Advice please

I have figured out a reliable way to unlock super human powers. I'm talking physical and mental/psychic powers here. I wanted to teach the whole world how to do this, if everyone could do this it would elevate the whole planet. But every time I do it they just throw me in the psyche ward. They can never keep me long term because I'm not actually crazy. But they do everything they can to suppress the powers and now I'm scared to access that state again. I want to, but I'm not going to be any use if they lock me up again. What do I do and how do I spread this information? I have a way for any human to have a direct link to God and supernatural powers. I don't want to do anything gay like start a cult or religion or anything, I don't want to be known for this, but I do want to unlock this ability within others, just without being injected for the rest of my days to keep me quiet, or potentially even killed off. How am I meant to go about this?

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  1. 1 month ago

    An other day
    An other schizo
    But to answer your question
    No anon, you're just a schizo. You gotta take meds if you're not aware of your condition and totally believe in the crap your mind/parasites conjures

    • 1 month ago

      >6 other people
      In the ward?

      Because it is

      >what anime and stories are made of
      You mean fiction

      this is pathetic behavior.
      don't you get tired of it?

      • 1 month ago

        Less pathetic than creating fictional stories and trying to pass them off as true in a Brazilian booger flipping competition board

    • 4 weeks ago

      I think your homosexual propensity’s are wired more and more. Do gay gay Run in your family?

    • 4 weeks ago

      What’s next a big pharmaceutical

      • 4 weeks ago

        Is going to probably have it’s employees being fired and laid off. Only because of the fact that I don’t agree with it.

  2. 1 month ago

    Also, if it helps, I've managed to induce this state in six people other than myself, so it is repeatable. The only issue with it is people unprepared for it don't handle it very well.

    • 1 month ago

      >6 other people
      In the ward?

      • 1 month ago

        No, all normal healthy people irl. But one of them did end up permanently insane which I deeply regret.

        • 1 month ago

          >permanently insane
          This doesn't sound like a professional diagnosis

          • 1 month ago

            almost like it wasn't posited as such, but a descriptor.
            snark is only effective when you have a point.

          • 1 month ago

            The point is that this "permanently insane" person doesn't actually exist.

          • 1 month ago

            He's in a psyche ward and is never getting out, he's had scans and there's no schizophrenia, the doctors can't figure out why he is the way he is. I'm not a psychiatrist, I'm not trying to diagnose him, but he's definitely not sane by most people's standards.

          • 1 month ago

            Sure, buddy

          • 4 weeks ago

            "Most people are npcs and have NPC standards!

        • 4 weeks ago

          >end up permanently insane
          Then what the hell are you doing? You want to promulgate something that causes permanent insanity in one out of six people? That's not a noble endeavor, let it go.

          • 4 weeks ago

            He wouldn't stop using psychedelics while we were doing this. He lied about his psychedelic use to me because he wanted to test out the limits of what we were doing. That is why I am very specific that sobriety is essential, taking trips just opens a person up way too much while this process is happening. The whole point of what I want to do is create an easy system to understand the truth, when everyone understands the truth schizophrenics will no longer suffer and people who do have psychotic episodes will get the correct guidance. Right now we live in a science based society in the west, which was a retaliation to the religious based society we have just come out of. Neither work and neither are the truth, this is a system that unites science and spirituality so that we can all understand the world as it is, rather than as we choose to believe it. I don't believe in arguing and that's not what I'm here to do. I believe that I can help a lot of people, I believe other anons here have that potential as well. If I'm to die soon and I never share this the knowledge could be lost for a long time, so as much as I feel there is so much more work to do to get all of this right, it'll never be right if I'm gone. I hopefully should be fine, but with the risks I'm facing this could be the last time I ever get to discuss this. I just hope that if I do pass I managed to get the right information to the right anon at the right time.

          • 4 weeks ago

            What you have posted so far are things millions of people already do. They're the kind of practices everyone seeking enlightenment (and many who are not) pursue. I don't see any special sauce that would lead to super-strength and the like.

  3. 1 month ago

    collect the information into a pdf and share it among communities like this that will listen
    then once you have people that'll back u up, u can sorta start a community! Like, a general on this board. Then, after that, people will start sharing the information independently of you. If it really works, it'll just distribute itself like this, continuously, until it reaches someone that can give it a media presence.
    Thaur way, other people do le work, rather than you, so u don' geeett logg'd up @!

    • 4 weeks ago

      >a general on this board.
      do this and make sure it's better than that stupid nobody general

  4. 1 month ago

    Lol just write an anonymous book or write all the things you know in a pdf or something and share it here, idk what you so confused about moron. You know how to connect to God but don't know that pdfs and anonymous boards exist??? lmao.

    • 1 month ago

      There are a lot of issues with using technology to talk about this stuff. Anything I type out on an electronic device can be monitored, I don't want anyone to know what I'm doing. Also, I'm not in that state right now, I still have some advantages from having experienced it, but right now I'm just pretty normal.

      • 1 month ago

        Add it to the blockchain. Bitcoin is their plan to make us sink all our money into thinking we are getting one up on them. Meanwhile they are sucking all of the real world assets…it’ll be the equivalent of a bible they can’t get rid of without destroying their baby.

  5. 1 month ago

    Post the instructions OP

    • 1 month ago

      The issue is it's lengthy (unless I'm in person with you, then it's easy) and I really need to get this all right, I wasn't intending on posting it in this thread because I need some time to pull everything together

      • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          It took me roughly 18 years of study and applied practice to figure it out. I have found a way to condense everything I did into a short space of time for anyone who wants to do what I did. I never claimed I was going to post the method today, I asked for the best way to disseminate it. My whole life I wanted the truth, I have found it, I can share it, I will give it freely, but it absolutely has to be done right. I've seen the consequences of how this can go badly wrong for people, it takes proper guidance when this is done quickly. I can get a person to unlock their full potential in a very short space of time, but it still takes a lot of dedication from the person willing to try. This is my life's work and I refuse to rush it.

          • 1 month ago

            Where's the YouTube video already?

  6. 1 month ago

    I support you anon tell me what you got I will help get it to the people

  7. 1 month ago

    It will just be seen as a LARP anyways.

    • 1 month ago

      Because it is

    • 1 month ago

      not if it works anon. if the op is truthful and it works. I mean really actually works and it's not something like lol do pcp, then you bet your sweet troony ass people will dedicate their lives trying to be the best. this is what anime and stories are made of. except if it's true then we'll shit. welcome to a new age and good or bad I hope every one is happy for it.

      • 1 month ago

        This motivation is how Obama wrecked millions of families, in 2008 had most of the divorces happen by 2010.

      • 1 month ago

        >what anime and stories are made of
        You mean fiction

        • 1 month ago

          he means lifelike virtual porn, the industry standard has been 100% digital humans, no real people.

  8. 1 month ago

    If you say the potential in belief is all that matters in the whole universe, I'm in. I believe I know I believe.

  9. 1 month ago

    the industry has ai that can show you what kind of porn you watch.

  10. 1 month ago


  11. 1 month ago

    I give you the benefit of the doubt OP, my intuition relays you seem earnest enough, albeit vague. Vagueness is quite frowned upon here and grounds for instant dismissal, a good start would be to at least clear up some of that vagueness with some kind of outlining description of your process. You don't need to be extremely specific, just enough to paint us a clear enough picture to know how to help you, and enough for one to go off so that your ideas don't die off if you decide against, never get around to, or are prevented from your supposed future divulgence, and at least some of the morecenlightened among us could piece it together for ourselves. That will show you truly do care about divulging something as opposed to gatekeeping, the latter of which being a common bait tactic for larps.
    Just lay out as much as you think you possibly can. This place might be a honeypot, but no matter how many feds see it, they'll never be able to reclaim it from the grip of the few highly-dedicated truth-seeking autists you pass the ball to by doing so that will keep it alive.

    • 1 month ago

      Okay, I can't give the full thing right now as it's 4:56am and I do need to sleep, but I can give an outline. This system involves physical exercise, fasting, advanced breathing techniques, meditation, sobriety and study. It can be customised to each individual, it doesn't necessarily matter what exercise you do as long as it's something you can truly commit to. The whole thing takes about 3 months. It's all about acknowledging that regardless of what any of us believe, there has to be one fundamental truth to reality and we have to accept that truth once it is known, no matter whether we like it or not.

      Here's a list of some of the things required:

      >leave all social media
      >stop watching television
      >stop watching any videos recommended to you online
      >only watch things you actively choose to watch, even then, limit your media consumption heavily
      >no radio, only songs or albums you choose
      >stop watching porn
      >no alcohol
      >no drugs (except cigs or weed, nothing stronger than either of these)
      >no caffeine
      >no fluoride
      >no junk food
      >eat only one meal a day, either before the sun rises or once it has set
      >exercise every day, you can have rest days, but try to work up a sweat every day you can
      >you also need to do some kind of spiritual exercise like yoga or tai chi
      >meditate twice a day (if the thread is still up when I wake up again I'll post the breathing technique)
      >pray at least once a day
      >read physical books every day

      There's more, but I'm tired right now and getting a bit confused. There's specific things that have to be studied and I need to talk about those and why, a lot of it might seem like a waste of time, but once you see for yourself how everything links together you'll understand why I will include everything I do. And it might sound like a lot to take on, but this is about self perfection, it also cleanses loads of the crap that's in our systems due to our diets and pollution.

      • 1 month ago

        Thanks for the effort, I gotta sleep too but will ponder and return if thread stays up.

      • 1 month ago

        I already do all of these things

      • 1 month ago

        Oh so it’s just Buddhism

        • 1 month ago

          No, it's not buddhism, as I said I did not post everything because I was really tired. The only reason I even posted any of it at all was because the anon who pointed out I could die and the information could be lost forever had a really good point. I don't want to go too deep into my health, but I'm about to go through a medical procedure that has a (higher than everage) chance of me dying in the next few days, so I feel like I have no choice but to try get what I can out before it happens. I'm being cautious because without proper guidance unlocking everything too quickly can be harmful and the last thing I want is to damage anyone. I am going to post more today, but I ask people to be understanding about the fact that right now my physical health is not very great. And nobody need relate my health to the method, it's completely unrelated.

          • 1 month ago

            >I'm being cautious because without proper guidance unlocking everything too quickly can be harmful and the last thing I want is to damage anyone.
            But this is on each individual. Who makes you smoke or drink too much? Who makes you practice those WWE moves you saw on tv on your kid brother? Who makes you study or not study for thst test? It is all on you, if you misuse the things that other people have given you. As long as you have a disclaimer it would be fine. Maybe look at how people like Robert Bruce explain things. Anyway, I can understand why are you are desperate to share this but it sounds like you should be taking care of yourself right now. Get some vitamins and iron and try not to stress. Good luck with your operation.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >And nobody need relate my health to the method, it's completely unrelated.
            So you can't even heal yourself or prevent being institutionalized with these fabulous super powers of yours? What exactly can you do?

          • 4 weeks ago

            I can't describe the health issue as it gives too much away, I'm not dying or anything, however I am about to go through a procedure which carries a risk of dying. I have been able to heal myself from multiple things, including serious dental issues and physical injuries. With being institutionalised it had to happen, I agreed to it and I met a lot of people who had all unlocked the same knowledge at the same time. Being institutionalised is the reason I'm here to talk about this, if my life hadn't taken that turn I never would have been put on the path I'm on right now. Powers wise I can manifest pretty well now, magic works, I get constant positive spiritual guidance, I've beaten multiple severe mental health issues and gotten to a point of no loner meeting diagnostic criteria. I have fixed my whole life, gone from being a NEET living with my parents to an actual functional adult with an awesome house. All my dreams have come true, just a few years ago I was so depressed, now I'm happier than I ever have been. I have seen how once you follow this path everything becomes amazing in the end and I want to share that with as many people as I can.

      • 1 month ago

        That’s it ?
        You might be a schizo.
        For example, Weed is worse for health than red wine. At least for me.

        Ok I had much more points while typing this message but I realized I was just being defensive. So maybe you’re right also.

        Why the importance of choice ? What does it change ?

        • 1 month ago

          I have a pretty solid explanation as to why weed doesn't matter, but it only doesn't matter for those who can tolerate it. I would never advise someone who has issues with weed to consume it, but for anyone who doesn't experience psychological distress due to weed it just doesn't really make a difference. If you smoke cigs and weed already you don't need to stop, but only if you are capable of being fully functional while using. If you smoke weed and lose all drive you need to stop for this method, but if you smoke weed and get everything done then there's no problem with it. It's not a part of the method, but sobriety is, as I mentioned sobriety but found cigarettes to be helpful and weed to be inconsequential, I thought it worth mentioning that you don't need to stop absolutely everything, just almost everything. I'm writing a bunch of stuff out today and I'll explain fully why I don't think weed is a bad thing when used in the correct way. I obviously expect to be met with resistance, but I just ask that everyone try to keep an open mind, I hope that when I'm finished everything becomes clear.

      • 1 month ago

        just scrolled through five posts on Pinterest saying this same thing

      • 1 month ago

        Alright, I am back. Can you offer any more on what exactly is unlocked by such chenges? How would you describe the seemingly supernatural abilities? What would someone be able to do after unlocking them in lay terms? And then, do you have if it is associated with any topics already established in this community such as LoA, pyshic phenomena, religious deities or supernatural entities, any hidden history it is associated with, etc?
        Also, what would set apart someone who is able to achieve this from, say, a primitive man who had never adopted vices and distractions in the first place?
        Is overcoming them part of it?

        • 4 weeks ago

          On the physical side you can expect enhanced strength, and I'm talking really enhanced strength here, like five times stronger. Physical resilience goes up, you can take much more, and you will experience a boost to pain tolerance, sometimes to the point where you can't feel pain at all if you don't want to. Spiritually you will end up being able to follow divine directions, you will be able to converse with God as and when you need. Psychically you might start to dream the future, you will often be able to sense things before they actually happen and you will seem to be able to read the thoughts and predict the actions of others. The method is not necessarily associated with any particular practice, by all means use loa the whole time, I recommend using manifestation techniques, especially the further you get into the process. You can study any /x/ topics you like and resonate with you, as long as you make sure to stay away from anything that could be considered demonic. What I want people to do is follow the trail of religion back through history, working from newer religions right upto the oldest. When that is done there are many secrets to be found, the truth has been buried, but many good people have worked throughout history to lay the foundations for us to find the truth. So people who have already done most of these techniques and lived virtuously probably haven't done anything that would be considered sinful. You need to understand both sides of reality for this to work, I'm not saying they should go be degenerates, but they can't understand the full picture without experiencing as much of the world as possible. I don't believe in the full blown do what thou will, but I think within reason, as long as nobody is getting hurt there are a lot of things that we can do that God doesn't care about. If you're tripping on shrooms in your bedroom you're not going to be eternally damned or anything.

  12. 1 month ago

    >I wanted to teach the whole world how to do this

    Patience is a virtue

  13. 1 month ago

    I am ready to commit to your program OP . Please post the rest. I am at a place in my life where I am confident I can handle the truth

  14. 1 month ago

    Hui K’o: My mind is not appeased.Sir, may you appease my mind?
    Bodhidharma: Bring forth your mind. I’ll appease it.
    Hui K’o: I’ve sought my mind but it could not be found.
    Bodhidharma : Then, I’ve already appeased it.

  15. 1 month ago

    Don't really have advice, but I wanted to say I hope for the best for you, and others as well.

  16. 1 month ago

    consider the fact that if what you're saying is true then it would be impossible to actually subdue you in any meaningful way

  17. 1 month ago

    Giant couples are gay.

  18. 1 month ago

    you shouldn't spread it...those who seek find...and you should just start a garden.

    • 1 month ago

      >those who seek find
      that's what many of us are doing here, anon

      • 1 month ago

        true. I have made mistakes answering questions I haven't been asked...I was giving myself advice sort of.

  19. 1 month ago

    Can i see your Ganymede reservation ?

  20. 1 month ago

    Hi everyone, OP here, I will get back to everyone who's replied. I really appreciate a lot of the positivity in this thread and am thankful to all of you for the kindness that has been shown. I'm going to do get as much written out today as I can so that you can all unlock your minds. Please be aware, this is not a religion, this is not something I am going to ask you to believe, I want to teach you how to see through the illusion (or whatever you want to call it) for yourself. Ultimately to me, you developing your own world view is the point, you need to learn how to be completely independent and not fear what anyone thinks of you. I'll be posting a bit later on as I have a lot to write, and if this thread dies I'll start another one. I wish you all the best, I'll be back as soon as I can be, thank you for all of your time so far.

  21. 1 month ago

    I believe that I have found a reliable method to unlock near superhuman abilities in any person. If you choose to follow this method you can expect to be able to complete impressive physical feats, even the impossible can become achievable when all these techniques are utlised. And it has to be all of them, you can't pick and choose what you do, you have to do everything listed. You can also expect improvements to cognitive function and psychic abilities.

    I will say this, it gets miserable at points, implementing all of this at the same time is a challenge. But you need to get yourself to rock bottom to understand the benefits when they kick in. You need to create the lowest lows to achieve the highest highs. You might fail at this multiple times, but you just need to keep trying. Once you reach the two week mark of full commitment you enter this state where you feel like you're high all the time, it is very euphoric and from that point it gets way easier.

    • 1 month ago

      I also want to say, I'm not anti drugs or anything, I've had spiritual experiences in the past on psychedelics. But those experiences made me understand that the states achieved on any substance are present within me all of the time. So I aimed to find out how to unlock the psychedelic state without needing to use any drugs to get there. I advocate for sobriety while using this method because then you will know for yourself that what you're experiencing is real and not just all tricks of the mind. I got to this state after four years sober, it only took so long for me because I had to figure it out, now I understand how it works I can help other people get there much quicker. I also ask that you don't take drugs during this time because you're going to be putting yourself through a lot, drugs or alcohol added to that mix are not a good idea at all.

      • 1 month ago

        Whether or not anyone will pay attention to this, as of right now I do not recommend any of what I'm about to say to those suffering schizophrenia or prone to psychotic episodes. I do believe that schizophrenics are having a very valid experience, but in the west the way we treat those suffering with it makes them struggle with what they are experiencing. I would only go over this with someone with extreme mental health issues in person, so please do not do this if you're suffering really ill mental health. I hope one day this method will be used to help people with schizophrenia, but right now it would be poor of me to recommend it as an option.

        • 1 month ago

          What you need to do:

          >Stop watching scheduled television, preferably give it up altogether
          >Stop watching videos or content recommended to you, only watch what you search for
          >Leave all social media
          >Stop watching porn, do not stop jerking off, just don't over do it, only fap when you are actually horny
          >You need to start practicing mindful masturbation, you meditate while you fap and rather than getting off to your thoughts focus on the physical sensations that you feel. You are aiming to get off to the feeling of pleasure itself.
          >Stop listening to the radio or any music app that chooses the music for you, listen to only what you choose to
          >Reduce screen time as much as possible
          >Stop watching the news
          >Limit video game use, if not quit altogether
          >Pick an exercise that you can stick to, it can be any exercise you want, but it has to make you sweat. You can have rest days, but they should not be too frequent
          >Choose a spiritual exercise that suits you like yoga, tai chi or a martial art
          >Quit alcohol
          >Quit all drugs (except cigs and weed)
          >Quit vaping
          >Quit caffeine
          >Cut out all sugary drinks
          >Avoid all types of tea
          >Avoid fluoride
          >Avoid artificial sweeteners
          >Eat one meal a day, either before sunrise or after the sun goes down (at the very least pick one hour a day to eat and always stick to that time). The goal here is not weight loss, unless you have excess weight to lose, but even then the weight loss is not the aim, just a side effect
          >Meditate twice a day (I will write out the correct breathing techniques in a seperate post)
          >Pray at least once a day
          >Read physical books every day
          >Study every single day, all that time you used to spend on media needs to go entirely on study where possible
          >Write every single day, journal your thoughts
          >Go for a short walk every day
          >Cut down how much sleep you get every night by 1-2 hours (however, if this one really can't work for you it is skippable, it just really helps if you can do it)

          • 1 month ago

            >You need to learn yourself, you need to study what it is to be you every day

            Here are the things that you need to study:
            >World religion
            >Politics, both historical and present day
            >Alchemy (I'm not telling you to make the philosophers stone, but alchemy is really important)
            >Hypnosis and hypnotic techniques used on the masses
            >Science, you don't have to go too in depth but you need to try understand the universe and how it functions
            >The history of drug use and legislation

            You are not trying to find a religion here, what I want you to find is the links between all the religions that you can. You need to understand the function and purpose of religion and how it relates to history. I want you to look at everything through as objective a lense as you can, you are looking for facts, you are looking for the truth, you need to be able to admit when you are wrong. If you can't admit when you are wrong you're going to have to figure out why that is. I'm not asking you to be a professional in all the topics I listed either, I'm just asking you to develop a basic enough understanding to see how everything relates to each other.

          • 1 month ago

            (Part of why I feel I'm not ready to post everything is because I would ideally like to put the right information path altogether to save as much time as possible for you. If all goes well I want to do either an essay or a course that could be disseminated for free. I believe the truth should be free for all those ready to hear it)

          • 1 month ago

            Supplemental activities:

            Mirror gazing:
            There are 3 ways to do this:
            1. Daytime. Just go stand in front of a mirror in the middle of the day and stare into it as long as you can, it doesn't take long for things to get weird
            2. Nighttime with a candle. This one might be a bit intense at first and you may not be able to do it for long because it can get spooky. Just do it as long as you're comfortable.
            3. Nighttime, no light. Leave the door open, aim to let minimal light into the room, it won't work in a pitch black room, then go stare into the mirror. It might take a while for your eyes to adjust, but eventually things will start to move and get strange.

            I'm not asking you to take deep meaning from what you see here, unless you gain what you deem to be valid insight. This exercise is to show you how accessible hallucinatory states are.

          • 1 month ago

            Grounding with the Earth:
            I understand that this one may not be possible for a lot of people due to location, but if you're fortunate enough to have a garden you need to be spending at least 5 minutes with your bare feet touching the Earth. Ideally you should spend 15 minutes doing this if you can.

            Kind/selfless deeds:
            Self explanatory, do something nice for someone every single day. It does not have to be big, and you are not doing it for the praise, just try to be consciously kind at least once a day.

          • 1 month ago

            Meditation and breathing techniques:
            You need to be meditating twice a day at the very minimum. It doesn't necessarily matter what style of meditation you choose and if you have a meditation practice already you can stick with that. But there a couple things you should try throughout the process.
            1. Open eye meditation. I want you to lie down and pick a spot to stare at on the ceiling. Focus on it and try to blink as little as you can. The more you practice the faster you should see results.
            2. Something I'm sure you're all aware of, wall gazing. Sit up straight and meditate facing a plain wall.

            With both of those meditations I want you to use this breathing technique, silent breath. I don't want to influence anyone's opinion, I want you to think for yourself, but this breathing technique was given to me from a higher power and I have been instructed to teach it to as many people as I can. It's a difficult breathing technique, and it probably exists already somewhere out there, I'm not claiming to have discovered this, I was taught it and told to share. Anyway, what you need to do is breathe in and out so low and slow that you can no longer hear yourself breathe at all. For people who don't regularly meditate this can be a challenge, it takes a lot of control to do this for a prolonged period of time. To begin with to practice this breathing technique you should try doing it while laying down, that makes it a little bit easier, then once you feel confident with it you can use it in other positions. Whenever I mention meditation this is the breathing technique you need to be using, unless I specify otherwise. (Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth)

          • 1 month ago

            You should also be meditating regularly on what your perfected self would be like. Imagine yourself as enlightened and then once you are done notice what is different between you now and the version of yourself you could be. You need to aim to become the perfected version of yourself, thinking about it often allows you to implement all the necessary changes.

            The second breathing technique is also silent, but it's about controlling where your breath moves. This technique is only for laying down meditation. You want to breathe silently, and send the first part of the breath right to the bottom of your lungs so that your stomach expands a little, then send the next part of the breath to the top of the lungs so the chest rises. Keep swapping between those until your lungs are full. Make sure you stay silent the whole time, if you make a noise you basically need to start again because you won't get the full effects.

          • 1 month ago

            Journalling aims:
            I mentioned that you need to write everyday, you should be focusing on a couple of things here. The first is the progress you are making, get all of your thoughts out so you can go back to them. You also need to break yourself apart, you need to figure out all of your faults and where they come from so that you can stop perpetuating the same problems.

            Now earlier on I mentioned weed and I can understand how some people would wonder how that would be okay. I am not telling you to start smoking weed if you don't already, I'm just saying that if you're a truly functional stoner it's not going to make any difference to the process whether you consume it or not. At the end of the day I don't think drug consumption is a barrier to spirituality, I'm not asking you to go sober for the rest of your life, just long enough to reach advanced states. As soon as you've got there once you can access it again, you don't need to live like a monk forever. And I actively encourage you to go enjoy life as much as you can and all it has to offer once you have done this process. Everything that exists is for us to enjoy.

          • 1 month ago

            Some of you might tell me that this method is like such and such, or takes from this religion. That's okay, I support and believe in the older ways of the world, I am not attempting to create some new age thing, I want you to strip yourself of the ways of the modern world. I want you to be in touch with the thinking of the past, the future fails when we forget the past.

            This is still not everything, there is more advanced information that needs to be shared, but right now except for those close to attainment, there would not be much point in me saying it all right now. You would not believe how weird things get. Also, expect reality to become hostile as you progress. The people around you will start to behave strangely, some people will say things out of character, some will seem to be under some kind of demonic influence. When this starts to happen you need to keep going and not back down.

          • 1 month ago

            You also really need to not get bogged down in religion. One thing you have to understand to progress is that regardless of what any of us believe on Earth, there can only really be one true version of events and creation. It does not matter what version of God you do or don't believe in, it is a fact that if a God exists it is what it is and our belief either way does not change that fact. This process is about finding the true God and learning to communicate with it whenever you need to.

            You need to be researching as many /x/ related topics as you can on top of everything else. And ideally you need to be trying to practice magic and manifestation. But whatever you do, do not research anything that could be considered satanic or demonic. There are real forces out there that are malicious and want to hurt you, if you do everything I've said you're going to be a spirit magnet. (This is why I want to create some kind of proper support system for people doing this, if you get picked to experience anything hellish while doing this going through it alone is really hard)

          • 1 month ago

            I have a lot more to say, I want to create a three part system where you would have to pass each part to get to the next step. The final knowledge seems so unintelligible when told outright that it would just put people off, so I really think it needs to be built up to. I have been hesitant to post all I have so far because I don't have everything together that I want, but if I die in the next few days this all really could be lost forever. I hope I have given enough of a framework to help some of you unlock a higher state. If I don't die in the next few days I would like to discuss with any interested anons how to make this into an accessible and free form of spiritual education for anyone who wants it.

            If anyone has any questions about any point I would be happy to answer. I'm sorry I couldn't include everything, but even writing all that took me most of the day. This isn't a small project, I'm trying to distill everything I've learned over 18 years into something that can be done rapidly, so I appreciate any patience you can spare. I will give an identifier when I leave the thread officially so that if everything goes okay with my health we can come up with a plan together if other anons would be up for that. Thanks for all of your time.

          • 1 month ago

            That's everything I wrote today, I do apologise if it's still not enough as it is, but I never intended to post all this now so please excuse the fact that none of this is anywhere near polished yet. I hope to be able to communicate everything correctly and effectively in the near future.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I have a feeling I know exactly where you're going with this, especially with all the aspects you wrote on limiting exposure to randomized sources of reality and distilling focus. Have you ever considered spreading the information you discovered on accessing these abilities through the usage of those same abilities? I only say this because I was writing a similar guide at one point, and came to the conclusion that the best method of dissemination was through people themselves, although this is a more of a long term plan so your written guide is also still a good idea. 🙂

          • 4 weeks ago

            If I'm in person with someone the process can be kicked off in a day or less, but the person has to be receptive. I've only done it with very few people so far because they've been the only ones I know irl ready for the whole thing. The reason I want to write it all out is because I really want to stay anonymous, I don't want what I'm saying to become about me in any way, all that matters is the truth. If I can find an effective way to get this all across without ever exposing who I am that would be for the best for everyone. Also, you should keep writing, even if you only do it for yourself to begin with, you never know in the end what you can do. I believe that every single one of us has the potential to trigger change, and even if we fail the most important thing is that we at least tried. I would like to teach anons how to do this themselves, then they can reach people within their personal lives like I've been able to, because you are right, reaching the people is the best way to go.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Awesome write up thank you. I screen caped a good bit. I noticed I already do much of the habits your recommend we implement. My life has gotten much more difficult, but much more 'real' since doing much of this work. I went through some wild times, I believe I became a 'spirit magnet' as you said. I began waking up, and really wasn't ready and did not have the defenses in place. I'm certain I would have been diaged schizo if I had went to a psych. But I'm still here and now am able to see the patterns in the tapestry of what is much more clearly. The mirror gazing is one thing which I have not done, but plan to investigate for myself as that really piqued my interest. Also I am planning on taking a course in hypnotism this year, as I believe there is a certain key within hypnotism that once found can unlock much. As Gurdjieff says in The Tales hypnosis properly implemented is the thing which could fix humans and wake us up. Peace and blessings to you.

          • 4 weeks ago

            You are well on the path yourself anon. So much of this is about developing pattern recognition, though I'm sure you've experienced this yourself, the further you progress the more you see, we don't really get a choice after a certain point. Mirror gazing is crazy, the more you practice it the better it gets, but as I said, if it ever gets too freaky pull away and try again the next day. Most of the time it's okay, but sometimes it can be a bit much. Understanding hypnotism was one of the final keys of the puzzle, figuring it out permanently changes the way you see the world and it makes you pretty much immune to the control that everyone else is trapped under. But once you've freed yourself from the trance things can get really hostile. It's like the system can tell nothing is working on you anymore so it starts controlling those around you to become more and more hostile. You especially want to look into hypnotism in business and advertising, it's pretty disturbing when you see how much power they have over all of us.

  22. 4 weeks ago

    >have a way for any human to have a direct link to God and supernatural powers.
    Obviously you can't prove that. Can you at least tell us what that looks like? If you can't show that what good is that for anyone?

    • 4 weeks ago

      No, I can't show it, I can tell you how to do it, if you were here with me I could show you, but I'm not meant to show this off. There is a very specific plan that must be followed, I have been stopped every single time I tried to demonstrate it in the past. This whole thing is meant to free you from your chains, it is a process for you and God. I want to make it as easy as possible for everyone who wants to try it, but you have to put the effort in yourself.

  23. 4 weeks ago

    >they just throw me in the psyche ward
    Who's "they"? The demons?

  24. 4 weeks ago

    want to be close to God?
    fast and prayer. turn to Christ.

    you will seem Him soon enough, there are no shortcuts as OP implies. most of /x/ is not even close to the Truth.
    I'm sorry OP, I do hope you can find your way back on the path. please, take a moment to breathe, ok? Stop worrying so much, things are falling into place.
    You have alright intentions, but please, now is not the time or the place. not yet.

  25. 4 weeks ago

    Hey everyone, OP here, I'm gunna sleep now, I don't know if I'll be back after this, but hopefully everything goes okay with the hospital, in which case I will work more on this until it's finished. Have a good night, and thank you, I've been here for years and this board has really helped me a lot. Many anons here have gotten me through challenging times, at points people here have helped my mental health more than anyone in my personal life ever has. I hope that with what I have posted today I can maybe help some of you on the journey as well. Goodbye, but hopefully not forerver.


    • 4 weeks ago

      I hope your operation goes well. I appreciate what you have summarized/laid out so far, and look forward to further elaboration. You and things like this thread is one reason I still come to /x/

  26. 4 weeks ago

    you write a book dummy
    its the internet age you dont even need a publisher

  27. 4 weeks ago

    >its another anon shilling self improvement to farm good karma
    this is the /x/ equivalent of clickbait thumbnails in video
    >DO THIS

  28. 4 weeks ago

    Yes OP eagerly awaiting

    • 4 weeks ago

      No it’s cause prime numbers left the chat room for those companies they’re just gonna make 1 hex those baffoons

    • 4 weeks ago

      Ironic. Ur hypothalamus is showing.

  29. 4 weeks ago

    To the page 1 it returns.

  30. 4 weeks ago

    The thing is:
    when you have serious "supernatural" powers, you're working for the angels or for the demons. If you try to be a freelancer with this, the Archons will stop you. It's their idea of a "cosmic ballance" that the powerful people have to be involved in the light-dark scheme. To do it just freestyle is not alowed on Earth (ask them if you want to know why).

  31. 4 weeks ago

    Schizos are the best. Tell us more.

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