Are you a targeted individual? How do you know if you are being gangstalked?

Are you a targeted individual? How do you know if you are being gangstalked?

I don't want to sound egotistical but throughout my life I feel like I am being gangstalked. Things I've noticed

>people out in public shouting harassing keywords at me (it's usually the same recycled things)
>whenever I need to get something done people will intentionally botch it for no reason even to their own detriment and seem bizarrely happy about it
>people randomly attacking me even though I'm just minding my own business
>people from my past randomly showing up trying to be friendly but then immediately try to do something shitty after
>people keep trying to say something different happened when I know what actually happened. they keep lying and lying nonsensically and digging themselves in a hole it's almost comical

These are all just so bizarre and laughable. The first thoughts in my mind is "this must be scripted events because it's all so ridiculous"

I've had these sort of consistent experiences even in a different country are GS really that dedicated lol

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 month ago

    Are you able to recall when you first noticed being gangstalked?

    • 1 month ago

      Even as a child I've always had random harassers and weirdos

      But it's only in adulthood I feel like this is some sort of coordinated effort by gangstalkers or entities. I'm actually sort of leaning towards the entity explanation. Maybe I vibrate at a higher frequency or some shit lol

      • 4 weeks ago
        Light Being

        You could be like me bro. Divine Discernment, aka Extra Sensory.
        For a while Malevolent Entities, Archons, & Demons have all had their turn taking a go at my Mental Sanity, Spiritual Growth, and Trying their Hardest to Try and scare me/entice me into willingly contracting my Divine Spark aka Soul. God is always there and Is Ultimate Power. Every ghoul ghost goblin demon Anythint EVIL SHAKES & COWER in The Father Almighty's Divine Lights Presence. Never forget. His Love & Light is Divine Eternal Ecstasy.
        The spooks are just tryna scare you into submission and forgetting your divine nature. You’ll learn thru what ‘The Man’s’ pseudo scum doctors label us as “Paranoid Schitzo” is just their ignorant lack of understanding and personal disconnection from REAL reality. They wanna medicate you & calcify your pineal perception down to their base, loveless, lonely, boring 2Dimensional level of “Reality”
        You got this anon 🙂 Christ be with you brother

        • 4 weeks ago


        • 4 weeks ago

          I have always been targeted, but things went off the rails when I was on disability, it's when the harassment got intense and the gangstalking started to escalate and get organized. After I got better I wanted to go back to work but nobody would hire me. I would interview at lots of jobs, and I'd pass the interviews and get hired but on the first day, when they found out I had a disability they would fire me.

          I'm a good worker, I'm a very capable person and worker, but my disability disqualifies me in any interview I have. I've never found a way around this problem, because I am disabled and I'm not stupid. I know the game that they are playing, and I'm not going to pretend that I'm not disabled and hide it just to get a job. I don't want to pretend to be something that I'm not.

  2. 1 month ago

    Sounds like you just have bad karma. Try volunteering.

  3. 1 month ago

    >whenever I need to get something done people will intentionally botch it for no reason even to their own detriment

    My girlfriend is like this, or at least it seems like it is intentional, what does this mean?

    • 1 month ago

      she's just a woman

      • 1 month ago

        And you are an eggplant

        • 1 month ago

        • 4 weeks ago

          we are all vegetables

      • 4 weeks ago

        I wondered, but she is really bad at stuff sometimes, too frequently. But I also don't have much to measure her ability against, due to limited interaction with people

  4. 1 month ago

    it's a protective mechanism to safeguard the future from entropic sources of either evil or just pissing me off

  5. 1 month ago

    They are just crazy man
    Gangstalking!? HA!!!
    What a joke
    Soon we are gonna get gang rapists and the like

    • 4 weeks ago

      They know your sister? [This question is in regards to your photo,not your comment]

  6. 1 month ago

    autistic people are targeted

    • 1 month ago

      Do you recall where you learned that?

    • 1 month ago

      Do you recall where you learned that?

      Yes I'd like to know as well

    • 4 weeks ago

      whats the reason?

    • 4 weeks ago

      not that anon, but i will explain why the Govt wants autist, or rather, high functioning autists, out of the way, and with current circumstances, going to the point as to have them castrated through the lense of the Trans Agenda.
      high functioning autists generally have a higher degree of discerning truth from falsehood and propaganda. they're still susceptible to propaganda, but give them a sliver of the truth and they will unravel the mystery and unveil the truth the government wants hidden from the public.

      Have you noticed since the 2016 elections, people are being transitioned at an alarmingly higher rate year over year? that since 2016, there has been more and more conspiracy theories being proven true and actively happening? one more thing I have to add. Remember our good friend Shia LeBoeuf? Remember how EerieWeb continuously, incessantly and relentlessly found his flag nearly spontaneously, with an hour of two of being raised and put on a live feed? The Govt sure does. if you don't believe that the multitude of intelligence agencies around the world have not observed and taken notes as to the effectiveness of anonymity, information dissemination and the full-range of the skills of people on the internet. if you havent noticed how stifled speech has become on the internet and the spread of information has become so restrained its nearly impossible to find good, valid information rather than AgitProp?

      Watch yourselves out there, whether you're a TI or a Gangstalker. And for the Gangstalkers out there, remind yourselves: you are nothing but a misstep out of line to become a TI yourself, eventually, there will be something you will not be willing to commit yourself to, and if you are more trouble alive than dead, you will find yourself in a shallow, unmarked grave. you know this to be true, these are the terms you agreed upon becoming a Gangstalker.

  7. 1 month ago
  8. 1 month ago

    I occasionally get dreams and voices I always believed in a special relativistic model of existence in spatiotemporal domains of thermodynamic free energy systems using parastesia or hallucinating them through free will

  9. 1 month ago

    This moron got out of his car and started photographing me, so I walked up to him to converse, in a friendly smiling manner, asked him
    >what kinda camera is that?
    And he got all defensive, telling me to get back, so I told him its alright and continued my walk, but he was acting very strange. Here is the vehicle he got out of. He was israeli looking too.

    • 1 month ago

      Every time i go out i see many

    • 4 weeks ago

      The car is probably a rental, the plate on the back is missing. A little research should lead to the owner. He did some funny moronic stuff, like take a step back and take another picture of me. Just strange stuff. He is possibly part of a group, and is being put up to this. Possibly to see if I would react differently.

      Here is a pic of his car, not the back plate is missing, and the plates should be expired.

      He seems to be living in or around San Francisco, California, where he owns his own photography business.

      Here is his website.

      If you live around here, look out for him and his car. Im taking photos of his car now. And will be putting that up tommorow.

  10. 1 month ago

    >How do you know if you are being gangstalked?

    Lots of reasons.

    I've been stalked.
    People coming into my property.
    Street theater.
    Physical abuse.
    Psychological and mental abuse.
    Fake jobs.
    Fake job interviews.
    Damage to my car.

    Lots of things, I can't be bothered to post them all or go into detail but I have been gangstalked for many years.

    • 1 month ago

      Do you have theories for how your gangstalking began?

      • 1 month ago

        I simply began to check'm irl.

      • 1 month ago

        I think it started when I was around 18, don't know why it started.

        Basically I joined the army when I was 18, only did the basic training.

        But there was something that gives me reason to believe it started then. The day I went to start I got on the wrong train and this guy randomly came up to me and started talking to me, I told him that I was koimg the army and that I'm on the wrong train.

        He tells me that he is in the army and that he'll take me to his baraks and get me to the right place. When we got there he took me in and handed me over to the staff Sargent then said in the morning he will come with me to the train station.

        Anyway, next day I get a lift to the train station and ask where the guy is. They say he left in the middle of the night and no one knows where he is.

        A couple of months later I get ill whilst doing trading and I go to the med bay. And in the bed next to me is the guy who took me to his baraks.

        Not sure why he was there because he is in the infantry and where I was it was the Engineers regiment.

        Few weeks after that I'm on weekend leave at the nearest town on day release. I started to feel ill and I decided to go back on the train, I get to the platform and that guy is there again standing right where I was heading.

        Another few weeks later, I'm on cleaning duty around the base and I'm doing some litter picking I look up at a window and that guy is there again leaning out the window watching me.

        That was the last time I saw him (as far as I know).

        Never thought anything of it all those years ago but since all this gangstalking I've looked back at my past and this is just something that stood out.

        The way it happened is very similar to all this gangstalking I've experienced and I think that is when it all started.

        Could of been earlier than that but that is the furthest thing back I can think of that might of been where it started.

        • 4 weeks ago


          • 4 weeks ago

            Hi gangslker, how many hours are you going to spend obsessing over me today?

          • 4 weeks ago

            8 minutes

          • 4 weeks ago

            Nah, you will be obsessing over me all day, watching me, trying to do something to trigger me. I'll probably have a good wank later, hope you enjoy watching me.

          • 4 weeks ago

            So you're kink is being watched?
            No wonder you come up with the gangstalking fantasies

          • 4 weeks ago

            No but it seems to be their's.

          • 4 weeks ago

            When you finish wanking take pictures for the rest of us gangstalkers to enjoy kekkk

          • 4 weeks ago

            I'm 25 now and have been dealing with it since I was 18.

            All of my friends were friends with the stalkers. So now I have nobody.

            I have gone through a lot of abuse. Physical, mental, psychological, emotional.

            I have been told I'm not fit to be a parent, I have a right to not be a parent. I have been told I should kill myself, I deserve to die. I'm a loser, I'm ugly, I'm fat, I'm stupid, I'm moronic, I'm worthless. I'm a burden to my family. I'm crazy.

            I'm not allowed to make friends, because my friends might be gangstalkers.

            I've lost a lot of faith in the police and most people in general. I've seen a lot of violence

        • 4 weeks ago

          I've been going through the process of getting out of my apartment, which has been extremely stressful. Not long after I have started the process, my family members and close friends got sick and started dying.

          All of the "events" that have been happening have been to cause me stress. Every day my apartment is filled with the sound of drills, people hammering, people talking loudly, etc, and I cannot focus or get anything done.

          I had to deal with being attacked on a daily basis for over a year and a half by a homeless man, who was likely a gangstalker, who threatened to kill me, and eventually succeeded in stabbing me in the back. He left me with a permanent scar. I went into a depressive state that lasted for months, unable to do anything. I didn't even sleep for a week after that. The doctor put me on sleeping pills, but told me to stop taking them.

    • 4 weeks ago

      They want me dead because I can get out of it so easily.

      The police will NEVER help. All they do is sit around and make fun of it.

      Government agencies and agencies related to education have people paid to follow me. I see them every day, it never stops.

      My ex gf works for the intelligence agency in a foreign country. She has been to spy school. She was told to spy on me and she knows exactly what I'm going through.

      I can't have any life at all because they won't let me.

      So far, the police in my area have been told that I'm a crazy stalker. So they don't even investigate.

      I tried to be proactive but it won't work with these people. They will do anything to ruin my life.

      It's all over now, I'm just waiting

  11. 4 weeks ago

    they get paid to do it and it's very likely many of them have kids. Every time you see a guy know that you're helping to feed hungry children.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    They've been in my fridge before and replaced my cucumbers with courgettes. I fricking hate courgette and I don't eat cooked food at all. Only raw vegetables, milk, grains and cheese. So why the frick did my fridge have ground beef and courgette in it? I live alone btw. Also I've followed by nuns. Most of my stalkers seem to be catholic or catholic affiliated.

    • 4 weeks ago

      They can sense your corrupt soul

  13. 4 weeks ago

    >here is another new song with your personal info:

    1, 2, 3, 4

  14. 4 weeks ago

    My GS got exhausted and left me alone

    • 4 weeks ago

      You want attention?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Frick around and find out

        • 4 weeks ago

          You cry when you get attention, you cry when you don't
          Sounds like you are a little baby

          • 4 weeks ago

            What is there to gain from unwanted attention besides death threats?

          • 4 weeks ago

            You cannot be happy that your GS left you alone you have to invite more attention

          • 4 weeks ago

            How am I inviting more unwanted attention?

            Which human alive would even want unwanted attention?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Why post this

            My GS got exhausted and left me alone

            unless you were looking for a reply?

          • 4 weeks ago

            I'm not that anon.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Then why are you replying to the question?

          • 4 weeks ago

            "Unwanted attention" is in the very definition of stalking.

            Just wanted to say that.

          • 4 weeks ago


          • 4 weeks ago

            I'm not that anon.

            Ignore this gay below


            He replies to all my posts in stalking threads too trying to agitate. I think he's a moderator or something.

          • 4 weeks ago

            What's wrong anon? Are you too shy to show us which gangstalker you wanked to today?

          • 4 weeks ago


          • 4 weeks ago

            I think it started when I was around 18, don't know why it started.

            Basically I joined the army when I was 18, only did the basic training.

            But there was something that gives me reason to believe it started then. The day I went to start I got on the wrong train and this guy randomly came up to me and started talking to me, I told him that I was koimg the army and that I'm on the wrong train.

            He tells me that he is in the army and that he'll take me to his baraks and get me to the right place. When we got there he took me in and handed me over to the staff Sargent then said in the morning he will come with me to the train station.

            Anyway, next day I get a lift to the train station and ask where the guy is. They say he left in the middle of the night and no one knows where he is.

            A couple of months later I get ill whilst doing trading and I go to the med bay. And in the bed next to me is the guy who took me to his baraks.

            Not sure why he was there because he is in the infantry and where I was it was the Engineers regiment.

            Few weeks after that I'm on weekend leave at the nearest town on day release. I started to feel ill and I decided to go back on the train, I get to the platform and that guy is there again standing right where I was heading.

            Another few weeks later, I'm on cleaning duty around the base and I'm doing some litter picking I look up at a window and that guy is there again leaning out the window watching me.

            That was the last time I saw him (as far as I know).

            Never thought anything of it all those years ago but since all this gangstalking I've looked back at my past and this is just something that stood out.

            The way it happened is very similar to all this gangstalking I've experienced and I think that is when it all started.

            Could of been earlier than that but that is the furthest thing back I can think of that might of been where it started.

            Ignore this gay below

            He replies to all my posts in stalking threads too trying to agitate. I think he's a moderator or something.

            Hi gangslker, how many hours are you going to spend obsessing over me today?

            Nah, you will be obsessing over me all day, watching me, trying to do something to trigger me. I'll probably have a good wank later, hope you enjoy watching me.

            You said you were having a good wank afterwards, bro. Pics or it didn't happen.

          • 4 weeks ago
            Open Sesame

            i don't know sometimes i like that there are armies of warships following me, In jesus' name tbh

  15. 4 weeks ago
  16. 4 weeks ago

    Are you an individual targeter?

  17. 4 weeks ago

    The "Targeted Individual" termilogy is all glowie created and poisoned by default. It's made to make you look crazy. Most likely after some initial stages the system is semi or fully automated anyway.

  18. 4 weeks ago

    Gang Stalker here. Ask me anything

    • 4 weeks ago

      Who is your favorite anon to gang stalk?

      • 4 weeks ago

        this guy:

        I think it started when I was around 18, don't know why it started.

        Basically I joined the army when I was 18, only did the basic training.

        But there was something that gives me reason to believe it started then. The day I went to start I got on the wrong train and this guy randomly came up to me and started talking to me, I told him that I was koimg the army and that I'm on the wrong train.

        He tells me that he is in the army and that he'll take me to his baraks and get me to the right place. When we got there he took me in and handed me over to the staff Sargent then said in the morning he will come with me to the train station.

        Anyway, next day I get a lift to the train station and ask where the guy is. They say he left in the middle of the night and no one knows where he is.

        A couple of months later I get ill whilst doing trading and I go to the med bay. And in the bed next to me is the guy who took me to his baraks.

        Not sure why he was there because he is in the infantry and where I was it was the Engineers regiment.

        Few weeks after that I'm on weekend leave at the nearest town on day release. I started to feel ill and I decided to go back on the train, I get to the platform and that guy is there again standing right where I was heading.

        Another few weeks later, I'm on cleaning duty around the base and I'm doing some litter picking I look up at a window and that guy is there again leaning out the window watching me.

        That was the last time I saw him (as far as I know).

        Never thought anything of it all those years ago but since all this gangstalking I've looked back at my past and this is just something that stood out.

        The way it happened is very similar to all this gangstalking I've experienced and I think that is when it all started.

        Could of been earlier than that but that is the furthest thing back I can think of that might of been where it started.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Do you know Maggie?

      They said they knew her

      They are just crazy man
      Gangstalking!? HA!!!
      What a joke
      Soon we are gonna get gang rapists and the like

      • 4 weeks ago

        Maggie is dead
        I am part of a group called gang morons

        • 4 weeks ago

          Maggie isn't dead I'd have seen it in the news what are you talking about?

  19. 4 weeks ago

    >How do you know if you are being gangstalked
    Pay attention to shit. That's all

  20. 4 weeks ago

    Were you ever put in the category of "gifted" as a child?

    Do you have myopia, allergies, asthma and/or migraine headaches?

    Is your head larger than normies?

    Do you have autism - extra math processor - in your head? Or hyperlexia?

    Do you personally identify with Kaczynski?

    Were either of your parents psychiatrists?

    Were either of your parents in the military?

    Were you born on a military base?

    Do you resemble one of the two phenotypes identified in the GATE threads?

    Have you ever had an NDE or other paranormal experience?

    Are you a first child?

    Did you either excel at school or hate it so much you got the hell out?

    Did you ever have the sense that your parents were always lying to you about something huge?

    Did one or more of your childhood friends commit suicide as a teenager?

    The more yes you answer, the better chance you are a "GATE" experiment kid.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Can you show me more about the phenotypes for GATE? I hadn't heard that one.

      Answered yes to a lot of these though

  21. 4 weeks ago

    I am on medication now. My experience was that these symptoms were caused by medication. I am being stalked since 2010. And I started to take medication in 2010, and the strange things stopped immediately. And after a while my situation got worse, even my life was in danger.

    And after that my psychiatrist started to give me more medication. I don't know if the medication is not affecting me or what is happening.

    My current symptoms: I can't go outside alone. I hear strange sounds around me

    • 4 weeks ago

      The meds are turning off your self-preservation instincts and turning you into a NPC.

      The car is probably a rental, the plate on the back is missing. A little research should lead to the owner. He did some funny moronic stuff, like take a step back and take another picture of me. Just strange stuff. He is possibly part of a group, and is being put up to this. Possibly to see if I would react differently.

      Here is a pic of his car, not the back plate is missing, and the plates should be expired.

      He seems to be living in or around San Francisco, California, where he owns his own photography business.

      Here is his website.

      If you live around here, look out for him and his car. Im taking photos of his car now. And will be putting that up tommorow.

      Not your personal army homosexual.

  22. 4 weeks ago

    That's exactly what the murder would say

  23. 4 weeks ago

    ~~*they*~~ tried to make a horror comedy out of my life.
    >father leaves family house to work in the big city, forced to act as a schizophrenic hikikomori with a homosexual flatmate
    >mother forced into friendships with psychopathic feminazis who say my father was a cheating Black person
    >get bullied by my own parents for having celiac disease and still eating gluten that they give me
    >call me a crippled Black person when I get flare up from the allergy
    >we are a white family
    >be visited by actual cripple friend of my family, guy without legs
    >be given acid before meeting him
    >he tells me he has legs. do I see them? only special children see them
    >i am 9 years old and I see his legs
    >man shows up next time, no acid is given to me. he has no legs. my mother tells me it's because I pissed off my dad because I told people he was a israelite
    >be teen, displaced onto western country
    >forced to say I am a homosexual before leaving home country because of some experiment
    >coerced into dating someone that looks like Mary Magdalene to prevent her from dating a Black person
    >I am supposedly a mudguard from stormfront
    >I am starting to fricking hate homos and Black folk
    >move back to Europe where I get assigned perps, "group work" to do something with
    >a bunch of autists
    >think it's some kind of sick freshman joke
    >it's not.jpg
    >things I've said start becoming true
    >borderline gf with israeli features starts poisoning me with mdma, extasy pills, viagra and sleeping pills
    >almost fricking die while working with Black folk
    >I am a full blown actual nazi now

    • 4 weeks ago

      This is complete shit but let’s say I believe it.
      It appears you have been taking acid since at least nine years old and you currently take a lot of drugs so if anything you say is true then maybe you want to stop.

  24. 4 weeks ago


  25. 4 weeks ago

    keep trying to say something different happened when I know what actually happened. they keep lying and lying nonsensically and digging themselves in a hole it's almost comical
    Those are gas-lighters. They're narcissists. Defeat them by never talking to them.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I have no credible argument so I’ll shut up.
      How is that defeating them?

  26. 4 weeks ago

    >Karen's facebook group full of religious freaks decides someone is a "demon"

    How can gangstalking be real?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Hahahahahahahaha How The Frick Is Gang Stalking on Facebook Real Hahahaha homie Just Walk Away From The Screen Like homie Close Your Eyes Haha

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Hahahahahahahaha How The Frick Is Gang Stalking on WhatsApp Real Hahahaha homie Just Walk Away From The Screen Like homie Close Your Eyes Haha

        • 4 weeks ago

          First day on the internet?

          • 4 weeks ago
  27. 4 weeks ago

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