What does the spirit world look like?

Y'know, the realm we go to after death, what is it like?

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  1. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      The entryway to Heaven is a beautiful garden where we can connect with our dead relatives, receive reassurance, and bask in the beauty of God. It's possible for your mind to enter while you're still alive through transcendental worship, and the Lord encourages us to rest our minds there as much as we possibly can. I've been there through worship with my fellow Christian brothers, met my dead relatives, was even baptized in Heaven by my grandfather under the ministry of Jesus Christ himself. It was the most beautiful experience of my life!

      This man's testimony captures really well what I also experienced. I just went through worship and not a NDE.

      This was a really helpful picture for my awakening. We really do grow up in a sort of spiritual placenta that we have to learn how to overcome.

    • 2 years ago

      >proto capsule harder than diamond
      mummified by their own thoughts

    • 2 years ago

      What is the intermediate world? I've never heard of it

      • 2 years ago

        The intermediate world is the "astral plane", the world of mind and meditation that you can reach without the help of a higher power. It is inhabited by the ghosts of the unworthy and many demons. The realms of spirit, Heaven, cannot possibly be reached without being pulled to them by the Lord.

  2. 2 years ago

    like someone turned up saturation in PS

  3. 2 years ago

    You don’t actually want to know. Like everyone in this cancerous, spiritually dead hell world, you are only looking to have your ego boosted and your existing prejudices confirmed. You go really special place, anon. All people you hate go real bad place, anon. You special. You special special gud boi. God wuv you. God hate evweyone else

    • 2 years ago

      You have a really good level of pissed off righteousness! I can't wait for you to cut through all the charlatans and demons and ascend past this gay trash kingdom of darkness.

    • 2 years ago

      >You don’t actually want to know.
      So there IS an afterlife! When I was a kid, I dreamt of becoming raw power and energy and just obliterating any and all my enemies. Do we turn into conscious living energy? I know FOR SURE that both God and Satan are sentient, but only Satan can speak to our hearts directly. Satan is sort of the parent, while God is sort of "that guy playing The Sims". But God likes me for sone reason, so I like God. Satan is good too, he is very kind and has an extreme amount of smartness and empathy.

      • 2 years ago

        I meant to add, I love Satan too.

        • 2 years ago

          and I'm trans btw

      • 2 years ago

        >but only Satan can speak to our hearts directly.

        and I'm trans btw

        just why wow bro you don't know shit any spirit can do that, and of course god does too. Who do you think gives it the power to beat, satan or god?

      • 2 years ago

        We already are a conscious, living energy.

  4. 2 years ago

    smoke some DMT and find out

    • 2 years ago

      ye boyyy

      that's where you go after death if you suck ass, that's why you need drugs to get there while alive

      • 2 years ago

        I mean, I guess.
        When I did DMT, I left my body and flew through the skies to a meadow very far away from my body and watched the sunset with invisible beings who wanted to enjoy the sunset with me and show me some fun shit before I was gone. I "Died" and it was fine. Totally peaceful and quite liberating.

        Then I came back to me and it's all good.
        Now I meditate regularly and it's been two years.
        My imagination has only grown in power since then.

        I think anybody who tells you "Do DMT dude!" is a homosexual.

        I also think anybody who tries to tell you "My enlightenment is REAL and yours is fake and gay" is fake and gay.
        To quote Zhuang Zi: Those who speak of the Dao, do not know the Dao.

        • 2 years ago

          >This thing helped me but anyone who tells others to do it is a homosexual
          Stop living your life based on how it will be aesthetically perceived by others except for when doing so is beneficial to you.

        • 2 years ago

          >implying Zhuang Zi could accurately reverse-describe the Dao
          It's all so tiresome.

          • 2 years ago

            >It's all so tiresome.
            And that's the reason those who know don't talk. It's tiresome talking to morons who will never learn.

          • 2 years ago

            just like /vt/

        • 2 years ago

          by your own definition you are fake and gay

  5. 2 years ago

    Depends. There are multiple levels of "spirit world". Lower ones look like this one, higher ones look nothing like this one.

    • 2 years ago

      Tell us more anon

      • 2 years ago

        >God is pure, ecstatic and unconditional love
        >The only form of worship he desires is for you to share in that love and extend it to everyone else
        >Religion is not something that God dictates to man, it is something man dictates to God
        >As Christ explains, every person has a need for God that is as strong as their need for food and water. Religion forms when man, sensing God's presence intuitively, creates irrational rituals and rules for living a life in accordance with the divine will in an attempt to reach him
        >Believing in the efficacy of these rituals is what empowers God to reach back to us. He does not violate free will and can only help us if we are willing to let him in
        >It was the belief of the Israelite people that a Messiah was coming that allowed the Logos to incarnate as Christ. The prophecy inspired the act, not the other way around.
        >Divine inspiration received by Prophets is almost always a combination of divine message and the prophet's own thoughts. It can be very difficult to differentiate between the two
        >This is why Christianity places such a strong emphasis on salvation through faith. Many people claim that it's stupid or petty for God to force you to believe his story in order to be saved, and that would be so if it were true, but the line of thinking is backwards. You are not being punished for not believing, it is simply that if you do not believe in the possibility of life after death, you will not be able to experience it. God cannot violate your decision
        >Hell can be eternal, but it probably almost never is. You could spend eternity there in theory, but it would have to be your choice to do so
        >At the point of physical death, the ethereal body disconnects from the physical body and will find itself in an intermediary place between Earth and whatever will come next.
        >This plane looks mostly like Earth, but sight is limited and there is a murky, water-like quality to it. This is the origin of myths such as the River Styx

        • 2 years ago

          >Many people become frightened at this stage and have a hard time accepting that they have died. You will not be alone, humans never are, but whether or not you can see your guide is going to be dependent on your state of mind. If you can accept the reality of what has happened, your guide will be better able to help you
          >Also in this time you will experience a deep tiredness. Do no fight it. This is the ethereal body attempting to transition into second death. This is a necessary process and you mustn't fight it. It is possible to fight it and remain in the intermediary plane, many people do this, but it is deeply traumatic and unpleasant.
          >Because this plane is so close to Earth, it is possible to be seen or sensed by sensitive people. This is the origin of ghosts and hauntings. Again, it cannot be overstated that you should allow this natural process to happen instead of fighting it. Being a ghost looks fun in movies, but it's terrible. If you ever see one in life do not be afraid. It is a far more frightening and painful experience for them than it is for you
          >These entities can be helped by praying for them. This is also true of deceased relatives or other loved ones. Pray for the dead. It has a tangible impact on them and they will be much better off. This is a tremendous act of kindness and mercy and will be rewarded in the world to come
          >Try not to mourn the dead for too long. It used to be that funerals were a celebration of life, not a tearful morning of death. We should really go back to that because it is beneficial to the departed. Because you were close in life, you are connected to them. Uninhibited by the physical body, they will be much more sensitive to other people's emotions than they were in life. This could cause complications in their transition to the next life
          >For similar reasons, cremation is preferable to burial. Without the body they will have one less thing to be attached to

          • 2 years ago

            >When the second death occurs, the departed will begin the life review. Well, more specifically the second life review. The first may or may not happen prior to the ethereal body detaching from the physical body. This is the classic "life flashed before my eyes" moment that is so common in NDEs. Doesn't always happen, but it can
            >During the second life review, you will experience every action you made in life in reverse. This can be very difficult because in addition to reliving these moments, you will also feel how your choices and actions effect others. You will feel much joy, but also much pain. This is a purging process which purifies the spirit and is the origin of the purgatory myth in Catholicism. If you were a bad person, this part is going to be very painful, but the pain must be experienced
            >It is also important to note that while you do have to go through this process, the pain can be somewhat lessened through religious practice. The absolution of sin is a great mercy, the metaphysics of which are designed to help you through the process
            >When the life review concludes you will either ascend to a higher realm or descended to either Earth to be reincarnated, or one of the lower realms. This is not a punishment, it is a self imposed judgement. When the pretense of self is gone, no one can be a harsher critic than oneself.
            >It is possible to pray for people in these lower realms too, and this action is greatly commendable
            >The afterlife, at least in the lower circles of Heaven, will conform to your expectation. If you are religious, it will conform to your religion. If you are not religious but can still ascend, it will be a bit more generic, but still far more beautiful than anything you've seen on Earth
            >In these realms there is no need to eat or drink, and little need to sleep for any reason other than separating the days, but all of these things are possible should you want them to be

          • 2 years ago

            >At the lower levels, Heaven is much like Earth, only without pain or many of the other negative things in life. The difference is that you will no longer need to make a living and can devote yourself to work that you enjoy
            >obviously this "work" is not done for money, but it is very important. There are scientists, artists, and everything else you might find on Earth (with the exception of sanitation workers, food service people, and the like. There are no medical workers in the conventional sense, but there are healers who help traumatized spirits)
            >Every great idea on the Earthly plane originates in the higher realms. Brilliant music is composed by the residents of Heaven and transmitted to Earth through inspiration from receptive humans
            >There are also teams that work on helping the deceased cross over, as well as people who work to strengthen the connection between Earth and the higher realms. In due time a connection between the two may be forged, and none of this will have to be taken on faith. It will relieve a lot of unwarranted fear and suffering
            >There are record keepers, and guardians. There are builders who construct things out of the mind. Everything in Heaven is the result of unified thoughts
            >Pets and loved ones will be waiting for you. In rare instances you might even be greeted by people from your life who haven't died yet. This is because some powerful residents of Heaven incarnate a fraction of their spiritual essence on Earth for specific purposes. Usually to teach or to heal. It's possible for a celestial observe the physical, but it is impossible to connect unless the physical being is open to it. Incarnating in the flesh circumvents this problem, but an advanced celestial cannot fit the entirety of their being in an Earthbound vessel, so they only incarnate a fraction of themselves
            >You can think of the day to day civilians of heaven as angels, and the more sophisticated resident as Archangels. It's not precise, but it is close

          • 2 years ago

            >As souls progress upward, they shed more and more of the things that we describe as "human". The higher up the ladder you go, the harder it is for a human being to comprehend. >This is why Angelic Choirs in Abrahamic traditions begin to look stranger and stranger as they get closer to God. This is also why the Seraphim and Cherubim cover themselves with their wings. Taking in the full extent of their power is too much for the human mind and would likely tear you asunder
            >This is why God also never speaks to people directly and sends intermediaries in his place. You legitimately couldn't handle the reality of him
            >The experience of Hell/Purgatory is obviously quite different. There you will work off your karmic debt, for lack of a better term. It's hard to say how far down it goes, but often the life you experience in Hell is a horrific version of your life on Earth if everything went terribly wrong
            >This is not a punishment in the traditional sense. It is more of a way for you to process your problems so you can move on
            >Most people will reincarnate on Earth after learning what lesson needed to be learn in Hell. It's not impossible for them to ascend directly to Heaven, but this is almost never the case. Most would prefer to become someone else than live in the form which caused them so much pain in the past. At least for a while

          • 2 years ago

            How are you so sure about all of this`It's pretty much what i belive and sounds pure logical, but how can you be so sure about it?

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not sure of it in the way that I am sure that if I twist the knob on the sink, water will come out of the faucet. This is more of a belief than a certainty. The belief comes from intuition, stories I've read that "felt right", and experiences I've had that I cannot otherwise explain. I could be wrong, but I don't think I am.

          • 2 years ago

            I don't think neither my friend! I had two expiriences that made me sure something higher exists and whenever i start to belive in the way god is as you described it, good things grow! Fear is the worst guide anyone can have and i completly agree with you about the karmatic system and the whole idea of the afterlife! Also interesting thought you had about the Seraphim and Cherubim, never saw it that way!

            Just watched it yesterday fot the first time, was recommended to me after i starting praying again since the love of my life killed herself and i gave god a second chance to be in my life. Funny how life works out in this ways.

          • 2 years ago

            I’ll have to check this movie out. It looks extremely up my alley.

          • 2 years ago

            It's completly in HD on Youtube if you speak german, otherwise you have to search for it, maybe YT, Dailymotion, Streams or Torrents, but i would suggest to do that, you will be amazed how much it covers your theorys and close some thoughts you're might not sure now about! Easy in my Top 5 now! Totally worth the search!

          • 2 years ago

            Really great write up, but why are we here? If there are levels or layers to heaven and hell what is the purpose of this plane of existence?

          • 2 years ago

            >>This is why God also never speaks to people directly and sends intermediaries in his place. You legitimately couldn't handle the reality of him
            God is an infinite-dimensional being who exists outside of space-time and the void. I'm not sure a being like that could comprehend itself subjectively. That's why he gives beings free will to help with creation. I have always theorized that God fears himself more than anything.

        • 2 years ago

          >Many people become frightened at this stage and have a hard time accepting that they have died. You will not be alone, humans never are, but whether or not you can see your guide is going to be dependent on your state of mind. If you can accept the reality of what has happened, your guide will be better able to help you
          >Also in this time you will experience a deep tiredness. Do no fight it. This is the ethereal body attempting to transition into second death. This is a necessary process and you mustn't fight it. It is possible to fight it and remain in the intermediary plane, many people do this, but it is deeply traumatic and unpleasant.
          >Because this plane is so close to Earth, it is possible to be seen or sensed by sensitive people. This is the origin of ghosts and hauntings. Again, it cannot be overstated that you should allow this natural process to happen instead of fighting it. Being a ghost looks fun in movies, but it's terrible. If you ever see one in life do not be afraid. It is a far more frightening and painful experience for them than it is for you
          >These entities can be helped by praying for them. This is also true of deceased relatives or other loved ones. Pray for the dead. It has a tangible impact on them and they will be much better off. This is a tremendous act of kindness and mercy and will be rewarded in the world to come
          >Try not to mourn the dead for too long. It used to be that funerals were a celebration of life, not a tearful morning of death. We should really go back to that because it is beneficial to the departed. Because you were close in life, you are connected to them. Uninhibited by the physical body, they will be much more sensitive to other people's emotions than they were in life. This could cause complications in their transition to the next life
          >For similar reasons, cremation is preferable to burial. Without the body they will have one less thing to be attached to

          This guy knows.

        • 2 years ago

          >Many people become frightened at this stage and have a hard time accepting that they have died. You will not be alone, humans never are, but whether or not you can see your guide is going to be dependent on your state of mind. If you can accept the reality of what has happened, your guide will be better able to help you
          >Also in this time you will experience a deep tiredness. Do no fight it. This is the ethereal body attempting to transition into second death. This is a necessary process and you mustn't fight it. It is possible to fight it and remain in the intermediary plane, many people do this, but it is deeply traumatic and unpleasant.
          >Because this plane is so close to Earth, it is possible to be seen or sensed by sensitive people. This is the origin of ghosts and hauntings. Again, it cannot be overstated that you should allow this natural process to happen instead of fighting it. Being a ghost looks fun in movies, but it's terrible. If you ever see one in life do not be afraid. It is a far more frightening and painful experience for them than it is for you
          >These entities can be helped by praying for them. This is also true of deceased relatives or other loved ones. Pray for the dead. It has a tangible impact on them and they will be much better off. This is a tremendous act of kindness and mercy and will be rewarded in the world to come
          >Try not to mourn the dead for too long. It used to be that funerals were a celebration of life, not a tearful morning of death. We should really go back to that because it is beneficial to the departed. Because you were close in life, you are connected to them. Uninhibited by the physical body, they will be much more sensitive to other people's emotions than they were in life. This could cause complications in their transition to the next life
          >For similar reasons, cremation is preferable to burial. Without the body they will have one less thing to be attached to

          Impressive, where did you draw this information from? Also a couple of points:
          > if you do not believe in the possibility of life after death, you will not be able to experience it
          That is not correct, souls do not disappear. Or do you mean they will reincarnate immediately?
          > It is possible to fight it and remain in the intermediary plane, many people do this, but it is deeply traumatic and unpleasant.
          Some have to stay here to continue their work and guide the incarnated.

          The part about backwards review being a concentrated event seems a bit movie-like.

          • 2 years ago

            >Impressive, where did you draw this information from?
            It would be impossible at this point to list out every source, it's just something that's sort of developed in my mind as a personal worldview over the course of my life. A lot of the greater metaphysics is pulled from Theosophy and secondhand understanding certain Vedic traditions. There's also books like What Dreams May Come in there, although that story is basically Richard Matheson's version of the same thing I was doing, which is to say reading religious and spiritual models of the cosmos and playing around with them through intuition and meditation.
            >That is not correct, souls do not disappear. Or do you mean they will reincarnate immediately?
            Every time I repost this greentext I mean to change that point but never do. It's not so much that they disappear, although I do think that the ego can be more or less reset to a blank slate to allow for new lessons to be learned, but the point I was trying to make is that there are people out there who are so obstinately convinced that there is nothing after death and that the brain is all there is that they will choose the void instead of accepting another way. It's not permanent though. In fact, I'm not even super convinced that it's something that happens literally at all. Only a thought.

  6. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Based migrant

      • 2 years ago


        You homosexuals should shatter yourselves.

  7. 2 years ago

    ok everything you believe it would look like is wrong most likely based on the fact religions have tons of horrible depictions of shit

    many think people who commit suicide go to hell. they go to a place thats tropical crystal clear water like florida and they are in the water. tangles in what looks like seaweed. you can see many in it at different depths. the sea weed is sparse so there is space between them. the water saps your strength and you get dizzy and tired and pass out. suicides go straight to the water. over time if not removed by some one who can tolerate the water (super rare trait) or a ferryman they will vanish. their "souls" will be converted over time to "mana" which makes the water toxic and dangerous. memories vanishing permanently is a symptom of having slept in the waters for a long time. no hell fire

    also there are a bunch of shadowy people and things that are not people and not demons but surreal amalgams of life forms like vines and dead machines. its hard to describe. that area has shadowy people who are not just generic shadows besides generic shadow people.smokey shadows of inky black are at the top of the food chain. most are just hiding waiting to see what people do when they enter. they will attack if you do bad things which include stealing property. a object left in a location isnt yours

    there is also the wasteland industrial complex stuff/. rust on a lot of stuff and the grime seen in ghettos as well covers the landscape. go to atlanta georgia. its on the stop signs and side walks and telephone booths. that place is littered with machines (bots) and a subway system.

    these are interleaved places. there isnt a proper map that can be made from one to the other and passage isnt always possible from one to another. sounds crazy right why are machines in the after life. well there is stuff that looks like machine parts mixed into vines and briars and what not that move around. the vines are like tendrils they can grab people

    • 2 years ago

      lol you reminded me of a long lost memory of traveling to a place much like your rust world, it had like a beating heart. it was bad stuff, but i fixed it up.

  8. 2 years ago

    That depends entirely on your specific and unique relationship with the Supreme Person.
    I was graced to be shown as enticement what my spiritual environment would be.
    The only real way to describe it is contentment, bliss, and inspiration to serve God beyond anything imaginable.

  9. 2 years ago

    it is like nothing youve ever seen before yet it will feel eerily familiar
    its the beautiful world of paradoxical perception

  10. 2 years ago

    Depends on which realm you go to. Past/present/future/ different plant, star, galaxy, different fractal dimensional possibility of the earth, etc etc. The best position is the one where you can transcend any one dimension and traverse all of them, or create a star of your own dimension or something. It seems this earth is all there is, but then dreams come and dreams seem far more real than this earth, and so one wonders which is the real truth or if they are both illusions. I think there is basically a ringworld supercomputer channeling the energy of a portal between virtual and real space that is recording a projection of the planet, etc. So you got a bunch of myths and magic and technology and aliens and gods and angels and humans and planets and jinn all in one megadimensional supercosmic cluster of awareness that make up the bands of thought and the possibilities of their manifestation into real space and time into various existences.
    I guess the normie dimension is probably earth afterlife or ascend to heaven or something like that, or maybe get eaten and soul harvested, who knows.
    Really your best bet is to gain as much awareness as possible while you still live so you will have your wits about you when you are ready to step into the infinite beyond.
    But your soul has been around the block several million times already, it knows how all this works, you don't have anything to worry about.

  11. 2 years ago

    a dimension of pure awareness, light, energy, and sound.

    physical laws do not apply.

  12. 2 years ago

    It "looks" so different from what you can see with your eyes that the phrase has no meaning. It's literally so far beyond this dimension that things like time and logic and questions are like silly wisps of nothing.

  13. 2 years ago

    I hope the afterlife looks like a Albert Bierstadt painting.

  14. 2 years ago

    A good thread on /x/ it's a miracle.

  15. 2 years ago

    Everything'ssort of purple

    • 2 years ago

      and everyone is dancing

  16. 2 years ago

    Ask that AI beta to draw it.

  17. 2 years ago


    literally empty black
    you dont exit anymore

  18. 2 years ago

    This book has the best compilation of NDE accounts you will ever find, and it paints a very good picture of it.

  19. 2 years ago

    More real yet also imaginary at the same time. Feels more like pure light while our material existence is "hard" quite literally because of atomic structures. While the material world simultaneously exists and does not exist the spiritual realm doesn't exist at all so it's akin to a hyperreal dream. The laws of physics are very bendable too. Compare the material world to playing Minecraft on survival while the spiritual realm(s) are like creative. Technically anything you can imagine already is of the spiritual realm. Just like how you can imagine an apple in your mind and draw one on paper so it's possible to transfer from one state to another in the waking world.

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