A Guide for New 5th Dimension Beings

As a 5th dimensional being, you have a unique perspective on the 4th dimension and its inhabitants. It's natural to want to use your advanced knowledge and abilities to help guide them, but it's important to approach this desire with caution and ethical considerations.

Here are some tips for using your position as a 5th dimensional being to make a positive impact in the 4th dimension without becoming a dictator:

>Respect their free will:
Just because you have more knowledge and abilities than the beings in the 4th dimension doesn't mean you should impose your will on them. Respect their free will and allow them to make their own decisions.

>Provide guidance, not control:
Instead of taking control of the 4th dimension, offer guidance and advice to help them improve their society. Encourage them to think for themselves and make their own decisions, but offer your unique perspective when needed.

>Empower them:
Help the beings in the 4th dimension to become more self-sufficient and independent. Offer tools and resources that can help them achieve their goals without relying too heavily on your guidance.

>Learn from them:
While you may have advanced knowledge and abilities, there is still much to learn from the beings in the 4th dimension. Take the time to observe and understand their ways of life, and use that knowledge to improve your own.

>Prioritize ethical considerations:
Always prioritize ethical considerations and the well-being of the beings in the 4th dimension. Your actions should never cause harm or violate their rights.

By following these tips, you can use your position as a 5th dimensional being to make a positive impact in the 4th dimension. Remember to approach this opportunity with humility and respect for those you wish to help.

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  1. 1 year ago

    frick them. they aint helping us, just watching or probably interacting in a way that makes life on earth worse. they get it too, frick them and im destroying the archons and if they aint got a good reason as to WHY they never helped then they GET IT TOO. and a big FRICK YOU OP, thinking 5th dimension beings are anything but lazy frickers or loosing buttholes. better get right in your mind, anon.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah they are morons who fear us.
      But to be honest, its the Angels who are tasked with protecting us that are keeping the 5d beings from messing with us too much.

      Didnt you see that real magicians do their rituals in dirty isolated places so there would be no Angel to stop the interaction with the cordly yet mischeivous 5D beings.

      • 1 year ago

        time to give the "angels" some feedback on their so-called protection protocols.

        • 1 year ago

          Talk directly to their manager almighty. Maybe you missed a payment.

          • 1 year ago

            i'll deal with any being anytime. frick those homosexuals.

      • 1 year ago

        >tasked with protecting us that are keeping the 5d beings from messing with us too much.
        frak this mental bullshit youve come up with, if its true then i have loads of issues w the angels, starting with pizzagate.

    • 1 year ago

      The modus operandi you posit has been subject to subterfuge and is not adequate for the journey ahead.
      >Respect their free will
      Yes, up to the point where true informed decisions are made. For true informed decisions to be made, guidance, truth and transparancy need to be willed upon the target.
      >Instead of taking control of the 4th dimension
      If the right groups take control of the realm we'd be up and running in no time. Control can be exceedingly efficient. Guidance and advice are only as useful as the willingness to advance is.
      >Empower them, Learn from them
      Yes, to stand in their true power; the learning never ends~
      >Prioritize ethical considerations
      if a slightly callous or unethical decision at one point can improve the livelihood of many down the line, should the result be leading or not?
      >your actions should never cause harm or violate their rights
      If you harm none do what you will; if you cause harm you will be harmed in turn. Old as time itself.

      is correct and valid, what are the fifths and fourths gonna do about it?

      5D beings find our genitals funny.
      They enjoyed it alot when Adam and Eve got naked.
      When you change your clothes or wear your partner remember to ask God for protection so he sends Angels to chase off any moronic 5D being who wants to peek.

      ethereal beings can hook your root energy center for shits and giggles. See it for what it is and focus on a space above your head, cut the cord at the root center. You should be able to move the space around you.

      Been doing the best I can for the last 31 years. Trouble is most are still stuck in the first, second and third dimensions and are unreceptive and often become combative to fifth dimensional ideas. Is the only hope just to wait for them to achieve fourth dimensional existence if at all?

      >Trouble is most are still stuck in the first
      >often become combative to fifth dimensional ideas
      it's less a matter of the pure numbers and more a matter of recognition and path
      What constitutes a fifth-dimensional idea? Higher-dimensional beings have done things no sane human here on Earth would do and the past is quite dark: it is no surprise that many are "stuck" in the other dimensions. For one to stall, for two to avoid, for three to self-determine. Higher dimensionals have a tough time getting through to these folk since the doors are shut.

      • 1 year ago

        I consider all of the "dimensions" to be centered around their respective "chakra" so to speak. The fifth dimension being centered around the throat chakra and therefore it being a world where humans communicate openly without lies or deceit.

        • 1 year ago

          Seems impossible given that I operate on the 8th dimension and there are only 7 chakras. Once again you demonstrate your pathetic understanding of both the occult and physics.

          • 1 year ago

            I was talking about the ones located our physical human bodies. No one ever made the claim that there is no such thing as an eighth or even ninth and beyond chakra. Any chance you can describe in human english words what this "eighth dimension" is like?

          • 1 year ago

            There are super-crown Chakras that exist above the head and extend as far as our aura extends.

        • 1 year ago

          >The fifth dimension being centered around the throat chakra and therefore it being a world where humans communicate openly without lies or deceit.
          this makes absolutely no sense and basically turns our experience in this world upside down as if things would become simpler and gentler and cute and nice up there. The reality is that your ethereal "self" needs analogy to communicate with you effectively. Hence, issues with the throat are related to voicing yourself here and there. In addition, higher beings are tremendously deceptive liars that wouldn't mind spinning some bs story to loop you for a dozen or so lifetimes. Life can be exceedingly peaceful in stable realms. It's really nice, but the fringes there's a lot of shit. The take-away is: don't think lying or deceit are "evils" that need to be weeded out for anyone to advance. It's about the intent, integrity, history and your will to do the right things for the right people. The fifth chakra is about being outspoken, communicating effectively to accomplish whatever task you set your mind on. Communication (or the lack thereof) kills or heals. You can be "extradimensional" while being deceitful.

          Seems impossible given that I operate on the 8th dimension and there are only 7 chakras. Once again you demonstrate your pathetic understanding of both the occult and physics.

          >I operate on the 8th dimension

          I was talking about the ones located our physical human bodies. No one ever made the claim that there is no such thing as an eighth or even ninth and beyond chakra. Any chance you can describe in human english words what this "eighth dimension" is like?

          These chakra's are analogies and more like gateway or centers of processing information. Some beings are like gigantic antenna's: their lines stack up very high and they are very very effective at what they do.

  2. 1 year ago

    >Take the time to observe and understand their ways of life
    yeah, easier to destroy them by watching them, thanks anon, for the tip.

  3. 1 year ago

    Great thread. Even without many replies.
    I presume extradimensional materials research and also *thought gone* is better by extradimensionals (5d is extradimensional?)

  4. 1 year ago

    I read that you guys like to see us 3D beings naked.
    The God made you this way, and told us to not be naked for you to not see us.

    • 1 year ago

      explain further, pls.

      • 1 year ago

        5D beings find our genitals funny.
        They enjoyed it alot when Adam and Eve got naked.
        When you change your clothes or wear your partner remember to ask God for protection so he sends Angels to chase off any moronic 5D being who wants to peek.

  5. 1 year ago

    what is the 5th dimension? probability? or some other shit

    • 1 year ago

      Don't say "shit" about 5D, pls

      • 1 year ago

        ok sorry sorry. some other stuff then

    • 1 year ago

      same shit different place. they get it, too

      5D beings find our genitals funny.
      They enjoyed it alot when Adam and Eve got naked.
      When you change your clothes or wear your partner remember to ask God for protection so he sends Angels to chase off any moronic 5D being who wants to peek.

      they peek all they want but there will be a consequence for doing so.

      • 1 year ago

        ok so are they able to view all branching paths of decisions or actions that take place or do their fifth dimensional powers do something else?

        • 1 year ago

          you give them too much credit, they are stupid fricks fricking around w mankind. think about that. thats all they have, us. wtf r they doing w their lives?

          • 1 year ago

            ok so what makes them fifth dimensional then? what separates their existence from ours? not trying to be cheeky just trying to understand what we are talking about here

          • 1 year ago

            idk. it just is, at the moment until further information is known. all else is a belief.

          • 1 year ago

            idk. it just is, at the moment until further information is known. all else is a belief.

            When you die you will be able to sense them.
            But they wont be close to you if you are a self respecting Adamian.
            They only hang out with moronic wizards who belittle themselves infront of them for their companionship. They have an inferiority complex towards mankind. Some of them are alright though.

            >It is settled.
            the future is settled, eh? then whats the point?

            The debate about them being abme to predict the future is settled. They are moronic.

            who are these 5D people you talk of here? are they humans who were actually there or do you speak of some observers?

            What some humans call demons.

          • 1 year ago

            only demons, or angels as well? What about neutral and shades of grey(e.g trickster) entities?

          • 1 year ago

            Coward evil demons only. Angels are more powerful and more numerous. But they fear their maker.
            Demons are neutral and have their own world and worries. Only a part of them are evil cowards. And they seek friendship with evil coward humans but since they have an inferiority complex they backstab the humans often. So one must take responsiblity for whom he befreinds.

            now you call them demons i understand what kind of being we are talking about. i had never heard them referred to like that but it makes sense now.

            What I told you so far is popular. I am sharing it.

          • 1 year ago

            >Coward evil demons only.

            I suspected as much. I've taken many psychedelics with a gut feeling that it was good for my spiritual development, and always instinctively steered clear of DMT. I knewthat was the one thing I should never try, and I haven't. I was being warned away from the demons.

          • 1 year ago

            now you call them demons i understand what kind of being we are talking about. i had never heard them referred to like that but it makes sense now.

        • 1 year ago

          No they dont predict the future with certainity. It is settled.
          Humanity was in doubt about it before. But when King Solomon died on his chair the servile 5D morons didn't realize he was dead until he fell on the side. People laughed at them. And the 5D morons got freed.

          • 1 year ago

            >It is settled.
            the future is settled, eh? then whats the point?

          • 1 year ago

            who are these 5D people you talk of here? are they humans who were actually there or do you speak of some observers?

          • 1 year ago

            never the word of another until you yourself KNOWS.

  6. 1 year ago

    Hey homosexuals

    Something big in the skies for march

  7. 1 year ago

    Been doing the best I can for the last 31 years. Trouble is most are still stuck in the first, second and third dimensions and are unreceptive and often become combative to fifth dimensional ideas. Is the only hope just to wait for them to achieve fourth dimensional existence if at all?

  8. 1 year ago

    If you guys are living in the 4th 5th 6th etc dimension, why aren’t you successful? Shouldn’t you have a fundamentally greater understanding of all things?

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