Did great flood really happen? If so what caused it? How world looked in Antediluvian era?

Did great flood really happen?
If so what caused it? How world looked in Antediluvian era?

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  1. 2 years ago

    it was an escape from apocalyptic mars to earth

  2. 2 years ago

    >Did great flood really happen?
    Evidence points that way.
    >If so what caused it?
    I would think the Plate tectonics doing what they do.
    >How world looked in Antediluvian era?
    Full of life, peaking before the fall?

  3. 2 years ago

    >how world looked in Antediluvian era
    it was based until it wasnt

  4. 2 years ago

    >If so what caused it? How world looked in Antediluvian era?
    both of these answers are in Genesis you moron

    • 2 years ago

      Book of genesis is israeli work of serf of demiurge so of course you wont get proper and factual answer on this questions there. Or are you still believing demiurge is the good god?

      • 2 years ago

        moron Satan homosexual be gone

        • 2 years ago
          Christ, child of Death

          satan is moloch
          now look up moloch
          and see where your morality comes from...
          or ((who)) it comes from 😉

    • 2 years ago
      Christ, child of Death

      fricking moron
      go read the bible
      nobody should believe the word of PROVEN frauds
      I could speculate ANYTHING and it not be tainted by association to psychopathic liars - and it would be more legitimate than the word of ~le bible~
      go frick yourself
      you're not welcome on this site.
      you just 'think' you are.
      an hero homosexual

      • 2 years ago

        Underage b&

  5. 2 years ago

    not worldwide

    • 2 years ago

      Flooding after the younger dryas did happen everywhere u dummy boy. Just google melt water pulse 1b

  6. 2 years ago

    >How world looked in Antediluvian era?
    Rain didn't exist yet. Everyone spoke the same language (the Adamic language, probably Hebrew). The world was ruled by giant evil half-angels called Nephilim. It sucked. Literally everyone was an evil sinner except for Noah.

    • 2 years ago

      so you can say that in those times archons ruled over earth which is their disgusting creation not in disguise but visibly.

  7. 2 years ago

    the flood theyre talking about was local, wasnt in egyptian records

  8. 2 years ago

    It was caused by the planet that is your asteroid belt now. It was a water world which was destroyed in a conflict from many Cycles ago. These frozen chunks of water struck ki and gave it much of its oceans. I’ve heard this world is due to wander into this predicament again in the future.

    • 2 years ago

      Did you ever dream or have experiences with that water world? I have had them but they did have some buildings and lil isles. I called it that way by default.

      • 2 years ago

        No I’m not of that world. I suggest you explore those feelings and dreams.

        • 2 years ago

          I guess. There's been a few come by and the water world one was long ago. Just remember there being someone who gave a name.
          I recall another blue planet that had an enormous loss of life, to the point where it might have felt like it was destroyed.
          But I felt it was not. "ground war" was a term that stuck around. Implying the world was still there...just hard to reach or empty. Its hard to dig deeper, but the grief I felt was profound.

          • 2 years ago

            Life is precious, every worlds griefs profound, especially the violence and chaos that this world has Seen, this worlds bodies very codex is programmed with these subtle angst and fears. So subtle you may not even know why you are feeling a certain way like say during an eclipse or a storm.

          • 2 years ago

            That it is, much can be taken for granted until you know what can be lost and how hard it can be to piece it back together.
            These events can keep folk stuck ethereally in ways they don't comprehend until it gets loose. And once it gets loose it carries a healthy weight.
            I once had a dream where it was said: "my children don't know they are playing on a grave." It was a disconnected voice, almost as if referring to the voice of the world itself. And once or twice in visions: being big and small stuck and sleeping in some noisy dense dark clouds. And when pulled out, they felt so relieved. It really picked up over the last year and most of it is sailing on instincts.

          • 2 years ago

            A grave of such immensity that most aren’t allowed nor want to comprehend.

          • 2 years ago

            At some point it becomes a blur and grief is just grief, whatever the statistics may be. People who have endured loss, conflict or war are the ones who care the most about preventing it. Would openness not benefit all in the long run?
            I suppose the problem is most souls buried this grief and when tracing the associations the rest also must be in sight. Grief without context isn't helpful.

          • 2 years ago

            The beings here including very much myself are beings at war with ourselves on almost every level. The grief is contextual being that your very codex in every cell tells that story. Did you know that if your great great great grandparents experienced years of famine and droughts that like the leaves of a tree in fall your codex will show this in you in interesting ways. Quirky behaviours of folks often have their roots in this genetic memory.
            The codex is an active manipulation of this non-localised field called consciousness it would sometimes seem.

          • 2 years ago

            >The beings here including very much myself are beings at war with ourselves on almost every level.
            reminds me of some dealing with atlanteans and lemerijans. Folk tend to write or regard them as A vs B but what I felt profoundly was that they were the same people. Just managed to fall to divide and conquer. I could notice the effects of that in my life still, I imagine other events follow people around too. Although, this might just be more of a sickness of this place. Effective resolving is concise and to the point, which is put to practice in the higher realms (usually).
            It's like people can be a prisoner to the past.

          • 2 years ago
            Christ, child of Death

            >It's like people can be a prisoner to the past.
            blame abrahamic cults.
            they moronic the world multiple ways
            one is having people consider the past over the future
            they are fricking cancer.

          • 2 years ago

            >Folk tend to write or regard them as A vs B but what I felt profoundly was that they were the same people

            Take this worlds recent history with superpower A vs super power B.
            If the world had been destroyed then would everyone remember Atlantis and lemuira or would it get rolled into a larger tale of human history from ages gone past and intentionally forgotten. Human history happens all at once but we experience it linearly because it’s valuable to our souls development. This is why some things in life are timeless like cherished time with a loved ones, it feeds that which we cannot create on our own. Humanity is a hybrid race, a very powerful one, it’s just very easily blinded.
            I suspect as the grand celestial calendar turns on this world, people will find away around this disadvantage, I just wish folks wouldn’t forget the heart, love and art. For without it, a soulless machine of numbers arises and things can be very grim.

  9. 2 years ago

    Yes, it really happened.

    Read Graham Hanwiener about catastrophism. Basically 11,600 years ago a cluster of meteors smashed into the miles thick sheets of ice that covered canada into north america (probably europe and russia also), causing a near instantaneous melting of a massive amount of ice, flooding across the planet in raging torrents. Sea levels rose suddenly and drastically, Atlantis sunk, and many large mammals died off. Watch "Ancient Apocalypse" on netflix, or the Joe Rogan episodes with Graham... or just read his books.

    • 2 years ago

      Also some key words
      - younger dryas
      - taurid meteor stream
      - megafauna extinction

      When you start studying ancient history, 11,600 years ago is a time period you will see often.

    • 2 years ago

      >How world looked in Antediluvian era?
      Hard to know as these civilizations are underwater now and badly degraded. The vast majority of human civilization exists very near large bodies of water, which were again were essentially erased when sea levels catastrophically rose 11,600 years ago. You can go on snorkeling tours of some of the surviving statues underwater.

  10. 2 years ago

    The epic of Gilgamesh predates the Semitic Religion and much of it is unknown before then.

    There is only one figure of interest, the first Son of Man figure, a human with Super Powers able to alter reality and other things, the first Systemic Anomaly on planet Earth regardless of the Archons and Demiurges or whatever, the Joseph of Egypt, Prophet Ezekiel, and Yeshua and so forth.

    This is why I believe that there is something about H.P. Lovecraft's Lore and why I tie it in with King Paimon being Yeshua.

    The Higher Power is considered to be so incomprehensible that it has terrified even the Archangels or any others entities that may be contemporaries of the Archangels.

    • 2 years ago
      Christ, child of Death

      stfu homosexual
      anything that validates the lies of abraham is worthless

    • 2 years ago

      >King Paimon

    • 2 years ago

      This pertains to mans current predicament.

      • 2 years ago
        Christ, child of Death

        no it doesn't.

        • 2 years ago

          What’s the last book you read?

          • 2 years ago
            Christ, child of Death

            nobody cares israelite
            you aren't shit to anyone
            not a bastion of anything
            least of all morality
            and make no mistake
            you 'are' a israelite.

          • 2 years ago

            do you have quarrels with israelites or their name stealers, khazarians? The two are very different in nature.

          • 2 years ago
            Christ, child of Death

            why you capitalizing a gypsy name?
            do you revere the freaks?
            anyone born with the belief they are 'le chosen' moronic the world
            they're ALL THE SAME with that belief
            lying bastards that if never existed : the universe was improved.

          • 2 years ago

            What’s the last book you read agent?

          • 2 years ago
            Christ, child of Death

            I'm just a random person that hates the lies of abraham
            you believe the establishment is against abrahamism? you proved you're a fricking moron.

          • 2 years ago

            If you understood that infographic I originally posted you’d understand that’s what it was showing you. With god, man, Vatican and babylon. Doesn’t matter if you are Abrahamic or pagan, they still got you. You proved you are an idiot blinded by preconceived notions and hatred. If you tired of your bondage I suggest you read up on the systems that bind you instead of attacking anons.

          • 2 years ago
            Christ, child of Death

            it does matter
            the abrahamic father never existed
            that is the lens to see history
            just LIARS

  11. 2 years ago

    >How world looked in Antediluvian era?
    Very similar to what it is now except the fact that there were even more humans who were exterminated by archontic flood for loosh release

  12. 2 years ago

    I have found all the answers I needed in pic related
    Yes, the great flood happened, and several other great floods happened before that one
    We are right in time for the next one, according to his theory

  13. 2 years ago

    There were iceage floods in the early 15,000s. Ice and perma froze created mud subsidence I would presume.

  14. 2 years ago

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