a bug that burrows into their heads.

        • 4 weeks ago


          • 4 weeks ago

            but why?

        • 4 weeks ago

          They occur in every nation on earth.
          I have friends in Syria, China, Iran, Mexico, Italy, Bulgaria, Brazil, and Honduras that have shared a shitload of reports.
          Just because you aren’t a polyglot and are only fed information in English doesn’t mean the rest of us are so moronic.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Pubic wigs anon. That's right, they've been turning us into high quality merkins.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >their legitimacy is now called into question.
        Fricking LMAO.
        Most people would literally be happy at this point if aliens kicked their leaders out of office, and took over.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I agree, that was the classical argument for why disclosure wouldn’t or couldn’t come from the state.
          It’s also why normies don’t freak out until the state approves their freak out.
          People are lemmings and I outlined the philosophical reasoning for it.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >these 2 talking points again
        like clockwork, lmao

        • 4 weeks ago

          Frick you’re dumb. There are only so many different ideas people have about this subject.
          If you have a different one, point out where I’m wrong, rather than posting a screenshot, moron.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >this world is just a simulation
      >if you die, regardless of how it happens, you'll go to the place where you'll fit in best
      >you lose absolutely nothing by dying, you'll be sent to YOUR paradise, custom fit for you

      • 4 weeks ago

        I am so sick of hearing about simulation theory. It's basically a new religion for atheist boomers that are afraid to die.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Basically, it's pathetic, pretty much all new age future religions are not even worth considering.

          "It was aliens" "it was AI" or maybe it was what these old stories have said? Seems like a way to over-complicate what is a simple story and world.

          Also nice digits

  9. 4 weeks ago

    We created YHWH. They created us.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    >started drinking

    David Grusch?

    • 4 weeks ago


      Squares off with the clearance revocation also

      • 4 weeks ago

        Thread is from September 9, 2023. David Grusch's first interview was June 11, 2023. This could easily be a larp pretending to be Grusch.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    The real disclosure would be that everything you experience here is pure consciousness (light) conditioned into a slow vibration and your Gift is that you get what you want / attract, based on belief, expectation and vibration.

    I'm guessing this is not the version of disclosure that will be released.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You ever have something happen you didnt expect?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Of course. I wouldn't be surprised if the name of this beautiful creation is "SURPRISE!"

  12. 4 weeks ago


    True, in Lovecraft stories it's not actually the Necronomicon driving people insane, it's the fact that it confirms the things they saw and thus shatters their entire world view.
    If you already believed in insane shit beforehand and the aforementioned insane shit gets confirmed to be real it will cause considerably less amounts of psychological stress than your entire worldview being shattered.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    Oh no, the aliens were parasitic demons all along and demons are real? How will we ever use our 3000 years of already knowing this to cope?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yeah pretty much

  14. 4 weeks ago

    This narrative implies there's something eldritch about them that would cause us to have to grapple with the foundations of our reality being undermined. Which is stupid, because at that point they can't simply be little guys from another planet. So why call them aliens?

    • 4 weeks ago

      they have many names, and many forms. "legion" in the bible & the misunderstanding of all serpentine entities as evil is one. winged angels from the skies / mountains (feathered serpents, sometimes, see Tammuz & Quetzalcoatl) are similar. They don't live in space, they live in the underworld (the underground, in mountains, caverns, underwater and in the mantle). Some created us, or at least claim to. Some are benevolent, and some evil ones eat, torture, sacrifice, murder, & mutilate like we do to our own kind and other living creatures. You communicate via "magic" (charging your intention via experience & harnessing your vibrational, creative energies, the Christ that lives within us, the rising of your cerebrospinal fluid) that is really just science, alchemy, mathematics, or become "enlightened" via attachments, "ritualistic invocations" (visualization, repetition, encoding via language, songs, hymns, chants, traditions, et cetera), or psychostimulants that change the frequency / vibration of your consciousness.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Abrahamism is a category collapse hypermeme designed to destroy existing knowledge and trap you in ignorance. If birds were sentient and could grant you powers or frick you up, this poster would be on here telling you that all birds are actually eagles.
        >Verification not required.

        • 4 weeks ago

          You are very delusional, and have never taken up the practice of these belief systems with any sort of vigour. Enjoy summoning succubi and using useless sigils to achieve nothing of note.

      • 4 weeks ago

        the good shepherd is human in form. just because Utu-Shamash transformed him into a winged serpent to escape the clutches of devils that one time (viz. Dumuzid and Geshtinanna) doesn't mean you can rope him into your flat-earth/empty skies psyop

      • 4 weeks ago

        >You communicate via "magic" (charging your intention via experience & harnessing your vibrational, creative energies, the Christ that lives within us, the rising of your cerebrospinal fluid)
        I would like to know more.

    • 4 weeks ago

      All 'they' would need to have is a light sniffle and govs could tell everyone it is spreading and causes death.
      And then people would eat dog shit for lunch if the govs said they may go on holiday if they eat it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      they have many names, and many forms. "legion" in the bible & the misunderstanding of all serpentine entities as evil is one. winged angels from the skies / mountains (feathered serpents, sometimes, see Tammuz & Quetzalcoatl) are similar. They don't live in space, they live in the underworld (the underground, in mountains, caverns, underwater and in the mantle). Some created us, or at least claim to. Some are benevolent, and some evil ones eat, torture, sacrifice, murder, & mutilate like we do to our own kind and other living creatures. You communicate via "magic" (charging your intention via experience & harnessing your vibrational, creative energies, the Christ that lives within us, the rising of your cerebrospinal fluid) that is really just science, alchemy, mathematics, or become "enlightened" via attachments, "ritualistic invocations" (visualization, repetition, encoding via language, songs, hymns, chants, traditions, et cetera), or psychostimulants that change the frequency / vibration of your consciousness.

      Lol 250+ replies in 4 hours, that's almost NG levels. bump.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    I heard there will be much anger in the general population over events as the year closes out. You can sidestep all that internal disturbance by spending more time with the earth. The closer you are to the planet the less the coming troubles will effect you.

    • 4 weeks ago

      So log off from the internet basically.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yea, but it also seemed like an actual energetic change coming. I was dreaming and saw this micro vortex of energy streaming in from outer space punching a hole through the clouds and pouring into the earth. I telepathically asked about it, and they said that the planetary alignment had shifted into a higher oscillatory wobble, and that the sun was going to be pressing upon the planet with more energy. They said the coming chaos was from the dark cabal trying to continue holding onto power as conditions here become more and more unfavorable to their existence.
        It said the planet would warm up from the increased radiative pressure from the sun, but that this energy would eventually push the orbit of the earth farther from the sun and restore equilibrium in the climate.

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      This comment is dumb. Just say if you don't care about things then you don't need to worry. Which can also be a play off nothing in the end matters. Go eat poo helmet boy.

  16. 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      Suburban doomer

  17. 4 weeks ago

    Outer space aliens R not real.
    Our virtual universe only expands away from us as we develop more sophisticated means with which to probe it. It runs away. When we make 3d worlds for games that procedurally generate into infinity, certain flight sim games etc, we use fractal mathematics and rules.
    Our universe uses fractals and what we call the Fibonacci sequence.

    There is a force within our planet that wants us to waste resources looking outward so we don't find them within.
    We've been modded to requite vit D to force our ancestors to leave the underground realms.
    These beings use psychotronics and reality distortion to run the space aliens hoax and mask their true nature, whatever it is.

    • 4 weeks ago

      this is the most brain dead bullshit Ive read in awhile. Good work.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Theres quite a few anons speaking in a very matter of fact way in this thread, as if they know for a fact what they are saying is true. I find that kinda weird, would love a source for quite a few claims here, like

        Outer space aliens R not real.
        Our virtual universe only expands away from us as we develop more sophisticated means with which to probe it. It runs away. When we make 3d worlds for games that procedurally generate into infinity, certain flight sim games etc, we use fractal mathematics and rules.
        Our universe uses fractals and what we call the Fibonacci sequence.

        There is a force within our planet that wants us to waste resources looking outward so we don't find them within.
        We've been modded to requite vit D to force our ancestors to leave the underground realms.
        These beings use psychotronics and reality distortion to run the space aliens hoax and mask their true nature, whatever it is.

        For example

        • 4 weeks ago

          I'm the anon that wrote it. It's a mashup of Alan Watts and Jacques Vallee and if you can't speak authoritatively then what's the point.
          Also I read that long thread in the archive about the govt planting hidden memories in people that surface during hypnosis. Abductions and all that happen in movie set type facilities with guys in rubber alien suits etc.

        • 4 weeks ago

          this can't be your first time on this site right or any forum for that matter. almost 90 percent of these people talk in matter of fact. religious nut jobs, schizos, flat/round/dome/hollow earthers, simulation believers, loosh believers, demi urge believers, wizard believers, vampire/werewolf believers, shaman, spirit talkers, time travelers, even people that don't Believe in anything at all. it's majorly fricked up and absolutely no one is helping each other.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I feel ya anon, thats why im trying to point it out. Ive been here for a long time, and nowadays when I read stuff with nothing to back it up, it actually annoys the shit outta me. But im trying to remain civil because me being too blunt also isnt going to help anyone.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Endless caveats of "well I think maybe this or this depending on this or the other" annoy me.
            I don't believe anything I say, it's just different flavours of cosmology that I find appealing based on my current experience thus far.
            These threads are like a strange soup and we all throw things in.
            You asked where I got the ideas and I told you, anon. Alan Watts etc

          • 4 weeks ago

            Thats fair, you did cite a source so thats a whole lot better then other anons theory's.


            A philosophical accord has been reached that astral parasites and demons are the equivalent of viruses, not life, when they reach a level of world extinction. As such, all compunctions against killing and violence against them have been laid to rest. This was a major component holding the wrathful aspects back from laying waste to the problem. With Maitreya's Buddha aspect serving as a conduit of infinite karmic energy and empowerment these deities are now able to do battle with the parasites for an endless amount of time without the risk of losing their karmic energy and falling to the hell realms.

            It's war. War beyond all wars. War against Death itself. Earth has the potential to be the first physical place in the multiverse to actually combat the inherent entropy and decay of the physical realms. It is a precious israeliteel that will be defended by the full pantheon of enlightened beings.

          • 4 weeks ago

            > cite a source
            > theory
            Oh you sweet summer child.

          • 4 weeks ago

            So whats the source of the information you posted anon. Your doing exactly what Ive been alluding to in my previous posts. Dont be obtuse, lay it all out on the table so we can decide if what you say holds water. Please

  18. 4 weeks ago

    I can't think of a "disclosure" that would even surprise me at this point.
    The world is an illusion? I know.
    The "universe" with the billions of "galaxies" is made-up bs? I know.
    The illusion-earth is flat? I know.
    This illusion-world is ruled by non-human (butthole)beings? I know.
    Politics is all about occultism, sacrifices, magic etc? Yes.
    Below us is an underworld full of strange beings and races? Yes.
    Death is not the end, just a reset of mind? Yes.
    "God the creator" doesn't really know what he's doing? Yeah, I know.
    ... what disclosure should come? ...

    • 4 weeks ago

      You know, 99% of humans don't. It's cool you have handled it all but surely you can understand the average person is going to freak out?

      • 4 weeks ago

        This normie worship has to stop. This is a threat.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I think the problem lies in the fact that while most /x/ users have come to roughly similar solutions, that's only a tiny fraction of the general society, where most people don't even ask themselves those questions let alone seek answers to them. The fact that this reality may be just a high resolution Minecraft could as well be quite a harrowing thing for many and one everyone would be forced to come to terms with somehow.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Same boat here. Nothing they disclose/I can think of can really disturb me. Except messing with loved ones, cruelty against 'em etc the list goes on

      If you tell me tomorrow that mantises rule the earth and its flat and israelites this and that and whatone I won't give a damn

    • 4 weeks ago

      bro you're going to flip your shit when you realize that the earth is a globe

    • 4 weeks ago

      That's the thing nothing would surprise me at this point
      Bring on the aliens star wars gme moass lul today even
      I don't care just make me rich AF trillions of alien bucks pls

    • 4 weeks ago
      Migga Biscuit

      >"God the creator" doesn't really know what he's doing? Yeah, I know.

      QRD please.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's likely that the entitie(s) responsible for creating the entire physical reality that we as humans perceive (the universe), are not truly omniscient themselves. They probably are just as puzzled at the greatest philosophical questions as we are.

        In other words, we don't know who our creator is and our creator probably doesn't know his creator either. In fact it is possible that this world was fabricated for nothing but entertainment to provide them with relief from the eternal hell of boredom they experience.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Physical reality is uncreated and recursively self-creating from the void. There is no abrahamic sky daddy running things. The closest thing to that is coalitions of enlightened beings with a particular interest in Earth pulling the strings of fate as they can. With countless other universes in our dimension and countless other dimensions, Earth is not the center of reality.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    spiritual solipsism is scarier than this

    come back when you know there are infinite multiverses and there are infinite realities where there are much scarier things than aliens

    with the scariest thing being yourself

    • 4 weeks ago

      But how far did you zoom into the fairy cake to come to this conclusion?

  20. 4 weeks ago

    The last big disclosure might be that it all is in the open already. Like: that's all folks. Nothing more big secrets. You can check all the great mysteries at /x/ and amazon ...

  21. 4 weeks ago

    This place is so fricking juvenile. You remind me of little kids playing war in a playground

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I have insight you lack
      >wholly localized within my kitchen

      • 4 weeks ago

        may i see it?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Pew! Pew pew pew!!!

    • 4 weeks ago

      go back

    • 4 weeks ago

      Why you watching little kids in play grounds?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Atleast they are having fun larping
      And every now and then a drip happens

    • 4 weeks ago

      Based. "True knowledge is women's labour and kids' play" used to say the old hermeticists

      • 4 weeks ago

        >women's labour
        what does that mean

  22. 4 weeks ago

    space is fake, and nasa is a dissapointment

  23. 4 weeks ago

    Looks like either way I will gets some peace and quiet.

  24. 4 weeks ago

    The only thing I can even imagine that would cause that sort of reaction would be something along the lines of Earth being a prison planet/zoo that ETs specifically created and maintained to farm DNA/souls from or something like that, and that there's literally nothing we can do about it other than "smoke some weed and chill", as is stated in that post. Short of something like that, I don't think anything could spark such a reaction.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Earth being a prison planet/zoo
      Haha who cares. All the morons who are afraid of this are no better than the aliens. What the frick have you been doing to animals in slaugherhouses? You literally use the word "zoo" which is what people do with animals for your entertainment. Frick being upset about it, you Black folk would have it coming. People have always been so goddamn anthropocentric ever since human society started and thinking all other sentient life means frick all to you except an object to be used. To be eaten, worn, used as entertainment. Since people have never respected other life, they would deserve aliens doing the same exact shit to you Black folk. Haha!

      • 4 weeks ago

        Sounds like projection.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The shilling against this post means it's true

    • 4 weeks ago

      That would be so cool, if that were true I could put up a big sign asking them to give me free shit and throw some peanuts down for me.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I was told something like this years ago. This may be the big lie told to control people.

  25. 4 weeks ago

    >You NEED to begin therapy beforehand
    Shut the frick up, moron.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >go to therapist
      >“Hi I need therapy for the upcoming alien invasion”
      >“Okay here are some anti-psychotic medications”

  26. 4 weeks ago

    Is that supposed to be Grusch?

  27. 4 weeks ago

    That was first posted almost a year ago, where's the disclosure? Stop believing everything you see on the internet.

  28. 4 weeks ago


    >no one got crazy because of this fact
    leftists are cutting their genitals off as a movement now. i'd say people are going crazy in increasing numbers every day.

    • 4 weeks ago

      no one's cutting off their genitals but many young ftms are cutting off their breasts without understanding that they cannot just pop some estrogen later if they want to grow them back

    • 4 weeks ago

      >leftists are cutting their genitals off as a movement now. i'd say people are going crazy in increasing numbers every day.
      Yeah, but their not doing it because they're claustrophobic living on a planet with no escape. Its because they're easily manipulated by social pressure and have their minds warped either by propaganda or by consumerist escapes, like porn.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Circumcising cultures always turn into degenerate shitholes. All the religious they build up is just to counterbalance what they do by introducing an imbalance in the physical body and mind to begin with. It's actually literally moronic.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Whatever stupid fricking doctor did this atrocity to me did it wrong somehow. Plus apparently when I was born I had an undescended testicle and the surgery they did for that fricked up somehow too, its like the line underneath my dick isnt lined up and part of my sack is up too high. Frickers i hate em for doing this to me

        • 4 weeks ago

          I hate them too.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >knows there's a mind body connection
        >thinks every abrahamic religion is born from circumcision alone
        i've concluded you're not ignorant but stupid.

        • 4 weeks ago

          You have a circumcised posting style.

          • 4 weeks ago

            This is me saying "frick you" by the way. Flipping you the bird, moto motardo.

          • 4 weeks ago
            ready as ever

            >supa sammich

            *opens mouth for birds

          • 4 weeks ago

            *is try n' 2 interpret

          • 4 weeks ago

            *spells madjic

          • 4 weeks ago

            *respells back

          • 4 weeks ago

            *heart melts


          • 4 weeks ago

            thanks for thinking about my wiener today homosexual someone had to do it.

  29. 4 weeks ago

    I always find this post funny because they say we need to start therapy beforehand. What would you tell your therapist to get disclosure therapy? What therapist is qualified for this? How would they have experience? Will I just sit on the chair and the therapist will ask me how I feel about the aliens and looked at me deeply concerned?

  30. 4 weeks ago

    I'm already way past that stage, I'll be calming everybody down and shit and being the one guy in a crisis that has it together

  31. 4 weeks ago

    Try me. Tell me one (1) thing that might disturb me. I'm waiting.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The human-like aliens are always white, this implies that they are not a diverse and vibrant culture.

      • 4 weeks ago

        They aren't all white there has been cases where the human looking ETs have been reported looking tan or olive skin. But yes, many are caucasian. Why is that?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Probably that being a black shadow creature from beyond the stars isn't a good and benevolent look

        • 4 weeks ago

          I've always wondered why they seem more homogenous than, say, the human species (specifically referring to Grays, not any of the other entities taking shelter here). My theory is that the grays are either genetically modified humans with improved physiology (who made them? The USA Government, the Pope, the illuminati, a dark wizard or warlock, the Agarthan Civil Authority...who knows) or they are a species that violently became homogenous: it'd explain a lot, like why the U-boats in Antarctica during the 1930's explorations were allowed into Agartha or why they were given haven in the Antarctica entrance after the Reich fell. They might not like any class of humans but I'm sure they would see the benefit of having a 1-world government that is incredibly heavyhanded and is actively working to eliminate all "others". like, I'm sure it's a hassle to have to probe every new US presidential and Vice President, when it would be easier to just control one strong man for multiple decades. It's either this scenario (which is admittedly cynical and anthropomorphic in my assessment of their MO) or they are refuges here and they don't allow their presence to be known to most humans because..(see Birthrates of indigenous populations in the western hemisphere between 1492-1900). Can't imagine why they wouldn't want the whole world to know they are here!

          >But that's just a game theory

  32. 4 weeks ago

    I am gonna be one of the breeders. They will keep us at the med bay where aliens will come and try to get pregnant

  33. 4 weeks ago

    check'd dubs

    ask away


  34. 4 weeks ago

    It is said that Jimmy Carter cried when they told him the truth about Aliens.

    • 4 weeks ago

      All the people that claim they know the truth about aliens agree it's something that should be kept as a secret so most people don't know about it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      this could be any number of things first lets assume
      >not a lie or fabrication
      which is a very likely possibility, but not very good for thought experiment, lets think about jimmy carter as a person
      >known for his strong morals
      >known for his christian faith
      >known for his humanitarian work
      now what would make a gentleman like this cry?
      >aliens are god
      perhaps, but he kept the faith after
      >we are on a time limit, the aliens will destroy us on X date
      again perhaps
      >the aliens are cruel and malevolent and we cannot stop them
      thats bad, but crying?
      >we are cruel to the aliens, who only want to communicate when they come here, and jimmy carter cannot stop this
      now we're thinking!
      >aliens arent real, and the time jimmy thought he had an encounter was something else
      these last two, IMO, are the strongest possibilities

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Jesus isn't real.

        Boom sad Jimmy. Probably faked being Christian but held onto theism for remainder of his life.

  35. 4 weeks ago

    Look goyim! Ayylmaos!
    Don’t focus on where your money goes and who holds political power.
    What? No don’t be ridiculous! There’s no pedophile ring connecting every UN representative!

    Blow me 🙂

    • 4 weeks ago

      Aliens and international israelitery are not mutually exclusive.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Please elaborate. Even if you elaborate just a little bit.

        • 4 weeks ago

          One can advocate for the disclosure of the ET pressance and expose international israelitery at the same time.

          • 4 weeks ago

            True. But I simply cannot believe anything that is spoken into a television camera or radio microphone.
            I’m convinced OP’s post is bullshit too, like anyone cares, but the point I’m making here is that Aliens is a distraction from corrupt governments.
            I might as well add that “disclosure” should not distract anyone self improvement either.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Of course OP's post is nonsense, don't believe everything you read online. I never got into UFOS until David Grusch came out with his whistleblower testimony during the summer of last year. Since this year began, he's faded to obscurity.

  36. 4 weeks ago

    I have to agree to a point that people can't handle the truth of reality. I mean for example just look at how people panic and freak the frick out over thunderstorms like lunatics, I don't agree with keeping it a secret but I do agree that these morons can't handle it.

  37. 4 weeks ago

    Aliens are gay, a better extinction even would be faeries appearing and raping everyone. You can't reproduce anymore because all your sperm is in fairy wombs.

  38. 4 weeks ago

    There's already things out there with tons of evidence that are earth shattering revelations
    Billions of animals are tortured to death in factory farms every year and almost everyone is paying for it to happen

    • 4 weeks ago

      That's a myth. When an animal suffers it releases substances that fill its body and those substances are harmful to humans, so if the meat you eat is healthy, this didn't happen.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Anon it's well documented that almost all animal products in the US come from factory farms and there's tons of undercover investigations of the conditions in factory farms.
        Even in homesteads they usually castrate piglets without anesthetic and you can easily find lots of videos on YouTube of farmers filming themselves castrating piglets as a tutorial for others just read the comments on these videos.
        Vegans generally live longer than meat eaters look at the seventh day Adventists

        • 4 weeks ago

          Anyone who is the least bit thoughtful and disciplined with what they eat will "live longer" (be "more healthy") than your average Joe double stuffed meat crunch burger and coke supersize fun chops.
          They include pizza as red meat in these flawed "studies", you know?
          I've been eating ribeye, duck eggs, bacon and cheese since Nov '23, supplementing glycine and taurine and I feel fricking fantastic and my dick works like a motherfricker once again.
          Carbs will ruin you son, and if it's not a fat or a protein, it's a carb. The only question is how refined the carb is, will determine how fast you get fricked .

        • 4 weeks ago

          Honestly the only meat I eat is fish at this point. You can get almost everything you need daily from eggs and dairy as well. I don't understand why some people lose their shit if you tell them that maaaaybe there are karmic consequences from gourging on tortured souls because it 'tastes good'. If aliens are real and they're going to come down and torture us for eternity feasting on our dead bodies, maybe we deserve it.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Oh and it's not just a USA problem either. Europe isn't much better

      • 4 weeks ago

        Tell that to the chinks.

    • 4 weeks ago

      That's because cities exist. Too high of a population density means that humane killing and raising of livestock is impossible. The only way this fact will change is if every major city on the planet was annihilated.

  39. 4 weeks ago

    >Disclosure is about to happen, timeframe weeks to months
    It's been 8 months since that post

  40. 4 weeks ago

    >Alien gov is only have 5% taxes


  41. 4 weeks ago

    Black person I am prepared for anything
    I am fully aware of what life is
    we are coping, aging piles of flesh that desperately claw for youth but slip towards the grave
    you can reveal to me whatever void of hope you like, I'm already there

    • 4 weeks ago

      Nihilist and blackpill Black folk are the worst. I'm having a good ass time here in life. You get to talk to people, have children, take care of animals, exercise, have hobbies, make music.

      Your unhappiness is entirely your fault and you can change it but you refuse to

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yes that's why really successful people never commit suicide right

  42. 4 weeks ago

    Disclosure has already happened. The illusion is broken. It's going to be okay. I know what I need to know. Stop misleading my people.

  43. 4 weeks ago

    I will be fine. I don't know about the rest of you.

  44. 4 weeks ago

    everyone assumes aliens, but it goes beyond that.
    the truth is reality is a simulation, completely beyond our control. there is no heaven, there is no hell, there is no karma. this alone will make anyone who is religious depressed (which is statistically most of the world), because it means there is no absolute love, no one gets punished for their bad deeds, there is no heaven or peace after death, that all the worship etc, etc.
    nothing you do matters and anything you do means nothing. people will go crazy over this fact because it means there is no reason to have any morals. so you might as well rape, torture, kill, steal, for nothing more than a temporary gain of dopamine. after all, why not? their emotions are fake and it's no different from killing an NPC in GTA.
    the fact that they think everyone will go crazy over this disclosure means they have some proof beyond all doubt that we're in a simulation.

    • 4 weeks ago

      you cant just tell people that tho it wont make any diferece

      • 4 weeks ago

        the people who try to blow it off either aren't thinking it all the way through or are too low iq to even comprehend what the significance of it is. but eventually even they will understand.

        • 4 weeks ago

          try telling them moron. it doesnt work

    • 4 weeks ago

      "they" keep this hidden so that humans don't lose the will to live and keep turning the wheel (which ultimately doesn't do anything, we just hope/think it does). "they" will lose power as well once people realize "they" have no control over anything at all.
      there is no point in trying to advance humanity forward, no point in trying to be a good person or a bad person, no point to love, lie, or die, no point to exist or to not exist, because it never mattered and never will.
      have a good day anons.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Some dude on Reddit made a post saying he was at some swanky convention of elite type, old motherfrickers, I cannot remember if he was security or there in some science role but anyway he made this huge post saying that they have figured out we are in some kind of virtual world.

      The double slit and retrocausality proves it, of course we all knew that.

      But the fact our world is information based, doesn't necessarily mean there is no "karma" or cause for right action. Does it.

      We won't know unless we somehow get an outside perspective .

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yeah, if this is a simulation that implies that there's something outside it but normies are pretty fricking dumb and might not put 2 and 2 together.

        • 4 weeks ago

          It also means the afterlife very well could be real. Whatever entity created the simulation may have the power to transfer consciousness to a separate server so to speak

          • 4 weeks ago

            Again - you’ve cycled back to God but just make him a lame silicon valley nerd

    • 4 weeks ago

      Or maybe it's just people on the internet making shit up because no one has given us any reason to believe it isn't.

    • 4 weeks ago

      what do they gain from running the sim?

    • 4 weeks ago

      I've never considered the simulation theory relevant. It could be true, but it doesn't really mean anything on its own. It might as well be, what matters is every thing else like for what purpose and by whom. Us being "simulated" characters doesn't really diminish us from our own perspective, not anymore than, say, being lower dimensional beings relative to greater realms of existence, or created by god(s). I mean, what difference is there really? It's the same thing.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Simulation theory isn't about us being simulated characters, it's about us being real people stuck inside a simulated environment.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It due to a lack of introspection combined with materialism. If someone told you you weren't conscious you wouldn't believe them because YOU know you are a conscious being having a conscious experience. These guys are so materialistic they would believe it if the "programer" said they are NPCs and have no awareness.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Someone has to be controlling that simulation bro. I.E god

      • 4 weeks ago

        No they don’t you’re making a logical leap

        • 4 weeks ago

          Bro when you play the sims, YOU are the god in that scenario. If we are in the sims, there HAS to be a god.

          • 4 weeks ago

            moron. When you put the controller down, does the game stop? Dummy? Your god could be brain dead, or having a snack, or fricking your mom. Come on guys, we didn’t get here on /x/ out of bravery or living in light. We’re here to satiate our fears. Of course we all think we’ll handle it all very well, but we’re wrong. Seeing is believing folks, not reading on the internet. Don’t contemplate what might happen, that’s looking out a window at the storm clouds. Don’t deny the storm is coming, but don’t lose your footing in fortification. Idk what I’m saying anymore but you get it; you don’t get it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >be american
      >would rape steal murder unless god
      How is this so prevalent?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Imagine not beleiving in god and still not raping or robbing. Some of us are just built different.

        • 4 weeks ago

          You are making a false equivalency that the morals and ideals you have are apriori so either they are God given or molded by a society that venerates morals given by God.
          In either case, your knowledge of morality and moral compass wouldn’t exist without God or a God fearing society.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Where did anon say he was American?
        Why are non-Americans like this?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Simulation theory is dumb as frick.
      People who buy this make fun of religious people, but then they make God for themselves only this time he’s a fricking dweeb instead of a cosmic allfather who is simultaneously the universe itself, all encompassing, and outside of time and space
      I’ll choose the second every time. It’s just cooler. Get fricked, nerds

      • 4 weeks ago



        Holy shit he was right. This is heavy. Just seeing it makes you borderline go insane unless you have the mental strength to snap out of it.

        Oh no! not the hecking disclosurinos, please, corruput government, keep on hiding the secrets of the universe that I have the right to know, I would become so insaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaane if you told me the actual truth

    • 4 weeks ago

      >may as well rape, torture, kill
      >because god doesnt exist
      athiests tend not to do that for some reason, gee i wonder why

  45. 4 weeks ago

    so here's the deal, you are a Tulpa

    you very most inner self, inner child etc, that is egoless, its your God soul

    that is the entity that creates you (your ego, your identity), but essentially you are a Tulpa

    if you want to be your true self, you will have to die. You can choose to remain in control, your creator (your true self) loves you very much, you are free to ignore it and ignore me

    but if you hurt on the inside and you dont know why, it might be because your Tulpa, your identity, became so prevalent, that your true self is in perpetual reclusion, and that will hurt you like hell, even if you dont know why

    ask your true self to dissipate you, and remake you into a servant, not a ruler

    I try to be an interpreter for my true self, I was reconstructed, my ego is still here, but, I know I am at the service of something bigger, that is both within me, and in everybody else

    your true self needs you and loves you, without my person, I could not talk, I could not have any normal human perspective, your ego is valuable, but like I said, its quite literally a Tulpa created by your true self, so primordial that you even forgot about your true self

  46. 4 weeks ago


  47. 4 weeks ago

    It’s pretty obvious what it will be. The ayys are demons and always have been. Significant portions of the elite/government has been serving them in return for earthly riches and power and promises to “rule in hell”.
    The kicker however is that they will try to bury their involvement by throwing some Epsteins under the bus and denying their true nature, simply call them evil extra-dimensional entities. They will “admit” that they have been causing countless horrific things to happen to humanity for centuries and that “nothing can be done to stop them” (the truth is this is all part of the deal they made long ago). The treaty is ending soon and they will try to convince normies to fight the angels in order to appease their dark masters by telling them they are actually the bad ayys.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Not saying you're complaining wrong but why do you think we're the only life out there in the universe?

  48. 4 weeks ago

    It is really simple. The ayys are against Abrahamic religions and have proof they are full of shit. They don't pull their punches when telling people either. Imagine if a telepathic message whose meaning boiled down to "God isn't real" with irrefutable proof that this message was true baked in was broadcast to all 8 billion people on the planet at once.

    I think it is important to note that the ayys are not space fedoras or litteral demons.

    • 4 weeks ago

      How would they be able to prove that?

      • 4 weeks ago

        I am not sure but one possibility is that they have recordings of events from Biblical times and what really happened. My example of a telepathic message is just illustrative. I know that whatever evidence they have is able to convince devout spooks but I fear it may still require a certain level of critical thinking in which case the dumbest most fanatical Abrahamics will reject it. It is not going to be pleasant one way or another.

        • 4 weeks ago

          You know aliens aren't real, right?

    • 4 weeks ago

      I dislike them, in my opinion I think they are one of the many gods who want their cut of meat in this world. I think that YHWH has done a good job of civilizing humanity, so they can frick off. Imo, the best method and the one they are probably using is not to debunk the religion, but to push its religious leaders to absurdity and division. This helps to shatter the faith more than greyBlack folk coming down and telling them to stop believing in Jesus.

      • 4 weeks ago

        homie the most civilized place in the world is Japan. The west became a cuck society because our founding mythos revolves around martyrdom, victimhood.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Civilized as in behavior or technology? The West is the reason they have their cute robots and anime.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Behaviour of course, they aren't perfect, but they definitely are a whole league above victim worship. Japan ia technologically behind, mainly because they are slow to shed tradition.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Jared Taylor's book "Shadows of the Rising Sun", published in 1983 on how Japanese piss in the streets in public.


            Townsend was openly pro-Japanese in his book and Japanese peasants behaved like even worse subhuman than any modern third worlder.

            Japanese peasants literally spat and shat everywhere before the Japanese government was humiliated by their behavior and had to force them to stop.


            Japan was also world renowned for mass prostitution in the Meiji era, far worse than modern Thailand today


          • 4 weeks ago

            >Japanese peasants literally spat and shat everywhere before the Japanese government was humiliated by their behavior and had to force them to stop.

          • 4 weeks ago

            This isn't true, it was normal for little girls and boys to piss out the bottom of their dresses (they weren't seen as gender-specific back then), but you wouldn't shit like this. This one always seemed fake to me and I just looked it up, and yup, people just pulled this stuff out of their ass.

            Even then on the occasion that they did throw waste out the window it was merely piss the vast majority of the time, you weren't gonna get away with throwing shit out the window.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Japanese peasants behaved like even worse subhuman than any modern third worlder.
            You have absolutely no idea what actual third worlders do and the fact that you have a literal copypasta about japan only proves that you're obsessed with hating it.
            >hurrdurr pissing in public
            That's what poor people do you fricking moron.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yeah, you're right, I know nothing about third worlders. Now go jack off to hentai homosexual.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Third worlders literally cannibalise each other you fricking moron. Poor people shitting and pissing in the street is the least of the problems.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >YHWH has done a good job

        Kek. You have no idea how bad Earth is compared to the rest of the universe. Its why the ayys don't take no for an answer on this point.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Can you tell us about the rest of the universe, and why they have it better?

          • 4 weeks ago

            The rest of the universe has FTL ships and we don't. What makes you so sure Earth is a good place anon? I think it is self evidently a bad place and we don't even need to transcend to fix it. We just need to kill all the evil magicians who have been artificially suppressing humanities development.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Im not the original anon and dont share their believes, but im curious- how do you know that the rest of the universe has FTL travel?

          • 4 weeks ago

            cool get

            >speed of dark

          • 4 weeks ago

            They are visiting us not the other way around. There are probably some other shithole planets out there but Earth is definitely towards the bottom. As for actual evidence of other worlds being better I would point to Starseeds. First they really are coming here to try and help. (Which means we need it, the Peace Corps doesn't go to Luxembourg) but more importantly is how hilariously bad at it they are. They are hilariously naive and gullible. They become the most ineffective types of activists, the most sheepish of cultists, are constantly upset and surprised when the system is unfair in the most predictable of ways, etc. Many of them have military and strategic backgrounds in their original lives and have been extensively briefed on Earth. But none of it matters because the worlds they come from are so much better off, that it is like a Kardashian trying to infiltrate Auschwitz.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >this one has cracked the safe


            Alright, I'm ready. Disclose away.

          • 4 weeks ago

            That makes me sad. They should be helped.

            But for real, what is this disclosure the OP is talking about or is it bullshit. Why is it maddening? Seems like another LARP, for now

      • 4 weeks ago

        >The ayys just want a cut in on YHWHs loosh action.

        Your mind on ~~*Occultism*~~

    • 4 weeks ago

      spacement dwellers?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Kek but no. Abrahamism has never faced an ideology as fanatical as itself. That's what the ayys are.

    • 4 weeks ago

      If that's true then why don't they just do it? Why do they need the governments' permission?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >"Hi we are chill space aliums, come in peace"
        >"Frick off or we nuke the entire planet"

    • 4 weeks ago

      Imagine all the people that said no to everything they wanted in life... especially sexual pleasure. Decades of life saving yourself for the afterlife... only to find out you wasted your one and only life being dumb enough to beleive in god. And you cant escape this torment because ayyyslmao are literally standing right in front of you as proof. Think of the old religious man that broke up with the (gay) love of his life in his youth or... exiled his son for being gay. The thought of being so wrong for so long would undoubtedly lead to some suicides.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Volcel is a cope, the people who aren't having sex wouldn't have been able to get it anyway.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Not what i was talking about

    • 4 weeks ago

      Imagine all the people that said no to everything they wanted in life... especially sexual pleasure. Decades of life saving yourself for the afterlife... only to find out you wasted your one and only life being dumb enough to beleive in god. And you cant escape this torment because ayyyslmao are literally standing right in front of you as proof. Think of the old religious man that broke up with the (gay) love of his life in his youth or... exiled his son for being gay. The thought of being so wrong for so long would undoubtedly lead to some suicides.

      You are wrong. People do not limit themselves to religious boundaries that make them uncomfortable. People stay in or choose a religion when it satisfies their needs and moral qualities. If it does not do this, then they discard religion. They may not realize this themselves and believe that they, for example, abstain from sex against their desires, but if I dig into their psychology, then this religion is just an excuse, and the true reasons are more trivial
      So, in essence, their life will not change in any way from disclosure. If a person hates his child simply because the book says so, then even without faith in this book he will despise him for his sexuality or for something else.

      • 4 weeks ago

        You assume everyones mind is the same as yours. Thats a symptom of autism. Imagine the reverse... be an athiest finding out god is real after a lifetime of sin...

      • 4 weeks ago

        >then this religion is just an excuse

        You assume everyones mind is the same as yours. Thats a symptom of autism. Imagine the reverse... be an athiest finding out god is real after a lifetime of sin...

        Additionally, even if I intake your conclusion at face value... what will people do now that they have no justification for their behaviors? Without anything proping up theirnfeeble psychology. What would terrorists do once they no long carry the authority of God to attack infedels? What happens when people break ranks and some choose to off themselves than deal with a mob?
        >nothing would change
        For the ones it does change... they will produce secondary effects.

        I say rip the bandaid off and stop kicking the can down the road. If aliens existence leads to suicides so be it. Probably for the better.

    • 4 weeks ago

      this is in line of whats gonna happen
      Will it be done by us or will it be divine will? I don't know (yet)
      no I wont elaborate

    • 4 weeks ago

      First of all, only muslim countries would have issues since they are based on religion. Western counties would barely notice. Furthermore, aliens can't prove shit. You cannot really deny God's existence, as much as you can't prove it. Anyone with non superficial faith wouldn't be shaken

    • 4 weeks ago

      Hello? The Grays could be lying when they say they made us or whatever? It even says as much in declassified docs that “they claim to have made us, whether or not this is true is up for debate, as the Greys are constantly lying”

      • 4 weeks ago

        Further, this PDF that was found on the NSA site not too long back was a declassified doc that says humans are actually the most feared in the entire universe if we can learn to tap until our “metagene” — a term I had not heard of before. If anyone wants the PDF, let me know

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Further, this PDF that was found on the NSA site not too long back was a declassified doc that says humans are actually the most feared in the entire universe if we can learn to tap until our “metagene” — a term I had not heard of before. If anyone wants the PDF, let me know

          Post it, I want to activate my almonds and zap aliens with my mind powers

  49. 4 weeks ago

    >get therapy
    Buy an ad, schlomo

  50. 4 weeks ago

    I mean, if it isn't some lovecraftian knowledge that's too much for our brains to comprehend and it's already happening whether we know it or not, why not find out?

  51. 4 weeks ago

    Those who love Jesus are not worried and never will be.

  52. 4 weeks ago

    if this was true and disclosure would cause all that harm, why in the hell would they do it? who benefits?

    • 4 weeks ago

      They have worked themselves in to a corner, the "ayys" revealing themselves is inevitable these are the end times

      • 4 weeks ago

        ayys aren't real

  53. 4 weeks ago

    my first UAP sighting was a close encounter with an orb and it put me in ontological shock for two months, i believed my whole life too. ignore the paid disinfo shills that spam the same stuff every thread with fake christgayging

  54. 4 weeks ago

    lmao, anon wants so badly to be lovecraftian but thinks just telling people they will go crazy = spoopy!

  55. 4 weeks ago

    Aliens are heckin real dude. Everything is OK, just have a normal one. It’s that easy broski

  56. 4 weeks ago

    What a drama queen. I already operate under the assumption aliens and shit is real and theories take up most of my time. I would be FAR LESS consumed by it if I could just have an answer from the horse's mouth for the way things actually are, I could actually move on and live a normal non-schizo life instead of living in a superposition of conflicting theories that consume me.

  57. 4 weeks ago

    Alright, I'm ready. Disclose away.

  58. 4 weeks ago

    cute alien gf when?

  59. 4 weeks ago

    I can only imagine moronic NPCs like my boomer parents reacting like this when they realized all the time they wasted on cuckstianity was a lie.

    For me it'll be pic related.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Same bro

  60. 4 weeks ago

    Nothing you've ever thought or done has been apart from nonhuman activities. Your mind churns from the thoughtforms you play host and entertainer for. The true "you" has always been a detached, blameless soul, but you've only heard your own thoughts in sporadic moments of quiet, perhaps not at all before.
    That's part of it. That's what drives people insane. You are hardware running software that is mostly not your own.
    Good luck!

  61. 4 weeks ago

    I have the tools to get through any piece of literature without going insane, have you ever heard of perfect sanity?

  62. 4 weeks ago

    >claims disclosure is coming in weeks ro months
    >post is like two years old at least
    since he lied about that, everything else in it can also be dismissed as fake.

    Hence, this thread is a fake gay attention seeking troll.

  63. 4 weeks ago

    Steven Greer, David Wilwiener, Qanon, Trump, Anti-Gravity, Space Force, Alien Disclosure and the Galactic Federation.

    >The Disclosure already happened a few years ago
    Wait what?
    Anyway this is what awaits us after Biden is gone from office and the Great Reset/Great Awakening goes into effect. How excited are you for globohomosexual 3.0?

    pro tip: the Earth is flat and stationary, aliens don't exist

  64. 4 weeks ago

    You may not be too far off with that judgement, anon. This white paper is now being pushed to the UK Government. If you want the meat, you can skip the mental healthcare part (even though it's still pretty neat in itself) and go to the part about disclosure. This stuff, if it ever hits, is probably going to get really wild, at least short-term.


  65. 4 weeks ago

    mass insanity is here
    aliens won't change much

  66. 4 weeks ago

    so you're telling me stonkbros and bankster wallstreetmen are going to kill themselves because their money is worthless?

    Golly, that's such a shame. Hope it doesn't happen!

    Haha actually they can ALL rot in Guf for an indetermerminable amount of time.

    Imagine.... literally just imagine. K E K

  67. 4 weeks ago

    Glowies just mad their satanic ritual abuse has to come to light if we get disclosure.

    • 4 weeks ago

      does it feel weird to have your entire view of reality based on roman catholic doctrine?

  68. 4 weeks ago

    I'm a real human shit.

  69. 4 weeks ago

    Maybe it will be that we are just here to entertain the aliens, and that anyone with a boring shit life the aliens don't care about at all so those people will wanna kill themselves. Kinda like we're AI designed to make shit to entertain them but some of us are failed AI. Also, no afterlife.

  70. 4 weeks ago

    Disclosure has been "just months or even weeks away" for several years now. Why didn't the person who screenshot this include the time and date, it would have been just a fraction of an inch more at the top?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Apparently it was 2 yrs ago

  71. 4 weeks ago

    Just dont be a pussy. Honestly I couldnt care less about any outcome. There could be Aliens on mars or extrateresstrial ancient eldritch monsters under the Earth and it wouldnt bother me.

  72. 4 weeks ago

    The disclosure is aliens make me emperor after thoroughly busting in my bussy for the last 10 years

  73. 4 weeks ago
    John Mack

    The part about how disclosure could be incredibly upsetting and cause nervous breakdowns/severe psychological distress is true, and the part about becoming a heavy drinker matches up. Clearly, his timeframe about disclosure coming soon didn’t match up, but I’m inclined to give him credence because of how seriously he takes it and referencing the possible psychological effects like that.

    People mocking and laughing at it here, or claiming they “wouldn’t be shocked since they’re already not normies,” are having an immature response in my humble opinion, but I don’t fault them. Sure, reading or hearing about it from a safe distance, you can stay detached from it and neutrally observant. A more direct encounter with alien life-forms and/or with their craft, which could also potentially even include telepathic contact, can be profoundly disturbing and unsettling. What also could be profoundly traumatizing and shocking is simply learning some of the implications of such E.T. presence, or even just that it exists, from a trusted source, e.g. from being somewhere high in government/military/intelligence as this person suggests. See the apocryphal story of Jimmy Carter’s reputed breakdown upon being briefed on it at his insistence: https://www.howandwhys.com/jimmy-carter-ufo-briefing/

    Some simple and possible implications: they are tremendously more intelligent and technologically advanced than us, such that we could be seen as mentally moronic or like animals compared to them.

    Accounts of abductions and experimentations on human subjects could be entirely true, done by them with impunity, and just like us experimenting on animals. Not necessarily even malevolently, but still disturbing to us, just as I’m sure animals can be disturbed by it despite protocols in the civilized world to minimize/limit animal cruelty.

    • 4 weeks ago

      If it was safe to do so id have sex with aliens.
      >universal language

      • 4 weeks ago
        John Mack

        Much as we like to laugh about it and joke about it, there are indeed already reports of that. Dr. John Mack includes them in his books, and there are other accounts of it, for whatever reason.

        My long (mostly useless, as few people like to read and think with much effort) posts are more about the possible negative or catastrophic implications, but there could also be some amazing opportunities and possibilities of it. And lol, no, even though I’m responding to it in this post, I’m not just talking about sex. Communion with benevolent advanced extraterrestrial races could be a profoundly beautiful and uplifting experience, including spiritually, after getting over the initial trauma and shock. Besides PTSD, there’s also the possibility of post-traumatic growth, as psychologists already acknowledge.

        And despite my hypotheticals (some of them based on possibly real accounts), I still think it’s ridiculous and neurotic to come up with something like “actually disclosure would reveal they created us to trap our souls in an afterlife of never-ending eternal torment in hell.” That is profoundly dumb, and more like a horror sci-fi story to titillate ourselves and spread fear, and I say that even after including all these dramatic what-ifs in my posts.

    • 4 weeks ago
      John Mack

      Some of them may have created us, genetically experimented on us at our creation, and/or different human races might be the results of such experiments and/or different extraterrestrial races’ genetic contributions.

      Some of them may be so advanced that they seem ‘godlike’ compared to us. This could be from technological advancement, but also even overlap with what we’d deem paranormal, supernatural, or spiritual phenomena. (Accounts of telepathy and ESP in general being associated with the phenomena; and the beings having the ability to activate such faculties in us, a common claim in abduction and encounter reports).

      This also might overlap incredibly significantly with humanity’s major religions and their founding texts and mythologies. Some of them could be the ones regarded as the Creator (or maybe even Creators plural) of humanity in our major religions. Accounts in early israeli and Christian mythology about the Elohim, Jehovah, or God and His retinue of angels, as well as fallen angels, the Nephilim, or the serpent (race), could be precisely from encounters with such beings. This would clearly up-end many people’s traditional religious views.

      If they are so technologically (and maybe even spiritually/supernaturally) advanced, we would be powerless against them. A mass alien invasion or takeover from a sufficiently advanced race could be entirely indefensible against, barring their own consciences, or possible “galactic/cosmic law” they adhere to and/or the intervention of other more benevolent races.

      Things could be going on behind the scenes like a malevolent extraterrestrial race, or coalition of them, already having infiltrated humanity and controlling us from the top, as in lore about militaristic and malicious reptilians, Draconians, or other names given, or some Grays and other races reputedly in collusion.

      • 4 weeks ago
        John Mack

        This could include possibilties like: they have interbred with humans from the start of civilization and put these representatives of theirs as the rulers of civilization since time immemorial (kings, royal bloodlines, nobility, “blue bloods”, then later those manipulated into positions of power like presidents/prime ministers/bankers/owners of CEOs with the apparent spread of ‘democratic republics’), like David Icke’s claims about reptilian bloodlines.

        This could also include behind-the-scenes goings-on, exactly like Icke and others claim, of such reptilian and other malicious extraterrestrials using some humans with impunity as a food source, and torture/human sacrifice and blood-drinking as a rite of theirs.

        Some abductees/contactees also commonly claim genetic experimentation going on, like the extraction of genetic material from humans (semen from men, eggs from women, or even the artificial impregnating of women and then the taking of their hybrid fetuses). This could be due to a covert hybridization program going on, from various alien races, and the hybrids could also be used as a Trojan horse meant to infiltrate and take control of humanity, besides just supposed reptilian-human bloodlines.

        If some of them created us and/or we are descended from them, this could also outright include humanoid aliens explicitly living on Earth without us knowing. This would be a real PKD-style mindfrick and lead to great issues about, “What is ‘real’ in modern current events and history? How many aliens could be here already or were here throughout history?”

        Massive technological advancements, largely in the 20th and 21st centuries (the most rapid period of technological and scientific advancement in presently recorded and known human history) could be from them. Some of this could be for good, but yet other aspects of it could be as part of this Trojan-horse agenda.

        • 4 weeks ago
          John Mack

          For instance, a Borg-like collective looking to assimilate us into an A.I.-run technologically implanted slave race (through microchips/nanotechnology/transhumanist modification), paralleling John C. Lilly’s vision of the SSI (the Solid State Intelligence) as a sort of virus integrating into itself as much as it can galactically or cosmically, and our recent massive advancements in computing and other technology as a part of this. Humanity on Earth could be just this one tiny little footnote in cosmic history and current events.

          Religions, again, could’ve been influenced or seeded by them, for better or worse. They also may’ve been and continue to be involved in the inspiration of various occult groups, magic, shamanism, etc., ranging from the altruistically to the darkly motivated. This could be through direct physical encounter with high-ranking occultists or members of secret societies, or through themselves being those founders and leaders (as in various mythos of the Secret Chiefs of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Ascended Masters/Mahatmas of Theosophical lore, etc.), and it could also be through telepathic inspiration.

          Giving the possibility of subconscious telepathic inspiration by them, this would also strongly challenge our views of free-will and selfhood. There could, for instance, be aspects of alien propaganda diffused throughout pop culture, books, movies, television shows, etc., as suggested by Valdamar Valerian (John Grace). Again, this could include motives from the more benevolent to the more malevolent. One possibility of it is for priming us to conscious interaction with them or even their overt takeover of human civilization.

          Their overlap with supernatural/spiritual matters might also go so far as to include some scientific basis for the existence of souls and reincarnation.

          • 4 weeks ago
            John Mack

            Such beings may be related with this, including through theories as of them keeping us on a ‘prison planet’ to farm our ‘loosh’ (immaterial energies given off by us through intense experiences, whether pleasant or painful), or even to power some type of technology we’d view as supernatural. Repeated reincarnation of our souls on Earth could be tied to this.

            They also could be so advanced (whether scientifically, spiritually, or both, if in fact in some higher way these could be related) that they in fact exist on simultaneous different planes, from the gross material one to reputed higher planes, which could be an explanation for the UFO phenomenon’s overlap with the spiritual in many accounts.

            Other phenomena they may have access to could include time travel, the very manipulation of reality, as well as, of course, the mind-control or brainwashing of human beings. Which would again throw many of our ideas of the firmness and solidity of reality, our own psyches, and history into question.

            And so forth, and so on…

          • 4 weeks ago

            >manipulation of reality, as well as, of course, the mind-control or brainwashing of human beings

            So much for muh free will.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Personally I'd win if i fought an alien, my human will is stronger than any being claiming to have intelligence higher than humans

  74. 4 weeks ago


    You're moronic if you think Noone will care. I bet you are young and impressionable.

  75. 4 weeks ago

    >Dude, I wouldn't even be scared
    >What's the worst that it could be? We live in a soul matrix?
    Yeah, if any anons read OP picrel's actual posts, they would know that the terrifying future is that every human being currently alive, or yet to be born, is doomed to eternal torture and there's nothing they can do about it. Search x archives for the terms "soul eater" and "soul pool", that will allow you to read about the cosmology of the OP doomposter's universe, and consider for yourself whether it sounds sensible or not.

    If the doomposter is right, everybody currently alive (You) is doomed to the worst possible imaginable torture after they die so the universal soul eater can maximize his loosh gain, or whatever. I'm not spoonfeeding you this info, look it up yourself in the archive like I said. Even if you killed yourself today, you can't escape it- you would reincarnate, and the ultimate doom is approaching anyway. Imagine eternity of getting your fingernails pulled out and having a cheese grater rubbed on your eyeball, or the creepy alien tech equivalents of those things.
    >inb4 seething about the pic I uploaded
    It's a cool fricking picture

    • 4 weeks ago

      >those are muh lmaoerinos???? AAAAIIIEEE im going crazy, save me Black personman!!!!
      dude, unless alien shits are here to give me a good job, my fricking thesis, a nice house, a dog girl GF, or at least , a dcent healthplan, i couldnt care less

      >schizo over schizo
      repeat with me NOTHING EVER HAPPENS

    • 4 weeks ago

      So more israeli self-hatred and fear of God?

      • 4 weeks ago

        I denounce the Talmud unequivocally. You have a tiny brain and you need to go leave.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Don't mind him, the /x/ shills were forced to throw semitic insults into their posts for validity but they always throw them at genuine anons' posts. It's the best thing that's happened all year.

          • 4 weeks ago


            This is just the israeli mind virus infecting the ufologists.
            It's literally the israeli credo and it's as moronic in sci fi form as it is in religious form.

            Perhaps, but the theory that Earth is a "soul pool" destined to get eaten by a universal eldritch entity doesn't really have any positive conclusion. There's nothing there requiring you to buy into something or do something. One day, you will be doomed to eternal torture and that's it, you can't be saved or pray or bargain with any God. I think that is the only thing that could truly horrify people on an existential level.

            I'm wondering if this has struck a nerve somehow, considering the responses.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This is just the israeli mind virus infecting the ufologists.
      It's literally the israeli credo and it's as moronic in sci fi form as it is in religious form.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >everybody currently alive (You) is doomed to the worst possible imaginable torture after they die so the universal soul eater can maximize his loosh gain, or whatever.
      why not just do that from the start? why bother with the incarnation part? doesn't really make sense tbh

      • 4 weeks ago

        Because you cant really know what bad is unless youve experienced good as well. Its kind of like how the “Concentration Camps” had swimming pools, recreational sports, arts and crafts and medical services. They made the camps comfy for the israelites just so it would be extra evil when they finally killed them.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >it was real in my mind

        • 4 weeks ago

          So much fricking shilling around my post. I am the original poster of 37858779. So much israeli shilling about it. Both hilarious and sad. This must have really touched a nerve eh?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >israeli goregraphic fantasies

      Because you cant really know what bad is unless youve experienced good as well. Its kind of like how the “Concentration Camps” had swimming pools, recreational sports, arts and crafts and medical services. They made the camps comfy for the israelites just so it would be extra evil when they finally killed them.

      >They made the camps comfy for the israelites just so it would be extra evil when they finally killed them
      just post your nose already

    • 4 weeks ago

      This what they do not want you to know. You are in control of your own “loosh”.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The current state of Earth's cosmology for a nonaffiliated person is absolutely blackpilled and horrendous. If you die and are not promptly scooped into a heaven, you will be absolutely swarmed by parasites eating your energy until you're basically reduced to nothing and forced to reincarnate. The racial souls of humanity have all been corrupted, burned, or outright destroyed by these entities. They're swarming so hard, with such intensity, that some of them are starting to incorporate in the form of UAPs.

      It's not all blackpills though. Earth's technological progress and resistance to its ordained fate has captured the attention of many unbelievably powerful guardians. After the fall of the USSR and the end of the threat of nuclear warfare, along with the advent of solid state storage and self-repairing information streams, and other just generally astounding and unique technology, we've made the decision to clear the air NO MATTER WHAT. I'm talking Herukas of indescribable power in nonstop combat with the parasites and demons. Maitreya is coming far earlier than anybody prophesized.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Checked. Thanks for a genuine response. Who would possess these alleged weapons you describe

  76. 4 weeks ago

    Everyone gets so smug about this, but there is only really one outcome that leads to this, and it's not related to religion at all.

    It's that they know where we are, and are coming over full force to take us out, or to use our species in some horrible way. And there is no realistic way for us to fight back, and there's nowhere for us to run to. That's the only thing, the dread of waiting for the inevitable (an inevitable thing that nobody knows a timeframe for), that would cause people to start drinking, kill themselves, or stop participating in society en masse.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I mean, I cantotally see that scenario unfolding. But, if we stop here for a moment - how does that differ from the lives we live here and now? We are bound to die at some point, no exceptions, and for the general public the outcome is pretty much the same, including the unknown timeframe. We are much more adaptable than we ourselves can imagine sometimes. Although... given the toilet paper panic of 2020, perhaps you are completely right there.

  77. 4 weeks ago

    You realize the end result of threads like this is mandatory internet IDs, right?

    I glow, and Disclosure really is not that bad. This guy doesn’t know shit. This post is deliberately to make you desire ignorance, and to have suicidal thoughts and feelings.

    Just live your life.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I glow
      What do you know the Miami mall incident and the interdimensional shadow aliens? Asking for a friend.

  78. 4 weeks ago

    15+ years good goy record spotless totally sane and normal individual, yeah that sounds healthy.

  79. 4 weeks ago

    Only americans think disclosore will frick them up, lol. Try this shit in Brasil, see all the memes we can make.

  80. 4 weeks ago

    I'm literally unable to go crazy and I've suffered extreme mental traumas
    So I'm good, just another Tuesday for me

  81. 4 weeks ago

    >you still have bills
    I hate israelites so fricking much its unreal

  82. 4 weeks ago

    omg who cares, "disclosure" wouldn't even beat the Kardashians or latest Trump scandal. Nobody gives a shit, therapy is a meme.

  83. 4 weeks ago

    >muh religion not real
    its called faith for a reason, you cant "prove" God doesnt exist, people will keep on believing. I mean to some poor community on the other side of the world what difference does it make if "God doesnt exist" is said by some atheist professor or by an ayylmao
    >aliens are real
    everyone will care for a week or two

    The only reasons I can see for many people to kill themselves that I can think of:
    1. AS some anon said, heaven is real and you are getting there regardless
    2.This world is a simulation (tbh I think majority wouldnt care about this either but idk)
    3.End of the world, like Dino extinction level
    4.Some kind of time machine, that shows you your future, and no matter what you do, you cant escape it i.e. no free will

  84. 4 weeks ago

    >Disclosure will cause mass insanity

    So youre saying it wont change anything?

  85. 4 weeks ago

    >be not afraid

  86. 4 weeks ago

    If disclosure can cause lovecraft tier insanity why have the officials been surprisingly immune to said truth? Wouldn't those in power be certifiably insane and therefore declared unfit? Clearly disclosure and function are not mutually exclusive, I think the average normie simple mind just can't think past basic parameters. If disclosure truly drives me insane I hope it's a more tolerable form of insanity than the current form that can mimic functionality

    • 4 weeks ago

      Look at the face of any prominent US politician these days, look at them between speaking, look at their eyes. Most are aware the takeover happened and just as depressed as OP. The insanity is just a massive black pill, and each of us process nihilistic stimuli differently.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I think they usually look overly smug, especially since they're often surrounded by flunkies and losers. Those are the people I question, imagine standing on the sidelines of a press conference or speech and thinking you're important. At least the guards have guns/badges

        • 4 weeks ago

          That's odd, I would've said the handlers and odd nonhuman staff captured in some photo-turned-EerieWeb-cryptid-gif on the sidelines would just be another reason why your professed competent and prideful individuals always look like puppeted fish in a barrel. But according to you it's the other way around, huh.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Why do you think that the elites, all of the people who would be in a position to know the truth about these matters, are all into such perverse and twisted shit? They're not immune to it at all; they've in fact already been driven insane by what they know and that's why they spend their free time torturing children.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >are all into such perverse and twisted shit?
        because genetics

      • 4 weeks ago

        They get to the upper echelons BECAUSE they're compromised, it's a prerequisite that intelligence communities cultivate. Before the advent of the internet age it was a great way to control the politicians, you offer them power and prestige and threaten to out them if they veer off the course, people of integrity don't make it to upper echelons of power and it's by design

  87. 4 weeks ago

    A philosophical accord has been reached that astral parasites and demons are the equivalent of viruses, not life, when they reach a level of world extinction. As such, all compunctions against killing and violence against them have been laid to rest. This was a major component holding the wrathful aspects back from laying waste to the problem. With Maitreya's Buddha aspect serving as a conduit of infinite karmic energy and empowerment these deities are now able to do battle with the parasites for an endless amount of time without the risk of losing their karmic energy and falling to the hell realms.

    It's war. War beyond all wars. War against Death itself. Earth has the potential to be the first physical place in the multiverse to actually combat the inherent entropy and decay of the physical realms. It is a precious israeliteel that will be defended by the full pantheon of enlightened beings.

  88. 4 weeks ago
    Migga Biscuit

    I feel it is simulation related.

  89. 4 weeks ago

    >Just seeing it makes you borderline go insane

    Seeing what? Nothing has been disclosed yet...

  90. 4 weeks ago

    I recall people who saw the alien posted on /misc/ in 2017 got nauseous just from seeing its form. Maybe it has something to do with aliens so horrid they cause you to be physically repulsed just by seeing them.

  91. 4 weeks ago

    There is no proof of Aliens.

  92. 4 weeks ago

    Dear Sirs, a very important classified video will be leaked before Full Alien Disclosure Occurs in the Months May 2024 Official Global Arrival Date please review attached Transcripts
    I'm Formerly employee in DEEPSTATE Government Best Regards Goodluck.

    Aliens UFO DID 911 TRUTH
    When 9/11 happened, news in Australia initially reported that the US was attacked by aliens. There used to be videos of metal orbs flying right through the buildings coming from above instead of directly towards., RESEARCH THE FLAT EARTH.

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