What are you supposed to do while in astral projection? How do you know when you are astral projecting?

What are you supposed to do while in astral projection? How do you know when you are astral projecting? can you have sex while in the astral plane?

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  1. 6 months ago

    I forgot you can't do spoiler text on /x/

  2. 6 months ago

    yes u can do frick in astral
    Leading up to projection your body will be filled with an electrical sensation? Sort of similar to your leg falling asleep but more pleasant, or it can be considered overwhelming
    You also feel lightness in your belly and head and neck that spreads throughout your entire body. you'll know when ur projecting cause, you'll be having an out of body experience lmao

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      not OP
      I've managed this sensation, but not an OBE. am I not doing it for long enough, or?

      • 6 months ago

        Relax and continue meditating, tl;dr: just do it for longer lol
        There're also some /x/ things you can learn to force the process along a bit ;p

        • 6 months ago

          I'm down to try anything safe and reasonably sane

          • 6 months ago

            first you should study basic energy work, any path will do
            Next you're gonna want to be able to induce sensory experiences, no matter how slight

            One wy I accomplished this was by realizing: "Energy follows attention" and just focusing all of the tension and effort I put into thinking or observing my surroundings into thoughtlessly observing and focusing on a part of my body.

            Then it's just about combining that with intention and consistency, just do that while focusing on your astral body (to do so, you kinda have to imagine you have that anatomy first then focus on it, this has helped me induce le -sensations-) , and also spend time meditating on that ability and its source like you would a body part, and allowing it to increase.

            if there's anyone here who's new to th is, i personally combined that with meditating consistently until I could reach a point that feels like sleep paralysis and, yeah.

          • 6 months ago

            appreciate you, anon
            wdym by 'feels like sleep paralysis'? the feeling of my body being asleep and out of my immediate control, or the hypnagogic mental space where one might see shadow people and stuff?

          • 6 months ago

            the former :3

  3. 6 months ago

    Just read a fricking book, please.

    • 6 months ago

      Uhhh sweaty reading /x/ is actually like reading a book because you are reading words or something

  4. 6 months ago

    >What are you supposed to do while in astral projection?
    Explore consciousness
    >How do you know when you are astral projecting?
    Your environment will be highly receptive to your thoughts. Most likely even if you start your projection in the "real-time zone" (floating around your room) you'll end up going into your own inner astral playpen, the same place where you dream/lucid dream, where everything is purely manifestations of your subconscious (beliefs, desires, etc.) Getting out of that solipsistic "buffer-zone" into the wider system of consensus realities (including the afterlife) can be especially tricky if you aren't sure what exactly you're aiming for so I'd suggest downloading the gateway process tapes and going through them and familiarizing yourself with all the focus levels. To reach consensus-realities from the dreaming area it's the jump from Focus 22 to Focus 23. Of course the tapes will also help you get you from normal consciousness to non-physical in the first place.
    You can have all the dream sex you want, but it's not as satisfying as physical sex. The real "astral sex" is more like merging with another being.

    • 6 months ago

      is focus 12 enough for single player astral stuff

      • 6 months ago

        in the Frank Kepple Practical Guide pdf there's a section called "Your Goal should be Focus 12"
        >I only ever used Wave 1 as I found that did all I needed at the time. My main difficulty in achieving a controlled, conscious-exit projection was achieving the Focus 12 state. Once I'd reached this state then everything would roll more or less by itself from there. I would say that Focus 10 and Focus 12 of the Monroe model are the essential pre-requisite states. In my opinion the rest of the series are a bit of a commercial exercise. If you can achieve a definite Focus 12 then you should be able to reach Focus 21 with little difficulty. From there the non-physical world's your oyster, so to speak. Any kind of CD going off in your ears wouldn't make any difference as you wouldn't be physical to hear it. Unless you switched to an overlay experience but what's the point? Then you'd be listening to a CD so called taking you to a place you'd be at already.

  5. 6 months ago

    You can make contact with alien entities like the mantis beings and the nordic aliens

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